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Ridding the world of Jewish people -: Vladimir Posner ~ Money Genocides

From: gary gevisser <>
Subject: Ridding the world of Jewish people -: Vladimir Posner ~ Money Genocides
Date: April 1, 2021 at 3:12:53 PM PDT
To: Vladimir Posner c/o Paul Kreiter <>
Cc: rest; David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <>, David Hillel Gelernter – Professor of computer science Yale University <>, Tahri & Umar Nasser – Founders Rational Religion – interviewed David Berlinski in August 2019 <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>,, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef” <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Russian Defense Attache – Russian Embassy, Washington DC.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, Megan Ellison – Film producer and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison <>, “Matthew Margo Esq.” <>, Solly Krok <>, Dylan Treger <>,,, Kimbal Musk <>, Sternshow <>, Peter Farquhar <>,, Derek Rose <>, Gsoros <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>, Rafa Zulueta – Spanish Central Bank official <>

Any luck reaching your colleague Vladimir Posner?

BTW, as you would know 21 year old Spinoza decided life was too short to wait until he died to expose the hypocrisy, the weak thinking of the rabbis of Amsterdam who were kowtowing, like most, to the leadership of The Inquisition which didn’t exactly end 356 years after it started officially in 1478, some 14 years before probably Jewish person Columbus “sailed the ocean blue” and discovered for the white European the riches of the New World; furthermore, we know the first Dutch Colony in the United States, or one of the first, was New Amsterdam commonly known today as New York City where one very powerful ultra-orthodox sect of Jews congregate in mass, much as they do in Israel where they account for 10% of the population and 50% of the Covid-19 hospitalizations and while monumental in terms of “What happened to their reasoning?” and its timing couldn’t be better in terms of the arrival of Passover and the 10 plagues. Covid-19 has exposed how easily mankind, the oxymoron of all time, chooses Cognitive Dissonance to maintain its peace of mind.
Such conflict, one part of the mind distracting the other, still doesn’t resolve how the money is created and distributed to the least helpful to the planet; namely the weapons and real estate developers whose biggest names throughout the planet are disproportionately Jewish.
This breeding of anti-Semitism doesn’t mean we Jewish people are either the “evil incarnate” or that we hold the power or the pursestrings because that Almighty Power rests with the people who remain hellbent of ridding the world of all Jewish people which again makes common sense when you look at the goals of The Inquisition.
So how do we know that my statement is accurate questioning the official end of The Inquisition in 1834, 100 years before the introduction in 1934, one year after the puppets Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt, a proponent of the garbage Eugenics, were brought to power, of the heinous, morally and intellectually, Gross Domestic Product index which governs all commerce including the most profitable, killing.
BTW, have you thought about what it meant to your mind when you first heard that there was a joint venture between private industry and government sponsored weapons developers, and private lobbyists seeking favors from government officials?
Have you noticed that the huge numbers of university graduates hasn’t really helped with the thinking of us humans or the health of the planet?
Could you see yourself objecting to the GDP which has banks and tax laws rewarding people the more land they own and the more improvements they place on top?
Could you see the biggest thieves of land and minerals supporting laws that void our conscience and tear up the planet as we are encouraged to keep producing babies and that saving lives is something we need to be continuously reminded of?
The first indicator that The Inquisition didn’t end in the mid-19th Century, is our Jewish Holocaust of less than 5 years during World War II which wiped out half of European Jewry; and if that wasn’t enough, because it fell short of the Final Solution, then we just need to take a close look at each of Israel’s wars of survival starting with Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949].
Obviously few, including you and Posner don’t really want to go there, and that I perfectly understand, but it doesn’t mean I should follow the common herd blindly.
Let’s also take not such a wild guess and assume that your silence all this time is because Posner has let you know that if you want to keep your cushy job signing him up for paid speaking engagements, to play both possum and share all your knowledge that you have learned from me with him and his backers.
Posner plays that he is voice of the people, like he is the opposition, the truth seeker, but now we will see.
In fact we have seen by the deafening silence over the past two months that Posner’s seeking truth may in fact be the last thing on his mind, folllowing his receipt of critically relevant, new information that makes uncomfortable most all humans who haven’t made it their business to examine the mineral resource business which is a must if you are interested in money which affords all the benefits that are not available to those out of favor with the ruling elite who have no loyalty to country, race, religion, ethnic background, sexual preference or gender.
If Posner was bought to make it look like he is the effective supporter or opponent of President Putin then we can’t expect Posner to be constantly on the level.
BTW, nor did Spinoza have a problem with there being one religion in society; this way there is nothing to this fight between religion which offers some good, especially in the logic department; and when the fake religious fail the logic test then you know they are also just out for the money that affords a better lifestyle than living on the street selling bibles.
If you are going to help the poor then you should be only focused on the people who are the richest and they are the people who control the minerals of the world and make alliances with their military dictators who know that if they break rank then the rest will unite against the black sheep of the family including those feigning their support for the despot out of favor.
A lot of my knowledge comes from common sense; and my common sense also facilitated people like the General of Generals, David Ben Gurion and his most trusted advisor, my highly secretive British-English Zen mother Zena from hearing me out before sharing their secrets.
If you think you have previoiusly heard a philosopher say the words, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t do all the talking; once you tell a secret it is no longer a secret it is your mind playing tricks with you.
Back in 1972 at its tail-end when I shared those words with Ben Gurion who I first met on November 1, 1972, 13 months to the day [before] he passed away, his health greatly adversely affected by the total disaster of the 1973 Yom Kippur War which also had its blessings, but nothing could ease Ben Gurion’s mind for all the needless loss of Israeli lives, and they were the very best of the IDF, a great many martyring themselves knowing that every moment’s delay in haltering the Syrian advance on the Golan Heights was nothing less than saving the lives of every Jewish person, not only the State of Israel, I was not as well read as Ben Gurion, and so when he told me that my words were the first to his eyes and ears, it made me feel rather proud of myself, because I had provided him with the perfect answer to his question, “What have you learned?”
Once the governing body has been fairly elected there shouldn’t be talking against the rulers.
If they haven’t been fairly elected, then those talking badly against the rulers should only be talking about them being unfairly elected.
When you have Nazi Germany-Austria’s principal backer, the mineral monopolist SA Oppenheimers based out of both the City of London 
and South Africa in control of the mineral resources critical to all commerce, then any and all elections are nothing more than a Punch and Judy puppet show.
Granted, Im not a philosopher, just an observer.
Nowhere does it say in anything that I have read that a philosopher needs to be a moral person.
I have however found that someone who is competent, a rational thinker, is more likely to have integrity.
So when a philosopher like horrifically aging Noam Chomsky farts off about the disgrace of the United States supporting the fledgling State of Israel you have to ask yourself what planet is this MIT professor visiting from?
Spinoza has to be the most important person of all times including our first rabbi Moses given how reasonable is Spinoza’s logic and how the corrupt continue to come down hard on him despite people like Ben Gurion and Einstein giving Spinoza the highest possible accolades.
It would be nice if Jewish mathematician-philosopher David Berlinski has already made honorable mention of Spinoza but I simply haven’t had the time to check.
Nor will it make any difference in my mind about Spinoza and his importance what Berlinski thinks, only that I think it would be nice because Berlinski is smart, and if he missed the teachings of Spinoza then he can’t be that smart after all.
One of the items that Spinoza attacks is the teaching of fanatical Jewish people that Moses wrote all the 5 books of Moses that Moses didn’t get right as he talks about cities which did not exist at the time.
Let us also assume that Spinoza is right that all religious people reading the Jewish Torah are worshipping ink on paper.
That doesn’t mean God is only something in the imagination of people who believe in God. Nor does it mean that God has lost HER power since the time of creation which we all know is ongoing and that the planet would be better off without any humans but without us irrational in the extreme humans we wouldn’t begin to know the power of this wondrous Higher Energy Reaction [HER].
For the very first time in well over a decade I have what appears to be a very slight head cold and my gorgeous Française-Canadienne wife, Marie Dion says I should take it easy and it may have been caused by all the crying over the past week since finding out that our one of a kind beloved, so sweet, so soft, so beautiful doggy Mango may only have short time left with us, but we are making the most of every moment and as you can see from this photo I took of him yesterday
in the middle of a 5 kilometer hike he continues to be most vibrant, his eyes as sharp as ever, happy as always, and he will also always be our scout.
Not everyone is so fortunate to say goodbye to the person/s most important in their lives.
Remember we are all going to die and since we don’t know what got us here and where we go next it is the journey we take and the paths along the way we should pay most attention to.
All Spinoza was saying is that there is cause behind everything; logical but devastatingly scary to those wanting to fool the next person.
A great deal to be learned from staying in the moment beginning with the best lesson; namely since we don’t know what nature has in store as nature is totally unpredictable as well as perfect and constantly adjusts for man’s foolishness, and clearly much smarter than the human who can’t even bring itself to logically reason on the important issues of the day, but trusts its government institutions catering to the biggest criminals, we should choose to only be around good people because what can be worse than being with someone two-faced at the time of departure of the mind, body and soul?
Yes, also more likely to have a stroke if you are unhealthy.
There really wasn’t anything more for Spinoza to say once determining that chance plays no part in what causes all motion including what triggers thought.
BTW, today some 76 years ago, my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Bernie
had his closest brush with death.
On April 1, 1945,
my dad was 5 months and 14 days into his 21 st birthday, October 18, 1944.
Moreover, it was many missions before his 60th
dive bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards, that my dad first said, “Any landing is a good landing.”
Once rested, I will be responding to “Lubawitcher” [sic] Black Hatter out of Brooklyn, New York City, Torah Gemach.


On Feb 5, 2021, at 2:43 PM, Paul Kreiter <> wrote:
Thank you Gary. I’ll try and connect you with the right person. 
Paul D. Kreiter, M.Ed
American Program Bureau 
W: 6176141642 C: 6175640322

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2021 4:37:07 PM
To: Paul Kreiter <>
Cc: “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>
Subject: Vladimir Posner ~ Money Genocides


Dear Paul – clearly I misheard the lady’s name. Perhaps it was Linda?

I would also like to add that Vladimir’s well choreographed introduction of Göring’s words from his death cell have already been shared with my initial 250 members who are part of a chat room on The Internet, and they resonate with each passing moment. 
Just in case you wish to be reminded:
“Naturally the common people don’t want war, neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany, that is understood. But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship, voice or no voice the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders, that is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for a lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Furthermore, I wish for Vladimir Posner to view this Youtube video of Elon Musk


that was placed up on Youtube back on October 31st of last year.

It is uncharacteristically not very deep considering Musk’s intellect. He not only sounds off the most doomsday scenario of massive unemployment which is again not 30 or 40 years from now but already with us, and perhaps one needs to do as much traveling around the world as I do to get a clear sense of it, but does not voice sound reasoning for optimism.
Maybe we will develop our brain and skills that we don’t even know about.
Why do you have to stick to an old model?
This whole thing, “I need to work” when in fact the rich in general do not work, and so who needs to work?
The conditioned thinking is that if you don’t work, you can’t find meaning in your life, is all wrong.
Most people have worked enough to know it is terrible to be under someone’s ego trip.
Not everyone is inventive or creative like Musk because it is not given to everyone to be creative, but it is something that can be nurtured in children much easier than adults seeking the least amount of effort to “make money” which is to “make money on money”. Once understanding the money game as well as I do, the game playing by all the politicians is nothing short of comical.

Looking forward to hearing back from Vladimir Posner.

Thank you,
PS – Paul, I include a good friend of mine, Israel Air Force pilot, Lt. Colonel, Tomer Tene who I have known intimately since early 2016. Tomer is also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer.



Begin forwarded message:


From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Vladimir Posner ~ Money Genocides
Date: February 1, 2021 at 8:05:47 PM PST


Attention: Medina.
Dear Medina, 
We spoke briefly on Friday about my interest in getting Vladimir Posner as a speaker to my group numbering considerably more than 10,000 individuals who have been following me ever since I had 4 articles, highly critical of Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak and President Clinton, published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the pardon of oil trader Marc Rich.
The question Mr. Posner must have, and perhaps he has already answered, is “their” [sic] a protege/s to take over once he “leaves the stage”?
No one in the audience of the Yale University lecture of September 27, 2018 seemed anywhere close to be willing to stick their necks out including the second, “Anastasia from Moscow” whose Genocides thesis Mr. Posner correctly questioned.
She must have got that same reaction from the time her mind told her or someone spoon fed her that this is the path to fame and riches; at least find someone rich to marry who is bored with their 5th wife?


I have obviously been thinking a lot about how to get Mr. Posner to zero in on how close second “Anastasia from Moscow” to the motherlode; and yes I know, less is more.
Had she come back with Money-Genocides then for sure she should be invited back to this one of a kind Educational Light Journey-One Tribe of Achievers seminar.
It is all about the money which few experts know the first thing about. In fact all my more than a dozen multi-billionaire clients over the years who liked not only me telling it the way it is but my discretion, all the while subscribing since I was a youngster to Einstein nailing it,
were clueless until I decided to let the “gin out of the bottle” [sic] which perhaps not everyone picked on Mr. Posner’s excellent dry sense of humor.
I would in fact be a pretty good moderator of this talk which will captivate the attention of a great many more than the huge number of people who began knowing more about me once publication of those 4 articles, most controversial in the history of the JP, which cut to the chase in the very first sentence of the first article:
The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.
Bear in mind two things:
First, the Jerusalem Post is read religiously by many more than Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI].
Second, it is one thing to attack as I did a sitting prime minister of Israel, accusing him at a minimum of losing his mind, and bribery will do it, but Ehud Barak is Israel’s highest decorated Israeli Special Forces commander who failed however to question the nuclear option when it came to trade agreements between competing enterprises.
Note that I didn’t say countries because the biggest crooks could care less about their distractions such as patriotism, GDP etc etc.
Mr. Posner’s clever delivery matches the irrefutable truths he presents as he simply encourages the people “Check it out for yourselves”.
The most important fact that didn’t seem to stir the audience because in fact it was like water over a duck’s back although my thinking now is that it was more like One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, and yes Jack Nicholson will be stoic, as hard as that may be to believe, is the silence on the streets as well as airwaves on the subject of nuclear weapons development, which was out of control from day one.
Everything in life happens for a reason even if one doesn’t believe in the likes of destiny, serendipity and coincidences all intertwined.
On June 25, 2013, out of the blue I received two emails from the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd who was formerly the 27-year senior lecturer in economics at Stanford University.
From: Geoffrey Rothwell
Subject: Have you picked up anything on Russia selling uranium enrichment technology to South Africa?
Date: June 25, 2013 at 3:56:01 AM PDT
To: GaryStevenGevisser 
Have you picked up anything on Russia selling uranium enrichment technology to South Africa?
“Ce qui se compte n’importe pas toujours,
ce qui importe ne se compte pas toujours.”
from the office of Albert Einstein

Note Rothwell’s importance that he attaches as he repeats the subject line in the text, followed by his usual applause of Einstein and himself GR [General Relativity].


From: Geoffrey Rothwell
Subject: “uranium enrichment” Russia “South Africa”
Date: June 25, 2013 at 4:04:29 AM PDT
To: GaryStevenGevisser 
For example,
goggle “uranium enrichment” Russia “South Africa”
and most of the sites don’t go anywhere!
“Ce qui se compte n’importe pas toujours,
ce qui importe ne se compte pas toujours.”
from the office of Albert Einstein


joined the NEA, housed within the OECD, in early 2013.
A half dozen or so years had elapsed since he and I spoke after I made him aware of this meeting.
It is possible that Mr. Posner doesn’t recognize the man on the right; if not, and the photo is new to him, notice the attention Putin wants the camera’s eye to catch.
Nick Oppenheimer’s father, Harry
supervised my year long orientation into his mineral monopoly which dwarfs the holdings of all the world’s oligarchs and all the wealth of those listed on the Forbes list of billionaires combined; and why exactly Putin held on to the photo for 759 odd days before having the Kremlin release it on October 3, 2008, a month before Obama became President elect, we would simply need to ask Putin who will more likely than not in my opinion tell the truth.
It is fair to say Mr. Posner is still thinking about those very revealing emails from Rothwell less than 8 minutes apart because it begs the question, why didn’t Rothwell go directly to his boss, President Obama?
I am quite certain such a talk will go viral in no time.
We might even be able to get Rothwell, who I met for dinner in Paris on September 16, 2013, and nor did I wait long to cut to the chase, to join us.
Yes, it is most scary that the NEA and its sister organization, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have wiped out all legitimate opposition to nuclear weapons development.
Moreover, I would wager that there there will be no academic who will enjoy being left behind.
Vladimir Posner is the first university graduate to have identified that the problems of the world are all centered around ego, the lack of rational thought, although Einstein explained it well.
I have a unique background beginning with at age 15 I shared an important truth with Mossad head, David Ben Gurion, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret it is no longer a secret.
Vladimir Posner spoke about “corporatocracy” being a greater censor than the most censored governments without him being aware of events that would take place just prior to the latest US Presidential elections where a concerted and effective effort was made in the censoring of information which was negative to the Biden family.
It could just have easily been the other way round, and so this speech that I would like him to give is the furtherest removed from politics.
It is again all about the money that drives everything; politics is much like religion, opium.
Following my conversations with Ben Gurion who was born in the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as my great maternal grandmother Nechie Bardash [1874-1943] who was orphaned in a pogrom in 1888 when Ben Gurion was just 2 years of age but he grew up learning about this awful tragedy that no child should have to bear, I did not become a “talker”, in fact I was a “late talker” which is a great asset because less talk means better listener.
At 21 having completed my university economic degree, and a short stint as a member of the faculty tutoring first year business students, I began this “Alice in Wonderland” adventure.
How did Harry Oppenheimer manage to noose the world’s top politicians while remaining totally unknown to the masses?
First, he didn’t have a big ego and; second, he kept a tight leash on his worldwide media; and this power-knowledge helped keep his ego in check.
The meeting between President Putin and Nick Oppenheimer in Cape Town, South Africa back on September 5, 2006 was shortly before the “cutoff” date 2007 Mr. Posner mentions at least twice in his talk.
It is of course a most important photographed meeting, perhaps the most important since photography was discovered, and why President Putin waited more than 2 years before releasing it to the public and immediately deafening silence followed, and continues to this hour.
Nor has it prevented Nick Oppenheimer from placing the photo in his very short Wikipedia profile where it remains conspicuously alone.
There is another matter; namely, offshore banking where the SA Oppenheimers rank number one; and the numbers run into the hundreds of trillions, dwarfing the rest of the banking system. Choosing not to detail this matter at the present time, is to mitigate information overload, but Im ready to answer all Mr. Posner’s questions.
None of us live forever.
If not now, when?
Thank you for listening,
