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Sin – MAKING AFRICA WORK – What other games are there to play? 

From: “” <>
Subject: Sin – MAKING AFRICA WORK – What other games are there to play? 
Date: July 19, 2018 at 11:06:39 AM PDT
To: Chief Rabbi of South Africa Goldstein <>
Cc: rest; Rabbi Stuart Federow – Houston Texas Radio Show Host <>, Rabbi Luke Ford – First to out South African-American Rabbi Abner Weiss <>


Subject: Sin – MAKING AFRICA WORK – What other games are there to play? 
Date: July 18, 2018 at 7:30:32 PM PDT
To: Sean Hannity – Fox News Insider <>
Cc: rest; Gerson Institute <>, “Ron Sandler – Senior Adviser Chatham House – c/o Nina Black, Press Officer Chatham House” <>, “Natie Kirsh – Front person for De Beers who in 1969 purchased the public corporation Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that was formed in 1910 for significantly less than liquidation value.” <>, Dominic Powell <>, Jonathan Beare – Multi-billionaire founder Investec <>, “Andile Madikizela – First cousin of Winnie Mandela and close confidant of Nelson Mandela who acknowledged in private meetings with Andile of his knowledge that the CIA turned him in to the South African Apartheid Regime during the Kennedy Administration.” <>, Department of Justice – Anti-Trust Division atr <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter” <>, “Carolyn Nicole Conrad Esq. – Schreck Rose Dapello & Adams – Attorneys for John Krazinski actor in upcoming Marc Rich movie.” <>, Ginger Reynolds <>, “Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, George Soros <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, Johann De Jager – General Counsel South African Reserve Bank <>,, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, Vernon Smith – 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and university tutor.” <>, Anthony Cormier <>,, John Solomon <>, Donald McNeil <>, Sam Tollman <>, “Joe Cross & Phil Staples – Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Fat” <>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD” <>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, cc-Ahackner <>, Cc-Alanditz <>, cc-Bergermd <>, cc-Clive Bernstein <>, cc-BermanJ <>, Cc-Colin Puterman <>, Cc-Elaine Zulberg <>, Cc-Joanneazzil <>, cc-Kellyberm <>, Cc-Lframe <>, Cc-Michael Arinov <>, cc-Saul Basckin <>, ccLhack <>, “” <>, “Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Jody Perling – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Tracy Tomson – classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Dr. Norman Kane MD” <>, Noreen <>, “” <>, kandrusz <>, “Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion – went to same high school and studied economics at university with GG. Both our father’s played on the same junior high school rubgy team; Shaun’s father was an Allied tail-gunner during WW II and GG’s father was a Fighter-Bomber-Pilot completing 71 missions.” <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Continues to chat on FB messaging but No longer Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser. Previously Olg was open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972; and Sid Zabludoff was in the White House when President Nixon gave his most distracting and illogical speech on August 15 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and placing the principal profiteers of ourJewish Holocaust in charge of the money supply.” <>, “Steve Linde – South African-Israeli Editor in Chief of Jerusalem Post – I’m not saying anything about anything – July 31, 2015” <>, Steven Haigh – Director of Met Media – Metropolitan State University of Denver <>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Alexandros Delithanassis – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>,, “Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” <>, “South African Professor of Economics Mark Darrock who in China on July 1, 2006 mentioned to Gary Gevisser, \”De Beers bring order to the diamond marketplace that would otherwise be chaotic.\”” <>, l.p.h.j.aarts@lumc.nldirector@physics.leidenuniv.nllahabi@physics.leidenuniv.nllebedev@physics.leidenuniv.nlyin@physics.leidenuniv.nlprateek@physics.leidenuniv.nla.m.rus@lumc.nlp.h.a.m.abels@fgga.leidenuniv.nlabrahams@chem.leidenuniv.nlj.heidler@biology.leidenuniv.nlw.p.achterberg@lumc.nlachucar@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlpapadomanolakis@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlmagalich@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlvardanyan@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlbondarenko@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlpeirone@lorentz.leidenuniv.nliarygina@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlw.f.h.adelaar@hum.leidenuniv.nlw.f.admiraal@iclon.leidenuniv.nlj.a.a.adriaanse@law.leidenuniv.nlj.m.f.g.aerts@lic.leidenuniv.nlm.j.a.m.ahsman, “Andel, T.R. van” <>,, Professor Arendsen – Leiden University – Extraordinary Professor of Societal and Historical Context of Tax Law <>,, “Berger, M.S.” <>, w.bergman@lumc.nlt.berkel@lacdr.leidenuniv.nlj.g.bethlehem@fsw.leidenuniv.nll.e.uche@lacdr.leidenuniv.nlm.m.szachniewicz@lacr.leidenuniv.nlj.v.m.g.bovee@lumc.nlr.brand@lumc.nlbrandl@strw.leidenuniv.nlc.van.bree@hum.leidenuniv.nlr.s.breederveld@lumc.nlf.c.breedveld@lumc.nlc.g.breedveld@law.leidenuniv.nlddbreimer@, “Brosschot, J.F.” <>,, “Bruijn, M.E. de” <>, m.r.bruni, “Shmuel Rabi -American-Israeli lawyer practising Jewish Law in Israel. Nephew of Deborah Sturman Esq.” <>,, HILLEL PIEKARSKI <>, “Professor Guy R. McPherson” <>, “Adele Breytenbach – Professor of economics, UNISA” <>, Oren Weinberg <>, Peter Singer – Professor of Bioethics University Center for Human Values – Princeton University <>, Professor Abblbaum – Hebrew University – Archeology <>, Professor Ann Craig – UCSD Craig <>, “Professor Jared Diamond – author, Guns, Gems & Steel” <>, “Andrew Corser – Oxford graduate in Geography.” <>, Adam Steltzner – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Derek Abbott – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Max Tegmark – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Savas Dimopoulos – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Novacuringlight <>, “Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author, THE END OF POVERTY” <>, Simon Schama – Professor of History Columbia University <>, “Professor Padayacheev – University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa” <>, “Mr. PAVAN KAPOOR India Ambassador to Israel.” <>, Ayelet Shaked – Minister of Justice Israel <>, “Bool Smuts – great nephew of Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950]” <>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <>, Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef ” <>,, Yad Vashem Holocaust Resources <>,, Moses Brown <>, Miko Peled <>, “Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN – left FB group chat FORGETFULNESS on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 7:48PM France time.” <>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <>,, Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <>, “Dr. Michio Kaku – Physicist” <>, Jim Al-Khalili – Physicist <>, “Jim \”Mad Money\” Cramer – CNBC ” <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Dave Osh – Newest FB friend – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <>, Charles Finch – Manager of Director Nick Broomfield <>, Henry Sanderson <>, “” <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “South African Gary Barber – Former Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM. On ulpan-Gadna training in Israel in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser. MGM co-producer with Megan Ellison of DETROIT.” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, “Neil Gevisser – author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] – imprisoned for most of his service in the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division.” <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers.” <>, “Alan Mark Zeligson – Greefswald Ward 22 inmate.” <>, Christina Moritsch-Krall – FB friend of GG <>, “Charite Sandra Williams – Law Student, International at Uganda Christian University (UCU) Mukono – No longer FB of GG.” <>, Willem Smuts <>, Alexander Walter <>, Alec Boswijk – owner of Alchemist Garden and FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Dominik Koscielny – FB friend of GG.” <>, Dominic Peters – Goldfish Performer <>, “Jerry Phillips Esq.” <JPHILLIPS@LOEB.COM>, “Laurie Black – Staunch Democrat and daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, former US Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration.” <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Texas American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]” <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “Diane. Bell – Union Tribune – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser without any additional comment.” <>, William Clark – Petro Dollar Wars <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, “Sam Schaffer – J. Essakow’s best friend + Adele Breytenbach, but still FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Essakow was on Israel ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser ” <>, “Pam Kragen author, Flower Hill owners aim for the human touch” <>, “Robert \”Citizens against the J.Essakow-Marc Rich and company Flower Hill Malls Excessive Expansion\” Vicino Vicino” <>, “Adele Strous {Im not interested in history of Israel} Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Geoff Norris – South African-British actor who produces, directs and acts in his self described \”absolutely crap\” Youtube promotion of himself as an actor, teacher and singer.” <>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, Raymond Bloom – Goldfish manager <>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB \”friend\” of GG but blocks GG from messaging on Facebook.” <>, Ray Wade – FB friend <>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB \”friend\” of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, kathleen paris <>, “Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman. Perjurer Weisel was petitioned for Guardianship by criminally convicted Neil Gevisser, who coped a plea, paid a heavy fine and forced out of Incline Village, Nevada to escape prison.” <>, “Ayalah Kaplan – South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <>, Ayelet Shaked – Minister of Justice Israel <>, Judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand <>, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff, Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon, former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <>, “Vegetarian Tzipora Malka \”Tzipi\” Livni” <>, “Malcolm Ness – British architect and political commentator. No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, British Embassy – Israel <>, “” <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, “Andrea \”Gambling Money Charity Giver\” Kerzner” <>, “Peta Elizabeth Gorshel – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Neil Gould – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>,, Neil Abramson – Film maker of Very Distracting black African plight – Child Soldier 1998 <>, “Peter Berendse – FB friend of Gary Gevisser, Neil Woodhead and Vic Wartski.” <>, “Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend.” <>, Wendy Dicks – Highbury alumni <>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2010] which is controlled by Putin and owns 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves. Prior was the top dog of failed Jonathan Beare’s Prefcor-McCarthy Holding Group-Avenger before Brand Pretorius took over on October 1, 1999, the same day the epic Revlon Corporation class action lawsuit was filed; the same day Russian forces invaded Chechnya following Russian false flag operation in the heart of Moscow.” <>, Angel Gurria – Secretary General OECD <>, “” <>, Ernest Rady <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest. Met Strauss on June 20, 2006 at bottom of zipline at Simatai Great Wall, China. Most shocked was Strauss to hear that DeBeers had established retail shops on US soil.” <>, “Joe Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School, who wrote Gary Gevisser on April 23, 2002, Could I stop you?” <>, “Donald Trump c/o Claire, Republican National Committee” <>, “David Milne – Distracting member of Tripping Up Trump and also in Baxter’s You’ve Been Trumped & A Dangerous Game. Milne still a FB friend of GG.” <>, Tony Unruh <>, “” <>, “Trevor Manuel – former South African Minister of Finance. In 1995, Manuel agreed to a deal favoring the anti-competition former Apartheid Regime the morning before Gary Gevisser met with his \”lucky uncle\” David Gevisser, the “male heir” of open supporter of the Apartheid Regime, monopolist German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971]. ” <>, and for treason <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko [Decem,ber 18, 1946 – September 11-12, 1977] of Durban Movement.” <>, “Jill Hogan – younger sister of ANC official Barbara Hogan who is the only white South African convicted by the South African Apartheid Regime for treason, and tortured during her captivity.” <>, “Jonny Gevisser – Director, The Extra-Mural Education Project, Cape Town, South Africa” <>, “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown, New Jersey.” <>, “Alan Lipworth – former junior partner of Codiam Inc., whose principal is Stephen Cohen. Cohen’s one uncle was Sol Moshal, managing director of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970]. My grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970] owned the control block of shares with my father Bernie Gevisser [1923-2012]. Sol Moshal’s one granddaughter, and first cousin of Alan Lipworth was murdered Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Sol Moshal’s favorite nephew was David Gevisser “male heir” of German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971], the “control person” of the banking-mining monopoly, De Beers-Oppenheimer-Anglo American Corporation-Barclays Bank.” <>, “Jesse Angelo – CEO and Publisher of The New York Post. On July 8, 1999 Angelo penned FAX: FUGITIVE FRANKEL A FAILED FENCE that detailed a fax sent by Frankel to Alan Lipworth the same day Frankel’s Greenwich, Conn. mansion went up in flames. The fax said that Frankel needed the stones by May 7.” <>, “” <>, Travel China Tour Guide <>,, “Ivan Poulter – Rhodesian who lived in South Africa for 22 years and South Africa and who acknowledges, \”I have forgotten abou 99 percent of what I knew\”” <>, “Guy Bechor – principal G.Planet Israel” <>, “Kevin Duffy Phd mathematics.” <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, Trevor Noah – Daily Show <>, “Christopher Mooney – American lawyer making money suing the wrong banks for price fixing gold so very undervalued.” <>, “William Cohan – Lazard Frères insider; author of THE LAST TYCOONS.” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, “Jack Quinn Esquire – Former White House Counsel and close personal friend of President Bill \”De Beers-Rhodes Scholar\” Clinton who played the most decisive role in the Marc Rich pardon.” <>, “Bill Clinton – 42nd President of the United States. 1968 De Beers-Rhodes Scholar. At 11th hour of his presidency, January 20, 2001, granted De Beers-Rhodes stooge, terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon.” <>, Elon Musk <>

Mr. Hannity – The 4 paragraphs following, “You would not be surprised if President Putin said” should have been indented. That has been corrected and I have also added the word “pig” following “guinea”.
I think you should be thinking, and it should become even clearer when you get your copy of my next email broadcast, what if the leadership of the world which we have right this moment is not only what us human’s deserve, but the leadership is even better than what we could have hoped to expect given our poor performance in reading history?
Wouldn’t that have you that much more optimistic for the future that you can’t put it down to chance that we are really fortunate to have leaders such as Trump, May, Merkel, the French guy Macron, and most of all President Putin?
What if there was no record of DAAC head Nicholas Oppenheimer meeting for a business discussion with the President of a superpower?
That question is important.
There is an even more important question. Where is there a record of western government officials reprimanding DAAC officials for their pivotal role in currency manipulation and their equally transparent role in backing all sides to war?
Do you not find it surprising that heads of banks like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase Bank, National Westminster, Barclays Bank etc have ever accused the DAAC publicly o[f] violating the banking laws?
When did you last sit down with a banker and ask them to explain what American scholar, Edward J. Epstein wrote in chapter 16 of The D I book, aptly titled, WARRING WITH ISRAEL, “De Beers’ favored clients, the bankers.
There is every reason to believe that President Putin’s English is perfect enough to know that it was not the Soviets who either asked De Beers-Anglo American Corp.-Barclays to arm Nazi Germany or protect them from prosecution at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals whose principal prosecutors were American lawyers.
It should not distract you by me also having added the photo of President Putin meeting with Nicholas Oppenheimer in Cape Town, South Africa just a couple of week’s after Senator Barack Obama first travelled to South Africa; and no less important, there is no record of Obama ever attempting to call a press conference to show how powerful is the DAAC’s Nicholas Oppenheimer who chose carefully a very recent Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Myers as a member of his Advisory Board.
Nor does it look like General Myers is a CIA plant. The CIA already know that there is nothing good about De Beers-Oppenheimer unless they are taking care of you and/or those you like who are also quiet.
It is also the western alliance, again led by the monopolist of monopolists De Beers-Barclays who first promoted the insanely illogical Gross Domestic Product index that is also morally indefensible given how it punishes mineral rich countries twice; first, when they are invaded by the monopolist’s military and second when placing stooge dictators in charge who don’t object to the low price paid for their mineral harvests which when reaching the country of destination are marked up and the marked up goods are added to the GDP numbers giving the importer country a higher GDP index which the economists tell the people are as good an indicator of the economic health of that country as anything else.
Nor is the OECD which was established in the upside down year of 1961 for the principal purpose of promoting the asinine GDP index, dominated by Soviet communists.
Since I only know personally one of their officials, American, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, principal economist for the OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency who has 14 days left on his contract, you should ask Rothwell what he thinks?
He likes to talk.
President Trump studied wrong economics at university, but my guess is that he would handle all this better than most, which is not to suggest that President Putin is no longer a player.
Even if President Putin is assassinated or dies suddenly of natural causes, he has spoken clearer than any leader since the end of World War Two.
He has yet to say whether or not he supports Oppenheimer whose family’s wealth from Africa has not been democratically achieved, but he has made clear that as of October 3, 2008 they remain a very important player.
Again, the German-South African Oppenheimers and their protector following the end of WW2, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. do not speak Russian at the dining room table when there are only family members present. Their first language is English.
It would therefore be wrong to expect President Putin or Chinese President Xi Jinping to rein in western corporate wrongdoers. 
Let’s just assume that President Putin was working with Israel’s Mossad in exposing the principal architects and profiteers of Nazi Germany whose crowning achievement was the wholesale murder of half of European Jewry and these 6 million we can all agree are not contributing to the human overpopulation problem or for that matter the level of human conscienceless, because the madness must rest with those most promoting the continued success of the DAAC and their offspring successors such as Glencore.
Have they done a good job or do you think it is time that we open a new Congressional investigating committee to begin untying the corporate dealings of De Beers-Barclays-Anglo American Corporation?
If you can think of anyone on earth better than me to question DAAC’s officials in live proceedings, I am sure you will let me know.
My guess also is that President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are now talking and Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is going to wait the outcome of those meetings.
Given how suddenly so on top of things President Trump appears to be, don’t you think he would want another summit talk with President Putin, sooner rather than later?
Which of his current advisors do you think President Trump should trust?
Do you have anything to add?
[Word count 1018]

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: MAKING AFRICA WORK – What other games are there to play? 
Date: July 18, 2018 at 1:14:26 PM PDT
To: Sean Hannity – Fox News Insider <>
Cc: rest; Ron Sandler – Senior Adviser Chatham House – c/o Nina Black, Press Officer Chatham House” <>, “ atie Kirsh – Front person for De Beers who in 1969 purchased the public corporation Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that was formed in 1910 for significantly less than liquidation value.” <>, Dominic Powell <>, Jonathan Beare – Multi-billionaire founder Investec <>, “Andile Madikizela – First cousin of Winnie Mandela and close confidant of Nelson Mandela who acknowledged in private meetings with Andile of his knowledge that the CIA turned him in to the South African Apartheid Regime during the Kennedy Administration.” <>, Department of Justice – Anti-Trust Division atr <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter” <>, “Carolyn Nicole Conrad Esq. – Schreck Rose Dapello & Adams – Attorneys for John Krazinski actor in upcoming Marc Rich movie.” <>, Ginger Reynolds <>, “Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, George Soros <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>, Johann De Jager – General Counsel South African Reserve Bank <>,, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, Vernon Smith – 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and university tutor.” <>, Anthony Cormier <>,, John Solomon <>, Donald McNeil <>, Sam Tollman <>, “Joe Cross & Phil Staples – Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Fat” <>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD” <>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, cc-Ahackner <>, Cc-Alanditz <>, cc-Bergermd <>, cc-Clive Bernstein <>, cc-BermanJ <>, Cc-Colin Puterman <>, Cc-Elaine Zulberg <>, Cc-Joanneazzil <>, cc-Kellyberm <>, Cc-Lframe <>, Cc-Michael Arinov <>, cc-Saul Basckin <>, ccLhack <>, “” <>, “Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Jody Perling – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Tracy Tomson – classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Dr. Norman Kane MD” <>, Noreen <>, “” <>, kandrusz <>, “Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion – went to same high school and studied economics at university with GG. Both our father’s played on the same junior high school rubgy team; Shaun’s father was an Allied tail-gunner during WW II and GG’s father was a Fighter-Bomber-Pilot completing 71 missions.” <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Continues to chat on FB messaging but No longer Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser. Previously Olg was open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972; and Sid Zabludoff was in the White House when President Nixon gave his most distracting and illogical speech on August 15 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and placing the principal profiteers of ourJewish Holocaust in charge of the money supply.” <>, “” <>, Steven Haigh – Director of Met Media – Metropolitan State University of Denver <>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Alexandros Delithanassis – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>,, “Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” <>, “South African Professor of Economics Mark Darrock who in China on July 1, 2006 mentioned to Gary Gevisser, De Beers bring order to the diamond marketplace that would otherwise be chaotic.” <>, l.p.h.j.aarts@lumc.nldirector@physics.leidenuniv.nllahabi@physics.leidenuniv.nllebedev@physics.leidenuniv.nlyin@physics.leidenuniv.nlprateek@physics.leidenuniv.nla.m.rus@lumc.nlp.h.a.m.abels@fgga.leidenuniv.nlabrahams@chem.leidenuniv.nlj.heidler@biology.leidenuniv.nlw.p.achterberg@lumc.nlachucar@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlpapadomanolakis@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlmagalich@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlvardanyan@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlbondarenko@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlpeirone@lorentz.leidenuniv.nliarygina@lorentz.leidenuniv.nlw.f.h.adelaar@hum.leidenuniv.nlw.f.admiraal@iclon.leidenuniv.nlj.a.a.adriaanse@law.leidenuniv.nlj.m.f.g.aerts@lic.leidenuniv.nlm.j.a.m.ahsman, “Andel, T.R. van” <>,, Professor Arendsen – Leiden University – Extraordinary Professor of Societal and Historical Context of Tax Law <>,, “Berger, M.S.” <>, w.bergman@lumc.nlt.berkel@lacdr.leidenuniv.nlj.g.bethlehem@fsw.leidenuniv.nll.e.uche@lacdr.leidenuniv.nlm.m.szachniewicz@lacr.leidenuniv.nlj.v.m.g.bovee@lumc.nlr.brand@lumc.nlbrandl@strw.leidenuniv.nlc.van.bree@hum.leidenuniv.nlr.s.breederveld@lumc.nlf.c.breedveld@lumc.nlc.g.breedveld@law.leidenuniv.nlddbreimer@, “Brosschot, J.F.” <>,, “Bruijn, M.E. de” <>, m.r.bruni, “Shmuel Rabi -American-Israeli lawyer practising Jewish Law in Israel. Nephew of Deborah Sturman Esq.” <>,, HILLEL PIEKARSKI <>, “Professor Guy R. McPherson” <>, “Adele Breytenbach – Professor of economics, UNISA” <>, Oren Weinberg <>, Peter Singer – Professor of Bioethics University Center for Human Values – Princeton University <>, Professor Abblbaum – Hebrew University – Archeology <>, Professor Ann Craig – UCSD Craig <>, “Professor Jared Diamond – author, Guns, Gems & Steel” <>, “Andrew Corser – Oxford graduate in Geography.” <>, Adam Steltzner – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Derek Abbott – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Max Tegmark – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Savas Dimopoulos – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery <>, Novacuringlight <>, “Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author, THE END OF POVERTY” <>, Simon Schama – Professor of History Columbia University <>, “Professor Padayacheev – University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa” <>, “Mr. PAVAN KAPOOR India Ambassador to Israel.” <>, Ayelet Shaked – Minister of Justice Israel <>, “Bool Smuts – great nephew of Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950]” <>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <>, Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef” <>,, Yad Vashem Holocaust Resources <>,, Moses Brown <>, Miko Peled <>, “Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN – left FB group chat FORGETFULNESS on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 7:48PM France time.” <>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <>,, Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <>, “Dr. Michio Kaku – Physicist” <>, Jim Al-Khalili – Physicist <>, Jim Mad Money Cramer – CNBC <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Dave Osh – Newest FB friend – former Israeli Fighter Pilot now working with Vistage and supporter of the BDS movement.” <>, Charles Finch – Manager of Director Nick Broomfield <>, Henry Sanderson <>, “” <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “South African Gary Barber – Former Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM. On ulpan-Gadna training in Israel in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser. MGM co-producer with Megan Ellison of DETROIT.” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, “Neil Gevisser – author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] – imprisoned for most of his service in the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division.” <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers.” <>, “Alan Mark Zeligson – Greefswald Ward 22 inmate.” <>, Christina Moritsch-Krall – FB friend of GG <>, “Charite Sandra Williams – Law Student, International at Uganda Christian University (UCU) Mukono – No longer FB of GG.” <>, Willem Smuts <>, Alexander Walter <>, Alec Boswijk – owner of Alchemist Garden and FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Dominik Koscielny – FB friend of GG.” <>, Dominic Peters – Goldfish Performer <>, “Jerry Phillips Esq.” <JPHILLIPS@LOEB.COM>, “Laurie Black – Staunch Democrat and daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, former US Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration.” <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Texas American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU]” <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “Diane. Bell – Union Tribune – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser without any additional comment.” <>, William Clark – Petro Dollar Wars <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, “Sam Schaffer – J. Essakow’s best friend + Adele Breytenbach, but still FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Essakow was on Israel ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser” <>, “Pam Kragen author, Flower Hill owners aim for the human touch” <>, “Robert Citizens against the J.Essakow-Marc Rich and company Flower Hill Malls Excessive Expansion Vicino Vicino” <>, “Adele Strous {Im not interested in history of Israel} Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Geoff Norris – South African-British actor who produces, directs and acts in his self described absolutely crap Youtube promotion of himself as an actor, teacher and singer.” <>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, Raymond Bloom – Goldfish manager <>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG but blocks GG from messaging on Facebook.” <>, Ray Wade – FB friend <>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, kathleen paris <>, “Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman. Perjurer Weisel was petitioned for Guardianship by criminally convicted Neil Gevisser, who coped a plea, paid a heavy fine and forced out of Incline Village, Nevada to escape prison.” <>, “Ayalah Kaplan – South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <>, Ayelet Shaked – Minister of Justice Israel <>, Judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand <>, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff, Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon, former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>, “Malcolm Ness – British architect and political commentator. No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, British Embassy – Israel <>, “” <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <>, “Peta Elizabeth Gorshel – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Neil Gould – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>,, Neil Abramson – Film maker of Very Distracting black African plight – Child Soldier 1998 <>, “Peter Berendse – FB friend of Gary Gevisser, Neil Woodhead and Vic Wartski.” <>, “Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend.” <>, Wendy Dicks – Highbury alumni <>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2010] which is controlled by Putin and owns 20% of the United States’ uranium reserves. Prior was the top dog of failed Jonathan Beare’s Prefcor-McCarthy Holding Group-Avenger before Brand Pretorius took over on October 1, 1999, the same day the epic Revlon Corporation class action lawsuit was filed; the same day Russian forces invaded Chechnya following Russian false flag operation in the heart of Moscow.” <>, Angel Gurria – Secretary General OECD <>, “” <>, Ernest Rady <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest. Met Strauss on June 20, 2006 at bottom of zipline at Simatai Great Wall, China. Most shocked was Strauss to hear that DeBeers had established retail shops on US soil.” <>, “” <>, “Donald Trump c/o Claire, Republican National Committee” <>, “David Milne – Distracting member of Tripping Up Trump and also in Baxter’s You’ve Been Trumped & A Dangerous Game. Milne still a FB friend of GG.” <>, Tony Unruh <>, “” <>, “Trevor Manuel – former South African Minister of Finance. In 1995, Manuel agreed to a deal favoring the anti-competition former Apartheid Regime the morning before Gary Gevisser met with his lucky uncle David Gevisser, the “male heir” of open supporter of the Apartheid Regime, monopolist German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].” <>, and for treason <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko [Decem,ber 18, 1946 – September 11-12, 1977] of Durban Movement.” <>, “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown, New Jersey.” <>, “Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Alan Lipworth – former junior partner of his close cousin Stephen Moshal Cohen. Alan’s first cousin was murdered ANC armed wing member” <>, “Jesse Angelo – CEO and Publisher of The New York Post. On July 8, 1999 Angelo penned FAX: FUGITIVE FRANKEL A FAILED FENCE that detailed a fax sent by Frankel to Alan Lipworth the same day Frankel’s Greenwich, Conn. mansion went up in flames. The fax said that Frankel needed the stones by May 7.” <>, “” <>, Travel China Tour Guide <>,, “Ivan Poulter – Rhodesian who lived in South Africa for 22 years and South Africa and who acknowledges, I have forgotten abou 99 percent of what I knew” <>, “Guy Bechor – principal G.Planet Israel” <>, “Kevin Duffy Phd mathematics.” <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, Trevor Noah – Daily Show <>, “” <>, “William Cohan – Lazard Frères insider; author of THE LAST TYCOONS.” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, “Jack Quinn Esquire – Former White House Counsel and close personal friend of President Bill De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Clinton who played the most decisive role in the Marc Rich pardon.” <>, “Bill Clinton – 42nd President of the United States. 1968 De Beers-Rhodes Scholar. At 11th hour of his presidency, January 20, 2001, granted De Beers-Rhodes stooge, terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon.” <>, Elon Musk <>

Mr. Hannity – I saw you last evening on TV and it was replayed on Youtube which is how I got to hear what you had to say that was not only well said, but very logical that the US Democrats and liberals throughout the world are so commonly two-faced in reprimanding President Trump who I thought for the very first time was genuinely sincere when correcting what he said the day before; and again, you pointed out by showing older TV clips of Donald Trump when on the campaign trail that he felt the Soviet Union; i.e. President Putin was doing everything within his power to influence American voters in the upcoming presidential election, and your film footage also showed President Trump adding further that he wouldn’t be at all surprised if there were other countries and individuals also wanting to influence American voters.
What if Donald Trump had mentioned the name Nicholas Oppenheimer?
Are your first thoughts to stock up with at least one chest pain critical emergency relief or to having foretold yourself future possible events and have on standby a cardiovascular surgean who brings his own stents as well as a manual to perform a frontal lobotomy?
Another way to look at Soviet Union meddling which I think you would agree is different to President Eisenhower using the CIA to torture to death the one and only democratically elected leader in modern day times, Patrice Lumumba on January 17, 1961, is that without admitting it, because it is so obvious that no Russian gets involved in the politics-economics of any country, let alone an adversary like nuclear superpower United States, without the express consent of Vladimir Putin, that such easy to establish interference would embarrass not only us Americans but the entire western alliance tremendously, because it would show how much more easily brainwashed we are than the Russian people.
You remember Russia lost 20 million of their citizens during World War 2 which profited the most the west’s most successful monopolist, my former employer, world’s number one drilling and banking institution, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC].
Moreover, when President Putin met on September 5, 2006, the DAAC’s head, Uranium King, Nicholas Oppenheimer 

who has the most extraordinarily close friend and business connections to my immediate family, neither President Putin nor Nick Oppenheimer were a computer simulation.
To be clear, in my opinion, President Putin when deciding to release the photo of that meeting to the public on October 3, 2008, one month before puppet and now very cash and real estate rich President Obama became President elect of the United States of America, knew exactly what he was doing in exposing this most important meeting which you media people don’t want to touch with a 100 foot pole.
Apart from wanting to stay alive, it would be hard to think what else President Putin has to do with his time?
So it is very possible, and only President Putin would know for sure, he simply hates Hillary Clinton and had it in for her.
What other games are there to play?
Every waking moment of the day when you are not thinking about how to get financially richer you must place yourself in the shoes of those you are talking about.
What else would you expect President Putin to do with his time knowing that you have most brilliantly exposed the most powerful military industrialist?
It is not secret that the DAAC tolerate no competition which is the business of a monopolist. Nor can a monopolist exist in a totalitarian state because if that is what we consider Russia today then President Putin, not Nicholas Oppenheimer or his son Jonathan, is the chief executive officer of the DAAC and The Brenthurst Foundation.
The problem with thinking that President Putin is running the show is The Brenthurst Foundation’s one Advisory Board member, former United States of America’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Myers.
I am not about to ask you what you plan to do the rest of today, and nor do I have a solution at this time if you have a dog who is constantly licking his bum and it doesn’t appear there is an issue with their anal glands, but I would think it is smart to consider your future as a talking head, if you fail to look into the history of the DAAC who don’t keep their gun-money power a secret.
If you are able to get everyone to refuse commentary on an epic, non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention which spells out the duplicity of the DAAC like no other document, it does not mean every literate human has read the book. All it means is that those who have read it decline comment.
If you get a group of literate people who show an interest in either money, history, economics, military or politics or any combination thereof, to all be quiet, it would be wrong to assume that they are illiterate.
All it means is that the group you have chosen, refuse comment, and the problem might simply be that the group you have chosen is not a statistically valid representative sample.
If for example you were to call upon either Jeffrey Essakow or his younger brother Roy who were both the thickest students in their class at high school to pull together the statistical sample, you could pretty much safely assume they would get it wrong.
To be clear, neither J. Essakow nor Roy who only has Marc Rich to thank for him being able to afford more than a pot to pee in, have assisted me in composing this communique or deciding how best to expand my valid sampling to an even larger group where I continue to get the same result.
The fact that the result is what I predicted when first beginning my year long orientation before joining the DAAC in early spring 1979, does not have me questioning what I first predicted.
100% shut down tells you that something very significant is going on.
Let me help you with a different type of analogy.
Imagine you were able to convene a meeting of former President Obama, his wife, Hillary and Bill Clinton as well as President Donald Trump and President Putin.
You begin by passing around the photo of President Putin and Nick Oppenheimer and to make sure they are all seeing the same photo you place on a surround TV monitor the photo which of course is blown up significantly more than life size.
Assume also you first ask President Putin to explain.
You would not be surprised if President Putin said; 
The man to my left is a western industrialist. Yes, his first name is Nicholas but neither he nor his father nor his grandfather is Russian Czar Nicholas because he is long dead, murdered according to my best intelligence sources. Should I be dealing with someone such as President Obama or his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if I wish to ensure that the Russian people have sufficient uranium to maintain their nuclear stockpiles as a deterrent of both a conventional and nuclear attack on Russia, much like what Hitler did and it cost us Russians 20 million of our citizens, and not all of them died peacefully; in fact, most of them were not so fortunate as to be afforded a last meal or a priest saying their last rites?
In fact no one from the US Department of Justice or the OECD or the Nuclear Energy Agency or the Nuclear Regulatory Council asked that I first go through the right protocol and contact them before meeting with German-South African Nicholas Oppenheimer.
So maybe, and it is only a suggestion, you start with asking former President Obama who is now telling the world that it is embarrassing for him that he is making so much money and living better than your average cocaine street dealer, if he has ever attempted to loop in Nicholas Oppenheimer and his string of corporate holdings?
May I further suggest that if you are going to confront Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton, you ask them if they have ever admonished Mr. Oppenheimer or any of his close affiliates for when not violating directly the anti-Trust laws of the United States and its allied trading partners, to at a minimum be violating the spirit of the anti-Trust laws which are supposed to ensure competition which is the hallmark of a democratic society?
Mr. Hannity you must also be a history buff and therefore aware that the murder of Patrice Lumumba, prime minister of mineral rich Belgian Congo took place on the same day President Eisenhower made his threatening Industrial-Complex speech which only strengthened the hand of militarist South African Invader, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who applauded TIME MAGAZINE 10 days later, January 27, 1961 announcing to the world that Engelhard Jr. was firmly in control of mineral rich South Africa and neighboring territories including the Belgian Congo who could no longer count Lumumba as their leader because he was now dead 10 full days.
Even Elon Musk sees nothing wrong in buying influence, and if Charlotte Gerson the 96 year extraordinarily healthy daughter of the great Dr. Gerson MD who also used himself as a guinea [pig] to show the virtues of eating as healthy as possible and not simply what tastes good given how easy it is for food providers to manipulate the human taste buds all working together with the human brain, could influence medical doctors and drug companies to do the right thing, I am sure she would; at least I hope she would.
My question is this. Yes, the leading Democrat figures are as hypocritical as it gets, and again you were exemplary in exposing how they, led by puppet Obama did nothing to make the American public aware that the Soviets were hacking into the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton’s email servers and the such, because these so full of themselves lawyer-politicians – who Engelhard Jr. had to bribe the least because they were better actors – believed that Hillary Clinton was going to defeat soundly Donald Trump who was in fact mouthing off that he felt that there was outside interference in the upcoming elections.
Moreover, how great you showed the clip of Obama telling Trump,October 20[16], [8 years] after President Putin released the photo that speaks for itself, to stop whining and instead use his money and energy to convince the voters that he was a better choice than Mrs. Clinton; and the best was the clip showing the “hot mike”
as Obama told Mr. Medvedev [March 26, 2012] the close friend and colleague of President Putin who had decided to take a short break as President and give Medvedev his opportunity in the limelight:
“It is my last election; after the election, I have more flexibility.” 

As Medvedev responded positively, “Understand, I will transmit this information to Vladimir and I understand what it is”, President Obama massages Medvedev’s arm.

I am not calling Obama a pedo or a homosexual or bi-sexual or saying things like he has an ugly wife and that might explain Barak Obama feeling no compunction about embarrassing his lawyer wife as he came on so strongly to the white woman President of another country who does have better legs than his wife, and all in public view. 

All I am doing is providing the lead in to my question.
Why aren’t President Trump’s strongest vocal supporters led by you, pointing out that during the height of Obama’s 8 year presidency, he caved in to President Putin allowing the Soviet Union to own [in 2010] more than 20% of the strategic uranium reserves of the United States?
The fact that the US Congress, led by its most secretive and powerful, and most influential Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, and comprises some of the most powerful members of the cabinet, including the attorney general, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, and the secretary of state, and charged with reviewing any deal that could result in foreign control of an American business or asset deemed important to national security, approved this extraordinary transfer of America’s most valuable and sought out strategic mineral resource reserve, does not in any way shape or form diminish the treason committed by both Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Could you see President Putin not only giving the middle finger to all our rich politicians and commentators by having them explain what if any influence Nicholas Oppenheimer and his family and their supporters throughout the world have had on the democratic process?
When you examine the website of The Brenthurst Foundation you will first see a video clip. Turn off the sound and concentrate on the dirt streets which remain un-tarred and un-concreted because they remain beautifully dirt. It does not mean those black kids should be kept dirty until such time as they and their offspring only know about city dwelling.
Then you will see a book titled, MAKING AFRICA WORK. Now that is more intellectually honest and you can see professors at Oxford and Cambridge University applauding themselves with little cricket claps for the clever double entendre.
Feel your heart, mind and soul when you get to screen allowing you to see a video and the wording reads:
Elections in Africa:
Preparing a Democratic Playbook
Care to comment?
Thank you,
PS – BTW, this is a lead in to a more important communique to my 3 elder siblings, Kathy, Neil and Melvin as well as Durban, South African born, 66 year old Ron Sandler the “heir apparent” of Natie Kirsh, who was Engelhard Jr.’s lackey forcing the “asset stripping” of my immediate family’s extraordinarily successful multi-national trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] started by my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970].
Not to mention, as you should know Mr. Sandler is credited as having saved Lloyd’s of London from bankruptcy back in the early 1990s, and while nothing could be further from the truth, Mr. Sandler has yet to explain to the world, starting with Wall Street why he would support Lloyd’s of London, beginning in the early 1990s banning American citizens and American residents from investing in Lloyd’s, who not only accept for their capital base price fixed diamonds which in fact they far prefer to anything else including cash, real estate and share certificates of public corporations, but how Mr. Sandler managed to get the US Congress, and institutions like the Securities Exchange Commission to agree that Lloyd’s of London could continue to sell their insurance products to Americans and American corporations.
Just curious if you find interesting that so far not one of my very carefully selected 408 Facebook friends have yet to comment on the very distinct possibility that also like myself South African born Elon Musk took the logical high road, and waited no longer before apologizing to Mr. Unsworth. 
Of course I am not saying, “Look at me” but more importantly can you really trust someone simply because they say they are your friend and/or a family member? There is also the great likelihood that Elon Musk and his mother Maye, who continue to allow my posting yesterday to remain on both their FB walls, got to read what I had to say, as there was no one on the Internet with my credible knowledge being so outspoken; and if not you would expect Mr. Musk’s other advisors to be listening and sharing my thoughts with him.
Just thought you should also know that there is this Russian-Ukrainian man who has taken my exact name on Facebook and nothing about him or his FB friends show him to have a similar background to me. The fact that he and Facebook officials refuse to explain this clear violation of FB’s rules and regulations cannot mean this man is innocent; and again all my 408 FB friends are quiet.
So let’s again come back to Elon Musk’s writings:
[Word count 2714]
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