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A test of humanity – FB group chat

A test of humanity

04/08/2015 2:24PM

I just sent the following to Angela:

Angela, drop whatever it is you doing which isn’t giving you peace of mind; and try paying careful attention to what I am about to say.

Time continues to pass each of us by, but the truth remains fixed including why it is that only the wretched are wrought with fear of the unknown punishment that awaits each of us, assuming there is a Final Day of Judgment.

If there is a God, which the religions teach and everyone without exception believes in “Karma” which they first find when feeling good about doing the right thing, then there must be also a reason why no lifeforms live on forever.

Logic rules with every act we do in the physical world, so why wouldn’t logic continue to prevail just because we don’t know anything about life after death other than what each of us can imagine.

Could you imagine an ingenious Creator creating everything including the Forces of Nature and somehow forgetting to have the punishment fit the crime continuing on after death starting with healthy souls rising up that much easier than those dead weight continuing to carry the burdens of the world on their shoulders?

Nor do I consider my time more precious than any other living form or non-living form such as a rock because even a rock has life.

The Old and Contrived News is reporting NASA: We’ll find alien life in 10 to 20 years… 

That timeframe is highly unlikely unless they are hiding something from us, like they already had contact.

What NASA is really saying is, let’s give us some money.

What will we do if we find them, kill them and take their planet?

When you first read those previous 59 odd words that I placed on my FB wall just a few moments ago, did it make you feel that all the scientists you know or have heard of are as bright as you previously thought them to be?

What if in fact, it is not only NASA scientists who take everyone to be a fool?

What if in fact, they don’t think any of you are stupid, rather they see themselves as genuinely bright and deserving of their cushy jobs?

What makes you feel better about NASA scientists; that they are corrupt or that they have to be so stupid for taking everyone to be a fool?

What about the fact that you don’t hear any opposition groups to NASA asking NASA to provide a written policy for future actions should they find alien life?

Could you think of anyone past or present who you would trust to administer such a policy assuming the policy encompassed words to the effect, “We will only kill if they refuse to trade fairly with us!”

There is something to be said for the lack of thinking going on right now, and yet everyone is still able to get through their day, assuming they had a restful night sleep.

You do have to ask yourself, what if everyone with a bad conscience is able to not only fall asleep at night but get up the next morning looking that much more forward to the day ahead?

What if those with a bad conscience have no sense of the pleasures that come from having a good conscience that allows them to think outside the box?

Suffice to say, it was not a debate I was having with Robert, it was my commentary on what he had written and my commentary shocked him to his core.

When I first read, “Personally I like Israel…” I thought you were referring to Robert Azriel Devine [RAD].

RAD should feel the heat of all his FB friends starting with those who are mutual friends with me.

I would like your help in getting our 7 mutual friends to do the right thing and pressure RAD to share with each of them what had him jumping off the cliff.

If you find any of this boring, bear constantly in mind that the greatest minds around today know that what has me out of favor with all the non-thinkers whose oversized egos take a heavy toll on their ability to see light-humor in all human madness when sweeping under the carpet the misallocation of the worlds resources ’s my revealing the common sense of one mafia family who don’t behave either in private or in public like the mafia figures in Hollywood movies and documentaries, running the entire show, and the South African Oppenheimer family and their top lieutenants, Putin and Obama know that if any one of them or for that matter, one of their poorly paid soldiers decide to drop the act, all Hollywood actors would find themselves quickly out of work.

How long do you predict this musical chair game is going to continue?

Below are the 7 mutual friends names:



Angela Hoffberg

356 friends



B L Buddy Fish

557 friends



Capers C Funnye

2,014 friends



Deborah Devine

449 friends



Gil Hoffberg

302 friends



Lanny Greenberg

306 friends



Marlaine Glicksman

819 friends

I have approached each of them, but so far I have not been able to get anyone to convince RAD and/or Facebook to get me a copy of that most important dialogue, starting with my commentary which I posted up on my own FB Timeline which is my personal “intellectual property”.

Bear in mind that RAD knew exactly what he was doing when deciding that it was in his best interest to keep the truth about Jewish Americans such as himself hidden.

If you have an email address for Facebook officials to start an investigation into this breach of my FREE SPEECH rights given how not only were my comments truthful but materially relevant to the important matters of the day, starting with why it is that those who do the most talking, don’t know, including rabbis who don’t know much about history, because they don’t know the first thing about American Jewish history, the result of not knowing the first thing about American history because the American history curriculum leaves out the success of American colonialism following the completion of The Great White Fleet expedition which took place long before Hitler became a little corporal in the German army during World War I, because WW I only began in the middle of 1914, more than 5 years after all 16 battleships of The Great White Fleet returned to American waters.

So it stands to reason that an African American trying to become a rabbi and having to attract a congregation from an increasingly smaller pool of intellectual thinkers would choose to make out like the problems of the world are so immense that all their congregations can do is pray to God for a miracle at the same time eat themselves to a long painful death, all thanks to the ingenious design of the human body which can take a whole bunch of punishment, and the bruising of the internal organs always shows up on the skin, the body’s largest organ.

If you are going to be talking about God then you better have the logic to support your point of view.

There was nothing other than pure logic, total common sense behind my commentary that sparked a total shutdown in the neurons of RAD.

Please help me in any way you can.

Thank you,


PS – Deborah Devine remains a FB friend of mine, and she would know best of all if her brother does not like confrontations which is the first thing one expects of a rabbi, once they have got their heads around the prerequisite of being intellectually honest with themselves.

Attached is a pdf file containing my FB messaging with RAD. You will notice that he has never taken issue with the irrefutable facts that I present; in fact he not only gives me the “thumbs up” but on my recent birthday, March 24, he wrote a whole bunch of complimentary words. Moreover, he does not spell out where I have insulted him, but I also make clear in my commentary, all supported by the irrefutable facts, that just because President Obama is the best US President puppet to all but guarantee the safety and security of Israel, it does not mean that Obama’s replacement will be able to do much better than Obama; it is just a question of whether his replacement has already enjoyed a Presidential lifestyle prior, and if not, then such a puppet President will pull out all stops to ensure a nuclear holocaust does not interfere with their future plans of living like a king; not to mention, in one of Obama’s first CIA briefings, if not the first once he became President elect in November 2008, this 44th puppet of big monopolistic enterprises would have been given the full history of the putrid performance of American Jewish people in support of Israel. It is a fact of life that most Jewish Americans of all the races, dark brown to lily white skins as well as all those in between, following the Jewish Holocaust of World War II now having 6 million less European competitors to contend with, overwhelmingly support the political party that calls for increasingly bigger government who reward the most those keeping the flock either quiet and/or distracted.

One of the things you will find about most western politicians who are nothing more than puppet bankers of the mineral monopolists, is that they know very little history, and the history they do know is mostly wrong.

[Word count 1611]

<Robert Azriel Devine – FB messaging>

On Apr 7, 2015, at 5:55 AM, Angela Hoffberg <> wrote:

Very nicely written.  Personally I like Israel and Netanyahu.  It’s Obama I’m leery of.  Deborah is his sister.  Maybe he doesn’t have time to debate on the internet.  Maybe he doesn’t like confrontations.  I don’t know, but this discussion sure sounds interesting to me.

On Monday, April 6, 2015 9:42 PM, GaryStevenGevisser <> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: GaryStevenGevisser <>

Subject: Temple-Shame on you.

Date: April 6, 2015 at 6:37:11 PM PDT

To: robert Azriel devine <>

Cc: rest; Rabbi Capers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama who is married to President OBAMA; Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, Benjamin Netanyahu – highly decorated Prime Minister of Israel <>, Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>, Steve Linde – South African-Israeli Editor In Chief of Jerusalem Post <>, Hlumelo Biko – son of Steve Biko murdered on 9/11/1977 – now running a Wall Street charity-investment portfolio <>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>,,, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG.” <>, “Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Gary Firer – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s cousin, murdered armed wing of the ANC member, Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997].” <>, “Jody Perling – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Tracy Tomson – classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “South African Gary Barber – Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM. On ulpan-Gadna training in Israel in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser” <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest.” <>, “Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gary Gevisser’s close cousin Gary Levinsohn, co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan” <>, “Diana Henriques – journalist New York Times – Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards – December 10, 1996, whose name is mentioned along with Gary Gevisser in the APPLICATION OF LAW TO FACTS in US Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein’s decision to overturn landmark repetitive stress injury award in April 1997.” <>, “Joe Could I stop you? Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School – intimate of Diana Henriques.” <>

40 minutes ago I posted on my Facebook friend, Deborah Devine’s FB wall the following:

Did you all notice that Robert Azriel Devine deleted me as a FB friend at the same time he deleted a dialogue that he started about how much of a supporter he is for Israel but that he had “differences of opinion” about Netanyahu.

His inability to apply the logic does not mean he will gain any true friends or that he will be successful in hiding the truth.

I assume Deborah is your daughter. As of now, she is still one of my 112 FB friends.

What is important is not how many people have already read my insightful commentary on your mindless assessment of the problems that Israel faces, given your total ignorance of the history of the United States of America and equally important, both Jewish Americans and Jewish non-Americans throughout the world, but the fact that you have to live the remainder of your life with your very bad conscience.

Given light speed of The Internet it now takes only one person with smart courage to end the nonsense of the hypocritical religious who you notice never speak badly of their hypocrite peers in other religions, including academia, the new corrupt church.

You are in my opinion, a perfect candidate to debate with me the subject, “God does exist” and you will inevitably agree with me that God exists which I don’t believe will bring as much a smile to your face as mine.

Your insides cannot be telling you that you just did the right thing.

The upside in your atrocious censorship of the truth, is that in banning the truth from reaching the entire world, you have helped not only demonstrate it’s importance, but I will now fine-tune my next message to Mr. Netanyahu who surely has ways to get his hands on that dialogue assuming he hadn’t already read it all.

Should anyone have made a backup, please forward it to me.

If a prospective rabbi can be so rattled by the truth, imagine the uplifting lessons future children of the world will learn from always questioning their teachers especially those who demonstrate they lack willpower to control their body-mind temple and then wonder why they don’t find either the time or the stamina to research the important history.

Shame on you.

Gary S. Gevisser

PS – BTW, was it my Peace Pies suggestion at the end which offended you the most or can you not think right now because you are so offended by your own offensiveness?

[Word count 432]


You named the conversation: A test of humanity.

04/09/2015 8:13AM

Moments ago I responded to my FB friend Ridz Raver who asked me, “Just as a matter of interest… Wat is it dat u do for a living Gary?”

I write on the subject history, economics, military & politics [HEMP].

Note, I used singular not plural when writing “subject”.

My website spells it all out pretty well, starting with the “about” section.

People don’t ask me many questions because they know first of all that I have the answers to all their questions dealing with money which encompasses first and foremost their trust of family members, friends and business partners or future business partners; i.e. prospective financial allies.

What I am sharing is in fact rather intuitive if one has only the most fundamental grasp of history, which is all about war, hence the history of the world is war, and not very interesting if your focus is falling in love, love making and the such which is what all beautiful women are mostly interested in unless they have found their other important passion in love, such [as] classical, fine art oil painting where there are few to none masters to learn from.

So then you move on to economics once you have got your head around history which is taught so boringly at school and hence why it usually the most “social outcast” who go on to university to study more history where they cannot get enough of all the bloodletting on both sides while they themselves are too cowardly to join the armies which do the battling that afford the masters of historical research their cushy jobs not only at university but outside the college campuses where they often times, just like those whose major is English and they pride themselves on their gift of the gab, get the top paying Wall Street jobs without a clue about how the money-credit system actually works.

Once you get your head around economics is all military, then you move on to politics which is all military economics which those with the biggest gun and willing to use it when disproportional force is not necessary to beat the adversity, always remain in power because they back all sides to war.

Do I need to explain military?

The fact that at a very young age of 21, I passed the rather exhaustive qualifying exams to get the top spot with Engelhard-DeBeers-Anglo American Corporation, the world’s most successful mineral monopolist who control all the minor player monopolists like Micosoft, ATT, Google, Facebook and the such, after first being very carefully selected to “sit” the entrance exams which extraordinarily few in the world ever get to do, unless they are direct family members of the South African Oppenheimer family when it is their birthright, is not inconsequential.

What else would you like to know about me?

What about you?

How about organizing all the people you know to attend one of our Educational Light Journey-One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshop where during the workshop phase we will take all the world’s FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES on the light journey of their lives?


Deborah: which character are you? View

WED 9:19PM


August 16, 2016; THU 9:54AM


You added Ryan Floth, Samuel Mark Tollman and 3 more.

Friday, 12:28AM [Post by Christina Moritsch-Krall





Christina: which character are you?


Friday, August 17, 2017 9:48AM

Christina you know how much you and others such as Cynthia Petite care for me and my mother Zena, and you show you have time currently on your hands, would you and others likewise do a transcript of The Lady’s Speech and send it to me right away.

As you know a mother knows their children even if they turn out natural disasters, and nothing bad about my mother which is why she comes across so incredible in all 29 videos which you have yet to comment on and yet you want to remain my fb friend.

I am not being sarcastic, I am simply seeing it the way things are.

While you may cringe at my mother expressing so well my positive nature, it happens to be a fact of life.

If you are positively inclined then you would only know to turn negatives into positive.

Could you see the positive of what I am doing with people such as yourself?

I’m going to try loading up here a photo I just took of a 3/4 eaten packet of cancer causing assorted filled licorice that I found earlier on a forest trail left by 2 fatsos yesterday who I walked by as the one on the cellphone disturbed the peace and both chowed down on the cancer sugar to feed their ugly stomach protrusions, which is not to say women are immune from following in the poor footsteps of disconnected males.

You would agree that their must have been by littering the last of the few remaining not quite pristine trails they were lightening their load and with the extra weight off thinking they were making progress.

On a lighter note I am pretty far down in a conversation with a woman who dates, and it seems for quite a while one of former South African President Zuma’s one son, but it was not enough, along with her close friendship of the groom to be invited to the wedding of Harry Oppenheimer’s one grandchild who you realize was marrying the groom, not Zuma’s one son.

As a conciliation prize the groom did have sent to her, hand delivered, the most beautiful roses picked from the Oppenheimer’s farm.

You have lived a lifetime in South Africa after moving with your Austrian Trust Fund following the end of WW2 and the beginning of the establishment of the Third Reich’s Southern Division.

Have you thought why it is that you are not yet a member of the Oppenheimer’s inner circle?

Would you like to try and become?

Remember, all I want out of you other you telling me what you want out of me is to do the transcript.

Have a good day.


You added Tomer Tene, Wendy Ann Bouman, Cynthia Petit, Alan Mark Zeligson, Pascal Nahon, Lynne Karen Bentel, Micha-el Frame, Rodney Smith, Richard Pedro, Warfield Fine Art, Olga Zabludoff, Janice Lipman, Alec Boswijk

Should anyone want to know about very important Dave Osh, who took a long time to accept my FB friend invitation as he lined up his ducks with Vistage-TEC, who I am intimately familiar with, and then yesterday soon after being invited to my other FB Group Chat, FORGETFULNESS, Osh, a former Israel Air Force fighter pilot who promotes the BDS movement against Israel which only plays into the hands of the “hard liners” who can’t get enough of people like Osh and Samuel Mark Tollman’s foolishness, unfriended me on FB and removed himself from Forgetfulness.

I will now show you a photo of Dave Osh stuffing his face at a healthy vegetarian restaurant in Tel-Aviv back in October 2016.





Thumbs Up Sign

Right before

Christina, maybe your German didn’t pick that I left out “thought processing” and so the sentence should read, “You would agree that their thought processing must have been by littering the last of the few remaining not quite pristine trails they were lightening their load and with the extra weight off thinking they were making progress.”


Dave Osh left the conversation.

I am having dates with my rather later than usual very healthy breakfast, and it must have been my subconscious at work when typing “dates”. In fact this woman who I am waiting to hear from after asking her a most important question which the world should have long known the answer to, dated Duduzane Zuma for 6+ years which is a long time considering Duduzane Zuma is only 34 and the chances of him starting to date white women when he was 12 are not very high.


You added Larry Winokur.


You added Mike Hack.

Dave Osh has now left the group.

Who thinks we should now invite my “lovely” sister Kathy while our mutual FB friend Micha-el Frame and Mike Hack are still with us?



Thumbs Up Sign


[You turned on member approval and will review requests to join the group.]

Christina, I see that you are following along in real time. Let’s assume that you are also a “hipocrite” [sic] and are not working on the transcript, should we now begin to talk more about you?

Don’t you think the whole idea of us being on this planet to learn more about the world and that would mean first of all finding out what exactly makes everyone tick?
