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Coverup – Re: Zena [Gevisser] Zulman

From: GaryStevenGevisser <>

Subject: Coverup – Re: Zena [Gevisser] Zulman
Date: August 8, 2016 at 4:06:18 PM PDT
To: Deborah_NY Sturman <>

Dear Deborah,
The most important thing, we agree on fully; namely, let’s wait and see how Simon responds. 
Did you say he was expected back in Israel in the next couple of days? Do you think I should give him a couple more days to get settled? When do you plan on following up with him? Will you keep me informed?
Let’s now talk about Kathy’s emails to Kerry where Kathy does not reference the visit mad Neil made in April when he informed Kerry to her horror that he Neil, without mentioning anything about Alan, planned to sell my mother’s home and personal belongings. 
It also tells you about the sensitivity of Neil who you also think, as does Kathy, will treat my mother well. 
Nor did Kathy make reference to my emails a week earlier, June 7th as well as June 4th where I am questioning this diabolical decision to sell off my mother’s remaining assets – that would help keep her happy and alive – before she is even dead.
You know it is not so much what you say but what you don’t say that counts. It is also important to often times spell it all out because, as you know, any one of us can die in the next instant, and there should be no stone left unturned.
How dare my 3 siblings keep me in the dark about my mother’s healthcare needs especially when the “diagnosis” is “advanced dementia-alzheimers” when you simply need to be a reasonable person to know that such an individual would be best taken care of in the home they have had for 4 decades, and where her best memories are; plus her personal belongings would be no less soothing.
Remember we are dealing not in the past, but in the future healthcare needs of my mother who is not your typical mother and oblivious to what makes each of her 4 children tick.
Kathy’s most carefully crafted “Quick Hello-Goodbye” goes to the trouble of repeating 3 times words to the same effect, “Need your assistance… I am reaching out to you… Can you point me in the right direction”, and when Kerry responds promptly, giving Kathy her telephone number, there is only silence.
A reasonable person would therefore want to investigate further, especially since we are talking about inheritance monies which require the least amount of effort especially if you don’t care that much for the elderly person given how the elderly mother keeps forgetting your name and that of your only daughter. Plus, you must remember, that you are not my mother’s daughter Kathy, and therefore don’t know the history of my mother Zena and Kathy as well as me who has a perfect memory; and that of course bothers a great many who are too busy keeping track of their lies.
You would agree that only liars need good memories to keep track of their lies.
Kathy and my mother’s relationship has been “uneasy” ever since Kathy reached puberty. Her years at university in Cape Town did not mend the rift between my mother and her despite my mother letting Kathy stay in my mother’s one of a kind bachelor pad on Clifton’s 2nd Beach.
Nor did Kathy know her husband David’s import-export business as well as me and my mother who got all her education on that subject from me. Nor has Kathy or David forgotten that had I not picked up that David was about to get fully shafted, during a rare phone conversation I had with a South African auditor who was best friends with one of David’s South African partners, then David Danziger would have been lucky to make out better than the least successful panhandler operating in the poorest ghetto.
So he and Kathy feel on top of the world, and they sure as hell don’t won’t to be reminded of anything other than they are hugely successful entrepreneurs, and that they would know to stick to their knitting in what has made them financially successful.
Now you have a better idea of how Kathy and David have made their money.
There is no genius to buying low from a slave nation and selling in the 1st World at a large enough profit to live well and end up with a recent cash buyout of $40 million to add to their nest-egg, which you know can keep a lot of people quiet including Neil and Melvin. 
You only got Melvin right in terms of his lack of competency in his repeated disastrous personal life relationships as well as in business where he is an equally total disaster because he so aims to please everyone, and when it doesn’t go his way then his growl is no different to Neil and Kathy.
My mother Zena, a week ago last Saturday was totally brilliant in her description of me and my 3 elder siblings and of course a jury of our peers as well as non-peers would agree that there was no prompting whatsoever on my part. That was not the only time in the past couple of weeks when my mother Zena has been totally lucid. 
Moreover, weeks before we got to hear vividly my mother’s reaction to the proposal by Neil to sell her house and personal belongings in Wive. It was classic Zena Gevisser; and Kerry Anderson Malfesis when she heard that entire conversation, she was naturally overjoyed; and I later patched Kerry in on a call to my mother but the answering machine picked up and Kerry left for my mom a very happy message, which in all probability my mother never heard.
My mother’s response, “What idiot came up with that idea?” also allowed the penny to drop for Kerry, knowing that there was something very sinister with Neil’s original plan to sell my mother’s property and personal belongings.
Remember we are talking about who is best to be guardian of my mother’s healthcare and financial reserves.
You must remember that there was nothing fabricated in the 3 female clients of Neil’s that he was sleeping with in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, bringing criminal charges as well as a conviction against Neil. Both Neil and Kathy remember all that very well, including the judge asking Kathy to leave the courtroom as she laughed her head off at these innocent victims of Neil; none of which was ever lost on my mother. When you are touching a naked human body there has to be more than the Appearance of Propriety.
That there tells you about the sensitive nature of my two eldest siblings.
Neil also told Kerry a bold face lie about me, “Gary is hiding out in Spain, and cannot return to the United States”. How convenient that I am kept in the dark about my mother’s dementia and the such.
These 3 are scoundrels; and again a reasonable person would arrive at that just conclusion in a heartbeat.
A scoundrel shouldn’t be allowed one moment with a defenseless, aged lady who has clearly spoken her mind when she was in her prime. The very personal letters describing her and my relationship along with both my parents’ most meaningful possessions that were given to me show clearly how I was for good reason the most trusted, as well as my mother being very consistent just days ago because those in charge of my mother’s healthcare needs heard my mother expressing very clearly her annoyance of those tasked with her care not responding to her wishes; and so they promptly disconnected the phone; hence why I haven’t spoken to my mother since August 1.
You must look at what Kathy wrote Kerry in the context of the chronology before analyzing it thoroughly a way a good lawyer or healthcare official would examine the evidence.
Bear also in mind that there is not a lawyer, historian, English literature graduate, professor of philosophy or for that matter military intelligence officer who could have improved upon the first sentence in my first of four letters published in the Jerusalem Post on Feb 1. 2001, 222 days prior to 9/11:
The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.
It is very easy to talk in generalities about all the ills of the world, but my mother Zena would be the first to say, “Gary, you nailed it.”
Terrorism is a big and lucrative business for a great many talker humans but that doesn’t mean I was wrong for “nailing it”.
The fact that I can think as well as write stiletto like when need be, at the same time when necessary expand to provide a full brief which would only be helpful to an honest lawyer, I must do my best, and when that isn’t good enough, then I must do whatever is necessary.
Not one of my great many adversaries including EX-CIA Knuff who I still have never met or communicated with, have forgotten that one 32 word sentence or the 3 letters that immediately followed, or no less important, the egregious, miscarriage of justice $4 million TEXAS DEATH SENTENCE default judgment I received on January 21, 2011 when a great many things of consequence following the treason pardon of Rich, were bearing fruits for the architects of war-terrorism.
For good reason my mother Zena began to immediately sit shiva for me following my decision on 11.11.2004 to break my 24 year silence with global banker De Beers.
I know that you cannot explain how come I am still alive; and nor can I.
But I am.
I also use my remaining time most carefully, knowing that my adversaries continue to grow but they are no match against the truth-logic. 
Most importantly they do not have my peace of mind.
A liar never lives without fear. So yes, Neil, Kathy and Melvin are already getting their punishment, the same with all those who have wished us harm. 
The chronology begins with my wife Marie’s email to my father Bernie on June 7, 2006, and both Marie and I knowing that the entire email was directed at my 3 siblings in the carbon copy section because my father had no way to maneuver; i.e. he was stuck in Melbourne and having to bite his tongue more than ever; but of course, my father saw in Kathy what you have only very recently caught wind of; 
From: Marie Dion Gevisser 
Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2006 3:43 PM PT
Cc: Kathy Gevisser-Danziger –; Melvin Gevisser –; Neil Gevisser –
Subject: Gary’s SA flat.
Dear Bernie,
Gary has a knack in exposing the money trails.
Going from one country to the next impossible to trace unless you’re in the “know”, intimately involved, i.e. a trusted family member.
It all comes down to money, inheritance for everybody involved all the way down to the grandchildren..
What steps have you taken to make things right with regard to Gary’s flat in Sea point, Cape Town, South Africa?
Our next move is to start a paper trail of all the monies involved dating back to 1967 up to this day, from South Africa all the way to Australia via England not to mention Mr. Jost in Switzerland.
You and the family might not want all that exposure. It might be simpler to tell the truth.
PS – Of course Gary is in full agreement with me regarding this communiqué.
[Word count 141]
Difficult to make it more clearer than that.
Yes, Marie Dion can also write because she too can think very logically.
My sister Kathy, on the other hand, is very unaccomplished; and unaccomplished people are nasty and vindictive.
If nothing else this disgusting behavior of my siblings should get future generations of children to better gauge how the generations since the end of the American Civil War have gone about evaluating what it means to be accomplished; and if there is any weight placed on how much money one has accumulated, then you can only pity such individuals.
On November 7, 2007 when my father had his FINAL WILL witnessed and Kathy was also present, she didn’t have the brains to figure out that my father too had a perfect memory; and all Kathy would be looking at was all the praise my dad handed both her and me.
That tells you how quickly the wicked forget.
When my father died on August 27, 2012, Kathy who sent me his FINAL WILL was no less forgetful than she was on November 7, 2007; and that too would stand to reason.
The hyperlink above takes you to my dad’s FINAL WILL.
Once I read the will which was just a few days after my father’s death, I “hit the roof” but of course I was very calm with Kathy; and whatever shouting she heard was only from her own increasingly weak brain imploding. 
She knew that she was screwed.
She knew her husband David was screwed.
She knew Neil was screwed.
She knew Melvin was screwed given their deafening silence from June 7, 2006.
Kathy, Neil and Melvin have been plotting ever since my dad passed away. The only truth that has come out of Kathy’s mouth since was telling me a few days after my dad’s death that it was my dad’s final wish not only to send me and Marie the warmest, most heartfelt final greetings which he spoke into a recorder and that Kathy transcribed verbatim, but that I should only be informed about his death after he had been buried. 
Again, you see the very smart thinking of my father who knew that the first thing I would have asked for was a copy of his FINAL WILL given how I was not the dumbest student at university in DECEASED AND INSOLVENT ESTATES because in fact I was one of the best if not the best, and our professor also made it clear to me that I should not be too quick to share my thoughts with everyone in how best to prepare a FINAL WILL if there is any question about the integrity of the surviving heirs.
My dad knew that I would have immediately confronted all 3 of my siblings, and you know with Neil there is no way to know for sure if he wouldn’t turn violent; not that I would be afraid because I am more than capable of defending myself, but how the corrupt witnesses to such an event would have a field day tarnishing my reputation.
You also know that when it came to who should best answer the question why my immediate family didn’t leave Nazi Germany’s Third Reich’s Southern Division immediately after the Nationalist Party came to power in 1948, my father responded in writing so eloquently, “I suggest you ask my youngest son, Gary”. That was back on March 11, 2009.
13 days later, on my 52nd birthday, I received the following threatening email from ex-CIA Knuff’s Dallas lawyer, Allan Loewinsohn:


You wouldn’t need to be a rocket scientist to know how happy my former employer De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] were to see such an attack and be encouraged by the reaction of all the cowards.
So here I am being kept so in the dark only because the important truths I bring to the light are so disturbing for those who prefer the status quo, and to keep bitching about all the ills of the world and yet they do nothing apart from bitch when not also profiting.
Let’s look more carefully at Kathy’s very contradictory writings to Kerry; bearing in mind, proof is a function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof:
Will call you tomorrow xxx
JUN 19TH, 10:30AM
In Israel…
Chat Conversation End
Hi Kerry…hope you and Mom are well. Need your assistance. I will be very brief. Neil is in Israel. Alan is in hospital and in a bad way. For the past 20+ months since Mom’s memory has been going..she is still very much in the here and now and has feelings, he has treated her like a non person and has taken control of all their assets. He wants her to remain in Israel on his death and us kids want her back in her house…will need to get it re carpeted and painted, with her dogs. She needs 24 hour care and this is why I am reaching out to you. There is money for private care if NHS can’t provide it all. She needs to be near Neil and in her home and we can visit regularly. Can you point me in the right direction. Also can one bring in her carer from Israel…she is Fillapino and is amazing with Mom. Apart from her memory loss she is good. Love K
JUN 13TH, 10:07PM
Hi Kathy,
How lovely to hear from you. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and I would not wish what has happened to Alan on anyone. I agree with you that the best place for your Mom would be Wiveliscombe as that is the house that she knows and loves. Can you give me a ring on 01984 623157 and I will answer all your questions and help in any way I can.
Is Kathy saying that it is only for the past 20+ months that Alan Zulman has been treating my mother as a “non-entity”?
It sure sounds that way.
It sounds also that my sister is being very two-faced, which is not the right thing a guardian should be.
Remember we are not talking about getting a criminal conviction of a capital crime like premeditated murder, unless you think the criminal authorities should be involved.
To me, it should be about the preponderance of the evidence.
On their Facebooks they only say the most wonderful things about Alan Zulman.
Kathy’s FB posting for December 15, 2014 still reads.

Kathy Gevisser Danziger

Mom and Alan…what a great couple…looking good!
20+ months would include events on December 15, 2014.
In fact that posting took place 17 months and 29 days prior to Kathy’s, June 13th convenient assault on Alan Zulman.
Always bear in mind that I may not live to see a just court rule, so I must do everything within my power that the people, no matter how easily distracted are their brainwashed minds by the likes of “A Diamond is Forever-a Girl’s best friend” and the such; and only wishing they had the attention span of a gnat.
Dissecting carefully without changing any of the meaning, “For the past 20+ months since Mom’s memory has been going…he has treated her like a non person and has taken control of all their assets.”
What feelings was Kathy trying to convey on December 15, 2014, “Mom and Alan…what a great couple…looking good!”?
To bring out the best in Alan Zulman?
Has Kathy, Neil or Melvin shown you any evidence that they presented Alan Zulman with the photo and words she posted up on her FB “wall” in an effort to improve his treatment of my mother?
I very much doubt it exists.
When you give a crook anything, they also feel entitled to it along with the next thing that they can grab hold of. That is normal human nature for a corrupt being.
No one can say that I am corrupt, which of course is what bothers them the most about me, who you couldn’t corrupt with either a penny or all the money in the world. So I am different. My mother Zena has always known that I was very different to any of my 3 elder siblings.
It seems more and more that you are born with integrity or you are not.
I cannot begin to imagine how ugly this life must be if you don’t have integrity, and that would explain why it is that most people look so ugly and they cannot stop hating themselves.
But I cannot be bothered with all that because I have enough on my plate to think about at the same time feel only joy in my heart that I am blessed with the most optimistic outlook, and which again my mother Zena nailed without any prompting from me; and yes, it is totally shockingly true her assessment of my 3 elder siblings who my mother articulates as well as she ever has, “I don’t think they believe in anything” and then she laughs, showing her great sense of humor.
Have you ever known people when caught in their lies, to act mean in their coverup?
How much thought did you give to what took place right after you confronted the caregiver Mary-Lou for lying to you about her having up the phone with Kathy?
Probably not much.
But I think you should as you examine all the evidence.
Mary-Lou would know that you would only trust her if you didn’t care very much about my mother.
Kathy would also make her business to tell Mary-Lou not to take your admonishments personally.
Mary-Lou knows perfectly well what Kathy, Neil and Melvin are all about, and she too is also there only for the money that she knows Kathy is more than willing to dish out.
“They don’t believe in anything” matches perfectly with all 3 of their behavior.
It is an indictment of the Nth degree.
It also comes straight out of the mouth of a most brilliant woman who deserves much better than this.
Again, Zena Gevisser is no ordinary woman and it would take an extraordinary human to fully understand my mother.
A great many people derive great satisfaction in seeing a powerful, independent thinking woman looking physically vulnerable and these bastards always get up to great mischief if given the opportunity.
Are you ready to return to Israel with me?
I am prepared to leave in 24 hours if I can get you to join me.
“He wants her to remain in Israel on his death and us kids want her back in her house”.
Even if Alan Zulman were to have planted the idea in Neil’s head that the best thing was to sell my mother’s property and personal belongings in England, it did not mean that Neil was powerless to think.
Remember Kathy goes on to say “She needs to be near Neil” who has taken on a new wife who is more than half his age, and Neil has told Kerry that the deal he has with Emma is that she will get all his property for taking care of him into his old age.
Right, can you imagine were Neil to reach my mother’s age, and instead of people saying, “Emma, is Neil your father?” they would be questioning the dosage without necessary saying anything because they wouldn’t want to come across as being impolite?

BTW, I have caught Emma and Neil both lying through their teeth on Airbnb, and which I have previously covered ad-nausea.
Neil never mentioned to Kerry that it was Alan Zulman’s idea because the idea of Alan giving such an instruction is preposterous UNLESS of course Alan Zulman had gone nuts from all his medication, which of course is possible.
Still Neil who you say has been his old self and most abusive towards, you as well as Alan Zulman when he didn’t need my mother’s second husband, was clearly not a puppet when meeting with Kerry because Kerry didn’t see strings attached to Neil’s head, limbs and torso when he was speaking with her.
Neil, Kathy and Melvin’s lack of response to my enquiries once hearing from Kerry such insanity speaks volumes of their culpability.
Nor do they think grabbing the cash now from the sale of my mother’s home and furnishings was insane because they felt they could make better use of the monies.
The fact that they changed their minds when I confronted them with their egregious, most heartless intentions, does not change the history or who they are today.
The fact that they didn’t get away with their evil intentions must be a permanent part of the record.
Corrupt people are very easy to figure out because they are only about money.
Bear in mind Alan Zulman was no doubt the love of my mother’s life, until very recently when it is possible that my mother in the quietness of her mind found that she had nothing virtuous to say about Alan Zulman who only got upset with me because I began to tarnish his self-image as the savior of Israel.
Of course you and I may still have a difference of opinion about how much if any money Israel needs to survive, but that doesn’t mean I am wrong when I can provide the irrefutable evidence of exactly who Israel needs to talk with if she has any financial needs, and that no one chooses at this time to debate with me; the same as my very crystal clear findings about the outrageous Marc Rich pardon which of course has triggered all my problems with those profiting from war on the poor, and that would of course include the remaining Holocaust victims who have yet to live like Kings.
There can be also nothing amazing about a caregiver who tells you, a trusted emissary of both my mother and Alan Zulman that she has hung up the phone with Kathy and you see with your own eyes that Mary-Lou is letting Kathy eavesdrop on your private conversations which for good reason should not be heard by very conniving Kathy Danziger who should have her mouth washed out with soap, as my mother would say.
All the following fill-in talk about “There is money for private care if NHS can’t provide it all” is intended to be distracting, at the same time to smooze Kerry who of course hadn’t forgotten her conversation with Neil just two months before.
When Kathy first writes that Alan Zulman, “has taken control of all their assets” it would mean that he is in control of my mother’s property and personal belongings in Wive. Kerry does not have access to the Wive property where all the personal property including valuable diamonds will have also disappeared, so why even bring that up with Kerry?
Now you tell me that Alan Zulman was in support of such an insane action which means that Kathy, Neil and Melvin did in fact, as Kathy writes, have access to my mom’s property and personal belongings; and for that to be Alan Zulman would have given them permission; and therefore it is TOTAL BULLSHIT that Alan Zulman has “taken control of both their assets”.
I know, as you know, a little about the law, starting with contract law, where the basic tenet is that whatever agreement the parties to the contract agree to, there cannot be “duress”. Any undue influence makes the contract null and void, whether it be a land treaty between the defeated Native American Indians and the mostly White Settlers from Europe or a FINAL WILL that has been entered into when the witnesses witnessing the signature could be either bought and/or incompetent without the will preparer being any the wiser.
I also know about how very easy it is to buy judges all over the world, including in the State of Texas and California.
I am a victim of that, but that hasn’t made me a defeatist; quite the contrary, I won the moment the CIA allowed the filing of the fraudulent and totally fabricated defamation lawsuit to continue against me, as it was a defamation on me; at the same time exposing what a total farce is the CIA and all those government institutions that provide the CIA with the Appearance of Propriety.
The best way to tell if someone is genuinely happy, is to look and see if they feel happy. If they feel dejected, like they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, then you are obviously not looking at me or Marie.
Kathy’s total lack of follow up with Kerry shows that all her words, “I am reaching out to you” were anything but sincere.
I am not saying that Kathy, Neil and Melvin should be put to death, drawn and quartered but they should not be allowed to get away with their heartless actions towards my mother.
They all know that I am my mother’s favorite child even when my mother would say things to others which might have them question how much my mother cares for me, because for good reason my mother has sought to protect me at all cost following my courageous move on 11.11.2004, because she raised me to be good and courageous.
When I talk I make a lot of common sense. 
You cannot say the same about the wretched no matter how numerous in number.
Kathy’s talk and her lack of follow up, knowing that she was only trying to cover up their diabolical plan to make off with the proceeds from the sale of my mother’s house and the personal belongings that they have not already stolen, shows that she is not only all talk but doesn’t know when to shut up.
Do you have any further advice? 
Nor should you think I am not most appreciative of you coming through at this time. I cannot thank you enough.


On Aug 8, 2016, at 12:24 PM, Sturman, Deborah_NY <> wrote:
Dear Gary,
Let’s see how it goes from here. I didn’t find Kathy’s email so terrible. She misstated Alan’s views, but so what? She might have misunderstood. That is no “smoking gun.”
All the best
From: GaryStevenGevisser [
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 1:01 PM
Subject: Zena [Gevisser] Zulman
Dear Mr. Simon,
I am Gary Gevisser, my mother Zena Zulman’s youngest child.
After Alan’s passing, I want to make sure my mother is properly cared for. She will obviously continue to need a full-time carer, but will also now need a guardian.
As the executor of my mother and Alan Zulman’s estate I trust that you will be someone who can take care of these important matters. I don’t have particularly good relations with my 3 siblings, Neil, Kathy and Melvin, and would therefore like to participate in any decisions regarding my mother’s care. My mother’s care is the highest priority. May I ask you to help with whatever legal matters must be resolved to have the proper guardian appointed for my mother? 
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible in this regard as my mother’s guardianship is now in limbo since Alan’s passing last weekend.
Sincerely yours,
Gary S. Gevisser
