The Holiday you are celebrating – People were armed
Screenshot: 2:49 PM Calif. time, 6 July 2022
Gary Gevisser commented.
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Phil Compton
Into “well organized militia”. Not in the hands of crazy guys who slaughter families at 4th of July parades.
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Nathanael Caldwell Nerode
Phil Compton Yeah. In 1776, in most municipalities, everyone was required to keep nearly all of their ammo in government-run storehouses! Safety regulation. And gun rights were routinely removed from people who were found to be mentally ill or criminal. And so on.The 2nd amendment, in Massachusetts at least, was about making sure the militias organized by the local governments were not denied access to the storehouses. (Which is something the British King’s troops tried to do.)
Had nothing to do with random yahoos wandering around with guns.
The 2nd amendment is also based on a provision in the English Bill of Rights. That provision was intended to make sure that local community militias could defend themselves against abusive men sent by an unelected king. The closest analog in the 20th century US is the Black Panthers, a local community militia designed to defend themselves against abusive racist men sent by a government they didn’t elect. So it was supposed to protect the Black Panthers. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop the government from attacking the Black Panthers, quite illegally. So much for the 2nd amendment.
Again, not random yahoos. Random yahoos have never had any right to keep or bear arms.
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Michael Arthur Brusa
Nathanael Caldwell Nerode more poor analysis.
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Nathanael Caldwell Nerode
Michael Arthur Brusa So have you read the ratification debates about the 2nd Amendment? I have. Maybe listen to people who’ve done their homework
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Michael Arthur Brusa
Nathanael Caldwell Nerode you have read what you wanted to feed your bias. Maybe I have read to feed mine. However to assert that ammo was all stored in storehouses is just not true. Your narrow view of militia and arms is simply not true. Not all founders agreed on everything. The militia was based on the independent and individual ownership of arms. On numerous occasions thousands of armed citizens came together to challenge the English. This was not done by issuing ammo and gunpowder, they already had plenty. Your view is simply clouded by your ideology. You apparently do that on every topic. Your views are simply not credible.
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Thomas Jenne
Nathanael Caldwell Nerode exactly a well
Maintained militia, not Joe and Jane public
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Steven Day
Nathanael Caldwell Nerode can you cite a source for most people not being allowed to keep ammo in 1776?I’m pretty sure everyone owned guns to hunt and duel with back then. I don’t see them running to city hall to ask for their ammo to shoot the bear or coyote that’s killing their animals or stalking their house.
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Andrew Roddy
Thomas Jenne What about “shall not be infringed” do you not understand?
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Thomas Jenne
Andrew Roddy are you a well trained militia. No, then your right isn’t being infringed as a civilian.
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Andrew Roddy
Thomas Jenne “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.
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Andrew Roddy
Thomas Jenne Yes, “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.
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David Mondrus
Thomas Jenne funny because in FL you need a class or military/LEO experience to carry. Guess what, “well trained”
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David Mondrus
Nathanael Caldwell Nerode hey, it’s been 24 hours, can you cite sources for your claims?
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Reply to Nathanael Caldwell Nerode…
Anthony Davis
Maybe instead of advocating for taking away the rights of people who are not “crazy random yahoos”, we should be having a conversation about why there are so many crazy random yahoos today in comparison to 200 years ago, when people had more guns yet mass shootings were far less common. Just saying.Of course it’s much easier to just create a scapegoat than to address deep underlying social problems that can’t just be solved with a stroke of a pen. Gun control makes people feel like they’re doing something, even though the cities with the most restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws nevertheless have the worst gun violence. It’s almost as if there’s something more at play here.
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Andrew Roddy
Phil Compton Violence is a state of mind, not any particular weapon.
Phil Compton
Andrew Roddy violence is an action, most often with a weapon, most often with a weapon intended for use on the battlefield. Combine that state of mind with such a weapon, you have what’s practically a daily slaughter of innocents.
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Andrew Roddy
Phil Compton Address the state of mind.
Andrew Roddy
Phil Compton What about “shall not be infringed” do you not understand?
Matt Drennan
Andrew Roddy What about “Well Regulated” do you not understand?
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Andrew Roddy
Matt Drennan “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.
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Paul M Fosse
Andrew Roddy some will say only people in a militia has the right. First, the right exists even without the 2nd amendment, the 2nd amendment just clarified it. Second, my understanding of a militia is regular people with their own guns. Like on the Viking times when you “raised” an army. You got the farmers to join you and fight (that’s what I learned in 5 seasons of Vikings, plus some elements of pagan rituals).
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Matt Drennan
Andrew Roddy we should really amend that to clarify.
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Andrew Roddy
Matt Drennan “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.
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Phil Compton
Paul M Fosse if that was the intent, why the emphasis on the militia being well organized? Otherwise, any evil idiot can see himself as a one man militia with the right to rain terror and death onto 4th of July parades.
Reply to Andrew Roddy…
Joe Wicker
Phil Compton “militia is all military age males”. SCOTUS has already handled this issue. It’s not the national guard.
Phil Compton
Joe Wicker well, as has been recently demonstrated, the SCOTUS can, has and might once again change its mind.
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Joe Wicker
Phil Compton militia is literally a word that can be defined from the time period it was used. To redefine it would require a complete departure from the English language. It’s just inconvenient for gun grabbers. The second amendment was added for a clear purpose: to insure the population was always armed with the ability to resist a tyrannical government. After all, that’s why they had just dealt with.
Jim Kraffert
Phil reading comprehension issues?A well REGULATED militia.
Regulated in 1799, when it was written, means supplied.
Militia, any man of military age.
Being necessary to the security of a free state.
State, not nation, not rich people, not judges, state.
The right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
PEOPLE, not government, police, private security for the wealthy and banks, the PEOPLE.
Nathaneal, in 1776, the 2nd Amendment wasn’t even being discussed, our forefathers had just signed the Declaration of Independence and their own death warrant if we lost the war.
When they returned, not from a hunting trip, but a war where militia (see above) had defeated the most powerful army the world had ever seen.
You’re full of excrement and need to study before trying to lecture.
The lion’s share of cannons, rifles, even naval ships were privately owned during the revolutionary war.
5 Replies
Jim Kraffert
Phil oh, now facts are lame?Do we blame spoons and forks for obesity?
Cookies for diabetes?
Of course not, it’s only guns that are at fault, not the person holding the gun.
I’ve been around guns my entire life, not once did they do anything but sit there until a human made them do something else.
Phil Compton
Jim Kraffert so what is about our culture? What is it about gun enthusiasts that prevents them for actively advocating for mental health funding? Have you? If not, perhaps you should. Otherwise, you might be a hypocrite.
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Jim Kraffert
Phil I have. Where I can.I’ve written to Congress, I don’t donate so they ignore.
As far as gun enthusiasts, they’re law abiding citizens.
Did you get a vasectomy so your neighbor’s wife doesn’t get pregnant? Do you not drink so the guy down the street doesn’t get his 5th DUI?
Also, IMHO, if we stopped making these pieces of excrement famous, we’d see a lot less of this shit too. Most of these shooters are loners, losers, and disliked by most. They’re forgettable in every way. But they kill a few people, they’re famous. EVERYBODY knows them
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Phil Compton
Jim Kraffert I agree on your last point. We should not say their names, etc. Some media don’t, but most do.
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Jim Kraffert
Phil Michael Moore made a movie about them…
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Reply to Phil Compton…
Gary Gevisser
Are you saying the indigenous first peoples weren’t?
Dick Richards
Gary Gevisser Good obfuscation of the intention of the post!!
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Paul M Fosse
Gary Gevisser sure.
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Aaron Littlefield
Gary Gevisser mostly they were armed by the British. That alliance ended poorly.They had allied with the French against the British and lost in the 7 years French/Indian War. They allied with the British in the American War for Independence and lost. They allied with the Confederacy against the Union and lost.
They were armed every time.
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Gary Gevisser
Aaron Littlefield why didn’t you say that the indigenous, first peoples were sufficiently armed when they refused to trade with the passengers on board the Mayflower and the such?I see that your fb profile says that you studied political science at Western Caroline University. Did you graduate?
What do you do today for a living?
Are you aware of how mineral rights are still obtained as well as secured in mineral rich regions of the world?
Does anyone have a problem with me tagging some of my fb friends?
Solly Krok, multi-billionaire and former long time client.
Keisha Whitaker Hollywood actress and model married to Hollywood actor Forest Whitaker
Errol Graham Musk, brilliant engineer and father of Elon Musk
Tomer Tene, Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt. Colonel.
Manolo Ferrant who is quite the speaker.
Reply to Aaron Littlefield…
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Reply to Gary Gevisser…
Fred Gerken
Our well-organized militia is called the National Guard, NOT proud boys/KKK/Oath keepers.