Remove the emotional value from diamonds.

No enlightened woman would dirty their hands by investing in diamonds. The emotional aspect of this trade is wearing thin. Your youth will reflect on it badly – Marie Dion Gevisser

QUESTION 1: What's the harm, they are just pretty stones?

1) Blood Diamonds
2) Money laundering
   * ABC NEWS Sen. Levin: Shut Down Giant Swiss Bank UBS
3) Corruption
   * FBI Robert Hanssen Sold US secrets in exchange for Diamonds and Cash
4) DeBeers supplied the Nazis with their industrial diamonds, without which they could not have produced any of their guns, tanks, planes, etc.
   * OSS and US Department of Justice - Diamond Invention Ch9


QUESTION 2: What does "remove the emotional value" mean?

Diamonds are small light weight and they are virtually untraceable; this makes them an ideal medium for moving large amounts of wealth without leaving a money trail (often carried in diplomatic pouches that travel through customs without examination).

With the help of Hollywood and clever ad campaigns, De Beers was able to convince us that love was measured by the size of a diamond.

If we remove the emotional value from diamonds, they will be valued at what it costs to reproduce them which would make them inefficient in moving wealth around.

In one action, Blood diamonds, money laundering, corruption (from diamond currency), and diamond sponsored wars - CAN ALL STOP.

QUESTION 3: How will devaluing diamonds change anything?

Once diamonds reach their actual market value based up supply and demand, they will no longer be an efficient medium as an untraceable currency thus preventing the financing of illegal activities without accountability that can result from public awareness and scrutiny.

QUESTION 3: How can I make a difference?


1) Stop buying diamonds
    * Diamonds have a horrible resale value
    * Diamonds are inexpensive to reproduce - which means they will become
      worthless as soon as logic sets in.
    * Diamonds are a poor investment

2) Tell 2 friends

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