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Professor Vladimir Golstein

Screenshot 11:58 AM, Calif. time, Tuesday March 1, 2022

Vladimir Golstein




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I Hate Olympics, Or Dr. Golstein’s Timetable of US-Russia Proxy Wars. 

So ladies and gentlemen, here is a new law for you. There was Greece, a country that celebrated peaceful competition, harmonious bodies, working in unison, and other great values. They even stopped wars during the Olympic games. Why shed blood, divide, humiliate, and maim, when we can show the same feats of prowess at something more healthy and edifying. 

Fast forward to the American Century, when we don’t interrupt wars for Olympics, in fact, we start or provoke wars during the Olympic years. 

Just judge for yourself. 

1956. Hungary Rebellion, Russian Invasion.

1968. Now it is time for Czechoslovakia. 

1980. Afghanistan. Or how sweet it is. Russians are trapped in bloody and grueling Afghan war. 

Then we have a hiatus, when Russia is so week, there is no need to trap it, so US proceeds bombing other countries back into the Bronze Age. 

But no, Russia is beginning to flex its muscle. 

So we Have 2008 and Turmoil in Georgia.

We have 2014 Winter Sochi Olympics, followed by Ukrainian Revolution organized by Nuland and Co. Russia responds by taking Crimea. 

And… you know what I am going to say, don’t you? 

Why Olympics? Why this cycle? Well, frankly, my task is to discover it, not explain. There are always grad. students to do the menial work of explaining. But let me offer few hypotheses. 

Maybe we have a new president who wants to show how tough he is vis a vis Russians? Maybe we have planets align a particular way? Maybe we have an empty news cycle following excitement of Olympics? 

Or maybe Olympics unleash war-like nationalistic spirit in people? 

Be it as it may, but here is what Wikipedia tells up about the Hungarian Uprising of 1956: 

  “The CIA continually undermined the political authority and cultural influence of the USSR with secret warfare and propaganda – which, in late 1956, encouraged nationalist and anti-communist Hungarians to attempt the anti–Soviet coup d’état called for by the anti-communist, rollback politics of the US in the 1940s. … to the Hungarians, Radio Free Europe’s (RFE) propaganda promise of US support for régime change remained in place.

Despite the failed secret warfare, US vice-president Richard M. Nixon (r. 1953–1961) encouraged the National Security Council (NSC) to deploy the CIA’s propaganda resources (disinformation, misinformation, etc.) to continually provoke the USSR into violently repressing every anti-communist revolt in a Warsaw Pact country, because that military repression yielded anti–Soviet propaganda beneficial to the geopolitical interests of the US. To that end, CIA director Allen Dulles lied to the NSC about the US possessing a network of anti-communist secret agents actively subverting soviet communism in Hungary – which bode poorly for the regime change encouraged by the RFE propaganda.” 

No need to dwell on all other attempts, from Brzezinski in Afghanistan to Nuland and Blinken/ Sullivan in Ukraine. I was so much traumatized by the Prague events, growing up in Moscow, and hating all the Soviet lies connected with it, so I didn’t investigate American lies, but I imagine there were plenty. Once again, local grievances ( I am sure there were many) were fomented, turmoil encouraged, Soviets Invade, US and free world protests, but basically does nothing. War Olympics are over till the next provocation. 

Why do we need these proxy wars? Why can’t we use Olympics as the proxy for nationalism and aggression, is not clear to me. But what we see every time is the action and reaction. We also see the cycles seem to shrink. First every 12 years (56, 68, 80), now we move to more frequent sequence (2008, 2014, 2022). What’s next?  I propose, mathematicians calculate the sequencing, but I imagine,  it will be the year, when CIA, having tried their tricks in all neighboring countries, would finally concentrate on Russia proper, provoking Russians into finally putting the world out of its militaristic misery. Let’s hope it won’t be 2024, and the warmongers will wait till 2026.




Tom Winter and 222 others







  • Carrie Shaw
    I wonder what’s next for the Paralympic ROC. I thinking time for sensible countries to ban Olympic totally. Olympic game prestigious already tarnished.


  • 4 Like


  • Alexey Zoob
    You forgot 2008 Beijing Olympics and Georgia’s attack of South Ossetia




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    Arik Oudemans replied
    2 Replies

  • Руди Цэ
    You forgot the 2008 olympics. Saakashvili’s turn.


  • 8 Like


    Vladimir Golstein replied
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  • Active
    Damon Alagich
    Maybe we have are crisis of Capital in the west?


  • 6 Like


  • Manoj Rijhwani
    Here is an interesting prediction:China resolving the Taiwan issue during mid 2028, before the 2028 Los Angeles Summer Olympics. … See more 




  • 2 Like


  • Piotr Axer
    I read on the page of a fb friend that the idea of Ukraine in NATO is itself perhaps untenable and could lead to a Ukrainian civil war, since Russian speakers in the country would likely oppose Ukraine being a NATO country. If there were a war between … See more







  • 2Like


  • Pat Ruckert
    MacGregor: U.S. Should “Stop Shipping Weapons And Stop Encouraging Ukrainians To Die In A Hopeless Endeavor”
    Posted By Tim Hains
    On Date February 27, 2022 … See more 





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  • Theresa Mason
    It’s also a good to have a nuclear power plant meltdown(Japan), or cause a global pandemic(China) if you want to host the Olympics.




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    Nancy Meadows replied
    1 Reply

  • Harold Kelsch
    Sorry to interrupt off-topic but this seems worthy.When Russia captured Snake Island the Western media proclaimed all the defenders were killed. Now Canada reports they are alive and happy.… See more 



  • 5Like


  • Thomas G Dunn
    Saakashvili literally fired thousands of shells and rockets at civilians, it looked like films I’ve seen of Stalingrad. I was sitting there watching this on BBC and thinking, “Doesn’t Russia have peacekeeping troops there?”


  • 6 Like


    Irina Nazarova replied
    8 Replies7h


  • Kula Kay
    We Greeks hate fighting. We are lovers not fighters. It’s so bad for the soul. We LOVE 


  • our politics. We will fight for that every time. And I can tell you firsthand all the Greek people that will never sue another family member or bff. True 100%


  • 2 Like


    Beverly Spicer replied
    1 Reply

  • Active
    Gary Gevisser
    What if this meeting kick-started the world showing its true ugly colors? 



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    Hide 12 Replies

    • Active
      Gary Gevisser
      Title: Why delay?Vladimir Golstein, earlier you gave a “thumbs up” to “What if this meeting ….?” which I posted up approximately 1 hour ago.Most “thumbs up” are nebulous.I provided a photo which should take a clearer response from you, an academic who surprisingly states correctly in a speech you gave yesterday at 12:50 PM Calif. time, “Legality is usually introduced by the conquerors after they stole everything they could” which was in response to rather incoherant writings of Chaine Sampson who is also a fb friend of mine; and his fb profile reads, “Former Interpretation – Language Assistant at United Nations”.

      The ego is clearly the problem and it rears its ugly head as much with the uneducated poor, battling to survive because of economic strife whose origins they don’t have the first clue, to the elite of academia who also don’t have the first clue, but that doesn’t prevent either group from writing up a storm of complete nonsense.

      My expertise is “military economics” which if taught in university would end not only the study of philosophy, economics, political science, law, finance and the such, but all wars, civil unrest, end to the destruction of the planet and the elimination of all waste, hence it is not taught.

      Please note that I tag two individuals who I have recently been communicating with, Marcia Bartusiak, MIT scholar-physicist who wrote “Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony” and which Im sure that Ms. Bartusiak would agree today could be greatly improved upon in terms of giving Jewish person Albert Einstein far greater credit than the scientific community are ready for, because ever since Einstein’s discovery of General Relativity the daggars have been pointed at his back; and second, my fb friend, Errol Graham Musk, the brilliant engineer father of Elon Musk, and it was just last week that Mr. Musk Senior met with the President of Zambia for a meeting Errol Musk describes as “quite good”.

      Moreover, common sense would have all us humans gifted with common sense the ability to figure it all out on our own. All that is required since we can all agree that “common sense” is a gift we are born with, and it really is a “supernatural gift”, is to figure out what in fact caused all the common sense to go out the window, and deprive humankind, the oxymoron of all the time, to miss the common sense “military economics” which is nothing less than the gun.

      This massive black hole impact has resulted in the destruction of the planet that is evident by nature being replaced by concrete and steel structures to house an increasingly poverty of thought human who cares nothing for the poor, other than the poor get in the way of business and the homeless stink up the place.

      There is a lack of compassion which in my mind is attributed to how they are raised but also what you eat and the company you keep.

      How could you not ask questions about that meeting?

      Have you seen the photo previously?

      Do you recognize the man on the right?

      We are at a crossroads and you are playing whimsical.

      Moreover, you have the benefit of this Arkady Molev pointing out that our sacred Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Israel has some explaining to do with regard to the Ukrainian city of Lviv hero worshipping the grotesque Ukrainian Nazi collaborators.

      You don’t however, mention the sick Zagiew, Gestapo Jewish Collaboration network which is also conspicuously absent in all our Jewish Holocaust Memorial Museums, but of course you may have in your previous writings mentioned the Zagiew who were more brutal than even the worst of the Jewish Kapos inside the death factories such as Auschwitz.

      So lets stick to the importance of that photo which the world only began to hear about on 3 October 2008.

      What if anything do you know about it?

      BTW, I was recruited right out of university by the father of the man on the right.




    • Vladimir Golstein
      Dear Gary Gevisser. Fascinating stuff you write. Would you please go on. If you are as smart as you appear to be, you’ll easily imagine how over-extended I am. So yes, I didn’t give enough thought to the picture or its significance. I would appreciate it though, if you explain it to everyone. My readers and friends will surely appreciate it. Like


    • Active
      Gary Gevisser
      Professor Golstein, your response above 9 minutes ago, 10:19 AM Calif. time was then followed up 6 minutes later, 10:24, on fb messaging where you wrote:Is that the story you’ve referred eliptically? Russian deal with De Beers?”Gary S. Gevisser began his official employment with De Beers diamond “site holder”, Stephen Cohen of Codiam Inc. in 1979, after hand delivering a “letter of introduction” signed by Gary’s father’s first cousin, David Gevisser, and addressed to De Beers’ US based attorneys who appointed David Gevisser, on March 2nd, 1971, following the assassination by the Mossad of 54-year old American-German Charles W. Engelhard, the executor of the estate of Engelhard who inherited from his father of the same name, who died in 1950 the title, “The Platinum King”.

      Just the year before, 1970, David Gevisser [1926-2009] was named Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard’s Engelhard Enterprises South Africa which controlled the world supply of platinum, some 80% mined in South Africa.”

      Professor Goldstein, those 136 words, also require no less careful deliberation.




    • Active
      Gary Gevisser
      Continuing on.Professor Goldstein, it would be foolish of me to ignore both your late response or your sarcasm “If you are as smart as you appear … you’ll easily imagine how over-extended I am”.Why use complicated English “over-extended” when you could have just as easily removed the entire sentence which you obviously deliberated at great length and simply wrote, “I am totally baffled by this photo. Someone as stuidious as me who makes a living talking political science and whathaveyou should not only have recognized Nicholas Oppenheimer immediately but no less important I should know everything there is to know about that most important meeting which obviously one or both gentlemen decided to make public”?

      Since I wrote to you at 8:14 PM Calif. time yesterday, and your responose 25 minutes ago, and it is now 10:42 AM, some 14 hours had elapsed, how many Ukainians as well as Russians have become needless cannon fodder for the military industrial complexes of the world who have no loyalty to country, race or religion, only to the sly war propogandists?

      In order to qualify to sit for the year long critical examination before joining SA Oppenheimers-De Beers who have controlled the world’s drilling industry, and therefore the world’s minerals since the turn of the last century, I had to demonstrate a full comprehension of the devious, deceptive nature of Professors of academia whose “gift of the gab” never get close to the essense of the real “Dog Eat A Dog” [DEAD] world, otherwise they end up dead like Professor Richard Turner, co-founder of the Durban Movement with Steve Biko whose 2-day torture death ended on 11 September 1977 and Turner’s assassination 119 days later, 8 Janiuary 1978, or sidelined in abject poverty.

      Moreover, Harry Oppenheimer who you are introduced in chapter 1 of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention, directly supervised my year long orientation before I officially joined his one of a kind mega banking-mining monopoly SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Deutsche Bank-Uranium One corporation in early spring 1979 when I was still 21 years of age and looked like this




    • Active
      Gary Gevisser


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    • Active
      Gary Gevisser
      Bear in mind Professor Golstein I continue to make backups and place them elsewhere on The Internet while sharing with my 10K plus email list, a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population, just in case. Like


    • Active
      Gary Gevisser
      Moreover, I have already communicated with both member Marcia Bartusiak as well as Elon Musk’s father Errol Graham Musk earlier today; and of course they too will receive backups, just in case. Like


    • Active
      Gary Gevisser Like


    • Active
      Gary Gevisser
      Professor Vladimir Golstein, the link above takes you and everyone else, including Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, should they be interested, to a backup on my 2facetruth dot com BLOG where you can see that I have already made a couple of edits given how twice I spelled your last name incorrectly “Golstein” and thus in the backup you see I have placed the Latin adverb SIC, meaning “thus” or “so” following the misspelling.It also didn’t go unnoticed by me that in your first response here, “Dear … it” at 10:16 AM, 4 minutes before writing to me on fb messaging, 10:20, and this more accurate timing than what I first typed, you give no indiction of the research you had done on me over the 14 hour period when you probably didn’t get much sleep, unless you decided to join President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the frontline trenches of Kiyev, and most certainly not falling asleep unless dead tired.Can you tell us, based on your sources if Zelenskyy is still alive, and if so what information are you sharing with him given how obviously over his head he has been ever since he arrived on this planet some 44 years ago?

      I just checked Wikipedia and it shows that he is not yet deceased.

      You would know that Zelenskyy was born 17 odd days after the assassination of Richard Turner that did not go unnoticed by me and those who fired the bullet into his living room before bleeding to death in his 13 year old daughter Jann Turner‘s arms.

      That is not to suggest that I heard either the bullet smashing into his head or the screams of his daughter, although his home wasn’t far from where I lived at 50 Bowes-Lyon Avenue, Glenwood, Durban, just down the road from our university campus where I was now fully into my post-graduate business-economics studies and tutoring first year students how best not to fall prey to the “Sly English” professors, all of whom had been vetted by Harry Oppenheimer given the importance of this university campus which overlooked the port and Durban Bluffs which you see in the background of the photo below and where my successful businesssman and politician uncle Joe Ash, the half-brother of my highly secretive British-English mother Zena lived; and of course his 24/7 parties were the “talk of the town” just like Pretoria councilmember Errol Graham Musk.




    • Active
      Gary Gevisser


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    • Active
      Gary Gevisser
      Professor Vladimir Golstein, it is now 11:34 AM Calif. time.You are not talking about the moral depravity and insanely illogical Gross Domestic Prodcut index introduced in 1934, the year after the two puppets, Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt were brought to power and which the OECD was established in the upside down year of 1961 for the single purpose of promoting the disgusting GDP; and nor have you let us know what further research you have come across such as the link between the assassination of Patrice Lumumba on 17 January 1961, same day bought President Eisenhower threatened, “Military Industrial Complex” and the no less brutal assassination of my cousin and classmate from Carmel College, Durban, Sandra (Moshal) Jacobson [1957-1997] who following her schooling joined the armed of wing of Mandela’s ANC, Umkhonto which was already fully infiltrated by the SA Oppenheimers when clown Mandela joined the African National Congress in 1944, the same year as the joke Bretton Woods Conference headed by rich economist John Maynard Keynes, a name that should also be familiar to you.What happened to your mind when you read the March 19, 1989 feature story in The New York Times; aptly titled, Harry Oppenheimer’s Empire: Gold for the Gold?…/harry-oppenheimer-s-empire…

      Let me know when you have got to chapter 2, My Family- Growing up in Durban,…/CH02_MY_FAMILY_GROWING_UP…

      of my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser’s first cousin, traitor David Gevisser [1926-2009], titled, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER, which details very brave and courageous Sandy Jacobson’s torture assassination by fellow members of Umkhonto which totally contradicts the South African Police cover up…/

      which was published on 5 September 2006, the same day President Putin met with Nicholas Oppenheimer to discuss their mutual interests.

      Professor, Im sure you are keeping a headcount of all the deaths in the Ukraine which serve greatly to distract from the rest of the murders necessary before we all live in peace and harmony in our luxury penthouses and served hand and foot by robots with no fear of them poisoining either our water or food.

      How far have you got in your research of German-American Charles Engelhard Jr. who TIME MAGAZINE honored, Corporations: South African Invader on 27 January 1961, 10 days after the brutal assassination of Lumumba and his close and trusted friends?…/article/0,33009,826828,00.html






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      • Active
        Gary Gevisser
        Professor Vladimir Golstein, it is now 11:50 AM, Tuesday, 1 March 2022, the day before the 51st anniversary of very carefully orchestrated execution of Engelhard Jr. which set off alarm bells all over the globeCan you imagine why it is that media never picked up on it?Can you imagine earning a bachelors degree without knowing everything there is to know about Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer?If you earned a Phd in economics, philosophy, political science and the such wouldn’t you morally be compelled to hand it back.

        I am now going to enjoy my delicious, nutritious lunch before getting back to Errol Graham Musk.

        Ask me your questions.




  • 12:43 PM

    Oliver Smith

    Take a break Gevisser, ‘but, your experiential credentials are a convolution credit to conceive complete; baroque, rococo. A weight to bear, it is clear. Yet here we all are, on Fb. Having the time of our virtual lives. Who do you bet on? Persians, or Greeks?
  • 12:50 PM approx.Professor Vladimir Golstein, you have been very quiet since exploding at 10:20 AM, “Is that the story you’ve referred eliptically? Russian deal with De Beers? … mined in South Africa.”This must be a feeling most uncommon to you, and those who know you much better than me.How easy it would be for you to stop thinking how to manipulate the conversation, instead focus on the good I am doing in getting out this most important information that more than saving lives can save the planet from the ongoing destruction, all caused by the GDP which promotes fictitious profits, both revenues and costs all price fixed, at the expense of nature which does more than allow us to breath.

    GoDNAture promotes our consciousness, part and parcel of having a conscience.

    Wake up boy.

    Of course in making it all very public you assist, however involuntarily, to secure my and my wife’s safety while getting out the information to those most deserving; namely the poor being put into army boots.

    Please now don’t come back and talk about how Prince Harry, his wife Meghan and his brother Prince William along with their sexual deviant predator pedophile uncle Prince Andrew and his elder brother Prince Charles who already looks like he is one foot in the grave and his mistress/wife are now on their way to join Zelenskyy in the frontline trenches of Kyiv.

    For new listeners Kyiv is the capital of the Ukraine and in the midst of a “Medievil” [sic] seige.

    Professor Vladimir Golstein, what have you learned about economist, Professor Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, the former principal economist for the OECD-Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development which houses the Nuclear Energy Agency [NEA]?

    You have been cruising my clever name website 2facetruth dot com and probably already picked up either there or from one of your colleagues that Rothwell last wrote to me on January 21st:


12:56 PM

Vladimir Golstein

Dear Gary. I usually don’t accept friend’s invitations from people with whom I don’t share friends. In your case, I made an exception. Well, I was wrong. All the best with your work. Ciao.




How would you know that I read your emails? …

Rothwell’s email was in response to my email to him 7 minutes earlier, 9:41 AM:

Anything new on your end?
