Ben-Gurion was also fooled – Re: “I’m mad” – Re: China fast catching up – Fighting Chance-Change
From: Gg <>
Date: April 18, 2012 10:38:23 PM PDT
To: “” <>
Cc: rest; Guy Friedman <>, neil <>, “Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman [May 30 1929 – ] c/o Arnold Pollak” <>, “Addy Cohen – wife of Syd Cohen [1921 – 2011] South African Commander of Israel Air Force War of Independence.” <>, “Bernie Gevisser – 2nd Lieutenant South African Air Force Squadron 11 – My father along with Captain Syd Cohen were the only Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilots of Squadron 11 during World Oil War II and whose Commanding Officer Field Marshall Jan Smuts who was second-in-command to Churchill during WOW II is not even mentioned in the book FRIENDS IN DEED that chronicles the relationship between the modern State of Israel and the US Government who those “in the know” knew was “no friend” of the fledgling State of Israel despite the US being possibly the first to recognize the State of Israel and most begrudgingly on the very day the US Government had planned to the Nth Degree the total destruction of Israel the day following David Ben Gurion who was “tied at the hip” with his good friend Jan Smuts declared Jewish Statehood May 14th 1948.” <>, Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <>, 60 Minutes <>
Date: April 18, 2012 10:38:23 PM PDT
To: “” <>
Cc: rest; Guy Friedman <>, neil <>, “Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman [May 30 1929 – ] c/o Arnold Pollak” <>, “Addy Cohen – wife of Syd Cohen [1921 – 2011] South African Commander of Israel Air Force War of Independence.” <>, “Bernie Gevisser – 2nd Lieutenant South African Air Force Squadron 11 – My father along with Captain Syd Cohen were the only Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilots of Squadron 11 during World Oil War II and whose Commanding Officer Field Marshall Jan Smuts who was second-in-command to Churchill during WOW II is not even mentioned in the book FRIENDS IN DEED that chronicles the relationship between the modern State of Israel and the US Government who those “in the know” knew was “no friend” of the fledgling State of Israel despite the US being possibly the first to recognize the State of Israel and most begrudgingly on the very day the US Government had planned to the Nth Degree the total destruction of Israel the day following David Ben Gurion who was “tied at the hip” with his good friend Jan Smuts declared Jewish Statehood May 14th 1948.” <>, Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <>, 60 Minutes <>
Subject: Ben-Gurion was also fooled – Re: “I’m mad” – Re: China fast catching up – Fighting Chance-Change
I’m speaking right now with a very hard working Mexican-American who is interested to know who I’m targeting with my book that is exposing all those wanting to suppress the truth who you know why that is because they only want part of the truths to be revealed
Nor is it difficult with digital light speed age to figure out the hypocrites.
Copied in the cc section is a top notch Israeli Maritime Special Forces commando who when you were in your prime he would have run circles around you including when you spoke your best English which I thought was perfect when you did your very public interview as you expressed yourself well enough for me to understand every word
Perhaps when I next meet up with Mr Friedman, who today at age 50 may be in better physical and mental shape than when doing his 6 years service with Flotilla 13 and his Commanding Officer Ami Ayalon Ben-Gurion hadn’t forgotten when he and I ended our private conversations just hours before I left Kibbutz Sde Boker in late December 1972, I will remember to ask Mr Friedman if he can explain why it is that you are suddenly so articulate and darn rude?
Can you tell me if you are taking any medication that makes you sound so fucking stupid?
If you are too old why hasn’t G-d at least told you to shut the fuck up.
Now that you are calm and collect explain to me if what bothers you most, if not exclusively, are the words you used on camera and knowing that it was going to be broadcasted to the world, or could it be a combination of those words with what you wrote me on March 26,”Yes. But because I was sent to England and France as an Israeli Soldier. I never mentioned anything about my Navy service. I want to keep it that way.”
Granted I’ve just enjoyed 3/4s of a glass of red wine and when typing and reading on this small screen I might have missed something.
Pls let me know ASAP so that I don’t have to bother Mr Friedman with small talk and take away from our important conversations about the impotency of men that has them so sour pus
Btw the sour pus choice of words came from the most attractive young hard working waitress.
You seem an attractive ladies man, could I recommend you to one of mum”s charm school finishing courses?
Ps – I’ve not forgotten that the Holocaust is fresh in your memory and only finding out so late in life that the Oppenheimer family of South Africa were laughing at our Jewish leadership around the world beginning long before your father was murdered in Auschwitz is simply too unnerving to contemplate, which of course Ben-Gurion was not the only person who chose not to speak out and risk the opportunity for someone like myself to come of age and know when would be the right time to speak out and not be afraid of the backlash of fools.
Imagine how much worse it would be for you if Ben-Gurion was also fooled
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 18, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Michael Barak <> wrote:
I am sorry that you can’t differentiate between Navi and Navi commando.
You probably wasn’t in the Navy, or army at all. Nothing wrong with Navi, everything wrong with commando.
What I write to you personally isn’t publc. You made it public.
Now please, take me off your mailing list.
Michael Barak
Gary S Gevisser wrote:Dear Mr. Barak,
I just listened again to your interview with the Canadian on Youtube.
3 minutes and 54 seconds into the interview you say the following, “I was in the Israeli Navy and when I went out abroad Ben-Gurion forced everybody to change his name into a hebrew name.“
So in fact you have mentioned it publicly, have you not?
You also mention very eloquently that you hold the United States people responsible; the US could have let the St Louis disembark, and saved not only your life but that of your father and many others who perished in the death factories.
Yes, it was the people of these countries who were responsible for these horrors as you correctly say that the country of the United States and its allies such as Canada did nothing.
Your use of the word “crap” to describe the nonsense of greedy people who just know from stealing from the militarily weakest, is healthy.
To help refresh your memory, your poignant words, “I’m mad at people who try to tell me that FDR was right, and he had no choice, and it wasn’t him, it was the people in the administration, that is crap”
Don’t you think it is now time to put an end to all this roundabout talk by finally focusing on the one family, the German-South African Oppenheimers who were the single largest profiteers of the Holocaust because they were the principal suppliers not only of Nazi Germany’s industrial diamonds, but the diamonds they shipped out of the US protectorate Belgian Congo helped facilitate diamonds still being the world’s number one currency?
Could I use you in the filming of my documentary of Lloyds of London Insurance which I began filming filming in London back on March 27?
BTW, China appears to have just begun to take the lead in the number of visitors to; bearing in mind that here in San Diego, California there are enough Chinese nationals to have the Chinese language included in the ballot boxes.
On Mar 26, 2012, at 12:38 PM, Michael Barak wrote:
Yes. But because I was sent to England and France as an Israeli Soldier.
I never mentioned anything about my Navy service. I want to keep it that way.Gary S Gevisser wrote:
I thought that is what you said and/or in your bio? Didn’t you say that Ben-Gurion had your change your name?
On Mar 25, 2012, at 5:01 PM, Michael Barak wrote:
Gary, take that piece of “Veteran Israel Navy commando” of my address. Now!!!Gary S Gevisser wrote:
Beautiful waves this morning. Some happy people surfing. – record number of visitors on my birthday (Each visitor coming in on average 2.6 times, and the 1st time they found the truth too disturbing and didn’t give active support but felt the need to come in again just to see what additional information along with who else was on theFOOLS NAMES FOOLS FACES $hit list, and leave their deafeningly silent mark. (Fighting Chance-Change)
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