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Becoming a rabbi first, before Chief Rabbi of the IDF -: Messaging to change the world for the better

From:” <>

Subject: Becoming a rabbi first, before Chief Rabbi of the IDF – Re: Messaging to change the world for the better
Date: July 8, 2019 at 4:27:40 PM PDT
To: “Jared Aufrichtig – Fb friend as of July 5 2019, 7:19 AM Calif. time” <>
Cc: rest; Nicholas & Jonathan Oppenheimer c/of Leila Jack The Brenthurst Foundation <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef” <>, Ben Wyskida – The Nation – Publicity Director <>, “Laura Coyne – Ben Ridge Jewelers founded in 1912 owned by De Beers operative Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway.” <>, “Warren Buffett – Berkshire Hathaway.” <>, Stedman – Oprah lover <>, Oprah <>, “Dr. Laura Family” <>, “Charite Sandra Williams – Law Student, International at Uganda Christian University (UCU) Mukono – No longer FB of GG.” <>, “Christopher Mooney – American lawyer making money suing the wrong banks for price fixing gold so very undervalued.” <>, Christina Nazi Germany-Austria Neutrality of First Line Nobility protected our fortune Moritsch-Krall – No longer FB friend of GG <>, “Dr. Ekerette Ekpo MD – Fb friend” <>, “Ayi Kwei Armah – Ghanaian writer; once taken under the wing of Central Bank of England official, Gordon Richdale [1908-2002]who went on to captain the team of South African Invader, American-German Charles W. Englehard Jr. [1917-1971] – c/o Bonnie Kwan” <>, Yad Vashem Holocaust Resources <>, Uri Bar-Joseph <>, guy bechor <>, Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>, Adison Hewson – entrepreneur and wife of U2 singer Bono <>, Elon Musk <>, Roger Waters – Pink Floyd <>

Jared, whatever advice your father is giving you, you should not only listen but probably act on his advice.

Like you he knows that you are lying when you say that you dont know me from a bar of soap, and that does not look like your first lie. How difficult is it to remember when you became a member of Mensa?
You read and follow everything that you think will get you ahead and that is of course all about the money.
Nor have I lost the kid in me and my hope is the same with your father. Still you must listen to your father’s advice. He saved my middle brother Melvin’s life as Melvin experienced catastrophic meltdown.
Most importantly while there is no doubt that you know me better than anyone else you have had a close relationship with because no one ever taught you about the money because it is not taught in school or university and it is clearly not intuitive, you[r] father is learning everything there is to know about you, and no doubt that any gaps in his knowledge about what makes you tick, will now be filled.
Try not to forget, you nor any other abstract-bullshit artist is capable of debating me why it is not possible to judge abstract-bullshit art; and the fact that you are the first such person to actually admit in writing that you don’t judge art, is revolutionary.
Imagine how famous you would be and all the good you would do if you threw your hat in the ring to be the next Chief Rabbi of the Israel Defence Force. Moreover, I can guide you on how best to shut all all the flake-fake rabbis.
Tail end of You have a point get to it:
Saturday, July 6, 2:38 PM Calif time.
Ekerette Ekpo left the group.
Notice that despite the bitterness expressed by those eager to prevent the spread of the knowledge of the pricing of the money that is so well explained in The D I book, my fb friend count continues to rise.
Are you comforted by being surrounded by the people you only share negative energy?
I know it doesn’t rhyme as well as
Tell me somethin’, girl
Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there somethin’ else you’re searchin’ for?
I’m falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longin’ for change
And in the bad times I fear myself
Tell me something, boy
Aren’t you tired tryin’ to fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore?
SAT 10:21 PM
Please delete me from this group
Pamela Anne
Pls delete me from this group
I don’t even know how I got into this group and I don’t need these messages
SUN 3:43 AM
Beth Isaacs left the group.
SUN 7:58 AM
Jean Edelstein Gaylis left the group.
SUN 3:32 PM
1:09 AM
I don’t know how I got onto this group. Please delete me!
No idea what this group is anyway!
1:45 PM
Jenny Arenstein-Friedman gave a “Thumps up”.
@Gillian Mulock-Bentley, we are are talking about the money and its valuing and that conversation is conspicuously absent from your rather vulgar, disgusting charge?
Do those words ring a bell?
Do you remember anything else in [my] response to your June 25, 3:42 AM Calif. time words, “Goodness knows perhaps a scam”?
In the course of the past 16 days, have you learned anything else?
Do you want to tell us more about yourself?
In the event you had difficulty following what I wrote yesterday, it will soon be up on my BLOG with the necessary edits that will allow anyone to follow along so long as they have [at least] below average intelligence, but not to the point that you don’t know to chew before swallowing your food unless you have no teeth and the steak particles hurt your gums in which case you are only handicapped by the limited function of your mouth and not your brain.
You should not feel bad because I know nothing about you other than you have a name and you like a lot being on facebook to speak your mind; whereas someone such as Jenny Arenstein-Friedman who has just spoken with a “thumbs up” and it is very difficult to say what exactly she is approving of.
Jenny is also a South African attorney who has been following along perfectly because our conversations on fb messaging prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I also know Jenny’s very poor schooling at our Jewish high school, Carmel College in Durban, South Africa where the entire administration were watched over carefully by the Zagiew Durban North Lazarus clan and their Jewish spy network who very often spoke behind their backs, which was part of their job.
[I know both her parents from a very credible source] although I don’t recall any conversations with [either of them] who receive the most honorable mention in my highly literate, most secretive British-English mother Zena’s, again most carefully crafted memoirs, LIFE STORY OF ZENA which was published via email 14 days after 9/11 without my mother taking her eye off the ball of all the important matters that preceded 9/11 which was a bonanza for the German-South African Oppenheimer family who had very little difficulty monitor[ing] the sellout Jewish Kapo Durban North Lazarus clan who will argue until the cows come home that they are not as rich and powerful as the Zagiew Rothschild family.
Jenny knows that she has no business keeping quiet at this time.
Her parents suffered horribly as a result of the despicable Jewish spies in our Durban Jewish community.
Nor does it have anything to do with being Jewish or not being Jewish.
It so happens that there are bad Jewish people just like there are bad non-Jewish people.
So yes, it is very important to focus on the Jewish people and what they have to say about The Diamond Invention book which the virulent anti-Semitic, racist, anti-competition German-South African Oppenheimer family observe most closely the reaction of people like Jenny Arenstein-Friedman and my 3 elder siblings and their collaborators in the crime of crimes.
Common sense would tell you that if you put yourself in their shoes.
Again, I did not know that at the time I [was] undergoing my year long orientation into this terrorist of terrorist financing institution that has controlled the world’s entire monetary system since the turn of the last century that Professor Edward J. Epstein was just starting to write this most interesting book where you recognize how interesting it is by the silence that follows all those who read it.
Distraction you know is no different to avoidance.
There is nothing more important in this material world than the money.
The Oppenheimers and their many supporters which is the entire banking system including places like Russia and Timbuktu, just giving you another example, knew that you would all shut down and show your true violent, most nasty and most of all cruel side.
2:25 PM
I also did not need to read the book.
Once I asked the most important questions of Harry Oppenheimer and got all these answers I just became an observer.
Only my mother and father had an idea of what I knew and they also knew better than to ask me questions that would possibly cause me to lie to the two most special people I have ever known.
By keeping silent I accomplished several objectives.
First, I did not need to worry about anyone I trusted making a slip and/or turning against me.
Second, I could get on with my life and continue observing the human beast which I picked up very quickly from my immediate family’s close cousins and no less ugly fair weather friends.
Third, knowledge about who is honest is not a bad thing. It makes you that much more aware of how special is the designer of this universe that has the people when finally given the knowledge about the money which is all that they care about, they act in a way which only perfect nature is capable of; namely being totally unpredictable.
Gillian, is that a sufficient explanation and/or proof of God or would you simply prefer that all the bad people be struck down dead in the next instant or get increasingly sick?
Unless there are any objections or quick questions, I am going to back this up and send it to radiologist Dr. David Aufrichtig MD who was without a doubt the brightest, most sensitive student at Carmel College.
Nor should anyone feel it necessary to bother using that brain which takes up by far the most amount of space in the head body part, a strong indicator that it is not smart to let that important muscle atrophy through apathy to figure out whether David Aufrichtig’s reaction is positive or negative because even if you are incapable of realizing that a Higher Energy Spirit [HER] exists because of either mental retardation that is self-induced either by the idiot company you keep and/or the poison food you last ate and/or no less likely just the punishment you were born with, nothing is going to change the final outcome.
When I return and no one starts speaking sense including @Jenny Arenstein – Friedman  realizing that she is still capable of doing a better job of explaining what is going on in her head other than possibly her deafening silence is causing her brain to explode and she feels the need to do something to compensate publicly because we are not a loner species until we get to the point that we so hate ourselves for not doing the right thing when it is so easy to do, I will respond very succinctly to 92 year old Holocaust survivor @Solly Ganor even if he decides to “jump ship”.
That Peeriless SIC course cartoon where you should recognize the boot of Italy is principally to send shareholder class action litigator [SCAL] Mr. Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. positive energy.
I just tried adding South African diamond dealer Jeffrey Reichman who remains my fb friend but has blocked me.
He and I still have 38 mutual fb friends and feel free to compare that list to those still members of You have a point, get to it
Not to mention, Harry Oppenheimer did not spend any time with psychologists other than when buying them to distract and feed important information about their screwed up clients-patients for life, because he used common sense when testing the reaction of the world’s top political science [second biggest oxymoron] majors, English students, and most of all economists, lawyers and politicians when confronted with the knowledge that if a mineral monopolist who controls the world’s drilling industry with their exclusive diamond tipped drilling bit, is able to do so for one 24 hour period, they own everyone and everything. 
To mention little of why would any of you react any differently? 
To mention in passing, surely if you can be convinced that HER exists then for no other reason you would choose change before taking your last breath which could conceivably be in the next instant.
Alan Gold
2,620 friends
Alan Yudelman
1,182 friends
Cheryl Fluxman-Flekser
34 mutual friends
Cheryl Hellmann
368 friends
Claire Benetton
324 friends
Clive Kaplan
4,961 friends
David Masinter
3,927 friends
Dean Jacobson
1,317 friends
Doreen Nesher
151 friends
Elana Orlin
366 friends
Garth Wise
502 friends
Gary Goldberg
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Gregory Cohen
629 friends
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1,372 friends
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Janice Levin Krok
1,102 friends
Jeff Nathan
1,552 friends
Jonelle Smith
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Joseph Nogid Gluck
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Leemor Davis
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1,020 friends
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2,562 friends
Louis Druion
335 friends
Lynda Jacobson Rabinowitz
46 mutual friends
Lynne Karen Bentel
149 friends
Marialuisa Marino
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784 friends
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5,000 friends
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63 mutual friends
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248 friends
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Rod Margo
406 friends
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Stan Katz
4,985 friends
Steven Blend
1,041 friends
Warren Saks
1,487 friends
3:09 PM
Now as I move on to David Aufrichtig and of course sharing it all with his son Jared who has ducked out again from here although just this moment he sent me an email and copied his father which included the following words, “I’m busy changing the world for better and don’t know you from a bar of soap!” focus on the business of facebook, and how Mark Zuckerberg and his actuaries advising him how best to capture the insurance market ahead of launching his Libra crypto currency would analyze the data.

On Jul 8, 2019, at 3:10 PM, wrote:
What part of kick rocks and stop contacting me are you not understanding Brotha?

Jared Aufrichtig

E-MAIL DISCLAIMER: The contents of this e-mail are confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address(es) to which it was addressed, and may also be privileged. Jared Aufrichtig reserves full intellectual property rights on the entire contents of this email including any trademark, logos or imagery. This right is recognized by national and international law. The contents of the email may only be reproduced with the express written permission of Jared Aufrichtig.

—–Original Message—–
From: Gary Gevisser <>
To: Jared Aufrichtig – Fb friend as of July 5 2019, 7:19 AM Calif. time <>
Cc: Aufrichtig <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 9, 2019 12:06 am
Subject: Re: Messaging to change the world for the better

Im just finishing a post on my group chat You have a point, get to it, give me a few minutes to send you a copy because I first have to take Mango out.

On Jul 8, 2019, at 3:01 PM, wrote:

BRU! Your a board paranoid KOOK stop contacting me please mate find something else to occupy your time, I’m busy changing the world for better and don’t know you from a bar of soap! I’ve asked you nicely on Face Book and now sending you a written email.
Kick Rocks!
Much Aloha

Jared Aufrichtig

E-MAIL DISCLAIMER: The contents of this e-mail are confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address(es) to which it was addressed, and may also be privileged. Jared Aufrichtig reserves full intellectual property rights on the entire contents of this email including any trademark, logos or imagery. This right is recognized by national and international law. The contents of the email may only be reproduced with the express written permission of Jared Aufrichtig.

—–Original Message—–
From: Gary Gevisser <>
To: Jared Aufrichtig – Fb friend as of July 5 2019, 7:19 AM Calif. time <>
Cc: Aufrichtig <>
Sent: Mon, Jul 8, 2019 9:50 pm
Subject: Messaging to change the world for the better

Texting today to your dad:
David you know that I know the life of docs which are no more busy than a waitress who earns much less
The talk is all the same and why when you have been to one Carmel reunion the next one is that much more disgusting as it becomes transparent it is one upmanship from start to finish 
As soon as someone has financial problems they are either to be tossed out or to be made the emotional slave of the person needing a lot of attention 
Aren’t you bored with that small material world and their ugly aging not a pretty sight but awe inspiring if you can see the genius in the design
Surely the writers of Shallow must continue to receive great ESP from me?
Who else is showing the world that whole it is okay for the plebes to fool one another not one of you have managed to fool the Oppenheimers that their game is not real
Had you been on my Facebook group chat Review of Down Durban Memory Lane last evening you would understand that much better how the lame spineless are hating themselves that much more for their stupidity is real and you can see it in their reaction, “ I don’t know what I’m doing here I don’t know what this is about?”
The fact that no one answers the question which Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga show you all the path tells you they are getting it
How can you possibly want to fuck stupid when your choice is a blow up sex model that can be taught how best to respond to your verbal commands as well
What are your favorite speakers these days?
Do you still have your Allisons?
Here is the tail end our my and Jared’s fb messaging and btw I just added Jared back to Review of DDML:
are you able to draw?
SAT 3:10 AM
“Jared Aufrichtig a self described artist who says that he does not judge art”
I’ve shown in galleries and museums around the world
your comments and tagging are starting to get old….. build a real relationship before you get all involved in my social media and post on my timeline
SAT 4:23 AM
How do you expect people to judge your art if you don’t judge art?
My relationships are all based on sound judgment.
Being a member of Mensa you should have realized that instantly 
If it turns out that you are not a member of Mensa then that makes you a liar
Would you trust a liar to be someone good?
Would you expect a liar to be stupid and say stupid things?
Would you expect more out of a liar than to try distraction or to stab you in the back?
Is there anything else you want to teach me about social media and how to build trust?
Watch how I continue to educate the people of all ages and backgrounds.
Remember your father continues to listen most carefully to what I have to say because he knows I have sound judgement.
A father knows their son
Today July 8, 5:45 AM
sorry but your the one preaching and pushing agendas
I’ve been kind of chilled if you ask me
9:04 AM
If I didnt know better, I would think English is not your first language.
You are a very generalized person in my mind, much like a Jack of all trades and a master of nothing.
Talking bullshit all day long is not something to be proud of.
When you attack someone giving good information with garbage, so weak, “sorry but your the one preaching and pushing agendas” and then you go from bad to worse in one quick stroke, “I’ve been kind of chilled if you ask me” and I didnt ask you anything but to speak the truth and common sense, you remind me of the laid back folks at university who had really no opinions about anything and just shot the breeze all day long in the cafetaria but in fact they were very sophisticated spies for the Apartheid Regime who the Apartheid Regime officials did not pick but rather the AR’s handlers, namely my former employer De Beers-Barclays.
Should it turn out that you are a member of Mensa then the question remains where is your common sense?
But if you are not, and you should be easily able to provide proof, then it makes you a liar.
Liars tend to gravitate amongst themselves and it isn’t long before they start lashing out at one another and feel the need to keep finding new friends to feed off, wouldn’t you agree?
How much fun is that really?
I think I will try talking more to your father David and maybe he can make more sense of you but then again David knew nothing about the art world and probably thought you were somehow gifted in that area and so long as people were giving you money then he was happy as a lark, but this statement that you don’t judge art is extraordinary.
Surely you have used it before or was that just a flash of brilliance that suddenly entered your head, or you chose carefully and decided that was the best route to take.
Now if it turns out that you are a rather deceptive fellow, I don’t want to have anything further to do with you. Are you clear on that?
It is a first for me even though I know for a fact that bullshit abstract artists cannot explain their art and quickly get all caught up in the emotional bullshit, “Hey man I was just chilling out on this great wave and while my surfboard is moving through the water and I could feel the gravitational pull in all directions the thought entered my mind that if I could take a paint brush, just like the one used for painting a house and glide it along the canvas surface that brush is like a surfboard going through the air particles and I end up with something out of nothing, in other words I must be God”.
Next step is to grab the IN GOD WE TRUST ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.
I have not needed to speak with many bullshit abstract artists to know that their greatest happiness is when an idiot or a sophisticated trickster hands them over a bunch of money.
This should instill new life into your father, if nothing else.
What are you doing the rest of your day?
BTW, could drug use account for anything going on in your head that makes little sense?
The dialogue with Jared continues as I clean the refrigerators which require very little cleaning thanks to our clean food diet:
Clarity: Surely you have used it before or was that just a flash of brilliance that suddenly entered your head, or you CHOSE carefully and decided that was the best route to take.
You are a very generalized person in my mind, much like a Jack of all trades and a master of nothing.
Talking bullshit all day long is not something to be proud of.
Was that an original thought, “You are very general…. not something to be proud of”?
Jared gave thumbs up
Do you want to see what I just sent your dad or would you prefer to read it on group chat REVIEW OF DDML?
Are you on drugs like meth and/or pot?
are u joking
your acting like a kook
go preach to someone you know
What is a kook?
I know your father very well. I probably know him much better than you.
Not so bright
Something tells me that you lied about being a member of Mensa. Were you lying?
How do you think your dad is going to react to what I just sent him?
164 IQ tested at 10
When did you become a member of Mensa?
stop being a KOOK
I’m busy with positive real change
stop bothering me with your BS opion
Do you not remember the year? Approximately, how old were you?
Did you know that when you lie you do irreversible brain damage?
[Jared tries to call me]
pick up bru
I see that you are trying to call me. I don’t think it is a good idea to talk with you.
stop throwing stones!!!!
How difficult is it to answer the question about when you became a member of Mensa?
Remember you brought it up.
You threw out that you are a member of Mensa.
Have you ever told anyone that in order to impress them?
pick up and speak like a human or stop messaging me
Would you tell a lie in order to impress someone so as to get money out of them?
I will be happy to talk to you once you answer the question.
But it would be a mistake to have a trash-talker blast my ears, wouldn’t you agree?
What can be so important that you feel the need to talk when you are quite the writer?
I’d like to be frank with you before we have a real problem on our hands
Wow, are you threatening me?
Let’s see what your father thinks of this.
Have you ever threatened anyone before?
your a board paranoid KOOK stop contacting me
What makes you think I scare easily?
I’ve asked you nicely
Is the reason for the call to have told me, “I’d like to be frank with you before we have a real problem on our hands”?
I will in due course unless you quickly apologize, place our entire dialogue here on my group chats as well on the BLOG.
Are you quite ready?
Have you considered becoming expert in martial arts such as Krav Maga which can help you overcome your aggressive including passive aggressive behavior as besides for making you a good fighter which is always good in a sticky situation, your mind is constantly looking for alternative solutions to violence knowing that you can always fall back on your fighting skills at the very last moment?
I am not saying that eating healthy such as a low fat whole food plant based diet is unhealthy and that you should stick to meats, dairy and fish and become the animal you last ate, because that is wrong advice.
The more in touch you are with your body as were the Roman gladiators who did not eat meat instead they chose smartly mostly barley and today’s greatest athletes are finally getting with the program, the smarter you are.
Would you agree with that assessment or would you prefer to discuss with me the money side of art?
My beautiful exotic mindful F-C wife Marie Dion just sent me the following text from Montreal which is located in Canada but still on the North American continent where you were born, at least in this lifetime, bearing in mind many more people are going to know your name when you become more of an Internet celebrity:
Your friend kared is calling me now???
I replied:
Jared could be turning into a girl, I will have to ask him
I thought you removed fb?
Imagine, remote as it may be, that this 28 year old bulllshit artist can be embarrassed to the point that he decides to give it all up and become the chief rabbi of the IDF and immediately gets all the Israeli soldiers to tune into and make love and justice 
In less than 48 hours you will be home
I made a delicious bean and veggie curry last night and froze a small container
I’m also talking to these flowers
in an effort to spark more energy before your arrival
I did aikido and jiu jitsu for nearly 20 years mate

your a board paranoid KOOK stop contacting me please mate

Great you are still in great shape and so you can progress

What about becoming a rabbi first before Chief Rabbi of the IDF?

Do you feel more real knowing everything now about the money?

Have you thought about approaching Oppenheimer for your charities to help the underprivileged or was that part of the selling process of your art to show you are sensitive to the poor?

Why not be truly different?

You know that you are just pulling on straws that are not attached to any reality

You are impressed by the money because it buys you things that the less privileged who have been just as bullshitted as you cannot afford

Imagine all the poor of the world being woken up by you and me

Do you believe in miracles?

Don’t you want to put your mind to good use before your body starts looking like most of the old farts

Again imagine if I can reach you

You know it would make your dad really proud of you because he is realizing from my teachings that abstract art is total bullshit something which the upper classes have always known and why they promoted it to the middle class such as you and your father but the ruling elite were just buying time because their goal was to only live out their lives without ever having to work and never thinking that a day like today would arrive when the working poor have access to the knowledge right at their fingertips and during their morning and afternoon 10 minute breaks they can gather the information and even before they clock out for the day they can spread the word like wildfire

Don’t you want to inspire your imagination versus living in the past world of stupidity?

Let’s check in now with your dad

who’s Oppenheimer
twombly made abst art
U fucking clueless as far as art but its all good

your a board paranoid KOOK stop contacting me please mate find something else to occupy your time, I’m busy changing the world for better

Do you remember me mentioning the diamond invention book?

It is free on the internet and centered around the Oppenheimers who own De beers and Anglo American corporation which accounts for 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg stock exchange and the remaining 15% they exert 100% influence

They are the richest and most powerful people in the world who I used to work for

I just sent the following to a very beautiful Israeli who has a great government job thanks to first proving herself as an intelligence officer in the IDF:

Would you like to see my fb dialogue with a 27 year old abstract artist who says he is world famous and his father one of the best if not the best radiologists in the world and who I know very well is observing closely but not yet really talking.

Jared now I’m going back to your dad.
Sent from my iPhone 
