The purpose of is
to uplift the hopeless who have bought into the propaganda that
“ignorance is bliss” by having each and every “weak energy” person
There is a truth that we all know but one the victors of war prefer not to
Before there were weapons of any sort, the stronger won the day, and hoped
that one or more of his offspring met the challenge while allowing the aging
monarch to die peacefully in the lap of luxury.
Modern weapon systems are still the principal “means of exchange” between
world rulers but the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has
changed the way modern day monarchs rule the day.
By printing unlimited amounts of money which is just another means of
exchange such monies remove rapidly and without bloodshed what little
resources remain in the hands of the poor who face little choice but to
fight to the death for the scraps.
Modern day monarchs can laugh and clown around as much as they like but just
like monarchs of old they rely on their knights to keep them in the pound
The knights of old were not quite as wired as the kids controlling weapon
systems of mass destruction sitting in front of computer screens.
A scary thought if you are a modern day monarch who isnt paying all his
military forces top dollar and then there are kids not willing to sign the
death sentences of their poor brothers in faraway lands getting increasingly
closer to home and who have their cell phones uploading images to the
internet even before the clowning rulers can figure out what to say, other
than everything is good because everything is bad if you are poor, no matter
your race, sex, color or religion.
The “transparency” that modern day monarchs keep preaching about is their
death nail.
Monarchs of old had the luxury of time to figure out their strategic moves;
not so today.
Just ask a politician anywhere in the world whether they would prefer to in
their shoes or mine even when I-we are long dead.
The insight that you will gain
from my knowledge of History, Economics, Military & Politics [HEMP] with
just a few hours of reading that includes doing your own research of
these most important truths, will catapult you instantly and
irreversibly into the “pound seats” that are priceless.
It is Knowledge-Information-Light
that has kept the have-nots from getting at the haves; and if you can
afford an internet connection so you can by helping yourself help
The passage of time is not
kind on those who already have all this KIL as this
Light-Information-Knowledge along with their FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS
FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES - see sic “$ hit list” [sic] – is spread at
Just like I don’t know who is
reading all this nor do you know; but from this moment forth you are
aware that increasing numbers will be informed and who will
inevitably want to know from you, “What did you know, when did you
know it, and what did you do about it?” given how truth is that
which does not change.
As “bad” as you life may
currently be, imagine how much worse it will be if it turns out that
I am right that it is not, “THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE WORLD” [sic],
but rather “THE MEEK with teeth SHALL INHERIT THE
Whatever happened to, God
helps those who first help themselves?
When your notice your corrupt

The Fish Rots from the head down

refusing to engage me in
debate so you will feel that much more empowered when dealing with
all those, beginning with those in your inner circle, who rely as
well on academia, the new corrupt church, to keep you in a constant
state of despair.
“everyone without a conscience, no value
system, just quick interesting sex when not purchasing their next
showoff outfit that when the body declines the focus shifts to
jewelry better yet diamond sparkling gems, is ONLY interested in how
to make money; certainly not whether there is or isn't proof of
God’s existence; and most worrisome to the peacock nouveau riche is
where is their stimulus package to the point that they can no longer
be the peacocks they were bred to be as they battle to get out on
the town even for charity events unless those charities are to
promote the funny contemporary modern-abstract art that like money
printed out of thin has no gauge, when they “sumhow” [sic] find the
funny money, for their fun activities as well; not to mention there
is reason why the Holy Roman Empire first led by Emperor Constantine
and his successors who have never been defeated see no wrong in
their lack of support of my social cause that at its core has
“smartness” written all over it; to mention little of why it is that
I have survived this long, healthier than anyone I know, without
again anyone of “note” lending a hand; on the contrary these losers
and their hordes of supporters only provide that much more evidence
of the power of one most magnificently smart Higher Authority,
laughing himself silly at the imbeciles punished with long life;
their chicken necks there not just for good reason but a most
awesome reminder as well that it was only once that Mary Queen of
Scots lost her head versus the ongoing genocide of these cunt north
Americans; to mention in passing not to paint with too broad a brush
until the cunts once armed with my knowledge of History, Economics,
Military & Politics [HEMP] show their true colors, the Nazis that
they are who remember knew exactly what they were doing when
“bottlenecking” Jewish immigration into Israel to feed the ovens of
Death Camp Auschwitz and such, well before the stooge, failed oil
artist painter student Hitler invaded David Ben Gurion’s backyard,
Poland and most Americans were kept in the dark just as they are
today because of cunt “Jewish Kapos” like Spielberg who is no
“friend” of Israel and whose supporters continue to support the same
party that supported the “bottlenecking” British White Papers of
1939 that cost some 6 million of the best of the best Jewish people
leaving only their cunt, no balls offspring, just as logic would
Gary S. Gevisser
Lack of
Knowledge-Information-Light, power to change the world stems from
humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth. The truth is "tTOo"
[sic] disrupting for "sum" [sic] people too busy keeping track of
their lies - Marie Dion Gevisser
did the Nazis get their industrial diamonds needed to manufacture
their tanks, planes, guns, etc.?
There was only one supplier...
DeBeers Anglo American diamond cartel.
Industrial diamonds are essential for mass producing anything that
requires precision tooling or cutting of steel, i.e. tanks, planes,
guns, etc. Prior to 1956 when diamonds began to be artificially
produced, anyone that needed industrial diamonds had to go through
For a
complete background into DeBeers I would suggest that you take a
look at Edward J Epstein's DIAMOND INVENTION
According to Ch 9 of Epstein’s DIAMOND INVENTION, our OSS and USDOJ
found that the Nazi’s were receiving tons of industrial diamonds
from DeBeers, without which they could not have built a military
capable of taking on all of Europe.
Chapter 18 Epstein discusses Harry Oppenheimer's American partner,
Charles Engelhard Jr. aka "The Platinum King". The chapter also
mentions that Charles Engelhard Jr. had no male heirs which is where
my South African colleague comes into play.
following is a bio of David Gevisser who was named CEO of Engelhard
Enterprises in 1970, and upon Engelhard's assassination in 1971,
David Gevisser was named the executor of Engelhard's estate and
awarded a sign-on bonus of $6 million.
David Gevisser's Bio
Gevisser is the 'uncle' (father's first cousin) of my South African
colleague, Gary Gevisser.
In 1978
Gary arrived in the US with letters of recommendation signed by his
'uncle' which ultimately gave Gary a job for a principal DeBeers
site holder named Stephen Cohen (
in New York's diamond district.
Gary was
brought on to learn the business so that he could ultimately replace
his uncle as the head of the American leg of DeBeers. While in their
employment he learned a lot about their real business model which is
primarily money laundering.
A good
recent example is Swiss bank UBS which as you may know helped
wealthy Americans move an estimated $18 Billion out of the country
without paying taxes.
Levin: Shut Down Giant Swiss Bank UBS
Investigation Reveals Secrecy Tricks Allegedly Used by Swiss Bankers
“In a plea
agreement, Birkenfeld detailed how he said he had been trained by
UBS to help wealthy Americans evade taxes.
In one
case, Birkenfeld told prosecutors he purchased diamonds using a US
client's Swiss bank account and smuggled the diamonds into the
United States in a toothpaste tube.”
I will
save the details of what Gary learned for another time, but suffice
to say his employment with DeBeers ended with his liver being
poisoned and resulted in 24 years of silence regarding what he
learned. He broke his silence in 2004 after carefully ‘lining up his
ducks’, and contacted the office of Eliot Spitzer aka “client #9”.
Following his employment with DeBeers, he went on to establish his
credibility and build relationships with the financial ‘movers and
shakers’; some of his more recognizable clients were William
Randolph Hearst, Jr. (Hearst Publications), Fred Deluca (Subway),
and Hank Greenburg (AIG).
family has deep roots within Israel on both his maternal and
paternal side, beginning with his great grandmother who was a
‘runner’ for David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Underground,
first prime minister of Israel, and the head of Mossad.
first met privately with David Ben-Gurion at age 15 and following
that meeting received very special intelligence training.
Gary Gevisser’s
employment with DeBeers was methodically orchestrated so that he
could infiltrate the DeBeers organization.
As most
of us are aware, Mossad has been hunting Nazi war criminals that
escaped the Nuremberg Trials, however their hunt did not end with
the Nazis that wore their swastikas on their sleeves.
I have to warn you that these are very powerful people and since I
have been working with Gary I have been visited by the FBI and this
past December 23, 2008 I was warned by an ‘ex’ CIA agent (Charles
Dazler Knuff ( to not continue assisting
Gary in sharing his information.
When I
met with Charles Knuff he wanted to know the purpose of the website,
when I told him our goal was to share information about this
insidious organization he responded by telling me that the public is
not capable of understanding what is really going on.
As a
monopoly, DeBeers sets the value of their diamonds. Effectually they
set the exchange rate for their own diamond currency which means
they are immune to this economic collapse which actually affords
them the opportunity to acquire non-reproducible resources at
basement prices – consolidation of wealth.
disagree with Charles, and more over believe that no one has the
right to restrict information, especially of the nature of something
like this which impacts all of us.
According to the following New York Times article published in 1989,
DeBeers which is owned by the Oppenheimer family, was estimated to
be worth $249 Billion, owned more than 600 companies, and controlled
more than 60% of the Johannesburg stock exchange.
Oppenheimer: Going for the Gold (March 19, 1989)
We are
all aware of governments being bought with USD which is traceable;
one can only begin to imagine the corrupting power of a light weight
untraceable currency.
If you
are interested sharing information, exposing corruption, and being a
part of a positive change in our world...