Neil Gevisser



Born: September 8, 1951

Location: Durban, South Africa

Father: Bernie Gevisser

Mother: Zena Rosland Ash

Religion: Jewish


Email Address





South Africa: Compulsory Service



Email Correspondence: Neil Gevisser, Gary Gevisser, Adam Tucker

From: Gary Stevein []
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 4:55 AM
To: Neil Gevisser
Cc:;; cc-Mike-Selikow;;; kathy and david Kathy danziger; Debra Danziger; melvin gevisser;; GWerbel; Joe Ash; Peggy. ANDERSON;; terry gevisser
Subject: Money, money, money, money - Re: Who do you think it is? - neil gevisser web-page

As you may have heard I am having my one American programmer look into things. If I am not mistaken we will quickly get to the bottom of all this.

In the meantime take a look again at what this rather well informed gentleman has to say:
Coming from an 'under-achieving' immediate family, has made you determined to tackle anyone successful..this is what I think. The good name Mark and David Gevisser have have sallied!

Now you may have forgotten how Dad had to struggle ever since 1969 because of one individual, his first cousin, our uncle David Gevisser, who SUDDENLY no one in our immediate family wants to talk about, which of course is their perogative.

I, however, not only remember well how quickly uncle Dave "recovered" from Moshal Gevisser being "wiped off" the face of the earth so quickly but the very next year when uncle Dave was made Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa, dad was "down and out" and has remained that way ever since.

"Others" possibly including you, now thinking about not making waves because mom, not dad, may not live forever and there is of course mom and alan's estate to think of, because we are talking here "income".

So lets get down to brass tacks, shall we.

It was me not some fucking brother-in-law David Danziger, who "stepped in" to assist dad while pulling out all stops to preserve dad's dignity when mom threw dad out on the street after deciding she had enough of him "living the good life" at Heron Water, on Clifton Beach, Capetown.

David Danziger is also a schlomiel.

I, not you, not mom, not melvin, not kathy, not david danziger, not david gevisser, not dad, gave David Danizger a 6 months "heads up" that his mostly if not all Jewish South AFrican partners were going to the "dirty" on him; and remember David and Kathy were living in Australia and I was here in the United States.

How short a memory you all have when it comes to money that remember cannot buy happiness but it sure can afford all the homes, all the play toys, all the trips here and there including Disneyland.

Yes, all the mocking of Americans who have been so very poorly educated about how the real world works, only because more informed people such as you, dont lift a finger because it simply doesnt "suit you".

David who you suddenly "thank God" for made a very calculated investment decision when he bought a dumpy apartment in Seapointe for dad to live in.

David Danziger was also using dad to shlep money out of South Africa.

I, on the other hand, purchased an awesome bachelor pad in Seapointe with a balcony ocean view, and in return for Dad "managing" the renting of it, I let dad have all, that is 100% of the income.

You will see when you go through mom's financial records that I got no "sweatheart" deal on this transaction because I paid mom exactly what she paid.

Now, stop this very instant with your fucking nonesense.

You understood perfectly well what my wife Marie Dion Gevisser wrote you all on June 7th, 2007 in which my highly literate and most brilliant math-numbers person partner-wife began explaining my "knack" for following the money trail.

You do not have one week, but 24 hours to get back to me about that bachelor pad that you have stolen.

Your "deafening silence" makes you an accessory to such an outrageous crime.

I changed my mind, you have less than 12 hours to respond before I start asking people like your Michaelhouse buddy Sven Bambos what they think; and of course when Adam L. Tucker has the time I will have him add all this correspondance to your bio on that is still in the process of having data migrated over from our previous webhosting company,, just in case you are interested and then the relevant data will be migrated over to most important
From: Neil Gevisser <>
To: Gary Stevein <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:39:41 AM
Subject: Re: Who do you think it is? - neil gevisser web-page

The icons above my name are your icons..with titles such as Who, Shit list etc.
One of my partners informed me about it, as I seldom go on the computer, so I checked. If it is not you, then someone is using your name etc. Let me know, otherwise I'll have to inform Google that we have a problem. is the site., or just plain 'neil gevisser'.

I'm thrilled that I'm the 90,000,000th most popular person in the U.S.A...That is under my name as well. popularity was never my thing anyway.

I only read the e-mails these days of my clients..everything else gets deleted.

I've never heard of Shloniel. I'll have to go back into the Deleted files..if they haven't been deleted permanently. I've never heard of a name like that..even in Israel.

I'm in Israel regularly, because of business, as well as most of my friends are Israelis, who live there, from my Wingate days,when I worked for the Olympics, as well as friends from the army. (4 months in I had already been through basic training in S.A. all those years before.)

As, for all that went on in S.A. forty years ago...I don't even think about it. My life has been concentrated on making a living the best way I, yes, that fictitious website is a priority!

Thank God, both Mom and Dad are really happy...I help with Mom as best I can, and never trouble her with anything negative, that doesn't make her happy.There's no point as this stage of her or my life.

We can thank our lucky stars for Kathy and David in regards to Dad, who I've never seen happier.....and is


working several days a week because he wants to.

Keep well Gary and be happy!

I'm going off the computer now...because I hate it. So I'll continue to leave it to my friend to just delete, unless it is from one of my 20 clients, but I will ask him to check on this person in the 'Deleted' box.

Please, Gary, check that site of mine, otherwise, my friend says that it is a Google problem...because, not only have they broken the copyright law, by taking images off an existing web site (It says so on my site, about infringement etc), but they've hijacked my name.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Gary Stevein <> wrote:
As you well know we are all very busy here as well.

Perhaps, you can find the time to be more specific about what website you say I have "created" in your name, and in the meantime respond not only to my follow up to you having asked mom the details of your namesake Nechie Badash passing away, but my ongoing communique with you the last of which dealt with your inability, despite 6 years older than me back in the mid-1960s, to figure out either that mom was "lying through her teeth" when convincing you and my two other elder siblings, Melvin and Kathy, that our grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser was "costing" our father Bernie half dad's salary, all the while Issy Gevisser was in fact doing the most important job in the entire Moshal Gevisser conglomerate, something you should understand at least perfectly now when reconciling your paid and unpaid invoices with your accounts receivable ageing; OR mom AS WELL AS Issy Gevisser was "testing" which if any of us Gevisser-Ash-Molks had the common sense needed to figure it all out.

Now if in fact mom was "lying through her teeth", there are a whole new "set of problems", wouldnt you agree? while not close to having all the data migrated over from our previous webhosting company is not only a "monster" website name but it will be hugely successful given how we can even get massively fast growing websites such as Facebook, already a "run for their money", just another of mom's favorite expressions.

Mom, most likely, has still not told you the truth about what happened and so very quickly to the million English pounds sterling that her father, Al Ash brought with him to South Africa back in late 1947, just like she nor dad have yet to explain why they shipped you off to boarding school so very young; and it wasnt like they couldnt afford "daycare".

BTW, I noticed that you friend Sven Bambos from Michaelhouse has a Facebook account but he did not respond to my invite to become one of my Facebook "friends" although he could have been "out of touch" at the time, and by the time he responded, Facebook had placed me on the "disabled list"; and of course following closely the teachings of Zena Gevisser I continue to promote the hell out of Facebook without bothering to seek a strategic alliance with a competitor, since they are not only the best but they admit they cannot find a reason to have placed me on the "disabled list".

I also notice that you have sent this identical email to my other email account, so you are telling me this is something you consider a priority; just in case you still have the limit of the number of lines you and your screener assistant read before trashing an email unless it is a paying client, I will share this with mom's one email list who may think you are not doing as good a job in screening for mom or do I have it the wrong way wrong?

I am wearing my one E=mc2~2 c mE t-shirt following an early morning run along the bluffs of fairly foggy Del Mar and since I was carrying our one super thin Sony still digital camera I took a handful of shots which I hope to have Adam L Tucker load up sometime today on

Of course you would know that the CIA were the ones that turned in Nelson Mandela back in 1962 when he was "on the run" in South Africa but most of us Lily White Wheaty Eating South Africans including all the Jewish South Africans we all knew rather well, remain this morning in a total state of disbelief without bothering to think about the consequences of what it meant for the CIA to be so very well informed about activities in South Africa during the height of the Apartheid Regime, as they provided all the necessary muscle on the ground to support Charles W. Engelhard and Harry Oppenheimer's South African Reserve Bank, and when necessary to call in the nuclear power and armed aircraft carrier fleets as President Johnson did in mid-1964 with the Enterprize.

You are aware of this "ShloNIEL" [sic] who appears to have been emailing me from Israel where you let us all know you are now visiting some 5 times a year, of course on vacation, for the simple reason you dont have any business going there to talk of, but you felt the need to let us all know that you are today a "man of leisure".

I, on the other hand, know not only to "give back" but to be very open about exactly how I am giving peace a better chance without of course being "naive".

You can try as much as you like to "distract" me while thinking it will help your mind overcome your failure to question our highly shrewd and most secretive mother Zena about not only the most important job of reconciling the accounts recievable againg that could only be entrusted to the most trustworthy person as well as the most competent, namely Issy Gevisser; and second, how a schlomiel like David Gevisser could be entrusted within a year of the collapse of Moshal Gevisser to be named Chief Executive Officer of Charles W. Engelhard's Engelhard Enterprizes South Africa, and then the next year, March 2nd, 1971, to be very precise, Engelhard who had just the month before turned 54, is dead, and our business person's backside uncle Dave now gets the title executor of Engelhard's fabulously mineral rich estate and US$6 million to boot.

Of course it is not only me who is painstakingly, methodically and ever so patiently "flushing out" this שלמה שלפר <> who feels the need to so cozy up to David Gevisser and his son Mark; and I doubt bery much it is Dad; wouldnt you agree?

So who do you think it is?

Again, take your time, because not only do I need to shower and then make Marie a most delicious healthy breakfast and then relax, most likely in bed and watch the still rather large surf roll in; and it is rather cool hearing, along with the crashing waves, a surfer now and then voicing loud their exhilaration especially after getting barrelled; before then providing President Obama with his 2nd day Presidential Intelligence briefing.

BTW we made our own most delicious smelling and tasting granola last evening while getting "drunk" on one and a half glasses each of the most awesome godsend wine that is a 2005 cabernet grown here in California, "From the 72 bottles produced, we meticulously selected our favorites to create this rare 920 case release".

Let me know if you would like me to ask war veteran US Navy submarine Sonar Operator, Jason M. Ritchie whether he would be kind enough to forward you his rather important "Letter to the editor" of the Jerusalem Post that is titled, "What is Israel waiting for?" which Jason emailed the JP on November 4th, election day.

And of course feel free to comment on my 4 rather important letters that the JP decided to publish beginning Feb. 1, 2001 and the 4th on May 1st, 2001, all dealing with the increase risk of terrorism following the decision by Clinton at the 11th hour to pardon the huge traitor to Israel, Marc Rich.

You do understand that this euphoria that President Obama and his supporters may still be feeling is going to be very short lived.

The past does not have to repeat itself but one cannot ignore the truthful past begining with the CIA so arragantly along with the US Congress ignoring the Mossad's "heads up" on month prior to 9/11.

From: Neil Gevisser <>
Cc: Gary Stevein <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 1:47:50 AM
Subject: neil gevisser web-page
Dear Gary,

I hope you are well!

Gary, the Neil Gevisser web site that you have created, with your icons above my name, and the photos your took from my Rhyme Disease web site, making it look like a genuine Neil Gevisser site, is now causing me problems with my income.

It's effecting my livelihood! I have had a lot of negative response, from people not wanting me to come around and as you know, my clients need to be able to want to be in my company, in order for me to massage them.

Also, I need my own Neil Gevisser site, when my other projects get off the ground.

Please, Gary, remove that site by next week, I'd appreciate it.

Keep well.

From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 7:47 PM
To: 'Adam L Tucker'
Cc:; Mossad; Syd Cohen - Commander of Israel Squadron 101 - Israel War of "Independance" [sic]; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman;;; -REST-Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Author-Journalist Mark Gevisser - son of David Gevisser, executor of American Charles Engelhard's estate; Ernest Slotar Inc.; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; Eliot Spitzer - Client #9 - Former Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State - Linked to Prostitution Ring ; Jeffrey R. Krinsk - Finkelstein & Krinsk; Roy Essakow "Co-owner Marc Rich-Flower Hill Mall" Essakow; Jeffrey "Co-owner-Marc Rich-Flower Hill Mall" Essakow; Hilary-Bill DeBeers-Rhodes Scholar-Rich Clinton; Geoffrey Rothwell; Senator Barack Obama - US Democratic Presidential candidate;; Senator Lieberman ; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy - JAB's law firm representing the House of Saud; Mary Valder - Trilateral Commission; Roger W. Robinson - Former senior member of the National Security Council and Chairman & Vice Chairman U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission-Protege of senior De Beers operative David Rockefellar - Chairman of J.P. Morgan-Chase Manhattan Bank;; United States Justice Department; Office of the Israeli Defense Department Attache - Israeli Embassy Washington DC.
Subject: You can't buy your Yiddish Kop - RE: Fearless Yiddish Kop


My words may in fact invigorate just one individual in a hell hole like Baghdad Iraq where the western alliance has perpetrated unmentionable evil, to not only pay attention but summon all their friends and relatives and begin chanting, “Let's give peace one more chance” by embracing my military plan that I know for a fact the Israel Defense Force is capable of executing even if not all its Special Forces Commandos including the most brilliant non-Jewish Druze Special Forces unit are not all in perfect position but who understand there is still plenty of time once the brutal Israel Air Force begins to execute Israeli Military Intelligence’s Military Report of all time that again reads:


Immediately following the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing China, Al Qaeda will launch a series of attacks on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar which will immediately paralyze the United States' economy.


At this time not only those unfamiliar with me but also those very many and increasingly so most familiar with both my writings and at least equal in importance, my “credibility” that goes well beyond the fact that there were few Israelis let alone South Africans holding at age 9


 and 10


Israeli Special Forces commandos high powered weapons, should all be focused on both the ingenious Israeli Military Intelligence report that has been vetted by both IMI and the Mossad and only available for public viewing on my one website, but the State of Israel led by the brutal Israel Air Force preparing for the final showdown; and for no one to think for a moment that my very CLEAR and relatively SHORT sentences are not being read by each member of the Israeli cabinet beginning with Ami Ayalon, Israel’s “Minister Without Portfolio” who while no doubt much more familiar than I am with the “logistics” involved in preparing for World War III which we all know will result in World War IV being fought with sticks and stones, also knows that the bulletproof-watertight military plan I have also shared is the only plan that makes any sense given the alternatives of doing nothing or worse yet launching a pre-emptive military strike on Iran without at the very same time calling the United States Government to task for its crimes against humanity.


Such an admonishment must of course begin with taking to task not simply the Hasidic-ultra orthodox Jewish-Black Hatters who serve the best interests of the virulently anti-Semitic De Beers-Anglo American Cartel, the cartel of cartels, money launderers of money launderers, special interest of special interest group, but rather the non-religious Jewish people throughout the world including all those who have been so duped, so extraordinarily stupid not to have figured out when being handed a US$1 bill by the Rebbe Schneerson during the Sunday ritual promoting the use of US currency, they were being co-opted-corrupted in this so disgustingly transparent ritual, that first and foremost was aimed at hooking the masses of Jewish people, knowing the importance of questioning, questioning, questioning, most of all our leadership who we know from biblical times have clay feet, to fall for the “love of money”.


Each Sunday since 1986 until his death at age 92 in 1994, the Rebbe would stand tirelessly in a small room near his office as thousands of people filed past to see him and receive his blessing. To each of them the Rebbe gave a dollar bill, appointing them as his agent to give it to the charity of their choice.


The idea that one could be charitable with money without asking about the “money trail” is much worse than being in not the least bit Jewish for there is nothing “meritorious” about those who simply print money who infuse a brain numbing mindset to forget altogether the importance of leading a productive life.


Productivity is a word so very alien to these Black Hatters who like their DAAC bosses welcome the destruction of the State of Israel.


There is just one notable correction from your email to my eldest brother, Neil.


The “slap across the face” was extraordinarily calculated by my most aware and so very proper etiquette English born and raised mother Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser; but Zena, a household name in South Africa back in 1969, did not deliver it directly to David Gevisser, my father Bernie Gevisser’s first cousin who was my mother’s very close and so “lucky” friend, but rather to my uncle Dave’s one uncle, Sol Moshal known to all us South African Gevissers as the “Little King”, who was at the time the Managing Director of the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that included ACME Timber where David Gevisser was one of the senior executives.


Please note at this time that I have added a whole bunch of new email addresses to the carbon section, ex-South Africans belonging to SAJAC, who may or may not recognize the household name ‘Zena Gevisser’ or me or anyone else in my immediate family but they too should pay careful attention to the fact that once again I am carbon copying both Israeli Military Intelligence as well the Mossad who I daresay much more so than folks like the FBI and CIA do not care for spammers or for those who forget not so much their past which is bad enough, but the true history of the modern State of Israel which has been in a survival fight well before the very great David Ben Gurion declared Statehood for the Jewish Homeland on May 14th, 1948 which the American and British Government in particular not only believed would be destroyed in a matter of hours but went out of their way to assure victory for their Arab tyrants beginning with King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia.


Not to mention that Charles W. Engelhard who “chose” David Gevisser as the executor of his world wide estate first came across David Gevisser because Engelhard was interested in expanding his timber holdings and was soon thereafter visiting with the “Little King” at Moshal Gevisser’s headquarters located at 173 Madon Road, Durban, South Africa, all the while fully aware that the “Little King” had in fact no power to speak of, given how my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser owned the “control block” of shares in this highly diversified multinational trading conglomerate with branches/offices all over the world.


To mention little of next to “diamond currency” that is lightweight, untraceable and NEVER to forget, unlimited in supply and always price fixed at more than a barrel of oil, timber is the next best commodity for the corrupt superrich to transfer wealth and most of all, undermines the “free enterprise system” throughout the world.


To mention in passing the “slap across the face” of Sol “Little King” Moshal would not have been heard by anyone other than my mother and the “Little King”, including, sitting in the office next door, Cynthia Woodhead, the “Little King’s” private secretary.


Again, it is possible that accompanying this much more than “shot across the bow” were words out of my so proper Charm School teacher mother’s mouth, “You bastard!” after the “Little King” had conspired with Engelhard and Co. to sell Moshal Gevisser, which was a public corporation whose shares were actively traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, for significantly below “fair market value”, that in exposing the “Little King” such a “dirty deed” in fact exposed each and every “mover and shaker” in the closely-knit Jewish community of Durban as well as throughout South Africa especially since De Beers and Co. used an “outsider”, Natie Kirsh and Co. as their “front person”.


It is highly doubtful the “Little King” would have uttered a word given his disbelief, thinking my mother wouldn’t have the courage to confront this “Emperor without clothes” who actually believed because of his title, Managing Director and Chairman of the Board and with everyone who was anyone kowtowing to him, that he was the one in charge.


It is even possible that Engelhard and Co. believed the “Little King” was the one “calling the shots”; bearing in mind the “Little King” whose wife, Gretchen was getting laid by Sidney Fobb, one of the middle managers of Moshal Gevisser; such an affair a not in the least bit closely guarded secret.


Moreover, Sol “Little King” Moshal like C.W. Engelhard had no male heirs and both saw David Gevisser as their “blue eyed boy”.


Not to mention the “Little King’s” one sister Janie had married my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser’s one brother Maurice Gevisser whose second son was David Gevisser.


To mention little of the “Little King” was nothing more than a bean counter, a South African Chartered Accountant much like Jeffrey “co-owner-Marc Rich-Flower Hill Mall” Essakow and Sol “Gambling Czar” Kersner and Co. who went out of his way to “block” each and every deal that my very astute business person father with some 71 odd missions dive-bombing the crap out of the De Beers Nazi bastards during World Oil II, presented to the “Little King” that wasn’t lost for a single moment on my extraordinarily shrewd mother, her father, my granddad Al Bash-Ash, the “favored” son of pogrom orphaned Nechie Badash who like Ben Gurion came from the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland, and most of all my very on-top-of-things paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser who wasn’t exactly stupid when purchasing for cash not only all the most valuable properties of the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies but well before the outbreak of WOW II, priceless land in Haifa harbor, Israel which Issy, a co-founder with his brother Maurice of the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies, held in his as well as in the name of his sister Pessiah who remained in Vilnius-Vilna, Lithuania where Pessiah who you see as the elder lady standing in the photo below

in front of our family’s small shop 42 B.GEVISERIS 42, along with her 5 children, 3 daughters, Divorah, Luba and Etele; 2 sons, Yossel and Motele who when about 16 or 17 died suddenly in his sleep, before World Oil War II, were all murdered by the De Beers Nazis.


Click HERE HERE-and HERE for the heartbreaking 2 page letter my grandfather received from the husband of his niece who wrote Issy Gevisser a letter dated May 3rd 1965; Shlomo having married Divorah, who in 1936 gave birth to a daughter:


Cutting and pasting:


You supported your sister and her family from Africa, and this is how we lived before the war. When war broke in 1939, and Vilna was united with Lithuania, you managed to help us through a Kovno merchant, but in 1940 all the borders were closed and I took it upon myself to support the whole family. I was making a good living and we were not too badly off.


Then the real war started – Germany against Russia & from that time onwards, relating this story comes with blood and tears. And for me, this more so, as the war separated me from my loved ones. I was called to the army and served till the end. I was twice wounded, on[e] occasion severely. When I came back to Vilna whilst still in the army in 1944, I found no one alive - not my two brothers and four sisters and their families and no one from your sister’s family and their children.  


It is difficult to realize from so far away what it means to a man to come home and found he has lost his whole family to a soul. It is a miracle that I didn’t go out of my mind. Even today, I cannot understand how I overcame my grief. Their faces were always in front of me, especially at night, I could not fall asleep.


It didn’t, however, take long at all for this so out-of-character act of my Royal Mater-Mother to reach others besides for David Gevisser who got the fright of his life, first thinking that he had got away with his deceit, believing that all the “money, me grabbing” Jewish and non-Jewish people watching this extraordinary display of arrogance by De Beers and Co. who have been using “fronts” from the moment they got the backing of the military might of the British-American governments starting with their victory in the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902, would never piece it all together, instead would buy into the propaganda of De Beers and Co. that the reason the “Little King” sold out the Gevissers was because his “blue eyed boy” David Gevisser had decided he didn’t want to run the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies, instead to go work for Engelhard who would only be dead some two years later, poisoned to death for his “dirty deed”.


“The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small lie” – Hitler


Neil Gevisser isn’t the only Gevisser who “bought into” the utter nonsense of the “Little King” simply being jealous, “having it in” for the Gevissers who had a whole bunch of “male heirs”, just “waiting in the wings” and who weren’t all exactly stupid and who could see “first and foremost” that the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies was not just about the “Gevissers” whose name meant a whole lot more than simply the literal translation from German into English, “certain” and “Gewissen” meaning “conscience”.


Not to mention yet again the rather sudden death of Engelhard, within 2 years following the “slap across the face”, had David Gevisser “wising up” very quickly before informing my no-nonsense and extraordinarily well connected mother that he received a lump sum initial payment of US$6 million, again not exactly peanuts going on 4 decades ago and some 5 odd months before Engelhard’s fabulously mineral estate began to skyrocket immediately after the US went officially off the Gold Standard on August 15th, 1971; never to forget that Engelhard was allowed by the Mossad to hold on to not only his ownership of Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals but to control the world’s supply of platinum that within a handful of years the heavily corrupt De Beers controlled US Government provided “free of charge” in each and every new automobile purchased in the United States.


To mention little of my most worldly, “Born to perform” mother’s clients included at the time Mr. Ari Onassis who wore his chicanery high on his lapels; plus there was the most trusted Muslim Salot brothers of Durban who were also no pushovers, the same with the Mossad whose boss Ben Gurion was most happy to see my mother, dressed to kill,

raised by his closest “consigliore” Nechie Badash,  


“From the earliest days of 1949 she [Zena] visited Israel two and three times a year, writing reports for different publications”.


To mention in passing, Stephen Cohen’s partner at Codiam Inc. was Alan Lipworth who happens to be the one son of Joan Moshal Lipworth who was one of the “Little King’s” daughters, also well-known to my mother, Zena who always had kind words to say about Joan.


Furthermore, at the time I joined Codiam Inc. in 1980 soon after De Beers and Co. had crashed the gold market with of course the full support of their central banks beginning with the US Federal Reserve and US Treasury, Stephen and Alan were getting along “famously”, not the slightest sense of any rift.


Try and get hold of Alan Lipworth whose younger brother Leon Lipworth was on Ulpan with me at Sde Boker in the Negev Desert, Israel, near Beersheba, and Leon may also recall the day we all first met with David Ben Gurion on November 1st, 1972, some 13 months to the day when this great man who implored, “Let the children of Israel be a light unto the nations” passed away, and again some 57 odds following De Beers and Co. sponsored PLO terrorists beginning to brutally murder 11 defenseless Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.


It is a rather small world.


What goes around comes around with a vengeance.


The deafening silences beginning with Steven Spielberg speaking volumes.


Now let me make note to all those who still think this “money, me” world is all about money which it is but only to those extraordinarily poorly schooled in the history, economics and politics of the ruling elite who again have no loyalty to country, religion or race but to those who share their non-existent “value system” and who are only religious when it serves their agenda.


The agenda of the ruling elite has always been one simple objective, to be the allocator of the world’s precious resources without having to work for a living and at the same time instill in the masses that not only will “the meek inherit the earth” but only in the afterlife as the filthy, lazy rich live it up in this life like there is no tomorrow but it so very important to have the downtrodden only be given scraps to have them constantly fighting amongst themselves without a moment of peace to assess their dire straits situation and simply cry “foul”, that they have had enough of the filthy, lazy good for nothing but violent and most inefficient allocator of the world’s precious mineral resources including labor, trickling down the cost of getting rich on to the backs of the poor who are simply misinformed and not in the least bit stupid.


Again, it is those who lie, steal and cheat who are the first to lose their minds as they are too busy keeping track of their lies which prevents them from learning and when you don’t learn from your own mistakes let alone being smart enough to learn from other peoples’ mistakes then you have no one to blame but your own mind, the first indicator of the supernatural given how the mind is all chemistry that translates perfectly into the science, into the math the most precise of all languages that could have only been created by one Supernatural Force given again it absolute precision.


The ruling elite once owning the military might then enter into packs amongst themselves not only who to attack but when, all the while making it look like it is “sumwhat” [sic] of a fair fight.


First, they have to get the masses before fighting it out to a bloody death to be hooked on one or more currencies produced by the different elements of the ruling elite who keep their tightly knit group together by having very carefully arranged marriages and when they fall apart to make it look like they are just “ordinary people” that has the masses clamoring for more like “Princess Di” without a thought given to how easily distracted the masses have increasingly become to question the “money trail” that had the “prince” and “common” princess who in the case of Princess Di wasn’t really all that “common” coming together in the first place, with all the chatter, all the different opinions, all sighs, all the tears, all part of the merry-go-round games that the ruling elite so very carefully orchestrate.


Second, while the masses go about finding every which way possible to “make money” the ruling elite are way ahead of them by using the money they have created and kept mostly for themselves to purchase the great mineral wealth of the planet and when the masses begin to stir, they plunge one or more currencies creating civil unrest, followed by chaos in the streets, and depending upon how much chaos is needed to keep the masses from figuring out this musical chair game where they are the only losers. Additionally war always being an option as they use their fictitious currencies to finance both the destruction and reconstruction with no regard for who wins or loses so long as there is profit to be made, and the masses get increasingly number.


Interesting the spelling of such a word is identical to the number as in #. Of course you recall my mentioning recently the game, “noughts and crosses”. How many coincidences does it take before one concludes the number is zero, or as us “English” would say, “nought”.


Third, once war begins, no matter how big or small, each and every one of us literate human beings, whether rich, poor or indifferent all know, “money is no object” when the ruling elite then barter the amongst themselves those resources they have either stolen using worthless currency or just grabbed using their big guns.


The history of modern day warfare is as simple as that.


Thank you for allowing me on this very day, the Sabbath Day for us Jewish people, Saturday, June 21st, 2008, - Summer Solstice that began at one minute before midnight last night – to write the essence of my forthcoming book, THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE, subtitle, A message for the President.


 Cutting and pasting from US State Department’s website:


The Dawes Plan, the Young Plan, German Reparations, and Inter-allied War Debts


In late 1923, with the European powers stalemated over German reparations, the Reparation Commission struck a committee to review the situation. Headed by Chicago banker Charles G. Dawes, the committee presented its proposal in April 1924. Under the Dawes Plan, Germany’s annual reparation payments would be reduced, increasing over time as its economy improved; the full amount to be paid, however, was left undetermined. Economic policy making in Berlin would be reorganized under foreign supervision and a new currency, the Reichsmark, adopted. France and Belgium would evacuate the Ruhr and foreign banks would loan the German government $200 million to help encourage economic stabilization. American financier J. P. Morgan floated the loan on the U.S. market, which was quickly oversubscribed. Over the next four years, U.S. banks continued to lend Germany enough money to enable it to meet its reparation payments to countries such as France and the United Kingdom. These countries, in turn, used their reparation payments from Germany to service their war debts to the United States.


Lets now quickly revisit the present by first going back in history.


In 1925 BASF founded IG Farben together with Hoechst, Bayer and three other companies.


IG Farben cooperated with the Nazi regime, profiting from guaranteed volumes and prices and from the slave labour provided by the government's concentration camps. IG Farben also achieved notoriety owing to its production of Zyklon-B, the lethal gas used in Nazi concentration camps.


1913: JD Rockefeller and JP Morgan co-found the Federal Reserve System, owning the majority of the 12 banks that make up the US currency regulatory system.


1914: JP Morgan finances France, Russia, and Great Britain in World War I.


1917: JP Morgan co-found Anglo American alongside Ernest Oppenheimer.


Under the Nazis, the German chemical company I.G. Farben and Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New Jersey were effectively a single firm, merged in hundreds of cartel arrangements. I.G. Farben was led, up until 1937, by the Warburg family, Rockefeller's partner in banking and in the design of Nazi German eugenics. Following the German invasion of Poland in 1939, Standard Oil pledged to keep the merger with I.G. Farben going even if the U.S. entered the war. This was exposed in 1942 by Sen. Harry Truman's investigating committee, and President Roosevelt took hundreds of legal measures during the war to stop the Standard-I.G. Farben cartel from supplying the enemy war machine.


1940-41: I.G. Farben built a gigantic factory at Auschwitz in Poland, to utilize the Standard Oil/I.G. Farben patents with concentration camp slave labor to make gasoline from coal. The SS was assigned to guard the Jewish and other inmates and select for killing those who were unfit for I.G. Farben slave labor. Standard-Germany president Emil Helfferich testified after the war that Standard Oil funds helped pay for SS guards at Auschwitz.


June 15, 2006: BASF acquires Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Corp.


Ps – You can only smile from ear to ear when hearing the words, “He-She-They do not want to change” especially when it comes out of the mouth of someone who just like the person they are referring to does not want to see change, starting out with not having ever wanting to be questioned why they cannot express their “value system” in black and white which begins, “I don’t lie, steal or cheat. Second, I will not have anything to do with people who I know lie, steal or cheat. Third, I love what I do. Fourth, I love to teach what I love to do so that I can continue learning about the things I love to do that give me pleasure while helping contribute in some significant way to the betterment of humankind. Fourth, I welcome each and every individual on the planet putting me to the test. Fifth, I live each moment like it was my last, with no fear of meeting my maker, better yet that I will never see again those aweful ugly faces of each and every hypocrite that the world can so easily find on the “$ hit list” [sic] of that most definitely needs updating”.


Don’t forget one of the many geniuses of the great Jewish religion is that once a person changes their behavior it is a sin for anyone to remind them of their past behavior; and again, to the best of my knowledge there has never been in recorded history a leopard ever changing its spots which doesn’t mean we cannot be hopeful but it would be pure folly to think that a poorly conditioned person will ever consider graciousness in victory as anything more than weakness.


May G-d/God continue to bless the Israel Defense Force.


[Word count 4286]


From: Adam L Tucker []
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 10:22 AM
To: ''
Cc: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Joe Ash'; 'Michael Kessel - former Headmaster of Carmel College, Durban, South Africa'; 'Jeffrey Malatskey CA-CPA - South Africa, Israel, Australia blah blah'; 'Michael Strauss Esq. - International Monetary Fund'; 'Mathew Margo Esq. - 60 Minutes Attorney - son of South African Judge Margo who in 1949 developed the "blueprint" for the Israeli Air Force'
Subject: Fearless Yiddish Kop





Gary has told me many times about your compulsory military service and your time served in solitary confinement having stood tall while defended a black man. He also told me how you were exiled out of South Africa for your book of poems criticizing the Apartheid.


What happened to that man and his fearless Yiddish Kop?


Put yourself in Gary’s shoes for a moment;


Just prior to boarding a plane to the United States in 1978, your highly “secretive” mother hands you two letters of introduction signed by your father’s first cousin David Gevisser in unsealed envelopes; one letter intended for the attorneys of Engelhard Minerals in San Francisco and the other letter intended for a one-time executive of Acme Timber in La Jolla.


Upon giving the letter to the attorneys, you are given a nothing to speak of “job” in New York located in the diamond district of 47th street. You enter the very modest office of Stephen Cohen the CEO of Codiam Inc. who then asks you how you would like to be paid. You are introduced to important people in the diamond business, invited to important meetings, and are groomed to replace your “uncle” David Gevisser as the executor of the estate for Charles Engelhard Jr which would place you in command and control of Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals functioning as the American leg of De Beers.


While attending these meetings over deli sandwiches you are introduced to the Hasidic Jew Martin Rapaport Editor of the RAPAPORT REPORT, where you witness your “boss” Stephen Cohen providing Martin with the prices to be printed in his next diamond price setting publication. Staying quiet you realize that you have been “placed” in a position under De Beers Anglo American’s principle price fixer in the United States. Your curiosity gets the best of you as you realize that it was no more of a coincidence that your mother handed you those letters of introduction as it was that your “uncle” Dave got his job after the Mossad assassinated Charles Engelhard Jr; and you begin asking questions of the wrong people. At age 24 your health begins to fail you and despite being in very excellent shape you find yourself very weak, and the American doctors can’t seem to find anything wrong with you. Once your mother gets word of your health issues she insists that you return to South Africa and be seen by a family doctor who does a liver biopsy and discovers that you had been poisoned.


Once recovered you phone your old boss, Stephen to let him know of your recovery and not only do you find out that he is shocked to hear your voice, but you learn that your “nothing to speak of” job is no longer waiting for you. This provides you with a very clear message of who was responsible for your poisoning as well as letting you know that you must remain very quiet about what you witnessed while in their “employment”. Once off the phone you inform your mother that there is no longer a job for you at Codiam, which has your mother responding very quietly since your father was in the room but loud enough that you could hear clearly, “I’ll fix him” to which you respond just as quietly, “Leave Stephen Cohen to me” bringing a smile to your mothers face.


You quickly put two and two together as you realize that the slap across the face of your “uncle” Dave by your mother was not only out of character for her but was the result of his role in selling out the Moshal-Gevisser Trading conglomerate which as you recall left your very honest and intelligent father unemployed and blacklisted so that he couldn’t use his trusted good Gevisser name to reopen. The selling out of your father and grandfather by a family members reaffirmed your awareness that there is no such thing as “family loyalty” especially when money is involved.


So what can you do but keep a low profile and learn as much as possible with the knowledge that one day you will be presented with an opportunity to share your intimate knowledge of this atrocious De Beers cartel which was not only was so obviously behind the Apartheid benefiting from the cheap slave labor, but also financed the reconstruction of the collapsed Weimar Republic lead by anti-Semetic little Corporal Hitler as he wiped out 6 million of the best and brightest; And of course not forgetting the role of “blood diamonds” in financing the perpetual civil wars in the mineral rich countries of Africa.


Finally the internet roles around and affords you the ability to bypass the bought and paid for media so that you can share your intimate knowledge but how can you be sure that your information will be heard before De Beers gets wind of your actions and this time insures your silence for good? Knowing that you cannot trust anyone you begin putting out as much information as you can but in order to insure that you aren’t stopped mid download, you decide that the best way to get the information out is to mask it in diatribes so that it can be overlooked and dismissed as crazy ramblings. Once she is made aware of your intentions, your very secretive mother assists best she can in furthering this “crazy” image by confirming your mental condition with anyone that will listen.


Once you feel confident that the meat of your knowledge of De Beers is circulating the internet, you send an email to your old boss Stephen Cohen who is “coincidentally” having problems accessing his email while traveling in Florida and tasks his son Leon who you remember from the many Shabbat dinners at their home, who equally remembers you and responds warmly with an invitation to lunch on his father’s behalf. You use Leon’s familiarity to your advantage and once you feel that you have created a sufficient nexus between you and Codiam, you inform Leon of the non-fiction novel THE DIAMOND INVENTION and that you will be attending the lunch with him and his father, “wired” by the Feds.


Your eldest brother who time and again demonstrated his lack of fear when standing up for what he believed to be right, finds himself playing his part in trying to sabotage your purchases of 3 bedroom house and café on the waters edge in Minehead, England. Recalling sitting with him in the living room of this well kept “nick-perfect” condition house as your mother walked through the property letting the owner of the house Valerie Coster know that you would not complete the transaction.


Moreover, your mother then goes so far as to contact the authorities in England letting them know that her husband was leaving the country and that he was about to steal the deposit that you had put down on the Minehead home/cafe.


Of course after learning of all of her interference you confront your mother over the telephone figuring what she had done was all in effort, of course, to “protect” her youngest son who she knew was not exactly a schlemiel, a smarter investor and business person than anyone she knew including her father as well as father in law, as you let your mother know that she had committed a criminal act against an innocent stranger which left her responding, “Well, when they ask any of my children, they will all agree I am crazy!”


“The end justifies the means” as your mother might say, but none-the-less doing the damage of thinking one is G-d/God not realizing that when choosing to lie, steal and cheat the short-circuits that you yourself create prevent you while trying to keep track of your lies, from learning and when you stop learning you lose your mind, and in the case of your/our mother she looses her “ancient energy” which is as much a responsibility as it is a gift.


By now your family who have been mostly mislead by your mother as she did her best to protect the ones she loved, all believing her very convincing stories that you are crazy and finding comfort in their ability to dismiss your hard truths because it is easier than dealing with the reality of their ignorance and inaction.


Adam L Tucker


From: Adam L Tucker []
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 11:45 AM
To: 'Neil Gevisser'
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday - Reminderfrom which you came




This sounds very similar to how you ended your last conversation with Marie. Is this your M.O. when things get too close to home?


You again who chose to reply and I am learning to never walk away from confrontation.


Based on your action in replying it would appear that my analysis was in fact correct, hitting so close to home that you felt obligated to “correct” me once again. You should know, repeating a lie even to oneself, doesn’t make it true.


“Your analysis is wrong..I don't sell myself at all.”


Correct me if I’m wrong, but is your website which you use to sell your literary and musical creations, and along with it, your “living incognito” image. Additionally, your email address begs anyone that reads it to visit your website. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a…


“Your analysis is wrong..I don't sell myself at all.”


So who in your "close circle of confidants" has you most feeling like a child?





“I go on the computer only once a month and don't read anything longer than two lines...because I'm too busy with my priorities,( Which is only my concern and no one else's)just as everyone else is with their own priorities.”


P.S. I feel very fortunate to have become a priority, having “caught” you twice now on the computer in such a short period of time.



From: [] On Behalf Of Neil Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 1:35 AM
To: Adam L Tucker
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday - Reminderfrom which you came


I have Italian partners in the T shirt  business who don't want any other people involved.

Your analysis is wrong..I don't sell myself at all.

No more e-mails.


From: Adam L Tucker []
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 4:51 PM
To: 'Neil Gevisser'
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday - Reminderfrom which you came



You have to understand, you come off as being very guarded for someone that sells themselves as being so very in-touch with their feelings.


As you point out, we have not met, which makes the manner in which you responded all the more peculiar; fighting so hard for your independence and to prove that you think for yourself, yet so insecure that you have to proclaim it?


“Thirdly, you don't know me, but NO ONE tells me who or what to listen to.”


Perhaps this along with your parallel to a dictatorship, is your misdirected anger towards someone closer to you, perhaps someone in your “close circle of confidants” that you have yet been weaned from.


Of course, again, I don’t know you, but I have learned that people wear their insecurities on their sleeves and the fact that you expended energy and time using your “once a month” computer time to “correct” me speaks volumes.


You realize of course that you could have hit “delete”.





P.S. Does this mean we aren’t going to be making T-shirts together?


From: [] On Behalf Of Neil Gevisser
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 2:23 AM
To: Adam L Tucker
Subject: Re: When you let people treat you like an ant you become an ant


Adam , let me get back to you in a few days. Ironically I have a T-shirt company that I am only now starting to get off the ground and have just World-wide Trademarked the name RHYME DISEASE. Check my web-site

Speak soon..see what we can do.

Neil Gevisser


From: [] On Behalf Of Neil Gevisser
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 6:59 AM
To: Adam L Tucker
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday - Reminderfrom which you came


Adam, I go on the computer only once a month and don't read anything longer than two lines...because I'm too busy with my priorities,( Which is only my concern and no one else's)just as everyone else is with their own priorities.

Secondly, Adam, I never discus my family, friends or clients with anyone outside MY close circle of you must understand that with you, whom I have never met, I have nothing to say...Nothing personal..I don't know you!

Thirdly, you don't know me, but NO ONE tells me who or what to listen to. I listen well and I never forget! Prosylytizing is a form of dictatorship and so is Lecturing, unless the person has ASKED to be lectured to.




From: Adam L Tucker []
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 10:46 AM
To: 'Neil Gevisser'; ''
Subject: Happy Birthday - Reminderfrom which you came


From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 2:55 PM PT

To: Adam L Tucker

Cc: rest; Office of the Israeli Defense Department Attache - Israeli Embassy Washington DC.; Roy Essakow - Executive Marc Rich Holdings; Hilary-Bill DeBeers-Rhodes Scholar-Rich Clinton;;; Sargent Amanda Lopez - US Army Recruiter; Basil Gelpke - co-Producer of Crude Awakening; King Golden Jr. Esq.; Roger W. Robinson - "Busom buddy" of King Golden Jr. Esq. - Former Chairman U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission-Protege of senior DAAC operative David Rockefellar - Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy - JAB's law firm representing the House of Saud; Tony "non-racial liberal" Leon MP - former Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Shunit (E-mail);; Rick Brooks - Wall Street Journal; Carolyn Dempster author of South African "Dr. Death"; Paul Robinson; The Cow - BIG BEN aka The IT's writer; Mossad; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Ernest Slotar Inc.; Author-Journalist Mark Gevisser - son of David Gevisser, executor of American Charles Engelhard's estate; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; Ron Bellows - Senior Risk Management specialist - AIG; Oprah;; Senator Barack Obama - US Democratic Presidential candidate;; Senator Lieberman; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; United States Justice Department

Subject: Consider whether it is worth your time exploring with my eldest brother Neil,

soon to be 57 years of age, the 24 words I have “cut and paste” from Wikipedia:


Shortly before his death in 1971, Charles Engelhard disposed of most of his South African businesses, selling them to Anglo-American plc and other companies.


You can suggest that Neil might not have been aware of the fact that our father Bernie personally witnessed on more than one occasion Engelhard visiting the headquarters of the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies located at 173 Madon Road, Durban, always carrying at least one case of Coca Cola that were only bottled at the time, but Neil, who was just finishing high school at Michaelhouse, the most prestigious White Anglo Saxon Protestant [WASP] boarding school in South Africa, the equivalent of Harrow and Eton College, England, surely knew of the “trauma” that followed the sale of Moshal Gevisser in 1969 some 3 odd years before our uncle Joe Ash published Neil’s first book, picking up the pieces of yourself that Neil references in his website that also mentions that Neil is now “living incognito”.


Remind Neil that he is today some 2 years older than Engelhard who died at age 54 in what few would argue was the “very prime of life”, certainly not expecting to die unless being told in no uncertain terms that if he didn’t dispose of certain key assets, and equally important, in a very public way, he would be killed and his heirs which did not include any male children would be left penniless.


Remind Neil that immediately following Engelhard’s church funeral on March 2nd, 1971 at St. Mary’s Abby Church, Morris Town, New Jersey, also two words, a very well attended church funeral that drew the likes of Senator Ted Kennedy, former President Lyndon Johnson and Vice President Humphrey, our uncle David Gevisser, our father Bernie’s first cousin, became the executor of Engelhard’s worldwide estate that included the “control person” position of the De Beers-Anglo American Cartel.


Remind Neil that we are not talking about some “behind the scenes deal” but very public records that leave little to the imagination of say the US Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, Israeli Military Intelligence, the Mossad, the 3 Branches of the US Government etc, etc.


Remind Neil, again just in case our mother has left anything out when causing Neil who promised to get back to you after a few days that was well over a week ago if not more, to go deafeningly silent, of what it means for a Jewish South African such as our uncle David Gevisser who has no real experience running any business, just a degree in forestry from Stellenbosch University, South Africa that I know didn’t include a single course detailing how second to diamonds, timber because of the various grades that are so subjective even to experts, is again, the next best way to transfer wealth from one region of the world to another; war of course the quickest but this is seen as a little less “civilized”.


Remind Neil that our uncle David had a very prominent last Jewish name; moreover, it was highly respected by traders the “world over” beginning with the best traders in South Africa who were of Indian descent.


Remind Neil that like us, our uncle David Gevisser was raised Jewish Orthodox and yet he allowed himself to become the executor of the estate of a man who was an “open supporter” of the South African Apartheid Regime and in addition, American born and educated Charles W. Engelhard was a close family friend of the Kennedy clan and Johnson family.


Remind Neil that Engelhard, born in 1917, the same year J. P. Morgan and Co. financed the formation of the Anglo American Corporation, is dead and buried at the very young age 54, just 3 months older than President John F. Kennedy.


Remind Neil that before arranging the meeting at the Carlyle Hotel located on the upper east end of Manhattan, between President-elect John F. Kennedy and Engelhard’s Anglo South African partner, Harry “non-racial liberal” Oppenheimer, Engelhard and Oppenheimer had entertained both JFK and his wife, future First Lady Jacqueline at Engelhard’s Camp Chaleur estate across the border in Quebec, Canada where the details of such an extraordinary meeting spelling out for the US Justice Department and Co. who exactly would be calling the shots in the Administration, were worked out to the Nth degree.


Remind Neil that one does not need to be a genius business person just someone who can take direction in order to manage the estate of the world’s richest human being even after disposing of very significant assets, again in a very public way that leaves nothing to the imagination of the “authorities”; namely the 3 Branches of the US Government, including the US Supreme Court, who exactly will be calling the shots whenever, however, the Mossad decide it best to “pull the trigger”.


Remind Neil that it was also no secret that the estate Engelhard left behind included total control of the world’s supply of platinum that became most meaningful within a handful of years following Engelhard’s burial some 5 odd months before the US officially went off the Gold Standard and Engelhard’s estate as well as the Mossad’s “control person” position of De Beers-Anglo American Cartel and this cartel of cartels most valuable mineral resources began to skyrocket.


Remind Neil how when Engelhard was forced, once the Mossad “caught wind” of the fact that he was behind the “dirty deed” forced sale of Moshal Gevisser instead of putting a bullet in the back of his head they got him to “wise up” and simply prepare for his death by doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing, and make our nebbish, so very ugly, so non-athletic, so unaccomplished business person uncle Dave along with his uncle Sol Moshal “pay through the nose”.


Remind Neil that David Gevisser could very easily have kept to himself the fact that he received the sum of US$6 million for “signing on” as the executor of Engelhard’s beyond belief mineral rich estate, instead he “chose wisely” to share such an extraordinarily large payment, showing absolute proof of his culpability with our “Wise beyond her years” mother, Zena who also according to her memoirs craftily written and published for the first time on October 9th, 2001, “she [Zena] listened to the problems of the world relayed in her presence and the solutions to many of these problems”; bearing in mind the “lead in” to this highly “intelligent” advice to “listen” since “G-d/God gave us two ears and one mouth so that we should listen twice as hard as we speak” was the following where Zena’s “audience” first gets to hear about our great maternal grandmother Nechie Badash who came from the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as David Ben Gurion, the head of the Hagannah, Jewish Underground, first Prime Minister of Israel and first official head of the Mossad who began reporting to Ben Gurion in December 1949.


“A leading film company wanted her in movies but her father would not agree always afraid strangers would take control of her young life. With virtually no friends of her age she mixed freely with adults. In the main with her paternal grandmother who was born in Poland had come as an orphan from Poland where her whole immediate family had been wiped out in a pogrom. This same grandmother had her playing whist at whist drives when she was eight. They won many prizes of food hampers and once a whole ten shilling! Wise beyond her years she listened to the problems of the world relayed in her presence and the solutions to many of these problems.”


Remind Neil that when our mother Zena, still age 19 and less than 3 months married to our father Bernie in one most well attended marriage ceremony on October 10th, 1948, “From the earliest days of 1949 she visited Israel two and three times a year writing reports for different publications”, Neil was not yet born; i.e. there was not much noise going on in the our parents first home, 28 Grandleigh Crescent, Ellis Park, Durban North, South Africa, built with funds provided by Nechie’s “favored son”, our granddad Al Ash, who when he and his immediate family arrived in South Africa in 1947, when our mother was 18 years of age, which meant the Ash family immigrated to South Africa sometime after May 30th, 1947, Al Ash had a whopping one million English Pounds Sterling “in his back pocket” which would not have been lost on our paternal grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser who like Al Ash was a very seasoned international trader.

Remind Neil that even if he wasn’t around, how well he was informed about the day Issy Gevisser, who was now widowed and living with our parents in “Highwinds”  which was name given to our first residence in Durban, cut himself rather badly when walking through a glass door.


Remind Neil that Issy Gevisser only remarried in 1954 - after our paternal grandmother Katie Gevisser of Hasholom died from cancer on June 8th, 1945, age 50 -when Neil was just 3, and unless he had exceptional ESP he would not have known about the most intimate conversations that took place at Highwinds between Issy Gevisser and Al Ash who wouldn’t have had to worry about wiretaps or anyone thinking it unusual for a spinster such as Issy Gevisser who in 1948 was an exceptionally healthy and strong 60 years young, to be living with his favored son, a war hero Fighter-Bomber-Pilot with some 71 odd missions dive bombing the crap out of the DAAC Nazi bastards tucked under his belt married to the “fairest lady in the land”  who not only spoke with the Queen’s English but had already begun to establish herself as a one-person multinational conglomerate while still in her teens, something that was not lost on either David Ben Gurion, head of the Mossad or our uncle Dave’s San Francisco lawyers located on Bush Street, San Francisco who I met with very shortly before joining De Beers’ Codiam Inc. located on 47th Street, Manhattan in early spring 1980, some 2 years after I first arrived in the United States and some 9 odd years after CW Engelhard succumbed to poisoning administered by Mossad agents; again Engelhard, a virulent anti-Semite buried within 2 years following this most evil human being’s behind the scenes purchase of the extraordinarily well-diversified public corporation, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that never required a penny to be invested by Al Ash given how when David Gevisser’s father, Maurice died of complications from diabetes, first losing his one leg, our grandfather Issy became the “control person”, owning the “control block” of shares of this highly visible and actively traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, one of kind to small, especially non-white small business people, public corporation, a most significant “thorn in the side” of the DAAC whose business model when not fermenting civil unrest throughout the world where there are rich mineral resources, is destroying the entrepreneurial spirit of small business people, especially those of cultured peoples like the Indians of India.


Remind Neil of how often our most worldly mother would mention, “The Indian was civilized while the European ran around Europe in rags!”


Remind Neil that he will remember well that neither our mother nor her father, our grandfather Al Ash spoke more than a handful of words in Hebrew; moreover, neither could read a single word in Hebrew or so we were led to believe; and all the Jewish prayers that they read needed to be spelled out phonetically in English; bearing in mind Al’s mother Nechie who returned to England from Israel when Zena

was born in 1929, again according to Zena’s memoirs, “had been an early resident of Tel Aviv only returning to England when Zena was born


Remind Neil to read very carefully, time and again, our mother’s “Life Story of Zena” that like the ingenious Israeli Military Intelligence report is only available for public viewing on currently in the process of a major update.


Remind Neil to simply pick up in the section that reads;


“The Gevissers (she married Bernie Gevisser when she was 19 after only a few months in Durban) owned land in Haifa harbour and Zichron Yscov and she rapidly felt at home in Israel.”


Remind Neil that he should at this point have no difficulty in recalling that the Ashes arrived in South Africa in 1947 and how our mother always made a “big deal” of how they spent the first 2 weeks at the 5 Star Mt. Nelson Hotel nestled in the foothills of the awesome Table Mountain in Cape Town, some 1,000 miles south west of Durban, not as the crow flies, but as the Garden Route rides, a journey all of us Gevissers have done on several occasions, and Neil will recall once when the Mini he was driving somersaulted off the road, crushing the vertebrae in his lower back, and Neil not only survived but few, if any, of the best orthopedic surgeons in the world can explain how then, let alone today, it is possible he can even walk.


Remind Neil of how it is possible to overcome all pain given how it is all first and foremost a most extraordinary “mind game”, this game of life that like the game of chess is getting your opponent to play to your advantage and when you can’t beat them, join them and when joining them don’t forget either, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”.


“By way of deception we wage war!” – Mossad.


Remind Neil not only were we all 4 kids, “trained to live outside of the country and sadly the land of their birth [South Africa]” but not to trust anyone including our father who we all knew never once lied, stole or cheated anyone; and if there were a vote today Bernie Nathan Gevisser despite his non-kosher pig valve and the other leaky would certainly be elected Pope given how he just can’t help himself in saying to everyone when bidding goodbye, friend or foe, “God Bless”.


Remind Neil that both our mother and father as well as David Gevisser are all alive and fully compis mentis when they choose to be.


Remind Neil this photo below taken in 1948 with David Gevisser in the middle and to his left our mother and to Zena’s left our dad, Bernie; and to David’s right, our father’s only sister Daphne Gevisser Molk and to Daphne’s right her husband Dr. Leizer Molk MD, may be the only photo showing them “al-to-get” [sic].


Remind Neil that you cannot pick your family but you can certainly pick your friends.


Remind Neil that when you sleep with dogs expect to pick up fleas.


Remind Neil that he nor any of my two other elder siblings ever got to meet David Ben Gurion.


Remind Neil that he couldn’t recall in all the years being told that our great maternal grandmother Nechie Badash came from the same tiny village of Plonsk, not to be confused with a much larger town of the same name, as Ben Gurion and if he does recall what questions did he then ask our very tight lipped mother.


Remind Neil that he would recall on occasion our Royal Mater-Mother mentioning but ever so briefly the common used words, “Loose lips sink ships”.


Remind Neil that until I began focusing the world’s attention on the sinking of the Altalena in June 1948 in Tel-Aviv harbor, within a month of the official start of Israel’s most brutal War of Independence that the Mossad knew even if victorious Israel would remain in an ongoing battle for survival, he had never most likely also never heard about Boris Senior, our mother’s very close South African-Israeli friend flying over the Altalena with Menachem Begin, the head of the more militant Irgun Jewish Underground, on board waiting instructions from Ben Gurion to begin bombing were Ben Gurion’s most trusted field commander Yitzhak Rabin to have failed in the shelling operation from the beaches of Tel-Aviv, where again our great

maternal grandmother was one of the “early residents” who of course knew more than a handful of words in Hebrew, but what about Nechie Badash’s English?


Remind Neil that it was our mother Zena who taught Nechie the little English that she knew.


Remind Neil that problems can develop when you forget who you are when subscribing religiously to, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”.


Remind Neil that while our grandfather of Hasholom, Al Ash didn’t want strangers taking control of his only child’s life he was telling the truth but it was a total lie about moving to South Africa in 1947 to find a warmer climate than Leeds, England and an even bigger lie about Al wanting to find a spot on planet earth away from anti-Semitism.


Remind Neil that he knows of at least two British people Scottish Robert Anderson

and his Roman Catholic Irish wife Peggy who are not anti-Semites, far from it.


Remind Neil that the only people our mother ever referred to as anti-Semitic were her half-brother Joe Ash and two of our male first cousins, but most of all Harry Oppenheimer.


Remind Neil that our most shrewd mother was loathe to not only “speak ill of the dead” but to say anything bad about so very few people; both male cousins’ names need not be mentioned given how they both took up little and no space in our mother’s thinking which should have been sufficient for those of her children with abundant common sense to focus exclusively on forked tongue, “sly English” bastard, virulent anti-Semite, Anglo South African Harry Oppenheimer who was very much his “own man” at the time when our father was out of work, lost not only his job but a company, he like his father, Israel Issy Gevisser, had hoped would be passed on to his children who were trained from an early age to live outside of the country of their birth.


Remind Neil that there was nothing to stop our Royal Mater who like my French-Canadian wife because of their great figures can easily wear the pants in any household, from “packing in everything”, an oft used expression of our mother, getting each of us, without any help of our nannies, to pack all our bags following De Beers controlled Natie Kirsh “closing shop”, and for us all to very easily settle on a kibbutz like Kibbutz Ayelet Hashahar which we were all very familiar with.


Remind Neil that although he wasn’t much of a chess player there was a very significant “life and death” game going on at the time which shouldn’t require much more spelling out.


Remind Neil that timing was everything including our mother’s decision to publish his poetry-blank book in 1972 that she knew would draw the attention of the most brutal South African Secret Police who sent two of their thugs to visit with our mother who saw no problem in having one of our maids show them swiftly in to her bedroom with the sliding wooden doors leading in to the pool area of our home at 50 Bowes Lyon Avenue, Glenwood, Durban.


Remind Neil that in 1972 while his first poetry-blank verse book was being published containing highly critical “renderings” of the Apartheid Regime that was in the height of their power, I was not only meeting with Ben Gurion but Boris Senior who prior to being one of the founders of the brutal Israel Air Force was a secret member of the Irgun shuttling French Resistance members from France into England to assassinate members of the British-American military.


Remind Neil that when reading Boris Seniors autobiography NEW HEAVENS subtitle My Life as a Fighter Pilot that was only published after his death in April 2004, in addition to Boris pulling few punches in letting the reader know that the US Government in particular was “no friend of the fledging State of Israel”, Boris only knew what he needed to know, although Boris knew much more than most; bearing in mind I met on several occasions with Boris immediately following my first meeting with Ben Gurion on November 1st, 1972, some 57 odd days following De Beers sponsored PLO terrorists beginning to brutally murder 11 defenseless athletes at the Munich Olympics, and just about every question I had about who apart from De Beers was behind the elimination of the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies, Boris would ask, “What does your mother say?”


Remind Neil that the only question our mother asked me when I got off the plane at Durban’s Louis Botha Airport after the 4 month Ulpan at Sde Boker where Ben Gurion had “retired” wasn’t to congratulate me on how well I had done in Gadna training where amongst a whole bunch of agility, strength and stamina testing I had scored perfectly on the shooting range and highest in my class, scoring 98% in the final academic written examinations, not even asking what it was like to meet Ben Gurion; instead “admonishing” me for having sold my old clothes that didn’t fit me while knowing perfectly well that the minuscule monies I had made, less the cost of transportation and a falafel had been deposited along with the rest of the “pocket money” I had saved in to her bank account at Bank Leumi.


Remind Neil that he along with our father, our middle brother Melvin and our sister Kathy were most likely meeting me in, and nothing like starting an argument over nothing to distract the easily distracted.


Remind Neil that he will well recall how our father “admonished” him from saying anything negative about the Wingate group; moreover anything about US Americans involved in financial scams affecting Israel, given how our father who has never forgiven US Americans for entering World Oil War II so very “late in the game”, has always held the belief that American Jewish people have played the most positive role in the survival of the fledgling Jewish State based exclusively, however, on his high regard for people like Fighter-Bomber-Pilot-trainer George Lichter whose contribution to the State of Israel is well documented.


Remind Neil that our father was also only told what he needed to know that began with this very skilled and knowledgeable Allied Fighter-bomber-pilot being conspicuously absent from Israel’s War of Independence that began in November 1947 and only ended in January 1949 when again, “From the earliest days of 1949 she [Zena]…”


Remind Neil Commander Syd Cohen considered our father much more than simply “well above average”, the same with George Lichter and Boris Senior who unlike Syd Cohen never flew alongside our dad on any of his 71 odd miraculous missions dive-bombing the crap out of the DAAC Nazi bastards above the skies of northern Italy, up against a very dangerous retreating enemy who were privy to all the battle plans of the Allies worth talking about.


Remind Neil to read Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER which leaves nothing to the imagination of how “gun-money-power” is the DAAC who have no “standing army”, who have, however, names, faces, work and home addresses who can tell the President of the United States, “FUCK OFF”.


Remind Neil of how our mother makes mention of how she “rapidly felt at home in Israel” when hearing soon after arriving in South Africa that her future father-in- law, our grandpa Issy Gevisser owned priceless beachfront property in Haifa harbor Israel but does not go on to say anything about what became of those priceless properties.


Remind Neil that in page 2 [see below] of a letter sent by our dad to author-journalist Mark Gevisser, son of David Gevisser on May 6, 1994, some 9 odd days after Nelson Mandela was sworn as the first DAAC Black South African President on April 27th, 1994.

[ I have copies of both pages one and three] our father spells out the utter nonsense he was led to believe of some crooked Israeli lawyer stealing such priceless properties who simply ended up in jail which Bernie spells “goal”.


Remind Neil that Mark Gevisser has recently penned the autobiography of Thabo Mbeki, South Africa’s current DAAC President who like his predecessor, Nelson Mandela decided to keep “under lock and key” a CD ROM containing the details of the CIA and British Intelligence spearheading the most macabre biological weapons programme in conjunction with the South African Defense/Offense Forces during the Apartheid Regime.


Remind Neil of how much talk, how many letters, how many phone calls, how many emails, how many shouts across rooms, how many smoke signals even before any coherent language was “discovered”, have been sent back and forth not just from

members of our immediate family but the approximately 100 billion or so human beings that have ever lived going back to when the human began to walk upright; that number, by the way, according to experts in the field could range anywhere from between 45 to 160 billion and a lot depends on how one first begins to define human beings, further complicated by the lack of good fossil records.


Remind Neil of Boris Senior’s decision to tell a story in his autobiography that only a handful of people alive today are aware of and besides for me they all quiet.


Remind Neil of the awesome significance of first the decision, not by Boris but by Ben Gurion and Co. to leave behind in South Africa the 50 British made Spitfires in mint condition that Boris had purchased in a rigged auction when he returned to South Africa from Israel, prior to the start of Israel’s War of Independence, for the extraordinary price of 6 English Pounds Sterling each, making the sum total of 300 English Pounds Sterling very possibly even better than the Dutch purchasing New Amsterdam; i.e. the island of Manhattan for US$25,000; bearing in mind that with skilled and knowledgeable fighter-bomber-pilots such as my father who also knew like the back of his hands the desert terrains of Egypt where he first trained on Spitfires before moving to northern Italy where he joined up with Commander Syd Cohen who again on my father’s 4th mission was so very confident about Bernie’s flying and bombing skills that he had our dad fly as his wingman, quite the extraordinary honor, the brutal Israel Air Force then comprising one Squadron, Squadron 101 could have in just one mission had they been able to bring in sufficiently skilled and experienced other Fighter-Bomber-Pilots who most likely the majority would have managed to get through British and American arms blockade that included making it illegal for any men of military age to enter the fledging State of Israel, the US Government would have simply pulled out of its stockpiles another Hydrogen bomb and history would have read just like the bombing of the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,  “Thousands were killed in order for millions to be saved”.


Remind Neil that he has never owned a gas guzzling SUV.


Remind Neil that it was not only Field Marshall Montgomery who publicly predicted total defeat of the Israel Defense Forces in a matter of hours of Ben Gurion giving the name Israel to the newly born State on May 14th, 1948.


Remind me to have you download the film footage I just took of the rather large yachting race taking place right in front of the cliff house and paragliders going back and forth just missing the rather large and most beautiful Monterey Pine.


Remind Neil that it was no coincidence that Field Marshall Jan Smuts had a kibbutz in Israel named in his honor back in 1932, well before Hitler backed by “business people” became Chancellor of Germany on January 31st, 1933 followed some 32 days later on April 5th 1933 when DAAC stooge President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Presidential Executive Order 6102 that essentially confiscated the gold of US citizens who were directed to turn in their gold to the US Federal Reserve that since its formation in 1913 has been owned by private bankers such as J.P. Morgan and Co. who financed DeBeers, Anglo American Corporation, the Anglo Boer-Farmer War of 1899-1902 and the American led 8 Allied Nations invasion of China in 1900.


Remind Neil that sponsorship of totals US$58.88 following the US$25 contribution yesterday by Paul Robinson who chooses poorly to not place “any skin in the game”.

Remind Neil that the Anglo Boer War broke out immediately following the strong disagreement between De Beers founder Cecil Rhodes and devout Christian Afrikaner Jan Smuts who then allied himself with Afrikaner President Paul Kruger, and commandeered brilliantly Afrikaner horseman, expert rifle shots, in waging war against the British who supported Rhodes’ desire for a worldwide Secret Society.

Remind Neil to compare the moustache of Adolf Hitler with that worn by Ernest Oppenheimer.

who was German, unlike Hitler who was Austrian.


Remind Neil of our discussions of how well Governor Arnold “behaved” when living in South Africa before moving to the US and marrying a member of the Nazi sympathizing Kennedy clan.

Remind Neil that were it not for the British employing the “laying waste of the landscape” strategies of American General Sherman during the American Civil War less than half a century before, all the while stepping up such atrocities to embrace concentrating old Afrikaner men, women and children in the first ever Concentration Camps, it is more likely than not Commander Jan Smuts who was perfecting guerrilla war tactics which were later shared with Israeli Special Forces, would have been victorious.

Remind Neil that one of Jan Smuts’ brilliant commanders was Louis Botha who captured Winston Churchill and treated him most honorably without anyone reminding Jan Smuts of the forthcoming nonsense Geneva Convention that the victors of World Oil War I saw fit to embrace for fear that they would one day be defeated in an equally lopsided battle were the United States Government to go to war with either Israel or China, let alone both preparing for such a showdown.


Remind Neil that Jan Smuts was considered by Albert Einstein “one of only 11 men in the world who understood Special-General Relativity”.


Remind Neil that Jan Smuts also wrote a book about the grasses of South Africa.


Remind Neil that Jan Smuts is responsible for “coining the word” Holism.


Remind Neil that Jan Smuts when second-in-command to Winston Churchill during World Oil War II hadn’t forgotten from where he came and the abominable atrocities that were perpetrated in the name of “Civilization” at the turn of the last century as the U.S. Government went around the world destroying all the art cultures and supplanting the “money, me” culture, fast running out of steam.

Remind Neil that it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist right now to figure out the answer given by delegates of the United States were they to be asked when sitting at a Middle East Peace Conference or for that matter any Peace Conference as far away as Timbuktu, Africa, what exactly besides for weapons of war and blood and guts Hollywood movies would the US be bringing to the table; and while waiting for an answer to ask what all the others on the other side of the table are supposed to do with their worthless-fictitious and so very blood stained US-DeBeers Dollars.


Remind Neil that when Albert Einstein wrote in early 1934 as his return address, “Concentration Camp, Princeton” when he was a resident professor at Princeton University, Einstein was not said to have lost his mind, a mind a terrible thing to lose.


Remind Neil that the Concentration Camps of Nazi Germany were still in their planning stages.


Remind Neil that some 4 years later when Princeton University freshman were polled, they chose Hitler as “the greatest living human being, Einstein second.”

Remind Neil why apart from US Americans by and large virulently anti-Semitic, was anti-Semitism rampant here in the United States, no different than when “business people” backed Hitler at time when those same “business people” made the Deutche Mark worthless.


Remind Neil that our paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser started out pushing a broken wheelbarrow along the dirt streets of Durban, South Africa, at the turn of the last century, knowing that he didn’t need money so long as he could find unbroken bottles to later trade; eventually founding the Durban Bottle Exchange, the first of the Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies.


Remind Neil that had Ben Gurion allowed not only those 50 in perfect condition Spitfires to be brought into Israel even if smuggled in Hesian bags, the wooden wings chopped into millions of little pieces to then be glued together on say a kibbutz like Kibbutz Hagoshrim in the northern Galilee where they first made the tortuous Epilady women’s hair removal product, designed some would like to believe by burly men wanting to inflict pain on women who mostly just want peace and who hate the idea of having to bury their children ahead of themselves, but much more “conspicuous” such as highly regarded, land and business rich and athletic person as our father to fight alongside Syd Cohen, where in no time at all they would have decimated not only the Arab armies but all the American and British forces in the area just looking for such a fight before again calling in for a Hydrogen bomb or “tTOo” [sic].


Remind Neil that that auction was “rigged” and Ben Gurion was not the only one who knew this very important piece of information.


Remind Neil that those who know don’t talk.


Remind Neil that I am alive, well and pretty fit, it probably not taking more than a handful of days to get “fighting fit” following the very deep cut to my left baby finger that is on the mend but I am still “not out of the woods” and hopefully my pulse, should I not be killed, would be down once again to the low 40s.


Remind Neil that while my Hebrew is not as good as it once was, bearing in mind there are still times when I dream in Hebrew, my Hebrew is still possibly better than his and certainly that of our Mother who still I doubt when reciting the “Shamah…” has changed her Queen’s English pronunciation.


Remind Neil that “changing one’s tune” is different to changing one’s clothes that he and I both know don’t make a “man or woman” although there is nothing wrong in “suiting up” for the right occasion especially when you have a body and face like my French-Canadian wife, Marie Dion Gevisser, increasingly featuring more prominently on


Remind Neil that “playing the game” is first and foremost to survive, especially in a battlefield where the name of the game is often times to walk away to fight a battle another day, and to then win the war.


Remind Neil that while I am some 6 years younger than him, I began my formal Israeli military and an intelligence training well before he was forced to do his compulsory 9 months military service for the United States Government’s South African Apartheid Regime where it has always been my understanding that he spent most if not all the 9 months in a military prison for having knocked out a Nazi South African officer who was picking on a Black South African cook.


Remind Neil that most brain damage comes from the “lowest of blows” that don’t register but inevitably show up in having a weak libido, case in point The IT who relies these days on his Cow to shoot his poison tipped arrows.


Remind Neil that most Israeli military Commanding Officers speak perfect English as do most of the Mossad field agents beginning with those in the Kidon assassination unit and who look nothing like those nitwits’ SPIelberg described in his nonsense movie-docudrama MUNich, which only shows not only what an idiot is SPIelberg to have allowed himself to be so easily “set up” by the Mossad but much more importantly as the world gets to analyze how much emphasis this Hollywood blockbuster producer-director places on the Mossad paying for its weapon systems and own intelligence, without exception the entire world will inevitably conclude SPIelberg was paid handsomely to do nothing more than promote the use of worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars.


Remind Neil that SPIelberg is not the only person in Hollywood who refuses to touch Hollywood blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein’s epic non-fiction novel, The Diamond Invention with even a 100 foot pole.


Remind Neil that my forthcoming book, The History of Money Creation and It’s Future being written in “real time” begins where The Invention leaves off, beginning

with me explaining all the things so very purposefully left out by investigative reporter and increasingly edgy Edward Jay Epstein who himself got “set up” by the DAAC when he first decided it was a “good thing” to investigate this extraordinary cartel and only once he had finished the book did he begin to realize that he had been so very co-opted-corrupted by folks who derive great satisfaction in first and foremost corrupting those with the biggest egos which is what Wall Street-47th Street is all about.


Remind Neil that intelligence gathering is more “scientific” than it is “art form”, the same with business; marketing on the other hand, is all “scientific”, testing, testing, testing until everything pieces together in to one neat puzzle.


Remind Neil that the mind is the first indicator of our Supernatural Being, given how the hidden space between the ears is all chemistry, not visible to the human eye, that translates back into the science, into the math the most extraordinarily precise of all languages that only one most ingenious Supernatural Being, able to enter each and every one of our minds including the mindless, at will, could have invented in the first place, but for "bullsh*it money, me artists" [sic] it is hard to grapple with even this very easy to understand explanation given the short-circuit damage done over time from liars having to constantly keep track of their lies from day one that inevitably leave them speechless; deafening silences speak the most volume.


Remind Neil of my wife Marie’s statement of fact, “Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-power, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful from embracing the truth. The truth is too disrupting for some people too busy keeping track of their lies from day one.”

Remind Neil that if I were in fact Prime Minister of Israel today or better yet like Ami Ayalon, having his exact same title, “Minister Without Portfolio” I would well within 24 hours have forged an everlasting peace with each and every one of Israel’s neighbors including Iran without having to call on the Peoples Republic of China to “lend a helping hand”.


Remind Neil that while the DAAC were “caught off guard” by my decision to break my 24-year deafening silence on November 11th, 2004 with that 272 word, “Remember me?” heavily broadcasted communiqué, these are not “al-to-get-her” [sic] stupid people but nor are they omnipotent; and again my potency comes from knowing I am not omnipotent.


Remind Neil that the DAAC have no “standing army” but they have the Hasidic-ultra orthodox Jewish-Black Hatters mostly gathering intelligence on non-religious Jewish people such Neil and myself who like our mother and all independent thinkers each of us have our own way of communicating with the one and only G-d, Hashem.


Remind Neil that my “command of numbers” is head and shoulders superior to his perhaps not only because that is the way Hashem, ”willed it” but how well I listened to the voice of our great maternal grandmother Nechie Badash being spoken by our

mother who may have only been semi-conscience following the assassination of her beloved father Al Ash.


Remind Neil that it was not a figment of my imagination witnessing Black Hatter Martin Rapaport taking his orders from Stephen Cohen of Codiam Inc. who never needed to raise his voice or make Mr. Rapaport in the least bit uncomfortable as Mr. Rapaport always had the option after eating his kosher sandwich while Stephen chomped down on his favorite Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich of refusing the price Stephen was offering for Rapaport’s diamond currency and the next time Rapaport was back up eating his kosher sandwich Stephen wouldn’t even need to remind Mr. Rapaport to read Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention to know how easily Mr. Rapaport as well as Rebe Schneerson considered the Messiah by all of his followers could be replaced in a heartbeat, and so Mr. Rapaport would only know to ALWAYS haggle just a little to make it look like it was a “fair fight”.


Remind Neil that in 6 days from now our mother turns 79 which is about the same age as our uncle Dave.

Ask Neil if he would be comfortable in joining me beforehand on a trip back to South Africa and to leave it up to me to provide us with all the air, sea and ground support.

Ps – have Ryan produce a medium size, very soft, organic cotton t-shirt that has on the front:

E=mc²≈ 2 c ME

And on the back:



From: Adam L Tucker []
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 11:05 AM
To: 'Neil Gevisser'
Subject: great minds never think alike



Neil – I understand from Gary that your father only earned some 500 Rand per month, the maximum he ever earned in the more than a quarter of a century he worked for the multi-national conglomerate, public corporation, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies where he shared an office throughout the period 1969-1946 with his father, your grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser which was located right next to the office of Sol Moshal, the Managing Director of MG’s.


Gary says he doesn’t recall very much you or any of his two elder siblings visiting with your dad and grandfather Issy although he was of course much younger; but then again you were mostly away at boarding school and so it would make sense that you didn’t spend as much time with your grandfather Issy or for that matter your father Bernie when they were “at work”.


So getting back to this rather miniscule amount that your father earned bearing in mind how much it cost for you to attend the private schools of Highbury and most expensive Michaelhouse which the education you pride yourself on most rather than Natal University where I also understand from Gary you so showed up the sociology and psychology professors to the point that you didn’t even bother completing your degree, dropping out and going to Hotel School in Johannesburg, South Africa, although I may have got that “backwards”.


Have you ever thought until now that you had been fed a whole bunch of nonsense by your mother simply to test your IQ although I understand Zena only would refer to the importance she and her father Albert Badash-Ash attached to “common sense”.


Did it not occur to you to at least question whether your mother was partially if not totally out of her mind when “putting down” both Sol Moshal who she referred to as “The Little King” as well as your grandfather Issy who she kept repeating was simply taking up space in the office next to Sol “Little King” Moshal who decided that the job both your father and grandfather was doing was worth no more than 1,000 Rand, leaving you to conclude that had your grandfather simply retired “when he should have” then your father would be “entitled” to earn twice the amount and then all the arguments about money “at home” would not be necessary.


BTW when you read in your mother’s memoirs how upon hearing that her future father-in-law Issy Gevisser owned priceless properties in Haifa harbor, Israel, “she [Zena] rapidly felt at home” bearing in mind there is no record of Zena visiting Israel prior to “From the earliest days of 1949 she [Zena] visited Israel two and three times a year.”.


Isn’t it also interesting that Zena doesn’t refer once in her memoirs to the name of your father’s father Israel Issy Gevisser but does mention your uncle David Gevisser’s parents, both Maurice Gevisser and Janie Moshal Gevisser.


Gary tells me that one thing all 4 of your siblings knew for certain was that Zena and Janie were very close.


Bear in mind again Janie was the sister of Sol “Little King” Moshal.


So back we go to what did you know and when did you know it?


Did you know for example that your grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser was not born a cripple and most likely did push his own wheel barrow picking up unbroken bottles of the dirt streets when first arriving in Durban, South Africa at the turn of the last century having left his ancestral home of Vilnius?


In fact Gary tells me that he even once carried a walking stick given how rather strong and virile was your grandfather until the very end when he “came to terms” that he and your father had been “hoodwinked” by Sol “Little King” Moshal who I bet my bottom last worthless-fictitious US-DeBeers Dollar you never questioned your mother or father how it would be possible for the “Little King” to be “calling the shots” when your grandfather Issy owned the “control block” of shares in the heavily traded and well known public corporation which included ACME TIMBER where Sol Moshal’s “blue eyed boy” David Gevisser worked?


You have always believed the story, at least that is what I understand from Gary, that the reason The Little King decided to do the “dirty” on the “Gevisser boys” was because his favorite nephew, again David Gevisser, decided to “hang his hat” with the American Charles Engelhard which very much upset his uncle Sol Moshal who like Engelhard had no male heirs.


I never went to university but I did take a couple of economic courses at a city college.


Have you ever read a single economics book apart from what you learned at Michaelhouse.


Would it surprise you that while you “dilly dallied” at Michaelhouse wore expensive uniforms, played elitist white boy sports and won accolades that later had you feeling sick to your stomach knowing perfectly well you weren’t competing against close to the best athletes in South Africa who were of course like they are throughout the world black and who win big time and again against their white boy counterparts in each and every sport where they can afford to compete, your grandfather Issy was singularly focused on keeping his finger on the pulse of Moshal Gevisser as he went about painstakingly, methodically and every so patiently paging through each and every invoice issued by the many sales departments of Moshal Gevisser.


Have you ever heard the accounting terms, “Accounts receivable aging”?


Did you know that one of the things your father felt “depressed” the value of the shares of Moshal Gevisser was that the “Little King” kept worthless stock in the warehouses that the accountants failed to write off on the books of Moshal Gevisser so that when Natie Kirsh came along and “closed shop” he was so “caught by surprise”.


Now of course you know full well the end of the story when Natie and partners made the most unbelievable “killing” when simply liquidating all that “worthless” inventory in the warehouses and then so “brilliantly” deciding to just bring in an auctioneer to sell off all the real estate of MGs that had been purchased for cash on the instruction of your grandfather Issy as Natie and Co. sipped their martinis and wine, and very possibly smoked their Cuban cigars, and collected “big time”.


Do you think your grandfather while knowing from reviewing each and every bill of sale what was and was not selling?


Do you think your grandfather needed to have a tape recorder beside him to remind him that he had purchased every piece of real estate for cash without a single mortgage, blasting repeatedly that the value of such real estate on the books of PUBLIC CORPORATION had no been “revalued” to fair market value in accordance Generally Accepted Accounting-Auditing Principles?


Did you know that Gary tutored first year accounting-finance-business students at the University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa in the first quarter of 1978, immediately prior to getting on a plane at Louis Botha Airport, Durban South Africa, on March 16th, 1978 accompanied by your father, destination Chicago, Illinois without your father aware that your mother had slipped Gary two unsealed envelopes containing two different letters of introduction signed by your uncle David Gevisser?


Do you recall ever once asking Gary how he got a “nothing to speak of job” at Codiam Inc. located on 47th Street, New York City?


Have you ever thought of picking up the phone to Stephen Cohen and asking him what he thinks of the back and forth between his son Leon and Gary beginning on November 11th, 2004?


Pretty amazing how Gary timed breaking his 24 year deafening silence to coincide when Stephen would be not only in Florida but having computer problems, that allowed not only the FBI to see “first hand” the onetime close-knit relationship between Gary, Stephen and most of all Martin Rapaport, a name in all likelihood you never heard until after this most memorable dialogue that is now going on 4 years old but stands as quite the testament to a number of things.


So what stops you now from following through on your desire not to help Gary and me but for you to simply “make money”?


I suspect that you have been talking to your trademark lawyers about first getting a t-shirt trademark for some of your very smart blank verses but my guess is that if you were to have first spoken with your mother she would tell you, “You are out of your mind. What were you thinking when replying so money conscious to Adam apart from wanting to be like the so maddening crowd wanting to make money at any cost?”


You of course had thought both Gary and I had forgotten that your mother has stolen Gary’s bachelor apartment in Sea point, Cape town.


Did you know that generally when an adult steals it is not the first time.


I must now go as I have no more than a day or two before I will be receiving an eviction notice but as you know from my writings I have never in my entire life felt so free and so awesomely invigorated.


Can you say the same?



From: Adam L Tucker []
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 2:46 PM
To: 'Neil Gevisser'
Subject: RE: When you let people treat you like an ant you become an ant




While you are thinking, I thought I might share with you a little bit of information about my family and why diamond currency is so close to home.


In the late 1980s my aunt and uncle began making trips to South Africa and returning with souvenirs and photos of them on safari. I didn’t think much of it at the time as I was still a child and very much focused on myself. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I learned the true nature of these South African “vacations”. While discussing my uncles business, I found out that my uncles successful plastic bag manufacturing company had a rather large kick start from a silent South African business partner whom contributed some $2 million dollars seed capital to their fledgling business thanks to my uncle’s official partner, a Jewish Iranian business who was put in contact with this money laundering South African investor via family his family in Iran.


Needless to say, my family was not very happy when I decided to air their dirty laundry back in November of last year; to the extent that my mother contacted my ex-wife to “warn” me that my family was trying to get me arrested, and then when I inquired to the validity of my ex-wife’s claims, my mother sent me a carefully worded email attempting to incriminate me by implying that I was trying to blackmail them.


Counter to my conditioning, I have learned to listen to people’s actions and inactions instead of their choice of words.


Gary has told me of your time in solitary confinement while serving in the South African army, as well as your poetry book that forced your exile.


I wanted to also share with you an excerpt from a recent email that Gary sent a local Brazilian acquaintance:


Philippe – I doubt Adam L. Tucker has shared with you the email address of his latest Brazilian lady friend, but I think if I asked him no more than 20 times he would have you communicate with her to have you simply ask her what she thinks if she were a member of the Mossad and found out that De Beers played a pivotal role in the financing-arming of Hitler’s Nazi Germany that resulted in the brutal extermination of some 6 million of the best of the best Jewish people who along with their offspring are not around to add to the competitive pressures in all the market places including Funeral Directors who market all sorts of trinkets in addition to coffins, would she bother with starting her own currency printing press like the US mint or folks like the north Koreans who have the identical intaglio machines or simply have one of the Mossad’s very hot looking “hookers” visit say with my buddy, Client #9 and find a way of communicating to Mr. Eliot Ness, no strike that, Mr. Eliot Spitzer Esq., former Attorney General of New York State and the immediate past Governor of New York State, that not only the Mossad but the entire Israel Defense Force must get without having to beg, let alone borrow and/or steal all the intelligence and weapon systems to defend itself against the De Beers-Anglo American Cartel and all it’s satellite states such as the United States of America’s Government, as well as, of course, make up for the wholesale slaughter of some 6 million of my Jewish brothers and sisters, which I think you would agree Hollywood blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein explains all very well in his most fascinating, non-fiction novel, The Diamond Invention, very specifically Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER which I am sure you have heard of before and if not click hyperlink below?


I hope this finds you well,

Adam L Tucker

From: [] On Behalf Of Neil Gevisser
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 2:23 AM
To: Adam L Tucker
Subject: Re: When you let people treat you like an ant you become an ant


Adam , let me get back to you in a few days. Ironically I have a T-shirt company that I am only now starting to get off the ground and have just World-wide Trademarked the name RHYME DISEASE. Check my web-site

Speak soon..see what we can do.

Neil Gevisser

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Adam L Tucker <> wrote:


Your brother Gary mentioned that you have an ant book which he wasn't sure had been published. I thought if you had drawings I might be able to use them in the design of t-shirts that I am thinking about for Would you be interested in working with me as I want to take charge of selling t-shirts in order to get my basic needs met. Currently, I am unemployed but with the recent visit by the FBI investigating this Israeli Military Intelligence Report which I have posted up on along as well as on other message boards like Chevron on Yahoo's message boards we are getting a whole lot of attention. alone this past month got almost a 1022 unique visitors from 40 different countries around the world.

Thank you for your time,
Adam L Tucker

From: [] On Behalf Of Neil Gevisser
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 2:23 AM
To: Adam L Tucker
Subject: Re: When you let people treat you like an ant you become an ant


Adam , let me get back to you in a few days. Ironically I have a T-shirt company that I am only now starting to get off the ground and have just World-wide Trademarked the name RHYME DISEASE. Check my web-site

Speak soon..see what we can do.

Neil Gevisser

From: Adam L Tucker []
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 8:38 AM
To: ''
Subject: When you let people treat you like an ant you become an ant



Your brother Gary mentioned that you have an ant book which he wasn’t sure had been published. I thought if you had drawings I might be able to use them in the design of t-shirts that I am thinking about for Would you be interested in working with me as I want to take charge of selling t-shirts in order to get my basic needs met. Currently, I am unemployed but with the recent visit by the FBI investigating this Israeli Military Intelligence Report which I have posted up on along as well as on other message boards like Chevron on Yahoo’s message boards we are getting a whole lot of attention. alone this past month got almost a 1022 unique visitors from 40 different countries around the world.


Thank you for your time,

Adam L Tucker