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CIA & 2facetruth

December 23, 2008
Meeting Adam L Tucker & 'ex' CIA Charles Dazler Knuff

March 24, 2009
Gary S Gevisser & Adam L Tucker receive 'cease and desist' letters from an attorney representing ex CIA Charles Knuff ordering us to remove all references to Charles Knuff from our websites ( &

March 30, 2009
Gary S Gevisser responds to ex CIA Charles Knuff's libelous lawsuit.



CIA 'Operations' - Waging War Against Democracy

1945: Operation "Paperclip"

1947: Official Creation of CIA

1947: Greece

1948: Covert-action Wing Created

1948: Italy

1948: Operation Mockingbird

1949: Radio Free Europe

1953: Iran

1953: Operation MK-ULTRA

1954: Guatemala

1954-1958: North Vietnam

1956: Hungary

1957-1974: Tibet

1957-1973: Laos

1959: South Africa

1959: Haiti

1961: The Bay of Pigs

1961: Dominican Republic

1961: Ecuador

1961: Congo (Zaire)

1963: Dominican Republic

1963: Ecuador

1964: Brazil

1965: Indonesia

1965: Dominican Republic

1965: Greece

1965: Congo (Zaire)

1966: The Ramparts Affair

1967: Greece

1967: Operation PHOENIX

1968: Operation CHAOS

1968: Bolivia

1969: Uruguay

1970: 'Black September' responsible for the Munich Massacre

1970: Cambodia

1971: Bolivia

1971: Haiti

1972: The Case-Zablocki Act

1972: Cambodia

1972: Wagergate Break-in

1973: Chile

1973: CIA begins Internal Investigations

1973: Watergate Scandal

1973: CIA Director Helms Fired

1974: Operation CHAOS Exposed

1974: Angleton Fired

1974: The Hughes Ryan Act

1975: Australia

1975: Angola

1975: "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence"

1975: "Inside the Company"

1975: Congress investigates CIA wrong-doings

1975: The Rockefeller Commission

1979: Israel

1979: Iran

1979: Afghanistan

1979: El Salvador

1979: Nicaragua

1980: El Salvador

1980: Iraq invades Iran

1981: Iran/Contra Begins

1981-1994: CIA Sponsors Operation Coast & 'Dr. Death'

1984: The Boland Amendment

1986: Eugene Hasenfus

1986: Iran/Contra Scandal

1986: Haiti

1989: Panama

1990: Haiti

1991: The Fall of the Soviet Union

1992: Economic Espionage

1993: Haiti

2007: Venezuela - Operation Pliers

2007: Venezuela - Operation Tenaza