Bhanu Pratap – Sunrays – fading – FB messaging
Sunday, April 29, 2018 – 4:20PM
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The sun rays, I look forward to our Indian lunch tomorrow; and please remember we are vegetarian which is easiest for the Indian people who my mother Zena first taught me, “While the European was running around in rags, the Indian had been civilized for thousands of years.”
… and of course, I knew before you gave me your perspective on Nehru, that the military-industrial-complex would never have allowed Nehru to get close to the “seat of power” if he first didn’t jump through a series of hoops demonstrating a mercurial personality.
With that said, the world with its increasingly desensitized humans which took a quantum leap for the worse with the arrival of Barack Obama who to become the “frontrunner” was most carefully analyzed outside of his “comfort zone”.
Just like it is not always first nature for modern man to apply common sense in figuring out that those with the power who are first of all those in control of the machinery of war beginning with the raw war materials would choose the opposition to their first choice puppet, man is more likely to act out his true nature when “on the road” and thinking that because it is mostly strangers around him that he is being less watched, if at all.
Imagine yourself right now when we were speaking on the 71 odd meter boat which you couldn’t pay me enough to be on even if all we were doing was traveling around La Rochelle harbor unless it was to escape to freedom, being surrounded by both your parents and elder sister along with all the members of your immediate and extended family, as well as everyone you have known throughout your life, it is highly unlikely you would have been as forthcoming.
Moreover, your level of concentration would have centered around how best to “gain their approval” as your figured that not only would they all have been listening intently to our conversation but because there was no “comittment” [sic] by any of them to be engaging, they would have the added advantage in two very specific areas.
First, they would have more time to think through what was in each of their best interests which unless you had a purer heart and were more intelligent than them would not be aligned with your best interests.
Second, they would also all in all likelihood require you to speak first and give your assessment of the knowledge I was imparting and that would make the bond of trust between you and each of them less, unless again they were truly in a search for truth.
These two points could easily be argued back and forth with you and me agreeing on some items and less agreeable on others.
What is non-debatable is my knowledge of the money that is inextricably connected to the military might of the warring parties.
Once you hold on to certain truths then everything else becomes much more manageable.
Let’s assume you are in your mid to late 20s, and I could be off by a half a decade or more.
The chances of you having given much thought to the power of those behind each and every politician is slim to none because if you had, then after thinking through this very common sense assessment, you would have asked yourself, “I need to know specifically who these people are?”.
That is because you know, again from common sense, the human in power is never into power sharing for fear of losing their head.
Therefore, you wouldn’t expect a group of people to sit around a table and decide, “Who is going to be king for the [next] 60 seconds, and which one of us will take over, should the first king decide to execute the rest of us?”.
Were it not for the discovery in large quantities of very hard substance diamonds in mineral rich South Africa in the late 1860s, the world was fast on its way to everlasting peace and tranquility throughout the world, and that would have meant the end to the extinction of all wildlife.
That is because the human population, with man coming to his senses, would have kept human population at well under 2 billion and working its way down to a number very possibly significantly lower.
But without the violent wars that followed, there is no guarantee that advances in technology would have occurred which were necessary in us now being able to observe very easily our increasing [in]sensitivity.
There is no need, at least that is the way I feel, to delve into the “spiritual world” at this time, because the “real world” is in fact far more interesting.
Place yourself right this moment in the shoes of Cecil Rhodes, founder of diamond monopolist De Beers.
What would you do once you controlled the diamond fields of South Africa and saw that if anyone wanted to dig for minerals anywhere else in the world, they would have to come to you for your diamond tipped drilling bit?
Your first order of business would be to get all the world’s politicians in your pocket by bribing them with your untraceable diamond currency at the same time implore them to introduce stringent and sacrosanct anti-Trust laws aimed at preventing a global monopoly like De Beers able to rule the roost.
Should any of your bought politicians falter, i.e. develop a conscience, getting rid of that troublemaker would be easier than making an apple pie.
Senator Barack Obama arrived in South Africa for the first time in August 2006 just a couple of weeks before President Putin.
I see that you are following along.
Do you recognize the man on the right?
Wow that’s lots of knowledge for me to read before I can put my point of view……. I will read in the evening …. I agree with you on many things you mentioned above …. We could discuss the debatable topics as you mentioned above in my free time …… I am sorry I couldn’t finish reading all as we are still visiting la Rochelle …. But I will read all with articles in the night …. Have a great evening and yes we will have lunch tomorrow for sure ….. It was nice to meet you guys … See you soon
Nicholas Oppenheimer I am sure
I was just writing the following;
“Try answering, when you find the time, my question above. It is not important what we agree on or don’t agree on at this time.Before you can begin to know the first thing about money, you have to know the players”
and you blew me away with your correct answer.
Okisss … Definately we will …. It will improve my knowledge ….
Put aside everything, other than your full concentration on Marion?, who could easily be more important in the future than you, me and Marie combined, especially if Marion were to outlive us
The Diamond Invention book
written in 1978, the year I began my year long initiation into global banker-mining house De Beers-Barclays-Anglo American Corporation
— remember Harry Oppenheimer’s (Octopus) Empire: Going for the Gold
explains everything, other than a handful of missing pieces which I can better explain than Nick Oppenheimer who is 12 years older than me, born on June 8, 1945, the same day my paternal grandmother Kate Gevisser passed away at age 50.
It will take you less than 3 hours to read it “cover to cover”.
It’s author, scholarly Edward Jay Epstein is no conspiracy theorist, and may have only come to realization that he was just another pawn when Simon & Schuster, future clients of mine, decided to publish this most interesting, page turner book in 1982, and it wasn’t immediately on the New York Times’ best seller list.
As you can see, Epstein offers it for free on The Internet.
Try writing to him and see if he will explain why with the apparent success of the diamond invention, the Oppenheimer family are fading away from such a wonderful investment [And of course feel free to use your own words :)]
Suffice to say at this time, as I now begin to transcribe Marie’s synthesis of my initial draft to Elon Musk, take a close look at the list of people on the Oppenheimer’s THE BRENTHURST FOUNDATION’s Advisory Board
Everyone, other than Richard Myers, Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [US] is as important as the most recent newborn ant which may never get to see the light of day.
Nor is Myers as powerful as he was a moment ago given how you now know all their game.
Remember, I waited 24 years before deciding to break my 24 year silence on 11.11.2004
In the course of the past 13+ years, I have not been sitting idle.
They, on the other hand, have been backpeddling, the same with all those they co-opted-corrupted.
No one likes to be bought.
We are driven at the molecular level to be masters of our own destiny which when someone is bribing you to do the wrong thing, rubs against the brain.
The fact that a great many people including my 3 elder siblings have chosen “mental suicide” does not change the irrefutable truths.
Now Im getting back to the Musk letter and you can see that I have written on both his and his mother Maye’s FB walls; and nor are my writings there inconsequential.
Finishing the thought…
With that said, the world with its increasingly desensitized humans which took a quantum leap for the worse with the arrival of Barack Obama who to become the “frontrunner” was most carefully analyzed outside of his “comfort zone”, needs modern light speed communicating technology for each of us to see clearly this “misadventure” that seems all too impossible for man to have created, let alone stick with a losing proposition that was doomed from the start.
I’m just finishing off my “composition” to Musk at the same time giving thought to how best to get an Israeli judge Yocheved Greenwald Rand to release my mother Zena into my care, according to my mother’s clear last wishes.
Barack Obama first of all projected easily his “addictive personality” when continuing to smoke cigarettes throughout his nearly 4 year tenure as a United States Senator.
I am nearly 4 years younger than Obama born in the upside down year of 1961.
Anyone of my generation who continued to smoke cigarettes into our 20s was simply not thinking.
When Obama joined the US Senate at the beginning of January 2005, he was into his 44th year.
Obama was not raised on the streets of Paris where on every corner there is a cafe to watch the foot traffic and gossip badly about how poorly dressed are the bad dressers and cringe at the sight at the abundant fat.
Supply and demand of uranium is one of the first things which is covered when you enter national politics because the only reason to have politicians at that level is to keep the war machinery going.
If you don’t have a nuclear weapon, you simply don’t get invited to a full on White House dinner, and nor should you because you are at best a regional power amongst a bunch of tribal chiefs whose best warriors have the most antiquated AK-47s.
Try and get hold of the film footage where President Obama refers to Russia as a “regional power”.
Do the same with Hillary Clinton who during her campaigning for President talks about President Putin having no soul because she explains clearly that the KGB has no soul.
What neither Obama nor Clinton nor her husband who I very much doubt hides constantly under her tight trousers because they are constantly bursting at the seams as her seamstress must have the most difficult time keeping up with the expansion of her universe, have ever explained is how this “souless KGB” [sic] managed to attract devout Roman Catholic Robert Hanssen, FBI Chief of Counterintelligence beginning in 1979.
Only on February 18, 2001, 17 days after the Jerusalem Post ran my first of four letters admonishing President Bill “Rhodes-DeBeers Scholar” Clinton’s pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich
did the FBI arrest Hanssen.
Do I need to provide you with the “littany” [sic] of major US intelligence breaches caused by Hanssen during the 22 years he shared America’s best kept secrets; and please forget for the moment what CIA Aldrich Ames contributed to the extraordinary success of this “souless” KGB?
Yes, Russia does not have as far as we all know a competitive conventional military to NATO-United States, but that doesn’t give you the right to insult President Putin even if he has stolen every election.
What it tells you is that Obama may have been more unworldly than Donald Trump who has yet to call Russia a “regional power”.
Nor did Donald Trump authorize President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to grant President Putin during the height of the Obama administration upwards of 25% of the United States strategic uranium reserves.
How dirty really can the dirty pictures be of Donald Trump held by President Putin?
I don’t know because I haven’t seen them.
I also couldn’t think of anything more treasonous than the granting of those strategic uranium reserves all the while President Putin can call on Oppenheimer to make available the rest of the uranium reserves under Oppenheimer’s control, other than the pardon of Marc Rich.
It is very possible that Senator Barack Obama took a break from smoking bad habit, which is not a good example to young people, regardless of the color of their skin, when visiting South Africa.
But you would agree that an addictive personality individual is also more likely than not to be power hungry and easily impressed by rich people.
Before arriving in South Africa, Obama surely hadn’t forgotten that less than a year earlier, December 2005, he became the primary sponsor of the heinous Congo Relief, Security & Democracy Promotion Act which triggered the wholesale slaughter of 6 million Congolese, mostly women and children under the age of 12.
While visiting South Africa there is nothing I have been able to find on the Internet of him meeting with the racist, monopolist, terrorist of terrorist financier, Nicholas Oppenheimer.
Wouldn’t you if schooled in the law and happen to have a black skin first have a law intern assuming you are too busy with your roaming eye
research the myriad holding of the Octopus DeBeers-Anglo American Corporation to at least find out when they planned to make good on returning the lands and mineral resources stolen from the majority black South Africans and then if they don’t have the management and technological expertise to hire someone like Elon Musk to “cooridinate” [sic] the hiring the best and brightest of the world’s subcontractors in the mining and banking industry?
For example, let’s say you lived in India and came from a very poor Indian family and all your members could only find jobs cleaning the dwellings of the poorest of the caste system, but you could read and write.
Musk approaches you with a work order to modernize of all South Africa’s mining industry, where would you begin?
You also know about Google and so you start typing away.
You find yourself running into a brick wall with each and every Haliburton.
Next you go to the university newspapers and buy out each and every one of their next editions advertising.
I suggest you say the following:
“I have the backing of Elon Musk who is offering a first prize to the team that comes up with a workable program, not to reinvent the wheel, but to modernize the entire world’s mining-banking industry and all you have to work with as collateral is the harvested gold of the South African Reserve Bank and all the minerals still buried underground. That first prize gets you to shake Elon Musk’s hand and drive away with a new Tesla once committing to pay the asking price.”
How could you not given your democratic principles election platform that includes your severe admonition of President George W. Bush’s invasion of individual liberties in trying to prevent another 9/11 which gave a great many security jobs all over the world, fail to insist upon a meeting with Nick Oppenheimer and read him the “riot act”?
We know what President Putin did after his meeting with the most important and richest human on the planet, for he waited 759 days before having the Kremlin-Souless KGB release that most damming photo which was one month before the puppet Obama became President elect
Of course there other matters of business of the KGB that President Putin did in the interim, and I am most certain he would argue well that everything including his meeting with Oppenheimer served the best interests of the Russian people.
Obama on the other hand decided to push forward, and got the US Congress to pass the genocide Congo Relief, Security & Democracy Promotion Act in December 2006.
Bhanu, I very much doubt you are thinking of running for prime minister of India, but why not?
Why not join me in being the first “open book” Indian with a Phd in nanotechnology to run for leader of the world’s second most populace nation?
Look at all that India has to gain.
Keep in the back of your mind that 53 days before Obama became a US Senator, January 3, 2005, I broke my silence with De Beers-Barclays
and during the 2 years I was with them I didn’t need to go beyond the year long orientation to learn everything there was to know about how easily they bought their success with no negative media that they didn’t fully control.
Given my and my immediate family’s intimate connections to the fledgling State of Israel, it was very easy for me to pay attention to De Beers-Barclays success in wiping out all their opposition in Israel, much the same way the Nazi SS used Jewish Kapos in the death factories to maintain order.
Let’s get all the opposition groups to war throughout the globe into the same room, and we will quickly see who is legitimate.
MON 9:24AM
We are heading now to our hotel 15 Bis Rue De Strasbourg à NANTES (44000).
Bhanu Pratap
Good morning …. I am in Nantes .. at train station
I am gong to meet my old friend in 15 mins
My number is 0XXX72 … In case you don’t have internet
We don’t have a phone. If you are still up for lunch – tell us where?
Bhanu Pratap
Yeah … I am … It’s restaurant Bombay at 12:30
It’s in commerce
6 Bis Rue Kervégan, 44000 Nantes?
Bhanu Pratap
MON 7:14PM
Did you have a chance to read The D I book and check out more about Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd?
What if it turns out that Rothwell is hiding something very important which he obviously doesn’t talk about on his FB wall?
What if Zuckerberg is aware of The D I book as well as the photo, would that have all your other FB friends curious; if not what percentage of them do you think would be interested enough to stop everything they are doing and listen?
TUE 10:25AM
Bhanu Pratap
Hey … Good morning…. I am returning back to my city now ….. I will have time to read now …. How are you ?
TUE 7:30PM
We just arrived in Paris, and everything is great.
Im not sure what you are reading, but feel free to answer my last couple of questions.
BTW, while I am more than twice your age, when I was a decade younger than you, it was important for me to demonstrate to people like Harry Oppenheimer that I could read people as well as I could tear apart balance sheets.
In the course of the past 4 decades, my “risk assessment” skills haven’t diminished because I have held on to my good health; in fact while I was still playing competitive rugby at age 24, I am today much healthier than I was back then because I followed more closely the logic-science of the human body-mind.
I have delayed writing to Elon Musk as I await both your and Parth’s feedback.
How much of our discussion had you shared with him before we all met for lunch?
We are leaving for hopefully a good dinner at an organic vegetarian restaurant, but the Internet does not sleep and look forward to your responses.
WED 9:24AM
Did you mention to Parth either The Diamond Invention book or my knowledge of the DIG [Diamond Invention Game]?
How does one reconcile the eating of meat with such an ancient culture of the Indian who consider the cow sacred?
WED 1:09PM
Bhanu Pratap
I am really sorry that i am not able to reply you back on time but I am very much constrained as I have many things to finish before i can read in detail the links you send it to me. Btw how is paris? Me and marion is little struct up in the paper work for marion’s travel to madagascar. I hope by the weekend i will be probably solving all my problems and get back to you
WED 10:19PM
How can you find the time to hear about Paris when you cant answer a simple question about what you told Parth that had you silent for 2 hours when you were non-stop talking?
Bhanu Pratap
Ahahahaha with Parth I didn’t discussed what we discussed together … Ofcourse we already had enorm talk to discuss as we met after 2 months
The best thing about buddies is that we can keep doing our stuff without talking for 2-3 months and when we meet we have plenty of stuff to share …. That’s the most lovely bounding we have from last many years ….
I am really impressed as how deep you are thinking on so many diversed topics at the same time ….. I will be curious to know how you gather time energy to gather all the precious knowledge you have …… How you do simulations of all of them …. ?
Bhanu Pratap
India is an enormously diversed country ….. In one part people don’t eat even garlic and onions and on another part they start their day with meat….. So it all depends from where your ancisters are coming from ….. My ancisters were soldiers …. So they eat lots of meat and alcohol …. But at the same time as a child shift to the cows milk just after mother’s milk ….. In our culture we consider cow as second mother …. That’s simple explanation of not having cow meat in your plate ….. At the same time …. People of some culture used to share the meat with whole society and they do live in the jungle so for them their meat was buffalo followed by cows
Bhanu Pratap
Nope I could had sufficient time to discuss about diamond invention book before our lunch together …..
Bhanu Pratap
You believe or not all facebook chat is easily available…. A hacker could easily gather information from anyone ….. But what is more secure is that he could not decode the information without prior permission ….. But at the same time permission could be received by sending a simple game request ….. So we can’t blame everything on Zuckerberg …… It’s us who give permission knowing or unknowingly
THU 8:28AM
Did you purposefully avoid answering my questions about Rothwell and Zuckerberg as you went off on a tangent about Facebook privacy which made no sense at all?
Is it normal for you or part of your Indian culture not to talk to your lifetime best friend about people the two of you are about to meet for lunch who you had just met the previous and got more knowledge than your brain was able to cope with?
How far have you got with The D I book? Did you go beyond reading the title of the PROLOGUE?
How do you reconcile eating meat with your belief that the cow is sacred? Have you always abstained from eating cow meat? Have ever eaten a MacDonald’s burger?
What about H2O?
Bhanu Pratap
I didn’t answered about Rothwell because I don’t about his thesis till now …. Its not mentioned in detail about his work … I will search on Google scholar more about it …. It’s 200% normal that when I am meeting with Parth that I have plenty of important things to discuss about our lives …. But yeah I do mentioned that how we met coincidently …. And for me it was good ….. Trust me facebook privacy will make you mad if you search in detail … Because of that whole Europe changes their privacy terms and condition last week ….
Bhanu Pratap
Yeah it’s true your knowledge was deeper then mine because I never card enough to read about it till now….. But what makes ones mental level higher in any topic is to do synthesis about it in detail…… Unfortunately my schedule don’t gives me time to invest to find answer though it is important..,…. But these priority is set by me…. So that I can have lot of time for my research of work ….. Which I do nearly 14 hours a day…. Talk to my family and friends 3 hours a day ….. Don’t get surprise that I do talk to my family 2 hours every day….
Bhanu Pratap
My personal belief about eating cow meat is that …. I don’t wanna eat ….. I don’t care if someone else eat (my gf eat … And I don’t wanna stop her) I have already eaten … I am sure … In one or another way …. But what I prevent is that if I know it’s beaf I don’t eat …. If I don’t know …. It’s ok …. It don’t hurt me because for me it was not intentional.
Bhanu Pratap
so what you wanna know about water?
THU 11:15AM
Try not to convince yourself “Trust me facebook privacy will make you mad…” because you first demonstrated your choice of mental suicide when on the boat you took a step back after I eloquently explained the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which you were clueless about.
Nor was I in the least bit surprised by the fall you took. I have seen that spacing out time and again by people who are not mindful and which one can instantly tell from their physiognomy.
So I want to be very clear. You are saying that you never mentioned a word about me or my wife Marie to Parth, other than you told him that we had met on the boat and that we would be having lunch together?
Bhanu Pratap
Ofcourse I told Parth that I met 2 Americans coincidently and we talk about life … But I was not having time for the details …. How can I summerise all about what we discussed …. I told him we will meet 2 intellectuals on lunch with mango …. Yeah it’s true that when you think and walk you do fall …. Like I did …. Still it have some sensation in my body …. But lucky me that it was not that bad …. I will be more careful next time
Bhanu Pratap
I didn’t told him details about what we discussed …. I am still not having knowledge about DIG …. I need to read about it
Bhanu Pratap
About facebook privacy I pressurised because my friends facebook was hacked …. And it took 1 week to locked it down and make facebook realised that’s it’s my friends facebook and get the control back again ….. I did it …. And when I do something …. I do full research about it …. So my knowledge to that it authentic
Bhanu Pratap
Another thing I understood is that I am not very attentive to word to word talk as it’s a casual talk …. But if you really wanna be so precise on point to point argument …… I can do it easily …… Introducing to you to Parth before lunch was as if I was introducing my new friend… And when I do so … We don’t require details …… But if it was to introduce my new laptop that’s like even a small tiny details we discuss …. I hope I am clear here ….
Isn’t it normal when you are having a 2 hour lunch to ask the couple you are dining with something about themselves?
Would you consider Parth’s total lack interest normal for Parth?
Remember you said that you characterized us as “intellectuals” and yet Parth nor you explored anything further.
Im not sure that you are capable of being more careful in the future about where you step.
Do you remember or do you need to go back to see the question I raised about Zuckerberg which had you going off on a totally illogical question.
Remember I was not asking you your opinion about Facebook and/or its privacy. If I wanted your opinion then I would ask for it.
You perfectly understand as you keep writing away that I introduced you to The D I book as well as the photo that told you that you are a total neophyte in the world and you don’t like that designation even though it is true.
You are waking up to how much tougher is going to be for people like you and Parth to make it in this world unless you want to be a chicken farmer unless you quickly see a way to profit from the DIG which I am not going to make it easy for you.
correction: There is “it” missing from the last paragraph. It should read, “…waking up to how much tougher it is…”
I strongly suspect that you are trying your best to get off your “high horses” and I will do my best to make it easy for you.
Try stopping writing. That is a good first step.
The fact that you have managed to spend a decade having fun at university and they carefully choose Phd people for their total lack of curiousity because they want you to fit into a specific mold, does not make you an intellectual or anything close.
Bhanu Pratap
“Isn’t it normal when you are having a 2 hour lunch” ………… for me its a casual talk until and unless you are really very much into it………. i meet people and talk with heart not to calculate but to have happiness so that it can divert me from my work stress and again i can do my work with more concentration ………….
It only says that you lack common sense which could be heriditary or environemental. You don’t look in the least bit sensitive about your own body and that is extraordinarily telling about your lack of common sense.
You are talking shit when you say what is normal for you.
Does any of Hindu teaching tell you that you are what you ate?
Im trying to bring out the best in you, so why dont you try shutting up for 5 minutes so that you can think about about back to my question about Zuckerberg and giving it your best answer?
Im now leaving our hotel room.
Focus on that first question about Zuckerberg and keep the rest for your next casual conversation even if it only talking to your notebook computer.
Bhanu Pratap
“Remember you said that you characterized us as “intellectuals” and yet Parth nor you explored anything further.” We dont dig into people untill and unless i really need ….. i dont have problem if you say 100% things correct or wrong untill i reseach the truth…. having a talk with you was an experience and when we left i left all the thinking there because i do had other stuff to discuss with parth after that ……….. but when i start and i find differences i do think in free time why? till now i didnt thought about it
Bhanu Pratap
“Focus on that first question about Zuckerberg and keep the rest for your next casual conversation even if it only talking to your notebook computer.” as i told you i do that in my free time .;.. now i am working ….. i thought that it would be too rude to not to answer …. so i started but now i can’t as i am doing my simulation ……. i will see that later
Bhanu Pratap
“It only says that you lack common sense which could be heriditary or environemental. You don’t look in the least bit sensitive about your own body and that is extraordinarily telling about your lack of common sense.” …………. common sense defination is too sensitive to touch…….. every human being has different defination ………. dont tell me that all the humans before newton “who explained gravity” were not having senses ……… they use their common sense to do other stuff ……….. so i am so sorry to say but you are too narrow on this topic.
Bhanu Pratap
“Focus on that first question about Zuckerberg” okiss …. so here you are trying to give me a homework and as i am a naughty student i will answer first your question which i am intrested …… “Does any of Hindu teaching tell you that you are what you ate?” In hindu’s culture they have written many logical aspects what to eat and how to eat….. unfortunately we dont follow it as we have very much different schedule …… if we really go deep in historical books they do mention that “what to eat when you have any health problem”…….. and they mention “what not to eat which is dangerous”
Bhanu Pratap
and after that as there are more than 2000 different gods ….. believers of different gods have different food habits… some are veg, some are non veg ….. some eat onion and garlic and some dont…… some eat specific meat and some dont
We are just being moved to a better room because of the attentiveness of the great staff at this Best Western Hotel.
Nor do I want your opinion on travel.
You know, or should know that you are talking total crap.
Of course I know that you Hindus who beleive the cow is sacred know that you are the dead, rotting animal carcass that you last ate.
Just answer my question about Zuckerberg.
Not to mention, I know given how all non-financially rich people are always looking to make “money connections”, that you have not forgotten that I told you of my decision to delay writing next to Musk and of course making it all very public, until I had fully explored your and Parth’s makeup.
If you are interested in reading more to take your mind off the question of both Zuckerberg and Rothwell who is like me very knowledgeable about nuclear, and you and Parth don’t know the first thing about it as you demonstrated with your pitiful, totally illogical and insensitive answers to the question of nuclear like you had gathered it all off the TV from your father who is a nuclear technician, then check out my BLOG on
To mention little of you would perfectly understand why Rothwell would seek out me to share his dire strait knowledge of nuclear.
To mention in passing, I knew exactly how you would react to the photo of Putin and Oppenheimer because your reaction is no different to the rest of the common herd; and yet you have spent 10 years at university having fun and impressing the unintelligent.
You first figure out if someone is intelligent by the size of their belly and their eating habits.
If your parents-grandparents didnt teach you this, then you only have to blame your lack of common sense.
They have just given us the key to our new room; and BTW, all your game playing has had a very positive impact already as we are going to be staying another 5 days in very vibrant, city of light-love Paris and the homeless boxed – i will send you a photo maybe – and the rest such as yourselves inside the box.
Stop scrolling back.
Here is the question/s:
What if Zuckerberg is aware of The D I book as well as the photo, would that have all your other FB friends curious; if not what percentage of them do you think would be interested enough to stop everything they are doing and listen?
Bhanu Pratap
i was reading your blogs…….. just dont understand why people dont reply you
or why they dont argue with you
You see you are distracting.
Why would you be reading my BLOG when I you have the question to answer?
You also know that you haven’t fooled me.
You dont arrive at the right conclusion when you say that you dont know why people dont reply.
Look at your body naked in front of the mirror.
Bhanu Pratap
Zuckerberg is a guy
You can see that you are lying to yourself.
You don’t answer a very important question.
Bhanu Pratap
you talk to diverse
how can you will have my answer if you reply like that
I have been waiting for days for you to answer a very logical question but you choose to avoid it like the plague.
That is because you are dishonest.
You have been looking for every excuse under the sun to break communications with me but I have news for you.
Bhanu Pratap
really i received too many adjectives ………………..
You have already revealed your worst fears.
Bhanu Pratap
answer is one line
Bhanu Pratap
You now sound like you are illiterate in the English language.
What is 0.01%
Bhanu Pratap
fb works on money and funding
Dont tell me what FB works on. You are clueless just like you are clueless about nuclear.
Bhanu Pratap
lol ….. tell me why they will be intrested to stop him
What is 0.01%?
See if you can do better.
Goodbye for now.
Bhanu Pratap
if they just give a hint that they know about their data of facebook …. whole facebook will be shut down
You can’t make anyone to answer your questions like that ….. I am now not surprised to know that it’s too difficult for people to reply you ….. If I would not have met you …. And talked with you ….. I would have never replied you
How can you try to say all these things and get a reply from someone …..
I choose not to say anything from starting because I really don’t want to ….. But I kept avoiding because everyone is having different ….. For me you would be same as in la Rochelle and Nantes …. But the way you say things …. It’s another personality
You have to follow the chronology.
Bhanu Pratap
I believe that it’s too harsh to communicate with people for something
You know that I have been very patient and polite with you.
Before I met you, I tested that photo with a great many more people than Rothwell.
Bhanu Pratap
Yeah … But you really don’t know what’s going with me or do I have time for your things
I happen to know personally some of the richest and most powerful people in the world.
Without exception that photo causes them brain damage.
Bhanu Pratap
I really don’t care who you know or not
But a word or sentence make communication good and bad
So when you say 0.01% of your friends would be interested, I believe you are lying.
Let’s put it to the test.
Bhanu Pratap
Do you really think that I am interested in this now
With all that we discussed just above
How can you imagine to make any conversations with me without making yourself clear about politeness of talking
I don’t test people …. I am happy with their happiness …. It’s just like you see your cute dog and smile …. But don’t expect him to find tresers for you
its not useful to say more in details for the moment
Bhanu Pratap
but thank you for letting me know so many things about myself by not answering things ………… that is reallw a great thing to know that if you dont answer something it makes intellectual people to judge people …… what you didnt paid attention that you forgot to take vies about your thoughts
that was not nice …
It was totally accurate, and I was being nice considering your foul play.
Moreover, you should be interested in the intellectual exercise because you know that you are lying when you saying that you are only interested in other people’s happiness.
Do you recall not answering me at lunch, how much interaction do you have with the caste people of India?
Look at the bright side of all your friends and family waking up to the truth about how you have all been so misled.
One example you had to leave India before finding out that Pakistani people were nice people and that you can actually get along.
But what if you couldn’t afford to pay for your food, would you still be nice to your fellow man?
Once you start lying it is very difficult to stop.
Bhanu Pratap
long story short i am not ok with what you write on my wall
with my name
For you to say “I really don’t care who you know or not” is very likely how I will introduce you to Elon Musk and his mother.
What do you think of them both allowing my very revealing postings to remain up on their FB walls?
How long are you going to allow me to reach out to all your FB friends?
What was not accurate with what I wrote?
Bhanu Pratap
its all correct
but i dont want my name … sorry to say that
So you are hiding.
You are embarrassed by your own big ego.
Do you know what Einstein had to say about ego?
Isn’t that fucking brilliant!
Bhanu Pratap
thats true
Of course it is true.
You have little knowledge.
A person with knowledge is humble.
You are arrogant with your deceptive play and you should feel sick to your stomach other than you are so self-indulgent.
What healthy person orders 3 orders of nan bread and makes the argument that with the stomach so bloated it avoids you thinking of dessert?
Do you think it is your genes or disgusting eating habits that has you so out of breath and lacking vitality?
Have you not found the time since you reached puberty to investigate a healthy diet?
I see that you removed my post from your FB wall. Was that intentional?
I also see that your girlfriend Marion has blocked me on FB.
Bhanu Pratap
why you are doing that
Do you feel that the two of you have more or less trust amongst yourselves than when you ran into me?
What about Parth?
Did you make a backup of what I placed up on your FB wall before you played censor?
Why? Because you are deceptive.
Bhanu Pratap
about what
I don’t like deceptive people especially after I have given you such worldly knowledge.
You also shouldn’t play victim.
Bhanu Pratap
i respected your knowledge
but where i hurt you
Liar. You did not respect my knowledge.
Bhanu Pratap
and in which sence
You were extraordinarily rude at lunch.
Bhanu Pratap
when i was rude at lunch
You not only ate like a pig, but you never stopped talking about yourself.
It was of course your “nervous energy” at work.
Bhanu Pratap
i tried to give you all the knowledge you asked
i told you what you asked to discuss
[After writing his last sentence above, Bhanu blocked me from FB messaging]