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Benefits of war

@ZelenskyyUa, you are right in denouncing

the world’s puppets in the minerals’ game played by lead mineral oligarch Oppenheimer, the snake head above Putin.

It is nothing about “one man’s view of historical grievances”coming from a TV reporter interested only in the TV ratings to afford his lifestyle.

You are now correctly stating that the west is complicit for not introducing a no-fly-zone and how on point you state, looking right into the camera eye, “… there is only one conclusion to make: that you also want us to be killed very slowly”, but you have to be more explicit.

Who does Putin pay homage to, and how much, is all revealed in Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which in chapter 1 the reader is introduced to Oppenheimer’s father Harry Oppenheimer who never took me for a fool from day one of my year long orientation into his global banking-mining consortium, mafia of mafia, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation, which includes Uranium One corporation which Putin used in 2010, a year into the Obama-Biden Administration to purchase 20% of the United States strategic uranium reserves, and not a whimper to this day from the media-politicians all wishing you well.

Speak in a language that your 17 year old daughter can understand, and then take that conversation to the airwaves.

It doesn’t take brains to make money in the minerals game, it takes knowing the right people who control the politicians who make things like “cold wars”, civil wars, one refugee crisis after the next.

War is only to cover the tracks of the mineral thefts, that again control the monies, including Cryptos.

Ethnic cleansing, including our Jewish Holocaust that took the lives of 6 million Jewish people is a distraction.

The Diamond Invention explains it all in simple English. 

You must read it. Don’t be discouraged that I am the only person talking about it.

The silence tells you who is the real enemy.

You don’t have time to waste.

The meeting yesterday between Israel Prime Minister Bennett and Putin made no sense unless it was to either prepare the logistics to kill Putin immediately or to lull you into a false sense of security, weaken your resolve, and the rest is easy to predict.

Each moment that passes by and Putin still has his army out to kill you and your family tells you the truth of that visit.

Bear in mind, chapter 16 of The D I book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL, explains the complicity of the Israeli government in helping the Oppenheimers eliminate the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel, and replaced by puppets.

The SA Oppenheimers and their oligarchs which include all the Russian Oligarchs but the total number is vastly larger, have always backed all sides to war when they cannot possibly lose.

There is no one alive today who understands the mindset of the SA Oppenheimers as well as me, other than those they have bribed.

You acknowledge that they plan to kill you, your daughter, your 9 year son and your wife, and it doesn’t matter the order.

You must take the gloves off completely.

When you are down to your ashes they will laud you as heroic.

Know who is refusing the no-fly-zone request. Remember they back all sides to a conflict just like any mineral transaction.

Putin was not mad when meeting with Oppenheimer on 5 September 2006. It was calculating.

He was being given the green light to do their bidding.

Most important is the timing of Putin’s decision to make public, October 3, 2008, one month before Obama became President-elect, his meeting with Oppenheimer who didn’t meet, at least not publicly with Senator Obama when he visited just a couple of weeks before, mineral rich South Africa for the first time. 

Oppenheimer is not known to the masses just like Putin was not known to the Russian people before the false flag bombings of apartment buildings in Russia killing hundreds of his fellow Russian citizens as they slept, in order to make war in Chechnya, and once achieving hero status resulting in his Presidency to this day, some 22 years, and he isn’t going away.

He has to kill you.

His backers in the west have his back. 

You have nothing to lose by start naming names and let the generals on all sides get the big picture.

You are fighting for the children, the poor of the world and the planet.
