Play your secretary – All that will be forsaken – All good people
From: Gary2 <>
Subject: Play your secretary -Re: Your Greefswald contacts
Date: January 17, 2020 at 3:12:38 PM PST
To: Gary Lubbe <>
Cc: rest; Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Prof. Steve Jones” <>, Freddy Rueda <>, “Frenchman Jean Figadere – multiple South African Aerobatics champion. Unfriended as a FB friend by Gary Gevisser” <>, Fabienne Lacourpaille – Unfriended as a FB friend by Gary Gevisser <>, “JOÃO US.” <>, “Professor Richard Pithouse senior researcher, programme co-ordinator and supervisor at the Unit for Humanitites at Rhodes University. No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers.” <>, “Alan Mark Zeligson – Greefswald Ward 22 inmate.” <>, “Melvin Gevisser – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, “Radiologist Dr. Peter Chait MD – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Divion – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, Werner Filmmaker <>
I gave them a heads up with my previous heavily broadcasted emails to you that in due course you will find along with all your writings on my BLOG
Do you understand the consequences for money being no object for mineral monopolist De Beers-Oppenheimer?
Will you spell out what you think they are?
May I suggest that you go back to your inbox and hit the “reply all” button and write the following:
“Gary, soon as I can I’d like to touch base with Spero and Torro? (perhaps you won’t mind giving them a heads up some time)? Till next time.”
Could it be all the zol you smoked leading up to you being sent to deprived Apartheid Regime’s Greefswald military headquarters and/or your bush warfare training to shoot and ask questions later has you writing to me to give these folks a “heads up” or are you just talking to talk in an effort to distract?
Just because I talk with people like you does not mean I’m stupid.
Do you remember anything I wrote to you or have you like anyone having been caught playing stupid, simply moved on?
Why suddenly did you have so much time being freed up to ask me to play your secretary?
Do you see the human getting uglier on the inside as well with the pounds of fat it adds on every year that has it wobbling from side to side much the same as it’s brain bashing against the walls of the skull?
Btw are you fatter than when during your bush warfare training?
Most importantly do you think humans should need to show they are accomplished before being allowed to procreate?
Could you see a Creator which has all of nature communicating instantly and supported by Quantum Mechanics versus man limited by the max speed of light and gravity making the fat human that much more disagreeable while trying to put on a happy face to attract others before doing what they like best which is to drain positive humans of all their energy, instantly making the unmoved human into a tree or bush to compensate for all the hot air they produced in their previous lifetime?
Does that make you want to be more appreciative of nature and opposed to development or more curious about the ingenuity that goes into trees not being the only source of oxygen?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 17, 2020, at 1:56 PM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Gary, soon as I can I’d like to touch base with Spero and Torro? (perhaps you won’t mind giving them a heads up some time)? Till next time.
Sent from GJL
From: Gary2 <>
Subject: All that will be forsaken – Fwd: Optimism -: 2 Pennies worth
Date: January 16, 2020 at 2:01:36 PM PST
To: Gary Lubbe <>
Cc: REST; Elon Musk <>, “MaryJane Schmidt – TESLA Customer Insights Analyst, Ownership Advocacy” <>, Peter Thiel c/o Flyrlabs <>, Nicholas & Jonathan Oppenheimer c/of Leila Jack The Brenthurst Foundation <>, Nicholas Cartel <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <>,Trevor Noah – Daily Show <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, Chairman’s Oppenheimer <>, Tony Leon – Former head of the South African Democratic Alliance Party <>, Nicholas & Jonathan Oppenheimer c/of Leila Jack The Brenthurst Foundation <>
Gary – I know you mentioned the other day that things were piling up at the office, and what I sent you earlier, BRINGING EVERYONE UP TO SPEED, is at the bottom, perhaps with the several photos now included with 2 PENNIES WORTH it will drive your imagination to think of the so many very poor people out there throughout the world in total despair and their young children with only more hopelessness to look forward to, so much good your expertise in bush warfare has done for the planet.
Then again with everything lining up, it takes just one step for Elon Musk to end the nightmare of the poor and all that will be forsaken is those who love to hate
Sent from my iPhone
From: “” <>
Date: December 4, 2019 at 7:05:49 PM PST
To: “MaryJane Schmidt – TESLA Customer Insights Analyst, Ownership Advocacy” <>
Cc: Rest; Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, David Berlinski – very smart mathematician-philosopher <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. ותומר טנא” <>
Subject:Optimism -: 2 Pennies worth
One other quick point; if Elon could get back up on the stand and say that while his father was not all that great, his mother more than made up for his father’s deficiencies.
Moreover, Elon’s naiveté, his spontaneity allows for immense productivity, and the entire planet is profiting from it.
Who else is giving the youth optimism?
On Dec 4, 2019, at 5:47 PM, wrote:
Dear MaryJane Schmidt and other TESLA employees included both in the cc and blind copy section.
Please pass along to Mr. Musk.
I picked up in this one article…CLICK HERE
From: Gary2 <>
Subject: All good people – Re: I just forwarded u a bunch of email broadcasts – check your spam
Date: January 14, 2020 at 2:19:32 PM PST
To: Gary Lubbe <>
Cc: rest; Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers.” <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Samuel Mark Tollman – born and raised Jewish in Durban, South Africa. Served in the Apartheid Regime’s military. Converted to Islam. No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, Bobby Buba Jacobs <>, Ugly Billy I hear that your mother is in perfectly good hands Jacobs – No longer FB friend <>, “Melvin Gevisser – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, “Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban, South Africa. South Africa – Clifford Benn who fought in the DAAC’s [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation’s bloody Angolan War where the DAAC backed both sides, was later caught in a DAAC sting Illicit Diamond Buying [IDB] operation when working at South African Clothing Industries whose co-founder was Alan Zulman, my mother’s second husband.” <>, “Radiologist Dr. Peter Chait MD – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Divion – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, “Diane-David Levy – Captain in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army; President of Jewish Orthodox synagogue La Jolla, Calif. and another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and murdered Sandy Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – Learned discipline and duty in the South African Apartheid Regime’s-Third Reich’s Southern Division military.” <>, “Alan Mark Zeligson – Greefswald Ward 22 inmate.” <>, Alan Cline – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “Geoffrey Rothwell – former principal economist for Nuclear Energy Agency housed within the OECD.” <>, Peter Thiel c/o Flyrlabs <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Netherlands embassy in Kabul <>, Eoin Higgins <>, Haneen Zoabi – Muslim Arab member of Israeli Knesset <>,, Yoko Grandsagne – Abstract artist wife of Hubert Astier – former Director of Versailles & Vice Minister of Culture <>, Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <>, “Yoav Navy.” <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>
I think the timing is perfect.
So why when the the time is 1:42 pm California time should we all wait for you to finish the book that troubles all the unaccomplished?
Btw, did you get around to reading my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon by De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton of unwitting De Beers-Anglo American (DAAC) stooge, terrorist financier Marc Rich?
Do you think I should be troubled that no one else on the planet had either the knowledge or courage to speak out publicly against an atrocity that only a sick human would want to bury?
Can you imagine if only one diplomat or economist or media person or politician or philanthropist decided to run with the ball, if for no other reason they wanted to retain their sanity?
Do you think that when all I encountered was either a cold shoulder or total silence that I had got it wrong?
Since my first article was published on Feb 1, 2001, going on 19 odd years ago, and no one has asked me any questions, do you think they are all good people?
Of course there would not have been 9/11 or any of the future wars 9/11 sparked.
At the same time all real estate speculation throughout the planet would have ground to a halt as the pivotal role the banks play in the distracting war business would have been exposed in open Congressional hearings.
So why not put the wrongs of the past behind and begin this very hour afresh?
The fact that only one person, Elon Musk does not have his hands dirtied is nothing short of a miracle, wouldn’t you agree?
Wouldn’t you like to see me debate Peter Thiel even if you have never heard of this investor with the closest of ties to Nazi Deutsche Bank-House of Saud-Mr Bone Saw? You sound very garbled while wanting me to stay polite. That sounds like someone with a very troubled past.
Try to remember how you found me on the internet and that shouldn’t be difficult
In that heavily broadcasted communique you got a lot of information beyond Spero who you have far more in common with than me because at Greefswald like the rest of the Apartheid Regime’s military and police forces you were turned into brutal killers when otherwise totally indifferent to the sufferings of others
Like my 2 elder brothers as well as brother in law David Danziger who also served this one of a kind Nazi regime all your unconsciousness comes to the surface the moment you begin reading The D I book and realize how little you know about the real world and at the source of your depravity are your out of control egos which do not hide your growl for it illuminates your love of hating the good, such as Elon Musk
One must remain eternally optimistic because the depravity of man has to be as finely tuned as the most perfectly tuned piano.
So again, the fact that you did not think that being placed in Greefswald because you were a pot smoker was to observe how brainwashing – which is what smoking pot most often also does to the human brain – can have you murdering other defenseless humans in cold blood and/or turning a blind eye to evil.
How totally wonderful that both Elon and his younger brother chose to listen to their conscience and avoid at all cost joining the military of the Oppenheimers’ cowardly Apartheid Regime which amongst many things is a very black mark Jewish South Africans have to bear for eternity unless they are like me exposing the Oppenheimers and their bought minions.
The same brainwashing of course is accomplished by newspapers and tv news without forgetting the brainwashing of advertising all of which fills up the increasing empty, vacuum of space between the ears which like in deep space no sound can be heard.
Have you ever thought of paying attention to your pet communicating with you or people who have pets but are as indifferent to caring for their pet’s health as they are for their own health?
Most people live to talk shit and eat shit and they don’t notice much difference between themselves and the company they keep.
Again Elon Musk is a breath of fresh air and it can’t be a random event that has such a practical visionary being also so open and reachable.
Since you didn’t answer whether or not you wanted to be put in touch with Spero who lives in Israel and is petrified of the religious Jewish people maybe you will learn more from him and people like author Torr, also an inmate of Greefswald, than you will from me
Have Spero remind you of the words “Nation of Israel lives” which was written in Hebrew on a hill nearby your detestable Greefswald although I’m sure you will agree that there is a better word to describe such human deprivation.
He should also describe all the saluting he had to do for the higher ups when a group of senior American Air Force officers arrived to learn more about the art of asymmetrical warfare conducted by these monsters during the height of the Apartheid Regime and as Harry Oppenheimer was about to take control of the US auto and truck industry, the same with the US Congress, British Parliament and the such with the pending arrival of his catalytic converters embedded with 1.9 grams of platinum, which of course achieved the goal of thumbing his nose at the trade boycott imposed on South Africa by the supposedly “civil minded” Allied nations at the same time H. Oppenheimer financed the Soviet Union’s proxy war in Angola where your bush warfare training would have come in handy had you been just a few years younger?
Since you say you only adhere to the words of God in directing your moral code and otherwise do as you please, feel free to contact others you see in the cc section who are also keen to downplay very sick Operation Greefswald.
Ps – imagine if Elon Musk who is now using French words and either he is reading my writings and who in their right mind wouldn’t pay attention to the beauty and so bright words of my Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion and/or he is listening to his children and what they are watching on Tv along with video games they play where everything is about instant gratification for the poor thinker, decided that to help save the rivers that pollute the seas with animal waste including the antibiotics that are pumped into them all to satisfy the craving of meat-dairy for the out of control disgusting human addictions which also reach the little fishes, he was going to become vegan.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 14, 2020, at 3:06 AM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Hello another time.
Sent from GJL
On 14/01/2020, at 7:33 AM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:
You should get your own fb account so you can join my group chats.
My response: thanks for the advice, but I’m okay without it (time is too tight for me to hang on fb).
Btw, did you notice that you haven’t asked me a single question about the Oppenheimers?
My response: yes I’d say I have noticed, I have cognisance that I haven’t asked you a single question re the Oppenheimer’s / TDI, time permitting (as mentioned before) I’ll finish reading the book. I’ll make comments then (if we haven’t given up on comms by then..). Currently pretty hectic at the office, thanks for understanding.
Do you find that people who have a belly protruding beyond their rib cage are out of touch?
My response: I haven’t given it too much time thinking about it, I’d say yes you have a point.
How can you be in touch with the heartbeat of the universe if you are not in touch with your own body?
My response: my body and all other bodies will return to dust, not so? (In the meantime I know what my body is telling me and know how to take care of it).
If you are told since you are a child “eat eat eat” and you are addicted to the sugar meat – dairy liquified meat, how can you possibly think logically?
My response: interesting point, it probably is preferable to eat as little meat as possible.
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: January 13, 2020 at 10:20:48 AM PST
To: Gary Lubbe <>
Subject:Re: I just forwarded u a bunch of email broadcasts – check your spam
To be Jewish does not mean a circumcision or learning Hebrew or both, it means a questioning mind.
A questioning mind is sure great to have, a high IQ van be of much benefit.. I would however suggest that: we shouldn’t always believe what we think (and of ourselves), what we think of others, what we think others think of us etc etc.
Then again if you were doing drugs/alcohol at 13 by which time only a third of your brain had matured thus cutting off circulation to the the two-thirds and the one third totally messed up then today at 66 you wouldn’t remember what the authorities at Greefswald were observing when putting you through the paces before having you shoot defenseless black schoolchildren in the back.
Sounds logical and sadistical at the same time. (I hope I misread what you say about .when putting you (me)? through the paces..)? I remember a great deal of my past, I choose to reroute bad thoughts or deal with them. Having spent a reasonable amount of time in the SA bush war (and held hostage with my wife and two children by five armed robbers), I am greatfull that I have not had to kill or shoot a single person (based on your response here, I’m not sure you actually read all of which I have written before, hope I’m wrong). The Lord is my strength and my protection, whom shall I fear? I fear no man or man’s opinions but Him alone. Do you do you the same?
The fact that you are so slow in asking me questions about The D I book which you should have long finished at the same time as your children and grandchildren so long as they are 12 years of age and older does not have me expecting you to come around
As mentioned I’ll respond with comments (not with questions necessarily), I am well informed about many things, I trust you won’t underestimate my intellect. Comm’s / writing takes up time, I wouldn’t want to waist your or my own time Gary. You sound like a straight shooter, I am too, however ahavah is far better for me (through which manner I can and do show much respect to you others). Please let’s remain polite and decent. Shalom chavrim.
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On Jan 13, 2020, at 9:57 AM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Hi. No, not Jewish but have had an interest in the Torah / Tanach / the Bible since age twenty (it started as a child). I hit the point of nowhere to go (started experimenting with drugs and alcohol at age thirteen). Born and grew up in Benoni, it “so happened” that some of the youth in this town suddenly became very interested in drugs (pot, LSD, and all that went with it).
Hope you don’t mind me sharing a bit more of my life here? When the Yewish Moshiach touched my life, all things changed abruptly. Take good care chavrim.
Sent from GJL
On 14/01/2020, at 6:00 AM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:
Are you Jewish?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 13, 2020, at 2:39 AM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Cheers Gary. I started reading some of the broadcasts and will get back to you once done and finished with TDI as well.
Intrigued by the content of it all and by your approach to matters from a Jewish perspective. Admittedly the material is rather different from what I’m currently reading/studying but will keep digging.
(it so happens I started learning a bit of Hebrew a year ago in my spare time, I’m not too shabby re. the aleph bet and a few vowel pointers, but a long way from fluent reading)
Till next time. Be well. Shalom.
Sent from GJL
On 12/01/2020, at 9:05 PM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote: I just forwarded u a bunch of email broadcasts
Do any of them talk to you and if so what specifically?
Sent from my iPhone
Original messaging
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Re: Who are you?
Date: January 11, 2020 at 11:51:19 PM PST
To: Gary Lubbe <>
Have you finished the book?
What do u think Musk would think once he read it?
Had u any idea about the power of the Oppenheimers?
Had the thought not occurred to you that they were the power behind the Apartheid Regime?
Aren’t you curious about what is going on in my facebook group chats and in particular who are members of them?
Do you want me to put you in touch with Torr and Barry Speedo?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 11, 2020, at 7:04 PM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Sorry not on fb (the wife is).
Sent from GJL
On 12/01/2020, at 2:21 PM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:
I have been going to Israel since I was 9, but never settled there. I went straight to the US from SA
Most people who read the first paragraph of The D I book can’t put it down which doesn’t stop most all of them, from the richest to the desperately poor from shutting down.
You saw from what you first read that I share the knowledge.
You should do the same starting with family members and you will quickly figure out their moral code.
Are you on fb?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 11, 2020, at 4:21 PM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Around 70 at a guess..
(..I said two paragraphs, I meant two chapters..)
Were you in Israel before going to the the US?
Do you intend writing on the topic and or share info with others? (either way I have no problem, would just like to know).
Sent from GJL
On 12/01/2020, at 9:09 AM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:
Siri was not clear
How many were at the camp when u were there?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 11, 2020, at 11:32 AM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Hi Gary.
Interesting first paragraph statement in your mail, I’d like to chat or know more about it down the line? (I started checking out the diamond invention, first two paragraphs, ‘will keep reading and check out the rest).
I saw the number seventy come up somewhere on the web page. If I was to guess the 71/72 (July 71 intake), I’d say it could have been about the same.
My stay was about three months. I started at Lenz army base (ADK) July 71. Did basic training there. Our company was transferred to Grootfontein after about two months of basics.
I earned myself a drug-use and rebellious reputation during basics (so I knew I was being watched. I was fully searched one night around midnight in the bungalow where I stayed).
Yep I was not directly aware of any sexual abuse stuff while at the Vault and also while at 1-Mil. (I heard about shock therapy at 1-Mil but didn’t see any evidence of it). This may have had to do with my being a late arrival to the experiment. I have memory of two gay guys amongst the troops, but never heard of sexual abuse concerning them either. As child or teenager and beyond I did not experience sexual abuse, consequently I wasn’t tuned into it. (I had sexual desires for the opposite sex only).
Furtherto, I must arrived about a month or less at Greefswald after the shooting. Most likely the whole experiment was toned down around that time I’d say?
The shooting story I was told went like this: the troops were being lectured this one eve, as they had been on other evenings as well. One of the guys fell asleep, he was instructed to do push-ups and stopped after a while on own accord. This created an upset between the guys and officer / petty officers conducting the lecture. The troops went for their rifles outside the “menasie” (the mess) and so did the staff. One of the troops was bulleted through the leg and another part of the body I was told. Apparently things cooled down shortly after that. I understand this to have happened as a consequence of the frustration build up within the troops.
I’ve been trying to make contact with some of the guys I buddied with, but to no avail as yet – we were a few musicians hanging together (some of the guys there were into witchcraft I was told).
Gotta run, catch up again soon..
Sent from GJL
On 12/01/2020, at 5:18 AM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:
Like Musk I chose not to support the Oppenheimers’ regime- it was much easier for us Jewish South Africans as Israel had an open door policy as long as u were Jewish
How may we’re at the camp during your time? How long did u spend there?
Are you saying that you saw no signs of sexual abuse
Why were they expecting it?
Explain the live ammo shootout
Chk out
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 10, 2020, at 8:30 PM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Cheers for writing back and for the interesting information – a Tesla drive plus-plus?, sounds great!
Good health, nothing we can do without it indeed, I am holding out pretty good as well. Where you there? If yes sorry about that, if no, awesome, you’ll be better off.
(the long and the short of my story.. I returned from main gate guard duty on a mid-summers day in Grootfontein, Namibia (these days), with an open parcel awaiting me on the desk of the commander in charge, they were expecting it and they waited patiently for such to arrive, what can I say, it was my fault.. Even so, the 1-IC was a gentleman. I think the RP’s first got hold of the parcel and took it to him).
Interesting question you ask about Audrey Levin. Although I came through the 1-Mil channel, I must have met with him for short bursts only (maybe ‘cause I was a late entry to “the program“, not at all sure). I had no idea he was into sexual abuse of his patients – I feel for the guys who were far less fortunate than I was. The bits I’ve read on the website is shocking mind boggling stuff. What I heard when I joined the 71/72 group (three months prior to “uitklaar” at 4SAI Middleburg, i was assigned to nine-months conscription), was that there was a live ammo shootout between troops and some of the Greefswald leadership one evening following an incident which started in the “menasie” during one of many evening war-lectures they conducted). I also recall the guys were always trying to go after Levin when he “popped” into Greefswald, every so now and then by chopper.
After completing my conscription I started getting into the field of electronics, back in civilian life. Having been an early school dropout, I started catching up on my poor knowledge of the same, then got into electronic technician work, concluded my tertiary studies in electronics then worked as a design and communications engineer in the same discipline back in SA. After which I went into tertiary electronic/electrical lecturing/teaching, and writing a college book for second year students. (I’m still lecturing to this day.. i.e. in New Zealand).
Thanks for mentioning about you writing. I shall hope to look into the book by Epstein, at the same time look out for your material (do let me know of a website if you like to look into)? I somehow lost interest in writing a second and third technical college book, maybe I’ll pickup on it again, at some point in time.
All the best with what you are busy with, it sure sounds very interesting. Thank you for sharing a few aspects of your life. Do keep me posted if you can. I’ll gladly help with more stuff about “that place” (they hammered us in training to make “the best” fighters out of us.. that’s what they believed; fifty pushups each time they figured we were loafing, apparently we were “better” than the Bats.. who knows). Be well, take care, till next time.
Sent from GJL
On 11/01/2020, at 1:10 PM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:
I’m currently passing the Tesla Freemont factory in a Tesla s on auto pilot which if you haven’t experienced u must before you die or get sick which is worse than death in my opinion and why I take my good health seriously
So they threw u into a camp run by Aubrey Levin because of a parcel of zol- that is sick
Glad you came out of it intact
Were you aware of any sex perversion?
What did u do with the residence your life?
I write on the military economy
I’m finishing a book which picks up where Prof Edward j Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book THE DIAMOND INVENTION leaves off. It is free on the internet
Btw on the way back to Southern calif where my French-canadienne wife Marie Dion + our world traveler doggy Mango live, we will be touring the Tesla factory
Ps – u can find me on Facebook
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 10, 2020, at 3:48 PM, Gary Lubbe <> wrote:
Hi there, my name is Gerrie Lubbe (sometimes called Ginger back in 71/72). I was posted there for (indirect) possession because of a parcel sent to me (contains grass, zol..) as ell as being in possession of drug related literature. ‘Able to chuck the habit(s) acid etc) at twenty. I’m sixty six, family man, wife, two children (five grandchildren). How about you, how are going? Many thanks for taking time to make contact 👍.
Sent from GJL
On 11/01/2020, at 9:42 AM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote:
What were you doing to be assigned to Greefswald
I think Spero was there in 73
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