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Addendum to brief to the Israel court – ticks transferring lime disease to all the world’s two-faced – The case of Zena Gevisser Zulman Vs Neil Gevisser, Kathy Gevisser Danziger, Melvin Gevisser et al – How far would you go to get the money?

From: gg <>

Subject: The case of Zena Gevisser Zulman Vs Neil Gevisser, Kathy Gevisser Danziger, Melvin Gevisser et al – How far would you go to get the money?
Date: March 17, 2017 at 4:50:31 AM GMT+1
To: “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <>
Cc: rest; Neil Gevisser <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, david danziger <>,, Mary-Lou Filipino caregiver of British citizen Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>, Mossad <>, Ayalah Kaplan <>, Malcolm Ness – British architect and political commentator <>, GWerbel <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.” <>, “” <>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG.” <>, “Rod Margo Esquire – FB friend of Gary Gevisser. Rod’s father, South African judge Cecil Margo Esq. wrote, at the request of Ben Gurion, the blueprint for what is today the brutally strong Israel Air Force.” <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes.” <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Annabel Linder – South African Radio Show Host and FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Dr. Teri Lawton” <>, FRAN BAKER POEGGEL – first Holy Roman Catholic cousin of Zena Ash Gevisser <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser + open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972.” <>, Kerry Anderson Molfesis <>, Stedman <>, membership <>, “Frenchman Jean Figadera – multiple South African Aerobatics champion. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, Judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand <>

From: garystevengevisser <>
Subject: How far would you go to get the money?
Date: March 17, 2017 at 3:40:19 AM GMT
To: Kathy-Louise Gevisser danziger <>
Cc: rest; Neil Gevisser <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, david danziger <>,, Malcolm Ness <>, GWerbel <>, “” <>, “” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – Waterstrategist. com Waterstrategist. com” <>, “” <>, Rod Margo <>, “” <>, tomer tene <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Mossad <>, Annabel Linder – South African Radio Show Host <>, “Dr. Teri Lawton” <>,, Kerry Anderson Molfesis <>, Stedman – Oprah lover <>, membership <>,

It is so barbaric what you did to me and our mother Zena using “officials” shows your guilt.


Remember, the Cossacks also wouldn’t have knocked softly when entering the home of our 14 year old great maternal grandmother Nechie Becker Bardash (1874-1943) back in 1888, in the tiny “villiage” [sic] of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland, where Mossad head, David Ben-Gurion had been born 2 years before, and murdered Nechie’s entire immediate family leaving her an orphan; her important life saved by Nechie hiding in a tiny closet.

Without that miracle our maternal grandfather, Abraham Bardash (1899-1965) would not have been the great man he was, and one couldn’t get better, the same with our paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser (c. 1890-1970).

Had the Cossacks, a spy like your cheap accounting major Filipino within the household, Nechie too would have had her throat slit.

Our mother Zena would agree that your coward actions will result in no one trusting anyone who hides. Nor does it matter the huge numbers of fools all hiding out in the same room.

A liar cannot even laugh when watching something comical on the Telly because they have increasing fear that their name appears next in the TV headline news.

To compete against the boring TV all designed to distract from the incredibly lame manner the money is valued and the fact that no one will debate me on the merits of the irrefutable facts, does not mean anyone has a logical counter argument.

Now if the 3 of you can follow my logic of how the money is valued and which shuts up everyone, so can the least smartest of Mossad, FSB, CIA-FBI etc.

The smartest would have got [it] the instant the Jerusalem Post published the first of my 4 letters to the editor on Feb. 1, 2001 detailing the “insanity” by President Bill Clinton 12 days earlier, his last day as President, granting terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon.

You idiots didn’t think the critical thinking thoughts because like most you have junk circulating in your thoughts.

When you don’t eat smart it means you hamstring your brain muscle which you would expect to be less receptive to enlightenment, and therefore that more easily distracted.

View your minds for the moment as if you were an astronaut on a space walk and seeing a piece of junk left behind by other earthlings in pursuit of a more intelligent species which has yet to turn up anything interesting other than the human increasingly full of itself, would [you] express an expletive or use the time more efficiently?

You would know of course that no sound can be heard in deep space and the folks back at Cape Canaveral will not be able to [give] you much of a hand.

No doubt you are not the only people in your inner circle who has noticed the decline in your sense of humor.

It is totally brilliant the old Jewish saying, “Man makes plans and God laughs.”

I knew before I hit the send button transmitting that first letter that it would instantly get the attention of the editor who before publishing it for the world to see that Mossad would want to see it, even though I was “a nobody.”

You couldn’t be an idiot to write what I did which was most critical of Israel Prime Minister “Ahud Bark” [sic] who i[s] not the only Israeli who has got rich from war.

The fact that I am no less intelligent today, helped largely by avoiding as much as possible the past 16 years the polluting cities including Tel-Aviv, means that it should come as no surprise that I have the right arguments to end once and for all antisemitism, which provides a great many Jewish people throughout the world a great lifestyle, [and that] still doesn’t make me either naive or stupid.

Your spouse David “Dabziger” [sic] and Neil’s neophyte wife Emma Elliot have yet to remove themselves from my group chat on Facebook, REASON FOR BEING HERE where I have been patiently, methodically and painstakingly lining up Harvard Law school professor Alan Dershowitz for the death of antisemitism speech.

How come you haven’t been able to influence Emma and David from helping me increase my sphere of influence?

Have you gone back to study how our mother Zena went about supporting my courage in exposing the Marc Rich pardon?
Of course you haven’t because the 3 of you and your “chosen” idiot partners don’t have the intellectual capacity.

Do you think it was mom’s “big ego” that had her express in her memoirs THE LIFE STORY OF ZENA which she began publishing via email on September 25, 2001, 14 days after terrorist act 9/11, that our mother was the first civilian allowed into the captured territories of the Sinai immediately following the 6 Day War of June 1967?

Do you think Ben Gurion only paid attention to mom’s good looks?
Zena Ash Gevisser has always had a healthy ego which is opposite to big ego people who love “officials” who mom tolerate as badly as she did fools.

You pigs brought 4 disgusting Israeli police twice into mom’s apartment in an attempt to rile me up.

You 3 still breath and God willing your spouses will not do you in, the same with the rest of the human species.

All 3 of you including your spouses as well as Melvin’s ex wife Terry know that you were not protecting mom from me.

The videos I took of mom in the 3 days before the Israeli police invasion on Sunday, September 25 mid-morning, do not show mom in any way, shape or format unhappy with my and my beautiful wife Marie as well as our Dog Mango’s presence.

Only the sickest fucks could read into their own minds what total bloody idiots you are.

Your names and anyone who gives you a moment’s comfort must all be afforded the longest and most miserable lives.

Karma is not only very real but it is easy to see.

My gift of gifts wife Marie and I have experienced this on more than numerous “occassions” [sic].

One of the best and which you are going to hate to death took place on our last day in Portugal as we were leaving the city of Braga.

We had parked in a poorly displayed parking space our great second hand vroom vroom Audio TT 224 horsepower 4 wheel drive Turbo rocket machine that once went through a speed trap so fast that it must have caused the camera to go on the blink.

The cops of course knew this and locals knew not to park in this spot; hence why it was open, which we put down to our good fortune wherever we go in the world where [we] never hide.

The same of course cannot be said of you trashy little shits.

We left the car and went to eat lunch, with beautiful in every respect Mango, just like his master Marie Dion, the dream of every hot bloodied heterosexual male and of course homosexual men see more beautiful women as competition and like such women even less, although they do their best to be polite.

When we returned I easily spotted the same group of men, a little older, some as old if not older than Neil, soon to be 66 assuming Emma takes good care of his health as she has promised to do in order to inherit his real estate wealth as well as the liquid assets stolen from mom’s home in Wive which only the 3 of you have had access to, unless you are saying Kerry Anderson Malfesis had a hand in the theft because [why mention] mom’s house on Hartswell Lane being empty and susceptible to burglary when Neil met with Kerry in April last year and told Kerry as well the terms and conditions of his recent marriage to 29 years of age never previously married Emma?

Their eyes were on the 3 of us.

This was not the first time because it is very normal for normal healthy men to focus on the most beautiful woman they have ever seen.

You know how it is when Marie steps inside the low slung car in a dress just above the knee even though she could still wear given her perfect pair of legs, a very short mini skirt, but then maybe you cannot.

When you have big thighs like yours you compensate poorly by wearing the tightest of jeans.

You recall how Melvin would tell you in a somewhat joking manner that we could see your ovaries, because of course he was horribly embarrassed.

Btw, I would assume you have already transferred to Melvin and Neil half of the $50 million “hush money” that you should have kept to yourself and your husband David and for you, David and your daughter Debra to live off the remaining $25 million which if all of you, please God, live until 120, there will still be plenty left over.

But like Alan Zulman who in the end couldn’t find anyone including his sister Ros and her husband Jonny Norris willing to take his dirty money, and knowing that I was “closing in”, who in their right mind would deliver to [your] home even toilet paper, even if you were willing to pay the supermarket delivery person an arm and a leg.

You never know who is listening in this godsend digital age.

I started Good Atilla the name given to her by the previous Luxembourg female owner who only owned the TT for a few months. As she did today without having been started in a month and the previous time 8 months prior back in June last year when returning to the States, Good Atilla fired up instantly, although today there was in fact a momentary delay. Now it is a new battery.

A large Portuguese police officer races to a little past my side mirror and of course I saw him appearing out of “nowhere”.

I lowered the window. He shouted loudly in Portuguese knowing there was a “food” [sic] chance I wouldn’t understand but his goal was simply to strike fear.

Then came word we all dread, “passport”. Then the bone chilling action with no words, as he moves off with my American passport in hand.

Are you still holding on to you handheld?

This has happened before. In Morocco it happened 3 times in one day, and so I perfectly understood this policeman’s game just like I saw you coming, but never thinking you would behave worse [than] the Cossacks who murdered Nechie’s immediate family as those murderers were simply brainwashed to prey on the most defenseless Jewish people.

What made you madly think I didn’t have God-truth-logic constantly at my side.

You have been playing God which means you must think you are God.

One would expect you to have created like DE Beers-Barclays your own exclusive diamond currency but then you are not DE Beers-Barclays, so why didn’t you demand your $50 million in untraceable diamond currency and the you and your husband David would have been less likely to boast of your bullshit which only a total idiot or someone such as DeBeers-Barclays would pay as much as a penny.

The only value of an import-export company is its quiet management. The two of you are loud mouthed Philistines.

The cop returned less than seconds later with my American passport in hand and announces “$200”.

I shook my head.

I did not tell him to visit the huge market in Jerusalem and for the deceased Rebbe Schneerson to just grab 200 one dollar bills from the unlimited piles of $1 bills, and of course mom knows why I quickly tore up the $1 bill he handed to me back in the fall of 1989.
You should not touch money handed to you by dirty people unless you expose them.

At the same time you have to choose your battles carefully otherwise you are not playing the cards you’re dealt smartly.

The universe as we know it started out as one and that evidence is well documented as well in the best of the science and then it splintered up into tiny pieces which have similar shapes in the big picture and it is up to each of us to piece it back together made easier by seeing the beauty of the design but if you have ugly body, ugly mind it only gets harder.

You have a hardened soul but that doesn’t prevent your imagination from visualizing me having no despair for losing the 3 of you and loving God that much [more].

I did my best, and all that matters is that God knows I did my best.

Remember God knows that I never asked for such cruelty from the 3 of you towards our best mother in the world.

You cannot get more beauty than what you see in the YouTube videos [of] our mother Zena, and such beauty is terrifying to all the wicked which explains everyone’s deafening silence.

Who apart from mom’s Holy Roman Empire Catholic first cousin Fran Stinker Poegel could say a bad word about mom?

Nor has mom ever met this human pig who you know wrote to me just the other day asking me to pray for her as if I was her confession priest, and I will be following up with [Poegel] next.

Our mother, not me, has expressed her clear wishes 7 days after the 3 of you went to Israeli courts and said that mom had completely lost her mind.

You fuck heads that is called wishful thinking on your part.

It does not change the truth of what [mom] wants.

In your hands and we are now getting closer to 172 days since I saw mom it cannot be expected that mom’s physical and mental health has improved, because then you would have to thank me for the miracle because liars cannot believe in a higher power.

When you disconnected the phone preventing mom from speaking with me you didn’t show that you had mom’s best interests in mind.

In fact you have continued to tell your lies about me, hoping everyone will forget what mom had to say about me being her caregiver rather than any of the 3 of you.

Think of a Nazi who would behave this way to the best of their family.

Take the worst Hitler. They all loved him because he never turned on them and did what he promised which was to kill as many Jewish people in as short a time as humanely possible.

The cop summoned me to get out of the car which I did. Then the men started inching their way closer. Next a strong looking man with a cellphone next to his ear began speaking in French having seen that we have Corsica license plates.

I also took a snapshot of him
using my wife Marie’s iPhone which didn’t bother him in the least as he and the other men were willing to make their presence known to the cop and his partner who had been standing back and now seeing that he could have riot on his hands.

I got my passport back.

I didn’t pay a penny in bribes.

Finally, the senior officer came up to car, stopped the traffic allowing us to smoothly drive out of the parking space.

[Let’s not forget] Terry Gevisser, the little and ugly shit [once] married [to] Melvin who she hoped would come into the money much quicker, the same of course with Emma who had to have been self-conscious of everyone including strangers when say going to a restaurant with Neil and only hoping that with Neil always being a poor dresser they would think even if he touched her hand that it was just a caring father.

Go ahead and imagine just one of my Facebook friends including huge talker “Macolm” [sic] Ness debating me publicly as Macolm is not the only person with a very public Facebook so passionate about his “political beliefs.”

Interesting isn’t it that unlike all others who use their FB to show mostly a happy look, and whenever possible a simple “thumbs up”, I challenge my FB friends and everyone else to show enlightenment which they don’t seem to be able to do, and yet they remain my FB friends.

Yes, there is no question that every moment I am “breaking new ground”.

When you don’t have a healthy imagination, you will have difficulty capturing the essence of Einstein’s, “imagination is more important than knowledge.”

There is a reason why our mother refers to my life as “positive” without saying the same thing about the 3 of you, quite the opposite in fact, and in short order the 3 of you would show your true heartless colours.

Given your poverty of thought you may still say at this time that you don’t give a stuff about what I think.

Within 12 hours and it could be within 12 minutes assuming I’m inclined to “power up” my laptop, this communique will be the next post on my Facebook wall.

You, Neil and Melvin won’t be doing much celebration together in the future and so your respective spouses won’t be questioning the 3 of you much as to why.

Most important that it has been 171 odd days since your Filipino spy let the Israeli policemen into our mother’s apartment at 1:30 in the morning.

Every September 27 each of you co-conspirators will remember your revolting actions.

When amnesia starts to kick in at the point you are questioning more yourself and it all aggravated by how those in your inner circle, including the local shop owner doesn’t let on that he knows you to be the scum of scums, your minds will tell you to hold on to your revolting actions of September 27.

You could possibly run into someone like British architect, politically correct Malcolm Ness, still one of my 149 odd Facebook friends who understands why you and Neil have disabled your Facebook accounts without being able to persuade more needy of friends Melvin, and your minds will say, “That is a familiar face”.

When you stab good people like me and our mother in the back, so cowardly using officials, you will hate every new encounter with humans, and the old friends once they see the YouTube videos I took of mom, and there are more to come, 
they become a completely different person as they will justify hating you that much more; moreover hating you with a vengeance for valuing yourself so low to accept $50 million and worse yet not knowing who you were telling of your “windfall” to afford you buying yourself a great many apartments, houses, even a bunch of castles, but still you can never get back your physical health when you have sold your soul to the devil.

What you would do to get back your health and vigor.

Not all the money and riches of the world could have you and your spouses looking and feeling as great as Marie and me.

You were defeated when you decided to go to war with me.

Putting material possessions ahead of your health caused you to go fucking stupid.

You cannot blame me because I never asked you to be stupid.

You can only take this up with God or covert to Catholicism and find yourself an enlightened priest to hear your confession.

I’m sure Emma Elliot would be able to refer to one she or her father could highly recommend, if not, I will help you find one, but I would have to, of course, do it publicly.

Very, very good Zena Ash Gevisser knew from the start that there was something missing in the 3 of your personalties, despite her genius that chose as our father the best man 
zena-bernie-wedding day_1024.jpg
on the planet, because of course our mother could choose the cream of the crop, and why our mother persisted through 8 miscarriages after Melvin, and she knew instantly when she held me the first time in her hands that she struck gold.
Our mother never abandoned the 3 of you because she took responsibility for God choosing the 3 of you not being very bright, but still not below average looking.
Look at the look of the spouses
 you 3 ended up with, and that tells you how you failed to listen to the first of mom’s charm school teachings.
Kerry Anderson Malfesis describes brilliantly how poorly Neil chose his future caregiver, which appears more likely it was Emma Elliot’s father who negotiated their “prenuptial agreement” which could have been for all intent and purposes non-existent.

Nor would one expect that Emma and her father who looks younger than Neil because her father probably is younger, not that her father looks at all healthy to me, insist that Neil impregnate Emma before Neil “kicks the bucket.”

Unless one is born deformed looking, the health of the mind is reflected by the level of disease within the body.

When the body is dying horribly the facial features don’t express for very long, hence why most humans who are no longer kids walk around with long faces when the camera isn’t taking snap shots.

What if the vibrant health of my beautiful Française-Canadienne [F-C] wife Marie Dion and me jolted our mother out of her “advanced dimentia” [sic] as it could only be a miracle?

That would explain why the 3 of you never showed up in court on October 5, 8 days after your gross actions designed to pummel my wife and me, while knowing our mother too would be woken out of a dead sleep.

I see the 3 of you returning as ticks transferring lime disease to all the world’s two-faced.

If I can visualize something uglier than a tick I will let you know.

A miracle is all that explains a human “snapping out” of “advanced dementia”.

Everyone including the most evil humans perfectly understand this which explains why all the evil who have seen the 7 YouTube videos first taken on September 22, 7 days after you placed your Israeli lawyer friend, Ayala Weisel as mom’s “guardian”, are all silent.

The further removed are humans from the 4 of us, the more objective they will be. Logic also says they will inevitably all turn on you. You have nothing to offer other than to embarrass anyone who has anything to do with you.

The buyer of your company could only have been buying management. The only great management in your company was dad. Dad passed away on August 27, 2012 and the 3 of you couldn’t even be bothered with placing an obituary for this most amazing father in the newspapers.
The first to speak out will set off a chain reaction. Again, it could be a complete stranger who fears being the last and sees being first better than second.

The 3 of you and your poor choice of spouses do not think like me because we are not the same in the brain department.

This you as well as strangers would first realize by the fact that the 3 of you don’t look anything like mom.
Murdering our mother brings you that much quicker to the “fools money” and to punish mom as best you can by leaving her in the hands of people far below her in every category.

Ugly looks, inferior intelligence and hungry for the money would not be criteria our mother would choose for her caregiver.

This must be the criteria you saw in Weisel and the Filipino Mari-lou who was one of you Facebook friends at the time you disabled your Facebook, no doubt chomping at the bit to reactivate it once the coast is clear.

Don’t you just love the photos I took just earlier this evening on the coast of Porlock.
You never forgot that mom advocated that one should never get familiar with the help because it will only lead to resentment and contempt.

Again this was an easy choice with your goal of putting mom into an early grave, and to punish mom for your increasingly ugly looks matching up perfectly with your ugly personalities.

How very different is mom and my so healthy optimism compared to your cynicism.

How can you hide at a time like this?

The Cossacks didn’t come to steal Nechie’s family’s wealth, they were just having fun murdering defenseless Jews.

So you have been stealing money ever since you entered mom’s home in Wiveliscombe that mom’s second husband Alan Zulman knew the 3 of you had already done once you decided to “vulture” him on his death bed.

Now, on my cellphone, I am beginning to provide the complete chronology that will have you concluding correctly that only God had a direct hand in.

What beautiful pictures will remain forever in my mind of mom describing so vividly, calmly, her choice of me over the 3 of you “so busy” and you haven’t forgotten mom no less eloquently describing over the phone leading up to our great joy together in her apartment in Netanya, that my life is “positive” and the 3 of you simply “she is my daughter” and for Neil and Melvin, “he is my son.”

You must recall mom when talking about Melvin, “Melvin doesn’t even come into my thinking.”

I was never coaching mom.

Do you know of anyone in recorded history coaching successfully someone with “advanced dementia”.

It has been a while since the 3 of you and you co-conspirators realized that you had screwed yourselves.

Were you know on the Oprah show how would you describe both your physical and mental health?

Do you remember to take an aspirin if you cannot wake up out of your nightmare?

How much clearer could mom be that the 3 of you didn’t have time for her, certainly not quality time.

Mom was unaware that you had placed an Israeli lawyer of yours as her guardian because you say mom had “advanced dementia”.

What if mom did not have “advanced dementia” did you have mom sign documents that had mom approving Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel as mom’s guardian?

You all agree that mom is very bright.

You don’t say she is brighter than you

It is only me who says that mom is brighter than the 3 of you and your choice of spouses.

A normal person would conclude the 3 of you couldn’t get more terrible or to fuck yourselves so horribly.

You of course have known all this for 171 days and you have continued your elderly abuse of the highest order.

How truthful, so well forecasting future events was mom stating again so clearly, “I don’t think my other children believe in anything.”

That phone conversation took place on July 23, 2016, two months before I sat down with mom the morning after I arrived in Israel the evening of September 21 and began video taping, which is the normal thing to do when dealing with deceptive children trying to steal the inheritance monies.

It wouldn’t bother either mom or me if not a single other human had a moral code.

You will inevitably see everyone plotting against you, which is what you would do against them if given the opportunity.

If you can so boldly screw over [the] best and most accomplished mother in the world you would screw over your own children if they were to go sideways on you.

Liar – lawyer Weisel and the Filipino slave – wage earner you would expect to have long been plotting every since you “vultured” Alan Zulman who also sent the two of them quite the message when removing you as the co-executor of his estate just weeks before he took his final breath on August 6, once he returned to Israel from Wiveliscombe and knowing you had stolen the cash-diamonds-gold.

Like anyone with bloodied hands, knowing those monies would allow mom without having to sell any of her other assets to afford the world’s very best caregivers-nutrionists, you had to then do your best to murder Alan Zulman’s only son, Lance Zulman as you told Alan Zulman with witnesses present including his sister, Ros that you were going to sell Lance’s home in Israel.

You Kathy Danziger are a sick fuck.

So I end this introduction to The Chronology with planting the seed of truth permanently into your conscience void minds that you were faced with the choice of accepting mom’s inexplicable escape from the “advanced dementia” which could only have the Hand of God guiding mom’s mind, as well as being charged with a criminal conspiracy to murder our mother.

At best the 3 of you can only hate yourselves with every passing moment.

Your moment of crisis has only just begun.

[Word count 4912]

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Alpha™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
