, there you go. Now you know the source of all your problems, other than treachery.
Adventures – Get your through the long stretches
To: Torah Gemach
Cc: rest; Def-sec1 <Def-sec1@mod.gov.il>, ““Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא”” <tene@arava.co.il>, Annabel Linder – South African Radio Show Host and FB friend of Gary Gevisser <hosts@1485.org.za>, adlib444@gmail.com, shaun attwood <attwood.shaun@hotmail.co.uk>, Steven Bailey <hawaiianplumeria1@yahoo.com>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon – c/o Christopher Carter” <christopherc@ziffrenlaw.com>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <misikoff@oath.com>, Daniel Ammann <daniel.ammann@bluewin.ch>, Roy Lieutenant <ressakow@email.msn.com>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <info@glencore.com>, Kimbal Musk <press@kimbalmusk.com>, mfing@mac.com
Cc: rest; Def-sec1 <Def-sec1@mod.gov.il>, ““Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא”” <tene@arava.co.il>, Annabel Linder – South African Radio Show Host and FB friend of Gary Gevisser <hosts@1485.org.za>, adlib444@gmail.com, shaun attwood <attwood.shaun@hotmail.co.uk>, Steven Bailey <hawaiianplumeria1@yahoo.com>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon – c/o Christopher Carter” <christopherc@ziffrenlaw.com>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <misikoff@oath.com>, Daniel Ammann <daniel.ammann@bluewin.ch>, Roy Lieutenant <ressakow@email.msn.com>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <info@glencore.com>, Kimbal Musk <press@kimbalmusk.com>, mfing@mac.com
Subject: Adventures -Re: Get you through the long stretches – Re: Human circus – Re: Each successive generation is that much more degenerate.
You always revert to this when you run out of things to say.
Also why did you very recently write to me on Facebook messaging asking for forgiveness with the Jewish High Holidays coming up?
You are a drug dispenser; didn’t you know the cardinal rule of a dealer, don’t get high on your own supply?
Since the Schneerson had no problem asking Solly Krok for money, and you have not only said disparaging things about Solly Krok, at least that is my interpretation of your words, what prevents you from asking Solly directly and in a public forum?
How traumatized are you by the failure of the entire ChaBAD sic movement not to recognize the disconnect between giving donors money blessings and you all always needing money?
Could you see anyone you know personally in ChaBAD sic being an informer once they are made aware by the SA Oppenheimer syndicate that common sense would tell them that if the Schneerson needed money 💰 the person to ask was Harry Oppenheimer given how he not only had a Jewish name and was the richest person on the planet with no one else even close following the death of his partner American Engelhard but the South African Jewish Federation with close ties to ChaBAD sic were constantly asking Oppenheimer for money and he gave generously because it cost him nothing and every penny he contributed helped promote the money that much more?
Why do you think the SA Oppenheimers are conspicuously absent in speeches given by the world’s religious leadership as well as the world’s top politicians constantly seeking money donations and that they are dedicated to justice, fairness, anti-monopolies and the such?
Do you think every politician and business leader other than President Putin consider the SA Oppenheimers small potatoes and totally inconsequential?
Does it not bother you even slightly that not a single household name conspiracy theorist like that fat InfoWars character have yet to either mention the SA Oppenheimers or the very public meeting with President Putin in South Africa on September 6, 2006 which the world only found out about on October 3, 2008 when Putin authorized the Kremlin to release the the one photograph of that meeting?
Do you think President Putin was sending a message to incoming President elect Obama?
Is there any part of your body that tells you that you are quite stupid and feeling depressed but because your jealousy-greed is raging uncontrollably you feel the need to lash out?
Have you figured out your purpose in life but feeling increasingly that you are eventually going to have that conversation with the Schneerson which remember you all believed and you told the world that the Schneerson was the Messiah, and constantly thinking if you can improve the wording I suggested?
Or have you finally given up your belief that the Schneerson was the Messiah which of course you knew was preposterous the moment he died and he failed to bring world peace?
One more thing without forgetting what drove you to ask me for forgiveness, and you know I’m not a Roman Catholic priest who hears confessions from anyone could you see the SA Oppenheimers knowing they were guilty of the mass murder of 6 million Jewish people and all it taking was one Jewish religious or secular leader to speak out, could you see them remiss by not making Schneerson aware that they had the Israeli Knesset bought when wiping out the last of the Israeli diamond merchants in the late 70s?
Do you dispute any aspect of Professor Edward J Epstein’s 1978 nonfiction book The Diamond Invention, starting with chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, without you forgetting chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?
Have you considered the consequences to your brain when first asking me for forgiveness and now so publicly declaring, “You Gary are very sick”?
Does the owner of your drug pharmacy carry liability insurance that which will still be operative in the event you manage to get every ChaBAD sic member to certify that you are insane?
Have you thought about you also writing to me previously that you are having family problems? Why would you share that with someone you believe to be mentally ill?
Why would you remain a member of any of my Facebook group chats such as Wow, very powerful?
Finally, you saw what caused everyone to pause and check themselves for a stroke, namely the section section from yesterday on Wow, very powerful that ended:
“We must be in God’s hands?
Everyone knows there is something immensely nice when a dog consistently with its relative small brain can tell you what is up ahead.
What can explain coincidences and more importantly that coincidences instantly spark you like the electrons making most difficult to predict quantum leaps, keeping you without your control in the moment.
Happiness is desired until you get sick and then happiness for others becomes the least desired, but to have happiness first programmed in, is just amazing from whatever side you look at it.”
PS – Note Michael Finger in the cc section. According to his close friend Louis Kemp:
Michael Finger told me the story that his father told him that Debeers wanted to buy the prime location of the Synagogue he belonged to .. they asked a way over priced amount..
Harry O called them to his office and said your price is ridiculous but I will pay it if you promise me that when I pass away you will say KADDISH for me.. and they did.
Of course, you understand perfectly that Oppenheimer was only mocking them, at best.
BTW, Louis Kemp whose father in law is another long term former client of mine Maurice Arenson who had direct dealings with American Engelhard who never let Maurice forget that he is “a little shit” is “on the road” with his lifelong best friend, singer Bob Dylan promoting Louis’ book Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 12, 2020, at 7:17 PM, torahgemach <torahgemach@aol.com> wrote:
You gary are a very sick person. I am assuming you know this. Please get medical help asapSent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: “Gary@2facrtruth.com” <gary@2facetruth.com>Date: 9/11/20 9:05 PM (GMT-05:00)To: torahgemach <torahgemach@aol.com>Cc: rest; Def-sec1 <Def-sec1@mod.gov.il>, ““Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא”” <tene@arava.co.il>, hosts@1485.org.za, adlib444@gmail.com, shaun attwood <attwood.shaun@hotmail.co.uk>, Steven Bailey <hawaiianplumeria1@yahoo.com>, christopherc@ziffrenlaw.com, misikoff@oath.com, Daniel Ammann <daniel.ammann@bluewin.ch>, Roy Lieutenant <ressakow@email.msn.com>, ray.oshry@haroldbenjamin.com, mrgala2000@yahoo.com, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <gvanleeuwen@yahoo.com>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <geoffreyrothwell@yahoo.com>, charles.ivie8@gmail.com, gordontorr@blueyonder.co.uk, pacofurio@hotmail.com, Peter Strick <strickp@pitt.edu>, Neal Hurwitz <neal.hurwitz@gmail.com>, ““MD. Barry Molk”” <blmolk1@mac.com>, pcrm@pcrm.org, ““Dr.”” <Ekpoekerette02@gmail.com>, ngould@hkstar.com, filmdog@gmail.com, napplbaum@gmail.com, nhra.pl@gmail.com, brian@lasvegassun.com, billyman@mweb.co.za, Bobby Buba Jacobs <bobbyj@gmail.com>, fablol@aol.fr, Jean Figadère <jeanfigadere@hotmail.com>, info@thrivemovement.com, Marta Rubau <mrubau@brugarol.com>, michael@asasin.biz, mail@jkcook.net, marorato@hotmail.com, akerzner@mac.com, Frankie Selikow <mike-sel@iafrica.com>, Gary.malino@yahoo.com, david.enrich@nytimes.com, dersh@law.harvard.edu, derrick.beare@zenprop.co.uk, daviddabramsesq@hotmail.com, Larry Winokur <lwinokur@bwr-la.com>, Paulette Kam <pkam@bwr-la.com>, lstraughter@stedmangraham.com, laurievincentflynn@me.com, Ibán López <lopez.iban@gmail.com>, customerservice@800biltong.com, lfugard@att.net, liwan.nazareth@gmail.com, health@meandmybody.com, cvcstudios@googlemail.com, Galit <lg.ichai@gmail.com>, pascal nahon <pascal.nahon66@gmail.com>, symonadv@netvision.net.il, Deborah_NY Sturman <sturman@sturman.ch>, veigas.gaspar@gmail.com, vashiva@vashiva.com, bool@landmarkfoundation.org.za, balie@ubib.eur.nl, jennifer.harris@vistage.com, erik.dejong@museumaanhetvrijthof.nl, Yvon Patagonia <customer_service@patagonia.com>, jangelo@nypost.com, alan@lipworthdiamond.com, townclerk@wiveliscombe.com, wabouman@gmail.com, alumni@hps.co.za, Elisa & Brian <whitpa2@aol.com>, wwebb@mintpressnews.com, ““help@rogerwaters.com”” <help@rogerwaters.com>, pr@edun.com, drapes7219@aol.com, shauntomson@yahoo.com, rc@robertcromeans.com, statinnation@gmail.com, Sidney Abelski <Linraphl@aol.com>, seth@jpost.com, ozabludoff@gmail.com, Katie Melua <katiemeluaofficial@gmail.com>, jean pierre marziou <jpmarziou@yahoo.fr>, info@c2c.co.za, neil@rhymedisease.com, richmeister29@gmail.com, info.dk@greenpeace.org, ““Dr.”” <rose@noetic.org>, nyesigc@gmail.com, Gmsol@saol.com, Steve Kent <stevekent50@yahoo.com>, urir77@gmail.com, didi bentov <didibentov2@gmail.com>, Andrew Corser <andycorser@gmail.com>, Mark Fat Gevisser <mark@markgevisser.com>, Oprah <membership@oprah.com>, Dave <osh.dave@gmail.com>, jrk@classactionlaw.com, Dr Dean Ornish <Tandis@pmri.org>, newell@nstarks.com, nina.sencar@gmail.com, pr@albi.com.au, hilton01@usa.net, alan@crimsoncloverla.com, terry@oakbrook.co.za, Paul Baker <pbaker@bwr-la.com>, disch1000@gmail.com, ““David Inc.”” <david.altman@email.it>, Russell Feigin <russell@signature-signs.co.za>, hartenbaum@aol.com, Richhard University <RKlein@stanford.edu>, tollsamark2000@yahoo.com, john.reed@ft.com, phoffice@surrey.ac.uk, info@glencore.com, Kimbal Musk <press@kimbalmusk.com>Subject: Get you through the long stretches – Re: Human circus – Re: Each successive generation is that much more degenerate.You are so disgusting.
Si sic, are you going to fast this Yom Kippur and what are you going to be thinking about apart from every ache you feel, every object that catches your eye even if it is a pimple on someone’s face and/or a woman you dream about who is more beautiful than your wife will you think you are being watched by God; and is that a nice feeling or does just the thought traumatize you now?Do you feel that when you turn off your handheld on Shabbat you have ingeniously got your mind to think you have fooled God?Have you figured out whether Schneerson was just stupid not to know the power and wealth of his malevolent SA Oppenheimers-IG Farben benefactors or simply bought?Do you think Ben Gurion (1886-1973) had to wait to be reincarnated to read Prof Epstein’s The D I book which was only published in 1982 by future clients of mine Simon & Schuster to learn what the OSS/CIA-President Franklin D Roosevelt and the British War Cabinet that included South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts all knew about the SA Oppenheimers using officials of the Red Cross such as Nazi Wallis Simpson as couriers supplying Hitler with his diamonds out of the Congo or do you think Ben Gurion and his close friend Smuts only believed what they read in the newspapers like the Washington Post, New York Times and the South African Sunday Times?Have you visited South Africa?If you had a chance to speak to all black South Africans, what would you say to them?For example, you wouldn’t say, “Read Torah and find all the answers to your money needs by just blessing rich donors and handing them a $1 bill!”You might say, “The Schneerson didn’t come up with a money solution to you being the enslaved black majority of the world’s mineral richest country because he was too busy focused on getting an immediate return on his investment for every $1 bill he handed out” if you were stupid.So you don’t need me to tell you that you are not totally stupid, just devious and disgusting.You are ALSO not alone in being singularly focus on the money, so let’s stick to business.You want to leave this planet with a clear conscience towards all disadvantaged people such as American soldiers, starting with those who have been injured in giving you your lifestyle that includes one stable wife to have sex with.I’m not saying that your wife is as fat as the fattest pig being sent to the slaughterhouse because you haven’t shown me a photo of your wife or given her vital measurements.What I am saying is that in all your speeches you don’t show appreciation towards me for empowering you to help those most in need, which is not to read from Torah, kiss Torah, run around in circles singing with the Torah held close or having anything to do with such idiots.I want you to help black South Africans unless you think Nick Oppenheimer should take care of that as well as the people orphaned in the Congo to facilitate the Biden family’s investments in the Congo.Do you think Trump-media go light on Biden because Trump is stupid or do you think we should talk about all the money that goes into elections just to confuse the people into thinking it is small amounts of money like a $10 donation that could make the difference in one political party or candidate winning?Did it occur to you that in all the foreign and domestic money influencing elections the name Oppenheimers-De Beers-Deutsche Bank-BASF-IG Farben is conspicuously absent?Could you see it just as a coincidence?Could you see the political circus going on indefinitely because people have a one track mind, only thinking about sex?You see you are preoccupied with money and your are now praying to God as the sabbath has begun.Do you think that besides for money people pray to God for health but not for the wisdom to eat healthy?Do you think people already know that meat-dairy-fish causes cancer, heart disease, diabetes, heart disease and obesity that God is too stupid to realize the hypocrisy of man?Why do you think a terribly aging Noam Chomsky isn’t a better philosopher and addressing the ills of the one mineral monopolist that no one wants to talk about?Don’t you feel intellectually weak and dishonest with such a weak reply?How do you manage to concentrate on all the prayers such as the washing of hands and brochas for wine and bread and then there is the long drawn out benching – after dinner prayers geared to help decompose the rotting animal carcass into your stomach without foresight into how each of your internal organs which feed the brain that jumps electricity into your limbs to be excited about life are short-circuited, when all you are focuse on and looking the most forward to is meeting up with the Schneerson to ask, “How come if all these money blessings work, you are always in need of money?”Or do you think it makes more sense if he could recommend a dentist because you have been told you are returning as a fruit fly and with so much knowledge you are going to gain about the incredible eyesight of a fly during this very brief lifespan and always in search of shit and otherwise an annoying asshole but guided every step of the way to get the attention of the human observer who you don’t think is very smart because you have been told during your transformation that humans are not smart but you can’t speak their language and that frustrates you even more but when eventually transformed back to a human you want to take care of your teeth much better and barter your Ophthalmology services?Nor do I see anything wrong with wishful thinking that with good behavior you will leapfrog over all your other competitors all thinking the same thing that the career of a dentist in their prime is about a decade if that, because what else other than hope can get you through the long stretches?Do you have anything interesting going on this weekend other than thinking about the High Holidays and your eventual reunion with the Schneerson?Sent from my iPhoneOn Sep 11, 2020, at 9:44 AM, torahgemach <torahgemach@aol.com> wrote:
Gary you are so vocalSent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: “Gary@2facrtruth.com” <gary@2facetruth.com>Date: 9/11/20 10:43 AM (GMT-05:00)To: torahgemach <torahgemach@aol.com>Cc: Def-sec1 <Def-sec1@mod.gov.il>, ““Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא”” <tene@arava.co.il>, hosts@1485.org.za, adlib444@gmail.com, shaun attwood <attwood.shaun@hotmail.co.uk>, Steven Bailey <hawaiianplumeria1@yahoo.com>, christopherc@ziffrenlaw.com, misikoff@oath.com, Daniel Ammann <daniel.ammann@bluewin.ch>, Roy Lieutenant <ressakow@email.msn.com>, ray.oshry@haroldbenjamin.com, mrgala2000@yahoo.com, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <gvanleeuwen@yahoo.com>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <geoffreyrothwell@yahoo.com>, charles.ivie8@gmail.com, gordontorr@blueyonder.co.uk, pacofurio@hotmail.com, Peter Strick <strickp@pitt.edu>, Neal Hurwitz <neal.hurwitz@gmail.com>, ““MD. Barry Molk”” <blmolk1@mac.com>, pcrm@pcrm.org, ““Dr.”” <Ekpoekerette02@gmail.com>, ngould@hkstar.com, filmdog@gmail.com, napplbaum@gmail.com, nhra.pl@gmail.com, brian@lasvegassun.com, billyman@mweb.co.za, Bobby Buba Jacobs <bobbyj@gmail.com>, fablol@aol.fr, Jean Figadère <jeanfigadere@hotmail.com>, info@thrivemovement.com, Frankieharbourmaster@gmail.com, valerieheck701@gmail.com, Vegetarian Tzipora Livni <zlivni@knesset.gov.il>, maxiepohl@yahoo.com, blamshn@bigpond.com.au, michaeld@jamclothing.co.za, mgkramer@cbs2ny.com, Israel Mossad <mohr@tehila.gov.il>, mschmidt@tesla.com, Merrick.Wolman@stengest.com, mageph520@yahoo.com, closedcaption@viacom.com, amour@iafrica.com, Conrad Essakow <kaapstad@walla.com>, chross@iafrica.com, ““Dr. Cristina Lanata”” <cristinalanata@yahoo.com>, cyberyusz@gmail.com, ““German lawyer Claudia {I didn’t know the coin was gold} Seibel Esquire – (So why did she keep it?)”” <c.seibel@iur-realis.de>, theoctopusofglobalcontrol@protonmail.com, Matthew CBS <matthewmargo@aol.com>, contact@rationalreligion.co.uk, office@chiefrabbi.co.za, barrysolomon11@gmail.com, broeksma@freepressunlimited.org, iamrecruit@investecmail.com, Mark Hackner <moh@fogcapital.com>, Kerrymolfesis@hotmail.co.uk, max.abelson@gmail.com, Ron AIG <Ron.Bellows@aig.com>, Jeffrey Gilbert <jg@jesangil.com>, jdixon@discovery.org, j.al-khalili@surrey.ac.uk, Gerry Mohr <fali@san.rr.com>, Editor-shanghai daily <editor@shanghaidaily.com>, Ernest Rady <erady@americanassets.com>, ““Emma@emmaelliott.com”” <Emma@emmaelliott.com>, Eric.Eggers@g-a-i.org, jbecker@nytimes.com, Jewish Newspapers <mail@jewishtelegraph.com>, john.stevens@dailymail.co.uk, roch.chouinard@yahoo.com, HILLEL PIEKARSKI <rabbinhp@gmail.com>, aufrichtig@aol.com, h2osoul77@aol.com, tersiadodo1@gmail.com, rafazulueta@gmail.com, maureenrapp@icloud.com, reneegild@hotmail.com, rachlawr@hotmail.com, RainerSaamJazz@t-online.de, rm@soton.ac.uk, rafadolf@hotmail.com, hjfdeg@gmail.com, yokofg@gmail.com, yossi@miko-law.co.il, LekLa18@gmail.com, david.gelernter@yale.edu, dbisaacs@bezeqint.net, pepperasst@barrypepper.com, BAS29@aol.com, bigvan82@gmail.com, brian.molk@colorado.edu, pteirstein@scrippsclinic.com, Werner Filmmaker <office@wernerherzog.com>, ““Dr. Lim”” <office@truenorthhealth.com>, opticalillusions@att.net, jessakow@proteaproperties.com, repetitor@ziggo.nl, petag1@mindspring.com, pa.tonyleon@gmail.com, pamela.hainsworth@gmail.com, ““Elisabeth Lender – a member of LLL [Liberal Ladies who do Lunch] – one girlfriend of dirty Democratic US Congressman and former Mayor of San Diego Bob Filner who future historians won’t laugh as much as the rest of the hypocrites who didn’t enjoy themselves as much breaking the public trust.”” <elender1@san.rr.com>, ““Professor Norman Finkelstein Phd.”” <normfinkelstein@gmail.com>, ““Jenny Gitkis Vainstein – Israel Immigration Policewoman.”” <JennyG@jafi.org>, ““Kevin Duffy Phd mathematics.”” <kevind@dut.ac.za>, Miko Peled – heavily misguided profiteer of the Arab-Israeli conflict <mikopeled@gmail.com>, Nancy Lawton <tomlawton@msn.com>, Annie George – seated next to me and directly across from Bob Dylan and his girlfriend <ageorge@en-linea.com>, Eric Metaxas – Socrates in the City <info@socratesinthecity.com>, Namaste Publishing Inc – Publisher of A NEW EARTH – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose – author Eckhart Tolle <namasteproductions@shaw.ca>, Green Prince <gonenb1@gmail.com>, George Soros <gsoros@sorosny.org>, GWerbel@aol.com, sabsav@glickmans.net, Paul Culture <tseleng@po.gov.za>, adelec@icentennial.com, tzandberg@meretz.org.il, Steyn.Chris@yahoo.com, media@lauradekker.nl, ““Clifford Gordon Esq. – fb friend”” <cligor@yahoo.com>, support+id116229@eckharttolletv.zendesk.com, hillary Mulholland <hillarymulholland@gmail.com>, hzoaby@knesset.gov.il, lauramalter@yahoo.com, markblumberg09@gmail.com, Jerry Phillips <jphillips@loeb.com>, jeremysharon@gmail.com, jsteinberg@sprintmail.com, jgreenky@colincowie.com, Beverly.Stracey@lloyds.com, kromer53@gmail.com, mikebehr@mweb.co.za, mgevisser@sbcglobal.net, info@marshallcurry.com, michelle@zanzibarcafe.com, Marta Rubau <mrubau@brugarol.com>, michael@asasin.biz, mail@jkcook.net, marorato@hotmail.com, akerzner@mac.com, Frankie Selikow <mike-sel@iafrica.com>, Gary.malino@yahoo.com, david.enrich@nytimes.com, dersh@law.harvard.edu, derrick.beare@zenprop.co.uk, daviddabramsesq@hotmail.com, Larry Winokur <lwinokur@bwr-la.com>, Paulette Kam <pkam@bwr-la.com>, lstraughter@stedmangraham.com, laurievincentflynn@me.com, Ibán López <lopez.iban@gmail.com>, customerservice@800biltong.com, lfugard@att.net, liwan.nazareth@gmail.com, health@meandmybody.com, cvcstudios@googlemail.com, Galit <lg.ichai@gmail.com>, pascal nahon <pascal.nahon66@gmail.com>, symonadv@netvision.net.il, Deborah_NY Sturman <sturman@sturman.ch>, veigas.gaspar@gmail.com, vashiva@vashiva.com, bool@landmarkfoundation.org.za, balie@ubib.eur.nl, jennifer.harris@vistage.com, erik.dejong@museumaanhetvrijthof.nl, Yvon Patagonia <customer_service@patagonia.com>, jangelo@nypost.com, alan@lipworthdiamond.com, townclerk@wiveliscombe.com, wabouman@gmail.com, alumni@hps.co.za, Elisa & Brian <whitpa2@aol.com>, wwebb@mintpressnews.com, ““help@rogerwaters.com”” <help@rogerwaters.com>, pr@edun.com, drapes7219@aol.com, shauntomson@yahoo.com, rc@robertcromeans.com, statinnation@gmail.com, Sidney Abelski <Linraphl@aol.com>, seth@jpost.com, ozabludoff@gmail.com, Katie Melua <katiemeluaofficial@gmail.com>, jean pierre marziou <jpmarziou@yahoo.fr>, info@c2c.co.za, neil@rhymedisease.com, richmeister29@gmail.com, info.dk@greenpeace.org, ““Dr.”” <rose@noetic.org>, nyesigc@gmail.com, Gmsol@saol.com, Steve Kent <stevekent50@yahoo.com>, urir77@gmail.com, didi bentov <didibentov2@gmail.com>, Andrew Corser <andycorser@gmail.com>, Mark Fat Gevisser <mark@markgevisser.com>, Oprah <membership@oprah.com>, Dave <osh.dave@gmail.com>, jrk@classactionlaw.com, Dr Dean Ornish <Tandis@pmri.org>, newell@nstarks.com, nina.sencar@gmail.com, pr@albi.com.au, hilton01@usa.net, alan@crimsoncloverla.com, terry@oakbrook.co.za, Paul Baker <pbaker@bwr-la.com>, disch1000@gmail.com, ““David Inc.”” <david.altman@email.it>, Russell Feigin <russell@signature-signs.co.za>, hartenbaum@aol.com, Richhard University <RKlein@stanford.edu>, tollsamark2000@yahoo.com, john.reed@ft.com, phoffice@surrey.ac.uk, info@glencore.com, Kimbal Musk <press@kimbalmusk.com>Subject: Human circus – Re: Each successive generation is that much more degenerate.If you have no weapons you are nothing.Weapons are the only thing you portray of strength.And you have to have the role playing of being a little crazy so that they never know what to expect and get away with business as usual, to get the money otherwise you are nothing.Why would you take the time to wish me so in advance of the Shabbat a good Shabbas when you know I consider you, the crook Schneerson and the entire ChaBAD sic movement total scum?How could you think I have forgotten how quickly your growl came through after first writing to me asking for forgiveness for having said such untruthful and disparaging things about me publicly, as well as repeatedly?You are not a child.In fact your heinous mind hasn’t prevented you from sperming a bunch of children who probably don’t know you as well as me.How in God’s name did you get so prolific at fucking?How come you have such difficulty answering my question how it is possible for the Schneerson to give money blessings and you are always looking for money?Again how come if these blessings work you are always in need of money?Could you think of an easier question to ask of someone such as yourself?Does it bother you as much as having to wear a crucifix that you nor the Schneerson nor the multitude of his followers forget those paying for his money blessings never thought of asking such a logical question?Does it not occur to you all the psychiatrists and psychologists your obvious weakness of mind-spirit will put permanently out of business once enough of you throw in the towel?What does business mean to you when the main controller of the creation and distribution of monies has their second main priority of wiping out competition?Where does it say in Torah that in order to be religious you have to be either a crook or stupid?How come you have yet to approach Solly Krok who has been so generous with ChaBAD sic for more money so that you can feed the poor and buy more Torahs while a front for the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel monopolist SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-BASF-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben who were the principal financial as well as raw war material suppliers of Nazi Germany?Where does it say in Torah that it is okay to be deceptive in order to get what you want?Do you see your family problems along with your stomach aches from being self indulgent, eating rotting animal carcasses as your punishment going back to previous lifetimes?The question of your fake blessings is a good question because it goes to the heart of the total bullshit of all your fake blessings and why you avoid the question like the plague.When you combine the very intelligent question with how disgustingly unhealthy most of you look, do you feel that God is making a good point?Moreover, it is only outsiders who pick up best how much you smell all the while you look down on non Jewish people and quick to spit at the faces of non Jewish women walking in Jerusalem who don’t cover their heads – and yes your disgusting brothers are most fortunate that I have never been present to witness such an event not only because I know how physically weak you all are but you don’t have the mental capabilities to argue with the truth; and the good part is that there are plenty of churches in Jerusalem such as the Hoky sic Sepulcher where you can seek refuge with a Catholic priest who might be nice and listen to your confessions.Btw you still haven’t answered me if you plan to fast this Yom Kippur and if so do you expect it to be your most difficult fast knowing that God has long forsaken you?A hypocrite does not need to be religious to know that their prayers are no better than pissing in the wind blowing hard towards you.Do you feel the Torah is remiss in failing to keep reminding you that if you look unhealthy not only does a beard fail to make you healthy but there is something wrong with your insides?Do you see the brain immune from the diseases of the other internal organs because there is a hard shell that surrounds it?How can you not see logic as the continuous presence of a Divine Spirit without the need to congregate with a whole bunch of ugly stinky men unless of course you are homosexual and don’t have the financial resources to afford a high class hooker?It is just a question of time before ChaBAD sic fades away completely.What would you do with your headquarters in Brooklyn? Could you see Trump and Biden meeting their alone seeking comfort in their great despair?Doesn’t it make sense that a higher power is overseeing this human circus?Sent from my iPhoneOn Sep 10, 2020, at 6:03 PM, torahgemach <torahgemach@aol.com> wrote:
Hi GaryI have been busy with Family issues and have not had a chance to read what you have sent. I wish you a great Shabbos and hopefully will have a chance before the new Jewish year to read.BentzionSent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: gary gevisser <gary@2facetruth.com>Date: 9/10/20 7:12 PM (GMT-05:00)To: “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef” <gonenb1@gmail.com>, Steven Bailey <Hawaiianplumeria1@yahoo.com>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <jbecker@nytimes.com>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <ressakow@email.msn.com>, Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <Eric.Eggers@g-a-i.org>, Jeffrey Gilbert <jg@jesangil.com>, geoffrey.rothwell@turner-harris.com, “Torah Gemach – Chabad member also having trouble with the 4th Commandment + Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book.” <Torahgemach@aol.com>, director@chabad.org, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <gvanleeuwen@yahoo.com>, Kimbal Musk <press@kimbalmusk.com>Subject: Each successive generation is that much more degenerate.Screenshot 3:53 PM
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Gary GevisserAnd how exactly am I “treacherous”?Because you say that a lot. Eh hem.