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Moral cowards – You know better

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[Screenshot 18:55 Calif. time, Nov. 20, 2018 – CLICK HERE]

Gary Gevisser Who here can understand why Dutch Ambassador Geoffrey van Leeuwen has a huge problem with that photo of President Putin and the head of the DAAC octopus Nicholas Oppenheimer?
1d · Edited

Gary Gevisser Sona M



Sona M OK… Thank you.. I got it



Gary Gevisser Christine Gardner Fiocca and Nicole Gawronsky


Gary Gevisser Title: Moral Cowards

Most of you would have read what Stephanie Shaw first had to say, “I have no idea what you are asserting nor do I know how someone else-Robin-can keep your voice from being heard” and understood perfectly what she had written; and yet when you read my response, “Can keep your voice from being heard”, which is very unclear English” you were silent.
Of course Ms. Shaw who is no longer a FB friend of mine, although I cannot be absolutely certain she ever was, was in fact being perfectly clear when stating “… nor do I know how someone else… can keep your voice from being heard”.
I will assume what troubled Ms. Shaw is what troubled each of you; namely how she was trying to convince herself, me and the rest of you that when Robin Oberg removed my postings he was not keeping my voice from being heard, which your brains told you was far worse than suggesting I was wrong and that Ms. Shaw was very clear.
When you don’t speak, you speak especially when you are my FB friend and can follow along perfectly, including the avalanche of those reacting negatively to my posting back on October 30 on the FB wall of German-Austrian 7th generation Trust Fund inheritor, Christina Moritsch-Krall, How Hitler allowed your family.
Many of you are professionals, having studied at university to become economists, lawyers, doctors and the such; and of course each of you know why it is that there is not a single economist on the planet or for that matter banker who can debate me on the fact that the economics and banker profession are a total fraud.
That does not mean others who haven’t invested time, money and energy attending university to get a qualification that earns more than say mowing lawns such as what Steve Bailey does or his wife who is the main breadwinner working in a restaurant even though Steve says that she has university degrees up the kazoo and superbright, are the first to go quiet.
To be clear, those formerly schooled beyond high school are the first to go quiet.
The “talkers” are generally the less formerly schooled such as Steve Steven Bailey and Christina Moritsch-Krall who didn’t take long to block me on FB messaging while remaining a FB friend.
The college educated enjoy greatly people like CMK and Steve Bailey who are on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of money wealth, talking up a storm about money, economics, politics etc in an effort to feel important as they shy away from simply taking a break and putting their efforts into attracting those better equipped to take me on in this very important debate.
Again, Steven Bailey knows as well as Christina Moritsch-Krall and the rest of you, including those of you whose greater formal education has only made you financially richer than someone such as Steven Bailey, but no less a fool, that one easy way to attract more knowledgeable people as well as those less knowledgeable but who can learn from all this is to “tag” their fellow FB friends.
You people resist like you are going to the gas chambers of German-Austrian-Polish Auschwitz, Treblinka and the such.
5h · Edited

Gary Gevisser Page 2 – Moral cowards

There cannot be anything worse in life than being called a “moral coward” especially if it is true. 
If it is not true then such name calling amounts to nothing more than “water over a duck’s back.”
Everyone should pay attention to the clock as it helps make you that much aware of how misguided you, your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents have been ever since the end of WW1.
That is an extraordinary long period of time to have been so horribly brainwashed and therefore missing out on the most important truths.
That means also you cannot expect any of you to lead the way out of this abyss, rather given your brainwashing you are going to fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo especially if you feel that you have been getting more than you deserve.
Now each of you perfectly understand why it is that none of you talkers have thrown in your support of me and my mother Zena.
Nor is it because you feel that what is being done to my mother Zena is nothing out of the ordinary.
You see exactly the same indifference as you do to the truth of two very important events which came together on November 11, which remember was also the 14th anniversary of me breaking my 24 year silence with the leading weapons developer, leading terrorist financier, leading fraudster, leading criminal enterprise, leading committer of voter fraud throughout the world, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC].
First, Mr. Edward Lucas shooting himself in the foot and in the process exposing the corruption of the history faculty of every college and university on the planet.
Second, Ms. CMK writing that the choice of “neutrality” given by Hitler and his bankers allowed her family to hold on to their vast inherited wealth.
If Ms. CMK were Swiss, it would be no less disgusting.
The fact that Ms. CMK is Austrian just like Hitler who was far more intellectually honest when saying that he hated the “Jew germ” and was going to help society by getting rid of such “waste”, says a great deal.
Yes, the Swiss were “neutral” but they not only mostly favored Nazi Germany-Austria but it was the Swiss bankers who kept the Nazi banking system which is the same banking system we have today totally intact both during WW2 and well as today.
Nor should any of you be distracted by the fact that my writings here today are not being broadcasted live over all the world’s TV networks or the fact that Steven Bailey is not the only other individual following along perfectly he continues to post up distracting crap on his FB wall.
Surely, you can all see that there really isn’t much difference between those of you indifferent than Little Corporal of WW1, Herr Hitler.
He simply had a little more imagination and a willingness to succeed.
In other words his lack of inherited wealth made him highly motivated.
You could see how if Hitler were alive today he could join the ranks of the multitude of Motivational Speakers.

Gary Gevisser Page 3 – Moral cowards

If we go back in time to just a couple of weeks before I broke my 24 year silence on 11.11.2004, when I was having my first telephone conversation with my highly literate, most secretive British-English mother Zena about Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book as I just read to her a handful of words, “… no male heirs…”
[chapter 18 of The D I book] 
my mother, after a moment’s pause announced, “ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED FOR YOUR LIFE!!”
It is very easy to see that none of you are my friends.
You have much more in common with my dirt 3 elder siblings, Kathy, Neil and Melvin and their Israeli lawyers-judges who have been murdering my mother Zena for the past 2+ years.
But can you really trust each other?
Of course you cannot.
So how do you in fact get yourselves out of a such a mess that you have created for each of you because each of you, while heavily brainwashed, are you own independent thinker, deciding for example what to eat at your next meal even if you decide to pluck something out of the closest toilet bowl, are supposedly independent thinkers?
I will spell it out.
You can continue to go down the path you have chosen and that does not mean you can expect great things to happen to you after you finally take your last breath or if in fact there is true justice finally coming to this barbaric society or follow in the footsteps of Ms. Christina Moritsch-Krall.

Gary Gevisser Brandon Platt, Ken Resnick, Lori Lecker, Lori Nichols


Page 4 – Moral cowards

Below are my postings on the FB wall of my deceased friend, South African-American David Cline [1947-2015], starting with a family photo from Passover 1966 I placed up on December 25, 2014:

 Page 5 – Moral cowards

The caption alongside the photo reads:
Cline + Gurwitz + Gevisser family – 1966 Pessach at Bernie + Zena Gevisser’s 2 flat apartment, Musgrave Heights, Durban, which featured a rock waterfall in outside patio. — with David Cline and 16 others.
3 individuals gave a “thumbs up”; Sona M, Jenny Rafter Jordaan and my first cousin Karene Gevisser Fisher who has been married at least a couple of times.
Today I placed another photo, taken in the same spot, entrance to my immediate family’s double flat, one below the penthouse, at Musgrave Heights, Durban, South Africa, a year later, Passover 1967:

Gary Gevisser


Gary Gevisser Page 6 – Moral cowards

Starting at 10:37 am Calif. time, and it is now 14:21 [a good series of numbers] I began:
Sona M, you had to come a “long way” to view that Passover 1966 photo on my FB friend David Cline’s FB wall.
You can see that I posted that photo on December 25, 2014.
7 days before, December 18, I sent the following FB message to David who is in the second to last row, second from the right, with his head squeezed to the right of my mother Zena who is in the third [to last] row, second from the right:
David hi, I read on Kathy’s [my sister] wall that you have cancer? If it is true, then you might already know that juicing organic fresh juice shouldn’t do you any more harm.
My beautiful F-C [French-Canadian] wife Marie Dion and I decided before we turned 50 that we didn’t want to get sick before changing our diet. 
Just food for thought!
Also, you commented on past photos. I have the most important one of our 2 families together for Passover [1967]; the most important person in the photo is of Janie Moshal Gevisser who you may not have said two words to, but she like her brother-in-law, my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser “never missed a beat”.
All the best,
Sona M, David who is 9 years, 9 months and 22 days older than me, was dead 2 months and 13 days later, March 3, 2015, which is just shy of 3 years and 9 months ago.
David’s personal contribution ceased on that day he took his final breath and he was most likely totally out of it some before that.
As you can see from his FB wall which obviously hasn’t been taken down, his friends continue to remember him fondly.
FB show that he read my first message, but not the one I sent on September 1, 2016, since of course he had long passed away, and it also meant that those monitoring his FB didn’t read it.
Below is what I sent:
I just sent the following to Vernon Solomon:
As a human you know your own state, helped by knowing the state of others. As a psychologist you are that much more intrigued.
There comes a moment when you look at how little sense you make to yourself and stop focusing on the personal conflicts of others, and where you are the exact same as the others and therefore get no joy and satisfaction from their conflicts.
That moment occurs when you are reminded either by your own brain or others such as me, of The Diamond Invention book.
You could have a very naive, simple sibling who is quiet and not all about money and only wants to please and avoids conflict as much as possible, and that describes extraordinarily few in this world, but the Diamond Invention book and me guiding you all through it, makes conversation with such a sibling impossible to bear.
So you withdraw and withdraw.
You feel yourself increasingly alone and your thoughts, “I only know my own state…”
You are FB friends not only with Mervy Jeff but my middle brother Melvin who you didn’t really know all that well. You also wouldn’t have known either my mom or dad all that well because I was not a talker and their goal was only that I had a lot of fun because I was aware from a young age that it is not a nice world out there with the human so two-faced.
Today I had planned to “lay into” my sister Kathy by explaining the weaknesses-strengths of the Waldorf educational system, which is probably the last thing she is expecting; and the way that I will approach it will have her that much more shocked.
That is because I am writing to you of all the 8 billion humans that currently occupy the planet; and I will of course do the same with countless others. 
Nor is this the first communication on this important subject because I started last evening with a 52 year old retired Israel Air Force pilot who has been assisting me in Israel find an honest lawyer to address my conflict with my siblings that will inevitably rock the world in the right direction, because it couldn’t possibly get any worse.
You would know that by remaining FB friends with me, you do not give Melvin all that much comfort, the same with Kathy. Neil, you don’t know at all but you would also expect him and his young new wife to be watching things very closely and FB allows that. 
We all know from what I have placed on my FB wall that they react quickly to what I have to say.
That has always been the case, and especially so after I broke my 24 year silence with De Beers on 11.11.2004 and they began to see how clueless they were about the real world and yet we all grew up in the same household.
In the course of the past going on 12 years they have regressed, the same with the rest of you and you can see it from your pitiful responses.
Kathy has to already be in a state of shock knowing that our “mutual” Facebook friends, and there are at least a couple who were classmates of her at high school, including her first boyfriend, Micha-el Frame, have yet to “jump ship” and join her team exclusively. 
Micha-el Frame’s close relation was South Africa’s largest textile manufacturer, Philip Frame who employed tens of thousands of workers including my mother’s second husband, Alan Zulman’s brother-in-law, Jonny Norris, who is one of the central witnesses to my siblings’ disgusting behavior towards A. Zulman in the final months and days of his life.
Yes, there was not one rich Jewish or non-Jewish South African who was honest, and nor did any of them share their ill-gotten gains equally with all their family members because that would have them broke by the time their extended family members going back to Christ and before, got their cut.
The fact that Alan Zulman had the hardest time getting Philip Frame to give his “fair share” to Israel has everything to do with the fact that Alan Zulman was naive about the business of “money creation”.
If Micha-el Frame who is an architect can understand all this, and I very much doubt that Micha-el is living off a trust fund of Philip Frame, but one can never be certain given how much quieter about their wealth are the smarter ones, then it is just going to be a question of time before my siblings sink into the deepest depression.
Everything turns out good in the end. 

Page 7 – Moral cowards

Sona M, September 1, 2016, was 7 days prior to writing to my sister Kathy, a very detailed, fact filled email which I titled, SITTING PRETTY:
It caused her to break her 4 year deafening silence as she responded the following day [September 9, 2016], all of which you can read in the hyperlink above.
What is most important and which everyone alive today in both those Passover photos some 51 and 52 years ago respectively, is how my sister “lays into” American lawyer Deborah Sturman Esq. who is the principal architect of the multi-billion Nazi slave wage settlement.
Nor should you bother focusing on the $1.25 billion stipulated in the agreement with the Nazi bankers who celebrated such a ridiculous settlement.
What I want you and others to focus on is the extraordinary distraction attempt by my sister Kathy who knew that I had caught her and my two elder brothers Neil and Melvin by their short-hairs, and Kathy realized that in order to get me off their back as the 3 of them defied so viley my very lucid mother Zena’s wishes, she had to hand me Deborah Sturman Esq.’s “head on a plate.”
So there you are over in India, seemingly “very open” as you provide for everyone to see your birthdate [November 1, 1980], much the same as David Cline and myself, wondering what if anything you can do to change this very dirty world?
If you are wealthy all you need worry about is whether the person you have washing your dirty socks is going to steal from you and then that is most certainly not the end of the world, especially if all they steal is a pair of socks.
What places everyone in the same boat; namely those doing the physical slave jobs which we all know they would prefer lounging out on a 650 foot yacht and sufficiently far away from the help cleaning the bedroom suits and preparing the lavish meals, to those being served “hand and foot” is Edward Jay Epstein’s, 1978 epic, non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention.
[hyperlink to Prologue of The D I book]

Page 8 – Moral cowards

Sona M, you are now 19 days into your 38th birthday, and it was 1 hour and 11 minutes ago when you acknowledged on Steven Bailey’s FB wall that you had begun to learn about the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which you can see that not one of all those “tagged” thought to get a plane to India and brief you.
Nor are any of them showing much of a sense of humor when they are increasingly deafening silent.
One of the greatest punishments for defying the “Laws of nature” is that you cannot possibly enjoy as much the joys of “coincidences” which you would expect to become less frequent as one gets more insensitive.
David Cline is not the only person who teaches us how very short is a healthy life, and nor is it any fun to die in pain.
Just earlier I sent out a bunch of invitations to David Cline’s other FB friends, and 2 of them accepted.
Christine Gardner Fiocca and Nicole Gawronsky.
Neither of these two women are likely to have heard of me, but of course I could be wrong.
When they see themselves tagged again on the “Capitalism” talk
they will undoubtedly better understand what is going on.
Page 9 – Moral cowards
One of the first things the two of them will realize is that there are a great many more than all those I have tagged who can only be my FB friends, know these very important truths which decide who amongst us is not only honest, but why when there is zero competition at the top of the DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] octopus pyramid for the money, how can there possibly be any distinction between the rich and the poor.
Now it is time to get into the “knitty gritty” of what has suddenly caused all the selfish, future shellfish to come out of their shell.
Let’s start with my FB friend, German-Austrian 7th generation Trust Funder Christina Moritsch-Krall, who quickly blocked me on FB messaging after I wrote on her FB wall and then began to immediately broadcast, How Hitler allowed your family
My last words to Christina MK before the block at 9:27 am Calif. time on November 11th, the 100th anniversary of the end of very bloody WW1, were in fact, “HELL 2FACETRUTH.COM“.
But then today, as deceptive, but not bright CMK saw my reference yesterday on the “Capitalism” piece to the debate, BRITAIN SHOULD NOT HAVE FOUGHT IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR
she removed the block at 1:59 AM and wrote:
Read up on ‘Russian revolution’ p
Note how she just hits the “p” key on the keyboard right after, like she is a very busy person in a very big hurry, so busy with other matters.
This one many Poverty of Thought [POT] individuals, but an extraordinary one given how her very poor conscience first of all has her seeing her Austrian parents-grandparents as “neutral” during WW2; and Austria was most certainly anything but a “neutral” country.
And she now wants to teach me modern day history?
I think not.
All CMK is trying to do is to distract.
She also knew that she could just have easily written on equally distracted Steve Bailey’s wall right below where I informed everyone about this most important debate which now has the moderator, Edward Lucas and the rest “running for cover”, as they realize a great deal is at stake especially for those “neutral” during WW2 as well as those living an incredible lifestyle fooling the people.
So, of course, I will be posting all this up on the “Capitalism” talk right after.
Suffice to say at 7:53 AM I replied to CMK:
Moral coward
At 11:09 AM which was just over 2 hours ago she replied:
“If you day so” [sic]
I placed her 4 words which amounted to “F.. off” within inverted commas followed by the Latin Adverb SIC meaning thus, so, because CMK misspelled “say”; and again, wanting to give the impression that she is very busy person.

Gary Gevisser Jason Coosner

Gary Gevisser Page 10 – Moral cowards

Following “…busy person” I added the following names:
