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From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: Alibi
Date: August 26, 2016 at 11:18:12 AM PDT
To: Deborah_NY Sturman <sturman>
Cc: rest; Office of the Public Guardian – United Kingdom <OPGAXIS100RegisterSearches>, “ ourtofprotectionenquiries” <courtofprotectionenquiries>, “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” <devinstandard>, mariedion1 Gevisser <mariedion1>

Deborah – I just left a message on your voicemail.

Can you find out exactly when Alan and Roz returned to England, and more precisely what they were looking for?

The fact that Neil would mention to Kerry Anderson Malfesis in April when he visited with her that he didn’t want her to tell people that my mom’s home was not being lived in for fear of burglary, was strange to Kerry, and very alarming to me without me even knowing that something Alan considered very important, to have him get up off his death bed, was missing.

Nor of course did Neil mention to Kerry that anything was missing, but it sure looks like he was setting up an alibi, “Well, Kerry knew the place was empty”.

There have of course been other “cover up” attempts including my sister Kathy writing Kerry on June 13 her “quick hello-goodbye” without any mention of Neil’s visit with Kerry where Neil unloaded the plan, quite different to what Kathy was saying; namely, their intention to sell my mother’s home of some 4 decades along with her personal possessions. Still Kerry has no heard a word from Kathy who in reply on June 19 to Kerry’s generous offer to assist Kathy in her “reaching out” for help, told Kerry that she was now in Israel and would [b]e calling her the next day.

During these past 67 days, the past has not changed. The future can all change if the people decide to do the right thing, and this journey of life is an individual one, thank God.

Tomorrow will be the 4th anniversary of my amazing father Bernie’s passing.

So we should look again at the ingenious 141 odd word email my very mindful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion wrote to my dad, but of course she was just beginning to undress my siblings:

From: Marie Dion Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2006 3:43 PM PT
To: bernieg
Cc: Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – dkdanz; Melvin Gevisser – mgevisser; devinstandard; Neil Gevisser – rymedisease; gevisser
Subject: Gary’s SA flat.
Dear Bernie,
Gary has a knack in exposing the money trails.
Going from one country to the next impossible to trace unless you’re in the “know”, intimately involved, i.e. a trusted family member.
It all comes down to money, inheritance for everybody involved all the way down to the grandchildren..
What steps have you taken to make things right with regard to Gary’s flat in Seapoint, Cape Town, South Africa?
Our next move is to start a paper trail of all the monies involved dating back to 1967 up to this day, from South Africa all the way to Australia via England not to mention Mr. Jost in Switzerland.
You and the family might not want all that exposure. It might be simpler to tell the truth.
PS – Of course Gary is in full agreement with me regarding this communiqué.

You have made note of the year 1967.

Neil, of course, would have known that Alan first sent his sister all the way to England and Roz had no other business there. And when she came up empty handed, it had to be like a danger going through Alan’s chest that would have him heave his dying body for the arduous journey.

You probably haven’t thought much what Alan must have felt like when the items were missing and he would have known instantly who took them?

You know that it was not my mother because she also did not have them in her possession. My mother does remember as of Aug 1, when she and I last spoke, that she had her will in the study of her home where you might know that Alan kept the group photo of him and Ben-Gurion.

A. Zulman of course was not looking for my mother’s will or who would replace him as her guardian.

Where no doubt exists, Alan Zulman was sending the clearest message when removing my sister Kathy as his executor and not replacing her with either Neil or Melvin, that he trusted all 3 of them as far as he could throw them.

That message was far more important than replacing Kathy with you as executor.

We are now into day 25 since my communication with my mother Zena has been cut.


[Word count 727]
