Name someone stupid (13)
Name someone stupid – Part 12, CLICK HERE
Screenshot, Thursday November 4, 2021, 9:29 PM Calif. time
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Edit: Is it Schneerson leaving such a trail of either ignorance of the Nth degree which randomly has the SA Oppenheimers coming out ALWAYS ahead and/or duplicity, along with Menachem Begin?
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Edit: Maybe the scribes were testing out the awareness of the Babylonian soldiers holding swords over their heads? Nor does it look that God-HER got anything else wrong including the refraining from eating meat with liquified meat, in other words, logical-good choice of vegan without any animal sacrifice
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Edit: GemACH sic, do you have cases of such sick people in your cult which has you wishing to ignore the question?
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Edit: Do the two of you talk about your body regrets without getting angry with each other?
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We should all prepare for the departure of @Mikhail Bakunin. GemACH sic, is there anything you would like to say to him publicly?

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@Nigel Gevisser how is your head, coping, with your mother Desiree Gevisser so full of jealousy towards my parents, berating your father Julius Gevisser, paralyzed from joining forces with his younger, but much more accomplished brother, my father Bernie and force their first cousin, traitor David Gevisser to upend his treacherous support of Natie Kirsch “asset stripping” Moshal Gevisser; and no less important, the trail left behind getting only clearer with the passage of time? Of course neither of your parents over the moon that you were queer.
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@Gary Levinsohn, what was their about your cousin, member @Nigel Gevisser that had you thinking you would get away using him to launch a Ponzi scheme that grabbed $50k out of his pocket? Did you see his homosexuality leaving him vulnerable?
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Gary, did you ever discuss with Steven Spielberg your family history prior to him signing you up as the co-producer of Saving Private Ryan?
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@Gary Levinsohn , as you know Hollywood blockbuster bullshit movie Saving Private Ryan was released in the United States on July 24, 1998 less than 9 odd months after our cousin Sandy (Moshal) Jacobson’s tortured, half naked body was found in the trunk of her Toyota automobile in Johannesburg and her assassins making certain they had left their marks. Has Sandra come up in any conversations you have had with very insecure, ugly looking, bullied as a kid, Spielberg?
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GemACH sic, are you now ready to jump in, believing there is sufficient distraction?
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GemACH sic, I know you would like more than anything else to leave NSS, the same with most all, but like them you are plagued knowing that I am no fool and you would prefer to hear at the same time as everyone else why you are so desperate to discredit me.
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Let’s not forget that everyone knows why they are still here as well as the same reason all the others leave.
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Why aren’t you all encouraging GemACH sic to leave?
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Your blockage in not figuring out the disaster of the GDP which has been “on the books” for 87 odd years and you won’t find a single university economics text book or professor of economics or politician or anyone listed on the Forbes List of richest billionaires speaking out against such weak, irrational, ignoramus, wretched thinking while all talking up a storm
about all their intelligence and philosophy of life, is no small matter.

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Then again we can all agree that this eruption which took place 13.75 billion years ago and which has expanded to the point that this very large earth object some 4.5 billion years old if representing the current size of the universe would amount to even a pinprick, arose out of something infinitely small.
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I would have to be as stupid as the rest of you to have you on my side.
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Btw, the last I heard from this @Mikhail Bakunin was at 8:26 AM California time, which was exactly 3 hours ago. He wrote, “That Gary Gevisser is stupid” in response to my earlier question, “What have learned on NSS?”.
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@Alan Woolf, what have you learned and will you reference it in the edited version of all your previously published books on The Holocaust? Also can you provide me the email address of all your publishers to save me the time?
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Is there anyone else here who has published either articles and/or books?
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@Alan Mark Zeligson what have you learned? Do you remember anything about sex pervert Aubrey Levine MD playing with you under the sheets?
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@Gordon Torr have you updated your book about Jewish sex pervert monster psychiatrist Dr Aubrey Levine MD, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 to include your most recent findings about the SA Oppenheimers involvement with the extraordinary success of their brutal Apartheid Regime, even though it would most likely run you and your publishers the wrong way? Did you ever figure that you would run on all fours from the truth and have on your heels a pack of human wolves?
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@Stephen Ross are you still doing Friday night dinner with member @Stephanie Marine and her very uninteresting, big ego son, real estate runner Justin Mendelson? I would like to know how you can even look into each other’s eyes let alone talk when you are constantly thinking what had you deserving to be born into this most ugly world with perfect nature as our teacher and the few exception humans such as my mother Zena, Einstein, Spinoza, Ben Gurion and my father Bernie Gevisser proving the rule; namely, there is perfect and eternal order to the universe?
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Added intimate of Elon Musk, @Sofiaan Fraval with whom I have 181 odd mutual fb friends which represent a significant percentage of his 700. Nor does it mean the remaining 74% are illiterate and would therefore have trouble in perfectly understanding what troubles all of you, rich, poor and in-between.
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It is always good to start out with happy people if you have a positive message.
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So I’m going to next focus on those 181
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but that doesn’t mean I will be forgetting the rest of you playing possum.
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Imagine right now Mark Zuckerberg who doesn’t get along all that great with Elon Musk on a personal level having real time access to how poorly a seemingly rational species who first puts on items like trousers and shoes before going out in public when they are not grounded with the earth and increasingly bent out of shape like GeMACH sic and most all of you full of yourselves literally and figuratively, is able to handle the truth.
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Someone who is captain of their school fencing team must know how to fence with expertise greater than being a loud mouth cheerleader.
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Zuckerberg would also not need to conduct an independent focus group to know how all of Facebook employees including his top officials would react to my writings that center around the pricing of the money that is directly connected to what price an importer pays for their minerals from regions of the world which have been raided by people such as Charles W Engelhard Jr and Harry Oppenheimer.
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What makes these two very important individuals different to people like Alexander The Great who spent his entire adult life conquering by killing and Hitler and Mussolini and Napoleon and the Roman Empire and King Solomon and King David and that list is not endless is neither Engelhard nor Oppenheimer had an army of their own and who they compensated directly.
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The shock for someone like Zuckerberg is not as great as it is for the rest of you.
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@Alan Mark Zeligson, you are a talker who is not afraid to pull stuff out of your arsehole, can you guess why that is?
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Who here is deathly afraid of returning as a mouse
caught on a sticky, unable to move, able only to wiggle as its insides eventually start coming out of its rear end and the ants are eating away while it is still very much alive and hoping for death or unconsciousness to arrive in the instant?

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Edit: … current size of the universe wouldn’t amount to even a pinprick …
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All should note, given the importance of Engelhard Jr’s “male heir”, David Gevisser, that member @Gary Levinsohn and his side of the family are the only fb fiends of member @Hedda Gevisser, the widow of David Gevisser, the co-author of President Richard Nixon’s speech of August 15, 1971.
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When you have intellectual midgets such as Columbia University graduate Jewish American @Neal H. Hurwitz questioning why to bother with the past when all that is important to morons is how to profit financially in the present, then we should also ask why they are here and afraid to miss out, all the while their stickiness is the best illustration of traction which is what advertisers seek. When one group control the pricing of everything, raw materials, labor and pricing, the need for advertising is only to keep fooling the masses who are needed to support those at the top knowing they sit atop a stack of rubble. Again, for those all about the money, the last thing the likes of ugly @Neal H. Hurwitz want to hear is that Columbia University denied entry to Jewish person Richard Feynman without whom it is most unlikely we have got to the bottom of the Challenger disaster, not to mention Feynman’s contribution to Quantum Mechanics which at its core explains that perfect nature is unpredictable; and here you are all, not in the least bit united because you are not sharing equally the rewards of supporting such a destructive economic system, pulling out all stops to prevent the truth of the pricing of the money which has dictator ugliness written all over it, from getting out.
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So let’s look at the psychology of those who stick around. You want to know who is following.
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Edit: When one group control the pricing of everything, raw materials, labor and finished goods …
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Now put on your prediction hat.
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Not that easy, for sure.
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GemACH sic, are you preparing your speech to everyone, “Gut Shabbos” or are you going to pass, on, that being able to predict that I will keep reminding you that you have yet to answer why you are so desperate to discredit me. Also remember to have your no less ugly fat wife run her tongue over her next sliver of dead animal rotting carcass.
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Who is now ready to teach the next generation of children how to be smart and happy from the start even if they have shitheads as their parents-grandparents.
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All the oaks have not born acorns and nor have the manzanita trees produced a single berry. Maybe it is to protect themselves and the young ones knowing there is not enough water. Now if all women went barren, that would solve a lot of the earth’s problems. So nature is getting us to think and ask questions rather than throw back the TV.
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@Foster Gamble, you must be tiring putting on this facade of being a truth seeker and it helps you deal with it by getting the healthiest dope of truth.
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Edit: … healthiest dose of truth.
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You have heard of preachers from all the religions break down in sobs seeking forgiveness from their congregation, BUT certainly not God-HER because they knew from the start they were doing wrong. So that explains why it is that you have yet to apologize for misleading your flock.
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So, while we have you, and your imagination is telling you what your future holds, as it does for each of us humans, can you comment on how you think GemACH sic @Torah Gemach, aka Benzion going around the bend, is going to react when he hears my explanation of what great happiness will occur when the children start being taught correctly about population control, as well as, my reasoning for why he is fully desperate to discredit me?
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@Adele Strous Clingman why are you still on my group chat-symposium, Review of Down Durban Memory Lane? Do you recognize as well as me how much Zuckerberg-Facebook have evolved since a decade ago when you were able to push your fat weight around and have me banned like @David Schmahmann?
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Adele, your family were like most white Jewish South Africans in support of the Apartheid Regime, since you couldn’t be so stupid as to think that it was okay for the richest members of our community to have made tons of money in real estate, and yet 93% of the population couldn’t bid for the best properties.
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@Adele Strous Clingman what if these important facts had never previously entered your head?
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Does it bother you even more realizing that few to none had given it a moment’s thought?
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I would say so because it provides further evidence the foolish man is not in control of its ego.
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@Adele Strous Clingman you probably don’t know how to fix your ego problem because you don’t see a problem as your wrong thinking is that is all far in the past.
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Not knowing however that it escaped your mind, that any normal person would realize you can’t congratulate someone making a killing in real estate where the poor have no chance, is severely troublesome, because we, are not, talking money.
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@Adele Strous Clingman I don’t know how to bridge that gap.
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How could it not enter everyone’s head the first time it was spoken?
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Logically, it would have spread like wildfire, because nobody would have wanted to look stupid.
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Most likely, let’s face it, it was never once spoken about.
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I can only name 4 people, 2 whites and 2 Muslim Indian South Africans who spoke about this outrage of white South African real estate gangsters of the highest order, and neither my father Bernie nor my mother Zena, nor Mascot Salot nor Fatima Meer breathed a word to anyone else unless they could be trusted not to speak; and I wouldn’t, therefore, know the names of others.
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What I do know is that neither of my parents discussed this matter with anyone else.
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Therefore @Adele Strous Clingman when did you first hear about it and will you discuss it with others.
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GemACH sic, unless you have taken sick from the poison feeds you indulged in over your hypocrisy fast just yesterday, what else can explain your absence in wishing me and all my friends here à “Gut Shabbos”? Let’s say though you are more conscious as your imagination will tell you your bad actions shouldn’t have you that unconscious so quickly, those weekly Friday late afternoon greetings weren’t that sincere. How does a man preaching a religion that he defies in the worst way be so insincere in his greeting? What can be more important what you were doing earlier that you couldn’t be consistent?
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What is it that you are angry about?
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Is it because you didn’t have the mind to think about before trashing me that you would be demonstrating that you are desperate to discredit me?
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GemACH sic, if you feel your imagination is playing tricks on you, how do you plan to fix it?
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Let’s say you go to Central Park on Sunday and see a flower you like that doesn’t remind you of all the cow tongues you and your family have sunk your teeth and tongues into, and you want to show us how joyful is your heart, do you really think you can pull it off?
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GemACH sic, do you have a problem that Schneerson was pushing money?
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Let’s say you realize Schneerson was pushing money of the most violent, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel institution, would it bother you?
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GemACH sic, do you have regrets about any of Schneerson’s actions or writings, including the article you sent to me and others on my email list where Schneerson is advocating the notion that there are no innocent victims to crime, which of course would include rape of women and children?
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GemACH sic, how could I have got to you when you respect nothing about me and I likewise respect nothing about you, because I detest you?
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GemACH sic, do you ever feel that you have lied to me?
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GemACH sic, if God-HER appears before you in a dream and says, “You got it wrong. Christianity is much choice because they tell everyone from the start they are a sinner” would you continue as you are?
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GemACH sic, of course you wouldn’t. If you believed your dream sufficiently you would stop and do exactly what God-HER says.
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GemACH sic, who is telling your mind that you have been lying about me? It certainly isn’t me because it is your own mind talking to you.
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That is a powerful voice that tells you to behave.
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If you don’t like the voice you can choose Christianity which a good third of the world have already and they will love you to death, and I’m sure you will find better logic than what you are presently experiencing.
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Certainly, it is all something to sleep on.
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GemACH sic, sometimes it is better not to have a choice of religions but that is not the real world.
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The real world gives you more than one choice and you have to be thinking about each one until you decide which one makes the most sense.
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Clearly though, Judaism is not for you because you don’t take kindly to criticism and you lie.
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GemACH sic, do you have any positive thoughts about my sister @Kathy Danziger? Based your experience as a pill pusher and otherwise discombobulated do you think, she, is a, good candidate for forgiveness because she has had the most grief?
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Edit: Based on your ex…
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Edit: … Christianity is my choice because …
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GemACH sic, as a lead in to what has you so desperate to discredit me, what most bothers you about the start of The Lady’s Speech? As you all know it is my mother Zena speaking to me as I film her the morning of September 22, 2016, 6 days after, and behind our backs, my mother’s rights to her body and property were stolen by Israeli liar-lawyer @Ayala Weisel Esq. in cahoots of course with my 3 elder siblings.
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GemACH sic, listen carefully to my mother’s words.
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Throughout the 9 minute and 24 second highly interactive discourse you don’t hear a single “Uhh” or “Umm” out of my mother’s clear voice.
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The fact that you nor anyone else far better educated than you cannot imagine anything more beautiful if you were in my shoes, talks of a jealousy so evil it is impossible to put into words.

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That is a unique mother.
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You can’t think highly of yourself if you cannot praise me and my mother Zena.

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Only each of you can imagine in your worst nightmares what should become of such ugly people who stand by and do nothing, but distract.
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What possible evil has you being so ugly at the same time make out like you are nice and fun to be with and everyone should want to be your Facebook friend?

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God-HER cannot possible both good and evil.
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Edit: … cannot possibly be both …

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That wouldn’t make sense.
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What makes the most sense is that you all hate the truth more than anything in this world.
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Those are very negative thoughts which I will never have to deal with.
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Man’s evil actions don’t negate the masterful creation of this universe where we have the gift of logic to expose to the light the hypocrites, like never before.
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As the information flows it is increasingly each person for themself which for those on the right side is not a problem.
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All the wrong cannot make it right.
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So why would anyone attach themself to you GemACH sic and anyone who thinks like you?

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First Cousin @Karene Fisher (Gevisser), are you and boyfriend @Roger Scott talking more openly? Would you care to have us all listen in?

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Remember everyone, Zuckerberg’s empire depends on logic-truth prevailing at all times. Zuckerberg knows he is the only Captain of Industry and the most influential on social media which reaches right into the cockpit

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of every fighter pilot of every air force and beyond, who have voiced concern over the GDP and Zuckerberg saw like me that it never got traction.
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He was right.
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Everyone else who was silent and remains so, is dead wrong.

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If you look on my Facebook homepage you see the memorializing of my September 16, 2013 dinner meeting in Paris with the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD, Dr Geoffrey Rothwell Phd. Rothwell came to me with bad news about the people who make nuclear weapons who then take their profits and invest in real estate and other real estate investors without them knowing it.

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How is everyone dealing with the rigged real estate market in mineral rich South Africa over a period of 46 uninterrupted years?

Shelley Jacobson

Shelley Jacobson

Do what
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Placing 4 white stripes on the photo of the Kittyhawk cockpit.
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@Shelley Jacobson, I last heard from you on June 4 2019 when you gave the same big laugh to my earlier writing after you first said that you had never heard of my family: We’re an old Durban family and have been gone since the late ‘70s The Gevissers were in the wholesaling business – Moshal Gevisser was the company name Our strategic partner was an American Charles Engelhard who is the central character in chapter 18 of The Diamond Invention written by a guy called Edward J Epstein The book is free on the Internet I’m sure you will find it very interesting even if you know nothing about the diamond trade My mother British mother Zena Gevisser was a household name in SA for over 30 years. My mother first became known to the masses when her model Penny Coelen won the Miss World in 1958 Btw my mother’s best friend David Gevisser whose eldest son Mark is a pretty well know journalist-author, is the “male heir” of Engelhard whose generosity to David Gevisser was significantly more than how well he treated his Bank of England official Gordon Richdale who in his 1962 autobiography The Sunlit Years describes the colossal mansion Engeland bought for him in the United States Don’t be put off that you haven’t heard of any of these “players” but you would be familiar with the Oppenheimers who owe their wealth and freedom to Engelhard.
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@David Schmahmann, the previous post, “… how long have you felt lost?” is to put this @Shelley Jacobson into overdrive, the same of course with all those who wish the history was not so dark; and of course those not seeking logic-truth have no choice when they put their material possessions aside such as mansions, luxury spas, strip shopping malls like the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall as well as people they have bought as well as trashed because they had more money and political clout, have no choice but to examine the personality and conditions they were born into. When they look around the ever expanding room of an Internet community and see the true ugliness of the mob, they begin behaving bizarre. @David Schmahmann, how did you reconcile being ostracized by the Durban Jewish community following your banning order by the SA Oppenheimer’ Apartheid Regime to the point that you are so friendly with people like the pro Apartheid Regime Durban North Lazarus clan and their best friends, the Essakows?
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@David Schmahmann is it age and being all about the money as well as not having figured what you were up against when bravely, but naively speaking out as a teenager that today keeps you quiet in not rebuking two-faced @Tony Leon now so loud in pointing out the corruption of the ANC government?
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@Tony Leon at some point you had to have felt sick to your stomach singing the praises of Harry Oppenheimer who filled your coffers, but in justifying your weak actions the guilt must have manifested itself poorly in your health. I remember you had a heart attack from stress and poison food intake, and however you now feel better about yourself, how do you manage to pull it off knowing all the carnage you have left behind such as Steve Biko, Richard Turner and my cousin and classmate Sandra Jacobson?
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Plus Tony, there are still 45 odd million South Africans and the remaining billions in the rest of Africa, South America, Central America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the Middle East who have not got their rights because their lands were stolen and with the stolen lands as collateral the thieves have collected more assets which serve as hush money as they get passed down to the next generation.
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A jealous person today could decide they have had enough of playing a stupid game that makes no sense other than it serves the warmongers who can’t produce an opposing argument because they don’t have truth-logic at their side.
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Then if it is the right person, the game is over and you are all fucked.
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Then there is that moment of death when the truth has to be revealed and before then your anxiety will continue getting worse. Isn’t that the case @Shelley Jacobson, @Steven Bailey, @Steven Kofsky, GemACH sic, @Clifford Benn, @Tony Leon, @Harry Rady, @Nigel Gevisser, @Hedda Gevisser, @Mark Gevisser , @Mark Kromer and so why are you all still here?
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If anyone feels I have left them out, please let me know.
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Still to come, the easy educating of children and why GemACH sic is so desperate to discredit me.
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Who else can honestly say they woke up next to unimaginable beauty inside and out, and felt deserving?
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Just to put things in perspective; Jupiter which you see as a white dot to the left of the moon shaded by clouds last evening
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is approximately at the moment 385 million miles from earth and some 1540 times further than the moon that is less than a quarter million miles from earth.
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Up until Galileo which wasn’t that long ago, they had no idea of the distance or huge size of Jupiter but the important thing is that they were fascinated by it, and most people had to work hard to survive.
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Most all of you live either off inheritance or profiting from stolen lands and that just takes money capital courtesy of the SA Oppenheimers and their banking network whose branches continue popping up everywhere where there is wealth as they move back and forth from one side of the street or street corner to the other, and yet you are always running out of time without a thought to looking up at the cosmos and seeing its so orderly splendor.
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Fools Names Fools Faces in Public Places.
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Again perspective; only now in very recent times as man has bulldozed forward with the GDP devastating the earth in support of money mad real estate developers do we have a clear sense of the magnitude, the enormous size of the universe with everything moving further and further away at huge speed that we cannot even keep up with using the most sophisticated space based telescopes, and here we are all wanting to protect the SA Oppenheimers and their need to keep the war machine going. Yet you go to your places of worship including country clubs and think nothing of it. You must however feel off balance otherwise you wouldn’t be here.
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The youth however once getting the information of how you have all shortchanged them with your big ego, narrow mindedness and cruelty to the good your greatest kick, will be totally uplifted; mark my words.
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It is all your loss that you have an unhealthy imagination and again such collective ugliness can only be fated. It is easy to figure out if you have a good mind how to change your fate on the next go around. You can’t have such great cosmos without purpose. Take all that and stuff it in your pipes!
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You have to be spiritual, beyond the money, to understand the thinking of someone with a conscience like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German Lutheran pastor, theologian, anti-Nazi dissident, and key founding member of the Confessing Church who knew the fate, the torture execution that awaited him on April 9, 1945, with Hitler himself giving the order that he be strung up naked, by a thin wire, and the Allied armies fast closing in on Flossenbürg concentration camp, but not fast enough.
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There were also Roman Catholic nuns who refused to be quiet and knowing the Pope wasn’t going to come to their rescue in Auschwitz.
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Imagine if Bonhoeffer had The Internet at his fingertips, would the people have rallied behind him?
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The Nazis won World War II.
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While we give GemACH sic and whoever else wants the last word and it makes sense when you can’t explain how you all disastrously missed the GDP to ponder your futures, especially those of you pontificating your religious piety, and clearly God-HER didn’t think enough of you to provide the common sense thinking, all the while priding yourself on your ugly, revolting
, vomit looks

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which you plaster up close for the world to see, much like the uglier they are
Shelley Jacobson

Please stop sending me messages you are freaking me out
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the more skin they feel the need to show
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kathy clown
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let’s not also forget who is watching.
Shelley Jacobson

Please stop messaging me I am not interested
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Zuckerberg can also perfectly understand what is going through member @Shelley Jacobson‘s mind who hasn’t forgotten why she first went about marking up the photo of my father’s cockpit and now she is joining GemACH sic and the rest who are Poverty of Thought [POT] stricken, playing victim.
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When looking at Shelley Jacobson’s facebook wall, and she and I have been FB friends and communicating on fb messaging since January 13, 2019, the 14th anniversary of my last meeting with Jewish South African real estate mogul Jonathan Beare for breakfast in Beverly Hills which was a year to the day after I first wrote Professor Edward Jay Epstein, author of The D I book introducing myself and he too quickly began circling the wagons, there is nothing really happy that she presents.
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Wouldn’t you agree with that Ms. Jacobson?
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Ms. Jacobson, when you look at your looks which play a crucial role in attracting a mate, would you prefer to have been born with a beautiful face and body?
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Ms. Jacobson, what bothers you more, your looks that don’t appear to have attracted a beautiful lover, and you would know from my mother Zena the great importance of a great sex life to keep rejuvinating the soul, or that it never occurred to you that the SA Oppenheimers were laughing their heads off at the abundant Jewish South Africans making their fortunes in real estate investing while 93% of the South African population were excluded from participating?
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Of course, even to those who are Vegan and have also taken the next step to cut out all the oils despite the addiction helped along by the advertising all geared to have a sick society and the sicker one is the more resentful one is of the healthy and this cycle of violence is the pandemic that accompanies the overpopulation pandemic that is critical in sustaining the real estate inflationary wars, and it only taking one “influencer” to end this disgusting manmade paradigm and shift you all into full on consciousness with a heavy thud landing on the earth, and never again will the sound a bird rejuvinate your spirit because all is lost when you lose the game of life, the new knowledge that the entire supply chain is rigged is nothing short of devastating.

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All the good know exactly what I am talking about, and my very good teacher mother Zena would say, once you have given it your best shot and you are surrounded by evil, then it is time to go quiet and God will be your guardian.
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Of course the notion of God-HER to the corrupt is a total joke, but then how would you explain why it is that you can’t talk about the GDP and the important history that surrounds this colossal human deformity?
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You only have your brain to keep the rest of the body in great health so that it stands tall and gets to enjoy the most of what perfect nature has to offer.
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Those of you with a heart condition know exactly what I am talking about.
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Imagine yourselves right now beginning a 10 mile hike starting at an elevation of say 4,000 feet and climbing all the way up to 6000 feet, and throughout surrounded by the most georgeous very old oaks who date back to the 1600s, the first 100 feet is tyranny and then next 50 feet is death.
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The youth, no matter their economic circumstance don’t have any of those restraints.
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And remember once diabetes has set in it is just a question of time before you lose your legs and the first toe loss is really not going to motivate you much to begin that 10 mile hike.
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As death approaches not even the best tasting cow tongue or lobster feels all that great in the mouth knowing how quickly it is all going to come out even you if don’t have a suppository rammed up.
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This life is all about the youth and preparing for the next go around.
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Who wouldn’t right now want to join me in feeling great health and that no hike is seen as an obstacle but rather totally inspiring without feeling the need to be so stupid and climb mount everest.
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Shelley removed the group name.
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10:24 AM Shelley Jacobson Why you calling me ugly 10:25 AM Gary Gevisser Why did you remove the name of my group chat NSS? 10:26 AM Gary Gevisser Let’s first bring in our mutual friends before all the others: Alan Davidoff 48 mutual friends Alan Gold 135 mutual friends Alan Levy 102 mutual friends Alan Yudelman 79 mutual friends Alec J Drobis 130 mutual friends Alwyn Hirsch 51 mutual friends Anthony Mclintock 181 mutual friends Anthony Steven Cohen 121 mutual friends Brendan Johnstone 15 mutual friends Bryan Collet 90 mutual friends Casper Junior Kanakembizi 41 mutual friends Colin Boruchowitz 125 mutual friends Dani Rakoff 66 mutual friends Darren Platzky 126 mutual friends David Neil Shapiro 92 mutual friends Duane Liebenberg 45 mutual friends Dubi Dayan 5 mutual friends Eli Haim 35 mutual friends Eli Knight 162 mutual friends Gabrielle Holstenson 100 mutual friends Gary Broomberg 153 mutual friends Gary Fisher 231 mutual friends Gary Saitowitz 71 mutual friends Glen Josselsohn 108 mutual friends Glen Josselsohn Art 80 mutual friends Gregory Andrew Gallo 44 mutual friends Gregory Lex Blank 98 mutual friends Henri Slier 73 mutual friends Hymie Berchowitz 105 mutual friends Ian Zackon 53 mutual friends Jack Roy Weltman 37 mutual friends James Morrison 101 mutual friends Janet Friedlander 19 mutual friends Jeff Lazar 129 mutual friends Jo-An Epstein 32 mutual friends Jon-Brandan Bloch 36 mutual friends Lance Jacobson 140 mutual friends Larry Friedman 129 mutual friends Lawrence Jacobson 17 mutual friends Lawrence Mathoho 37 mutual friends Mark Albert 68 mutual friends Mark D Cameron 100 mutual friends Paulo Rafael Pestana 59 mutual friends Raymond Sass 44 mutual friends Robert Appelbaum 99 mutual friends Rod Margo 229 mutual friends Rowan Hirsch 46 mutual friends Roy Aronson 53 mutual friends Saville Katz 151 mutual friends Stan Kessel 102 mutual friends Steven Brenner 8 mutual friends Sue Mink 26 mutual friends Toni Katz Copans 73 mutual friends Warren Saks 133 mutual friends Yoni Herrmann 95 mutual friends Yudi Cohen 116 mutual friends מחמט מחמט 19 mutual friends
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10:27 ~ 10:30 AM Gary Gevisser BTW, I have now placed back the name and everyone will soon see that much clearer that you don’t have answers for your sickness. BTW, which of our mutual fb friends do you most admire? Is this the way your mother behaved? Were you abused as a child and/or an adult? 10:30 AM Shelley Jacobson honestly don’t know what is going on here. I never consented to any of this and I don’t know what you are talking about. Please explain 10:31 AM Gary Gevisser Do you remember placing 4 white lines on the photograph of a cockpit I provided? [Shelley Jacobson then hit block]
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@Daniel Ammann when are you going to start talking about why the plug was pulled on the movie starring Matt Damon and John Krazinski which was based on your book King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich? How do you all communicate with one another knowing what the others are thinking? Daniel, do you ever look around in a restaurant and wonder if anyone knows more about my having discovered the fatal flaws in your book than they are letting on? After a while do you feel that you lose all sensitivity other than your declining health?
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Earlier member and retired biologist @Mark Kromer, who has been rather quiet on NSS, decided to speak out on Review of Down Durban Memory Lane, hoping it would seem to cause a stampede:
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3:25 PM calif time, 27 odd minutes ago: Mark Kromer: I think I seemed to see you in this video?

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3:30 PM Gary Gevisser: @Mark Kromer are you feeling lonely?
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3:44 PM Gary Gevisser: How would you see yourself returning given your performance? You remember we are not friends, or anything close. Was this outburst to solicit something? Mark, you consider yourself a devout Christian and spent 4 years in Southern Africa at the height of the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime. You arrived there as a university graduate, meaning you could also read and write. Your eyes told you that all around you 93% of the population were non-white but they couldn’t live or own property in the white designated areas which were the most sought after. That was in the mid-70s. Since then you have done a lot of praying, eating and talking whatever enters your head in order to get what you want. What would you want people to take away from this interruption and does it make you feel better about yourself? Why do you think liberal activist member @Alan Morton Dershowitz hasn’t spoken about why Jewish people like him so incensed about our Jewish Holocaust haven’t explained how 93% of the population couldn’t participate in the rigged white South African property market and paid sufficiently low slave wages that they would be at each other’s throats which turned them also into spies? On a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate your conscience and common sense?