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"That which has happened is a warning. To forget it is guilt. It must be continually remembered. It was possible for this to happen, and it remains possible for it to happen again at any minute. Only in knowledge can it be prevented."   
   Karl Jaspers

Formation of De Beers Consolidated Mines

1895 December 2, - 1896 January 2
Jameson Raid

8 Allied Nations Invasion of China (aka The Boxer Rebellion)

Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corp. is Formed

Anglo-Boer War

The Panic of 1907

1913 December 23
Federal Reserve Act Signed into Law

World War I

1917 September
Formation of Anglo-American Corporation

Formation of De Beers Anglo-American

De Beers Shuts down the only US Diamond Mine

1933 April 5
Gold Confiscation (
Presidential Executive Order 6102)

1935 September 15
Nuremberg Laws

1938 November 9

1939 June 4
MS St Louis

1939 May 17
The White Papers of 1939

1939 September 4
JBM Hertzog Deposed as Prime Minister of Africa

Reports of Auschwitz provided to Allies

1940 September
US Ambassador Seeks Meeting with Hitler

1941 December 13
Trading with the Enemy Act is Enforced

1942 April 16
US Justice Department Confidential Report

1942 October 20
Trading with the Enemy Act Enforced

1945 January 27
Auschwitz is Liberated

1945 February 4-11
Yalta Conference

1945 February 13
US President Meets with King of Egypt

1945 February 14
US President Meets with King of Saudi Arabia

1945 April 5
President Roosevelt Writes King Ibn Saud

1948 May 14
Israel Proclaims her Independence

1948 May 15
British Mandate for Palestine Expires

1948 May 15- January 1949
Israel's War of Independence

1948 May 26
National Party Takes Control of South Africa

British Led Arab Legion Attacks Israel

1949 May 11
Israel Joins the United Nations

1967 June 5
Six-Day War

1967 November 28 - 1970
Swastika US Naval Barracks