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As a rule of thumb – Re: Be bold – Re: Launching human consciousness – Re: How do I reach Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD?

From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: As a rule of thumb – Re: Be bold – Re: Launching human consciousness – Re: How do I reach Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD?
Date: November 8, 2017 at 9:50:07 PM PST
To: “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <essyprogram>

There is another way to look at the signage being more a positive than a death warning label:

By switching to a plant based diet you eliminate heart disease; your general health improves.

As a rule of thumb, parents and teachers don’t want their children being poisoned.

On Nov 8, 2017, at 4:19 AM, essyprogram <essyprogram> wrote:

It was forwarded to Dr. Esselstyn. He has been travelling. I will forward this correspondence as well.

From: GaryStevenGevisser [mailto:garystevengevisser]
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2017 6:16 PM
To: essyprogram <essyprogram>
Subject: Be bold – Re: Launching human consciousness – Re: How do I reach Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD?

Did Dr Esselstyn get my communication?

I thought it was clear and well written; and deserving of getting his immediate attention given the importance we all attach to doing the right thing. There cannot be anything more important than the health of the human population especially since cardiac disease is the greatest. You place a huge dent in that anything but mysterious disease you pretty much wipe out instantly the rest of the human body-mind diseases.

Our existence in this mass expansion of the universe is time wise infinitesimally recent and nor have we really beautified the planet with our structures because in fact we have been mostly destructive without us coming close to being peaceful; quite the opposite in fact because we have not mastered the basic of human greed which begins with if you are going to profit from war that is the most lucrative business why stop at only supplying one side when supplying both sides you cannot possibly lose. All you need is to set up different nations, each having their own weapons procurement department and in each country you set up a different name corporation which is identical to the domestic corporation other than the name and the front management people who have different names because they also don’t look the same.

This is a thinking person’s game, and if no one has thought it before, there is always the first.

Perhaps I needed to also address the supposed power of the meat industry which I am not oblivious to since you can see that my writings are not that of a naive person.

Anyone who thinks the meat-dairy industry isn’t going to be in an uproar at very visible signage in every medical doctor’s waiting room is insane.

But they are powerless against the truth.

Therefore the only fear that you Dr. Esselstyn have to contend with is that they will either find a way to bankrupt you, and/or physically hurt you and those most dear to you; and that would be most unpleasant.

To address that fear is very easy because you simply need to put yourself in the shoes of the meat industry officials who have known for a long time about your as well as other celebrated medical doctors and scientists findings which again are irrefutable.

These people are only protecting their jobs which are a hell of a lot more lucrative than those standing in soup kitchen lines. Nor would they be fired for doing the right thing because to dismiss your very public confrontation would have them looking very stupid.

A great many people are very comfortable in feeling stupid because it gives them the excuse that they are not so bright as to do the right thing, which is why they must be approached with this common sense thinking being their brainchild.

These people really do not want blood on their hands; and I am not talking about your blood; I am talking about the mass murder of human beings who don’t know that they have another choice.

Most people don’t see the slaughter of one million animals every day here in the United States as murder, and these same people don’t want to look stupid that they haven’t considered the slow torturous death of their children eating meat.

There is a reason why meat eaters do not look or feel invigorated. They are poisoning themselves to a painful death and yet they don’t consider it suicide.

It isn’t suicide if you are murdering your child who you are duty bound to protect.

Perhaps it is my courage in having chosen to make a very difficult choice in taking on my former employer De Beers-Barclays who were the principal contributors to the rise of Nazi Germany, and they escaped prosecution at Nuremberg because they profited immensely.

You don’t see them taking out center-page ads in the New York Times and WSJ conceding defeat, but they have been rapidly removing themselves from “public view” and leaving an unmistakable trail.

I point this out only to let you know that De Beers-Barclays are far more insulated than the meat industry who are marketing a product that is seriously dangerous to the health of humans.

De Beers-Barclays simply market their monies which is way above most human’s horizons which are limited to sex, eating and sleep and only concerning themselves with the elimination of bodily waste when it is painful and they dread the fallout from their next meal.

BTW, the greatest benefit of doing the right thing for the entire planet is the total and complete conquering of fear which is a far cry from “Fear no evil” because that evil is never clearly defined, and then we have the “original sin” to fall back on when fearful of confronting the evil and finding the excuse for the bad who for good reason keep winning.

You diffuse the meat industry, you end all wars.

If you make the first cut of a letter to the FDA that is signed by credible people, I would be more than happy to share with you my suggested edits.

There is no time to be wasted. You and the rest of your brave colleagues could be in the next moment crippled with Alzheimers or other degenerative diseases and then you will only be left with your regrets.

Be bold.


On Nov 6, 2017, at 10:06 AM, GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser> wrote:

Thank you,

Dr. Esselstyn,

Your last name brings up positive memories for me; first my high school headmaster, Mr. Kessel who was probably the most “in touch” male teacher I ever had as he was also a professional rugby referee which made my half colors in rugby


that much more meaningful and I was still a couple of years away from finishing my high school studies before going on to university where I did well enough to impress the head of the banking-mining consortium De Beers-Barclays, Harry Oppenheimer who oversaw directly my year long orientation into this rather illustrious group who don’t pretend for a moment that they are anything less than the most powerful organization on the planet because they are.

The other gentleman was a medical surgean, Dr. Stein MD who was a close friend of my mother Zena who would say that Dr. Stein “earns telephone numbers” before I even understood what that meant.

This could possibly serve as an introduction to a book which might only appeal to very bored individuals, but then my only goal here is to get your attention on a most important subject which you have more expertise on than me.

Forks Over Knives explains clearly that all heart disease can be cured with a healthy plant based diet which neither myself nor my beautiful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion or our equally very healthy, and also only plant based diet dog Mango would argue with given how healthy the 3 of us look and feel.

F O K does not, however, explain the difficulty medical doctors have in convincing their unhealthy patients to change their meat diets because these people don’t want to change and if given the choice they would go for the pills and stents even though they know that at best these other approaches are only a temporary band aid solution. Nor do they think that once the heart muscle is diseased the rest soon follow.

The medical doctors also don’t want to be placed in the poor house which is what healthy patients would end up doing.

When, however, you are faced with the irrefutable facts that the biggest disease which has the most amount of money thrown at it and it also going first to the cardiologists like yourself who appears to be the exception rather than the rule given how you look clearly that you are guided by your conscience rather than your pocket book, can be totally eliminated by what the human decides to eat, then we move into the grander scale of healthcare of the world’s nations.

It took many years to get the tobacco companies to reveal their data that smoking causes cancer, but eventually there was labeling on the packaging of cigarettes.

While I am obviously not naive, given how I started working for De Beers-Barclays when just 21 years of age and Im now going on 61, and the very first hours of that year long interviewing process required that I didn’t make a single misstep in analyzing the best possible targets for D-B to acquire as well as how best to execute such transactions, and therefore aware that cardiologists would be averse to biting the hand that feeds them, the FDA could easily insist that at every medical doctors establishment and placed most prominent in the waiting area is a simple warning, “Eating meat causes cancer, and the alternative only requires common sense”, apart from the FDA are really not interested in the health and safety of the masses.

One of the great things is that none of us live forever, thank God.

The only revolutions that make sense must be peaceful.

The fact that not a single revolution in the history of our species has ever been peaceful is because all violent revolutions are initiated by those who profit from war and who see peace as war on their profits.

Everything starts with one. I am willing to be the first to sign a petition forcing the FDA to do the right thing. I know of at least one other person who would second such a motion.

A country like Israel has 4% of its population vegetarian which still means a great many of these vegetarians continue to eat liquified meat-milk.

Every politician, including all the corrupt, talk about the morals and ethics of a society being the basis of a lawful and just society. Even the hypocrites have to concede that is the foundation of all civilized peoples. Without a conscience it is simply “might is right” which works for the strongest military nations but that is not how the strongest military nations present themselves either to the enemy or their own citizens, at least not publicly.

A person with a conscience must be conscious of what they eat in order to treat their organs with the sensitivity they deserve. If you are not sensitive, in touch with yourself then your conscience must suffer.

It all comes down to making the logical arguments.

Imagine if your tombstone read, “He launched human consciousness”.

What can be higher goals than that?

All the best,


On Nov 6, 2017, at 5:46 AM, essyprogram <essyprogram> wrote:

You can send an email to this address and I will make sure that he receives it.
