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From: gary gevisser <>
Subject: Do you need to talk? – Birds of a feather – Not anonymous – ;They all go for the money -: Does Trump know? -: A softer touch of strength to unify us -: The Sheep are out of control – “I have so many other things to do” ~ Sheep -Re: Eminently qualified first female President -: AI will determine -: Charles I ~ “The King can do no wrong” -: Catch 22 – He tried -: “I’m running the world” ~ Biden
Date: July 19, 2024 at 12:15:48 PM PDT
To: The Greg Gutfeld Show <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982, same year Simon & Schuster published The Diamond Invention book.” <>, “Nbci. Snl” <>
Cc: rest; Republican Roger W. Robinson Jr. – protege of David Rockefeller and inaugural Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <>, “Laurie Black – Daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, bought Bill Clinton’s US Ambassador to Switzerland (February 9, 1994 – January 9, 1996)” <>, “Gary Malino – partnered with Gary Gevisser installing Wang computer at McMillin. Competent Malino, with encouragement from Gary Gevisser, went on to strike it rich on Wall Street.” <>, “Former President Donald J. Trump” <>, Professor Daniel Brooke – Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences – San Jose State University <>, Peter Thiel <>, “Warren Buffett – Berkshire Hathaway.” <>, Professor Geoffrey Hinton – “Godfather” of AI <>, “Economist Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd – Former principal economist for OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency” <>, “Alon Gat – son of murdered Kinneret Gat, 67; husband of freed hostage, Yarden Roman-Gat and brother of Carmel Gat still held hostage.” <>, “Noam Bar-Lev – Executive Assistant, Defense & Armed Forces Attaché, Embassy of Israel, Washington DC” <>, Amir Oren – Editor at large – Israel TV7 <>, Former Israel Prime Minister Bennett <>, “” <>, “Tzipora Malka \”Tzipi\” Livni” <>, Mossad <>, David Pakman – Blogger <>,,,, Mario Parker <>,,,, Bob Woodward c/o CAAA <>,,,, Matt Taibbi – Blogger <>,,, “Maayan Hoffman – Editor-in-Chief of ILTV News, formerly CEO of Strategy and Innovation for the Jerusalem Post” <>, “” <>, Taylor Swift <>, Travis Kelce <>, “President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Unit 8200” <>

[1] Title: Do you need to talk?
It’s not about caring for Biden or us Americans; only about winning. All this love for Biden is crap. We hate Trump, that’s all.

It is all about your future earnings that the political party can bring you.

Yet, you were clueless about how the money is valued and distributed to the least concerned about democratic principles and the health of the planet.

And when given the information, which only I, one of 8 billion bipeds, provide, and supported by The Diamond Invention book,

the common herd stick their heads in the sand

and hope for the best; and it is across the board, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, as well as those totally apolitical.

Do you think it is your upbringing, or schooling, or more likely “original sin” that is at fault for the mass brainwashing psychosis, that has everyone depending on the next person to keep up the pretense?

Of course, Biden is sticking in to save Hunter.

[Word count 169]
[2] Title: Birds of a feather
Have you noticed that dishonest people have to be talking constantly, and it is very annoying? Moreover, if you stick around them long enough, say stay in the marriage because it is convenient, you get used to it; birds of a feather flock together. There are a lot of dishonest people who don’t talk. But that is not my point. I’ve yet to meet a honest person who talks constantly. Both my parents only spoke when they had something important to say, same with my grandparents.
My 3 elder siblings,
however, never picked up on this important lesson. The game, discard bad cards, dealt by the ingenious Creator.
[Word count 108]
[3] Not anonymous
They are not anonymous. It suits them not to name them because they are big names.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary2 <>
Subject: They all go for the money -: Does Trump know? -: A softer touch of strength to unify us -: The Sheep are out of control – “I have so many other things to do” ~ Sheep -Re: Eminently qualified first female President -: AI will determine -: Charles I ~ “The King can do no wrong” -: Catch 22 – He tried -: “I’m running the world” ~ Biden
Date: July 18, 2024 at 12:35:11 AM PDT
To: The Greg Gutfeld Show <>

Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary2 <>
Subject: They all go for the money -: Does Trump know? -: A softer touch of strength to unify us -: The Sheep are out of control – “I have so many other things to do” ~ Sheep -Re: Eminently qualified first female President -: AI will determine -: Charles I ~ “The King can do no wrong” -: Catch 22 – He tried -: “I’m running the world” ~ Biden
Date: July 18, 2024 at 12:07:12 AM PDT
To: “Gary Malino – partnered with Gary Gevisser installing Wang computer at McMillin. Competent Malino, with encouragement from Gary Gevisser, went on to strike it rich on Wall Street.” <>
Cc: rest; Rep. Maria Salazar” <>, “Laurie Black – Daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, bought Bill Clinton’s US Ambassador to Switzerland (February 9, 1994 – January 9, 1996)” <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982, same year Simon & Schuster published The Diamond Invention book.” <>, Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <>, Derrick Beare <>, Dr laura – Do the right thing <>, Tulsi Gabbard <>, “” <>

Begin forwarded message:
From: gary gevisser <>
Subject: They all go for the money -: Does Trump know? -: A softer touch of strength to unify us -: The Sheep are out of control – “I have so many other things to do” ~ Sheep -Re: Eminently qualified first female President -: AI will determine -: Charles I ~ “The King can do no wrong” -: Catch 22 – He tried -: “I’m running the world” ~ Biden
Date: July 17, 2024 at 9:12:07 PM PDT
To: Professor Daniel Brooke – Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences – San Jose State University <>
Cc: rest; Former President Donald J. Trump” <>, Peter Thiel <>, “Peter. Nicholas” <>, Tulsi Gabbard <>, Megyn Kelly <>, “Alina Habba Eq. – President Donald J Trump’s attorney” <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq.” <>, “Republican Roger W. Robinson Jr. – protege of David Rockefeller and inaugural Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <>, “Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – RAND Corporation Alumnus” <>, Matt Taibbi – Blogger <>,,, “Maayan Hoffman – Editor-in-Chief of ILTV News, formerly CEO of Strategy and Innovation for the Jerusalem Post” <>, “” <>, Taylor Swift <>, Travis Kelce <>, “President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Unit 8200” <>
Dan Brook, your response, a minute after my Proverbs recital, obviously jolted you causing a knee-jerk reaction, “Gary Gevisser do you have a problem with facts?” without going to check what you first wrote which had me responding with “Proverbs ~ Better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt!”

Again, your writings:

We’ve learned that the shooter was a registered Republican with an AK-47, a weapon of war that Republicans have promoted and glorified, taking their cue from the Putin-supported NRA, with some GOP congresspeople even wearing AK-47 lapel pins.
You don’t need to be sharpshooter to know that there is a big difference between an AK-47 and a rifle.

True, both are deadly in the wrong hands, and it would be better if people didn’t use their fists to resolve their differences, but we are a long way from ending that.

How do you possibly confuse a rifle with an AK-47, that looks completely different unless you have never got a visual of both?

You are all over the board.

You must feel that President Putin runs the Republican Party as well as the National Rifle Association [NRA].
It is not the National AK-47 Association.

Putin supports anyone who promotes chaos.

Based on my knowledge of HEMP [history economics military & politics] no political party promotes chaos more than the Democratic Party.
Do you recall the political party of lawyer, Franklin D Roosevelt who turned a blind eye to the German-South African Oppenheimer family providing the financial and raw war materials to Nazi Germany who was not only bankrupt but prohibited by the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty from ever again building a threatening army?
How did lawyer Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt fall asleep at night once notified by the British War Cabinet, that included General Smuts, that the German-South African Oppenheimers had stacked the Diamond Committee within the British Ministry of Economic Warfare with De Beers officials?

It wasn’t Trump who invited Putin into Crimea in 2014 after Democrat VP Biden and Democrat President Obama handed over to Putin the keys to 20% of the United States strategic uranium reserves in 2010, one year into their 8 year term as co-CEOs of the United States of America. They might as well have given him the wing with the Oval Office.

Nor was Trump President when President Biden encouraged Putin to expand his invasion of Ukraine on February 22, 2022 when failing to provide Ukraine with an adequate air defense; and the subsequent debacle of slow walking weapons and munitions making it increasingly difficult for Putin to save face, thereby amplifying exponentially, the risk of a nuclear conflagration.

This genocide of Ukraine is sad. It shouldn’t be swept under the rug.

Can you imagine if the Sheep didn’t talk to talk. How would we appreciate mindfulness?

How come you have never been questioned on your knowledge of the monetary system which determines who has the weapon systems to defeat all adversaries and potential adversaries, while being assured that their currency remains supreme, with the adversaries fully aware that their failure to bow will result in superior and overwhelming force being applied, until their military is completely dismantled, and more malleable leaders are put in place?
It is now starting to rain here in the forest bringing much relief to the trees and bushes who must be our first protection, which flies in the face of the real estate developers’ ambition.

A rather large earthquake followed up almost immediately here, southern California, although these could just be the aftereffects of a much bigger and devastating earthquake.

If, however, God is watching everything, then it all makes perfect sense.
Bear in mind, if there is a God, then everything from the adult deer arriving on a trail soon after dawn, and meaning that the most deadly mountain lions are long in pursuit, to the beautiful sound of the birds conversing with each other, “Do you think it is going to be another hot day? What plans do you have the rest of the day”, to the rain drops that didn’t last long, but a breath of fresh air, to that most unusually strong earthquake, can all be traced back to that massive expansion of the universe some 14 billion years ago.

Yes, God is laughing.

Putting aside that the only feasible conclusion is that for so many of you talkers to have missed the boat entirely, and yet if your memory serves you well, there is no specific timeframe when “Gunboat Diplomacy” was replaced, because it never was; but an offshoot to counteract this monster behavior that wasn’t in keeping with the teachings of philosophy aimed at searching for truth and goodness, was to build universities throughout the globe and staff them with order takers, accountants, lawyers, judges, politicians and the such, there remains the only possibility with such an epidemic of stupidity, it is the “Hand of God” at work.
Not to mention, anger management courses won’t help much given that you would have to question the credentials of the teacher.
To mention little, of the curious child once getting their head around “Might is right” would immediately take a deep dive into the mining industry knowing that it is raw war materials that go into developing and producing weapons of war that the winning army would never give up, because it is not human nature to be gracious in victory knowing that your enemy might not be, when they return to the battlefield.
To mention in passing, the moment French engineer, Rodolphe Leschot invented the diamond tipped drilling bit, and put to practical use in 1863, patenting it in the United States in the same year, and getting the patent reissued in 1869, the race was on to secure the world supply of diamonds.

Nor did it take long for G DNature to reveal in late 1866, early 1867, a never before endless supply in South Africa, that over the next few years yielded more diamonds than India had in over 2,000 years.

The winner of this race was of course, American J P Morgan [1837-1913] backed British monopolist Cecil Rhodes [1853-1902] who happened to arrive in Durban, my hometown in 1870, age 17, the same year that enlightened South African General, Jan Christiaan Smuts was born.

Not to mention since you are Jewish, and all about the money, and aware of the spread of anti-Semitism which is founded in the doctrine that it was Jewish traitor, Judas who ratted out Jesus Christ which resulted in Christ’s brutal crucifixion, and of course, the exact amount of money the Romans paid Judas isn’t material, just so long as Jewish people are labeled with “sticky fingers”, I would have expected that no later than when you were preparing for your barmitzvah, you did a deep dive into General Smuts, who was known to his enemies as “Jew King”, which is not because they liked him; rather his enemies did everything within their power to assassinate him, before beginning to write him out of the history books right after h[is] death on 11 September 1950, age 80.

And you would know, being a student of history, which is the basic of your profession, Senior Lecturer Emeritus of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at San Jose State University, everything there is to know about Sidney Robey Leibbrandt (25 January 1913 – 1 August 1966) the South African Olympian, who during World War II acted as an Abwehr agent for the Third Reich against the British Empire in South Africa; and in 1943, he was convicted of high treason by a South African court and imprisoned for 5 years for leading the assassination of Smuts.
Of course, just like each of our parents’ history is important to our conditioning, and the same would apply to 39 year old Senator JD Vance;
Leibbrandt’s father was of ‘German descent, and his mother was Irish.[1] Leibbrandt’s father had fought with the Afrikaner forces in the Second Boer War, and was subsequently a Sergeant-Major in the South African Army, but in 1914 on the outbreak of World War I, he had objected to an order to invade German South-West Africa in a military campaign against the imperial German forces there, stating that it was his belief that “Germans should not war against Germans” ~ Wikipedia.
You like that, “Germans should not war against Germans”.
Following his stay in Nazi Germany for the 1936 Berlin Olympics, during which he had been deeply impressed with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, Leibbrandt returned to Berlin in 1938 to study at the Reich Academy for Gymnastics, and remained when World War II began in 1939. He subsequently volunteered with the Wehrmacht, with which he became the first South African to be trained as a Fallschirmjäger, and a glider pilot. Leibbrand was subsequently seconded to the Brandenburgers sabotage training course for irregular warfare agents at Abwehr II (Abwehrschool “Quenzgut”) near Brandenburg an der Havel, west of Berlin.[3]
Abwehr agent
After Leibbrandt had completed his irregular warfare training he was assigned by the Abwehr to take part in ‘Operation Weissdorn’ (Operation Hawthorn), a plan for a coup d’état against the Government of the Union of South Africa led by Prime Minister Jan Smuts, which had taken South Africa into the war as a part of the British Empire, as South Africa was a Dominion.
Leibbrandt left Germany on 5 April 1941 under the agent code-name Walter Kempf. In June 1941 after a sea voyage down the North and South Atlantic Oceans he was put ashore from an Abwehr operated captured French sail-boat called Kyloe, captained by Christian Nissen, on the Namaqualand coast north of Cape Town. Once back in South Africa, Leibbrandt made contact with what he hoped would be pro-Nazi elements among the Afrikaner populace known as the Ossewabrandwag, but its leader Johannes Van Rensburg was found to be unsympathetic to his mission.[4]
Insurgency campaign, capture, trial & imprisonment
Leibbrandt assembled a paramilitary force of less than 60 men from the Ossewabrandwag, recruited during a series of Hitlerite style speeches that he made in the Orange Free State and the Transvaal. Leibbrandt’s group launched a series of small-scale guerrilla warfare operations against infrastructure targets, dynamiting power lines and railway tracks, and cutting telephone and telegraph cables. During an engagement with South African Army troops in late 1942, Leibbrandt was recognised, and consequently became a fugitive.[5] He was captured in Pretoria in late December 1942 after a tip-off given to the authorities.
During his trial on charges of high treason, Leibbrandt refused to participate except to state that he had acted for “Volk & Fuhrer”, and to give a Nazi salute to the court. On 11 March 1943, the court sentenced him to death. After hearing the sentence pronounced he shouted “I welcome death!”, to the receipt of some cheering from a handful of supporters in the court’s public gallery. To avoid making Leibbrandt a martyr and risk increasing pro-Nazi sympathies among the Afrikaners, the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment by Prime Minister Jan Smuts.[6]
In 1948, Leibbrandt had his sentence quashed in a general amnesty enacted by the new National Party Government under the leadership of Daniel François Malan, a party that had opposed South Africa’s involvement into World War II on the side of the British Empire, and had a policy of neutrality in the conflict. When Leibbrandt was released from prison he was met at its entrance by a small crowd of Afrikaners, who treated him as a “folk hero”.[7]
In the late 1940s, he returned briefly to professional boxing, winning a handful of fights.
On 15 November 1949 at Windhoek, aged 36, Leibbrandt married then 18-year-old Margaretha Cornelia Botha. They had three sons and two daughters. One of his sons was named “Izan” (Nazi spelled backwards).[8][9]
Professor Brook, I take it that I have not lost you getting into the weeds, given the attention you have given me ever since we began communicating on Facebook messaging back on June 2, when at 7:45 AM Callif. time, I introduced myself,
I’ve read some of your cv on your website and saw your approval of the double standard
I take it u are not Jewish
I’m Jewish and my fb friends and those who follow me are disproportionately Jewish and pro Israel
Why do you think they are so quiet?
And you responded 3 minutes later, 7:48 AM:
I’m Jewish. Shavuah tov!
And the “Shavuah tov” to let me know that you know more Hebrew than simply being circumcised.

But fully aware that you hadn’t answered my important question, “Why do you think they are so quiet?” which is why I repeated it 17 odd minutes later, 8:05 AM, and to this hour you haven’t answered the question.

Nor did the Nazis end their quest to eliminate all Jewish people from the face of the earth either by killing us or defeating us with traitors by simply making the money most available to the weakest who derive great satisfaction from seeing good Jewish people suffer financial hardship.
Your Facebook CV goes on to say, “I’m a writer, speaker, poet, photographer, activist, wanderer, wonderer, and ….”

Maybe it is another Dan Brook who published in 2007, The Trap: Selling Out to Stay Afloat in Winner-Take-All America, “argues that increasing income gap puts pressure on educated young Americans to choose between following their interests and dreams or working for a large salary. According to one review, “although once-idealistic college graduates have taken private sector gigs for decades, Brook shows in his new book…that it has now become a financial necessity.”[2]

If so then it is simply a coincidence which are designed, the same as eating healthy to keep us positive in the moment.

You would have seen that my 191 odd word broadcast yesterday via email as well as on social media platforms Facebook and Twitter-X, titled, Irrational specie.
Considering Venture Capitalists, let alone one “johnny come lately” lawyer Vance, joined at the hip with Peter “Competition is for losers” Thiel, as a sacrosanct embodiment of human aspirations, shows both a total lack of knowledge of how the money capital markets work, as well as history, where to begin to understand modern day military economics, that governs all international trade agreements, the talk on how to regulate AI, protect against piracy of intellectual property, stealing of elections, and the such, you have to begin no later than when the only signatory to both World War Peace Treaties, most enlightened South African General, Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] who coined the term, “Commonwealth”, pulled off the most extraordinary ruse, a double fisted knockout punch, placing draconian reparations on defeated Germany, at the same time making it impossible, outside of treachery, treason of the highest order, for Germany to ever again build a threatening army, and the people never reacted, nor has it changed, other than the leisure, consumer society talks more.
What makes you think you are not irrational?
Does inspired Donald J Trump know?
[Word count 191]
“Irrational specie” goes to the heart of this complex machine Sheep [Subanimal Human Evolutionary Ecological Problem] but not impossible to figure, who is alien to this otherwise perfect Spaceship Mother Earth; and therefore in this deterministic, cause-effect universe, it is up to each of us to figure out the purpose of this highly destructive and deceptive alien, as well as each of our role and to do so before meeting up next with our ingenious Creator.
If you notice in the photo taken in Cairo in 1942, alongside Winston Churchill, General Smuts is very much alive, literate, and Leibbrandt most likely not yet on the run.

The reason Smuts was considered by his friends and foe as “master-spy catcher” is because he was, going back to the Anglo “American J P Morgan” Boer War [1899-1902] when Smuts, a pioneer of asymmetrical warfare, was not averse to riding into the enemy British camp, grabbing Boer traitors, and then handing them their death sentence.

Smuts also did his own reconnaissance during World War II without bodyguards at his side because he felt their presence would only add to the risk, to both him and them, of being placed in mortal danger.

Aside from money, why do you think, the entire Secret Service haven’t yet demanded that the idiot Director resign and be compelled to use 99.99% of her government pension to care for the dead man’s family and the others seriously injured assuming they survive?

Trump I could see sending her his medical doctor’s bill, to make a point.

So I will answer the question as to “Why do you think they are so quiet?.

On the 27th of May, 1948, the day following the defeat of General Smuts and his United Party, the Jewish communities of South Africa did not take to the streets in protest of the man who had saved half of European Jewry losing the rigged election, given the fate that would await Jewish communities around the world, and ultimately the Jewish State, Israel.

Not to mention, in mid-February 1948, 3 months before the official start of Israel’s War of Independence, May 14, 1948, Mossad head, David Ben Gurion [1886-1973] sent South African-Israeli spy, World War II, fighter bomber pilot, Boris Senior [1924-2004], to complete the purchase of 50 American built P40-Kittyhawk fighter bombers, recruit other fighter bomber pilots such as my father, Bernie Gevisser [1923-2012] who flew all his miraculous 71 odd dive-bombing missions on the beloved Kittyhawk,


while also expert in flying Spitfires


which were honed over the skies of Egypt in the summer of 1944 before moving to the rugged terrain to northern Italy, the final push against the Nazis, also providing air cover on 19 March 1945 to the Jewish Brigade in their first major offensive action, and no less important, determine to what extent the Jewish Federation of South Africa had been infiltrated, and coming away not only leaving behind the 50 Kittyhawk in perfect flying condition, and which Senior paid a total of 300 English pounds, but the knowledge that the leadership of the Jewish Federation had been fully compromised; again, this was just months before the official start of Israel’s first war of survival, which hasn’t ended.

To mention little, of Boris Senior was also a close friend of my highly secretive British-English mother Zena, the most trusted consigliere of Ben Gurion with “kinsman” linkage dating back to when Ben Gurion was born in the tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland which is where my mother’s paternal grandmother, Nechie Becker Bardash [1874-1943]


was also born and witnessed in 1888, the massacre of her entire immediate family by a gang of Cossacks on a night out on the town, having fun murdering defenseless Jewish people, slitting their throats of course.

To mention in passing, Smuts was not blindsided or for that matter caught flat-footed, by his United Party having been infiltrated by “Trojan Horse” Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] who along with his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer [1880-1957] should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg for their war crimes against us Jewish people; spelled out eloquently in Chapter 9, aptly titled, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, subtitle, THE SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS
of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention.

2 years, 3 months and 16 days after the National-Nazi Party came to power in the rigged South African General Election with the majority non-whites, amounting to 85% of the population, not allowed to vote, General Smuts died, 11 September 1950, 51 years to the day prior to 9/11.

My 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post

which you would have read, beginning on February 1, 2001, 12 days after the treason pardon of terrorist financier, Jewish Belgian-American Marc Rich (December 18, 1934 – June 26, 2013) by outgoing 42nd Commander In Chief, President Bill Clinton from the Rhodes-SA Oppenheimers-De Beers Class of ’68, same as his no less intellectual midget, Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich Esq. also a lawyer, foretold 9/11, 7 months and 10 days later.
Not much room for improvement in my opening 32 word sentence of my first article, an “Open letter” to American-Soviet-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard:

The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.
No doubt my ending, “… but don’t count on the Democrats” didn’t win me friends amongst the rat Democrats.

Big government spending has been the evil incarnate against us Jewish people going back to Pharaoh of Egypt who was not happy to see his slave wage force depart.

Once introducing money that can be reproduced with nothing to back it, and the pinnacle, Cryptos Bitcoin-Dogecoin, plus there are no barriers to Crypto entry other than having the money that is supported by big government, the first victims are the questioning Jewish people, and our friends who would mourn our disappearance from the face of the earth.

There is no good bolting the barn door, once the horse has bolted. All the weapons, drug trafficking and insider trading Wall Street profits held offshore have long been laundered by the Cryptos now a trillion dollar market capitalization; so when all the Central Banks s[ay] “no more”, it is tantamount to crying over spilt milk if you are poor, and if not to celebrate in perpetuity.
It just doesn’t seem fair, does it?
But that assumes God doesn’t exist and also God hasn’t figured a way to fix this seemingly insurmountable injustice.
Assume, if you will, that God does not exist, then each of us has to live with the truth and keep it to ourselves.

Just like coincidences have a purpose, so does the number system and everything else, including the arrival of the Internet which not only promotes logical discourse, where content is king, but puts everyone on a much more equal footing; more so than at any time in recorded history, although it would be hard to argue that the first two humans fought with each other over the money.

A young teenager, so long as they are born with common sense to be curious about the world around them, would quickly realize that the history of the world is the history of warfare, and the first to garner the mineral that makes the rest of the minerals easy access, wins the game, rules the world.

Tell the Sheep that it lacks common sense, you have an enemy for life.
Granted there is only one of me and AI is far from fully matured to get everyone having their head screwed on straight.
Still we have to predict that AI will eventually get there and in the meantime each of us should task ourselves in explaining such widespread lack of curiosity which is supposed to be honed in our abundant academic institutions, let alone the most lauded Yale University Law School that all the lawyer pundits can’t say enough, “So tough to get into”, and yet the first lecture on “contract law” where the lecturer explains, “When there is any duress, coercion, on either the buyer or the seller, the contract is null and void” should have all the first year law students exiting and never to return.
Why would God abandon such a magnificent environment, some 92 billion light years across and continuing to grow rapidly and this slither of paradise perched on a slither of the Milky Way Galaxy and earth run by moron opportunists who are impressed by other opportunists they are battling with to die the richest in the grave?
Not even in [our] wildest imaginations could God be so reckless to leave it all to ourselves.

Why is it that they can’t assemble in their minds, the axiom “The history of the world is the history of warfare-lawfare” and the absurdity of a contract of a real estate developer like Jared Kushner and his felon father, to purchase stolen land, and then afford all the lawyer fees, permits, construction costs, leasing costs, fines, bribes and the Hollywood parties to invite other donors?

In other words, what does it take for there to be consensus amongst the general public of when clean title is transferred from a military defeated person, to a person/s who can also afford an expensive business suit, while bypassing the soldiers who are not yet all robots?

For those of us old enough to read and remember there is John Jay Osborn Jr.’s 1971 novel The Paper Chase, that was made into a movie.

The connection between Hollywood and the political establishment did not take place when Oceans 11 actor, George Clooney did a fund raiser a few weeks ago for Joe Biden and laughing hyena Kamala Harris, but waiting for the end of the debate with dementia, increasingly agitated, shouting when not whispering, President Joe Biden to announce that he knew at the fund raiser that Biden had lost it.

No one is saying either that George Clooney or the rest of the scary clowns are prevented from either buying a studio like Paramount or launching their own DreamWorks started in 1994 and owned 72%, by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen.

If clueless Clooney didn’t have money from acting like a clown he wouldn’t have been the centerpiece of the fundraiser and nor would we be able to reflect on his malfeasance.
It wasn’t a mistake his delayed reaction, the same with his co-conspirators. Their intent was to fool us, and hoping that Biden would get through the debate without his senility blasting through.
Donald J. Trump wasn’t simply brilliant, he was picture perfect.
How in the world can Biden’s co-money dependents get him to refuse an earlier debate with Trump.
We can all see Trump’s next commercials explaining to Biden that September is a long way off for a dementia person whose handlers are preoccupied with what pills to boost him and what could be a fatal overdose.

For all intent and purposes, the story of Lawfare against inheritor and developer Donald J. Trump, who didn’t ask to be born, and most probably the cleanest politician in the history of the United States, and who I will be voting for in November, starts with the Paper Chase.

1971 was not only the launch of a multitude of intercontinental ballistic missile lawyers preying on the disunity of the beastly Sheep, but the year in which lawyer President Richard Nixon took us officially off the Gold Standard, placing the power of the money and all its powerful accouterments such as real estate inflationary wars in the hands of corrupt lawmakers and their no less corrupt regulators and Statesmen who slow walk Ukraine to her death, “As long as it takes”, and at the same time Nixon lambasted his German-South African protectors when saying that his draconian measures on the world’s poor was to protect against his protector, “international money speculators waging an all out war against the US dollar”.

Not to mention, all that is important is that Trump knows it was an Act of God, God talking to him as does every mosquito, which to the onlooker isn’t as visual as a high powered bullet nicking the tip of the right ear, couldn’t be more dramatic, and then the United States of America would be ruled by power hungry Dr Jekyll Jill and money grabbing, crack cocaine, gun totting son Hunter, “The smartest person in the world”, now hiding out in the White House with his blonde South African wife.

Please Mr. President Trump give thought to what the future of the world would look like with them so out of control now, not listening to anyone including their deserters like Clooney now running for cover.

They would never stop until their dictatorship was cast in stone and if not, they would press the button.

Yes, put yourself in their shoes.
It is scary.
How do they go away peacefully?

Their reconciliation, to tone down their call for your “bullseye”, didn’t last very long.

Their only option is to continue demonizing you.

General Smuts would applaud you now having the four-some, lawyer Vance, lawyer Thiel, lawyer Sacks and Mars venturer Musk in close orbit, and the world will also watch them like a hawk.

They either have no mothers as strong role models or they take to the airwaves like Thiel and Sacks’ The Diversity Myth : Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus, demeaning women in the worst possible way, and their book publisher also saw at the time, first published July 1, 1996, when Thiel wasn’t far from celebrating his 29th birthday, and David O. Sacks 24, born the day after General Smuts would have celebrated his 102nd birthday, that they would win great applause.

Not to mention, they waited 2 decades, 2016, after pledging nominal sums of money to the Trump election before apologizing for comments made about date rape of women, were actually “seductions that are later regretted.”
“Seductions that are later regretted” after 6 years of university, a graduate law degree and you come away with this despicable crap before moving quickly to collect billions from a money making scheme, Paypal that is backed by the German-South African Oppenheimers’ Deutsche Bank who only tolerate their own competition; and let’s not forget Thiel’s mainstay, “Competition is for losers”, right out of the German-SA Oppenheimers’ playbook.
Why do I know so much about the German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who officially took control of loser Marc Rich in 1967 when acquiring Rich’s employer Philip Brothers founded in 1901 during the Anglo “American J P Morgan” Boer War, one year prior to Engelhard’s father of the same name, founding the giant Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation which had a lock on the world’s platinum market, with 80% mined in mineral rich South Africa and Harry Oppenheimer who wound up with all of Engelhard’s priceless platinum mines right before the US Congress mandated that 1.9 grams of platinum be embedded in the catalytic converter of the exhaust system in every new car and truck produced in the United States, forcing the entire US auto-truck industry to do business with the pariah South African Apartheid Regime, in flagrant violation of US Congress sanctions?
German-American Thiel is an outed homosexual. What first hand experience does he have with women to be so disgusting?

He has South African born Sacks obviously approving.

So yes, Im excited to watch the first debate between Kamala Harris and JD Vance should Trump decide to keep him.
Nothing in this deterministic universe, where there are no mistakes, is a done deal.
Only God decides the time and place.
Making it more exciting if we can get each of the contestants, who again are lawyers, to begin by reciting Wikipedia’s storytelling of the Paper Chase:
It tells the story of James Hart, a first-year law student at Harvard Law School, his experiences with Professor Charles Kingsfield, a brilliant and demanding contract law instructor, and Hart’s relationship with Kingsfield’s daughter. Houseman earned an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as the professor. Houseman later reprised the role in a TV series of the same name that lasted four seasons, following Hart, played by James Stephens, through his three years of law school.
Unless anyone feels that there is more to be said, I rest my case, on the importance of the Paper Chase movie to anyone who has a high opinion of lawyers who at the turn of the last century were considered “scum” and medical doctors, “quacks”.
To give up that prized possession diamond tipped drilling bit would be stupid given that the beast Sheep is emphatically not kind and generous, unless it has managed to wipe out all the poor, or at least subdued them to the point that all their movement, whether it be walking outside, or traveling in a car where AI prevents going over the speed limit, is monitored round the clock, and then beginning to talk about the beauty of humanity that coupled with western civilization has to be preserved on Mars, without naming another possible planet where we can at least land safely, because none exist, nor into the foreseeable future before our Sun burns planet earth to a cinder, another Mars.
Elon, we are going nowhere. Stop with this idiocy. After a while laughing at the gullible fools has to be getting boring.
The journey should be in how you get there. And if you have to genocide all the poor in the process of replacing them with AI and robots, that should rub you the wrong way unless you are an alien without compassion, a narcissist if you will.

But do narcissists get on with each other?

I say no.

That is why we only get along when it comes to agreeing on the money that has never come close to being vetted.

Contrived compassion is as mindless as the contrived money.

At what point does everyone get tired of the foolish ugliness?
Last evening at 9:33 PM California time, I received a 150 word message from Elon Musk’s father, my fb friend, Errol Graham Musk.
My response at 5:56 AM today, “They all go for the money” has been long read by Errol and his response is deafening silence, and it likely to remain that way until he takes his last breath. That doesn’t mean I won’t follow up addressing his inaccuracies which obviously are not as important as my conclusion, “They all go for the money”.
You would expect that if 150+ IQ electromechanical engineer Errol Graham Musk can understand perfectly that anything that is gauged by worthless monies cannot be worth more than worthless, it would mean that his eldest son Elon who mirrors his looks, expressions and great engineering thinking would be able to figure it out in time, and most likely far quicker than someone such as yourself.

Professor Dan Brook, do you feel a greater appreciation for beauty contests where the judges haven’t been corrupted and which we can all vote on from the luxury of our handhelds?

BTW, why do you wear a beard; what are you hiding from?

We know that JD Vance had a horrific upbringing that can explain his beard, but do you think his stint with Deutsche Bank funded Venture Capitalist, German born, growing up in German South West Africa under the control of the German-South African Oppenheimers clan before moving to the United States, Peter Thiel where Vance made his money and propelled him into the stratosphere of American politics, is another factor?

Bear in mind that I write for individuals who are no more than average, 100 IQ, even if their emotional intelligence is zero.

They perfectly follow along the money trail when they fail to thank me for my common sense thinking tutorials.

It stands out like a sore thumb, and therefore I am not distracted, by their pitiful applause of my photos of pretty and healthy food that has minimal trace of other animals, because it is all plant based, and mostly raw vegetables, especially during the summer hot months, and nuts; and little, if any, of the killers SOS [salt oil sugar].

Again the deafening silence on the money, does not go unnoticed.
Obviously the money is all that they are about, as well as attracting with their money wealth a healthy lover to enjoy
the unsurprising “health benefits of orgasms: from boosting your immune system to unblocking your nose”, which cannot be enjoyed to its maximum benefit with a paid prostitute even if you call him your husband or boyfriend, and the same with women.
Moreover, it is just a question of time, before an orgasm is impossible, because it is totally impossible to have an organism when they have allowed lazy opulence to let their body-mind go to rot with a bad diet that doesn’t stimulate exercise; quite the opposite in fact, which makes them that much violent towards the healthy, as they are constantly deceptive, eager to fool the next person, like Prime Minister Netanyahu when meeting yesterday with family members of victims of October 7, saying that he had no idea the female IDF soldiers manning closed circuit TV monitors on the border with Gaza were unarmed; it is almost hilarious, his sick, callous, lying through his teeth while administering the line that Israel is in an existential war and can only launch a deep dive investigation of October 7, once the war with Hamas-Hezbollah-Iran-Saudi Arabia-Yemen-Syria-Jordan-Egypt-Iraq-Lebanon-Russia-China is over and there is no longer an existential threat to Israel.

How come none of the victims’ families bring up;

Prime Minister Netanyahu, how do you live with yourself while your only son Yair sits out the war in Miami, in the lap of luxury, surrounded by Shin Bet security detail who intimidate journalists pointing out your corruption for extending this war to delay your trial, conviction and life sentence?
Mossad head, David Ben Gurion and his friend General Smuts knew from the victory of the National-Nazi Party, aka Apartheid Regime, aka Third Reich’s Southern Division, on 26 May 1948, that us Jewish people would remain in a life and death war with our enemies, until such time as the German-South African Oppenheimers and their allies; namely Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank, Bank of England, London Exchequer, HSBC, United Nations, and the world’s other Central Banks and affiliates such as Wall Street and Lloyd’s of London were brought to justice, which might never happen given how few friends us Jewish people have with our institutions fully infiltrated, much the same as the Great Sanhedrin, the supreme religious body during the time of the “Holy Temple” in Israel under Roman rule, that extended to every town, and our civil organizations, no less compromised.

Why do we need political parties when their goal is ugly war on the poor and the environment?

With the lack of common sense so widespread, at the same time the Sheep profess to yearn for truth, justice and equality under the law, the only conclusion is that this depravity has to be “original sin” and the cause for that must be punishment for wrongdoing in the previous lifetime.

With a minimum of intelligence, less than average IQ, why take the chance of doing bad, when the results are so transparently catastrophic?
[Word count 6444]
On Jul 16, 2024, at 4:49 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote:
Title: Irrational specie

Considering Venture Capitalists, let alone one “johnny come lately” lawyer Vance, joined at the hip with Peter “Competition is for losers” Thiel, as a sacrosanct embodiment of human aspirations, shows both a total lack of knowledge of how the money capital markets work, as well as history, where to begin to understand modern day military economics, that governs all international trade agreements, the talk on how to regulate AI, protect against piracy of intellectual property, stealing of elections, and the such, you have to begin no later than when the only signatory to both World War Peace Treaties, most enlightened South African General, Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] who coined the term, “Commonwealth”, pulled off the most extraordinary ruse, a double fisted knockout punch, placing draconian reparations on defeated Germany, at the same time making it impossible, outside of treachery, treason of the highest order, for Germany to ever again build a threatening army, and the people never reacted, nor has it changed, other than the leisure, consumer society talks more.

What makes you think you are not irrational?

Does inspired Donald J Trump know?

IMG_2837 2.jpeg

[Word count 191]

On Jul 14, 2024, at 10:02 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote:
A softer touch of strength to unify us.
Tulsi Gabbard 
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – —
Facebook Screenshot: July 14, 9:59 PM Calif. time
Title: Listen to yourself
Losing an ear to prove some political agenda, and maybe your head, if the kid was a bad shooter, and obviously he was, is completely stupid, to even think it was a set up.
Gary Gevisser

A softer touch of strength to unify us.
Tulsi Gabbard
Gary Gevisser

Compare the energy of Trump right after he is shot, to Biden at his best.
Massimo Rondinelli

Of course it is. The con man is capable of anything to make it about him ..
  • 15 hours ago
  • Reply
  • Edited
  • 10 hours ago
Massimo Rondinelli

Typical trumpeter
Massimo Rondinelli

Gary Gevisser I know you are a genius
Gary Gevisser

Listen to yourself
Losing an ear to prove some political agenda, and maybe your head, if the kid was a bad shooter, and obviously he was, is completely stupid, to even think it was a set up.
Michael Batchelor

Massimo Rondinelli you are part of the problem in the world today. The ignorance of your comment proves it
Gary Gevisser

Wicked and warped, “Trump staged”.
Would they have said the same thing if he had died; if the bullet had been an inch or two to the right?
Ray Uriarte

People were killed and they think it’s funny
May be an image of 3 people and the Oval Office.jpeg
Debbie Patton Kingsriter

People died and were injured. Your irrational hatred causes denial of the facts? You sound like the Holocaust deniers.
Massimo Rondinelli

Debbie Patton Kingsriter what’s the holocaust has to do with that? Anyway it’s maga that say never happened
Kris LG

Karen Hamza 

I would just like to know I would like to know how this is all staged. How is this all staged? Yeah how was it all staged this guy this kid that was Poppin caps at Trump person that was killed people that were injured. How was this all staged if he would’ve turned, he wouldn’t if he would’ve turned a little bit more he’d be a goner that Bull would’ve entered into his skull. Are you hundred percent staged personal message me please with this with this response everybody saying it staged like everybody was saying that Covid was planned Covid and that it wasn’t for real and that’s everybody’s opinions and I respect everybody’s opinions. OK I may not agree with it, but I respect your opinion. I wanna know how do you think this was planned
William Flowers

Like 911 and the Federal Reserve, throw the Civil War in for goodness sake
Raisa Kirks 

The shooter was a registered republican
Jane Howlett 

Wasn’t staged at all.
All you people saying it was are so far trapped in your ego’s trying to big note yourselves it’s ridiculous.
You weren’t there so your all spreading crap to make yourselves feel better.
Such division and really low consciousness

Leah Riley Hollon

Jane Howlett I posted a meme I’m not the one trying to Big Note myself dear 😊.png
Alyce Harwood

I don’t believe it was staged as the shooter was quite young, to hit that close and just miss deliberately he’d have to be a professional. Instead I just think he wasn’t a very good shot.
Raisa Kirks 

A distraction yep
Betty Gale

New campaign poster, Trump the victim!
William Music Jr. 

Right. So I’ll send a fake sympathy card to the family of the person in the audience that was killed in real life.
Marie Harrison Tinker

We should expect liberals deny deny deny and lie.. why should we expect any different now?? I just have 1 question.. how do fake people being killed???? It was a real attack on Trump his supporters.. people.. enough is enough..
Massimo Rondinelli

Marie Harrison Tinker no, that’s you Repugnants . 😂.png😂.png😂.png😂.png😂.png
Marie Harrison Tinker

Massimo Rondinelli oh you’re so funny.. hope you don’t make your living trying to make people laugh.. cause you suck at it.. among other things
Darla Watkins

I agree
Norman Jones

I seen that episode on ( In The Heat Of The Night)
Norman Jones

But really, when you Preach Hate All the time u can’t control what happens

Leah Riley Hollon

Norman Jones right on brother!!!
Steph Tuzo- Coben

The assignation attempt on Trump? You believe it was fake?
John Ortiz

At least in the movies make it seem real, that was as fake as f***
On Jul 13, 2024, at 5:08 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote:
The Sheep are out of control
On Jul 12, 2024, at 6:36 PM, gary gevisser <> wrote: “I have so many other things to do” ~ Sheep
Aloha Anna,
Obviously at least one of you read my insight and analysis of this Presidential campaign…
