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Steven Bailey ~ Propaganda

The definition of Propaganda.
Image may contain: text that says 'In the 60s, the KGB did some fascinating psychological experiments. They learned that if you bombard human human subjects with fear messages nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are compretely brainwashed to believe the false message. To the point point that no amount of clear clear information they are shown, to the contrary, can change their mina.'
September 7 at 5:18 AM


Michael E. V. Knight and 3 others
Steven Bailey, there you go. Now you know the source of all your problems, other than treachery.
Figadere Jean
Harold Schenk
Stan Milc
Meir Hurwitz
Brad Awerbuch
Tomer Tene
Micha-el Frame
Riaan Reyneke
Janice Lipman
Martine Alter
Beth Isaacs
Jeremy Perling
Alan Yudelman
Gary Steven Sachs


Hide 25 Replies
Gary Gevisser And how exactly am I “treacherous”?
Because you say that a lot. Eh hem.


Please G-d quality information will shine through all the nonsense!
Steven Bailey do you agree that you are in your words “lame”?
Did you recall why you came up earlier with a question on my group chat “Wow, very powerful” which was not one of the 15 questions I had previously asked which you didn’t want to answer?
What are you waiting for before answering those 15 questions which talk to your integrity?
Gary Steven Sachs have you read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention?
Gary Steven Sachs, did you serve in the Apartheid Regime’s military or police forces?


Gary Steven Sachs, the dialogue I have with you on fb messaging tells me that the truth is not really that important to you.
The last I heard from you was on June 23 when you asked me the distracting question of what shul I belong to?
That was bad stuff.
The fact that you write God in a way that makes you appear pious doesn’t impress me.
So let’s wait for Bailey to try weasel his way out of the dark hole he has dug for himself while you focus on the question of service for the Apartheid Regime.


Gary Steven Sachs with time to spare, below is the beginning of my response to you question concerning my religious faith:
When I was a kid around 7, I found the smell of the old farts at shul rather disgusting and obviously that didn’t bother you otherwise you wouldn’t have such a positive impression.
At age 13, I discovered those with wealth as well as the rabbis wanting wealth or just to screw the few good looking Jewish women were all corrupt.
Long before I attended university I got a great lesson in human stupidity from Ben Gurion during my 4 month Ulpan on his kibbutz.
I knew after completing my economic university studies, it was important to get a job with Oppenheimer.
Did u think it was smart to try distracting me with what shul I belonged to?
Check out the $hit list on



Multi-billionaire industrialist-philanthropist Solly Krok

Mark Kromer
Mark Goldes
Alan Glass
Alan Kantor
David Azzini
Alan Gold
Richard Poplak
Harold Schenk
Linda Rothbart Shein
Debbie Patton Kingsriter
Patrick N. Mcguire
Brian Levin
Stanley Hurwitz
Lynne Karen Bentel
Jeff Johnson
Jeff Lazar
Nadine Fels Frame
Yaron Frame
Micha-el Frame
Michael E. V. Knight
Michael B Bradamore
Lionel Simons
Martin Peltz
Jean-Claude O’Donnell
Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti


Gary Gevisser I saw the 15 questions, but can’t find them now. Would you mind cutting and pasting them again, so we all can see them?


Steven Bailey you are playing for time and more importantly hoping that everyone will forget the question you made up, “The question about Trump not understanding why the U.S. didn’t side with Germany” which was not in the 15 questions I posted on my group chat Wow, very powerful right after you wrote at 8:53 PM eastern time yesterday your ugly, distracting, treacherous nonsense.

And yes, you remain a member of Wow, very powerful.
Notice below that the question about Trump is not one of them.
Moreover, I have explained well, and I will do it repeatedly, why it is both your ego and jealousy which had you first refusing to answer any of the questions and thinking that if you just ignore them altogether, and were to hold your feet to the fire you would come back and do your best to distract, while throwing in, “… Because you say that a lot. Eh hem” and the last two vomits “Eh hem” were I to ask you what they mean, WHICH I’M NOT INTERESTED TO HEAR, will have you continuing to talk; and by now you are feeling that dark hole you have been digging for a long time, and from which there is no escape, because you know deep down in your heart you are a treacherous bastard which you began to fully acknowledge when you referred to yourself as “lame”; and of course, I will be digging into that, not to assist you in any way, shape or form, but to educate people like my former client, Solly Krok why it is that each successive generation is that much more degenerate.
Now the 15 questions and I will begin immediately sending out backups of this wall:


Cutting and pasting from my group chat, Wow, very powerful:
1) Do you think we can safely assume that my knowledge of terrorist financier Marc Rich is not the only reason there is more than you paying the most careful attention to what I have to say?
2) If you were to agree to that as well as recall the right words for you to use next to get my attention without you forgetting why you described yourself to me on Facebook messaging as “lame” which you know is not close to your treachery, what percentage would you say of the members of Wow, very powerful are glued?
3) Can you explain why it is that @Gisela Gala is not alone in refusing to comment on my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post following the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich?
4) Can you think of any action by President Bill “De Beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton which was more treasonous than the pardon of Rich, and can state what they are?
5) Why do you like the wearing of masks?
6) Do you think Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who to the best of my knowledge is still alive, read those 4 articles?
7) Do you think it is too difficult for you to number each of my questions since loading up, “Sometimes You Can’t Make It on Your OWN” and answer them accordingly?
Eight) Do you get a kick from doing your level best to kick to the ground someone such as myself who has the knowledge, better than anyone, of the extent of the manipulation of people such as yourself and the rest of the plebes?
9) How big a factor, rating it as a percentage, with a 100% being the only factor, do think ego plays in your mischievous actions?
10) How big a factor, rating it as a percentage, with a 100% being the only factor, do think ego plays in everyone’s mischievous actions towards me and my mother Zena?
11) Can you think of any other knowledge of significance about all the ills of the world that has everyone acting so grotesque?
12) Can you state what other knowledge that might be?
13) Do you [think] Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad [IMIM] picked up on those 4 articles and if so what do you think IMIM thought?
14) Can you think of anything more grotesque than the gravity of the crime against my mother Zena and me?
15) Btw, if neither of those women [struggling to walk] are your wife, would you be able to tell if your wife is less or more [fat]?

[Scroll down to Jean-Claude O’Donnell’s first post immediately after I repeated for the third time the 15 questions above to

Steven Bailey]


Solly Krok, in a couple of hours I will be emailing you an important document, and don’t forget that Bailey can see the 15 questions on Wow, very powerful.


Jean-Claude O’Donnell, we are discussing the pricing of money by South Africa based, global mineral monopolist, SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-BASF-IG Farben who not only supplied Hitler with his industrial diamonds to fashion precision tooling to mass produce weapons of war which were totally prohibited by the Versailles Peace Treaty following WW1 which you may remember Germany lost and the country was bankrupted and their currency worthless, but IG Farben had a factory inside of death factory Auschwitz which was producing the Zyklon B gas pellets which were tossed into the gas chambers.

Of course it is not only my former long time client multi-billionaire South African, Solly Krok and struggling with a fat wife Steven Bailey who perfectly understand that you cannot be talking about any form of philanthropy or funding of any project from the mundane such as protecting an endangered toad, to producing the most advanced nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles such as hypersonic rockets without first addressing the ills which allowed Oppenheimers-IG Farben to escape prosecution at Nuremberg and all their stolen assets including control of the world’s mineral resources to be confiscated, and their officials along with their government puppets to be placed permanently in the poor house.
When Bailey says “… so we can all see them”, he wants people to believe that I am somehow restricting access to the knowledge which I have, based on common sense, and in using my common sense I made it my business immediately upon completing my university economic-finance-law studies to get a most sought after job with the head of the mafia of mafia, Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) who recognized that neither of his 2 offspring beginning with the eldest, Nick Oppenheimer was all that bright.
The fact that I came from the household which was the last of the resisting Jewish people as the rest of the Gevissers were either like Nick Oppenheimer and his sister Mary Oppenheimer not very bright and therefore full of jealousy and greed, the two going hand in hand, or bought like my father’s first cousin David Gevisser (1926-2009), didn’t mean H. Oppenheimer thought that logic would escape me.
Once convincing H Oppenheimer at the very start of my year long orientation that I had figured out that my university professors were either fools or on his payroll, he explained that if the common herd ever caught wind of the truth they would prove as treacherous as my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser and the rest of the South African Jewish community whose rich prospered that much more once Oppenheimer succeeded in wiping out my immediate family’s 60 year old multi-national trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970].
Of course, I would never have opened my mouth to anyone other than my most trusted parents had I not come across on The Internet in late 2003, Professor Edward J Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book, The Diamond Invention which scares the living daylights out of everyone, whether they are filthy rich or dirt poor but can afford a coffee in the morning even if the roof over their head is a cold concrete bridge, and then the rest of the day waiting for handouts or rummaging in city trash cans for remnants of food tossed by overeaters of bad, poison foods such as meat and dairy products.
I will add you now if it is possible to my group chat Wow, very powerful where you will find not only Steven Bailey and Solly Krok but bunches more people from all walks of life including Trust Fund billionaire children, such as some of Solly Krok’s children and George Soros’ youngest Alexander Soros who now hides his face, much like Bailey hiding behind a mask.
There you will see the precise thinking of Harry Oppenheimer who you may not have heard of which does not mean you are well informed and that deficit is because you either lacked common sense or people such as Bailey have been doing everything within their power to restrict the flow of information as they simply seek to distract.
Nor would you be correct in assuming that because I don’t think very much of Solly Krok’s children’s mental capabilities which if firing right translate into wisdom, that they take me for a fool.
[Scroll down to Jean-Claude O’Donnell second posting that came right after, “… they take me for a fool” which he later removed.]



Gary Gevisser
1. Yes
2. I Don’t care
3. No.
4. There’s a large list. Pedo island, Seth Rich, Rwanda, to name a few.
5. So that I can see clearly under water.
6. Yes
7. Late, but yes.
8. No.
9. 0
10. Idk
11. The money game
12. How a small hand full of men have pulled the wool over so many.
a. Yes
b. Idk
14. Yes. Children starving to death on purpose.
15.Go fuck yourself.


Jean-Claude O’Donnell you were earlier added to my group chat Wow, very powerful which were words that another spineless fb friend of mine Mark Kromer used when he thought he was above it all, but then realized that he is not only a plebe but he is also part of the problem that we have monopolist rule and the monopolist is extraordinarily powerful and pretty much decides everything for us including the educational curriculum.
Since you are literate you should be easily able to follow because not only do I write logically but anyone who has less than 5 points below average IQ of 100 which isn’t very much should be able to follow unless they are a severe stroke victim.


Jean-Claude O’Donnell, lets also assume you have both a short temper and short attention span, in which case I will go slowly with you in providing the answers to all your questions and breaking each question/answer into individual posts.

Are you okay with that; and second have you noticed how treacherous

Steven Bailey and Figadere Jean are at the present time?
Can I also assume that you perfectly understood my initial response to you?
Steven Bailey, are you still unable to find all 15 questions on Wow, very powerful?
I consider your late and inadequate answers along with you FOR GOOD REASON calling yourself “lame” which is the most disgusting thing anyone can call themself, but of course you had no choice once you had painted yourself into the darkest corner possible, all the proof I need to call you treacherous.
Can you name one credible person besides for your wife, assuming you think she is credible, who would vouch for your credibility, not as someone who cuts lawns, but someone who is a critical thinker?
Are you playing stupid or just totally stupid when giving your list “pedo island…”?
Did any of them include the treason pardon of a terrorist financier which allows you a better lifestyle than an African kid being purposefully starved to death?
So you think Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak read my 4 articles which you noticed were anything but complimentary of him.
Why didn’t you go on to say that you could easily see him most upset and eager along with a great many profiting from war to assist in shutting up my mother Zena at the same time intimidating weak people like yourself to distract in any way possible?
Have you ever told lies in order to get a leg up on the next person?
Could you see Clinton profiting financially along with his wife and daughter from granting terrorist financier Rich a pardon?
Do you see any American civilians or US soldiers or US firemen or US policemen suffering as a result of terrorist financier Marc Rich bring granted a pardon by Clinton?
Was it that you didn’t like the heat that would be concentrated on you, once you began answering the 15 questions, instead finally choosing to write a nonsense, distracting answer to a question which was not part of the 15?
You must have spent a lot of time thinking how best to be treacherous and perhaps get away with it.
So it wasn’t too difficult for you to number all 15 questions, it is just that you didn’t want to answer any of them because it all comes back to war and the threat of war pricing the money and the stolen mineral resources without paying the soldiers on all sides a fair wage.
You would also prefer that the thread which I had established on Wow, very powerful to be broken, which is what you would expect from a treacherous bastard.
I think you are lying; that you do get a great kick.
I also disagree with you in your answer to question 9. Like my siblings it is a combination of ego and jealousy that adds up to 100% the cause of the grand mischief, and there is simply no way to avoid you thinking that you have been horribly punished even if you want me to believe it is a great blessing that your wife is eager for you to fuck her fat but, excuse the pun, only when you can tear yourself away from social media.
With regard to question 10, you say you don’t know how big a factor ego plays in everyone’s mischievous actions towards me and my mother Zena, but you would agree if you could put yourself in your own shoes, that it is also very high, 100% for everyone else in denial?
Your answer, “The money game” to question 11, “Can you think of any other knowledge of significance about all the ills of the world that has everyone acting so grotesque?” proves that you perfectly understand that your and everyone else’s grotesque behavior towards my mother and me is because you can see my mother supports 100% me exposing “The money game” which includes corrupt organizations like The Venus Project who you continue to promote, although you no longer say that you work for them after I caught you out on your lies.
Can you think of any worse white trash than you, without mentioning your fat wife and her lack of willpower to control her food intake?
Are you aware that most women put on weight because they are heavily dissatisfied with their lover?
Btw that is one of my mother’s Charm School teachings.
Your answer “How a small hand full of men have pulled the wool over so many” to question 12, “Can you state what other knowledge that might be?” goes to the heart of your great despair which you don’t want to take responsibility for because granted it looks like heavy duty punishment to have been so easily fooled?
Have you thought of converting to Roman Catholicism and seeking an audience with a confession priest?
How would you begin without giving them a stroke?
Do you think the Pope would handle the truth better than you, or do you think this wouldn’t be the first Pope who is bought?
Have you told me which public figure you most trust?
Btw, was your reasoning for replacing the fat face photo of your wife and you because you wanted to tell the world that you like wearing a mask because it allows you to see underwater?
I also understand perfectly the treacherous behavior of humans once they realize all they needed was common sense to understand why children are starved to death on purpose without having to read Epstein’s The D I book.
I also understand that the existence of the book leaves them with the most terrible trauma, that they lack common sense and that then begs the logical question of who else besides for God has forsaken you?
If you feel there is repetition, does it help you better appreciate your misery?
Yes, you would be right that MIMI picked up on my 4 articles published in the JP because that would be a logical conclusion.
So you are showing that you are probably not a sociopath like Donald Trump and Joe Biden, but I do consider you a compulsive liar which goes hand in hand with being treacherous.
You must also therefore be able to conclude that MIMI also thought that Clinton – with close ties to Oppenheimers-De Beers who provide all De Beers-Rhodes Scholars with their playbook once beginning their Oxford studies as well as a refresher course when they eventually sit as puppets in the seats of power – had committed treason.
Do you think Clinton knows he committed treason and thinks “why not be reckless, you only live once and I’m quite sure there are not 19 virgins waiting for me in heaven because lying, treacherous bastards don’t believe in God, and it is Jeffrey Epstein providing the underage girls, not God, so why the hell not go for it!!”
Bailey, do you recall coming across during your lifetime any other smoking gun proof of treason by a sitting Commander In Chief, and can you produce such details?
Bailey, I note that “I don’t care” to question 2, “If you were to agree to that – my knowledge of terrorist financier Marc Rich is not the only reason there is more than you paying the most careful attention to what I have to say – as well as recall the right words for you to use next to get my attention – spelled out on Wow, very powerful – without you forgetting why you described yourself to me on Facebook messaging as “lame” which you know is not close to your treachery, what percentage would you say of the members of Wow, very powerful are glued?
What do you care most about apart from telling your wife that you love making love to her fat and that she affords you so much time on Facebook to embarrass yourself?
Do you have any regrets about your lack of common sense and does it make you angry?
Of course you can explain why Gisela Gala refuses to comment on my 4 articles published in the JP.
What do those 4 articles say about President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton?
Would you prefer to have Clinton or Trump or Biden as puppet leader or do you think you could do a better job?


Gary Gevisser


Please forward me your cell number. Solly.


To my number XXXXX.


Gary Gevisser You shoulfd learn one for all that the courteous does not take away the bravery


Figadere Jean you are a treacherous bastard, and treachery is neither brave nor something one needs to learn because it is negative.


Gary Gevisser I was speeking a
Bout YOU.


Figadere Jean a Christian who can’t stop talking about “Baby Jesus” but has no problem coming to make a killing in mineral rich South Africa during the height of the Apartheid Regime is no teacher and should be keeping quiet.

I am not suggesting that you sow a zipper on to your lips because not only is that impractical but you will still figure a way to open the zipper.

In an effort to avoid answering the critically important question, “When did you find out that the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, Christian South African Harry Oppenheimer ran the whole show?” you choose to inflame anti-Semitic, anti-Israel sentiment when you voice loudly that it is “Jewish capital that maintained the criminality Apartheid Regime”.

You have also made us all aware with your bloody, ugly photos of your face and top of your head that your body-mind is falling apart.
Why not simply follow Proverbs, “It is better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!”?

Steven Bailey, do you understand why the Hitler Youth Movement were so successful without being courteous to their parents?

Can you see a treacherous human wanting the best in their children?
Im looking forward to debating your 3 children and to find out the important lessons of life you have taught them which I find impossible because you are so treacherous.


Jean-Claude O’Donnell, it would help me in tailoring my responses to your questions to know more about you such as your age, physical health; I.e do you have a belly, your formal education and work experience such as having run one or more successful businesses and whether your brain acumen has attracted a billionaire client/s and in what capacity were your services retained?


Jean-Claude O’Donnell, while not waiting to hear more about you and it is only polite as well as equally enlightening to know more about you other than I see the F word large on your fb profile, I will now proceed to answer your questions.


Jean-Claude O’Donnell, I have decided not to break your question and my answers to such questions into individual paragraphs because that would take me longer; still you will be able to follow, and if not, I am not telling you to duck off to a bar, but to remain steady.
Question1; Why am I tagged in this?
Answer, I thought it was obvious and besides the price of money and who exactly controls the money and the distribution of other resources is most important assuming you are in search for truth and not simply here on fb because you are lonely or looking to spy on your friends or finding somebody rich to marry or a combination of all 3.
Question 2) Who are you?
Answer: You have my full name and you can see that my clever name website provides an About section, the history of Oppenheimers-De Beers-Barclays Bank-Deutsche Bank-Peter Thiel-BASF-IG Farben.
Question 3)And what do you want?
Answer, I would like your input as much as possible and for you to share the knowledge.
Question 4)What gives you the understanding that I care to be included into this thread?
Answer, it is my understanding that in order to be tagged you have to be a fb friend, and that then begs the question if you are a fb friend don’t you check out someone before trying to get something out them; and second what is your purpose in having a fb account?
Question 5) Where did you got my name from?
Answer, perhaps we have mutual fb friends, would you know?
Question 6)Who are you?
Answer, do you not recall asking me that question?
Question 7) And finally, what do I have to do with this rumbling?
Answer, if you meant “rambling”, can you point me to any of your original thoughts because my take is that you feel very disappointed like Steven Bailey and Figadere Jean and many others of course in both your knowledge and mental aptitude.



For the record, note that right after I posted up at 9:00AM Calif. time today, September 10, 2020, “… would you be able to tell if 3w
Again for the record, note that right after In posted up at 9:52 AM Calif. time, “… that they take me for a fool”, Jean-Claude O’Donnell wrote the following which he has since removed, and again II have a backup:

