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An event you cannot control is controlling your future destiny – There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.

From: GaryStevenGevisser <>

Subject: An event you cannot control is controlling your future destiny – Re: Pat – did you receive the communication I sent you last evening?
Date: March 19, 2018 at 5:39:13 PM PDT
To: Pat
Pat – I feel the same way about you and your wife and this our dogs already know.

There is a lot to be said about “random conversations” even those were the participants talk to talk, because those people are to be avoided at all cost.
I have also increasingly paid more attention to coincidences which are similar if not identical to “random conversations”.
Just the other day I wrote the following to a bunch of people:
Coincidences delay you even if you focus on them a split-second because you are prevented in that moment from moving on; therefore every coincidence impacts your future and that in turns means that an event you cannot control is controlling your future destiny.

Earlier today as Marie, Mango and I were preparing to go on a hike here in the Cleveland National Forest where we have a stone cabin which Marie bought in 2002 and it is cabin #11 and hanging on an inside wall were two steel nails with the number 42 stamped on top – CLICK HERE, I was just researching Megyn Kelly on youtube and really not paying all that much attention but in any event I clicked onto an interview she did about a year ago with Putin and my mind was already moving on to the hike ahead and I pressed on the pause just as words spoken by Putin flashed on the screen, and I hadn’t read what came before because my head was turned in another direction. Those words read:

Jews are to blame for everything, you see? You are stupid & can’t do anything, but Jews are to blame.

It seemed funny, and I read it back to Marie who mouthed what I was feeling, “He must really like Jewish people”.

Yet, Putin has used the word “Jews” quite a bit lately, or so it seems, and it has upset a lot of Jewish people, and it is not like we watch the news because we haven’t had a TV in well over two decades. Words also don’t display the intonation.
But the question mark after the first sentence said it all. Without it he sounded anti-Semitic. Then I went back to the screen before and his words read, “Overall, this reminds me of anti-Semitism.”
You would expect that someone such as myself has zero political bias given my knowledge of how all elections are bought, and they have always been, the same with the opposition. The rulers of old never willingly gave up their power and those who took over quickly figured there was nothing to be gained by changing the doctrine of the old rulers and to just make out like there were changes being made in the direction of democracy, by simply making bunches of laws and giving work to the lawyers.
Lawyers as well as medical doctors did not have a good reputation prior to the turn of the last century because they were considered total drek. I think you will get that word even if you haven’t heard it before.
Putin is an important man and he came across as much smarter than Megyn Kelly who he totally crushed. I have only in the last couple of days heard about her because she more recently did another series of interviews with Putin. That is because Putin is much smarter than Kelly who felt the need to tell Putin that she is a lawyer when he made a comment about she might do well to have a law background.
She was totally out of her league and nor did Putin pull out his big guns.
You should have your son read what I sent you and at the same time start reading Epstein’s 1978, The Diamond Invention book. A great many people throughout the world know about it and as you start reading it you will know why they are so quiet which explains why you don’t know about it.
Someone such as Elon Musk is very likely already well up to speed given how his mother continues to allow a recent and important posting of mine to be seen on her FB wall by her thousands of followers.
While I don’t see anyone in the wings anywhere close Musk in terms of what he can do for humanity, I am quite optimistic he is going to make the right decision and take all my advice. 
That sounds like a “tall order” but when you consider the dark forces at play and Musk having a concern for people and the planet and you don’t find that with one other very rich person, it tells me that he has been picked for the job.
I don’t even want to consider the prospects of him falling short.
All the best,

On Mar 19, 2018, at 4:00 PM, Pat wrote:

It was truly a pleasure to meet and talk with you. My children have always teased me about my “Gift of Gab” and how I tend to talk and have conversations with random strangers.
Before we spoke you were just a man enjoying a morning coffee with his dog.  You are now a research author who has a passion for teaching others about a man who contributed greatly to the success of the Allied Forces during WWII.
I shared with my son the name of Field Marshall Jan Smuts and he told me he has read about him but didn’t know much about the man and he looks forward to learning more about him.
My wife and I enjoyed our conversation Saturday morning and now the stranger and his dog is a friend.


via IPhone

On Mar 18, 2018, at 09:08, GaryStevenGevisser <> wrote:

It was titled, “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”

Given it size, mostly photos responsible for that, it could have been dumped into you “trash”.
There were of course parts I left out including the role that Smuts played in the Versailles Peace Treaty which made it virtually impossible for Germany to survive without cheating.
No one likes to be dominated which is why the history of the world is the history of warfare.
Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
All the best,

Original message:

From: GaryStevenGevisser <>
Subject: “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”
Date: March 17, 2018 at 9:20:34 PM PDT
To: Pat
Dear Pat,
Nice to meet you and your beautiful wife.
Using your words, “many authors produce many books per year, but they don’t do the reseach, to make sure it is authentic”, which I might use when responding to an email I received earlier in the day from a first cousin of my rather extraordinary mother Zena,
who has done much more with her life than write a timeless booklet, THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN
Should I have your words not quite accurate, please let me know 🙂
I was very fortunate to learn 
very early in life what it took to become an Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot
 with the world’s second oldest air force, the South African Air Force whose “father” was none other than South African General, Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950] who was also the “Father” of the Royal Air Force and the Israel Air Force, which begins to tell a story that only the most accomplished or those youngsters who have not lost their search for truth, can handle.
Best of all with the majority of the world’s population yet to be born, I expect a 100% market penetration.
Why it is that your 19 year old son, who has to show some degree of athleticism in order to be eager to join the US Air Force’s Pararescumen Special Forces, would choose to investigate the Hitler Youth Movement is more than fascinating given the option of playing computer games and being part of the crowd.
What he will have uncovered, however, in doing his research, is not possibly close to the truth, because that research is not easy to find.
Nor should he be too spoon-fed, for he risks the dreadful feeling of stupid, and then the ugliness sets in.
Having a father such as yourself who is accomplished is a great feather in your son’s cap because you know best how to guide him.
No doubt, your wife, is equally equipped to bring out the best in him.
There is an old Jewish saying, “The only person who knows who you are is your spouse and God”. Nor does one have to agree with it; I am just pointing out that it is an old Jewish saying.
I already mentioned the obvious of how incredibly non-Aryan was both Hitler and the chief Nazi propagandist Goebells, who foretold so well the manipulation that was going on, “The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie, than a small lie”.
Hitler was a joke, but Goebells would only make sense in a Saturday Night Live skit which in order to pull it off one would need to have the audience on LSD, and even then it would be a tough sell.
I also mentioned that the economics of Germany prevented the Hitler Youth Movement getting nothing less than a good, stolid kick in their behinds which the already well established Jewish underground; namely Haganah were more than equipped to deliver without having to call on President Putin to provide the hypersonic missile system delivering multiple nuclear warheads on President Trump’s Florida estate 🙂
Killing Hitler was first of all not an easy task because the movie reels don’t show how incredibly well he was protected. Once getting rid of Hitler also meant that his replacement might not have as big an ego.
Better the devil you know than having to start from scratch building up intelligence once the more skilled replacement completes the job of wiping out all 12 million European Jewry.
The Haganah was founded in 1920, and in 1925 my mother’s paternal grandmother, Nechie Bardash [1874-1943] 
wasted little time in joining. She had long been a “kinsman” of Mossad-Haganah head David Ben Gurion as both she and Ben Gurion were born in the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland.
“Bardash” as I mentioned translates from the Hebrew into “House of Ash”.
In 1925, Nechie left England for Tel-Aviv where Mossad remain headquartered, and only returned in 1929 when my mother Zena was born. Her father, my grandfather Abraham Bardash 
who was born in Leeds, England on December 5, 1899, could have afforded the best tutors money could buy, but all of them combined wouldn’t have amounted to much when compared to the knowledge of his mother who when she was 14 and Ben Gurion 2 years of age, Nechie witnessed the slaughter of her entire immediate family following a gang of Cossacks on a night out on the town having fun killing Jews.
With no one to take care of her, Nechie was shipped out to distant relatives in England who for reasons unbeknown to me, did not treat her all that kindly.
Witnessing such brutality could easily scar a child for life, but that is not how my mother remembered her grandmother who lived in my mother’s household and helped raise my mother for the first 14 years of her life.
Nor was Nechie’s favorite child, my grandfather the most naive person in the world as his knowledge of military matters began when he volunteered at age 14 to fight with the Allies and he lasted, fighting on the front lines the entire war.
Nechie died under mysterious circumstances. First she was run over in a “hit and run” when crossing the street. Then she fell down a flight of stairs in a boarding house where she was recuperating.
Given the nature of her work which was setting up safe houses for Smuts and Ben Gurion to meet in London, would provide motive, but still there was never any proof.
As you look into the history of Smuts, what you find is a most remarkable man who had little to gain by advocating for the protection of Jewish people, other than Smuts simply followed his conscience as well as his good read of history.
He hated communists because they lied. 
He strongly supported giving Stalin, the liar of liars, all the help he needed because at least this would mean being able to control the arms and intelligence flow, as his operatives would be granted unfettered access to Stalin’s military-industrial-complex.
I also mentioned that Smuts and his fellow Boer Commanders pioneered asymmetrical warfare during the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902 where they lost the war with great honor against the best soldiers in the world who had the Boers heavily outnumbered and outgunned, but within 8 years had “won the peace” as the British Government handed back control of mineral rich South Africa to Smuts and his fellow Boer Commander Louis Botha.
It is possible that such a feat was a first in the history of mankind, the oxymoron of all time, and unlikely to be ever repeated.
While Botha became prime minister, administrative genius Smuts took on the portfolios of Ministry of Defense, Treasury and Mines.
In other words, unless one has mastered the mining industry, one should never teach economics or finance, let alone be Secretary of the Treasury and Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Have you noticed how increasingly the Presidents of the United States as well as opposition candidates don’t have their children serving on the front lines?
You mentioned how Churchill resigned himself to give up “aspirations” of ever being a military commander again following the disastrous Gallipoli landings in the Dardanelles, which had everything to do with Churchill, but a close examination shows clearly that it was Churchill’s superiors who screwed up royally.
So Churchill paid a hefty price, but that did not mean he became stupid. He perfectly understood that his superiors were looking for a scapegoat.
Still Churchill failed for the simple reason he was not convincing, and he took his punishment “like a man”.
Had he Smuts by his side, then it would be most likely a very different story, and nor might either Smuts or Churchill have achieved greatness in the years to come.
One can never have “sour grapes” in this life once one has given of one’s best.
The Gallipoli Campaign began on February 17, 1915 and and ended on January 9, 1916.
Smuts only joined the British War Cabinet in mid-1917, and before that you can be assured he was not sipping Mai Tais in the Bahamas.
Nor was it a lottery ticket win that got him into the innermost sanctums of Allied military intelligence.

No British or American soldier had close to Smuts’ military acumen or for that matter battlefield experience.
That did not mean that Smuts had a perfect score in ten-pin bowling, but nor did Smuts ever have to be concerned with anyone second guessing him.
By the time WW2 came around, it was inevitable that Churchill wanted the smartest person in the world at his side, and that allowed Churchill to have far less sleepless nights.
The British Royal Family, who had excommunicated the Nazi sympathizers
from their ranks, had little difficulty embracing Smuts who didn’t take his eye off the ball once Wallis Simpson became President of the Bahama Red Cross whose operatives in the Belgian Congo were supplying Hitler with his industrial diamonds,

 the same with the overwhelming majority of the British people.
As I also mentioned, had Churchill died or become incapacitated then Smuts would have become prime minister of Great Britain and South Africa, and nor did Smuts ever take up British citizenship.
Smuts who coincidentally died on September 11, 1950, 51 years to the day prior to 9/11, had no problem remembering Chinese general Sun Tzi’s teaching, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”.
Why wouldn’t you want to know everything that Stalin was thinking by looking at how he handled the intelligence he was being given courtesy of the top ranking Allied soldier?
Smuts also advocated strongly that the British and American government should hand over our atomic bomb secrets to Stalin. Nor was he alone. Smuts’ very close friend Neils Bohr also strongly advocated that there should be no delay in getting Stalin the secrets.
If Stalin already had spies in our Manhattan Project then you would expect General Smuts to know all the details.
When it turned out that Stalin had two moles inside the Manhattan Project, Flaus Fuchs and Theodore Hall it would not have come as a surprise to Smuts.
So how come so much was made of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were the only ones executed?
The moral of the story is that one should not spy. Instead one should look for ways to make the world a more peaceful place which is not as difficult as it may sound, once one neutralizes those who profit from supplying all sides to war.
My “preoccupation” today with how best to respond to this first cousin of my mother Zena and which I was seeking help from my beautiful F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion who does not have a problem with me using the abbreviation as she finds it rather cute, is because it ties in with my efforts to bring out the best in Elon Musk, a fellow South African-American who I have never met or communicated with, but I have started the “ball rolling”.
My formal physics is not up there with that of Musk but that doesn’t prevent me from following his logic. I also know that he exhibits sufficient common sense that he would be able to follow my logic at the same time having the attention span, just so long as what I have to say is interesting.
Please let me know if there is anything that I have written which has put you to sleep.
The fact that my mother Zena chose never to meet or communicate with this one first cousin or any of her 3 siblings hasn’t prevented me from realizing that my now 88 year old mother was smart in deciding not to have anything to do with them.
The fact that this one first cousin is the first person to now help me publicly support the release of my mother Zena who is being held captive in her Netanya, Israel apartment, all credit must go to my mother.
Suffice to say my mother who never went to university and that didn’t prevent her from advising President John F. Kennedy, his brother Attorney General of the United States Senator Robert Kennedy as well as Robert Kennedy’s arch rival Aristotle Onassis, also didn’t need all her high school teachers to tell her that my mother was smarter than all of them because they were all reading out of the same text books, but my mother had a significant advantage over them beginning with the fact that my mother was probably the fastest speed reader on the planet.
Yes, I had the most cool mother as well as father
Bear in mind that I have a mission to complete not only the final draft of my forthcoming book which picks up where very interesting read, non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention,

written by scholarly Edward J. Epstein leaves off, but to have the first few copies printed by the time Marie, Mango and I leave for Europe in 4 weeks.
I also hope to have Elon Musk on board by then, and that would mean getting him to agree to make certain that everyone on the planet can afford a Tesla 🙂 without the world blowing up and making it that much easier to start out on a clean slate 🙂
In the event that you haven’t yet found the segment in the documentary Winston Churchill’s Bodyguard, this should make it easier:
Smuts, “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”
Winston Churchill’s Bodyguard 11 The Kiss of Life
32 minutes and 46 seconds, South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts’ name is mentioned for the first time. Film footage from June 12, 1944, 6 days after the D-Day landings.
The narrator begins:
Walter [Churchill’s bodyguard] was not the only one at risk that day for he was missing one of the most extraordinary lucky escapes that Winston was to have during the entire war.
The prime minister and his party were driven in brilliant sunshine to a chateau, about 5 miles inland from the beaches where General Montgomery had established his tactical headquarters. The front was only 3 miles away.
Monty had briefed them in his mobile map room, one of a group of caravans hidden amongst trees in the garden.
As they left to go to lunch a strange incident occurred which was later reported by major Noel Chavis, Montgomery’s aide-de-camp.
General Smuts stopped, sniffed the air, and then said, “There are some Germans still here, quite close to us.”
He was assured that there couldn’t be, that the whole area had been thoroughly searched.
“I can’t help that!” retorted Smuts. “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”
He looked around suspiciously, heading into the dense clumps of rhododendrons and laurels that surrounded the caravan.
Eventually he followed the rest of the party into the mess tent, and the incident was forgotten.
But two days later, two young German paratroops emerged from a huge rhododendron bush a few yards from where Smuts had stopped.
They had been cut off from their unit and gone to ground scraping a hole amongst the roots of the bush. Still fully armed they could have caused mayhem amongst the Allied high command had they decided to become heroes. Instead they lay there terrified, until hunger and exhaustion made them give up. It was an extraordinary incident but one which was not revealed to Winston or Walter until very much later.
Looking forward to future conversations,
