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Awareness is intensified by doing good deeds and not just talking about it ~ facebook messaging with Yvonne Persinger

Facebook messaging with Yvonne Persinger

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What do u do? I write on the economy
Yvonne Persinger
Holistic Health and Human Performance.
Have you heard of Smuts’ Holism & Evolution? Are you South African? Do you coach business people and athletes?

Yvonne Persinger
No I haven’t heard of that. I’m from US. I coach and consult people and athletes, yes.
Sorry just saw this

What specifically is your area of expertise? Do you have any university degrees? How did you get started? How long have you been at it? Is business good? Do you recognize the man on the right?

Yvonne Persinger
What I’m teaching they won’t teach in mainstream schools. My area of expertise is in human performance…brain, body, emotion, consciousness. Business is amazing and getting crazier. No I don’t recognize him off hand. Kinda looks like Bruce Lipton but don’t think that’s him.

His name is Nick Oppenheimer. He inherited a business that prices the cost of all raw materials, labor and finished goods and a very big part of his business is in the production and distribution of weapon systems and of course with such inordinate cash 💰 flow he influences all politics, politicians and peace activist groups.

I used to work for his father Harry

The link above takes you to chapter 1 of Professor Edward J Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention which is free on the Internet without having to download it.

For the past 15 odd years I have been coaching the world’s richest to the poorest the lessons of The D I book as well as the world’s preeminent economists including Dr Geoffrey Rothwell Phd the former principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency which is headquartered in Paris France within the OECD.

The D I book explains the real world which is not everything because we can’t even explain the origins of life and therefore in no position to know what happens in the end other than we know our bones become compost and we stop polluting

With few exceptions, everyone shows their true colors, that they are very selfish and shortsighted and they also feel that it is okay to be very threatening should they feel they can get away with it and that is more difficult as the information continues to spread including who knew what and when

I persist because I know this is all a game which we have no choice but to play the cards we are dealt

We always have the choice of suicide but that option should wait until all other available alternatives to reach out to the masses have been exhausted

I hope I’m not putting you to sleep 😴

I’m writing a book in real time that picks up where The D I book leaves off while filling in the few, but important gaps such as why there is no mention of Richard Nixon’s speech on August 15, 1972 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and the future of all trade agreements between nations based on military superiority.

2 days ago at 7:42 am California time I posted up a 257 odd word explanation of the causes of all the world’s problems which are very easy to fix in the facebook wall of my economist friend Dr Rodney Smith Phd

Have you read it?

Yvonne Persinger
That’s interesting. I basically have put together a program which instructs not only how to fix every health issue known to man, but also wakes people up and counters all the BS the elite have spent millennia programming people into believing very quickly.
Based on Nikola Telsla’s work and using his concept of everything being energy, frequency and vibration.
My work has caught the attention of many people in my space and I’m getting calls for interviews now and things are accelerating.
Working with producers of Burning Man and others on a big movement/ project.
Sounds like your book will help many as well
People like him understand how Law of Attraction works and other Universal laws.
8:17 AM
Btw you would expect both fellow countryman Elon Musk as well as Zuckerberg to know about me and in the case of Zuckerberg who is closely connected to Don Graham who is the only advertiser on the Internet edition of The D I – see bottom of chapter 18 – his facebook officials stopped banning me more than 9 odd years ago following complaints of people who were stupid enough to voice their frustrations of having been so horribly fooled So how do you think your clients will do psychologically and morally once you introduce them to the DIG (Diamond Invention Game)? Later today I will be writing to my 3 elder siblings who didn’t demonstrate the necessary intellectual aptitude to be considered for a high level position within De Beers-Barclays ( see chapter 16 WARRING WITH ISRAEL ) and I also knew better despite our extraordinarily close-knit Jewish family to share with them my knowledge before breaking my 24 year silence with De Beers-Oppenheimer on 11.11.2004 which was 663 days prior to the very important meeting between Putin and Oppenheimer, because I had a good sense that they wouldn’t be able to keep the truth to themselves and that proved to be a good prediction once they read The D I book and shut down like everyone else but without explaining what it is about the book that so bothers them.

Last evening I published a 663 word email communique titled, “Help Patrice Lumumba”. It was first sent to approximately 1000 of my 10k plus email list which of course includes people like Elon Musk and a bunch of TESLA officials including Mary Jane Schmidt who is a consumer survey specialist who I have previously communicated with over email and she is also a member of several of facebook group chats. In the carbon copy section of HELP PATRICE LUMUMBA who was brutally assassinated on Jan 17, 1961, the same day President Eisenhower gave his infamous Military Industrialist Complex speech and I have purposefully used the word INDUSTRIALIST rather than INDUSTRIAL as it is more commonly known because Eisenhower was like all heads of state working for the major industrialists, were approximately 500 individuals/groups.

The people know that they cannot see all those in the blind copy section who can see them This is a lot of information at once It causes everyone to go into shock I can forward you that 663 odd word communique which is a good lead into you figuring out your next move which is whether or not to share this knowledge As my very on top of things and most beautiful F-C (Française-Canadienne) wife Marie Dion says, “ Once you have the acknowledge you know everyone’s game!”

Are you vegan!
Yvonne Persinger
8:27 AM
I’m vegetarian but only get animal based products (eggs/ milk) from people I know. Theres a reason I’m in India. My work was getting the attention of movie producers and pro athletes very quickly in LA and nationwide. Because what I and a few others have created, Big Pharma stood to lose trillions and started harassing me more and more as word spread. My computer got hacked and phone tapped as well as friend’s. Long story but I came to India to further my work (which the Hindi’s have had figured out for as long as man has existed), so things are now picking up speed again and with the group I’m working with, we’re about to blow the lid wide open on the whole damn thing that goes far beyond just money, although that is a key issue as well!
Yvonne Persinger
8:28 AM
I’m happy to spread anything that will get people to sit up and pay attention.

8:36 ~ 8:40 AM

Have you not heard of medical doctor John Mcdougall MD and his colleagues like psychiatrist Neal Barnard MD exposing the poison of milk-liquified meat? Would you describe yourself as a “self esteem building coach”?
I also think you should go back and reread what I have previously written you
You are missing something very important
Those 257 odd words yesterday explain concisely the myth of our economic system which has the people increasingly stupid
Yvonne Persinger
8:41 AM
No I’m not missing what you’re saying, I’m saying what I do and know goes far beyond money and straight to the core of our very existence.
Yes the system is definitely making people increasingly stupid
8:42 AM
No one likes the feeling of stupid which is why De Beers-Oppenheimer-Barclays allowed the book to be published in the first place and why it is still free on the Internet
Yvonne Persinger
8:42 AM
Will have to explain more later. Have to go. Will read book soon.
TY for sharing ☺️🙏🏻
8:43 AM
Realize that your reaction is par for the course
Yvonne Persinger
8:51 AM
When you read those 257 odd words you are going to go into greater shock because you will realize that not only have you had no clue about the economic system because if you did then you would have long exposed the fundamental economic index GDP but all the many people who already have this information and haven’t shared it with you

Nor would you know if paying clients of yours already have this knowledge but chose not to let you know

Remember me saying that my sharing my knowledge is a “work in progress” and the only way for me to be effective and safe and knowing how the mind of the selfish future shellfish 🦞 human works is to do so in real time

So yes I’m also very aware of the spiritual world and that awareness is intensified by doing good deeds and not just talking about it

The beautiful wind just picked up and resting against my back is our very in touch doggy Mango who is also a very healthy vegan which has a lot to do with why he has yet to peak in physical strength, agility, alertness like non other and he is now well into his 10th year

Btw I also know quite a bit about the Hindu culture that was passed down to me at an early age
Yvonne Persinger
8:59 AM
I have no desire to debate or have ego based conversations of pissing contests. I’m looking to work with people who desire to work together and encourage others. Not compare portfolios or who knows more about what. It’s about sharing knowledge of all sorts and collaboration in love and humility. That’s what gets people to listen and wake up.
Here is photo of my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie and my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena standing opposite from India Prime Minister Pandit Nehru at his private residence in New Delhi where they were his guests for two weeks and their chaperone throughout India was his daughter future Prime Minister Indira Ghandi; moreover my mother was pregnant with me at the time
Yvonne Persinger
Milk is only bad when heated and pasteurized and eggs are great source of protein which is what many are very deficient in.
9:02 AM
You are wrong about both eggs and milk and why you should listen to the experts
Yvonne Persinger
9:02 AM
Cool pic
Yvonne Persinger
I’ve consulted and learned from many “experts.” And if you know anything about the human body, you would know that each person has different biochemistry and what works for some doesn’t work for everyone. It is an archaic way of thinking to think otherwise.
9:04 AM
Given my very wise parents, I also perfectly understand the human ego
Yvonne Persinger
9:08 AM
Yvonne Persinger replied to you
This sentence is the epitome of ego and I work with the “experts” from all forms of science and natural medicine. I have to go. Good luck with your mission and purpose. I’m sure it will help many. Namastè.

Yvonne Persinger then blocked me, preventing me from replying with:

Once you know that the monies you earn for your self esteem building courses are determined by the biggest thieves stealing the world’s mineral resources and having plenty left over to buy all the politicians you will find yourself becoming much quieter and more humble

Check out quickly my BLOG while remembering I have been doing this for a decade and a half and before then I was not stupid when choosing when would be the right time to begin speaking out.

Those 84 words where however shared with organizations that she is associated with.
