"That which has happened is
a warning. To forget it is guilt. It must be continually remembered. It
was possible for this to happen, and it remains possible for it to happen
again at any minute. Only in knowledge can it be prevented."
Formation of De Beers Consolidated Mines
Cecil Rhodes
What: Consolidated diamond
mines so as to artificially control the supply of diamonds entering the market,
thus allowing them to control the value.
Johannesburg, South Africa
Why: Diamond mines began being discovered in great
abundance, and it became understood that without a control of the supply of
diamonds, the value of diamonds would collapse.
1895 December 2, - 1896 January 2
Jameson Raid
Leander Starr Jameson, Rhodesian and Bechuanaland
Cecil Rhodes
What: Jameson's force crossed into the Transvaal and
headed for Johannesburg. The British Colonial secretary, Joseph Chamberlain,
though sympathetic to the ultimate goals of the Raid, was uncomfortable with the
timing of the invasion and remarked that "if this succeeds it will ruin me. I'm
going up to London to crush it". He swiftly travelled by train to the Colonial
Office, ordering Sir Hercules Robinson, Governor-General of the Cape Colony, to
repudiate the actions of Jameson and warned Rhodes that the Company's Charter
would be in danger if it were discovered the Cape Prime Minister was involved in
the Raid. Chamberlain therefore instructed local British representatives to call
on British colonists not to offer any aid to the raiders.
Jameson's force first encountered resistance very early on January 1 when there
was a very brief exchange of fire with a Boer outpost. Around noon the Jameson
force was around twenty miles further on, at Krugersdorp, where a small force of
Boer soldiers had blocked the road to Johannesburg and dug in. Jameson's force
spent some hours exchanging fire with the Boers, losing several men and many
horses in the skirmish. Towards evening the Jameson force withdrew and turned
south-east attempting to flank the Boer force. The Boers tracked the move
overnight and on January 2 as the light improved Jameson had reached Doornkop
where a substantial Boer force with some artillery was waiting. The tired
Jameson raiders exchanged fire with the Boers, losing around thirty men before
Jameson realized the position was hopeless and surrendered to Commander Piet
Cronjé. The raiders were taken to Pretoria and jail.
Paul Kruger's Transvaal Republic,
South Africa
Why: It was intended to trigger an
uprising by the primarily British expatriate workers (known as Uitlanders) in
the Transvaal with the expectation that it would lead to the involvement of
Great Britain and their control of mineral rich South Africa.
8 Allied Nations Invasion of China (aka The Boxer Rebellion)
United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Russia, France, Germany, Italy,
What: The 8
Allied nations
plundered, looted, and raped. After the rebellion was suppressed, the
Alliance forced China to pay reparations for the military "aide" that was
The Boxers Rebellion was an uprising by members of the Chinese Society of Right
and Harmonious Fists against foreign influence in areas such as trade, politics,
religion and technology.
Note: German troops in particular were criticized
for their enthusiasm in carrying out Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany's July 27
order: "Make the name German remembered in China for a thousand years so that no
Chinaman will ever again dare to even squint at a German."
JP Morgan - Financed
Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals
Corp. is Formed
Who: Charles Engelhard Sr.
Begins building mineral empire starting in
1902 when he purchased the Charles F. Croselmire, subsequently founded the
American Platinum Works in 1903 and acquired several other companies. In 1904,
he purchased Baker & Co., a platinum smelting and refining business located in
Newark and in 1905, he established Hanovia Chemical and Manufacturing Company
also in Newark.
Newark, New Jersey, USA
became the world's largest refiner and fabricator of platinum metals, gold and
silver, a producer of silver and silver alloys in mill forms, operator of the
world's largest precious metals smelter. They also developed liquid gold for
decorative applications.
The Golden Rule:
who has the gold, makes the rules.
Anglo-Boer War
Who: British Empire vs.
Independent Boer republics
backed Cecil Rhodes, founder of De Beers, against Afrikaners led by Jan Smuts
former right hand person of Rhodes. Boer-Farmer war financed by J.P. Morgan and
Co. British forces losing ground to Boers, captures Boer
women and children and imprison them in concentration camps and lay waste to the
Boer farms. The Boer farmers surrender. Great Britain takes control of South
Where: South Africa
Why: South Africa's rich natural resources including gold
and diamonds attracted British Imperialism.
JP Morgan -
financed British military forces.
Jan Smuts - Led Boer forces against British
military forces
Cecil Rhodes -
Sponsored failed Jameson Raid of
1895 marking unofficial beginning of Second Anglo-Boer War.
The Panic of 1907
US economy, Augustus Heinze,
JP Morgan
One of the
contributing factors of the Panic involved F. Augustus Heinze and his bank,
Knickerbocker Trust Company. Heinze copied the speculation tactics of Charles W.
Morse, who had obtained control of the Bank of North America and other banks to
float consolidations and other schemes. In 1906, Heinze sold his shares in
Montana copper mines for $12 million. He then moved to New York, bought
Knickerbocker Trust and became a director in a national financial chain. Banking
industry leaders, one being J.P. Morgan, threatened by the developing trusts,
staged a financial attack on Heinze's Knickerbocker Trust. Their motive was to
sway public and congressional opinion against trusts.
If the public opinion could be swayed towards
a banking system, then there would be a greater likelihood that they could
leverage their control of banks to gain control of the issuance of US currency.
JP Morgan
Player: Augustus Heinze
1913 December 23
Federal Reserve Act Signed into Law
Federal Reserve & US Government
Federal Reserve is granted control of the issuance
and regulation of US currency.
United States of America
Provide a ready reserve
of liquid assets in case of financial panics and would also provide for a
currency that could expand and contract as the seasonal U.S. economy dictated.
JP Morgan, co-founder of the Federal Reserve
JD Rockefellar, co-founder of the Federal Reserve
President Woodrow Wilson
World War I
Powers vs. Central Powers
Allied Victory; Germany forced to pay reparations to
invaded countries.
Where: Europe, Africa, Middle East
Economic race, military buildup and competition
for global resources such as oil that would be necessary for world domination.
Allied Powers:
United Kingdom, France, Russia, Italy, and
United States.
Central Powers: Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
JP Morgan -
Financed Russia $12m, France $50m, Britain's weapons purchased from US, and
organized syndicate of US bankers to loan Allies $500m.
1917 September
Formation of Anglo-American Corporation
Formation of De Beers Anglo-American
Ernest Oppenheimer
Ernest Oppenheimer is
named CEO of De Beers Consolidated Mines.
South Africa
Why: Using a stockpile of diamonds collected with
Anglo-American, Ernest Oppenheimer threatens to flood the market with
Anglo-American diamonds if De Beers doesn't name him CEO.
Ernest Oppenheimer
JP Morgan, co-founder of the Federal Reserve
De Beers Shuts down the only US Diamond Mine
Who: De Beers Syndicate, US Justice Department
What: De Beers hires US based attorneys to shut down the
only diamond mine located on US soil.
Without a diamond mine, the United States would be
forced to use De Beers for all industrial diamonds needed for mass production of
war machines. De Beers was able to get the Arkansas land to be declared a state
park, thus preventing large scale commercial mining.
1933 April 5
Gold Confiscation (Presidential
Executive Order 6102)
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
What: Illegally using wartime
powers during a time of peace, President Roosevelt made it illegal for US
citizens to posses more than $100 in gold. Requiring that all US citizens turn
all gold in excess of $100 into the Federal Reserve in exchange for paper currency.
Why: Forced the use of paper
currency and the dependency of US citizens on the Federal Reserve banking
Franklin D. Roosevelt
JP Morgan, co-founder of the Federal Reserve
1935 September 15
Nuremberg Laws
German Nazis
Denaturalization laws passed in Nazi Germany. They used a pseudoscientific basis
for racial discrimination against Jewish people. The laws classified people as
German if all four of their grandparents were of "German blood" (white circles
on the chart), while people were classified as Jews if they descended from three
or four Jewish grandparents (black circles in top row right). A person with one
or two Jewish grandparents was a Mischling, a crossbreed, of "mixed blood".
To define Jews as inferior people, setting the stage for further persecution and

Section 1
1. Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or kindred blood are forbidden.
Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose
of evading this law, they were concluded abroad.
2. Proceedings for annulment may be initiated only by the Public Prosecutor.
Section 2
1. Extramarital intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of Germany or
related blood is forbidden.
(Supplementary decrees set Nazi definitions of racial Germans, Jews, and
half-breeds or Mischlinge --- see the latter entry for details and citations.
Jews could not vote or hold public office.)
Section 3
Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens of German or kindred blood
as domestic workers under the age of 45.
Section 4
1. Jews are forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or the national
2. On the other hand they are permitted to display the Jewish colours. The
exercise of this right is protected by the State.
Section 5
1. A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 1 will be punished
with hard labour.
2. A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 2 will be punished
with imprisonment or with hard labor.
3. A person who acts contrary to the provisions of Sections 3 or 4 will be
punished with imprisonment up to a year and with a fine, or with one of these
Section 6
The Reich Minister of the Interior in agreement with the Deputy Fuhrer and the
Reich Minister of Justice will issue the legal and administrative regulations
required for the enforcement and supplementing of this law.
Section 7
The law will become effective on the day after its promulgation; Section 3,
however, not until January 1, 1936.
1938 November 9
Who: Nazi coordinated attack.
What: 100 Jews killed, 30,000 sent to concentration camps,
7000 Jewish owned shops and 1668 synagogues were pillaged and destroyed.
To kill those that are taught to question authority and that could pose a threat
to the ruling parties.
1939 June 4
MS St Louis
939 Jewish Immigrants
fleeing Nazi Europe
What: US President Roosevelt refuses to provide political
asylum to Jewish passengers aboard the MS St. Luis and threatens to impose trade
sanctions on Cuba and Canada if they were to provide the MS St. Luis safe
Where: USA, Cuba, Canada
Vehement opposition came
Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, and from Southern Democrats —
some of whom went so far as to threaten to withhold their support of
in the 1940 Presidential election if he allowed any passengers to enter the US.

1939 May 17
The White Papers of 1939
Who: United
Kingdom & United States
immigration of Jews to 10,000 per
year and prevented the legal importation of weapons.
The White Papers were established
and enforced at the same time that European anti-Semitism was reaching critical
mass; limiting emigration into Palestine to 10,000/year at a time when Auschwitz
was killing Jews at a rate of 10,000/day. The limitation of Jewish immigrants reflects the anti-Semitism of the United
Kingdom and the United States who were enforcing the White Papers.
1939 September 4
JBM Hertzog Deposed as Prime Minister of
Who: JBM Hertzog, Prime
Minister of South Africa
What: JBM Hertzog is deposed from his status as Prime
Minister of South Africa and is replaced by Jan C. Smuts.
Where: South Africa
JBM Hertzog advocated
neutrality towards Nazi Germany which was opposed by the United Party that later
helped the Allies fight the Nazi Germany.
Reports of Auschwitz provided to Allies
Who: Witold Pilecki
Witold Pilecki, a
soldier of the Second Polish
Republic and the only known person to volunteer to be imprisoned at Auschwitz
concentration camp.
Where: Poland
Witold Pilecki wanted to
provide a first hand account to the Western Allies of the Nazi atrocities as
1940 September
US Ambassador Seeks Meeting with Hitler
Who: Joseph P Kennedy
As Ambassador to Great Britain
Joseph P Kennedy pursues meetings with Hitler.
Where: Europe
Anti-Semitic Kennedy
wanted "to bring about a better understanding between the United States and
1941 December 13
with the Enemy Act is Enforced
Who: US Businesses, Prescott Bush
US outlaws business transactions
with Nazi Germany.
Public attention was
brought to US businesses profiting from relationships with Nazi Germany and
concentration camp slave labor.
Prescott Bush, Grandfather of George W. Bush, had $2
million in cash and assets confiscated by the US government during WWII and was
returned after the war.
1942 April 16
US Justice Department Confidential Report
Who: US Justice Department,
De Beers diamond syndicate
"It was said
unofficially that we would not give planes to England if the syndicate would not
sell us the diamonds with which to make them."
The United States was running low on industrial diamonds and De Beers was not
acquiescing to requests for more. As a result England pressured De Beers and
industrial diamonds were supplied to the United States.
1942 October 20
with the Enemy Act Enforced
Who: Prescott Bush
US government seizes US$2 million
from Prescott Bush.
Under the Trading with
the Enemy Act, the United States government seized Prescott Bush’s assets from
business dealings profiting from Jewish slave labor along side Nazi investors
and banks.
Note: All of the assets were returned to Prescott Bush
following the end of World War II.
1945 January 27
Auschwitz is Liberated
Who: 322nd Rifle Division of the Red Army
Auschwitz is liberated by the
Russian Army.
Where: Poland
The advancing Red Army
sought to liberate Russian soldiers that had been imprisoned in Auschwitz.
Note: Despite many reports of
the atrocities at Auschwitz, the Allies made no attempts to shut down, slow
down, or liberate Auschwitz.
1945 February 4-11
Yalta Conference
Franklin D Roosevelt,
Winston Churchill, and Joseph
"The Big Three" met to divide post
World War II Europe.
Where: Yalta
Why: World War II had redefined the borders of countries and with no opposition,
"The Big Three" divided the spoils of winning the war.
1945 February 13
US President Meets with King of Egypt
Franklin D Roosevelt
& King Farouk I
President Roosevelt
receives King
Farouk aboard the USS Quincy.
Where: Great Bitter Lake,
Suez Canal
Why: No known transcripts of the meeting exist but
subsequent events imply discussions of Palestine and the Jews seeking a Middle
East homeland.
1945 February 14
US President Meets with King of Saudi Arabia
Franklin D Roosevelt &
King Ibn Saud
President Roosevelt
receives King
Ibn Saud aboard the USS Quincy.
Where: Great Bitter Lake,
Suez Canal
known transcripts of the meeting exist but a subsequent letter from Roosevelt to
Ibn Saud and future events imply discussions of Palestine and the Jews seeking a Middle
East homeland.
1945 April 5
President Roosevelt Writes King Ibn Saud
Franklin D Roosevelt
& King Ibn Saud
President Roosevelt
writes the following reply
letter to King Ibn Saud.
"5 April
I have received the communication which Your Majesty sent me under date of March
10, 1945, in which you refer to the question of Palestine and to the continuing
interest of the Arabs in current developments affecting that country.
I am gratified that Your
Majesty took this occasion to bring your views on this question to my attention
and I have given the most careful attention to the statements which you make in
your letter. I am also mindful of the memorable conversation which we had not so
long ago and in the course of which I had an opportunity to obtain so vivid an
impression of Your Majesty's sentiments on this question.
Your Majesty will recall that on previous occasions I communicated to you the
attitude of the American Government toward Palestine and made clear our desire
that no decision be taken with respect to the basic situation in that country
without full consultation with both Arabs and Jews.
Your Majesty will also doubtless recall that during our recent conversation I
assured you that I would take no action, in my capacity as Chief of the
Executive Branch of this Government, which might prove hostile to the Arab
It gives me pleasure to renew
to Your Majesty the assurances which you have previously received regarding the
attitude of my Government and my own, as Chief Executive, with regard to the
question of Palestine and to inform you that the policy of this Government in
this respect is unchanged.
I desire also at this time to
send you my best wishes for Your Majesty's continued good health and for the
welfare of your people.
Your Good Friend,
His Majesty
King of Saudi Arabia
Where: Not Applicable
President Roosevelt
wanted to secure cheap oil from Saudi Arabia and had to concede with confirm the
role of the United States in not assisting the Jews seeking a Jewish homeland in
1948 May 14
Israel Proclaims her Independence
Jewish Underground led by
David Ben-Gurion & Great Britain
British mandate for Palestine set to
expire May 15, withdrawing all British military and government.
With no safe place in Europe,
David Ben-Gurion leading the Jewish Underground
reclaims the Jewish Homeland providing a safe haven for all Jews.
1948 May 15
British Mandate for Palestine Expires
Great Britain
British mandate for Palestine
expires allowing the surrounding Arab nations to enter Palestine/Israel.
The intention was to allow the surrounding Arab nations to "push the Jews into
the sea", killing the Jewish Underground and the remaining Jewish opposition
led by
David Ben-Gurion.
1948 May 15- January 1949
Israel's War of Independence
Great Britain, United States,
Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq.
Israel is attacked by Egypt,
Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq; US air force escorts Egyptian bombers.
The intention was to allow the surrounding Arab nations to "push the Jews into
the sea", killing the Jewish Underground and the remaining Jewish opposition
led by
David Ben-Gurion.
and immigration
imposed by the United States and Great Britain on Palestine in The White Papers
of 1939 prevented weapons and limited the number of Jewish immigrants to 10,000
per year at a time when European Jews were being slaughtered at a rate of 12,000
per day in Auschwitz.
Aware of the anti-Semitism within the ranks of the British and US military, Field Marshall
Jan Smuts, second in command to
Winston Churchill was secretly providing the Jewish Underground with the Allies
battle plans which allowed
David Ben-Gurion to allocate their few military
resources in the most efficient ways possible.
1948 May 26
National Party Takes Control of South Africa
Daniel François Malan &
National Party
National Party lead by Daniel
François Malan is "voted" into power in a general election.
Where: South Africa
Upon taking power, the fascist/Nazi-like National Party began to implement a
program of apartheid — the legal system of political and social separation of
the races - a policy intended to maintain and extend political and economic
control of South Africa by the white minority.
The United States "opposed" the South African
Apartheid government with trade sanctions but allowed US businesses like
Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Inc. to profit from the slave labor that
the Apartheid government provided.
British Led Arab Legion Attacks Israel
British Commanding General John Bagot Glubb, Arab Legion, Arab
British Commanding General John Bagot Glubb leads Arab Legion to spearhead
attack of the Arab League on the newly form state of Israel.
Great Britain did not support the creation
of a Jewish homeland.
1949 May 11
Israel Joins the
United Nations
Who: Israel & United Nations
Israel joins the United Nations as 59th member
despite Arab nations refusing to acknowledge Israel as an independent state.
Where: unknown
Why: Israel sought
recognition as independent state.
Note: Out of 185 members,
Israel has been the only nation not allowed to seek a seat on the National
Security Council.
Note: The United States is the single largest financial
contributor to the United Nations.
1967 June 5
Six-Day War
Who: Israel, Egypt, Syria,
What: Israel launches a preemptive attack with their air
Where: Israel
Why: Egypt, Syria, and Jordan
begin massing troops along their respective borders with Israel in preparation
for attack.
Note: The US Ambassador to the
United Nations publicly tells the United Nations and the world that they have no
ships within 350 miles of Israel and would not get involved a potential
conflict. On June 8, 1967, Israeli fighter planes and torpedo ships attack
the USS Liberty, a United States spy ship located just off the coast of Egypt in
international waters. As the Arab nations were attacked in a preemptive air
strike, Israel intercepted communications from Arab forces radioing the USS
Liberty for guidance.
Note: Israel publicly stated that the attack on the USS
Liberty was an "accident". The US Congress "investigated" the attack and
determined it to be an "accident" as well.
1967 November 28 - 1970
Swastika US Naval Barracks
Who: United States Navy
What: The United States Navy constructs Naval barracks.
Where: Coronado Island in San Diego California.
Why: The timing of the
construction in the same year as the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty makes for
quite a coincidence.
Note: The US Navy has clamed
that it was not intentional and that it was unknown; however as the site plan
shows below the aerial view shows the swastika shape very clearly, and therefore was well known to the
architects, engineers, inspectors, and sub-contractors involved in the design and construction of these buildings.
