Do they really need to be told this?
Screnshot 17:27 France time, February 4, 2019
Why does government subsidize oil but not hemp? This is elementary. Do they really need to be told this?
Why does government subsidize oil but not hemp? This is elementary. Do they really need to be told this?
Cirilo B. Villarta, Timi Woody and 37 others
Gary Gevisser Denise have you already covered with me your formal education because I don’t remember you doing so?
It may not be important to others but to me it is a starting point in understanding your point view.
You spend a lot of time on Facebook and wouldn’t like to get more direction?
Denise Ward I pretty much educated myself. I only finished high school but always studied as I’m a studious kinda gal.
Gary Gevisser Let me think about that. I have 6 hours on a ferry to give it more thought. In the meantime check out my BLOG.
Gary Gevisser … but while it is on my mind; do you have currently a lover who you are fully satisfied with?
Denise Ward Gary Gevisser I’m not prepared to answer that question. I think it is rather rude actually.
Gary Gevisser Denise Ward I have thought more about it.
Have you started to read The Diamond Invention book which trips up a great many who have far more formal education than you?
You know that I’ve been recommending it to you from when we first got acquainted and knowing that going back to when I first became aware of it, and its presence greatly contributing to my decision on 11.11.2004 to break my 24 year silence with my former employer De beers-Barclays bank, that it would prove totally devastating to most literate humans on the planet including my 3 elder siblings who have gone from bad to worst possible.
So it is not surprising that you too are quiet when you know how easy it is for you to ask me all your questions.
Bear in mind that when I recently had dinner with the former French Vice Minister of Culture and Houbert Astier who you can easily research his past on The Internet, also quickly shut down, and so did his Japanese wife of 7 years who is a good 20 years younger.
Only the most unworldly would argue that the French despite their overall lack of knowledge about nutrition, the same with all western society, are not the leaders of the western world when it comes to our European culture and as Houbert and “Joko” [sic] would no doubt totally agree today that being cultured does not mean we are all smart or that culture amounts to all that much in understanding the money that drives all conversations other than sex unless one has sex in exchange for money which is mostly what attracts beautiful women to ugly fat old men.
I’m also quite sure you would have enjoyed thoroughly our dinner conversation as did a 24 year old Italian man Luca who is about to start his PhD studies at Bologna University in Geology which you know has a lot to do with minerals such as gold, platinum, uranium and water, even if given how light you appear to be in the subject of military-economics which I am most expert about and that came through in our dinner conversation that continued when we met again for breakfast on the Sunday morning before leaving Blieux, France for Lucca, Italy.
You would expect, however someone like Mr Astier who left the Ministry of Culture to become the Directeur of Versailles Palace which continues to host lavish parties for our puppet leadership, to be fully up on the military history of the world and in particular French military history especially after the defeat of French Corsican Emperor Napoleon who were he alive today and looking at the last photo I posted up on my fb Wall last evening would easily recognize that particular beautiful landscape of Cargése which recently had members of its community directly involved in the assassination of a French Prefect which again you can read up on should you have the desire.
Of course Napoleon could not be suffering from dementia otherwise he might not even be able to distinguish the sky from the sea.
Now try to imagine yourself witnessing in the flesh a most esteemed man such as Houbert Astier no longer being able to talk on a subject he believed he is most expert given how to even be considered for the second top position in the all important French Ministry of Culture you first have to excel in the advanced university courses which cater to the future leadership in the French civil service who the politician leadership such as the current Macron depend on greatly, perhaps even more than the military generals who are engaged in round the clock military planning where counterintelligence which is heavily dependent on covert-false flag operations, is the name of the game and therefore a political hack like Trump, Merkle, May and Macron realize they are better off meeting face to face with counterparts, again the likes of Trump and President Putin to “feel out one another”.
Please don’t think that I’m suggesting that Merkle is really a man trying to look feminine or that Trump is at heart homosexual.
I am simply teaching you military-economics in the most interesting way possible.
You like to talk a lot and I assume that is because you like an audience.
If you turn on the TV now you will notice that no one in the media is explaining why our puppet leadership need to meet in person when they could easily email one another encouraging each other to listen to what I have to say.
You want women to rule the world.
Why not try imagine yourself as president of the United States of America and your military advisors are suggesting that you tell the world you are pulling out of Syria and freeing up monies to build a wall with Mexico which will make those desperately poor in Mexico that much eager to cross over before the wall is complete and thus this slave refugee labor force will drive down that much more the cost of labor in the US all the while the US Mint will print and digitize more money to pay for more medical doctors and facilities to deal with the additional influx of labor across the border with De beers-Barclays Bank managing the inflation and deflation while keeping economists gainfully employed and mitigating the chances of them joining the very carefully nurtured terrorists.
Wouldn’t you feel that you have a better chance of figuring out the truth by meeting with your counterpart and observing their body language as much as what they say?
For example and let’s call you President Ward, and you are sitting opposite to President Putin, and you know from sales that the first to talk loses, but you also don’t want to look stupid in front of the cameras, so you might begin, “How’s the weather this time of the year in Moscow?” and so avoiding a cardinal sin in negotiating how best to draw Iran into another war with Iraq.
You would agree that president Putin spoke clearly to incoming President Barack Obama when Putin released on October 3, 2008, the photo of himself taken on September 5, 2006 with Uranium King Nicholas Oppenheimer.
Now let’s move on to matters that seem to trouble you most from when you wake up in the morning until you go to bed.
You demonstrate that you have a hard on for men. So isn’t it appropriate to ask you since I’m busy trying to end all wars, whether part if not all your problem with men is that you don’t have a great lover?
Feb. 4, 2019 – 14:30