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History of De Beers

De Beers Founder - Cecil Rhodes Will & Testament written in 1887

"To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonization by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity".

Cecil Rhodes Quote

“We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labor that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories.”

De Beers Ownership 1929 to Present Day

Ernest Oppenheimer - Died 25th of November 1957
Harry Oppenheimer - Died 19th of August 2000
Nicholas Oppenheimer - Current CEO
Jonathan Oppenheimer - Next in line


De Beers Correspondence - "Remember Me?"


Gary S. Gevisser began his official employment with De Beers diamond "site holder", Stephen Cohen of Codiam Inc. in 1979, after hand delivering a "letter of introduction" signed by Gary's father’s first cousin, David Gevisser, and addressed to De Beers’ US based attorneys who appointed David Gevisser, on March 2nd, 1971, following the assassination by the Mossad of 54-year old American-German Charles W. Engelhard, the executor of the estate of Engelhard who inherited from his father of the same name who died in 1950 the title, “The Platinum King”.

Not to mention, just the year before, 1970, David Gevisser was named Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard’s Engelhard Enterprises South Africa which controlled the world supply of platinum, some 80% mined in South Africa.

To mention little of C. W. Engelhard, who was a close family friend of the Kennedy and Johnson family as well as “open supporter” of the South African Apartheid Regime, was forced just before he was killed because of his and his father’s crimes of genocide against the Jewish People during The Holocaust, to leave a “gun-money-trail” by disposing of his South African assets to a “sister” corporation, the De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC].

To mention in passing, drawn to C. W. Engelhard’s funeral at St. Mary’s Abby Church, Morris Town, New Jersey, was the last remaining son of virulent anti-Semite Joe Kennedy, Senator Ted Kennedy, as well as former President Lyndon Johnson and Vice President Humphrey, who along with the entire U.S. Congress understood that in a matter of 5 odd months the United States would go officially off the Gold Standard, August 15th, 1971, and the mineral rich estate of C. W. Engelhard skyrocketed.

The purpose of this “nothing to speak of job” within De Beers was to provide Gary with a working knowledge of the business so that he could one day replace his father’s first cousin David as executor of the world’s mineral richest estate which remains the vision of De Beers founder, Cecil Rhodes who in his first will of 1877 envisioned a “Secret Society” that would in essence be the allocator of the world’s resources.

While in the employment of Codiam Inc., Gary S. Gevisser attended private meetings conducted between Stephen Cohen and Martin Rapaport of the international diamond pricing publication THE RAPAPORT REPORT during which Stephen, acting on behalf of De Beers, provided Martin Rapaport with the latest prices for cut and polished diamonds.

Gary's "short career" with De Beers ended with his liver being poisoned - a clear message that he would need to keep his mouth shut; which he did for approximately 24 years, until he had all of his “ducks lined up”; and once again re-established communication with De Beers and let them know that he was going after them.

The following is an email correspondence between Gary S Gevisser and his former employer and principle De Beers site holder, Codiam Inc. which is still headquartered on 47th Street, New York City and headed by Stephen Cohen, 100% controlled by De Beers Anglo American. These emails – click “Remember me?” hyperlink below, along with the bone chilling recorded phone conversation (listen to both audios that follow) between Gary S Gevisser and Chicago based Diamond wholesaler, Ernest Slotar, who was first supplied with his diamond goods by Codiam Inc. when launching his business in 1979, not long before Gary S. Gevisser joined Codiam Inc., provide an important nexus between Gary S Gevisser and De Beers, and what has them as well as the 3 Branches of the United States Government most nervous.

November 11, 2004 - Email exchange with De Beers - "Remember me?"


Ernest Slotar (cutbyguage.com)

TRACK (1) Voice Mail From Diamond Dealer, Ernest Slotar

TRACK (2) March 24, 2008 Phone Conversation between Gary S. Gevisser and Ernest Slotar

Phone Conversation Transcript




The 3 carat diamond of Gary’s mother Zena which Ernest Slotar references in the March 24th, 2008 phone conversation, and which Ernest eventually sold, was to provide a “diamond-money trail”; bearing in mind, that had Gary waited just a few weeks until he officially joined Codiam Inc., who reside as high as it gets in the mafia monopoly De Beers’ “food chain”, highly secretive and most worldly Zena, would have received significantly more than what Ernest told them he got, as he also held on to the diamond longer than usual; in fact Zena only got the funds from Ernest after Gary had moved to New York; then again, at the time, Ernest had no clue about how well connected was Gary-Zena to the highest levels of De Beers.

Not to mention Zena [born May, 30th, 1929], who “From the earliest days of 1949, [Zena] visited Israel two and three times a year writing reports for different publications”, and was mostly raised for the first 14 years of her life by her pogrom orphaned paternal grandmother, Nechie Becker Badash who was not only an early resident of Tel-Aviv, Israel where the Mossad are headquartered, but Nechie who came from the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, survived a Cossack massacre that wiped out her entire immediate family as she sat huddled in a tiny closet, and knew to keep her mouth shut

To mention little of Nechie taught Zena who in a long “list of credits” was the first civilian allowed in to the captured territories of the Sinai following the June 1967 Six Day War, about, “the problems of the world and the solutions to these problems”.

To mention in passing, Nechie died in 1943 at age 69 after falling down a flight of stairs in a boarding house in Leeds, England where she was recuperating after having been run over by a car.

Moreover, while Ernest is trying to get more information on Gary - and doing his best to prevent Gary from getting a word in edgeways, while he also sends a clear message that Gary should not be talking about his knowledge of The Diamond Invention book, which was designed in large part to scare off those knowledgeable about the inner workings of De Beers, which by the time of the calls Ernest is now fully up to speed on how well informed is so “kind” Gary S. Gevisser - Ernest has little trouble remembering the size of the cut and polished diamond, before going on to say, “I don’t remember the detail”.

"I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority; i.e. evil does not come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork"

– Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.

Put yourself in the shoes of the 10 members of the Supreme Court of the United States having heard these phone conversations, which they also know not a single member of the entire De Beers organization would deny not only took place, but each member of De Beers would do exactly what Ernest Slotar had been told to do, would you be able to listen in on any other case presented before the highest court in the land, let alone write one more communication, apart from your letter of resignation?

Furthermore, once you read Ch. 18 of The Diamond Invention book, written by investigative journalist-Hollywood blockbuster author, Edward Jay Epstein, titled, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY, and you come to the words about virulent anti-Semite and “open supporter” of the U.S. Government’s South African Apartheid Regime, American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr., born February 15, 1917 and assassinated at age 54 by the Mossad on March 2, 1971 , “had no male heirs”; moreover, so very out of context, and you also know that Gary S. Gevisser’s “lucky uncle” David Gevisser, who is the first cousin of Gary’s father, Bernie, and it was David Gevisser, who became the executor of C. W. Engelhard Jr.’s mineral rich estate and who initiated the process which resulted in Gary going to work for Codiam Inc. where he witnessed firsthand the diamond studded iron fist which De Beers has wielded over the 3 Branches of the U.S. Government for more than a century, so you can better understand Gary’s most aware mother, Zena Rosland Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman’s last words to Gary, as clear a warning as it gets, “ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED FOR YOUR LIFE!!”, which took place in late summer of 2004 before Gary S. Gevisser broke his 24-year silence with De Beers.



DeBeers Diamond Mind

Zeitgeist: Addendum

"I don't even like diamonds"

Provides short critical analysis of the history of DeBeers Anglo American

Explains the dynamics of our present monetary system and the creation of money "from thin air"

Provides examples of government corruption and hypocrisy