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A lot about nothing

From: Gary Gevisser <>

Subject: A lot about nothing

Date: September 19, 2019 at 8:59:52 – 9:01:25 AM PDT


I just saw

I think, and it is only my opinion, that it is “a lot about nothing” considering its relative lack of importance compared to TIME MAGAZINE’s January 27, 1961 edition,9171,826828,00.html

and the impact today, this very hour, of Charles W. Engelhard Jr.’s unbridled entry into the [biggest] mineral resources market.

Not to mention, the mineral resources business is a very closed, most secretive society which contrived “conspiracy theorists” do not touch with a 100 foot pole; and so it is easy to figure out who is “playing stupid”.

I would know because ever since I was 13 years of age, back in 1970, I was most curious about South African Invader Engelhard Jr. who sat on the sidelines as a “nobody” Natie Kirsh – see Forbes List of billionaires, number 365 I believe – “asset stripped” my immediate family’s huge and very successful multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] but Kirsh left alone our interest in ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES


where Engelhard Jr. became the majority shareholder in 1956 but we retained technical and administrative control; and of course our management team which included my father’s first cousin David Gevisser never suffered one iota.

It is not wise to call out a rat especially one as powerful as my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser [1926-2009] who was Engelhard Jr.’s “male heir” and upon Engelhard’s death on March 2, 1971, having turned just 54 the month before, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser controlled the “keys to the kingdom” which were held in a safety deposit box in London, England.

In 1995 he offered me the one key and all I needed to do was accept his very generous offer to manage his investment portfolio whose enormous financial and mineral wealth did not touch sides with his political clout which he had been yielding ever since Engelhard Jr.’s death.

I saw nothing to gain by playing his game to corrupt me instead choosing to tell him to take his bribe and shove it where the sun don’t sign while retaining all the knowledge he had shared with me over the course of our all day meeting.

You may ask how important is it to know the exact amount of bribes paid to his and Engelhard Jr.’s top government officials throughout the globe when you can just open the newspapers or see what is being reported on the TV news to know the names of the political leadership are all bought and paid for?

Once bought, the mind starts playing all sorts of tricks.

You hang out more with prostitutes who know better than to ask embarrassing questions.

Your world gets darker and darker.

Now we are in the world of Jeffrey Epstein who hasn’t been dead 2 months.

My “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser has been dead a decade now and he will have removed the content of that safety deposit box immediately after our meeting knowing that it was no longer of value because I now had all the information without him knowing who I might begin to share it all with.

So he immediately convened an intimate family dinner where the honored guest was his best friend, my highly secretive British-English mother Zena who had no clue what David Gevisser was saying when he blurted across the table, after a couple of whiskey glasses, “You son Gary is naive” because I had yet to share the details of my meeting with mother.

David Gevisser was quite certain that I would have discussed with my mother both his offer and my refusal given how my mother was the one who arranged our meeting but I didn’t want my mother to have to act like she didn’t know what he was talking about; and her genuine spontaneity caught David Gevisser completely by surprise, and so he went silent.

The Peter Principle is pervasive amongst people who dont create and simply steal the most valuable resources which is not money but the mineral resources.

Engelhard Jr. wanted someone as his right hand man who would not question which is why he chose not very bright business person David Gevisser because he was highly complexed, rather ugly in his looks and his horrible stutter didn’t help, and this clouded his view of humanity which is what those who do wrong want to see most in their successor, although once dead, no one cares about what legacy they leave behind.

24 years have passed since my last meeting with David Gevisser.

24 years passed after I left the employment of Engelhard-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation before I broke my silence on 11.11.2004.

Would you like to hear more?


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