An event you cannot control is controlling your future destiny – There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.
From: GaryStevenGevisser <>
Date: March 19, 2018 at 5:39:13 PM PDT
To: Pat
Coincidences delay you even if you focus on them a split-second because you are prevented in that moment from moving on; therefore every coincidence impacts your future and that in turns means that an event you cannot control is controlling your future destiny.
Earlier today as Marie, Mango and I were preparing to go on a hike here in the Cleveland National Forest where we have a stone cabin which Marie bought in 2002 and it is cabin #11 and hanging on an inside wall were two steel nails with the number 42 stamped on top – CLICK HERE, I was just researching Megyn Kelly on youtube and really not paying all that much attention but in any event I clicked onto an interview she did about a year ago with Putin and my mind was already moving on to the hike ahead and I pressed on the pause just as words spoken by Putin flashed on the screen, and I hadn’t read what came before because my head was turned in another direction. Those words read:
Jews are to blame for everything, you see? You are stupid & can’t do anything, but Jews are to blame.
It seemed funny, and I read it back to Marie who mouthed what I was feeling, “He must really like Jewish people”.
On Mar 19, 2018, at 4:00 PM, Pat wrote:Gary,It was truly a pleasure to meet and talk with you. My children have always teased me about my “Gift of Gab” and how I tend to talk and have conversations with random strangers.Before we spoke you were just a man enjoying a morning coffee with his dog. You are now a research author who has a passion for teaching others about a man who contributed greatly to the success of the Allied Forces during WWII.I shared with my son the name of Field Marshall Jan Smuts and he told me he has read about him but didn’t know much about the man and he looks forward to learning more about him.My wife and I enjoyed our conversation Saturday morning and now the stranger and his dog is a friend.Cheers,
Patvia IPhoneIt was titled, “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”Given it size, mostly photos responsible for that, it could have been dumped into you “trash”.There were of course parts I left out including the role that Smuts played in the Versailles Peace Treaty which made it virtually impossible for Germany to survive without cheating.No one likes to be dominated which is why the history of the world is the history of warfare.Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.All the best,Gary
Original message:
From: GaryStevenGevisser <>
Subject: “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”
Date: March 17, 2018 at 9:20:34 PM PDT
To: Pat
Smuts, “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”Winston Churchill’s Bodyguard 11 The Kiss of Life32 minutes and 46 seconds, South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts’ name is mentioned for the first time. Film footage from June 12, 1944, 6 days after the D-Day landings.The narrator begins:Walter [Churchill’s bodyguard] was not the only one at risk that day for he was missing one of the most extraordinary lucky escapes that Winston was to have during the entire war.The prime minister and his party were driven in brilliant sunshine to a chateau, about 5 miles inland from the beaches where General Montgomery had established his tactical headquarters. The front was only 3 miles away.Monty had briefed them in his mobile map room, one of a group of caravans hidden amongst trees in the garden.As they left to go to lunch a strange incident occurred which was later reported by major Noel Chavis, Montgomery’s aide-de-camp.General Smuts stopped, sniffed the air, and then said, “There are some Germans still here, quite close to us.”He was assured that there couldn’t be, that the whole area had been thoroughly searched.“I can’t help that!” retorted Smuts. “There are Germans near us now. I can always tell.”He looked around suspiciously, heading into the dense clumps of rhododendrons and laurels that surrounded the caravan.Eventually he followed the rest of the party into the mess tent, and the incident was forgotten.But two days later, two young German paratroops emerged from a huge rhododendron bush a few yards from where Smuts had stopped.They had been cut off from their unit and gone to ground scraping a hole amongst the roots of the bush. Still fully armed they could have caused mayhem amongst the Allied high command had they decided to become heroes. Instead they lay there terrified, until hunger and exhaustion made them give up. It was an extraordinary incident but one which was not revealed to Winston or Walter until very much later.