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Apply only to fruit-flies” <>
Date: August 11, 2020 at 7:14:17 PM PDT
To: Galit <>
Cc: pascal nahon <>, “Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache, Israeli Embassy, Washington, DC DC” <>, Matthew CBS <>, “” <>, “” <>, Marta Rubau <>, “” <>, Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “” <>, Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>, Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <>, “Torah Gemach – Chabad member also having trouble with the 4th Commandment + Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book.” <>, Ernest Rady <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <>, Dr Dean Ornish MD <>, “Dr. Lim MD” <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, “Dr. Teri Lawton” <>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>, “Alan Brody – Hollywood TV host, startup fundraiser” <>, Daniel Ammann <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon – c/o Christopher Carter” <>,, Jean Figadère <>, “Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, shaun attwood <>,,, “” <>,, Werner Filmmaker <>,,,,, Elon Musk <>,, Sternshow <>, Howard Starbucks <>, “Steven Israel.” <>,,,,, Eric Metaxas – Socrates in the City <>,,,,, Jean Figadère <>, George Soros <>

Subject: Apply only to fruit-flies – Re:      Expendable casualty – Compulsory for every child – Zena Gevisser Zulman


Come on. You are now trying to say that you are not dumb.

You had two previous emails from me that you chose to ignore.
BTW, did you need my help in answering the question about why Black Hatters are successful fund-raisers because the donors want to get rid of them quickly?
Do you really think Torah Gemach needed a brief summary of “Expendable casualty” or more likely just wanting to write anything that would help him feel he has something to offer other than his vile his ugliness?
How do you bring out the best in people who are happy living with themselves doing bad stuff?
Would you say that explains most of the human race who live in toxic cities?
Do you think if shaming people who don’t give enough to charity works, that it would help to embarrass people who make a point of presenting themselves on social media platforms as nice and cool?
Why do you think most on social media, the same with much higher compensated TV talking heads and radio shock jocks like aging Howard Stern and fast fading Rush Limbaugh go to a lot of trouble putting on their best face as their Facebook and Instagram profile photo unless they are want to portray their image as a psychopath?
Do you think the proliferation of tattoo shops across the globe is because the people think this is the best way to imitate Messi or their ugly tattoos reflect their ugly insides?
Do you see low self-esteem as more an epidemic than COVID-19?
Obviously many if not most see the mouth as not part of the face.
The mouth roams when it is not foaming.
Moments ago on my Facebook group chat I posted up the following:
P438 – Discovering Truth, subtitle Order
People cannot stand people making it.
Let me give you all two examples; Zena Gevisser and Elon Musk.
They like the underdog as long as they remain the underdog.
No one is talking about the corruption of the money, specifically how it is valued and distributed to the least accomplished, the least contributing to the health of the planet.
Eat good do good.
That doesn’t prevent them all from talking about what the money means to them.
How to get them to change the narrative to what the money means to the SA Oppenheimers and their most reliable puppets both in government as well as the private sector?
I have my ideas that I’m implementing as we speak and there are others currently in the brew.
I would like to hear from each of (you) including you Professor Jim Byrne what ideas you would like to share. 
It has been 52 hours since @Figadere Jean (posted) his last “peace” (sic) which obviously doesn’t sit at all well with the rest of you.
But of course that could easily change because we are dealing with truth, that which does not change.
When you have everyone betting on the wrong (horse) it does not matter how many time or how much you bet on the wrong horse, it will still lose; in other words, you can’t increase the chances of winning by continuing to bet on the wrong horse.
I’m sure many of you could produce an algorithm which would prove my point.
I must admit it is something I could do but my goal is to make this (is) more interactive and since the deafening silences must have you either already feeling totally mad or going mad, the distraction of doing something logical and useful might help lower your anxiety level.
It is not possible to get any worse than Lot negotiating God down to 10 honest people in the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah and still Lot was NOT able to deliver.
Now of course that has to be the biggest bullshit fairytale of our Hebrew Bible, but it seems more than plausible that it is now coming alive in real time. 
Nothing comes close when comparing the injustice, the obscenity of the Nth degree as the atrocity befallen my mother Zena.
Remember, in the lead up to our Jewish Holocaust many people throughout the world saw Hitler for the clown that he is.
What they didn’t know was the extraordinary dark forces behind him making it impossible for the Nazis to be defeated in their ultimate goal of murdering as many Jewish people from the most populated Jewish regions on the planet in the shortest amount of time.
Guaranteed more Jewish people would have been up in arms had they the evidence and the ability to communicate globally in the next instant than all you silent and having the facts at your fingertips and me alongside just in case you need a little help.
What it tells you is that the Nazis were not exactly stupid or crazy, they were simply on a mission.
Obviously that mission has not only continued but they have been wildly successful.
I’m not saying for a moment that the Nazis have God on their side, God forbid.
Rather I’m amazed that you all can’t see that God must be good because God is on the side of the good.
The Nazis of World War 2 were nowhere near as successful as those who followed in their path and the only thing holding you all back is this fear of the almost light speed Internet.
That does not mean perfect nature is incapable of being in 2 places or more at the same time.
Nature has also shown itself repeatedly to be unpredictable because it is always unpredictable.
Who could have predicted such a wonderful phenomenon as we have right now?
Again when a corrupt person who is someone who has the knowledge of who exactly is behind the greatest corruption to have ever plagued the planet; namely the GDP economic index and they choose to (do) nothing other than their best effort to kill the messengers, this is proof of a paradigm shift taking place.
Time which is only relative to mankind the oxymoron of all time, is not working to any of your advantage.
Nor are any of you on the same team.
You are your own worst enemy and worst enemy of those you are bluffing.
You are not bluffing me.
The mask is aggressive enough without having to shove it in your face.
Did that last paragraph lighten you up?
Galit, you and your husband also like to engage others on Facebook which is why you have a Facebook account unless you are simply spying like most on both their fb friends and others they have a money beef with.
If it was knowledge you were truly after then you would be thanking me from the bottom of your heart.
Bear in mind that my Jewish day school in Durban, South Africa, Carmel College
has on our badge in both Hebrew and English the words, KNOWLEDGE IS LIGHT.
There was nothing light about the Gestapo’s Jewish Zagiew Collaboration network headed by Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus and his brother Bernard, both young immigrants from Nazi Germany who was ruling the roost.
The fact that most of the kids as well as their parents submissively accepted the Nazi rhetoric, IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM, I found particularly distasteful.
When I had the opportunity at 15 years of age to question Mossad head, David Ben Gurion about this atrocity which accomplished the Gestapo’s goal of spreading at an alarming rate hostility, anti-Semitism amongst the South African majority black, colored-mixed race and Indian population who were immigrants from India, just in case you think they came from Indian reservations in the United States, Ben Gurion answered simply, “If it wasn’t the stupid Lazarus clan, the Gestapo would have found more intelligent agents who might have fooled everyone!”
On hearing this common sense I did not return to my bungalow that I was sharing with my South African best friends and begin asking them questions.
It has been 47 years, 9 months and 10 days since I first met Ben Gurion as he spoke to our group for 30 minutes, all in Hebrew, on a small patch of green grass in front of his home at Sde Boker that I would become most familiar with.
After a minute or less it became clear that he was only speaking to me because he was talking about South African Fighter Bomber Pilots such as my father Bernie and no one else had a father who was even a WW2 fighter pilot, not even close.
It was also important for Ben Gurion to let me know that with or without orders had my father and the only other Jewish Fightet Bomber Pilot of General Smuts’ SAAF Squadron 11, his wingman Syd Cohen who went on to command Israel’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence less than 3 years later, had known about the death factories such as Auschwitz they would have bombed them to smithereens which would have been a very bad decision as you well know from reading Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s non-fiction 1978 book The Diamond Invention which Ben Gurion didn’t have the benefit of reading because this Epstein only wrote it in 1978, and future clients of mine Simon & Schuster published it in 1982.
By 1978 Ben Gurion had been dead 5 odd years and nor had The Third Reich’s Southern Division disbanded it’s Gestapo Jewish Zagiew network.
For good reason there are plenty of references to the Allies helping Nazis escape, such as Operation Paperclip but no mention of what was happening in the German-SA Oppenheimers’ backyard.
When someone like Walter Cronkite or Joe Biden or Colored South African Today Show host Trevor Noah or just think of any big name puppet tells you to do your research into a big name, senior American official who used to work for I G Farben just when Germany was ramping up to slaughter 6 million intercedes on behalf of the top officials of I G Farben who were given slap on the wrist prison sentences at the farcical Nuremberg-IG Farben War Criminal Tribunals and orders their quick release so that they could party on 6 February 1959 with their chief executive officer Carl Wurster who was found not guilty at Nuremberg, I could see each of you chomping at the bit, racing off to Google and when coming away with the name blasting it all over your Facebook wall.
Could it possibly be something about me and my mother that has you pricks feigning your interest?
As you can see from the support I receive from Jewish South Africans, they are stronger than ever.
Who could possibly stand to gain the most from protecting the German-SA Oppenheimers?
If I said it could be the Gestapo’s Jewish South African Zagiew network, would that have me accused of calling you stupid or anti-Semitic and/or spoon-feeding you when you already feel like you are forgetting how to feed yourself using a knife and fork?
The fake tight bond which exists between Jewish South Africans does not mean it will survive another moment or that their membership will continue growing from strength to strength.
Jewish people in general like to talk, especially politics which is why we have the Jewish joke, “Put 10 Jewish people in a room, you will have 11 arguments.”
Jewish South Africans are also no less jealous of others than the rest of humanity but the rest of humanity didn’t have pummeled into their heads the disgraceful, most untrue Nazi propaganda, IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM.
There were just a couple of ways one could be financially successful as a Jewish person in South Africa.
First was to not only promote that insane verbiage but to pay homage to the Durban North Lazarus clan or their counterparts in the other cities such as Cape Town, Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth who didn’t require that you give large sums of money at their fundraisers for the National (Socialist) Party who came to power on 26 May 1948 when defeating General Smuts and his United Party.
Such fundraisers took place at the homes of the two Lazarus brothers which were quite the mansions side by side.
All you had to do was attend, hobnob and make small conversations.
It was when you left that the real work began.
The attendees were the hardcore Jewish Gestapo Nazis and they kept their other family members on a very tight leash which was not all that difficult because they were not very bright to have bought into this nonsense propaganda.
But you know from your own life experience if you repeat something enough times to a stupid person, they don’t suddenly wake up bright when the sun rises the following day.
Talking badly about the Lazarus clan but doing nothing was the second way for a Jewish South African to get even richer than the Lazarus clan and their openly racist Jewish friends who continue to love them to death; and that you can see by their collection of mutual friends on Facebook; 
Why not start by looking at the fb friends of The Pig’s only son, the idiot Sydney Lazarus who has 2203 fb friends and we share 23 in common.
Now you are getting a much better idea of how two-faced are Jewish South Africans which does not mean any of them are smart, simply merciless which still doesn’t make any of them bright.
No fool Ben Gurion watched most carefully as you would expect from a smart person, all the liberal talking Jewish South Africans who spoke openly about the narrow mindedness of the Lazarus clan as the wealth of the liberal talkers grew exponentially while the ranks of the strong black South Africans kept thinning.
You know how difficult it is for the media to release the numbers of homeless around the world who have died from Covid-19 when not being kicked to death and coroners who are honest not about to begin speaking out.
When the Jewish South Africans did not take to the streets on 27 May 1948, the day following Smuts‘ defeat, the SA Oppenheimers did not take that as a sign they were about to confront major opposition to their duplicity.
Their National Party, now the Apartheid Regime aka The Third Reich’s Southern Division, wasted no time in beginning the killing spree.
The fact that the majority black South African population trusted us Jewish people who had suffered so horribly during the Holocaust to protect them cannot be blamed on the black South Africans.
They had no one else to trust.
Of course as time passed by and the young black men heading to the ANC-Umkhonto training camps never arrived and nor were they to be found helping build Sol “Gambling Czar” Kerzner’s 
colossal casinos in South Africa’s neighboring puppet territories because the Apartheid Regime considered gambling as immoral as a black person having sex with a white even if there were tons of whites lining up to have sex with one black prostitute, the black mothers and fathers still working small farms way out in the boonies began to wise up.
Ben Gurion’s emissaries, which included sophisticated South Africans of color as well non-Jewish whites made it their business to travel to these far flung black farming communities where a small trading shop like the one owned by the mother of Thabo Mbeki, South Africa’s second black puppet President, serviced a rather large area which when viewed by a small light aircraft such as the one you see below
flown by my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie back in 1948 with the war in Israel far from over, the people below were not considered Germans.
As the years ticked by and both the religious and non-religious Jewish South Africans got more settled into having black slaves so their leadership, again secular as well as religious, got increasingly louder voices.
Now you know because we have covered this previously, the person with the loudest voice doesn’t necessarily have the strongest argument.
You also know that speaking the most volume is deafening silences which are much louder than speaking loudly which can result from frustration with a dishonest person 
not answering your important question as they just speak nonsense into their cell phone recording or someone listening in on the end, and their words giving you little clue as to what they are saying other than you know it is a lie, but then later they cut and splice; you know what I mean.
When speaking with the owner of a small trading shop supplied by our general wholesaler Moshal Gevisser you learned quickly, assuming you were astute at gathering intelligence and knowing how best to gauge a stooge from the genuine article whose grief from the loss of her son was easily verified and the grieving mother, knowing that something terrible had to have happened on the way to the Umkhonto training camps, if able during these quiet solemn times to think further about the politics of Apartheid South Africa which profited one white small family more than all the whites combined.
There was only one name, Oppenheimer.
When the loud mouth fake opposition to the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime were now most all Jewish and Jewish judges such as Judge David Freeman and Judge Cecil Margo filled up the benches of the South African Supreme Court failed to state the obvious, it did not mean the honest non-white traders bought into the SA Oppenheimers’ bullshit that the Apartheid Regime stifled their business enterprises or the no less disgraceful, full on vomit that the South African Justice system was independent of the Apartheid Regime.
The lack of outcry today by all those who have the information is not because “why cry over spilt milk”?
They would have all long removed themselves from my Facebook group chats such as IIT including Richard Freeman, judge Freeman’s son.
In fact judge David Freeman may still be a member of one or more of my social media group chats.
Long before World War II ended Moshal Gevisser now had 2 generations of trusted owners; my grandfather who began the conglomerate cooking breakfast for the poorest of the poor black street traders and rickshaw drivers who you see above in the collage of photos, bottom left; and then my father whose hero status was quickly transferred by the black South Africans helping guard as well as service his Kittyhawk fighter bomber
just 3 years before.
While it is easy for selective memory people who want to forget their corruption and so they keep forgetting the important information, for someone like Ben Gurion who suffered fools badly as you only become foolish when first beginning to lie to oneself, he had no problem remembering that the only reason 6 million Jewish people were singled out for slaughter is because the SA Oppenheimers busted the main tenet of the Versailles Peace Treaty and openly armed Nazi Germany without the slightest fear of being caught.
Their GDP
introduced in 1934, the year after the stooge Hitler was brought to power on January 30, 1933 had all the world’s leaders in the Oppenheimers’ pockets.
The people who have difficulty following along and want it all shortened are not all that much different to Hitler who simply wanted the easiest Grand lifestyle.
Who didn’t get the name of the totally bogus economic tool which has Nick Oppenheimer owning all the world’s leaders?
If you will attack me and my mother Zena you would easily fill the shoes of the clown Hitler.
How totally demented can a mass of humans be not to have one of you go through the requisition process of ordering rifles to replace the spades that Hitler’s Nazi SS troops first marched with, forget how they couldn’t even march in a straight line and when turning bashed into each other and all caught on film.
Let’s try it.
“Mr. Hitler, let me read you back the order; 1000 rifles along with sufficient ammunition for each rifle to kill 1000 people with one bullet per Jew. The total number of bullets to accompany the 1000 rifles is 1 million bullets. Please check the math. The total purchase price without shipping costs which we will get to in a moment because you might want them overnighted and that is more expensive, is not only heavily discounted but since your credit has been approved by our Deutsche Bank, I’m not even going to bother giving you the amount because I know your time is precious and you have to rehearse for this upcoming speech at the yet to be completed Nuremberg Stadium. Heil Hitler!”.
I have of course asked Sidney Lazarus who I have known since he was a kid suffering from polio, to be my fb friend.
You can check for yourself if he accepts my request, should you be so interested.
Do you think Gemach was ready for my response to his nonsense?
Were you previously sending me a signal when not wanting to converse on facebook messaging?
Of course on our first and only phone conversation, and your number I received from Parisian-Israeli Pascal Nahon, I introduced myself and explained clearly that all I required from you and your husband was to arrange for me to see my mother Zena. 
My first email that followed gave a detailed history so that you would know what you would be getting into, at the same time I made it clear that I understood you and your husband were all about the money, and I take it you didn’t like that.
Your husband, who I first spoke with before he brought you very reluctantly on to the phone, told me that not only is your specialty “family law” which contradicts the bullshit you just wrote, but in addition, your English was much better than his which is not very good at all. 
Again I covered all this in the first email communique including how quickly your husband cut to the chase, asking if my mother owned real estate.
It is not that you are all so busy clustered together chasing the money that you didn’t know the first thing about and need to be short in your conversations, it is simply that you are impolite because you have not been raised right.
Then again you couldn’t be raised better than my 3 elder siblings and you see what vicious, white trash they turned out.
You can see from the 1 in 4 good number that the entire human population is much smaller in terms of being good.
When you have 100% of the people in your social media group chats which is all about selling others on how good you are, shutting down, so that number of good fast approaches the 10 good people that Lot was unable to find in Sodom and Gomorrah.
It is not that I have great hope for humanity but rather I see man’s total lack of humanity as the work of God.
How can you have such a distempered human animal species hell bent on destroying its environment because it follows, like it is scripture, the Gross Domestic Product economic index whose sustenance is the destruction of nature?
How come your religious Jewish people in particular have so proliferated?
Have you thought that maybe the words “Be fruitful and multiply” apply only to fruit-flies?
One of the great things about non-human computers is that they can teach one another to improve their performance.
That is in stark contrast to the human who when given the information to improve the lot of the environment as well as mankind, it chooses to bury its head in the sand, and then say, “nothing will change” all because its ego is too big to accept that it has been most horribly fooled.
Nor is this lost for a moment on the puppet masters.
So with everyone putting their heads in their sand how is it possible for things to change?
It is only the humans who are putting their heads in the sand. 
The rest of nature is not ostriches.
Not even ostriches just stick their heads in the sand because they stick their heads in the sand for a purpose which is not to ignore what is going on around them.
Without the ugliness of the human thinking which can be logically explained by its out of control ego, we would not know the depths of human depravity.
To be willing to cut off its nose to spite its face seems to make a lot of sense to you fat ugly people but that is only a metaphor.
The religious are supposed to be more cerebral which they like to promote by stretching the body’s largest organ, the skin to the limit.
In other words, the more fat and ugliness you project to the rest of the world the more they should pay attention to your healthy brains.
You are complete and total nincompoops.
My God, don’t you examine what comes out on the other end to help improve your body’s performance?
Do you think that if you look sluggish and you move sluggishly that it means you have a sharp mind?
Don’t you see God looking down on you hypocrites and laughing her head off?
Don’t you increasingly see the genius of God in the design of everything starting with the unkind human who loves to play the word game and yet couldn’t recognize that the word humankind is the oxymoron of all time?
As I explained clearly in my first written communique to the two of you, there was a lot of muffled talk going on in the background as you did not want to speak with me because in fact your English is terrible, far worse than the poor English spoken by your husband.
In summary:
You are playing dumb because you are dumb.
You are typical of my, my mother, my father and my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser’s experiences with Israeli lawyers. You are untrustworthy.
Your problems arise in part because the basis of all law is contract law.
Whenever there is coercion, undue influence placed on either party the contract is null and void. That is the foundation of contract law throughout the globe where there is a court system of justice.
When a group like the German-South African Oppenheimer family who were the principal architects as well as profiteers of our Jewish Holocaust decide either you have entered their non-competitive turf or they want in on your business they do so with the greatest of ease because the first people they have in their pocket are the religious of all the religions.
That would make sense even if you are religious and prefer that would not be the case for two reasons; first, it means you are stupid not to have realized this logic and therefore God has forsaken you by depriving you of the most basic common sense; and second, how do you go back to all the people like my one multi-billionaire former client and tell him that all the prayers you said for his health and ongoing wealth accumulation had to have fallen on God’s deaf ears?
BTW this gentleman wrote to me this past Sunday at 1:18 PM California time:
… Great first draft. Needs editing and more info to tell the whole story. Will let you know when I am free. Thanks
Again that story relates to the very funny story he told me just the day before on the telephone about his purchase of an iconic, mystical residence some quarter of a century ago, which he hoped his wife would like but she preferred where they were living as the new residence was too big and perhaps the huge virgin girl sculpture at the entrance was simply too much in her face, but still he held on to it and while it was by far the most money paid for a residential property in this very rich country’s history, today it is worth 21 times the astronomical amount he paid.
To be clear, this gentleman is not incarcerated, and nor is he being tortured by fellow Palestinians in an Israeli maximum security prison housing Palestinian terrorists and Palestinian informers. 
He is first of all Jewish and he doesn’t live in Israel. He has however donated large sums of money to Israeli causes including two buildings at Bar Ilan University with his name clearly on the masonry. 
Nor do the words alongside his name read, “WE DO NOT LIE, STEAL OR CHEAT” for those precise words are to be found on the campus of the University of Virginia Law School, the “Gentleman’s Law School” here in the United States.
It so happens that the top student from the University of Virginia Law School who went on to become the in-house General Counsel for America’s largest and most profitable employee owned weapons developer, Science Applications International Corporation [SAIC] which is headquartered here in San Diego, California, King Golden Jr. was my umpteen year one American attorney who I had join me to assist in my review of this Jewish man’s global investments.
It was in fact the first time Mr. Golden Esq. had ever dealt with Jewish people other than me. Based on his dealings with me, he had a very high regard for Jewish people both in terms of competency and integrity, but he was in for the shock of his life; and so was I.
That is because while I was fully versed in the business philosophy of the German-SA Oppenheimers I had no idea how pervasive, so entrenched in our society was their chicanery; bearing in mind philanthropism is cultivated down to an art form and is now taught at university.
Moreover, you must know of a great many lawyers, political science majors, as well as accountants and business administration graduates who immediately upon being handed their university degrees seek employment with philandering philanthropists?
Nor did Mr. Golden Jr. Esq. look at the physical characteristics of the Jewish people before forming these most terrible opinions because they were not all totally ugly looking; in fact most of them were pretty slender; but then again they were still in their twenties and the girls had yet to turn their bodies into baby factories. That didn’t mean they refused to sleep around because they did sleep around a lot, and so did their good looking secretaries. Nor were they averse to doing drugs like cocaine because they most certainly did go overboard.
Nor did Mr. Golden Jr. Esq. who you notice in the cc section think their drug use made them either more competent or improve their morals.
Again you don’t hold down the job for 6 years as in-house General Counsel of America’s formidable weapons contractor which attracts the best and brightest software and mechanical engineers by coming top of your class in the naive department.
It was simply how this young and inexperienced executive management team were incapable of giving straight answers or following logical thought processing; and they were all Jewish.
Nor had any of them spent all that much time in Israel which didn’t prevent Israelis from infiltrating the organization who also happened to be the dumbest Israelis to have ever been born.
Today, they might be considered genius material compared to what I have recently encountered.
But remember God did at least find Lot and look what a mess Lot’s offspring have created; and nor should either Christians or Muslims take pride in the demise of us Jewish people because their origins are no different.
Can you imagine if God had saved the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah and their offspring were now running against puppets Netanyahu, Trump, Biden, Macron, Merkel and Johnson?
Preventing him from losing his mind altogether was Mr. Golden Jr. Esq remembering, without me having to remind him, that not only was I Jewish but I had the same Jewish upbringing as these retards.
At the time, which was the late 1980s, I had not introduced Mr. Golden Esq. or his “bosom buddy” Roger W. Robinson the most senior member of the National Security Council during Reagan’s first term as the 40th Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces, to the business of the SA Oppenheimers which is to back all sides to war when they cannot possibly lose, because I could see no good resulting.
The power of the Internet had yet to mature because it was non-existent.
It was only some 4 years later in 1993 that we could see such amazing potential; and coincidentally, if you believe in coincidences, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to see from the most perched position where it was all going. 
I had Mr. Golden Jr. Esq. right alongside, the same of course with “Our Man Roger” who was not broke when he first joined America’s most secretive intelligence agency NSC housed in the basement of the White House back in March 1982, again the same year that Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention was first published by Simon & Schuster and whose one founder you probably know produced an offspring by the name of Carly Simon.
BTW, Moore’s law of technology doubling every 18 months is totally outdated.
My guess it is down to 18 minutes if not less.
Do you think if you weren’t smart enough to figure out the thinking of “Creating work for the future” that Elon Musk is also mentally handicapped?
If you think about it a moment, the more than 6100 “impressions” without so much as a comment from anyone else, is rather remarkable, is it not?
How much time did you spend figuring out your first sentence, “Need I remember you …” [sic]?
Is it your poor English which resulted in your poor grammar?
The correct writing is, “Need I remind you …”.
The fact that you avoid the important issue of your English being totally rotten does not mean you forgot. You didn’t forget. That is why you didn’t bring it up.
But your poor human thinking had you thinking that you would simply put me on the defensive.
Let’s assume your entire training in the IDF besides for eating like a pig was to eventually head up Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI]. Do you have any suggestions as to how the IDF can improve the selection process?
Nor was “Our Man Roger” broke when he left the NSC or when he visited with me at my austere 2 bedroom apartment in Santa Monica back in early February 1991 when celebrating along with King Golden Jr. Esq. who accompanied him, his 40th; and of course he was “guest of honor” at President Ronald W. Reagan’s 80th big bash since “Our Man Roger” not only shared the same initials as the “Being There” President, but both born on the same day, February 6, just 40 years apart.
You thought that you could be smart with me and teach me not to dare fuck with well connected Israeli lawyers who are only connected to the money.
All your strong-arm tactics revolve around paying others to do your dirty work, and should they feel short-changed they could end up acting like President Donald Trump’s fixer lawyer, Michael Cohen if not a whole lot worse.
Always remember not all of you combined have close to the “firepower” of Mother Nature who never needs a day off, not even to celebrate the Sabbath.
Nature counteracts man’s most evil intentions and punishes accordingly.
What can be a worse feeling than realizing you have a long life ahead of you and you cannot count on God to forgive you for your sins even if you decide to convert to Christianity as the Christian salvation is all geared to give the poor hope while separating that much further from the rich?
So you are left to rely on logic which is not the nonsense you wrote to keep you ahead of the Joneses who are also in the same boat if they are hypocrites.
Today I am not that close to Mr. Golden Jr. Esq or for that matter “Our Man Roger” because neither liked me first exposing on February 1, 2001 with the help of the Jerusalem Post the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich because the pardon was by the weakest President in the history of the United States, Bill Clinton who upon his arrival back in ’68 at Oxford University to begin his Rhodes-De Beers Scholarship studies was given the “playbook” of the SA Oppenheimers-De Beers and based on the questions he asked or failed to ask, his future was assured.
But the absolute killer was The D I book which I made them aware of in early 2004, the same with everyone I knew at the time, and nor have I stopped sharing that knowledge as painful as it is for the too full of themselves recipients.
Why even bother having different name corporations when the money as well as the mineral resources are all controlled from an unelected, monster monopolist who simply grabbed their mineral wealth without paying the soldiers a fair wage?
Do you see how much waste would be eliminated if we were not so fooled by all the SA Oppenheimers’ advertising that also doesn’t cost them a penny?
Remember the SA Oppenheimers did not create this universe; in other words they are not close to being that bright or omnipotent.
They simply understand perfectly human nature; namely that the human is driven by jealousy and greed and the less physical work they have to do, the more they think they are intelligent.
Let me repeat, the less physical work they have to do, the more they think they are intelligent.
Are you now thinking that if you have a paperweight on your desk looking at you this very moment, if you push it out of sight without necessarily throwing it through a glass pane and it breaking its fall on the head of a pedestrian 20 stories below, it will have your brain muscle working that much harder?
If you can get all the pains in the arse assembled in one auditorium such as an internet chat group IT IS TIME and their brains are most pained by their stupidity that nothing short of a frontal lobotomy can remedy, could you see such people doing less harm to the environment than what they are currently responsible for?
I think you are capable of perfectly understanding that if Elon Musk or his successor can focus on all his great accomplishments, by sunset today on the west coast of the United States all the bullshit would end.
The SA Oppenheimers who in previous times such as the mid-19th Century wouldn’t have lasted a moment unless they led the Cavalry In Arms [CIA] with their children alongside to take the first arrows and gunfire fired in their direction, cannot control, for example, a pedophile like Jeffrey Epstein or his “madam” Ghislaine Maxwell, but they can most certainly take advantage of the short-comings of such individuals to achieve their objectives; namely control of the world’s mineral resources while having their plebes including people like you chase the money as one would a great set of legs.
How come since you are all about the money, have you neglected like all the rest trying to raise money for their favorite charities approaching the SA Oppenheimers given how obvious it is that they are not only the cause of all the world’s ills but they are the people who have done us Jewish people the most harm?
The answer is that either God has forsaken you because you are stupid or because you are bought.
Either it is total disaster for what little remains of your mental faculties.
Your facebook profile photo doesn’t show either you or your husband particularly physically attractive, and that may be because you feel that your cerebral powers amount to you being so godly that you can go around God blessing the people such as me who flush you out and who you detest as much as wearing a crucifix.
I am not saying that I will be sending you a crucifix in the mail or petitioning the Pope to send you his favorite crucifix.
My goal is to wake you up and those you chose to include in the cc section when hitting “reply all” that you are as stupid as you look.
The SA Oppenheimers follow closely the non-moral laws of nature which are neither bad nor good, just logical, and such logic clearly geared towards doing good because it is so easy destroy as you well know.
What all animal species find attractive is virility.
Virility is expressed via the health of the body which houses the important brain which is pretty much indistinguishable from one animal to the next, causing us to therefore focus the most attention on what we see such as the legs, feet, ankles, buttocks, flat stomach, perfect curvature of the waist and you get the rest of the picture.
The SA Oppenheimers and their emissaries know that those who have allowed through their bad diet to look goddamn awful are first of all angry with themselves and their natural instinct is to deflect their misery on to others who are more particular about their looks.
This is not a recommendation for botox 
or more scalpel treatment.
It is to suggest you prepare yourselves for the next life’s journey by working on your lack of willpower which can only go so far in this lifetime once you have so abused your internal body parts that they are beyond repair.
Once reaching the point of no return life is logically a pain in every respect.
The more you stay at home the less danger you are to others.
The more technology improves the less mischief you can get up by thinking you will get away hacking into another person’s computer and getting up to mischief.
In fact all the mischief making will disappear once the people are no longer fighting over pleasing the dictator SA Oppenheimers.
Their brains will be freed up to better take care of their body temples.
If you think attending synagogue more often or dipping in the Mikva will help you psychologically, do so even though I think it will be a total waste of time unless that is the only time you bathe in order to reduce your home water and electric bill.
It is of course totally traumatic when you are all about the money which is what happens when you decide to murder your Body Temple to learn so late in life that if only you had used common sense which obviously escaped you, then you wouldn’t have needed to first read Professor E J Epstein’s The D I book to realize that this one small South African non-Jewish family, who only like Jewish turncoats, control the price of everything just as they control the wars, including the conflicts between Israelis and the Palestinians, Hezbollah blah blah.
Do you think it might help future humans if we started right now showing young children each and every human internal organ and pointing out how similar they are to other animal species; and then to explain how when substances move past the lips and nostrils which are not all that far apart they enter both the brain and throat before spreading to the rest of the internal organs and that the health of these internal body organs such as liver, colon, anus, kidneys, heart, lymph glands, lungs, spleen, etc etc can be best maintained by feeding them nutrition rather than poisons such as sugar, meat, milk-liquified meat?
Do you think the job of the parent is purely self-preservation to ensure that your children will defend you to the bitter end so as to receive the inheritance monies?
What else exactly do you feel you do good for your children?
The D I book does not spell all this out but that is not my fault. Anything that you feel is important that has been omitted you should take up either with Professor Epstein and/or Nicholas Oppenheimer unless you feel that you have that close a connection to Rebbe Schneerson that you can reach out to him for answers.
Once you are in the command and control position of the money as you are the mineral resources so you feel it is your duty to own everyone and everything including the smallest hair salon, nail salon for manicures, pedicures and body hair removal or an upstart’s mining operation or timber growing plantation or lobbying business critical in giving the people a sense that there is fair play in getting politicians elected as well as being able to influence the laws you want passed that are favorable to your money making business.
Your money whether it be somewhat regulated government currencies like the US Dollar and Euro or totally unregulated diamond currency under the total jurisdiction of the SA Oppenheimers is the “equalizer” because it is “unquestionably” the fairest priced “commodity” because you have the most rapacious Wall Street individuals like Jewish Hungarian George Soros fighting tooth and nail for a fraction of a point in the differences between the various government currencies and where the “Gold Standard” in determining the health of the economy is the never questioned Gross Domestic Product economic index.
Bear in mind that despite your poor law school teachings, prior to the right of private ownership of land, the land belonged to all the people who fought and died for the land along with the minerals contained therein; and most importantly the water which could be channeled to grow the crops.
So right there is the stumbling block all lawyers face; the same with the politician-lawmakers who do more than gloss over the killing fields which led to this cornerstone of law, for puppet lawmakers avoid it like the plague because in the next instant the fabric of their profession unravels and it can never be sewn back together no matter how often you lay tefillin and/or say prayers such as the washing of hands before meals and the benching right after where obviously you are not fooling God when you look like this
although Black Hatter ChaBAD sic subscriber Torah Gemach prefers this photo 
without Gemach saying whether it is a photo of his lower disgusting digesting regions or that of his favorite religious person he likes to suck up.
How come you fat ugly people don’t see it as a sign of disrespect towards God that you go out looking the way you do?
Don’t you feel for the embarrassment of your children or is your goal to get them to look as fat as you as quickly as possible so that they will stick by you throughout their painful lives and you will have your illnesses to talk about rather than the teachings of The D I book?
Granted this Facebook account with your name could be someone else. Please let me know ASAP.
So let’s get back to your catastrophic failings as human beings.
This past Friday, although it would have been early Saturday morning Israel time you received, Compulsory for every child – Zena Gevisser Zulman, which you ignored.
You also ignored my follow up Saturday afternoon; Arrange for me to visit:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: August 8, 2020 at 4:34:38 PM PDT
Cc: tomer tene <>, tene <>
Subject: Arrange for me to visit -: Compulsory for every child – Zena Gevisser Zulman

Galit – my communique to you yesterday did not include an assignment.

I want you to only arrange for me to visit with my mother Zena.
How long will it take for you to arrange this?

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Gary Gevisser<>
Date: Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 7:02 PM
Subject: Compulsory for every child – Zena Gevisser Zulman
To: <>
‪Cc: rest; Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <>, 
Sent from my iPhone
So you are lying when you said that it was not clear what I was asking of you.
If your mother didn’t teach to wash out your mouth with soap when you lie, it is not something I suggest you do now if your goal is to try removing all the fat collected in your brain shoved up there by your wanton disregard of the lower body organs.
University is just a name.
TV is university to most of the literate world. Even those who attend university because of their poor memories which develop much younger know only what the TV tells them to think.
The university curriculum outside of the sciences whose teachings are oriented to get government grant monies on top of jobs with the bioscience private sector firms all about finding cures to people’s bad eating habits which help bring home that much quicker the gravy trains and no one really cares how you got it just so long as you have, and are willing to part with at least some of it, propagate inside you head that all that is important is the election process and to be vigilant that there is no outside or undue interference.
The instant you start reading The D I book you feel that your head is no less messed up than Donald Trump, Hilary and Bill Clinton, Merkel, Macron, Obama and Johnson and the best you can do is mess up the next person’s head.
It is the most ugly species ever created this human.
Moreover it has got worse by the day.
It is clearly us humans in control because we have the choice, but we are waiting for the next big move, and in the meantime we will put on our best smiley face that we are basically not only good at heart but so cool, and what can be better than standing in front of the Western Wall with your new bride?
Aren’t you glad I didn’t put up two fatsos?
If you remember nothing else it is the massive population growth of Jewish Israelis since the establishment of the fledgling State of Israel in 1948.
The TV says you have to have not only acreage of land but huge houses and that requires land and labor to build the houses.
Despite the continuous movement of the continental shelves the actual size of Israel hasn’t really changed much.
If you have a country the size of the United States, China or Russia on which to grow your population the need to be cutthroat is not quite as prevalent in a small country like Israel.
You can’t however grow land on land.
Growing land on sea is prohibitively expensive unless you are building military bases when money is no object, and so you don’t think much about it because your poor brainwashing has you thinking that money grows on trees if it is in defense of the homeland.
Growing land on air is also prohibitively expensive plus you have to overcome the forces of gravity, so where do you place the cornerstone foundation rocks and the thought that money is pulled out of thin air has you thinking about how much more expensive is Wall Street money compared to going to the government who doesn’t want you to talk about why the government doesn’t borrow directly from the SA Oppenheimer family and at the same time reduce the different departments of government like the US Federal Reserve and US Treasury, the same with the rest of the world’s Central Banks.
So you are faced with stealing land and improvements from one another and/or from foreigners especially Jewish foreigners who see Israel as a possible safe haven in the event of a hastily escape from contrived anti-Semitism.
Who better than elderly Jewish people like my British citizen mother Zena?
At some point you are going to have to pay more attention to the numbers which do not lie.
So long as you don’t produce new babies you should be able to survive because your Arab and non-Arab neighbors also like seafront real estate and there is not so much of it in places like Mecca and Medina.
I am not saying that you in particular blew up the shorefront of Beirut just the other day, but nor can you fault President Donald Trump from first thinking it was a way to save on the demolition costs for future Trump Tower Casinos, just like what has been happening in Yemen.
So you are not so religious when it comes to money and what money can buy and influence but still that doesn’t solve the problem in your head about who exactly influences the most the price of the different currencies including diamond currency?
Therefore when you next say your religious prayers keep an eye out for God within nature as well as inanimate objects distracting you to the point that you hate yourself even more, and wondering that much more what you had to have done wrong in your previous lives to be so punished.
Good day,
[Word count 9004]

On Aug 11, 2020, at 1:32 AM, Galit <> wrote:


Need I remember you that you didn’t introduce yourself when you called us and you didn’t explain to us what was the matter of your case.
I’m sorry to write you than your case
is not in our areas of expertise.
We recommend you to look for a firm law or a lawyer specialized in your matter.
Good luck
God bless you!
L.G. Ichai,
Lawyer firm and Notary
Le mar. 11 août 2020 à 05:16, Gary Gevisser <> a écrit :
Galit – 
You have not responded to my “Compulsory for every child – Zena Gevisser Zulman”.
Need I remind you that your name and telephone number was shared with me by my British citizen mother Zena’s former tenant, Pascal Nahon a Parisian Jewish person who fled the anti-Semitism of the French to then be forced by rapacious Jewish South Africans and Jewish Israelis out of the bachelor apartment he rented from my mother Zena and her now deceased second husband, Durban South African Alan Zulman all because corrupt Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel and my 3 siblings knowing all that they had done was wrong from the very beginning, deciding that the more of my mother’s wealth they had in their possession the more difficult it would be for them to be prosecuted and the key to their jail cells thrown away.
It is the easiest the case in the world to resolve, just so long as you are an honest lawyer, judge or politician.
The minute you start reading Professor Edward J. Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention so you realize how all the corruption in Israel as well as in the rest of the world is “top down”.
Why would you bother going after looters other than looting is also bad and results in only greater violence which plays right into the hands of those at the top whose business is creating violence, havoc and the most important element to foster future violence, refugee camps.
Please note that in the cc section is Marta Ruba Carreras who prior to becoming the Personal Assistant of Germany’s richest and most powerful billionaire Kurt Engelhorn whose entire inherited wealth is thanks to the success of the IG Farben and its officials including the top Nazi Carl Wurster getting away with producing the Zyklon B pellets inside of death factory Auschwitz, volunteered to work with Syrnia refugees on a Greek Island. 
In other words Marta today is not the least worldly person in the world.
Nor does that mean President Donald Trump is the only member of the human race playing stupid.
What is most important given how obvious it is that morals account for nothing with most people and this cannot be either a personality defect, DNA, or breeding but something as difficult to figure out as how it all began.
When you have enough people playing stupid but at the same time eager to grab the information you will stop hearing, “How is all this going to change my life?”
Most of the time change is slow and you can’t notice it just like gravity unless you start moving and paying more attention to those movements and realizing how much more you would eat if you could just float about the universe exploring new worlds.
No one can really think for a moment that Elon Musk really believes setting up a settlement on Mars is doable in a thousand years.
This earth doesn’t have a hundred years unless his TESLA energy company is successful.
His entire competition including Jeff Bezos is big oil.
The weakest business model of any enterprise is Amazon. 
Bezos doesn’t have close to Musk’s expertise in building factories or rockets; maybe if Bezos simply focused his entire attention on building a better mice trap at least this way we would hear less from him even if he finally gives up.
All Bezos has is the money advantage, a gift from Wall Street.
Bezos has yet to mention that if he, given how he is the richest person in the world according to Forbes, were to call up the richest and most powerful person in the world, Nicholas Oppenheimer, then his cost of capital would be significantly reduced, but still Bezos doesn’t have the engineering down.
Money only means something if there is a competitive market for money. The SA Oppenheimers never tolerate competition and their main business besides for creating civil unrest is banking.
Now were Bezos to demonstrate that he is a better engineer than Musk and able to attract the world’s best engineers as Musk has obviously managed to do, then still the question remains why have two entities both doing the same thing.  
What is most important to realize is that it is very easy to get a lot of mumbo jumbo talk from each and every economist in the world including all the Nobel Laureates such a Vernon Smith Phd who I have met and he is a very nice man, at least to me he was very polite, but they cannot argue economics with me, at least not intelligently.
The study of economics is kaput.
Look how long it took for Copernicus to get the applause he deserved?
Look how even today there are scientists dependent on government grants who fully support Darwin’s theory of evolution, at least publicly but of course in private they have to admit it is total bullshit unless they are just wanting to be argumentative and that is no fun.
But when it comes to money, people will rather die than let go of their ego.
That is their Achilles Heel because Copernicus didn’t even have the telegraph.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution has been ingrained in the human psyche since 1859 which is one hell of a long time considering the rapid decline in human intelligence saved by the bell, as in Bell Shaped Curve educational system where it is the most average who rise to the top.
Remember who is at the top.
Continuing …

On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 11:13 PM Jean Figadère <> wrote:
Gary ! You moving lot of shit,  I admire you courage and your thinking  , apart  your family personal affaire which I cannot comment, you touch the plague of humanity “corruption”, well established in the D.I.B.
Most of Humanity is suffering from this plague.
Making money at all cost, seems to be the only objectives. They forget one thing ,they are only the trusted, and god can take back what it trusted  them any time, and will make them accountable.
Those money racer are dangerous to the world that they dominate for the present time. But change will be coming soon, thanks to people like you.
God bless you.

Télécharger Outlook pour Android

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Sent: Saturday, August 8, 2020 4:02:40 AM
To: <>
Cc: Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא <>; אפי טריפלר <>; Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache, Israeli Embassy, Washington, DC DC <>; Matthew CBS <>; Jean Figadère <>;<>;<>; Marta Rubau <>; pascal nahon <>;<>; Geoffrey Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>; Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>; <>; Vernon Smith Phd – 2002 Nobel Prize Economics <>
Subject: Compulsory for every child – Zena Gevisser Zulman

Galit – You wont argue with any of this.

I’m concerned that neither your, nor your husband’s English is very good, even though the Israeli court proceedings are in Hebrew.

Nor are we sure that you and your husband are ready for this level of corruption.

We have previously retained two corrupt Israeli lawyers, and communicated with well over a dozen other corrupt Israeli lawyers, none better than the other, including a former senior member of Shin Bet, Gonen Ben Yitzhak, son of a well known Israeli General, to mention little of Gonen Ben Yitzhak was the handler of the “Green Prince”, both getting international notoriety with that movie which had a fatal flaw which I’m sure the heads of Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence (MIMI) picked up on immediately, and had a good laugh.

Now if they didn’t, then all you can logically assume is two things:

First, God help Israel; let me repeat, God help Israel and the planet.
Second, either way God is still laughing.
What if it turns out that I am the only person to have noticed this total garbage?
How can you possibly think MIMI senior officials, overseeing one of their maximum security prisons housing Palestinian terrorists as well as MIMI informers would be fooled by the torture of Palestinians by fellow Palestinians because the torturers who could have only been put up to it by MIMI, turned up the radio to block the screams of those being tortured?
Just earlier I Tweeted Elon Musk making the point:
We are living in a blank hole considering the blank looks of people once they get the information about the money that they have never questioned – blind faith?
Creating work for the future
The “Creating work for the future” picks up from my Tweet of August 2:

It is a very different world than before when it was only the leadership puppets who got to talk.

My one deceased uncle, David Gevisser who was my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father’s first cousin offered me the job of managing his investment portfolio back in 1995 when I returned from the United States to South Africa to restructure a trade show company Made In USA Inc. which was owned and operated by an incompetent South African-American businessman, David Altman who was over his head like most business people, doctors, lawyers and the such.
Nor was my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser all that bright, but he was most certainly smart enough to keep his mouth shut while accumulating a multi-billion dollar fortune which didn’t touch sides with his ability to get his hands on unlimited wealth.
He had the goods on everyone, starting with President Nixon whose incomprehensible speech on August 15, 1971, David Gevisser co-wrote with Harry Oppenheimer who along with his American partner, Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) are the central characters of the epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention that is free on the Internet without having to download anything or provide your particulars.
For reasons of protecting my conscience and out of respect for my father I told David Gevisser after our all day meeting which took place the day after South Africa’s new Minister of Trade & Industry, the idiot Trevor Manual approved the sale of Made In USA Inc. to key members of the former Apartheid Regime, to shove his offer where the sun don’t shine.
So taken aback by my response was David Gevisser that he hastily called an intimate dinner with my highly secretive British-English mother Zena at his home in Johannesburg and after several drinks to gather courage he blurted across the table “Your son Gary is naive”,
My mother was his best friend and it was my mother who arranged the meeting with David Gevisser following the idiotic decision by Trevor Manuel who of course was just following orders, no different to his boss Nelson Mandela whose boss Harry Oppenheimer rewarded Trevor Manuel with his next position, Minister of Finance which Manuel held for umpteen years.
It is only when you begin reading Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s The D I that you realize these important truths.
The next thing that happens is you start running around like a chicken with its head chopped off.
There is nothing funny about being fooled and that doesn’t preclude the existence of God.
In fact the funny thing is that when the people figure out how easily they have been fooled, the last thing they want to thing about is God.
Just think about it a little. It will sink to in.
That applies to the irreligious as much as the religious.
As they analyze the information they increasingly feel the presence of God because they reckon that for so many people to have been fooled for so long only a supernatural power could be behind this epic tragic comedy of errors.
Moreover, it is also not possible that us humans evolved from random mutations which mostly turn out negative; and that is the tip of the iceberg in debunking the nonsense theory of evolution.
Furthermore, as they look at the history of this one small South African family not only does everything fit into place, but all their questions are answered.
In the case of the religious, the last thing they want to be around are other religious fools for two reasons.
First, no one likes to be around fools especially religious people who present themselves as pious and yet God obviously forsook them, in which case you have to ask the logical question why did God punish them with stupidity, other than their blatant hypocrisy.
Second, which leads from the first, if they are not stupid then the only possibility that remains is that they are bought and it is very easy to figure out exactly who bought them.
You and your husband are most likely towards the lower end of rich Israeli lawyers because to be at the high point you have to speak perfect English.
That does not mean you are incapable of using swear words in Hebrew.
When you look at the fact that most people are totally irreligious because they see the world is a mess, and run by the biggest crooks and therefore how could there be a God allowing such wanton destruction and it always the poor who are the powerless getting shafted the most, then it starts to get interesting.
The irreligious either laugh at the religious thinking they are totally stupid because they don’t have any answers for the important question of why the rich get richer and the poor poorer, or they see the religious as nothing more than a bunch of guniffs-crooks.
Either way the religious as I have pointed out are totally screwed.
The irreligious are no better off.
They have bought into an economic system that is totally ridiculous in the extreme.
How can there be so many idiot university graduates who once getting their degrees think they are that much smarter than the rest and that is supported by how much more money a university graduate makes than say someone picking lettuce heads who lives in a canyon during the picking season and the rest of the year preparing for their death that hopefully comes sooner rather than later.
When you hear of studies seeking to find out if people have an optimistic view of the future, it is most likely you will want to vomit.
It is not only you and your kids who have been toyed with for decades, going back to 1934 when the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product economic index was introduced, but how do you bring back your deceased parents, grandparents, other relatives, friends and business acquaintances to find out if they were as stupid as you being so easily fooled or were they corrupt and thought better than to say anything?
These are more than philosophical questions which should inevitably shut down the study of philosophy.
I see this as the most fitting punishment for the corrupt, and nor does it bother me in the least if it turns out that everyone is corrupt, other than those I know who are not corrupt such as my parents, grandparents and my French-Canadian wife Marie Dion.
I also know that our doggy Mango is not corrupt and nor is there a plant, tree or bush that is corrupt.
In case you haven’t figured no other animal species or insects are corrupt, not even a mosquito.
It is only us humans who can’t seem to help ourselves from feeling jealous towards those who have more of what we want.
You both want to make a lot of money as quickly as possible so that you can retire that much earlier with little to no interest in anything else, I assume.
Now you know that when God descended to Abraham it was not to give Abraham an early bonus so that he could retire, it was to put Abraham to work.
Look at the mess religion has brought to this planet.
Have religious people put a dent in the suffering of the poor that the rich throw money at which has the SA Oppenheimers and their banks applauding or what about nuclear?
Is the earth better off since the arrival of civilization or is it worse off?
Under which administration has the health of the planet improved going back to caveman times?
So it looks like all man should be pissed off that God put Abraham to work and we have these stupid people breeding like rabbits.
The attention span of the human has not improved.
Since your focus is money I suggest you look into how much money Ayala Weisel Esq has paid to other Israeli lawyers, judges, members of the media and Knesset members to keep them quiet.
You know you haven’t got rich from those bribes and there is more than a small fortune that has already been spread, and the atrocity of atrocities is all related to my findings about the SA Oppenheimers, specifically how they do business.
To understand the case, type in Youtube ZENA THE LADY’S SPEECH and after watching this mind blowing 9 minute and 24 second video read the concise facts of the case. Watch the video again as well as the other 28 videos.
It is a slam dunk case.
You only want to know who to collect from.
My mother’s valuable real estate holdings don’t touch sides with all those wanting to make money settlements in order not to be given long prison sentences and nothing less than life sentences.
Given how all the money flows from the SA Oppenheimers it is all important to examine their charity work which only requires that they remind those coming to them for contributions leave feeling that they cannot always expect the Oppenheimers to be so generous.
The people they most laugh at is of course us Jewish people who are supposed to be the questioning people of the Bible but somehow we neglect to dig into the history of the revolting Oppenheimers.
Knowing that you are not likely to get more money out of Weisel than those before you, why not think of the money you can make writing a book about your experiences in getting to the mother-load, and then think of philanthropy although there is no need for any further charity once the poor begin to behave more decent than the rich which you can see won’t be at all difficult.
Nick Oppenheimer is one call away.
You could also line up all the other Israeli lawyers scratching their way to the top when not clawing their closest competitors to death.
Israel remember has only made peace with people the SA Oppenheimers have brought to the Peace Treaty table, the same people as the contrived trade negotiators.
You know when a diplomat is corrupt once they fail to point out why money and time can be saved by having the peace treaty negotiators negotiate trade agreements at the same time.
Monopoly rule which is what we have is the same as one party rule.
You see in the cc section top rank Middle East and North Africa Dutch diplomat Geoffrey van Leeuwen who is all over Twitter and you wonder when he has time to sip his wine and champagne let alone dine in his huge French chateau.
Nor are the two of you yet divorced and once hugely rich even if you can’t stand the sight of each other you will gladly stay married, lead separate lives and have a completely different set of friends and lovers.
That is the worst case scenario which really isn’t all that bad, in fact most struggling lawyers would give their eye teeth.
Would you assume it is because I lack common sense or that I must be blind to what what is going on?
Of course not.
In fact you would immediately start thinking this world is not real and therefore it can only be surreal.
Note that I also include in the cc section Elon Musk and others who work for TESLA. It would be wrong to assume that because I don’t have his personal email that he hasn’t heard of me and has never seen any of my Tweets, including my “catchy” Tweet this past Tuesday 
at 11:39 AM PST yesterday:
Title: Creating work for the future
In 10 years from now when everyone has solar, they will take them down.
Creating work for the future.
Big senseless projects


The one of a kind mind that came up with those thoughts prior to her putting them into the right words belongs to my very quiet Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion who was also subjected to the most sick misconduct of you Israelis whose treatment of the Palestinians masks a much darker soul.
The fact that world should have come together to protect the Jewish people who survived The Holocaust doesn’t make the rest of world good.
Religion teaches us that when the sheep are pointed in the wrong direction that they must be teaching us even when we don’t pay attention.
They were wrong for not liking us. We didn’t proselytize. We didn’t insist non Jewish people get circumcised. We were never heavy duty invaders. Maybe we were too busy fighting amongst ourselves?
What is important is that their religions including communism taught to be kind to everyone including strangers.
Since us Jewish people are more exclusive which does not mean we are inclusive, quite the opposite, how in the world can we not take care of each other knowing how the minds of our enemies work?
How can there possibly be a poor Jewish person living in Israel who sleeps on the sidewalks of Tel-Aviv and dirties up the place other than your only feasible argument is that it gives work to the street cleaners whose wages then add to the health of the Israeli economy which is mostly weapons export.
Need I explain to you why war is good for the economy of Israel so that you will have better argument when passing by a homeless person in the street and to kick them hard in the side and remind them how dam lucky they are not to be fighting on the frontlines, and then when they roll themselves up into a ball and a better way to practice your soccer kicks conclude “In the future take up less space and don’t let me see you here again unless you are clean, shaven and your breath doesn’t smell like a Rhino.”   
The fact that Ben Gurion didn’t order the slaughter of every Palestinian and Arab calling, well before the start of Israel’s first war of survival, for the total destruction of the fledgling Jewish Homeland and knowing that the same people who armed Hitler would continue arming Israel’s enemy neighbors, is a testament to the greatness of Ben Gurion whose legacy immediately following his passing was diluted when not pulverized, and in his replacement was this Rebbe Schnneerson 

who didn’t lift a finger to assist the resisting Israeli diamond merchants who were all wiped out in the late 70s.
If you can get people to go quiet by either threatening them with physical harm or actually harming them such as using a gun to blow off their head or poisoning them or bribing them with the money you get free, what would you choose?
Let’s say each bribe paid in money Dollars-Euros confirmed the made up value of the money would you choose instead to offer your services as a slave for the remainder of your life?
How ridiculous that you wouldn’t offer to eventually making money bribes compulsory for every child after christening.
Have you ever thought it is possible to shut up ever preacher including those naive?
The question is what does everyone do who doesn’t have the skills to produce items of beauty such as jewelry, clothing and impressionist oil paintings, carpentry, plumbing etc etc and they have to sit in front of a tv every day looking at a blank screen because they also don’t want to drive themselves more crazy?
I assume that since you and your husband are practicing lawyers that you first studied at university.
If you don’t remember all this being explained in your first lecture which had you heading for the door before the lecture was over, it is because this great omission took place and it continues to this day.
What Ben Gurion didn’t have was The Internet.
The Internet reduces all the nonsense talkers to nothing.
The moment you see others getting the information so you are that much more humbled. A humble person is more likely to be kind and in the next instant rewarded with everlasting happiness.
You don’t see much of that because most people are not kind. They are totally wretched.
Then you soon realize that in the blind copy section of this and future broadcasts is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population who can only be relied on to give a corrupt person “lip service” and at the first opportunity stab you in the back as what my 3 elder siblings did to my mother and me.
So how do corrupt people live with themselves?
Is it because as mathematician-philosopher David Berlinski explains, “What compels the electrons to orbit the nucleus?”?
The two of you must think you are bright because all lawyers, like medical doctors think they are bright when sick people hold on to their nonsense like it is Gospel.
You must judge yourself by smart people, not fellow idiots, no matter how much money it currently brings in.
The fact that I decided to speak out very vocally in support of Elon Musk at his very low point, during his defamation trial when it didn’t look like he was going to prevail and it was obvious all his hero-worshippers had abandoned him, no applause on Twitter, didn’t mean that was the wrong time to load up on TESLA shares.
The fact that the stock market is the most rigged, most idiotic market is what you would expect from a purposefully devolved species, does not mean I fail to have a firm grip on what is happening in the real world.
The world today is far less in the hands of the puppeteers and that doesn’t prevent them from suddenly crashing gold for example.
The most important goal of the war profiteers is to fool the grossly underpaid soldiers and police forces and why the race for robot soldiers.
But let’s say you couldn’t give a rat’s ass about any of this or that your kids will have to go and fight until all of the IDF is robots and it is only Netanyahu, Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, Donald Trump, Biden, Macron, Johnson and Merkle all fighting over control of the joystick, and once their duty is over and they are smoking cannabis on the beaches of India and licking their stone Buddha missing the bloodletting in the Arab villages not yet overrun by ChaBAD sic settlers getting their baby factory wives to never let up, how can you be rest assured that by the time your kids turn 13 they won’t have you placed permanently in an insane asylum?
How do you cope with being so stupid?
How can you in good conscience treat your religious Jewish wife as a queen ant and once her body is deformed to just divorce her and move on to the next bitch.
Why is it that religious sect in Jerusalem so hate dogs but they let the cats take over?
Can’t you see that being moral pays dividends?
What other than intelligence are you really lacking?
Couldn’t being smarter also make you feel better about yourself?
How could you not see God as both good and intelligent?
The fact that one of my first heavily broadcasted email communications took place in December 31, 2002
titled, Perfect Storm XXVII – Infantile and addressed to a group of prominent gold bullion traders, did not mean there was a better time since gold began to crash on January 20, 1980, to purchase gold, because in fact December 31, 2002 was the perfect time.
Just because I know a lot does not mean I am stupid or incapable of shutting up every crook starting with the biggest.
With one small but very powerful anti-Semitic German-South African Oppenheimer family the one ruler of the world
you must first of all ask, “Why would anyone beneath them who knows they don’t have a fairly paid military supporting these mass murderers, bother to work?”
There is no credible answer to that question.
Nor has their head Nicholas Oppenheimer distanced himself from his immediate family members, Harry Oppenheimer and his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer.
There is no moral answer to that question.
When you don’t have logic and morality supporting your cause you have nothing, you are finished.
The question of who is going to do the work such as provide the water, electricity, grow the food, fight the wars etc is not the right question which is why I don’t ask it.
When everybody understands that no one should work, then you start to become solution oriented in the next instant.
Covid-19 has been a brilliant test to show that we can all survive other than the homeless who didn’t get their bailouts.
The homeless are a very small percentage of the population and most of them are not working.
Remember the Oppenheimers and their puppets are not working.
There are a whole lot with Wall Street Financial Services jobs than the homeless.
The homeless just don’t make the same amount of money as those on Wall Street who also dont work at anything other than promoting war, destroying the planet and printing money.
During Covid-19 the governments have been driving the economy just using money which is less expensive than the government giving the same money to Wall Street who simply mark up the money with fees adding to the total cost.
I have previously covered these important facts in depth and they are all quiet including the world’s top economists, several I know personally.
Officials of Twitter can see that there have only been 63 impressions of my Tweet back to Musk on Aug. 2 at 2:52 PM, Calif time; “How could they go from pyramids, no borders, no fences to this, so that one person could control everything?”.
Nor is Elon Musk prevented on seeing my August 5th Post on Facebook, “Can he rein them in?”
Those are clever words, and nor are they mine but they well reflect my mind.
There will come a point in time, very soon, when the people will stop looking at the TV for who wants to look at either a fool or someone intentionally wanting to fool you?
You will stop reading the newspapers and everything others are writing on Facebook and other social media.
TV is however who you are.
This has been your most trusted companion.
Everyday you have invited it into your bedroom and living room.
Those who think they are more selective by only watching Netflix movies are in denial.
Your thinking has reflected their thinking which has been programmed to fool you.
You can’t blame God because you know all this contrived money-war stuff came from the very top down.
If you want to convince your mind that my mind is illogical, stupid in the extreme, it may not be comforting to know that you join a large group of fools who can only be trusted to turn on you just as they have done to me and my mother.
Our enemies want everyone to see that my mother is no less insane than me when seeing my mother in The Lady’s Speech and again the 28 other beautiful depictions of my mother so cruelly treated because of jealousy and money, but mostly jealousy which again comes from the top Oppenheimers.
I know a lot about Israelis.
It did not hurt my knowledge spending sufficient time with Ben Gurion to know how treacherous Israelis can be.
Remember us Jewish people are very special.
We have been the most hunted human animal amongst those who worship one God which are the preeminent and smart religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
We haven’t been given a day’s break.
Our enemies have always first taken out our strongest who are those with the strongest bodies which match and ignite the all powerful mind.
I can understand why not every Jewish person thinks around the clock of the programming that goes into creating body parts such as the skin and muscle which repair themselves and even more spectacular you can call on nature to provide oils along with a French clay cover, and give that much more of a helping hand.
How about once in our lives?
Why us Jews?
If ever there were going to be a people who should watch out for each other it is us Jewish people.
How can a Jewish person cheat another Jewish person and the community says nothing other than applaud the winner and denounce the loser, the one who has been cheated?
How could this epidemic have spread so fast to all corners of the globe?
No other people have felt that the entire world wants to eliminate them which was transparent once we had to fight our first war of survival following the murder of half of European Jewry and then we turn on our best?
How stupid is that?
Where have our learned rabbis been?
In the pockets of our mass murdering SA Oppenheimers is the answer.
Or do you want to think each and every rabbi in the world is totally stupid.
To get Harry Oppenheimer’s attention for 1 minute is huge.
Granted I would most certainly have got Harry Oppenheimer’s attention for 60 seconds because I was formerly introduced by his partner, Jewish Zagiew, my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser whose terrific parents had 4 dumbass children including David, the youngest.
That didn’t mean my father’s first cousin couldn’t tell a good joke or laugh at all his and Harry Oppenheimer’s puppets both the witting and unwitting.
Of course they laughed hardest at the unwitting.
That is to tell you how good an actor were their relatively few directly compensated puppets.
The word puppet is use so freely and often these days that the people have become numb.
What if there are other things that God has blinded our minds which points to the utter spectacular mind of God?
Could you imagine anything more heinous, more deprived of humanity than the Gross Domestic Product economic index which has gone unchallenged since its introduction in 1934, the same year the idiot, anti-Semitic lawyer Franklin D Roosevelt nominated no less virulent ant-Semite Joseph Kennedy as the inaugural Chairman of the SEC which oversees the completely nonsense stock markets which was the year following the clown Hitler being brought to power?
All this nonsense gold that Hitler stole of the Jews of Germany to kickstart his military buildup is of course total bullshit but that doesn’t stop a CBS TV talking head such as Jewish person Marcia Kramer writing a best selling book and getting rich and that much more powerful to boot.
Could you imagine anything more preposterous than Germany managing to rearm when the country was totally bankrupt plus the Versailles Peace Treaty following WW I prohibited Germany from rearming?
Do you think God played a joke on the human species by providing us with language which makes us incessant talkers until the day arrives when we can no longer speak?
Were you a member currently of my Facebook group chat IIT (It Is Time) where the membership of 219 odd are now quieter than ever following the last comment by Frenchman Jean Figadère at 9:01 AM California time, “I understand very well your position”, you would be able to see more clearly that change is in the air.
Good people will trust good people that much more and be willing to help them, and corrupt people will distrust themselves and others corrupt that much more.
What you will also notice in their despicable ongoing silence is that none of them direct any questions at despicable Ayala Weisel Esq who is also a member.
Nor is it lost on me that the people have the same opportunity to inquire from IIT member Alexander Soros the youngest offspring of the crook George Soros questions about his father.
If it is not lost on me it cannot possibly be lost on God who is all that counts when you have a systemically corrupt society made up of fools and the biggest fools, the most wretched are entrusted with running the wars.

It is also my experience that it is not only Israelis who have got much dumber over the years and which of course concerned Ben Gurion a great deal and why he did his best to bring out the best even with the dumbest of Jewish people who showed up at his doorstep

with a big check.

You told me you are 43 years of age but you told it in a way, “3 and 40” that showed me you were thinking in Hebrew and then translating it into English.

English is the language of business throughout the world which is not to suggest that Hebrew is imprecise because Hebrew is actually more precise than English which does not seem to have helped the devolution of Israelis.

What you may find interesting if you choose to examine the facts is that the religious of all the religions are so full of the stories of the Bible and yet they cannot see the forest for the trees.

Ben Gurion was very into planting trees in Israel but he was more concerned with Israel surviving her wars before she was finally defeated by the idiot money people.

He always took the money from the donors such as my mother’s second husband Alan Zulman who see above on 16 May 1969 having Ben Gurion sign a small card containing all the particulars which was 64 days prior to the commencement of Operation Green Island Raid that was coordinated with Neil Armstrong landing in the moon and more likely even the Egyptian special forces commandos distracted by the TV coverage as the Israeli attack began.

You may notice in Ben Gurion’s eyes and the rest of his facial features that his mind has moved on to other things.

Can you imagine how it is going to be if people don’t wake up to how little good the masks do while guaranteeing less clean oxygen flow to the brain where obviously everyone needs it.
We must always stay in the present which is made easier if you are healthy.

One of the interesting things you will note if you just give it a little thought is that the richest people in the world, with the exception of President Putin

don’t know the first thing about either the law or war and yet if they gave it a moment’s thought they would remember that it is the victor of war who writes the law as well as the history books.

We can agree that Ben Gurion was neither stupid nor corrupt.

Not being stupid he knew better than to turn away stupid people – who were first of all those coming to him with big checks, monies collected from other idiot donors – into enemies of Israel.

Ben Gurion knew like any common sense person that if you needed money the first person you approach was either Sir Ernest Oppenheimer or his son Harry as the two of them were the richest people in the world and also the most powerful.

No less important the Oppenheimers escaped prosecution at Nuremberg where they should have been the first and last to be tried and hung because they owned the entire establishment.

Without the corruption we would not know the depths of human depravity; and nor does it get uglier than the case of my mother having her wishes denied as they ransack her estate in broad daylight.

So of course you have a much better sense of why this atrocity of atrocities has befallen my British citizen mother Zena being held captive in Israel and torturously pushed into her grave as the world looks on without a care in the world.

Now if my repeat of the word “world” doesn’t flow that well in your head take it as punishment for you and your husband misleading me into thinking you spoke perfect English which I knew was probably not the case given all the time and conversations between the two of you before you finally came on the phone a strong indicator that you didn’t want to talk and your answers to my clear English questions were spoken in Hebrew.

Ben Gurion first spoke with me in a group setting back on November 1, 1972 outside his humble abode at Sde Boker which was 13 months to the day before he passed away.

He spoke for 30 minutes and only in Hebrew even though he was speaking to Jewish South African 15 year olds whose first language is English. I had no difficulty understanding his rather simple words because by this time my Hebrew was at least as good as my English.

Today when I hear Hebrew spoken my entire body-mind is repulsed given how Israel as a country and Jewish Israelis in particular and have so forsaken my mother.

My dislike of the language and Israelis has been a gradual progression and it started in earnest when I realized in the late 1980s that Ben Gurion was right; namely the biggest Nazis and anti-Semites were corrupt Jewish people.

You may not, being lawyers, realize that there is a correlation between competency and integrity, but there is.

Coming to Ben Gurion in 1969 with money showed him you were either totally stupid or corrupt because by this time Israel had sufficient numbers of nuclear weapons to start a nuclear war which would end with the moon only circling little stones assuming the moon didn’t get wiped out in the process.

All you need is the biggest gun and a willingness to use it to get your wheat. Once you steal that first bushel of wheat then you move on to grab the land, the water and the bank.

Ben Gurion, however was not willing to play poker against people like the French who weren’t the first to drop nuclear bombs on a civilian population but then again the French weren’t the first to get an atomic weapon.

Nor could Ben Gurion therefore assert himself at the trade negotiation table.

He had to wait for people to come to him letting him know that Israel didn’t have to pay a penny more than what the SA Oppenheimers paid for their lifestyle.
They did not arrive in droves.
That is to tell you the strength of the Oppenheimers.
Ben Gurion also didn’t need get on top of a box in Hyde Corner London and demand equal justice for the Jews.
He would have no listeners and the Queen would quickly have him hushed.
The Internet reaches the people at the top as well as at the bottom. In fact the people at the bottom might reach it before the top dogs because of all the filtering and each “Yes man” jockeying for position.
If someone like Trump doesn’t understand it he can be made to understand, just like the dumbest.
When he does get it he is less likely to order a preemptive nuclear strike in order to keep the war machine going, not on moral grounds but because of the fear his order will be refused.
So it is not in the least bit important that we have a moral leader although it is preferable, but rather one who can be reasoned with.
Nor does one leader have the excuse that the rest of them are not on the same page because people like you can help make that happen.
Ben Gurion was mostly surrounded by enemies other than his security detail who during the most critical periods were exclusively women.
If you were the SA Oppenheimers-BASF-IG Farben you would not need either a supercomputer or a brain like Musk’s to know that Ben Gurion was enemy number one.
Today Israeli farmers who cannot find young kids finishing their service in the IDF to help plant and pick the crops as well as the Thai slaves now imported for free from Thailand don’t have much to think about.
The brain is a muscle. If you don’t use it, you lose it.
Today Israel is most willing to assert herself as an equal partner with the other nuclear powers, but not all Israelis are as rich as Netanyahu or Ehud Barak.
Come on. Just stop.
How is it possible that neither Netanyahu nor Barak hasn’t read The D I book?
There is nothing foolish about the book.
You must have noticed that I am the only person on the planet commenting about the book.
Wouldn’t you like to see the next Israeli soldier who dies, live?
What if it is your child who dies all because the leaders of today are getting rich from war without having to lead the troops into battle?
Remember the SA Oppenheimers can try and defend themselves with falsehoods but The D I book provides zero wiggle room.
Everyone understands this perfectly once it is clearly spelled out.
The only work the Oppenheimers have is to keep not having to pay for anything because everything they have has been free from the very start.
When you don’t pay your soldiers a fair wage to steal the land it means you have under compensated them which soldiers don’t like.
Along with having to work to get their rank which has the merit system labeled all over, they are heavy duty indoctrinated to be fighting for protection of the homeland and the more savvy feel they are fighting for the money they get paid to fight.
But none of them think they are fighting for a cruel, mass murderer monopolist who has no loyalty to country, race or religion only to their puppets and stool pigeons.

There is of course an agreement between the nuclear powers to protect each of their rich citizens something neither Ben Gurion nor his most trusted advisors; namely my mother Zena, her father and her grandmother Nechie Bardash-Ash (1874-1943)

were willing to do.

Now if you wish to get fully up to speed with where I am at the moment, just click on to my Facebook wall and see my last written post “Creating jobs for the future” which followed, “Can he rein them in?”. Last is a repeat of a video showing my wife feeding Mango his veggies from 6 years ago.

3 “likes” from people who can’t even go on to comment more when it is totally brilliant, is the biggest laugh.

All my Facebook group chat members are glued to the discussions and they are not the only ones watching my fb wall.
Remember there is a reason why everyone is reluctant to ask Oppenheimer or Trump or the media, or Netanyahu or Barak or Obama or Clinton or their next door neighbor what they think of The D I book.
A great many people have let me know how very angry they are with me for making others aware of the most important book ever written.
There is no “Deep State” running the government.
The people have the power more than ever and they don’t use it because they are waiting for the wave to begin and they don’t trust the next treacherous person.
That is why group chats on social media are a godsend.
You get to see everyone for what they are.
They are going to crack, it is just a question of when?
Don’t also forget that their quietness is not because they don’t understand. It is because they perfectly understand and again why they are quiet.
They will of course first try looking for some good in the politicians but that won’t last long.
It also doesn’t mean that a group like MIMI don’t get it.
Yes, most eager was Israeli lawyer Gonen Ben Yitzhak to take the case given how the fraudulent guardianship of my mother Zena (Gevisser) Zulman was granted to corrupt Israeli liar-lawyer Ayala Weisel Esq who is not a family member on the basis that no family member wanted to take care of my mother and that she was suffering from advanced dementia, both untrue statements.
Gonen knows as well as every Israeli that the courts always give guardianship to a family member especially one that is so loved and trusted by their mother.
Ugh it is ugly.
Even having to express the utter sickness is not helped knowing how could you be possibly any different?

Before you came on the phone after I asked to speak with you once your lawyer husband said your English is much better than his and his is not all that good, but clearly it is better than yours, your husband spoke like a typical lawyer questioning if my mother was rich and if she owned real estate.

I don’t mind someone being all about the money because everyone is all about the money just so long as they are bright and able to get over their stupidity which comes from being poorly raised or born with a weak personality which a good and smart parent quickly realizes by how much talking the child does.

If the child has brain damage at birth then if they don’t look responsive that tells you they are brain damaged when not talking.

I didn’t say a word before I was 3 but you can see from my eyes that my brain is alert.

Can you imagine the traumatized mind of Weisel telling Israeli Judge Yocheved Greenwald-Rand in court on October 5, 2016 that she didn’t know how to contact me since I’m all over the internet, and I had her email and notified her and bunch others that I was on my way to Israel; and then their murder weapon, 6 days before my arrival on September 21, 2016, Weisel and my 3 elder siblings went behind my and my mother’s back and had arrogant, incompetent Greenwald-Rand grant Weisel the guardianship.

Weisel managed to reach my 3 other siblings who put her up to it including my middle brother Melvin who also lives in the United States.

Corrupt corrupt.

Weizel should be dragged all over the courts and this lawyer put to shame.

Nor is this the first time Weisel has preyed on the elderly.
This communique is not privileged.
It will be rebroadcasted first thing Monday morning unless I hear back from you.

[Word count 7412]

Sent from my iPhone
