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A circus from beginning to end

From: Gary S Gevisser <>
Date: January 23, 2010 4:51:41 PM PST
To: Zena Ash Gevisser c/o Arnold Pollak <>
Cc: rest; Jason Ritchie – Honored US Navy Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance <>, Jerusalem Post <>, michael matho <>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec <>, “Kate Jaro.” <>, “Jeffrey D. Sacks – Columbia University Columbia University” <>,, Tefo-Ron Derby <>, Helen Zille- Leader of the Democratic Alliance – Republic of South Africa <>, Rabbi Abner Weiss <>, Rabbi Menachem Creditor <>, Sidney Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus <>, Gary Smith <>, “Cliff Benn, (E-mail)” <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <>, “Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer, President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009” <>, David Bono – Harkins Cunningham <>, “Adam L Tucker – webmaster” <>, “David Bellavia – US Soldier, nominated for the US Congressional Medal of Honor. Now blowing the whistle on Operation Sparkling.” <>, Jason & Pia <>, “Shanit – Office for the Israeli Deparment of Defense Attache; Israeli Embassy, Washington DC Israeli Embassy” <>, Jim Fetzer <>, Len Osanic <>, Jim DiEugenio <>, Rush Limbaugh feigned opponent of Obama <>, “Oprah. com” <>, Rabbi Caspers Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama <>, Carlyle Hotel c/o President Barack Obama <>
Subject: A circus from beginning to end – Part III

Dear Mom,

As you would expect I have begun contacting faculty members of St. Anthony’s College at Oxford University, and there is of course nothing to stop anyone from giving them a “heads up” as they when “running for cover” shout over their shoulders, “It is not us but doctors and lawyers who most profit from this free for all”.

But we all know that the rotten system was set up for both professions, but academia was thought to be so above it all.

It is important how we punctuate our sentences, at least when we are hell bent on distracting the masses with all the nonsense talk; but what if there is a God looking down on each of us every moment when we are both well and sick?

It is worth repeating that your first husband of 30 years, our dad Bernie was the first to let me know, “We are all sick”; and that is important since dad while still in his teens had proven himself to be amongst the best of the best of the warriors.

There has never been, nor will there ever be a group of fighters like those very few who fought in the toughest air wars of World World II and who were qualified as, Fighter-Bomber-Pilots, and after walking away without so much as a scratch with 71 miraculous missions tucked under his belt and still 21 years of age, to be attacked with a kitchen knife by his crazy uncle, Louis Sher who accused dad of causing his mom, Kate Sher Gevisser to come down with cancer, is almost too unbelievable to be true.

Earlier I placed the following two photographs with captions on my Facebook photos, and began sharing the photo album with individuals who may not all want to hear about anything I have to say:

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My father Bernie [Oct 18, 1923 – ] is standing on the far left next to a fellow Fighter- Bomber-Pilot of South African Air Force Squadron 11 who was killed.

That FBP was very possibly “Jock” Lithgow who according to my father’s logbook entry on January 29th, 1945 on his 20th mission/operation which was to “D.B [DIVE BOMB] LONG RANGE GUN 6 MILES S.W. BOLOGNA”:


Not to mention my dad was carrying on the wings of Kittyhawk two 500 pound bombs.



Bernie Gevisser [October 18, 1923 – ] flying a Kittyhawk in one of his 71 missions in northern Italy between November 19, 1944 and April 15, 1945.

You know of course that American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr, [1917-1971] was an American Air Force flight instructor during World War II, and of course we can all understand why this rather ugly man in every sense of the word, didn’t take a “shining” to our so very handsome,

humble and well-liked father. But what about you?

Twice I have now come across the word “redoubtable” in David Gevisser’s autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER which this “male heir” of the openly racist and virulent anti-Semite Engelhard first used in describing you.

Still no mention of dad having even fought in WW II, let alone the only member with such a distinguished war record of our rather large Moshal-Sher-Molk-Gevisser family with far flung business interests all over the world that of course attracted Engelhard and his South African partners, the equally virulent anti-Semitic and most “quiet” racist Oppenheimers who ended up with the bulk of Engelhard’s estate including the coveted South African retreats which hosted the most gun-money-power people in the world.

I am now up to page 145. One quarter way down,

“A final blow was to my ego. A friend, a Professor of History at Yale, had warned me that as a student I would find life very different to the business, social and political worlds in which I had for many years been fairly prominent. Regardless of age and experience, students were common cattle whose opinions and company were rarely of any importance to the facutly. A student is subservient! She was painfully correct. I had imagined that my age, background,


origins and experience would be of some interest to fellow students, faculty, to Senior Associate Members. That interest, apart from polite and meaningless enquiries, was zero , other than for Jane Caplan, Clark and d’Almedia. I jolted back to disinterested earth and a new evaluation of myself and my past.”

Obviously not enough.

Do you have any idea how the world would be better off had David Gevisser who you arranged I meet in Johannesburg the day after I met with his South African Minister of Trade and Industries, Trevor Manuel

the following year, 1996 moved up by failing miserably in his previous post, to Minister of Finance which he held until last year, dug a little deeper and simply, when walking up to the next group of students at St. Anthony’s college which is the graduate studies for Oxford University and said,

“I beg your pardon, but I would like to share with you why at age 77 in the formal application to get a Masters of Study in History Research, I made it clear that at my age, study was for my own pleasure and should not be regarded as a career move which is exactly how I would state it on page 141 of my memoirs, the so mysterious sounding, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER, and the chapter heading, ACADEMIA.

Do you think that group of students could be trusted to keep it to themselves? If so, for how long?
Well, I am going to test it.

Let’s just say that I am able to explain that my absence in the book had to do with your 8 miscarriages before I emerged on March 24th, 1957 and not because David Gevisser didn’t like me.

Then I would proceed something along the following lines:

You have all heard of President Nixon. Right after David Gevisser’s major benefactors death, which occurred on March 2nd, 1971 and not 1970 as David stated in his memoirs has a great many much more significant errors which were not corrected in the “Errata sheet” that was later inserted since the “Errata sheet” would end up longer the book of some 169 pages, this 37th President of the United States sought my father’s first cousin’s audience to find out if German-American Charles W. Engelhard who like his father owned all 3 Branches of the United States Government which is how come he had such a diamond studded iron fist control over our birth country of South Africa, had been deliberately killed, having


turned 54 the month before, and not 53 as David Gevisser stated so emphatically, although of course not saying exactly what day he would die, but at the same time provided more details of the last hours of his life when his wife Jane Engelhard whose first Jewish husband committed suicide under the most mysterious of circumstances which is also covered in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER, had lifelong Protestant Engelhard convert to Roman Catholicism and get buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morris Town, two words, New Jersey and his funeral drawing Senator Ted Kennedy, former President Lyndon Johnson and Vice President Humphrey.

Let me also add before you begin asking questions that Jane Engelhard never kept it a secret and nor did David Gevisser that she did not care in the least bit for David Gevisser.

Mom, today is glorious sunshine on the water’s edge but the sea continues to hurtle it extraordinary force on all those challenging it.

For the first time ever I saw two surfers who had braved the towering waves coming at them in all different directions with the backspray giving an indication of how the force that they would feel was being timed perfectly for its decent, turning back.

And of course the rest of the surfers are all lined up deciding who amongst them are going to be the first to get out there and have the waves so immensely enjoying themselves, all to themselves.

Now it is almost perfect flat, but it is only white water for the first one third of the view as I am sitting full upright on the king size bed, the end of the remaining two-thirds a good 80 miles out.

I never did hear back from Michael Matho – – a French scientist trying to make a living here in the US, nor for that matter Helen Zille, the head of the Democratic Alliance Party who now gets a deserving spot on the $hit list – click HERE – although she may have already been listed previously.

BTW, I just noticed that I misspelled “shoulders” and wrote “soldiers” so I will be placing English quotation signs around “soldiers” followed by the Latin adverb “sic”.

The thought of 2 Jewish people, one German and the other French, and both pointing and firing their guns at the same time, and the French soldier who was mortally wounded sounding as his last words the, “Shema”, has of course taken a back seat to how Oxford University are going to react to the fraud, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER.

Even those students who laughed off David Gevisser are not going to be comforted once they hear the truth about how very difficult it is going to be for them all to earn a living on a level playing field that will inevitably occur.

Your grandmother Nechie Becker Badash, I know would be very proud of me.

She obviously didn’t go into all that much detail about the problems of the world and the solutions to these problems which you make a point of mentioning in your memoirs so craftily written and first published via email on September 25th, 2001, just 5 days after the Los Angeles Times published the Mossad’s crystal clear “heads up” of 9/11, one month prior in August 2001.

Had she, then surely instead of publishing a reprint of THE WINKING CAT, you would have spelled out something so very important.

You have always believed that there is One God and therefore you would not be surprised that you would be used like each one of us to spread not just the “word of God” but the purpose of life for each one of us.


But to be so vague and mysterious seems more than a little elitist unless you would agree that you were beginning around this time to “lose your mind” which is really not such a terrible thing if you do in fact believe in an Omnipotent Force which of course people who lie, steal and cheat cannot possibly.

The “Hand of God” is everywhere over THE UNLIKELY FORESTER beginning with how your close friend David Gevisser while leaving no doubt that he felt my father was “hopeless” as a manager, ends up revealing his own extraordinarily incompetence, while acknowledging his lust along with the rest of his hypocritical family for their hedonistic lifestyle that included one high end holiday home after the next.

The fact that they can get all so emotional about the death of the actress girlfriend of the one son, as David finds the most thoughtful words to describe all their anguish of her death just 36 hours after taking ill with an incurable disease, let me interrupt the flow of tears and have us return to the 6 million who perished during the Holocaust.

David Gevisser names a whole bunch more people than Richard Nixon who wasted no time in following orders along with the US Congress when they committed the most treasonous but revealing act when taking the US off the Gold Standard on August 15th, 1971 resulting in the value of strategic minerals under the command and control of the mafia monopoly De Beers- Anglo American Codiam [DAAC] Inc. Cartel skyrocketing.

He names meeting with the Rockefellers who have yet to change their name or the name of their bank, Chase Manhattan Bank.

David Gevisser got bullied terribly when he was studying forestry at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, because he was Jewish and didn’t know how to stand up for himself.

So of course he was jealous and resentful of dad who ended up with someone David Gevisser could only have dreamed of.

Let us take another look at David and Hedda Gevisser

Mom, couldn’t they have afforded someone to use an airbrush on Hedda’s face?


Apart from his son Mark Gevisser, isn’t David Gevisser the ugliest white man in the world?

His lack of intestinal fortitude may be traced back to the day that he stole his elder brother Leslie’s stamp collection which as you will recall resulted in the one and only admonition by his devout Jewish father, Morris who along with his wife Janie Moshal you mention by name in your memoirs, THE LIFE STORY OF ZENA, but no mention by name of Morris’ brother, my awesome grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser apart from saying that when you heard that your future father- in-law owned priceless land in Haifa Harbor, Israel, you “rapidly felt at home in Israel” even though you were now living some 8,000 miles away in the humid hell hole of Durban, South Africa about to become under the control of the CIA’s 3rd Reich’s Southern Division.

You will notice how Gary Firer is not alone in commenting any further about his initial surprise that the US Government were so intimately involved in the economic affairs of South Africa, following the “rigged” South African General Elections of May 26th, 1948 which took place just 11 days after the US Government expected the newly formed State of Israel to be wiped out by sunset on the first day of the official start of her War of Independence, May 15th, 1948.

Not to mention, I am going on 53 and very possibly close to being in the best physical and mental condition of my life apart from eating a little cheese the other day that caused my body that is getting so used to only a live food diet that never once had a heartbeat reacting rather badly, and not once have I ever heard anyone suggest that we revisit the consequences of the 1948 South African General Election that ushered in the CIA’s Apartheid Regime that ruled for an uninterrupted period of 45 years had some 80 percent of the citizens of South Africa excluded from voting.

More importantly, I have never heard a single person in the west question why the US Congress doesn’t take out a full page ad say in the New York Times, and question why those who keep talking about the Geneva Convention and how important it was all the way through the Nuremberg trials, don’t apply the same standards to the US Government when Uncle Sam wiped out a couple of hundred thousand civilians when dropping, long before the Nuremberg trials began, two Atomic weapons on former ally Japan who had played their part when invading Manchuria China on September 17th, 1931.

Gary Firer is quiet, and that is a good thing.

The Rockefeller family know they profited from Auschwitz but that does not stop them and all those who have curried favor to also ignore their lack of concern about the Geneva Convention when erecting their I.G. Farben gas pellet production facility in the center of Auschwitz.

You understand that I have no issue with Gentiles who are raised with the concept of “blind faith” but there can be no excuse for Jewish people like Ed Bertolas, don’t you agree?

Aaron Cohen is also quiet.

Let us now assume that God exists, what would you suggest be my next move or do you think I should leave it to each of us to be guided?

I have another 24 pages to go before finishing, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER, and of course I could be long dead by then, and so could you as well as the rest of the world.

It is highly unlikely, however, that David Gevisser is going to come clean and explain that the reason he so hates himself is because he had made a point throughout his lifetime to let everyone around him know how much he hates both hypocrites and procrastinators.

Never before in the history of the world are we able to see so very clearly the clay feet of our

elected and non-elected government officials. Moreover, they have not yet managed to kill me.

Equally important as much as I detest all their company, I have no plans currently to end my life prematurely.

The same, however, cannot be said about each of them and all those puppet masters who pull their strings.

In the end each of us will have to decide whether or not it is important that there is One God and what the purpose is for each of us now being alive, apart from witnessing His-Her presence in the most clear cut manner.

Those who have no belief in a higher authority which is of course each and every corrupt individual and they know who they are, have to deal with the immediacy of the fallout of me revealing all the huge disconnects in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER.

The other day I ran into a very Norwegian looking 28 year old whose first name is Forest.

After Forest quickly reviewed the heavily broadcasted missive I sent out just minutes before when sitting at a table in a coffee shop in Julian, California, he provided me with “sum” (sic) excellent feedback that I have previously expressed and I think it is worth repeating.

People feel that they are either on the “in” or the “out”, and if on the “out” you will never get in the “in”, and to lead as content a life as possible.

Those on the “out” have the Internet. We have the power.

We have the power to unite without resorting to violence and playing directly in to the hands of those in the “in” who we can identify in a split second.

We have the power to encircle them in an instant.
We are the future, even if it is only in our minds.
Truth is that which does not change.
Those in the “in” know they are increasingly encircled with each tick of the clock. There cannot be any turning back; no recriminations like, “I am sorry”.

The choice was to defy all the ingenious teachings of the Omnipotent Forces of Nature.
The corrupt could never have envisioned such a perfect punishment fitting the crime such as this.

Just imagine if you were God for just a single moment, wouldn’t you have thought of creating such a game that has all the corrupt being brought back to life at a time like this as each of us knows not only can we not cry out to God but we have to live the remainder of our lives with the so severely punished?

God didn’t need to create pain or for that matter conflict of any kind.
Never, not for a moment, forget the logic each of us has to abide by each moment we are awake,

and the sicker we get the more lethargic we become and the sicker we get, left increasingly with our thoughts and no one to comfort us.

Fat TALKATIVE cell people most likely would have just as may fat cells, don’t you think.

Thin out of shape people can ALSO know what it is like when doing a good deed as well as when not doing the right thing.

Pain is something we can all feel until such time as we lose all the sensitivity in different regions of the body.

If we sit still for too long we all know that numb feeling.

Those who have had their spinal cords snapped can still think and they can better understand than the rest of us the feeling of having no pain throughout that region of the body that is paralyzed but they can think just like the rest of us, perhaps even better, until they too eventually lose their minds, along with those who keep their company.

Sensitivity exists throughout the rest of the animal kingdom as well as plant life.

Just the other day Marie was exercising the sunflowers I had bought at the local farmers market as she turned the pot around which had the flowers having to work that much harder to keep up with the earth’s rotation around the sun.

I don’t have all the knowledge in the world because I am convinced it would make life far too boring.

It is interesting though to be able to project better than most everyone I meet, certainly better than anyone I know.

Again, I only know what I know, and I wouldn’t want to change places with anyone else in the world.

Right now I have a number of “projects” going on throughout the world and the one which has those most familiar with my “work product” the most interested in, is Operation Smiley because it has the opportunity to blow sky high this so contrived “War on Terror” which began the moment the first settlers in the US didn’t wipe out every American Indian.

American-Israeli Special Forces commando Aaron Cohen who I believe is an impostor, knows exactly where I live and he knows enough about surveillance to remain undetected, the same with other Israeli Special Forces commandos that he employs who would know also that even if they don’t believe in God they too should watch their backs.

Aaron Brown understands this today much better than when he first met with me and of course there was nothing about me which gave him reason to be suspicious that I wasn’t who I said I was.

Nor was he put off by the fact that despite presenting himself as a “top notch” Israeli commando attached to an elite undercover unit, Duvdevan, and therefore one would expect him to know a great deal about Operation Sparkling that took place on the high seas of the Atlantic that separates the land mass of Britain, Europe and Africa from the Americas, just in case you also wanted to get your bearings, he had no clue, and nor did I “rub it in”.

I of course had let him know prior to our meeting on Saturday, October 3rd, 2009, that I didnt get off a boat just yesterday in Haifa Harbor, Israel


which I might not know as well as members of Israel’s most elite Maritime Special Forces unit, Flotilla 13 known in Hebrew as Shayetet 13.

It is interesting to also think that people like Rush Limbaugh know that they are eventually going to have to start talking about me otherwise they will find themselves out of a job and talking about me.

At all times we should not forget that the great advances in technology have occurred on the battlefield and that also includes the speed at which information has reached others on the front lines since the time future King David slew Goliath with his perfectly aimed slingshot.

Yes, a great many students of the Bible will increasingly wish they knew less, let alone devoted so much time to what was a mostly selfish pursuit and to find themselves caught between the rock and the hardplate not knowing how long they can continue putting up the charade, and increasingly discomforted as word reaches their congregations.

So what is the latest news on our retired rabbi Professor Abner Weiss?

What about us each getting in this lifetime to start with our just deserve whether it be good genes or bad, good or bad parent , good both parents, bad both parents, and as we all experience entropy, and at the same time we have all the remaining choices including good health and when it comes to our lifetime partners we look back at how their lives have taken them thus far, and all I can say is once again, Thank God for God?

Do you feel the same way?

The fact that most people are unhappy with their partner is for them to decide what best to do about it dont you think?

Suicide is one option that won’t hurt the planet one iota and another is divorce; again, I am just repeating some of your teachings.

While the Forces of Nature are constant just like truth, the technology that has stemmed from such awesome discoveries has made its way into our living rooms as we can get so excited when being voyeurs watching a game where we are at one with millions from all walks of life seeing in the same moment the quick pass, and better yet quick fumble followed by the possible quick cell

phone call by the sports agent who had 2 players in last Sunday’s playoff thinking of a quick buck commercial.

Now of course you wouldn’t know either of those two American football teams let alone the names of the players and it is partly because you have never once watched a game of rather boring American football, but the same cannot be said of your second husband who once “enjoyed” a game in the freezing cold of Windy City Chicago as we watched the Chicago Bears with their extraordinarily athletic Walter Payton perform; and of course even Alan Zulman enjoyed moments, but American football is of course not rugby.

It is really not in the least bit difficult to see why such a genius game like rugby has not been screwed with to fit the TV set until you watch the game of American football.

Who would think that the day would come when more than the people with Facebook accounts who know about me woud know that every bill printed by the US Federal Reserve ever since it was formed in 1913 retains its value based on the military prowess of the US, and therefore it is not so much that those you beat can beat you back once their miltary get paid that much more than yours who know that it is money mostly that has top ingelligence officers turning apart from knowing those above them have got rich by being even more corrupt, but the price of everything from F-16 E fighter bombers to the price of having the best hooker in a rubgy scrum has aboslutely nothing to do with the economic principal of supply and demand, including the value of the weaker currency which becomes worthless if you are on the side of the loser.

You understand perfectly how easy it is now going to be thanks to David Gevisser’s, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER to explain to every future teacher of History, Economics, Military & Politics the scam of scams that has been executed by imbeciles such as David Gevisser.

Going back to the barter system and money backed by gold is only made difficult because those profiting from the monetary system who are extraordinarily few but still very powerful, are not willing to give up what they have, and are simply prepared to wait and see how the world’s military respond.

Just this moment, 1:31 pm, a flock of Pelicans, the most prehistoric looking of all animals floated by the cliff house, and I am reminded once again of the reaction of avid surfer who is now 44 and has been surfing all his life when I pointed out when we were enjoying unbelievably good surf, he on his surfboard and me on my waveski, that Pelicans with their immense wingspan and with the tip of their wings pointed down surf the air-currents of the waves without their tips ever once touching the water, and one can see that there is no visible space between the water and the tip of the wing and he remarked,

“I guess we are too busy thinking about making money”.

And by the way this highly skilled auto mechanic is not rich but he is a deeply religious Christian.

There is quietness, apart from the sound of the waves that does not bother me.

In fact were I to hear the shouts of chering spectators it changes nothing other than I would be most annoyed.

They can go on and on with their denial until the cows come home.

Not to mention Gary Firer earlier commented on this photo below he came across on my Facebook, and you can see my comment.

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Gary Firer Is Jason your son? You look really small next to him! I don’t remember if also played in Carmel’s first rugby team as I did?

Sat at 10:19am · Delete


Gary Steven Gevisser No, Jason is the 19 year old who figured out the importance of the Bankers Manifesto of July 4th, 1892; and therefore understood that the whole system is rigged and therefore to think seriously about why live?

Sat at 12:55pm · Delete


Gary Steven Gevisser TW, I did play in Carmel College’s first rugby team, and got half colors which didn’t prevent me from being voted House Captain of Samson and the following day, which was our Matric year I left Carmel and went to two different schools before “settling down”.

Sat at 5:35pm · Delete


Gary Steven Gevisser What position did you play?

BTW, I believe I got awarded half colors in my second to last year at Carmel.
Sat at 9:39pm · Delete


Gary Firer I played lock, flank and or halfback. I left Carmel 3 years before Matric and did the 3 years in 2 years

at a private school, my Dad couldn’t wait to get away from SA. It was pretty hard for me. You never hung around with us at the beach on te weekends, I used to go surfing and diving weekly with Gary Israel. Richard Marine was there with all the girls, used to invite us with to Saturday night parties. Yesterday at 1:11am · Delete


Gary Steven Gevisser You are right I never did hang with you all at the beach even though I did ride my waveski as often as I could but I was “busy” immediately after I returned from Ulpan in Israel in late December 1972 and my Suzuki 50cc

http://nextraterrestrial.c om/pdf/Motorcycle-license.gif

while not exactly a high performance Ducati

http://nextraterrestrial.c om/pdf/sweet%20wheels.gif

got me quick to where I needed to be; not to mention, it was a very big deal for me to leave Carmel in my last year and knowing that I wouldn’t be playing rugby but that didn’t stop me from me from ALSO learning a lot from all those around me who never asked the right questions such as what happens if the State of Israel were to print too many Shekals and every country that produces weapons that Israel needs for its survival were to say, “Get your economic house in order and then we will supply you with weapons”?

Had you asked your father that question before he decided that he “couldn’t wait to get away from South Africa, would it have helped if you had shortened the question as well as got to the punch line quicker?

Let us assume for the moment that you are currently the head of the Mossad and knowing as much as I did when we were all first getting really

Why not however choose smart and be on the side of a winner?

Is mental suicide really worth it when you know that in the next instant with information flowing as fast as it is, you could lose it all in a heartbeat and that has no bearing on whether or not God exists?

Remember at the end of the day what does all the corruption mean?

Most Americans who consider themselves students of History, Economics, Military and Politics [HEMP] look to the JFK assassination as the turning point when they lost their trust in government and they thank God that the US Constitution has all sorts of safeguards in place to limit their disappointments in elected and non-elected government officials.

Then there are their favorite sports teams and many national holidays like MLK Day to remind them of their obviously not in the least bit great leadership which they acknowledge but believe because they have been idiotically schooled were overall doing the best they could in an increasingly systemically rotten political environment.

Martin Luther King might have had at first to figure out that MLK Day was a tribute to him and not Harvey Milk the gay San Francisco mayor who got gunned down.

My favorite acronym is HEMP.

I am waiting to see if I get a response from my initial approaches to Oxford University, so don’t pay all that much attention to your computer clock.

Right now I am reminded of being in one of the very few coffee shops in San Diego were I have yet to get a funny look and perhaps it is because I have really not had much to say.

An orthodox Jewish person wearing a Kippah/scull cap was at the one cash register and was talking on his cell phone.

I couldn’t help also recognize when he came in that he was carrying the bag containing his teffilin, his shawl-titzit and prayer book.

His name is Bernard Kraft.
Mr. Kraft was an irreligious attorney for the US Justice Department and left in 1974.

interested in chicks and remember Richard Marine was gay, would you be waiting for the collapse of the US $ or a new Black Hole to appear in deep outer space before deciding to recommend to those who control the “purse strings” in Israel that Israel accumulate the weapons it needs when first realizing that the US arms boycott of Israel during its War of Independence was not designed for Israel to win?

If you want me to just stick to talking about chicks that will be fine.

His direct report was John Mitchell whose name is also mentioned in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER. Cutting and pasting Wikipedia – John N. Mitchell

John Newton Mitchell (September 15, 1913–November 9, 1988) was United States Attorney General under President Richard M. Nixon. He also served as Nixon’s campaign manager in 1968 and in 1972. Due to his role as director for the Committee to Re-elect the President, which engineered the Watergate first break-in, he became the only Attorney General ever to be convicted of illegal activities.

Mr. Kraft left the The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf shop in Mission Valley, San Diego when a relation of his, could be his nephew who played soccer and baseball for Maccabi and is now I believe a Captain in the US Navy where according to Mr. Kraft he is an attorney involved in US Navy counter intelligence, visibly demonstrated the disintegration of his intelligence.

Amazing isnt it how people open up to me right after reading my 4 most important letters that were published in the Mossad’s Jersusalem Post right after the diabolical Presidential Pardon by De Beers President Clinton of the Israel traitor and CIA oil trader Marc Rich, who Mr. Kraft remembers rather well but of course not as well as me.

We also covered why it is that The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf company has successfully opened shops in Israel given how 2 of its 7 partners are frum/religious Jewish people and yet much more economic clout Starbucks, with a great many more shops was not able to open one successful operation.

Throughout my sharing of information as to why Starbucks Jewish owner, Howard Schultz has kept his head on his shoulders while allowing the market value of Starbucks to be more than the price of one dairy cow consuming green grass, he kept interrupting me with how much he wished he was smart enough to see Starbucks success when its share price was “$12 and now it is $24”.

Had I mentioned to Mr. Kraft how terrorism is kept alive and well by the $12 difference between the $12 price Marc Rich paid for his oil purchases from Iran and Iraq following the 1973 Yom Kippur War and the $24 he sold it to those same CIA officials in each of the oil companies here in the States affords him a pot to pee in, he would most likely have agreed and let me know his discomfort by getting up abruptly and leaving.

Instead I kept up my most polite behavior and also aware that time was marching on. Remember, what does this all mean at the end of the day?

It is military might that sets the price of everything including what Israel pays for its military purchases from the US.

Vietnam was nothing more than a distraction for an easily distracted population which didn’t prevent them from smoking pot, doing LSD, making banners and singing along with Dylan.

They can still shake their heads thinking about those terrible race riots and who can forget Watts, but what about what was going on in South Africa?

Well of course you and I know exactly what I was doing when the Sharpville Massacres occurred on March 21st, 1960.

I had yet to start speaking.
President John F. Kennedy had yet to win the rigged November elections.
Both he and future First Lady Jacquiline Kennedy would not have forgotten their earlier visit with


Both he and future First Lady Jacquiline Kennedy would not have forgotten their earlier visit with

American-German Charles W. Engelhard [1917-1971] at his private retreat, Camp Chaleur, Quebec, Canada which is also mentioned in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER where the “ground rules” were laid out beginning with JFK once he was President elect, making a public spectacle of himself when meeting at the Carlyle Hotel, Manhattan, New York City with Engelhard’s junior partner German-South African Harry Oppenheimer who along with David Gevisser were all “put to work” by the Mossad beginning in 1970 the year following the forced sale of our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that included ACME TIMBER which is where David Gevisser first ran into Engelhard.

It is extraordinary how David Gevisser actually writes that Engelhard was impressed with the “honesty” of David Gevisser’s one uncle, Sol “The little King” Moshal who was nothing more than the managing director of the huge Moshal Gevisser public corporation, who didnt even have an employment contract.

When you have someone as evil as Engelhard saying good things about the Jewish guniff of Jewish gunishs, you have to think mostly what was going on in the mind of David Gevisser that he would commit his legacy that is now so inextricably tied to St. Anthony’s College.

Would you know who edited his book?

Besides for you, do you know who else has read such a book that should most of all do my dad most proud?

David Gevisser has nailed not only Gerald Hackner whose son Sam is now the head of private banking for Investec but equally important Martin Sternberg who used to also be one our immediate family’s closets friends until the moment they all thought they had succeeded in pulling the wool over the eyes of each one of us who they believed were as much in to “making money” as them.

To think that more than 4 decades have past and there is now a new generation of Gevissers who are simply not old enough to be brainwashed?

Just think how their parents are going to go about hiding THE UNLIKELY FORESTER.

You have big mouths like Andrew Moshal who along with his cousin Martin Moshal pride themselves on their “priceless” control of Internet Gaming, that David Gevisser is so proud of.

Here we have Jewish people leading the charge in stealing blindly from the poor of the world and not a single leader of any Jewish community throughout the world is not aghast with shame?

What do they have to look forward to the rest of their lives, apart from feeling increasingly sick to their stomachs and knowing that God won’t hear their screams of anguish no matter how many times a day they say the “Shema”?

I have yet to hear back from Maurice Aronson who wouldnt need me to remind him of the important role that timber has always played in mining or in the transfer of stolen wealth following brutal land grabs beginning with the most brutal land grab in modern day times; namely the Anglo Boer War 1899- 1902 which is when the virulent anti-Semitic American-German Engelhards began their rule.

The fact that apart from me there is not a single Jewish person in the world expressing their outrage about the Diamond Invention book depicting Jewish people as in charge of the mafia monopoly De Beers when nothing can be further from the truth, tells you how many Jewish people there are.

Don’t you think it is time we came up for a new definition of what it is a Jewish person? Remember what does this all mean at the end of the day?
What good comes from land grabs?

Is it a good thing when one brutal power grabs everything it wants and then enslaves those who survive its genocidal ethnic cleansing civil wars?

What if those you beat beat you back?

What good does it do if you have not yet been corrupted and don’t want to end up with the punishment of long life and pain along with fat TALKATIVE cells?

Let’s not kid ourselves about the reason people don’t want to share my knowledge is that they are quite comfortable with the status quo and fear greatly having to give up their ill-gotten gains to the kid with the gun who does not have a Trust Fund and does not expect to receive much if any inheritance.

Mr. Kraft who informed me after I told him that Gevisser in German means “Certain” and Gewissen means “Conscience” told me that Kraft in Russian means “strength”, before going on to say after I asked if I could get his assistance in getting the rabbi of the Beth Jacob orthodox Jewish synagogue that he told me is off College Avenue, a short distance away, to give a sermon admonishing Jewish Kapo-sellout Howard Schultz for kowtowing to his Kuwait Royal Family partners who have threatened to destroy Starbucks growth of 5 new shops in the rest of the Middle East were he to open one successful operation in Israel after choking on his full of fat muffin,

“You know,,, they are not as well informed as you. They only discuss matters of Hallachuh/religious matters that are in the Torah-Gemorrah that pertain to that portion being read this week” [sic]

Then he went on to add as he found his head spirling out of control, “They only know to work within the box” as he drew using both hands a box out of thin air canvas.

I couldnt help but notice how on occassion he would place his one hand over the top of the hot coffee that had steam continuing to pour out.

The thought didn’t even occur to me about asking him what he thought about the number of unemployed rabbis were they to start preaching about the merits of a live food healthy medicine diet that never once had a heartbeat, and if not then simply be vegetarian and end this nonsense Kosher business once and for all.

You do understand that even if you are convinced there is no God that the next generation of children are going to laugh themselves silly at all the attention paid to the unemployment numbers without someone such as myself explaining how much worse they would be were it not for The Holocaust.

Does it help for me to let you know that God is not in the least bit upset with me? How stupidly arrogant can the human possibly be?

I thought of the time our African nanny saved my right hand as she had the quick thinking to grab the hand that I had placed under the boiling water coming out of the bath tap at our very missed first home Highwinds located at 28 Grandleigh Crescent, Durban North, not all that far from the residences of the Nazi Jewish families of Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus and his surving brother Bernard Lazarus who crowed the loudest,


Jewish people in the United States are beginning to run just as scared as they were during the rise of Nazi Germany.

Today they know thanks to missives such as this that they were as much a cause of the problem as Jewish people in South Africa helping create the “BLACK PROBLEM” after first stealing the land of Black South Africans.

To this day there are a great many seriously demented Jewish South Africans living all over the world including Israel who still see “Separate Development” which were the cornerstone of the CIA’s Apartheid Regime’s heinous laws, as making perfect sense.

And can they all talk up a storm.

You come in with your big guns left over from the American Civil War of the mid-19th Century, grab the spoils of victory following the Anglo Boer War, promote the “rule of law” when also creating the “pass laws” and as time passes the enslaved recall very little and yet you can act SO, ABOVE IT ALL.

Where is God in all of this?
Does it bother you or is it at least a bit soothing that I see the Hand of God in all of it?

The fact that I have no fear, not in the least bit feel I am confined by time should have each and every one of my adversaires trembling in their shoes.

Mr. Kraft remembers rather well the “controversy” surrounding another of his close colleagues Mr. Sheldon Cohen the commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service who threatened with his life Jewish Producer-Director Aaron Russo:

“Set-Jer-Gornichst-Helfin” which translate, “Nothing will help you.” .

And no surprise, the following year Mr. Russo was dead.

BTW, do you think Jackie O who you were tasked with “protecting” from the media on October 20th, 1968, two days after dad’s 45th birthday which we all celebrated together a couple of months later in Kitzbuel, Austria

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ever wondered what you were doing in the room as you witnessed the prenuptual agreement with Aristotle Onassis or was it simply the marriage license?

Of course all that counts, as we all now understand who fixes things as mundane as the price of a marriage license – click HERE – is that of all the nearly 200 South African guests flown in for this momentous occasion that Onassis wanted as much as he wanted a Mossad bullet fired into the back of his head, not one of them in the room would have witnessed in your words, “Not a word was spoken between either of us” since none of them were present.

Just one other attractive woman and both of you extraordinarily well dressed,

could not have been lost on Jackie O who of course would not have been surprised to hear that just two months later you would write at the top of a photo, “Gary in training, Jan 68” showing me pointing a semi-automatic rifle that had been handed to me by an Israeli Special Forces commando without a


moment’s hesitation given how he knew better than to argue with our Israeli-Argentinean “guide”, Yehudah Matov who was also kept away from me throughout my 4 month ulpan at Ben Gurion’s midrasha-Kibbutz-farm Sde Boker.

In fact you would know that I have never seen or spoken with Jehudah since that trip and more importantly his name has never once come up, and it is highly doubtful that there was a “fallout” although that would be the most logical cover story were anyone to ask, agree?

I didn’t take me long to figure out the “limits” of my questioning which would have had me defying the most important lessons you taught me which was to trust absolutely no one beginning with my father who you knew I not only loved and adored but it was also obvious he was totally trustworthy; and therefore if a totally trustworthy person, who you also told me was “worshipped” by your mother, Rachelle Ash, could not be trusted, not to push the questioning but to just observe and draw my own conclusions, without however, becoming a “big shot”.

So why would someone like Aaron Cohen who writes in his book, BROTHERHOOD OF WARRIORS about how he was advised not to be a “big shot” by a famous Israeli general before going on Aliyah to Israel with the single purpose of joining an elite Special Forces of the brutal Israel Defense Force, come across both in his writings as well as his actions as just that?

Most unfamiliar with why you would advise me when we last talked in the summer of 2004 just before I broke on 11.11.2004 my 24-year deafening silence with the US Government’s brutal mafia monopoly De Beers-Anglo American Codiam [DAAC] Inc., the special interest of special interest group who own all 3 Branches of the US Government including the Secret Service, FBI and CIA, “ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED FOR YOUR LIFE!!” after I just mentioned that my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser’s name was conspicuously absent from Ch. 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of The Diamond Invention book, would think that I am “playing with fire” by taking on Mr. Aaron Cohen who I have heard from very credible sources within the IDF is an “impostor” and most likely deserted the IDF in his 7th month of basic training and didn’t come close to getting into the elite undercover fighting unit, Duvedevan.

Not to mention when reading THE UNLIKELY FORESTER and noticing not only is there no mention of the pivotal role that Engelhard played in the Diamond Invention and so well spelled in Ch. 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY, but by the time David Gevisser came to write his memoir, he and everyone around him including his oft mentioned son Mark Gevisser were well aware that I had made more than you aware of the important missing gaps in Hollywood blockbuster author Edward Jay Epstein’s epic novel, and no wonder that someone would convince David Gevisser to make out that I did not exist.

So was it the “Hand of God”?
I cannot imagine anyone else taking responsibility, can you?

Of course the possibility exists that the Aaron Cohen of today is very different to what he was back in the mid-1990s and may have excelled beyond anything humanely imaginable given what it took to make it into such a unit which of course is a good several notches below Israel’s most elite Maritime Special Forces unit, Flotilla 13 whose commandos cannot be described as anything less than “top notch”.

Trusting one’s equipment is paramount and nowhere is it more important than underwater or in the air which is why when there was a “miscommunication” in the first week of September 1997 between the brutal Air Force and a Flotilla 13 unit deep in enemy lines, that caused the death of 11 Flotilla 13 commandos including the unit commando, the entire IDF “stood down”.

On September 11th, 1997


Aaron Cohen got his Israeli passport.

Again, below is a photo from BROTHERHOOD OF WARRIORS showing Cohen standing next to Mossad chief Yotam.



A number of interesting things took place in 1963. One of them was David Gevisser getting married.

He first mentions in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER a series of events that make it look like his father was not only alive at the time, and the Family Tree at the end of the book shows him dead in 1965, but then later on he says that his father died much earlier.

Now it is possible that I may have misread certain things, and I can certainly go back and read it all again, but there can be no mistaking what I am driving at that has so many people with no knowledge of our family but most interested, now so quiet.

Everybody knows the government is corrupt. Everybody also believes we each get our just deserve.



Everybody knows that the bailout monies are printied out of thin air but what else can they do, they still have to work to make the money or steal it like the government from the people.

Everybody thinks they understand what is goiing on but in reality they are all just lost souls with their own theory of what works and what doesnt.

Everybody sees that the most failed corporations get the bailout monies that they pay back by investing in other failed businesses that make the paper profits to help pay back the bailout monies along with interest while taxing the poor increasingly into the poor house.

It is so transparent.
How is it possible to predict the future?
It is impossible, once you have my knowledge.

So very sick is the consumption of resources by these most disgraceful human beings who are laughing at the poor who don’t stand up for themselves only because selfish future shellfish pricks choose not to inform them.

Everybody thinks who isnt getting their bailout money that they can explain that part of the bailout monies are now going to Haiti and it is not that they hate the Haitians but they think it is ridiculous that the government helps out others without first taking care of their own citizens.

Stupidity is an incurable disease.
Ask anyone on my $ hit list or who thinks they deserve to be on it.

Everybody has also their own way of communicating their frustrations and they know there is the internet but what makes anyone think they can trust the Internet more than the government who they dont trust.

But they know they can trust me with the truth.

Everybody who is lost does eventually eat themselves to death including the so very few of us who know about what it means to benefit from a consistent live food healthy medicine diet and not just talk about it, and even we do eventually die, but in the meantime we don’t have quite the pain of dumb carnivores.

Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game.

Everybody knows that they are working either for themselves to survive or for the mouths of their children and sick parents to feed.

Everybody ulitmately wants a quick fix beginning with learning how they can steal enough to take care of themselves and their family and then be very generous, and also convinced that they will be better

than the richer people next door in taking care of the poor.

Everybody knows that not all the poor die of malnutrion, they just move unlike at the time of the mid- 9th Century Civil war where the population was much more concentrated and there was little choice between kill or be killed.

Everybody also wants to have their say and that is why there are websites like and Facebook who have yet to bow to pressure and have me banned.

Once again, everybody who goes to knows that they get the straight scoop even if it takes them a while to get their heads around it all, and figuring out easily the purpose of the $hit list.

Everybody even thinks that eventually this madness will all end, at least when they die and between now and then they don’t won’t to be really all that bothered unless it is something pleasurable or getting something out of someone else and the less it costs the better.

Everybody is also different.
Different people have different needs.

No one knows who is getting the information but they know it is getting out there and they also know that I can prove it.

Even Obama knows that his wife has not only a Jewish close cousin but that Caspers Funnye is a Rabbi with a real Jewish congregation and he remains a Facebook “friend” of mine.

One just needs to look at the reactions of those around you who know what I am all about it and you can see immediately they have a level of uncertainty that is more than the previous time you took careful notice.

What if there is a God and there is going to be sufficient resources to get all of us through this current economic crisis?

Does that make all those who have stolen something from others feel any better?

And if there is no God then to some it is equally bad because they know the person with the gun may take their time in calling whereas in the past the dirt poor just took it out on their own.

You notice a little repetition, but you will also find that in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER and I have yet to find an editor.

So the question of whether there is sufficient resources will most likely change pretty soon to there are no resources, no food, no shelter, no clothing in order to bring on that much quicker the ehtnic cleanisng civil war Clinton spolke about with a full year left in office.

Its hard enough to think let alone imagine once one starts down the path of lying stealing and cheating, what the consequences will be.

Fat TALKATIVE cell people have it worst because they know unless force fed they are responsible for their self indulgence and why you don’t find that many fat TALKATIVE cell people actually believing in God, beginning with religious Jewish people who should know better.

They say they believe in God and so do their mostly out of shape preachers, pastors, rabbis and mullahs and lets not forget the professors of academia, the new corrupt church.

So you start out with the premise not to trust fat TALKATIVE cell people any more than others, and you

increasingly trust you own best intincts.
So you give God a shot and you realize that this is one big circus from beggining to end.

Not to mention what all those with titles beginning with “Sir” must now be thinking and of course the Nobel Prize committee have heard of me, and they too will have no trouble connecting all the dots beginning with how thoughtful I was when breaking my 24 year silence with De Beers and in no time they went “deafeningly silent” and they must also be bothered that they have not managed to get either their CIA or FBI to kill me.

The fact that so many people have such strong opinions about everything under the sun and yet they couldn’t work out on their own how the lazy bankers managed to pull off such a worldwide conspiracy that continues at full speed this very moment, is much more than extraordinary.

Plus I am continuing to explain it all from the serenity of the cliff house as the red lifeguard motorized dingy races by, the time 2:54 pm.

To be continued.
