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Name someone stupid (16)



Screenshot NSS 16 at 12:19 Pm Calif. time November 16, 2021

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Torah Gemach
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GemACH sic, your “Add to story” occurred at 10:10 AM Calif. time. At 11:04 AM, 8 minutes ago I wrote the following response to member @Cate Bennett who converted to Judaism:

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Title: After the next generation this was not valid

@Cate Bennett, no one on the planet, including David Eaton is capable of being clearer than, “In a nutshell; the individual profiting from land in Israel, is both illogical and not close to being in conformity with what the Torah says about giving the Land of Israel to all the Jewish people.”

You should not be confused or for that matter irritated with me who is sharing not only the most important ill of this world, but the solution to this manmade problem which the religious should have been the first to identify given how we all know that whoever controls the land owns the banks, the politicians and they just have to pay the soldiers a fair wage that cannot be less than the bought politician.

It is right to question Christians about their “worshipping of human idols” which of course some of them will not try to refute and put their belief system down to indoctrination, brainwashing from an early age which they don’t know how to overcome.

Others you might find arguing that the trilogy is their reverence towards saintly people even though it is clear in their preachings that Jesus Christ is the “Son of God” which obviously is more than a saint. So us Jewish people who are more into money power than we are into ancient texts which are all about war, treachery of family, friends and business associates focus on admonishing Christians for violating the 10 Commandments, as “idol human worship”, an affront to the essence of Judaism contained in the well known Jewish edict, “Hear Israel, I am the Lord, your God, God is one”.

God is not divisible.

That means no human should be above another unless they have earned that right, and the Jewish people as a community, are in full agreement.

I also went to the trouble of suggesting you read up on the German-South African Oppenheimer family who should have been the first prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals, and instead they and their supporters grew from strength to strength; and when they couldn’t defeat us on the battlefields they went about destroying us from the inside.

Not to mention, chapter 16 of The Diamond Invention book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL explains the farce of the “rule of law” and should have long shut down all the business, economics and law schools throughout the globe. It explains extortion, crimes of high treason unprecedented in human history.

Most important is that the SA Oppenheimers were once Jewish before they were ostracized by good Jewish people like my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser, and the Oppenheimers waited for the right opportunity to take their vengeance.

Moreover, us Jewish people consider ourselves the “Chosen People” for God not only granting us the wisdom to never bow to a human ruler who just wants slaves to ensure their luxurious lifestyle and to obey with a sword hanging over their head at all times, but for us to dwell in the Land of Israel as a united people.

You shouldn’t have to read Plato to know that private ownership of real estate and the eating of dairy-meat, herding of other animal species who are not fixated on weapon systems to subdue the militarily weaker, will lead to the death of humanity because those teachings are the embodiment of Judaism.

We also know that throwing stones can result in reprisals if one doesn’t have truth-logic at one’s side.

Before laying a glove on other people’s religion or beliefs, one first has to explain what brought about the richest Israelis today being private owners of real estate and the development of weapon systems such as missiles?

One is taught to always follow the money trail until arriving at the primary source. The fact that the SA Oppenheimers have managed to insulate themselves well doesn’t change the fact that in terms of wealth they stand head and shoulders richer than any other South African while remaining fixated on turning the weakest of us Jewish people.

The SA Oppenheimers also know they didn’t need to accomplish their goal of weakening us Jewish people to a pulp in 7 days. They have also had the Roman Catholic Church in their back pocket long before the gas chambers were built at Auschwitz, Treblinka and the such.

There is again nothing in Torah which speaks to individual Jews profiting from the land given to all the Jewish people.

It is also the religious Jews of Israel who control the politics-economics and they know I have hit on their Achilles’ heel.

The “push back” is electrifying, and you would expect this “Judas” to come from the weakest of us Jewish people.

That is because deeply imbedded in the foundation of modern day Jewish law which understandably the rest, who also want to get rid of us, have latched on to, is private land ownership.

If the religious Jews no longer have Torah supporting individual Israelis profiting from the land given by God to all the Jewish people, you have the most powerful sect neutralized.

Yes, they are angry.

They are very angry.

They are even willing to lie and say, “When the Jewish people entered the land of Israel, according to their tribe were allocated land. Each according to family size”.

Doesn’t that sound exactly like something taken verbatim from scripture?

Then they continue, “After the next generation this was not valid.” Cate you have heard of the Big Lie.

Once caught with the Big Lie comes the no less insidious coverup, “But I believe it is not exactly written, it may be in Rashi.”

Cate, it is not in Rashi but by saying “may be” they think they are giving themselves a way out of their Big Lie.

Then come the threats.

It is all crystal clear on my Facebook group chat-symposium, Name Someone Stupid. Again, check out my 2facetruth dot com BLOG.

Chosen People designation pisses off a lot of people.

Why do you think no one else has pointed out over the past 3000 years how clear is Torah that no individual man created the land and therefore for the individual to profit from the land is not fair even if they have the biggest gun.

If they have the biggest gun then the soldiers in the winning army should be rewarded with the land, period.

If they are not smart enough to take care of their farmers who also provide the best and strongest shoulders then they better employ the best slaves or they will need to fight the closest King and Queen or seek an accommodation that can easily be revoked.

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Your move GemACH sic.

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You added David Eaton to the group.

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Cate Bennett left the group.

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@Tommy Simpson, what bothers you more, sticking with GemACH or having to deal with your announciation that you derive great satisfaction in “bothering” me at the same time saying that I am “smart” and knowing that I think you are both stupid and treacherous?

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@Tommy Simpson can you commiserate with Cate Bennett who maintains “Twenty years of intense study — 5 years in preparation for conversion, having read a small library of books on many aspects of Judaism, and studying with multiple rabbis. I lived with one for many years” but all that intense study, multiple rabbis, lived with one for many years” and then discovering just minutes ago the Big Lie they have to tell, “After the next generation this was not valid” followed by the sick coverup, “But I believe it is not exactly written, it may be in Rashi”?

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@Tommy Simpson, we didn’t really get into GemACH’s “I believe it is not exactly written …” did we?

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@Tommy Simpson, tell us again what exactly causes you to arrive at the conclusion that GemACH is not so smart but he has a “pure heart”?

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@Tommy Simpson, did you also miss that GemACH sic went from being “unhappy” without saying why, but it was obvious, to then saying that he is “not unhappy” without saying exactly why, but it was obvious?

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@Tommy Simpson, why do you think us Jewish people, the Questioning People, never picked up on the Land of Israel given by God to all the Jewish people and yet the religious Jewish people never questioned how it is kosher for a rich Jewish Israeli to profit from the land given to all the Jewish people?

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@Tommy Simpson, you must accept that unless you can find a Jewish sage like Rashi stating categorically “After the next generation this was not valid” then the best you are going to find comes right out of the mouth of GemACH sic who has made it all up and his coverup no less disgraceful.

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Edit: … strongest soldiers …
Tommy Simpson
Hails @Gary Gevisser I hope your day has been filled with love. What is it called in Jewish culture when a person goes on a sabbatical or time apart from the world and society?

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@Tommy Simpson, tell us again what exactly causes you to arrive at the conclusion that GemACH is not so smart but he has a “pure heart”?

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@Tommy Simpson, what bothers you more, sticking with GemACH or having to deal with your announciation that you derive great satisfaction in “bothering” me at the same time saying that I am “smart” and knowing that I think you are both stupid and treacherous?
That’s not an answer. I’m talking about when a person goes off on their own for a few weeks or months. A sort of pilgrimage. In Jewish terms.


Tommy Simpson
What’s that called ?
Tommy Simpson
@Gary Gevisser Do you know?

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@Tommy Simpson , you referred just earlier to yourself as lazy.

Did you ever get punishment that had you staying after school and writing the same repetitive stuff, one line after the next, repeating?

Again, what does it feel like calling someone smart and this smart person considers you stupid and dishonorable?

@Tommy Simpson why not try to address the other question that you need to answer in order for you to remain in class?

What is this “some knowledge” I have?

You haven’t said anything about what you have learned from me and shown appreciation.

Again, you smuck, you didn’t become vegan because of me.

Moreover, repeating that bullshit again isn’t going to prevent you from being kicked out of class permanently.

@Tommy Simpson would you agree that you are ignorant about the politics-economics of Israel along with rest of the world that has you realizing you are not that intelligent?

Speak directly to your friend with the “pure heart”.

Does GemACH sic and his wife look like they are healthy from their poor slob diet?

What did you learn about The D I book that you first said was boring because it bothered you as much as GemACH sic?

What do you think @Tommy Simpson bothers GemACH sic about The D I book?

@Tommy Simpson, tell us again what exactly causes you to arrive at the conclusion that GemACH is not so smart but he has a “pure heart”?

@Tommy Simpson, what bothers you more, sticking with GemACH or having to deal with your announciation that you derive great satisfaction in “bothering” me at the same time saying that I am “smart” and knowing that I think you are both stupid and treacherous?

@Tommy Simpson , if you could offer someone free advertising, free marketing advice, free PR, free engineering and free production, wouldn’t you have people like Zuckerberg, President Biden, Hunter Biden, Donald Trump, Schneerson-ChaBAD sic, President Putin etc knocking at your door to get a leg up on the competition?

BTW, @Tommy Simpson, when you wrote yesterday at 2:44 PM Calif. time “The food looks great. I like those sprouts. How do you have access to such a diverse vegetable market?” you were obviously talking to me because you made specific reference to those very healthy alfalfa which we sprout every day. Yet GemACH sic, who has no fresh greens in that slob he presents, answers, “Grocery store”.

Is there anything else he has done that has you thinking he is stupid or distracting at every opportunity because he is stupid?

Tommy don’t you expect people who are religious to have both smarts and integrity? Tommy Simpson when you first read “After the next generation this was not valid” in response to Cate Bennett, did it remind you of something about GemACH sic and yourself that still makes you angry?

How can you expect me to put in a good word for you when speaking next to my Israeli cousin who has the ear of Zuckerberg?

Torah Gemach
What ever

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Yes , we are moving into the area of reasoning, rational thought and conscience. How do you figure yourself?

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@Tommy Simpson and @Torah Gemach aka Benzion going around the bend “Whatever” check your inbox for, “Supra personal (Above or beyond what is personal)”.

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Also GemACH sic, let’s be clear that your “what ever” pertains to your earlier writings which turns all scripture and secular law upside down; namely, “When the Jewish people entered the land of Israel, according to their tribe were allocated land. Each according to family size. After the next generation this was not valid… But I believe it is not exactly written, it may be in Rashi”. GemACH sic, you and this Simpson are not the only ones who know you are totally screwed. GemACH sic, on a scale of 1 to 10, and 10 being very happy, how do you see yourself right now?
Torah Gemach
In a mirror

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GemACH sic, why can’t you admit you lied, not once but twice? Do you honestly believe you have fooled God? Look in the mirror again, and then give a number.

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GemACH sic, why do you think irrational, deceptive, fool @Tommy Simpson would smash you first, “GemACH not so much (smart)” before writing “but his heart is more pure and that is significant”? You know that he doesn’t really think you have a pure heart. So what do you think he is up to? Would you date him if your wife agreed?
Torah Gemach
Just be quiet for awhile

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GemACH sic, I know you would do anything to shut me up; that too is to be expected by a religious hypocrite. Let me put the question to you a different way; why would you tell such a bold face lie, and at the same time knowing you risked being caught? In other words why was it so important to lie and your coverup no less insidious?

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@Tommy Simpson, why aren’t you jumping in?

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We can see you waiting there in the wings.

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GemACH sic and @Tommy Simpson, imagine for the moment that my Facebook senior engineer manager cousin as well as Zuckerberg are watching this in real time, is that thought pleasing or distressing to you?

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GemACH sic, given the fact that Zuckerberg is Jewish, do you think it would make it that much more difficult for him to figure out why you would tell such an outrageous lie to begin with?

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GemACH sic, don’t you think we should focus on why you would lie to begin with before examining just as closely your coverup?

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@Tommy Simpson, what did you think of “Supra personal (Above or beyond what is personal)”?

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@Tommy Simpson, you feel you know GemACH sic as good as you know yourself, do you think his response “Just be quiet for awhile” is an indicator that he is not so happy with himself that he got caught lying or that he lied to begin with?

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@Tommy Simpson , can you hear me?

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Did you ever see the Broadway musical? Have you been asked that question before?

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Why do you think Professor David Eaton’s post graduate engineering and chemistry students have such a pessimistic outlook? Do you think it is because they have been following you on NSS?

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Tommy I can’t hear you.

Are you in space talking with either Roger Daltrey and/or David Bowie? Does Bowie look more weathered now that he is dead?

Didn’t you think Roger Daltrey was taller than 5 feet 6 inches?

Do you care more for IT work than music? Do you have on your mind the chronology of GemACH’s sic sick attempts to perpetuate the myth that God gave man the right to individually profit from the land because God first gifted the Land of Israel to all the Jewish people collectively?

Hi Gary


It’s been a wonderful day. What’s the best thing going on for you at this very instant?


Tommy Simpson
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Tommy does this work for you?:

What is a narcissist’s ultimate motive and outcome? Narcissists are insane. Even if they had an ultimate motive or outcome, it would confuse and disgust you. Narcissists cannot be helped. They are a bottomless pit, into which you can throw your entire life (and some people do) with no discernible difference to their vacuousness. Use the narcissist to turn the light on yourself. What is your ultimate motive and outcome? The narcissist would have ferreted out your deepest dreams and desires in order to leverage them against you — all part of their senseless insanity. Use this. When the narcissist flooded you with their magical thinking, it gave you powers to imagine. You felt fantastic, your vision finally cleared. Now that the narcissist is gone, you feel depressed. However the dream is within your grasp. It will require hard work, perseverance. These are all things narcissists lack. They have done their job, now let them be. The narcissist was meant to enter your life to unearth your life’s purpose,

Robert Torbay

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@Tommy Simpson are you aware of lazy people whose greatest attribute is that they persevere?
Torah Gemach
The questions don’t get harder
Tommy replied to you
Original message:
@Tommy Simpson are you aware of lazy people whose greatest attribute is that they persevere?
Tommy Simpson

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You come back as the next to the last breath.

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Today is the 17th odd anniversary of breaking my 24 year silence with mineral-banking monopolist SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-IG Farben-Deutsche Bank.
Fabienne Lacourpaille
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Tommy Simpson
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Seen by Tommy Simpson at Friday 3:42pm

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@Tommy Simpson , not in the least bit appetizing to my mind, but then you are focused on bad distraction. Remember you return as the next to the last breath.

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Is that fried something and old greens?

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Sunflower pâté

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@Glenda Werbel, I’m assuming you and Harvey are still alive even if you are not in the best of health while thinking more about returning with the second to the last breath containing the visual of a Tarantula Hawk, although your thoughts must be of the paralyzed Tarantula being able to feel it is being eaten alive by the Tarantula Hawk’s offspring imbedded in its abdomen.

Abandoning my mother Zena was not smart.

It will be easy for you to follow everything here including the importance of positive actions continuously; second, the contrived collapse of the Venezuelan economy making it easy, affordable for foreign tourists and movie crews to film the beauty of Mt. Roraima, known as Heaven on Earth where the one documentary caught this beastly Tarantula Hawk doing its thing; and third, the very important telling actions of those most poorly bred, such as GemACH sic and no less awful @Tommy Simpson, neither having the pleasure of visiting intimately with people such as yourself who have lived a lifetime on the upper east side of Manhattan which is just a luxurious base from which to yacht back and forth to your Caribbean hangout where again the riff-raff never get close.

But what you all have in common is envy.

Check your inbox for “Crypto Jews”.

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You added @Gary Firer

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Again, on Thursday, Oct 21, at 9:56 AM California time, 5 minutes after posting on my fb symposium, The Lady’s Speech Observers, “Human not so kind” ChaBAD sic member, narrow minded, lazy, ultra orthodox, anything but Jewish thinking, 67 year old, sickly Torah GemACH sic aka Benzion going around the bend, responded:
Seen by Solly Krok at Saturday 10:27am
So what is your point on the True statement? Do you have a rock solid plan and solution to reverse this or are you just saying?
At 11:57 AM I replied:

Title: Get on the boat

GemACH sic, I think, overpopulation is the biggest problem that has to be tackled.

Then everybody has to be vegan. It is cleaning up the planet.

Then the mineral resources have to be monitored so that there is no waste.

Everyone is on the same boat. The GDP is no longer an issue.

Competition will weed itself out.

Without GDP you will have the best product/s that do the least harm to humans and other species we share the planet; and people are no longer running like rats after the money. It is more of an enlightenment towards the betterment and caring.

How far and how long can you swim?

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Plumber, @Alan Mark Zeligson, Ward 22-Greefswald patient administered by sexual deviant, psychiatrist Dr Aubrey Levin MD, have you increased your stroke beyond 200 meters?

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@Dani Rakoff aka 🐀 RATcoff sic, it is unlike you 👎 to be so quiet.

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The following have blocked from being added to NSS:

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Are narcissists sad inside?

Joe B. House Author has 1.6K answers and 95.9M answer views I

f you were to plot the narcissist’s “feelings and emotions” on an emotional scale which varies from 0 (meaning completely despaired) and 10 (meaning blissfully happy), with a 5 in the middle (meaning general satisfaction), then the narcissists ‘default mode’ hovers between 0 and 4.9. Between 0 and 4.9 you have feelings of despair, worthlessness, insecurity, depression, worries, sadness, boredom… (boredom is probably the least bad of the negative emotions, and this still isn’t great).

Basically, they are constantly on the bottom 50 percentile of the emotional scale where all negative emotions are.

This is the narcissist’s ‘home’.

But narcissists really want to be in the upper 50 percentile of the emotional scale, and it kills them that they cannot stay there. That’s where you have genuine feelings of hope, peace, eagerness, purpose, happiness, chirpiness, bliss.

Narcissists are unable to achieve and maintain these positive feelings and so are constantly trying to get this through other people. The fallacy here is, true feelings of goodness can only come from within, not from others.

So while narcissists try to find their happiness through others, at best this distracts them from their own negative feelings for a fleeting moment — but it does not last. Never has, never will. Unless the narcissist can introspect with the view to making the necessary inner change, they can never heal. It is nearly impossible for a narcissist to change, but (knock on wood) maybe if one really wanted to change, it could be possible.

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“(boredom is probably the least bad of the negative emotions, and this still isn’t great).”

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Torah Gemach
What is this? A plant?
Anne Pollard
Seen by Wendy Ann Bouman at Sunday 5:26amSeen by Anne Pollard at October 27, 2021 at 1:25 PM
Fabienne Lacourpaille
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What do narcissists feel inside? Dorothy Sciortino ,
Small Business Owner (2002-present) Answered 6 months ago · Author has 10.5K answers and 32.3M answer views

Originally Answered: How do narcissists feel about themselves?

This is my perception:

1. They fake all the time because they cannot bear showing the world who they really are. So they must say things to impress others.

2. Very low self confidence.
3. Very weak character. When you fail to self reflect all your life, you cannot understand what your weaknesses are and ameliorate those.
4. They feel the need to cheat you of money etc as for them this comes more natural and easier than putting in real hard work and achieving success.
5. Panicky when cornered
6. Their mantra is – life is hard and so deceive others to make it more bearable.
7. Perplexed every time they see someone genuinely happy over simple things. This is something that is beyond comprehension for them.
8. Jealous when others achieve. They must bring you down and ruin your happiness.
9. Hatred – real and raw hatred if you slight them.
10. Their inner critic is too much to deal with on a daily basis and so expect addictions like alcohol or drugs.

And I imagine them to suffer from frequent headaches. Strategizing and updating those continuously takes loads of effort. So they should be brain drained at the end of each day.

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On September 5, 2006 Oppenheimer, when meeting with President Putin, shows his power. Why bother with terrorist financier Marc Rich’s successor, Ivan Glasenberg-Glencore when you can negotiate, cutting out the middlemen. Keep … your enemies even closer. BEat healthy.
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Takes time for the squeeze to set in.

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Tesla reached a low of $72.24 on 18 March, 2020.

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Added back my fb friend @Sofiaan Fraval, a close intimate of Elon Musk who may not at this moment have as clear a bird’s eye view as Zuckerberg.

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@Solly Krok, are you awake?

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@Tony Leon are you awake?

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Tweet 30 December 2020: Yeah, like the cars with the “DIEsel” (sic) car. Looks like you are being squeezed. Apple wouldn’t be too upset if BMW-Mercedes bring their political clout, Deutsche Bank-Glencore-De Beers to the table, the same people as your PayPal friend-foe Thiel? @russ1mitchell @60Minutes

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Tweet 8 days earlier, 22 December 2020: @GaryGevisser · Dec 22, 2020 Replying to @elonmusk and @wintonARK Wow. So now it is competing, Apple against TESLA and wasting mineral resources while hiding the non-competitive nature of industry. We can do better. First nature. @meganeellison @MKramerTV @russ1mitchell @seashepherd @leeuwengew @lvanRBLX @Berlinskiquotes @DavidGelernter

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Again, Tweet to Elon Musk on 29 January 2020: On September 5, 2006 Oppenheimer, when meeting with President Putin, shows his power. Why bother with terrorist financier Marc Rich’s successor, Ivan Glasenberg-Glencore when you can negotiate, cutting out the middlemen. Keep … your enemies even closer. BEat healthy.
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Tesla shares last traded on 29 January 2020 at $116.20
Zack Kurman

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@Zack Kurman why speak up on NSS and yet you don’t respond to me after giving you my opinion on film footage that shows Israel Ambassador to Great Britain is over her head?

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Here is what you sent me.

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WATCH-Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely spoke to Julie Hartley-Brewer this morning: “No other country has to deal with such violent expression and part of it is antisemitism and the modern version of antisemitism is anti-Zionism”.
Sussex Friends Of Israel

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My response to you less than 8 hours later on November 11th at 5:57 PM California time: I listened to the whole broadcast. This Israeli ambassador doesn’t explain who profits from anti-Semitism and their primary sources of income. I write on the military economy. What do you do?

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@Zack Kurman is your thinking that speaking up in a public forum if only to show your face, helps deal with your likely stupidity in not thinking through that whole piece? Why didn’t you simply ask me to explain more or did my point, “The Israeli Ambassador doesn’t explain who profits from anti-Semitism and their primary sources of income make so much common sense that has you questioning all the rest of your education and what you have imparted to others who also thought you knew what you are taking about?

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@Zack Kurman , why do you think you are all so impolite while trying to present an image of being nice at the same time uniquely different?
The Nazis were very effective in how they shaved our heads in the death factories, tattooed us with numbers and then had us all wearing the same clothes.
Do you see how they have simply made adjustments in allowing us to dress as we please but think the same?

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@Glenda Werbel, Keep checking for “Crypto Jews” without forgetting that this GemACH sic can’t really be interested in something that is obviously a flower but he isn’t certain because his mind is on what in God’s name compelled him to lie about a most important matter of Torah which it looks like escaped all our Jewish rabbis and sages the past 3,000 years.
Glenda, you also know a lot of manmade laws have been passed in the interim which have turned this planet upside down with the most unaccomplished rising to the top.

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@Tommy Simpson, you too have caused yourself big headaches by first writing how much joy and satisfaction you get from “bothering” me and in the next breath you tell me that I am “smart”. An elementary school playground wouldn’t have the kids acting as infantile as you and GemACH sic.

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@Tommy Simpson are you there?

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If you were the financial advisor to either Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, and you were reading this, would you delay and knowing that another financial advisor might not delay and your engagement would be logically terminated immediately?

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GemACH sic, you know that you are out of your depth in financial matters just as you are Torah which first mandates ethics which requires intelligence which is tightly bound with conscience.

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In other words GemACH sic, you are going to have to sit this one out unless you are like @Zack Kurman and feel you have to talk in order to hold on to what little remains of your sanity.

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@Solly Krok did you notice that in the hours leading up to Elon Musk’s lawyer making his closing arguments in the defamation lawsuit with that Unsworth diver, I was the most vocal supporter of Elon Musk on Facebook and Twitter; and no one even close.

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If you think Musk didn’t see my prolific, time prescient Tweets with guidance you would expect from a seasoned, worldly advisor, you would have to be stupid.

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December 5, 2019; 5:12 PM Calif. time: If Unsworth actually said in court, “My insult was to the tube and not to Mr. Musk personally,” and the “tube” I assume is the TV cameras then his goal was to make the insult to you VERY PUBLIC, which is worse, wouldn’t you agree? Stay on top of your lawyers for final arguments.

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Dec. 5, 2019; 6:47 PM: Summing up: Was the intention to rattle? What else could it be, to be so rude? Unsworth’s statements, intended to be broadcast, was in itself sexually provocative. Maybe it was intended to make Musk appear to be homosexual? Continuing …

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Edit: 6:46 PM

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Dec. 5, 6:47 PM: Summing up – page 2 Cave divers have nerves of steel. Need to think logically. How could this tit-for-tat that Unsworth began now have Unsworth going from being a shark, king of the ocean, to a selfish-shellfish? Continuing …

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Dec. 5, 2019, 6:51 PM:

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Summing up – page 3 Unsworth’s response was unwarranted. Could it have been malicious to move out Elon Musk who had a great deal to lose if his miniature sub malfunctioned? There are lots of questions?

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Tesla shares closed at $67.18 on December 6, 2019.

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Who isn’t following?
Seen by Zack Kurman at Sunday 8:20pm

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Correction. A little earlier, but not a moment too soon or too late, time is only relevant to species humankind the oxymoron of all time, that has destroyed proportional to advances in technology to avoid wars, disease, overpopulation and nothing can be more deformed in thinking than the GDP that no one wants to talk about, but critically important exceptions prove the rule, I referred to @Sofiaan Fraval as a “close intimate” of Elon Musk only in a logic sense.

One doesn’t need to reason with the world for smart people wanting, such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg wanting to distance themselves from the masses of fools.

Fabienne Lacourpaille
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People are stupid. By the time they wake up the planet will be dead. The big question is why would they wake up. It is highly optimistic to think they will wake up.

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Edit: The big question is, why would they wake up?

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You can’t take it out on your horse, or dog (god backwards), or cat (most no tact), or cow.

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Edit: One doesn’t need to reason with the world for smart people like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg wanting to distance themselves from the masses of fools.
Fabienne Lacourpaille

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The advent of this little handheld device, fits in perfectly with the palm the hand 🤚 along with the Internet’s social networking has allowed the plebes to blow up their highly inflated, overrated intelligence. The biggest mouths now have a mouthpiece and their big ego, little knowledge, doesn’t quite know when to stop. Wouldn’t you agree Akiva Fuld?

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@Akiva Fuld, look how quickly you have come down to earth.

You sent

Study our dialogue on fb messaging and imagine Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos who has the most insanely illogical, no chance of success without collusion business model, and Mark Zuckerberg reading it all in real time.

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In ancient times the peasants were extraordinarily smart and strong.

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The parents and grandparents encouraged the children and grandchildren to listen carefully to the dinner conversations and never interrupting unless asking very good questions which to be very good had to be pertinent.

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Anything in proximity of pagan ritual; i.e. something that couldn’t be explained rationally, relevant to their suffering, was strictly prohibited and anything against the ruling elite was equally not tolerated.

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Now of course I’m only talking about minority groups like us Jewish people and Gipsies who had no land of our own to build a very strong army and win over our enemies with logic-truth which us Jewish people have in abundance without calling on sages to make commentaries which served to diminish Judaism and benefit the rulers who didn’t care to be questioned.

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Now it is 11:55 AM Calif. time, 15 November 2021.

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Who can think of anything more stupid than to have missed the colossal deformity, intellectual midget thinking of the GDP economic index that drives the destruction of the planet.

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This question is open to everyone.

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The fact is that you cannot.

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It distresses you beyond repair.

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It goes right to the heart of what are stupid people being here in the first place?

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Why are we thinking it is so important that we be a multi planetary species with none close to being hospitable and nor is there anything on the horizon with realistic rocket technologies, so that we can salvage humanity and consciousness were the planet to blow.

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Une étudiante a demandé un jour à l’anthropologue Margaret Mead ce qu’elle considérait comme le premier signe de civilisation dans une culture. L’étudiant s’attendait à ce que l’anthropologue parle d’hameçons, de pots en argile ou de pierres à aiguiser. Mais non. Mead a déclaré que le premier signe de civilisation dans une culture ancienne était la preuve d’une personne avec un fémur cassé et guéri (os de la cuisse). Mead a expliqué que dans le règne animal, si vous vous cassez la jambe, vous mourez. Vous ne pouvez pas fuir le danger, aller à la rivière pour boire de l’eau ou chasser pour se nourrir. Vous êtes de la viande fraîche pour les prédateurs. Aucun animal ne survit à une jambe cassée assez longtemps pour que l’os guérisse. Un fémur cassé qui a guéri est la preuve que quelqu’un a pris le temps de rester avec celui qui est tombé, a soigné la blessure, a mis la personne en sécurité et a pris soin de lui jusqu’à ce qu’il guérisse. “Aider quelqu’un à traverser la difficulté est le point de départ de la civilisation”, a déclaré Mead. La civilisation est une aide communautaire. Le soin Vouloir le bien des uns des autres
Alessandra Machado

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Does that make us civilized that we knowingly destroy the planet?

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A student once asked the anthropologist Margaret Mead what she considered to be the earliest sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected the anthropologist to talk about hooks, clay pots or sharpening stones. But nope. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was evidence of a person with a broken and healed femur (thigh bone). Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, go to the river to drink water or hunt to feed yourself. You’re fresh meat for predators. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal. A broken femur that healed is proof that someone took the time to stay with the one who fell, healed the wound, made the person safe, and cared for them until they healed. “Helping somebody going through a difficulty is the starting point of civilization,” Mead said. Civilization is a community help. The care Wanting the best for each other
Akiva replied to you
Original message:
The advent of this little handheld device, fits in perfectly with the pa…
Akiva Fuld
I’m not sure why you added me to this group nor exactly the purpose of the group itself. I’m not sure I understand what you are asking me, not do I understand how I’ve not been on earth or when I came back down to it.

You sent

@Akiva Fuld, I think, but I could be wrong, you are playing stupid. That is why I’m going to cut and paste our conversation on fb messaging for everyone to see including our mutual fb friends like @Dani Rakoff aka 🐀 RATcoff sic who hasn’t been keeping you up to speed on his distractions either.

Let’s start again, do you have an opinion on Schneerson and the GDP?

Akiva Fuld
Akiva Fuld

You sent

@Akiva Fuld , we are at the point where you have said that you are out to help people, and me asking you what is your area of expertise given how you have said a lot but nothing about your expertise.
Akiva Fuld
I answered you where you asked that question.

Akiva Fuld

Akiva Fuld
I help people in many areas, regardless of my expertise. Only thing I don’t help with is direct financial.

You sent

You now say, moments ago: Political Science and psychology. I didn’t graduate as the classroom never was for me. I never let my schooling get in the way of my education. Sales, marketing, communication, education. Really, pretty much all the same thing.

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Yet you don’t know anything about the GDP?

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Have you ever read an economics text book that you can remember?
Akiva replied to you
Original message:
Have you ever read an economics text book that you can remember?
Akiva Fuld
Akiva replied to you
Original message:
Yet you don’t know anything about the GDP?
Akiva Fuld
I didn’t say know, you asked if I have an opinion.

You sent

Obviously, the GDP escaped you.

You sent

How can you not have an opinion on something so draconian?
Akiva replied to you
Original message:
Obviously, the GDP escaped you.
Akiva Fuld
Obviously not. Unless you wanna say that reading comprehension escaped you.
Akiva replied to you
Original message:
How can you not have an opinion on something so draconian?
Akiva Fuld
Because who cares. I don’t.

You sent

You don’t care about the GDP or are you embarrassed that you didn’t have the common sense like most to question the GDP’s moral depravity and logical insanity, and so you just want to brush it off?
Akiva replied to you
Original message:
You don’t care about the GDP or are you embarrassed that you didn’t have…
Akiva Fuld
Don’t care to have an opinion. Besides of which country’s GDP are you speaking?

You sent

How do you think a mineral rich country like the Belgian Congo and South Africa affords weapon systems and honest politicians to defend itself against invaders?
Akiva replied to you
Original message:
How do you think a mineral rich country like the Belgian Congo and South…
Akiva Fuld
Don’t care. Has no bearing on my life or of those around me.

You sent

@Akiva Fuld, are you saying that you don’t give a fuck about those who have less of a lifestyle than you? You say you are all about helping people, but still you haven’t provided a glimpse of your area of expertise.
Akiva Fuld
Akiva Fuld
My dog came back home. It is 11:24pm here. I’m gonna watch a silly movie in bed and hope to fall asleep. If I’m up after the movie, I’ll check out the conversation that went on while I was gone, otherwise I’ll do so in the morning at some point. Though I haven’t yet seen a topic relevant to me on this thread.
Akiva replied to you
Original message:
@Akiva Fuld, are you saying that you don’t give a fuck about those who h…
Akiva Fuld
I only care about those whose lifestyle I can personally affect. Anything other is a waste of my time. Same as all topics I cannot affect. I’m still not understanding, I answered about my expertise in the other thread. Why are you purposely ignoring my answer?

You sent

Yes, you are caring.

Don’t you love the internet-social networking showing truly the make up of the talker.

11:24 is a great time – check out THINK on my website Coincidences are also great to explore.

You shouldn’t be talking sales, marketing, management, philosophy, ethics, religion unless you have mastered the GDP.

You are in grief. You dislike your stupidity but like a chicken with its head cut off you are trying to laugh it off.

It won’t work. Ask 🐀 RATcoff sic and GemACH sic.

You sent

@Akiva Fuld , now that you know it is primarily the GDP that affects all our lifestyles and that includes the cows that are eaten as well as remote tribes in jungles fast disappearing, and you can’t get over your stupidity, all your crap religious and political talk over a lifetime, all you feel you have the energy for is watching like Einstein explained and which I repeated for you earlier
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to see if anyone from the brainwashed masses such as yourself living in the illusion that there is competition at the very top of the economic pyramid, will do anything more, given your big out of control egos, than to watch and see if the household name Captains of Industry, Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, Larry Ellison, etc will collude just like the politicians.
What a shit existence.
Next to the last thought before the compost bin?

You sent

13 July 2021:
The money is the gauge of everything, including love.

Money in people’s minds is synonomous with intelligence.

The more money, more the intelligence.

Capital used to be brains, ideas.

@elonmusk, what went wrong?

You sent

What would @elonmusk say about Einstein’s, “I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world would only have a generation of idiots”?

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Title: Positive thinking I can only think that @elonmusk is game to give a free car to everyone when promoting intellectually dishonest Cryptos, on a par with the insanely illogical, morally reprehensible, no consciousness Gross Domestic Product index. If not now, when?

You sent

11 July 2021: Time is the greatest mystery, of all time. (I am not a poet) Einstein must have known. Either way it is true. It all leads back to the origins of the universe when time begin. Time also tells us where we are at relative to the past and future. GDP isn’t progress; it’s fake.

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12 February 2021: @elonmusk you have singlehandedly wiped out the financial services sector. The only explanation for buying Fools Gold Bitcoin is the contrived demand. If I am wrong, tell me what is backing Bitcoin? De Beers sit with their unregulated Diamond Currency on both sides of the trade.

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19 November 2020: @elonmusk, from a barrel of Deutsche Bitcoins can you buy a loaf of bread?

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13 May 2021:

Title: Turn the table

You wouldn’t need a good parent to tell you, “Don’t play stupid”.

There is much more that your corrupt supply chain has at stake in getting you to promote Bitcoin and the rest of the bloody nonsense cryptos.

Bear in mind two things:

First, we have been your staunchest supporters from when the SEC-House of Saud baited you with the $420 offer to take TESLA private (7 August 2018) as well as when everyone, and I mean everyone, other than your pricey lawyers, abandoned you during your defamation lawsuit with the British …

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You unsent a message

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15 November 2021; 2:56 PM Calif. time: Quite the numbers 42 and 69. 23 December 2019, 6:01 PM Calif to me.

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Btw @Akiva Fuld why would you with all your experience in business try to deflect, “… which country’s GDP are you speaking?” What difference does it make?

You sent

@Akiva Fuld , let’s say you cannot fall asleep as easily as before because your prediction skills have only deteriorated once getting your head around all eyes, ears and thoughts are on can the smartest in logic such as Zuckerberg, Musk, Apple, and Ellison learn to get along while playacting that there is fierce competition?

Apple is not a human. It is a corporation that employs upwards of 150,000 employees including its ceo Tim Cook.

In other words it’s increasingly tougher to be a ceo and thinking everyone below you is a fool even if they don’t speak out and not the first to ask; “How do you think a mineral rich country like the Belgian Congo that provides many rare earth, strategic metals used for the most sophisticated killer drones, fighter bombers etc, and South Africa afford their own weapon systems and honest politicians to defend itself against invaders like German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr. (1917-1971)”?

You sent

@Akiva Fuld, have I answered all your questions?

If you didn’t know about Charles W Engelhard Jr, how would you go about researching him?

You can ask my cousin here, @Mark Gevisser to explain why none of his writings about the ills of South Africa fail to mention his father’s primary benefactor, Charles W Engelhard Jr. who despised Jewish people other than Jewish turncoats such as his father David Gevisser who went ape shit after I turned down his offer of managing his investment portfolio back in 1995?

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Edit: You can ask my cousin here, @Mark Gevisser to explain why none of his writings about the ills of South Africa and the corrupt politicians

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Open photo
Open photo
mention his father’s primary benefactor…

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Btw, for the first time I have someone asking me to join NSS.

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@Antony Unruh, how come you are still here?
Seen by Torah Gemach at Monday 7:16pm


Christina Moritsch-Krall
Gary Gary Gevisser

You sent

Disgusting @Christina Moritsch-Krall as time passes since acknowledging that your family’s “neutrality”; i.e. pro Nazi stance kept your 7th generation trust fund intact, have you become less sensitive or more narcissistic? In other words are you at the point where you, a reverse barometer, have no shame? Why do you persist in wanting me to accept your fb friend invitation?

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Joe B. House

During what moments do narcissists experience shame? There is one thing I have noticed that seems to actually make a narcissist feel bad and shameful — not in a sense to get revenge or your typical narcissistic injury, but just causes them to feel bad (in their own way of course). Narcissists would feel shame if someone who they really ‘respected’, for example someone who they saw as a great potential source of supply in the future and who they currently respect, or a boss who they are trying to impress for a promotion, were unhappy with something the narcissist said or did and they find out that the potential supply source/ boss (as applicable) has said things to other people about not being happy with the narc. Like they are dissappointed at the narc. Narcs do not hold many people in ‘high regard’ but when they do, they do not want these people to be dissapointed at them.

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@Christina Moritsch-Krall, after reading Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book which brings out everyone’s true colors, did you expect the number of Jewish people to turn on their fellow Jews to increase, decrease or remain the same?

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@Akiva Fuld, you have unfriended me on fb but yet to hit the block. Do you see what happens when you don’t stand up to evil?
Seen by Christina Moritsch-Krall at 7:19 AM

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@Christina Moritsch-Krall is there anything else you would like to add before I remove you? Of course you can leave at any time and wait for your friends here to keep you informed. Maybe you would get along better in the short term with @Akiva Fuld.

You sent

@Akiva Fuld , earlier on fb messaging where you have continued writing up a storm, you mentioned that you don’t know most of our 17 odd mutual friends. Does @Dani Rakoff aka 🐀 RATcoff sic, one of them?

You sent

Here is a preview of my dialogue on fb messaging with @Akiva Fuld who says she has opinions on Ben Gurion and Schneerson but has decided not to share them. At 7:24 AM California time, and it is now 7:42, @Akiva Fuld wrote: Yes, they make fun of your knowledge of the GDP

You sent

My question a minute before 7:23 AM: Do you see what happens when you don’t stand up to evil?

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@Christina Moritsch-Krall when you get together with your other “neutral” towards the Nazis Noble friends, do you laugh at the Jews?

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When you arrived in The Third Reich’s Southern Division in the 60s as a 17 year old with your huge Nazi supported trust fund intact and started making friends with Jewish South Africans were you surprised by their lack of questioning?

You sent

@Christina Moritsch-Krall you supplemented your Nazi Austrian trust fund that allowed you to keep a residence and slaves in Austria just in case South Africa blew up, selling real estate in The Third Reich’s Southern Division.

Did you think that because 93% of the population who were nonwhites couldn’t own or live in the best areas with all the best amenities, easy access to a slave pool of subservient blacks, it limited your lifestyle or improved it?

You want to censor me when you call on others to block me. Do you feel good about that?

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@Christina Moritsch-Krall how have you celebrated Kristallnacht (Nov 9, 1938 – Nov 10, 1938) every year in South Africa or do you return to Austria for those celebrations?

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@Christina Moritsch-Krall wouldn’t you expect Nazis to gravitate to weak Jewish people? South Africa was like shooting fish in a barrel, wasn’t it? You also call yourself religious. Why is that?

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@Akiva Fuld are you also feeling less religious but more certain that a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) exists and does this conflict make you that much more nervous about your future destiny?

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It is 8:42. Is there anyone here in support of either @Christina Moritsch-Krall or @Akiva Fuld ?

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@Alexandre Zabalza you sent me a request to be added to NSS. How did you hear of us?

You sent

@Andy Cohen are you also paying attention but wishing to remain incognito?

You sent

At 9:06 AM and lasting under 2 minutes I asked @Akiva Fuld: Had you previously heard of The D I book by Professor EJ Epstein?

How else would you have known there is no competition for minerals and money and therefore making your business-money advice futile? What are your other achievements?

Do you feel that God blessed you with intelligence?

You sent

It is now 9:09.

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@Alexandre Zabalza, you are all about the earth, at least your fb profile. How are you planning on contributing to this symposium?

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8 years and 2 months ago, 16 September 2013, I had dinner in Paris, France with Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency and Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD); and accompanied by our respective wives, and his wife Genevieve, a French-Italian, also well above average in looks and intelligence had long thrown in the towel opposing the OECD-NEA when one of her best friends was murdered for protesting alongside her and Rothwell nuclear weapons development which distract from the much more colossal GDP.

Note Rothwell’s post on ABOUT back on 29 March 2016, some 2 years, 6 months and 13 days after our Paris meeting, discussing his trip to Johannesburg, South Africa which he obviously wanted to make very public and knowing who would be watching like a Hawk everything he was doing.

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All of you know how the Peter Principle works.

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Those of you not my or my mother Zena’s friend are here to ingratiate yourselves with the SA Oppenheimers and their shills.
Open photo
No one would accuse me of helping the virulent anti-Semitic, anti-Israel SA Oppenheimers who you all understand perfectly well should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg for their war crimes of genocide against us Jewish people.
They are of course most generous with Jewish people they have turned.
There is a reason why Jewish people today dominate both the gambling world as well as real estate development which gives a lot of Jewish lawyers well paying jobs.
So why are religious Jewish people so quiet in their condemnation of the SA Oppenheimers who promote also the art of philanthropy in every sense of its meaning?
Rothwell is not the dumbest person in the world but he is most certainly evil.
He remains, however, very conflicted because he made clear at our one and only meeting, just 2 months and 22 days after writing to let me that the OECD had wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development, that he would be working from the inside to expose his employer OECD who was formed in the upside down year of 1961 to promote the ridiculous in the extreme GDP, while he supported my continuing to expose the madness of human society from the outside.

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Akiva Fuld left.

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Geoffrey Rothwell, blocks me from adding him to my fb symposiums but you all nor he has forgotten his public writings on the ABOUT section of clever name back on 29 March 2016.

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Those writings are no less important than his 2 communications to me, 8 minutes apart back on 25 June 2013 when his bosses President Obama, Secretary of States John F Kerry and Hilary Clinton were the right people to approach with his findings of treason by the highest officials of the land.

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You are all so busy trying to bribe the next person to do you what you want when not stabbing the person no linger as important in your quest for money-power that it leaves little remaining space in your weakening imagination to figure what people like Zuckerberg and Musk who know that Bezos’ business model is totally laughable yet it fooled most all of you, are going to do next in their open rivalries.

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That should bring you all down to earth with a heavy thud.

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When you can reconcile how your mind and those around escaped the duplicity of the GDP it is wrong to consider yourself a genius or anything close.

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Edit: When you cannot reconcile …

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Edit: … stabbing the person no longer as important in your quest for money-power …

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Neither General Relativity nor Quantum Mechanics that which goes forward must work in reverse, provides any evidence that God-HER does not exist. What, however, can explain you all preferring to have the SA Oppenheimers and their shills in control of the destruction of the planet that has been needed in support of a growing GDP and overpopulation of increasingly unquestioning humans all hooked on their handhelds to stay on top of the latest news, and yet your minds are not bothered by the world’s leadership with their fingers on the nuclear trigger having wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development which is still missing from all your heroes’ speeches?

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Quantum Physics-Mechanics most of all makes you think.

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As ingenious as it is, Quantum Mechanics, which I think is best illustrated for the novice with my other website and in reverse moc.GODdnaNAME.www- doesn’t come close to the awesomeness of General Relativity which most humble Einstein referred to as “Mind of God” and why Einstein concluded “He does not play dice”. He of course is God. “He” when spoken in Hebrew translates into the English “She”. Consider that a coincidence with HER (Higher Energy Reaction.)

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When you have the ignorant, malicious, threatening, intellectual midgets such as GemACH sic ridiculing Einstein as a “non-believer” you have another example of a “reverse barometer”.
Seen by Linda Sante at 11:40 AM

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Again neither the atheists nor the religious scoundrels have managed to prove that God does not exist, but they have proven that their intellectual inferiority prevented them from seeing the lunacy of the GDP and its direct impact on destroying the planet.
Fabienne Lacourpaille
Seen by Fabienne Lacourpaille at 11:33 AM

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If you are not smart enough to figure out the basics it would be wrong to think you have been blessed with intelligence to see God watching every move you make. That would also apply to you, full of yourself @Fabienne Lacourpaille.
Seen by Steven Bailey at 11:45 AM

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Obviously, it must seem to all of you playing ugly that you have been cursed going back a long time.

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What else could you possibly think?

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Let’s now have my cousin, a very well qualified Engineering Manager at Facebook-Meta, join us.

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Niv Kantor prevents me from adding him to my symposiums but he remains a fb friend and continues to read my fb messages after last writing to me on 29 October at 11:22 AM California time: It’s been an extremely busy time for me with work and a new born. Please don’t interpret my lack of responsiveness to a lack of interest. 🙂

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Niv, I appreciate you and/or Mark Zuckerberg or God allowing me to add you.

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Niv, assuming you haven’t been following along from the beginning once you saw that everyone including my and my mother Zena’s detractors had to be very interested in what I have say, please take your time in reading everything including this GemACH sic making up the story of God granting the right to individual Jews to own land in Israel that was clearly given to all the Jewish peoples so long as they succeeded in battle.

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How is it possible for a religious person to forsake their body and still believe they show respect to God because they continue to recite incessantly prayers over the food, mostly disease carrying animal body parts?

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Wouldn’t such hypocrites first attract the worst of us Jewish people looking for a crutch or a way to hook 🪝 Jewish people to serve the interests of our worst enemies in modern day times, the German-South African Oppenheimers?
