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Radical call for love

From:” <>
Subject: Radical call for love – Re: Yes, we are still alive and kicking – Got intelligence
Date: April 4, 2020 at 5:59:52 PM GMT+2
To: “Michael Tordu-The Coward Awerbuch – Sees his service with the Apartheid Regime’s cowardly military as Military Finishing School.” <>

Cc: rest; De Beers – Ernest Slotar Inc. who last communicated with Gary S. Gevisser in a taped phone call on March 24, 2008, G.S. Gevisser’s 51st birthday – see – RESOURCES – GARY GEVISSER & DE BEERS” <>, David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <>, “Alan Lipworth – former junior partner of Codiam Inc., whose principal is Stephen Cohen. Cohen’s one uncle was Sol Moshal, managing director of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970]. My grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970] owned the control block of shares with my father Bernie Gevisser [1923-2012]. Sol Moshal’s one granddaughter, and first cousin of Alan Lipworth was murdered, Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Sol Moshal’s favorite nephew was David Gevisser “male heir” of German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971], the “control person” of the banking-mining monopoly, De Beers-Oppenheimer-Anglo American Corporation-Barclays Bank.” <>, “Jesse Angelo – CEO and Publisher of The New York Post. On July 8, 1999 Angelo penned FAX: FUGITIVE FRANKEL A FAILED FENCE that detailed a fax sent by Frankel to Alan Lipworth the same day Frankel’s Greenwich, Conn. mansion went up in flames. The fax said that Frankel needed the stones by May 7, The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California. Essakow was an officer in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, “Adele Strous {Im not interested in history of Israel} Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Essakow was on Israel ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser” <>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Unchallenged Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <>, Nicholas & Jonathan Oppenheimer c/of Leila Jack The Brenthurst Foundation <>, “Natie Kirsh – Front person for De Beers who in 1969 purchased the public corporation Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that was formed in 1910 for significantly less than liquidation value.” <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2018] which is controlled by President Putin-Oppenheimer.” <>, “Martin Rapaport of Rapaport Report – liason between Gary S. Gevisser and Harry Oppenheimer, Chairman of the Board, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation for the period 1978-1980. In 1978 De Beers began, using their premier European Bank, Barclays Bank, to wipe out all the resisting Israeli diamond merchants; by early 1980 the job was complete. See Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 The Diamond Invention book, chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.” <>, “Mike Behr – Daily Mail journalist investigating Internet Gambling King, Martin Moshal” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, Peter Thiel c/o Flyrlabs <>, Elon Musk <>

Radical call for love

Think about this.
If you are about the money but couldn’t figure it out, what makes you think you can begin to get your head around Intelligent Design?
It did not escape my attention your incredible lack of articulation “Please price me wing …
but I did pick up that at least subconsciously you wanted me to get you the pricing of an uncooked chicken wing.
I offer knowledge including who to reach out to at the very top of the pyramid without taking to the streets.
Most who join the military quickly realize that the military do not want transparency because they don’t want the enemy to know the battle plans which include most always decoys.
So they accept orders on the basis that everyone needs to know only on a “need to know basis” and therefore to never question orders no matter how idiotic they may sound.
Consequently before joining any military it is incumbent upon future “combatans” [sic] first of all not to shoot themselves in the foot because it will also hurt.
No less important a future combatant does want to retain at all times their common sense.
If as in your case you decided to join the Apartheid Regime’s military because you saw it as in your words, “Military Finishing School” and what better and easy target than to shoot defenseless black African school children in the back which didn’t only occur in Soweto township back in 1976 around the time you signed up and got your uniform and gun, then it would be hard to expect that common sense is your strong point.
You are more likely to speak more nonsense as you also age poorly which is not to suggest that as time passes you lose your bad temper less often.
Most future combatants join the world’s military because they are economically poor and want to advance as quickly as possible to improve their pay scale.
Not even the world’s best military, the Israel Defense Force [IDF] teach new recruits that the purpose of military is not so much to defend against aggressors as it is to get military weaker peoples to be your slaves.
Let me go through that with you one more time and then you have the time and patience to read it as many times as you like.
To properly defend against an aggressor especially one such as those who surround the fledgling State of Israel who numerically outnumber Israelis 10 to 1 and also backed by the world superpowers who to keep their respective war machines operating back all sides to war, and these not always friendly neighbors procreate at an alarming rate throughout the globe, one has to “give no quarter”.
Tordu, I will assume that the only time you can make yourself sound intellectual is either to use Google a lot, and of course you have plenty of time for that, or you get someone to help you write.
Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel at 4 feet and 11 inches tall, was in fact not only a mental giant but he was an amazing and fearless street fighter which is not something he felt the need to promote. He also liked to have the best fighters protecting him at all times and that is why they were mostly women.
If you look at elephants, they are all matriarchal, the same with lions. The males get booted out pretty early.
If you look at each of the 3 [major] religions they are exclusively patriarchal.
I was not around, at least as best as I know, when the 5 books of Moses was first drafted, but had I been, I would have questioned why us humans weren’t following the path of the strongest wild animals, and the strongest a herbivore.
What is so great about placing women as second class citizens to men unless you long term goal is to show how stupid are men who are mostly those who read from the Torah scrolls.
The first thing about us Jewish people that we learn at our first Hebrew lesson is that the word, “Israel” translates directly into the English, “Wrestle with God”.
When we enquire further we are not told that to practice our judo that we must only practice with God because that would be tantamount to walking in the street alone and talking to yourself.
You need to have a positive outlook at all times when studying our Jewish torah-bible because there are things in it that are so totally stupid that it is no surprise that there are so many Jewish comedians.
Now if I can get all the Jewish comedians to go quiet then we will all be hearing less of the very Jewish joke, “Put 10 Jewish people in a room, you get 11 arguments.
In preparation for this response, I reached out to a number of facebook friends including one former US Navy sailor who in response to my question, “Didnt they teach you when you joined the Navy that the purpose of military power is to get military weaker people to be your slaves? If not was that not common sense?” wrote the following:
No, they don’t teach that. And when deciding between the most cruel stage of Crony Corporatocracy, with little to no support from family or free education in meteorology, the choice seemed    easy at the time.
Some are born with gold spoons in their mouths, I got a dirty wooden one and on those rare occasions, got to use a spork.
Not a single person alive picked their parents.
I think, but I’m not sure that this fellow felt stupid and decided to go overboard, and if he could tell me his whole life story, he would.
I am not saying that he didn’t try, but I kept a tight rein on him and finally he agreed after I kept coming back to the question, “Didn’t they inform you when you joined the Navy that the purpose of military power is to get military weaker people to be your slaves?”.
Not even in the IDF’s officers’ courses do they teach that the purpose of military power is to get military weaker people to be your slaves.
They expect the intelligent IDF officers to figure that out quickly once they learn that Ben Gurion understood perfectly at the beginning of Israel’s War of Independence that officially began on May 15, 1948 after a great deal of preparation work, that the Arab aggressors were going to ultimately outperform us Jewish people in reproduction and therefore either to keep killing the strongest until the IDF ran out of bullets or the soldiers got too tired and wouldn’t be able to defend themselves in a counterattack or to long before the dust settled when a truce took place in the first week of 1949 to rebuild the strongest army possible to negotiate a lasting peace with the warring Arab and non-Arab neighbors. 
Peace though is war if at the negotiating table your side comes away having to work harder than the other side.
As I explained to this former US Navy person, the poor of the world are decided by whose side they are on, and therefore unless the negotiators are bought then the victorious side should have the poorest no less rich than the richest on the other side who were defeated.
So why is it that there are poor on all sides while national leaders down to the smallest politician on the winning side say they are fighting for the poor and doing things like putting up walls to stop poor immigrants crossing from neighboring countries from taking both their jobs and a burden on the social services?
All the politicians are lying.
So it is about how to fool the people into thinking that price wars between competitors in one region protected by the same judiciary and forces have nothing to do with what takes place when diplomats meet to decide things like loans to other governments from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Commission and the accompanying interest rates on those loans, repayment schedules, tariffs on exports and import duties, etc etc and their thinking is that so long as they create enough paperwork showing how hard they hammered out agreements, no one would pay any attention to their ever improving lifestyles.
You may have noticed that not many Israeli prime ministers since Ben Gurion have gone on to lead modest lives.
Can you think of one diplomat anywhere in the world who is currently a street person?
You have consistently questioned in very general terms, of course, my education because you are defensive and know better than to ask for example why someone like Roger W. Robinson who I have known intimately since he joined the top secret National Security Council in March 1982, the same year future clients of mine Simon & Schuster published Epstein’s The D I book, before going on to be the inaugural chairman of the all powerful U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission starting in October 2002 would give me the time of day, rather than someone like yourself. CLICK HERE
If you are a fat cat you are just going to listen and distract whenever possible so to not draw attention to yourself while attempting to ingratiate yourself with those financially richer and more powerful, forever fearful of finding yourself out on the street.
The people don’t need to wait for the corrupt politician to vote from remote locations, they can spread the word knowing that the truth doesn’t change and nor is the human all knowing, while needing to predict human behavior which is showing in this Corona Virus pandemic most impossible to model.
What sort of power do you [have] as a street person? 
Certainly not as much as someone in a safe spot, food in their stomach and an electronic communicating device. Such a person could also be working in a place like Buckingham Palace and sick to death with all their nonsense including the next time the Queen speaks to the people to reassure them that tightening their belts will have them forgetting her pedophile son Andrew and his failure to cooperate with the American authorities as he had promised during his obscene, most self-incriminating speeches on BBC TV.
Unemployment is only partial. It is most certainly not the stipend Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry receive for their team.
Unemployment is not full pay and if you are only earning $300 a week, it is not enough, and the entertainment value of watching pitiful royalty does not hold off the hunger pains.
If you are a student and don’t have rich parents, it makes it all the more difficult for mathematicians to do the economic modeling.
If you are a small Navy person with a wife and kid are you going to let your child starve?
Once you look at how things are priced and who exactly is behind the fixed pricing of everything using the war machine or threat of using the war machine, will the Navy sailor, Marines, Air Force pilots, Special Forces personnel fight?
This same group of easily identified mineral monopolists at the very top of the pyramid who have no loyalty to country, race or religion are also, like their royal families profiting the most from the illogical in the extreme inheritance laws.
The price fixing, well spelled out in Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention, starts with the government monies which are bought and sold using price fixed diamond currency which is the currency of choice for the most important insurance market, De Beers-Oppenheimer controlled Lloyd’s of London who have imposed now for the past 3 decades a ban prohibiting American citizens and American corporations from investing in Lloyd’s which set the price of insurance worldwide all the while the US Congress nor the Governors including New York State Governor Cuomo have reciprocated by preventing Lloyd’s from selling their insurance products to Americans and American corporations and so are they and the world media deafeningly silent while pushing patriotism, team spirit and standing while saluting the flag.
Nor are we talking about some regular mafia family. These German-South African Oppenheimers should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg.
That is the real world as much as much as what realistically is the choice of the sailors on board the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt?
Stay home and demand the slow moving bailout?
They are going to be kicked out of their apartment.
Nor does the truth go away.
Truth is that which does not change.
If it turns out that Elon Musk has no conscience like the rest of you, then still it won’t sit well with the rest of you wanting to believe that everyone is corrupt.
We could all die at any moment were an accident to occur on a nuclear aircraft carrier, forget a mutiny where the first aircraft carrier fleet to raise the white flag signals game over.
Now the chances of everyone being stupid and wanting the price of everything to be set by the people who want the sheep human kept stupid and only rewarding those who support war, is quantifiable were we to poll every literate human.
There is something more important to consider; namely the jealousy factor which exists within each household who is all about the money; and let’s face it, that is pretty much everyone.
You may have been too preoccupied to realize that Elon Musk may not marry this idiot who may simply have wanted his child with her clock ticking; and if he does it does not mean they will remain together forever.
Still to have a child is because you either believe in Intelligent Design [I D] or you are unconscious to bring a child into this world.
Most important David Berlinski has not ruled out I D and nor have other intelligent non-religious humans.
Moreover, the fact that I have yet to come across one intelligent religious person, does not have me thinking that there are many intelligent religious people.
Tordu, you know as well as me and everyone else who has failed to rally to your cause that you are not bright and mean spirited, the two going hand in hand.
You only stopped applauding me when you decided that your money motivation was not strong enough to overcome your cowardice; just to remind you that once a coward, always a coward.
Worse than that you have long lost pride in your body thinking that your weak gift of the gab would make you so filthy rich that your money would attract you a trophy wife.
Why not tell us exactly what you have done with your life since writing to me on August 8, 2011:
From: Mike asasin
Date: August 8, 2011 4:48:31 PM PDT
To: Gary S Gevisser
Subject: Re: Threatening phone calls following interception of our emails.
Reply-To: michael
Gary I’m sitting in my car outside city hall Alameda looking at the Police Station, and asking myself, what the hell am I doing here????
With the greatest respect to your dedication and discipline, I’m at this stage done!! I’m about to start my car and move on from this issue completely!
I respect your writings and I appreciate the US constitution, but for me this fight is not mine!!! I’m not a coward but you and Knuff need to work this out, and I need to look in my own plate..
Rgds Michael
“… need to look in my own plate..”. You were so nervous that you probably went and ate a triple McDonalds cheese hamburger, fries and coke.
Why write “I’m not a coward” unless you knew you were a coward.
A coward turns quickly into a bully.
But your attempts to bully me have not worked.
They have backfired.
You have been consistently frying your brain while trying to win followers.
Can you name one of your followers or are they too cowards?
The fact that you find yourself in the same boat as multi-billionaires also just waking up to how horribly fooled they have been by a group of people who never appeared on their radar screen as being either that rich or powerful, is no consolation.
All you can therefore wish for is for bad things to happen to me and those weak negative thoughts you also know are eating up your insides.
And it gets worse, much worse in fact because you know perfectly well that you lack the intellect to focus on what will happen to you in the next life.
Not every worm human comes out of its tomb a beautiful butterfly.
How much did you donate to Jared Aufrichtig, and you must notice how pitifully poor are the contributors so far, $100 in total? [You must feel some level of huge embarrassment.]
If you were to run a charity drive to help get us back to the United States how much would we get?
Are you suffering from the virus which might add to your mental health problems?
While I have you, and given how convincing you are, but still obviously lacking a great, beautiful lover which is what I wake up to every morning for the past quarter of a century, and it doesn’t get as picturesque beautiful as on the water’s edge of the most beautiful part of the world’s most beautiful island Corse, and yes the French language is for good reason the language of love and just as good when the French accent is spoken in English, why don’t you try reaching out to mathematician-philosopher David Berlinski’s daughter Claire Berlinski who just very recently became one of my now 17[2]9 odd facebook friends and try to convince her to unfriend me?
Check out David Berlinski’s Wikipedia profile and one of the examples he uses to negate “no win Darwin” is the sexual cannibalism of redback spiders:
Spider cannibalism is the act of a spider consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as food. In the majority of cases a female spider kills and eats a male before, during, or after copulation. Cases in which males eat females are rare.
Bear in mind that if it turns out that the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything is the existence of a “Higher Power” which I prefer the designation, “Higher Energy Reaction” [HER], everything has a purpose including each and every tiny ant.
The fact that all lifeforms including blobs have to eat, and the healthier one eats the easier is the important exercising of the muscles without feeling the need to bulk up, but to remain slim, trim and strong throughout one’s lifetime, requires unimaginable engineering.
Us humans have yet to begin to even understand how the brain works and so it would make sense that we cannot answer the question if there is a Creator who created the Creator?
Imagine if we knew the answer to that question, would the human behave even more atrociously than it does now?
Yes, is most probably the answer.
Look how violent the human reacts to finding out that it has been fooled by the IN GOV WE TRUST sic money.
GOV, short for government, is close to the word God.
Could it be that the female spider needs energy before laying her eggs and/or she eats the legs of the male to make sure he stays the duration?
Even though I know you are no expert on human sexuality, at least what an exotic, beautiful elegant, perfect body shape, a face to die for woman demands in her lover, this spider cannibalism is a big enough matter that specific in his wording because his mind is precise David Berlinski provides as an example in debunking the theory of Darwinism, and which I first addressed in a Tweet to Elon Musk who is also quite mystified by sex, specifically the pleasure of sex which is not essential in Darwinism’s “survival of the fittest”.
But there is more, such as the development of language that is totally mind-boggling and which supporters of Darwinism know not to touch with a 100 foot pole, and nor do the fake religious because that in turns begs the question from an aware human as to why on earth would the Creator need a human messenger when the rest of nature is totally perfect, and is in constant communication with its environment including the humans.
Wikipedia’s profile of Berlinski who I have listened to a lot also provides a good summary:
In summary, he asserts that some skeptical arguments against religious belief based on scientific evidence misrepresent what the science is actually saying, that an objective morality requires a religious foundation, that mathematical theories attempting to bring together quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity amount to pseudoscience because of their lack of empirical verifiability.
No less interesting in my opinion is:
Berlinski shares the movement’s [Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, a Seattle-based think tank that is a hub of the intelligent design movement] disbelief in the evidence for  evolution, but does not openly avow intelligent design and describes his relationship with the idea as: “warm but distant. It’s the same attitude that I display in public toward my ex-wives.
It is the “display in public” that most catches my mind’s attention.
There are many things Berlinski who is a secular Jewish person could do with his time than belong to an I D movement.
Scroll down to my posting on the facebook wall of a journalist who lost his job yesterday which I wrote before coming across your email in my inbox.
Back to Darwin and Elon Musk who if he saw my Tweet yesterday to the future mother of his 6th child might decide amongst many important things to give up the milk.
It was on October 17 of last year, the day before what would have been my father Bernie’s 96th birthday:
Why is Darwin not going away?

The question is, “How many coincidences does it take….?”
When copying the link to the Tweet which you see below
I noticed that there were 254 “impressions” which is not quite as large as my January 30th reply to a Musk Tweet which currently has 3154 impressions:
On September 5, 2006 Oppenheimer, when meeting with President Putin, shows his power.
Why bother with terrorist financier Marc Rich’s successor, Ivan Glasenberg-Glencore when you can negotiate, cutting out the middlemen.

Keep … your enemies even closer.

BEat healthy.
Coincidences-ESP are quite divergent from “random mutations” which is the cornerstone of Darwinism thinking which does not mean that coincidences are an illusion because we all know that they are very real.
Moreover, it is a proven fact that gene mutations mostly turn out negative, but man has become the dominant species and it is mankind, the oxymoron of all time which is responsible for the extinction of species, so much for us humans being the top dog.
Again, David Berlinski makes a profound assessment:
Darwinism is not a sufficient condition for a phenomenon like Nazism but I think it’s certainly a necessary one.
Tordu, I know this is well above your pay scale which is not to suggest you will be counting the years as you move up from your future selfish-shellfish and nor are Great White sharks all that slow to chop off the head when you move up the food chain to turtle, but you might decide to swim less unless that is the only exercise you can get that takes the weight off your aching knees and hips.
Nor does Quantum Mechanics which governs all small matter starting with atoms which everything is made of, and also the number of atoms in the universe is finite, all going back to soon after the start of the Big Bang explosion when things began to cool a little which was some 300,000 years later, negate ESP because both mathematically as well the result of the repeated Double Slit experiment there is strong support of ESP within Quantum Mechanics.
So you are continuing to talk diamonds, specifically my mother Zena’s diamonds in her broach  
which has not gone missing because it has been stolen like the rest of her property.


Just yesterday I was looking for the taped phone conversation I was having on March 24, 2008, my 51st birthday with a South African diamond dealer in Chicago who had called and left a message earlier in the day. Ernest Slotar’s intention was to intimidate me to stop – CLICK HERE.
When placing the cursor over “CLICK HERE” above you are taken to a verbatim transcript of our phone call by a veteran American Navy nuclear power and armed submarine Sonar Operator who had received 4 commendations for going above the call of duty. In other words Jason Ritchie’s hearing and reasoning skills are no doubt better than yours bearing in mind that you proudly proclaim that you considered your service in the South African Apartheid Regime’s brutal and cowardly military as a “Military Finishing School” which of course is now your legacy.
The link below takes you to the recording:
The link below is the voice message that Slotar first left:
When understanding how upset is Ernest Slotar about The Diamond Invention book notice how well he remembered the size of the one diamond which my mother Zena and I had given him 29 odd years prior to sell right before I joined his principal and only supplier Codiam Inc. in New York City; and both my mother and I knowing that not only would Stephen Cohen have given us a much better price, but if I wasn’t happy with that price, I could have crossed the pond to London and Harry Oppenheimer would have been most obliging.
Oppenheimer is dead, but I am still very much alive and kicking and so is both my one of a kind wife Marie Dion who is mostly quiet but no fool and so is our doggy Mango.
You Tordu are the biggest ass, and I am not only talking about your fat backside.
Again, they would rather die than let go of their ego. [CLICK HERE]
You simply don’t know when to be quiet which must be both your fate and your fat talkative cells feeling the need to compensate for your increasing lack of mobility.
It would also make sense that all those who are silent which is most everyone is because The D I book bursts each of their bubbles to smithereens.
Important MIT professor Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai is waiting to see everyone’s reaction, like everyone else.
The SA Oppenheimers do not only control the educational curriculum but the TV thinking which has most everyone not focused on health; and the health of the economy should only be the health of the people and the planet which is a total disaster because that is what all warmongers who are the greatest profiteers of chaos seek most without however expecting what is simply a bad case of the flu exposing the Achilles Heel of capitalism which is as horrific as the worst case of communism when you have a murderous monopolist in charge of the whole game; instead the idiots are focused on the money.
Again, people don’t talk politics; they repeat what they hear; “Beware of the Yellow Peril”; they just want to create hatred. No profit in peace. [CLICK HERE]
To be focused on the money for a moment when it is as manipulated as price fixed diamond currency is something that Saturday Night Live might be able to pull off once.
This has now been going on since the contrived stock market crash of 1929.
Everyone thinks, at least before reading The D I book that they were at least smart about money even if they were not as rich as the SA Oppenheimers who are happy to make billionaires out of tons of people, and no matter the color of their skin or religion.
But they most prefer Jewish clown billionaires like George Soros because they can’t get enough mocking Jewish people because by and large Jewish people try to impress the world that they are “money smart” with few exceptions such as Bezos and Warren Buffett who in May 2000 threw in the towel and officially joined the Oppenheimers who don’t pay any attention to the net worth of any person or corporation because they operate the same way an aircraft carrier fleet captain is supposed to do their duty which is to facilitate those public officials who negotiate trade agreements with military weaker nations.
While the world has yet to catch on as to the dereliction of duty by the captain of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt it is most certainly not lost on his superiors who were not only caught ill-prepared which shows their greater dereliction of duty, but the captain’s superiors hope that their so public scolding will stun the world like the entire planet got hit with a neutron bomb which left us with all the ugly buildings that modern man has constructed to house its explosive population and the work they mostly do breeds more consumerism, more depletion of the scarce resources and more affliction on the more sensitive animals to feed to sick guts.
Nor is this error by such a carefully vetted captain capable of starting nuclear Armageddon without getting a green-light from the Commander In Chief Trump who was not patriotic when using his inherited wealth to avoid the Vietnam draft unseen to the Chinese who don’t sleep or President Putin or for that matter President Trump who when provided his briefing would not have lost sight on how this incredible error by the captain of America’s most advanced nuclear powered and armed aircraft carrier fleet can easily result in Trump and his son-in-law finding themselves broke when Trump finally leaves the White House.
Tordu, again why not approach Claire Berlinski; moreover who else do you have to talk to as who in their right mind would want to spend this confinement time with you.
To understand why smart Berlinski says QM and General Relativity are incompatible you first have to understand General Relativity which very few do and why it is important that Einstein names only one human on the planet when applauding South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts “One of 11 men in the world who understands conceptually the Theory of Relativity”.
Moreover, the more you look at the physicists seeking more grant money to do ever more computer graphic simulations in their documentaries, all in an effort to keep filling their nest eggs, they look worse than palm readers and astrologers and you can see it on their faces if you look hard enough.

Time is integral to GR.
Everything is in a different position at any point in time including each of the atoms that say make up the liver which can only take so much abuse from poison alcohol, meat, liquified meat, mercury fish, duck, chicken and Egg Yuk before it packs in, and causes a ripple effect making the short-fuse human that much more hot-tempered. 
In QM-Physics there is no time element. One and everything can be in different positions and we are talking about identical particles which can make up say an ant or a whole human being, and which is easy to display using computer animation-graphics, but the human mind cannot go there because we [are] limited to warped space and time.
The human can only explain QM-P using Extra Sensory Perception [ESP] but ESP cannot be repeated by one direct experiment after the next.
QM-P operates like all of non-human nature in the instant and is totally unpredictable.
Remember though, all of us humans are comprised of the identical atoms that are functioning in the instant but it is our minds which are confined by GR, and our minds we barely know other than we know that our minds control our free will to make both good and bad decisions.
Bad decision for a Jewish boy to join the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime’s military and police forces who thought nothing of shooting defenseless black African school children in the back.
So of course you don’t want to hear anything of the past.
The past, present and future all come together in Quantum Mechanics; that which goes forward must work in reverse.
An excellent example E=mc2 ~ 2 c mE [To see Mother Earth].
All of nature, again with the exclusion of the human operates in the instant.
We can study for example so very important photosynthesis, the INSTANT conversion of light energy that combined with the soil and water feeds the bushes and trees which bear fruit as well as the oxygen, and this symphony of unimaginable proportions all done in silence.
It takes a miracle for the human to talk even one language.
It is taking a miracle to get all humans to remain silent in face of their utter stupidity which they can best see once explained the nonsense grand deception economic index Gross Domestic Product index.
That man has used for a single moment the insane economic gauge GDP to measure health of the economy which is when capital which has always been human capital became money, is laughable.
That it has grown the human population 5 fold in the interval is more than horrendous.
Who can think of anything more spectacularly funny and yet you are all waiting for the next person to stop laughing or is it crying or a combination of both; and your fear is that you don’t have to wait till death to meet our Maker.
Wonderful that Musk nailed it, “Physicists never change their minds; they just die”.
The decision by very quick to change his mind Donald Trump to release a most controversial graph displaying the potential number of deaths from the Corona Virus is only to try and restore calm that the Gov are not at a total loss.
Bear in mind President Trump never takes responsibility for anything that turns bad because Trump’s mentor was the sicko Roy Cohn who to me looks a lot like Peter Thiel who besides for being close to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has also not written complimentary things about women, which is not to suggest that all homosexuals love to death the sight of a beautiful woman otherwise they wouldn’t be so much into sex with each other.
Men who sleep around as much as they change their underwear are also more prone to diseases like cancer.
I won’t go on about that, but everyone should think more.
The computer modeling is totally bogus.
A clear thinking person knows perfectly well that this C. Virus is just a bad flu that spreads quickly and is having currently zero impact on the human population explosion which is the big problem.
Pretty much all the people who have died and will die over the duration of the next several months will have died anyway within the next 12 months if not sooner.
It is only the medical services around the globe who are being taxed and that of course means that medical doctors and nurses and the such are more likely to become infected and the unhealthy ones will die that much sooner.
But the problem is that no one, not all the brainiest people in the world using all the world’s supercomputers can figure out two important factors.
First, if a strain or strains develop which are much more severe and really start killing and now Im talking about the healthy, and that fear will have an immediate impact on the food chain as well as the birth rate and therefore the net increase in the population which could start to plummet.

Second, if the people figure out two things:
First, that this current virus is a godsend for the rich as the poor working for small businesses lose their jobs forever as the small businesses get gobbled up by the bigger chains who then raise their prices thus further wiping out the poor.

Second, that the bailouts specifically the slow dispersion to the poor is totally contrived.
You don’t get to work at the highest levels of the economic pyramid and your job is simply to observe how your government regulators take a hands off approach as your enterprise gets up to the most incredible mischief with no one speaking out, because you are dumb.
They also don’t employ talkers.
The fact that most everyone is silent and not wanting to hear the truth does not change the truth.
Never before in history are the people able to second guess the decision of the puppet heads of state at the very same time everyone is getting the information from the frontlines.
Notice how none of Trump’s detractors or for that matter health officials working closely with the White House have said that they dispute the nonsense graph, only that they would like to see the data.
Of course they really don’t want to see the data because they know it is not possible to model how each of us humans are going to react to the truth and knowing that we have now experienced a sea-change taking place on the high seas.
You have sailors from the Theodore Roosevelt not only taking videos but posting them in real time on social media while demanding their captain be returned.
Will they want him back once they know that while they were not firing off missiles their presence was no less war?
Maybe, maybe not.
If you can get another people to produce your raw materials, goods and services while your misguided citizens just either sit on vacation or push paper buying and selling amongst themselves, and you don’t have to spill blood what is your choice?
Same with other military forces.
This is not as complex as engineering intelligent design into everything including water molecules but it does have you thinking.
I think you can get all soldiers to want all their generals and politicians in one room having to respond what game they are playing.
[Word count 6447]


On Apr 4, 2020, at 2:41 AM, Michael Awerbuch <> wrote:

Please price me wing about you being nothing but s little insignificant piece of shit!!!

Are you contributing and helping those less fortunate than your self, you selfish prick! 
Can I send you a form to donate hand sanitizer… ???
Just a simple yes or no.
Not interested in how the Oppenheimers started Corona Virus because of your mother’s diamonds!!!!
Do you have money to donate??



Screenshot 17:03 France time, April 4, 2020

The more I learn about Wall Street, the more I’m persuaded it represents much of the worst of American, and world, culture. 

” In good times, it’s inconceivable for some in the business to step away from trading floors to go see a doctor.

At Goldman Sachs, people there said, leaving for a medical appointment sounds so far-fetched that it has become a euphemism for heading out to a job interview.”

As the coronavirus exploded around the world last week, people who work on the trading floor inside Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s Manhattan skyscraper caught fevers.
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As the coronavirus exploded around the world last week, people who work on the trading floor inside Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s Manhattan skyscraper caught fevers.
As the coronavirus exploded around the world last week, people who work on the trading floor inside Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s Manhattan skyscraper caught fevers.
