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Blah blah so quiet – Twit & Twot

Joel Friedman
Anyway I am back from a 30 day jail sentence my 11th this year hopefully my last ,I would tell people it was like being on Robbin island for the period I do not mention Alcatraz or Rikers as this appears to offend certain people .

First and foremost all the birthdays and pleasantries that I have missed congrats to all you guys out there ,Billy Jacobs congratulations on your grade one winner Manne Witz don’t worry your turn will come .
Onto a subject that burns inside of me two little twats that took a knee during the singing of the Israeli anthem you two little shits JOSEPH ZELEZNIAK AND GABRIEL GOTTLIEB you have shamed your culture and heritage and you have shamed your family names I fear your families don’t really care , pity you little shits are not Jewish if you were you would have known Jews only kneel to HaShem (G-D) ,Jews do not kneel to anybody else .There is NO punishment befitting of this outrageous insult to our Jewish culture and heritage but I am quite sure the kids that sit in class with you will make sure you spineless twits will remember your insult for a long time to come ,shame on you two brats .
Not a very nice week in Israel with cowardly terrorists in Israel stopping at bus stops and murdering innocent Israelis ,these acts of terror need to be dealt with swiftly and mercilessly Israel cannot allow these barbaric brainwashed terrorists to continue with their killing sprees time to take the appropriate action against these terrorists, headline from Hamas “we take pride in the death of our martyr” these barbarians celebrate DEATH while the world celebrate LIFE what chance is there of making peace with these people .

  • Chaya Tanzer Masinter What jail sentence are you referring to?
    • Joel Friedman Chaya Tanzer Masinter I keep getting banned by face book for 30 day periods because I defend our right to be Jewish and my defending of the Jewish nation from anti Semites and terrorists who unfortunately don’t agree with my defense .
    • Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman are you saying that being banned from fb for 30 days was your jail sentence?
    • Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman, now I know you have not spent the past month physically in jail, and you would know what jail felt like to a black South African under the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime who favored just like the Nazis their Jewish Kapos-sellouts who helped the Nazi SS maintain order in the death factories such as Auschwitz murdering upwards of 10,000 innocent Jewish people every day, have you read chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL, of scholarly Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention?

      Let’s just assume you have, as it is available free on The Internet and The D I book is also one that I have been encouraging all my Fb friends such as yourself and Billy Jacobs to read given how it fills in very important gaps that I know were missing in your formal Jewish education at our Jewish day school in Durban, South Africa as well as in the sermons given at our orthodox Jewish synagogue by our rabbi, Professor Abner Weiss who was my immediate family’s closest Jewish friend and why most Friday evenings following the service at our shul-synagogue located on Silverton Road we joined Abner and his wife Shifra and their bunch of kids for dinner; and you would expect me to have listened carefully to see if there was any deviation from what Abner said in private to his preachings from the pulpit, and there were none.

      How has that knowledge of Israel’s defeat at the hands of the virulent anti-Semites who were the principal sponsors and benefactors of our one of a kind Jewish Holocaust, impacted your view of the world today?

    • Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman,

      Title: Blah Blah so quiet

      Let’s recap:

      You replied going on 76 hours ago “Yes” to my question less than 8 hours earlier that centers around you believing that being banned on FB is tantamount to going to jail.

      6 minutes short of 12 hours later I responded without mentioning the previous conversations you and I had on FB messaging beginning soon after we became “friends” on September 24, which was my sister Kathy’s 65th birthday and she shares the same birthday with her much older husband David Danziger.

      In those conversations, I didn’t expand into any knitty-gritty, nor did I share with you my future dialogue with our mutual FB friend, David Ressel…/

      as again that only came later, the same with my responses to Sofia Stella Feldstein as they too came later.

      Once you go into denial there is no “turning back” because you cannot make up for those “lost opportunities”.

      You can revisit those events in your mind, and if you choose to make changes that first requires an apology, you are still further behind than had you done the right thing in the first place.

      So we are constantly incentivized given how we all know that we live only a limited time to do good, make the most of time; not quite the same as “making money” in a totally rigged market.

      When someone suggests that doing good is all relative and there is also satisfaction in doing wrong; it is not that they believe good is the wrong thing to do, it is just that they like the shortcut of getting what they most want which is the money that most often attracts the beautiful partner, assuming they have a faulty moral-logical compass.

      Yes, I am making the argument that there is a correlation between morals and logic; i.e. “comptency” [sic] breeds “integrty” [sic].

      To be competent at anything good you have to apply logic at all times.

      Beauty attracts beauty and that is first nature to us as well as the rest of the animal species. That is to tell you that we should be following much closer the laws of nature, the laws of natural selection rather than bowing to the money of the most ungodly people who us Jewish people should be the first to “disown”, not only because it is the right thing to do, but a great many people when reading The D I book or doing other research keep coming back to their Jewish sounding names as well as the fact that the The D I book actually has a chapter titled, THE JEWISH CONNECTION.

      Before you say, “Epstein is Jewish” you need to examine what caused Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry to convert to Christianity and that was because the more powerful Jewish leadership in South Africa at the time denounced Sir Ernest Oppenheimer for his anti-competition trade practices.

      Christianity is much more forgiving of sinners.

      BTW I assume you have now studied my mother’s Zena’s

      economic-political position which was totally contrary to the ambitions of the DAAC who have always spoken publicly in support of competition which is their death-nail; but nor could they fault publicly my mother who called for continued investment in South Africa by foreigners to counter the DAAC’s diamond studded iron fist control of the mineral richest country in the world.

      You should be able to see who is behind my mother’s captivity in Israel

      which is nothing less than premeditated murder, and the trail of evidence left behind by all those who have stood to gain, couldn’t be clearer; and yes they have been publicly rampaging my mother’s estate long before they have her pushed into her grave.

      How do you have so many people who talk morals, emotion blah blah so quiet?


      Gary Gevisser Page 2 – Blah blah so quiet

      How do you have no one asking Clinton and Obama publicly what is their make of the Oppenheimer-Brenthurst Foundation-Barclays

      murdering all vestiges of democracy in the fledgling State of Israel following their victory from which us Jewish people may never recover.

      Still while there are at least one of us who cares, and even if we get the whole Christian, Muslim and Atheist world to join us, what is wrong with that?

      If they unite behind one Jewish person they might all decide that the smart move is to convert to Judaism.

      While my mother has never been an advocate for or against converting to one relgion or another because she had better things to do with her precious time, she wouldn’t be sad to see the whole world turn Jewish, just so long as they are good.

      Wouldn’t you have liked to have a mother like mine, or were you quite satisfied with who you were dealt?

      Interesting that no one asks me if there was anything bad about my parents?

      Could you see jealousy and envy being at the root of this rather long educational journey of us humans?

      To the best of my knowledge we dont see any other animal species being entirely driven to kill one another over greed and envy?

      They kill either to eat or for the survival of their species by culling first the weakest.

      We don’t as a general rule eat the people we have our soldiers kill but perhaps more importantly we have the weakest of us, the fat cats milking Wall Street, doing the breeding and the weaker bodies, weaker minds making brainwashing increasingly easier.

      Before you say how the underclasses produce the most children, you have to look that not only has sex been their only recreation but we wanted them to breed and overpopulate to help fester more social unrest to justify the production of the weapons to kill them, while adding to the ill-health of the surviving economy.

      Furthermore, the downtrodden, just look at Yemen, are being wiped out in war because we dont want them around to compete for the worthless money that those in charge make scarce to the poor who are more likely to question.

      So the weapons developers-suppliers are in a race against time as The Internet better educates the masses than ever before.

      When you notice how quiet are the clergy, starting with our Jewish rabbis in helping met get out this information, you have to ask yourself whether the DAAC got to them first?


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    • Page 3 – Blah blah so quiet

      This torment is causing the top puppeteers to falter and there is already a rippling effect, which if you feel has it origins going back to the beginning of time, I certainly wouldn’t fault you.

      With Trump we see it all much clearer. It is about using the office of the Presidency of the United States, much the same with the Presidency of Uganda, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, the President of France etc etc to use the platform to get filthy rich versus say someone like Macron of France who would otherwise be unemployable.

      Now if you have done someone wrong and/or you haven’t done as much as you can to help improve the lot of the planet and us humans are just a part of it, but we are the only ones who have a negative impact on the rest, then you have to live with your regrets and it takes a toll on the health of the body and the ever weakening mind chooses the path of least resistance.

      Ressel has now unfriended me but he knows how easy it would have been for him to simply admit that he was not as much as an expert on the origins of WW2 as he had protested, and his defensiveness caused him to childishly go on the attack.

      What if I weren’t around, or if I was unhealthy like most of you, then your common sense would tell you that this knowledge of the rigging of the money that most of the top dogs on Wall Street never once gave a thought given how well the money has been marketed including the vague opposition coinage like Bitcoin which the masters of the money and the money supply, my former employer De Beers-Brenthurst Foundation-Anglo American Corporation-Barclays have learned a great deal about given the total lack of critical thinking by either joining their promotion or in opposition, then this would undoubtedly all be lost.

      Wouldn’t you agree that it would take nothing short of an Act of God to stop this nonsense that none of you want stopped?

      Nor do you see anyone voicing a logical counter argument because increasing numbers of you can see that a counter argument does not exist, but either embarrassment and/or protecting your nest egg prevents you from speaking out.

      You can see that I am kind, generous, most forthcoming with my knowledge that doesn’t bring me friends amongst the biggest monsters, and all I get is either the most deranged “uphill” or silence as though I am invisible.

      BTW, have you checked out yet the Advisory Board of The Brenthurst Foundation and determined what is so shocking?

      Being numb does not mean you are discerning about what is ether going on presently or what is going to happen in the future.

      Imagine if I were to have an organization like Israel’s Unit 8200 behind me and their mission was first and foremost, rather than helping the DAAC, to protect the Jewish Homeland from its arch enemy; namely the DAAC, and so preserve what little heritage remains of us Jewish people who have a history like none other, especially when one considers how extraordinarily gracious we have been to our enemies in victory.

      We would have peace and prosperity throughout the globe in the next instant.

      Nor is Unit 8200 the only intelligence gathering institution on the planet; and you would also expect Mossad-Israel Military Intelligence [MIMI] not to put all their eggs into one basket.

      You must surely know that back at the height of Israel’s first war of survival, the War of Independence we had the Generals Revolt which didn’t occur just once, because it occurred twice, first in April 1948, the month before the official outbreak of war, and then in June 1948.

      Can you imagine that; in a war to wipe us all out which didn’t come long after the death of the 6 million, half of European Jewry our top military commanders are ready to pull down the house.


      Page 4 – Blah blah quiet

      Of course you can because it is fact as much as you may wish you didn’t know what our enemies thought of it all other than they, like Ben Gurion who put a brilliant end to his Generals’ nonsense, hadn’t forgotten how well the Jewish Kapo-sellout system worked in the death factories without the Nazi SS having to bloody their hands, other than on occasion deriving great joy and satisfaction which also kept their Jewish Kapos “on their toes”.

      You haven’t forgotten why it is that you wont find a single Jewish South African willing to argue the point with me that the DAAC wiped out all their South African political opposition when Harry Oppenheimer joined General Smuts’ United Party for the May 26, 1948 South African General Election which the United Party lost, and its leader Smuts lost his seat, while Trojan Horse Oppenheimer got “elected” to the South African Parliament.

      So May 26 should always be a day of shame for us Jewish South Africans going forward; and why us Jewish South Africans haven’t previously challenged the Jewish South African politicians like Helen Suzman, speaks for itself.

      Bear in mind Suzman spoke out against the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime using the strongest language but never once pointing at finger at her benefactor, Harry Oppenheimer whose enterprises were simply protected by the military might of the Apartheid Regime which was propped up by the west who simply had the best weapon systems because the DAAC do not take umbrage changing their allegiance if it serves their best interest.

      It might challenge you to think of how misled were us Jewish kids by our fake Jewish South African leadership especially if you served in the Apartheid Regime’s brutal military not averse to shooting defenseless school children.

      So let’s take a break from that and move on to the big picture.

      No emperor has ever let their enemy calling for their elimination live beyond the second fight. Most kill off their strongest enemy in the first encounter; and the opposition of the rulers going back to ancient times has only got weaker.

      The Israel Defense Force-Haganah is the exception, and for that the IDF-Haganah has paid a hefty price.

      Why would God intervene when we each have the power to fix what is wrong while lowering the chance of war by simply eliminating the war option.

      Not difficult at all to do.

      The Oppenheimers have been in day to day management charge of the DAAC for a century during which time not only have we had the greatest mass murders but their wealth has been horribly, most unevenly distributed and nor has it made us humans any smarter or sensitive.

      Technology is also taking away their edge; hence their continued withdrawal from the public light at the same time surrounding themselves with the most seasoned military officers.

      If you were on your iPad right now and able to lock on to your enemy being delivered more advanced weaponry than the rifle you are holding on which you were given at the start of your basic military training, you might before speaking out to your drill sergeant have a conversation with your fellow conscripts.

      Those same “eyes in the sky” are capable of looking right down at you, like you were at a soccer stadium and the TV camera shoots your photo on to the huge screen and 70,000 other spectators shout out, not “Fatso” but, “Joel Friedman.”

      Good example of the DAAC’s poor choice, was very weak in every department Hitler who first of all didn’t look anything Aryan.

      Maybe jumping to Hitler was a little too quick; but take your time getting your thoughts to catch up; or just ask for guidance from someone like my enemy Jeffrey Essakow who simply has to ask God why he was born so stupid and reckless?

      There is a reason why today newspapers like the Jerusalem Post don’t publish my articles, and that is because war has become a good business for not only their sponsors who are their advertisers and donors, but each and every one of their journalists who see that people such as you are capable of commanding a far bigger audience over the Internet than they have ever dreamed possible.

      When there is no competition it means it is wrong to give different names to the money-capital providers who can at any time be backed by the DAAC who have never once been regulated and to start regulating them would only draw that much more attention to why it has taken so long, so instead the Oppenheimer family in particular have been withdrawing, but only from public view; and President Putin helped put a quick end to that.

      As you read on and watch the video of medical doctor, American-Chinese Dr. Lim MD who is also an attorney, you will welcome the applause he gets at the end of the lecture from a woman so taken by his honesty that she decides to give up the meat.


      Page 5 – Blah Blah quiet

      Have you noticed any of the mainstream or non-mainstream media calling for those planning on going for a joy ride to the limits of space having to pay a significant environmental tax perhaps 1000 times the cost of the $250,000 ticket as the pollution alone from the rocket engines does not benefit each of us equally?

      Rather than being angry with me, you should consider being supportive; and what may help you as it has helped a great many others who are fatter than they would like to be and lets face it no one likes being fat, is to watch this 1 hour and 16 minute 2017 video of Dr. Lim MD

      the awesome protege of plant food based pioneer Dr. John McDougell MD who I briefly communicated with yesterday and I will shortly be following up with him as well as Isaac Herzog, chairman of Jewish Agency Israel who has taken charge of the brutal captivity of my British-English mother Zena whose display of lucidity and love towards me while most aware of how “busy about money” were my 3 elder siblings who had gone behind my and my mother’s back a week before and got a hungry, Israeli liar-lawyer Ayala Weisel, a non-family member, appointed as my mother’s “guardian” on the basis that my mother was suffering from “advanced dementia”, has brought out the true ugliness of the human spirit, which still does not make a dent in this good universe.


    • Joel Friedman Gary Gevisser I feel for you my friend but start shortening your replies etc as I would hate to rid you as a friend .
    • Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman, I can understand why you only issue me a threat when the knowledge that I share you find disturbing, without being able to refute my findings.

      You can see that I posted up again on your FB wall earlier today and it was much shorter; but I was mistaken in thinking that my 8 page post Blah Blah so quiet had been taken down, and I will make amends to that in due course.

      While you have yet to remove my posts you also know that you have had the knowledge going back to September 24 of the devastation to Israel’s independence following their defeat by the DAAC in the late 1970s while I was in the DAAC’s employment and able to see the reaction of people like you should this knowledge become known to you.

      It is also a human characteristic for the human who is in fact far less of a conscious being than a dog like our doggy Mango or for that matter all pets who are well taken care of by their owners to hate themselves terribly when finding out so late in life and they appear to have lost the fight against natural entropy due to their addiction to bad food that brings about greater likelihood of bad company.

      Less said is more.

      I will send a backup of this all to your FB fb Jeffrey The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow as well as others.

      Would you like your own backup?

    • Joel Friedman Gary Gevisser who the fuck is the DAAC ?
    • Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman as you and everyone else who can read my very easy to follow writings and I cater to people with as low intelligence as Jeffrey Essakow who you should remember from your high school class was as dumb as it gets, the DAAC is an acronym for my former employer De beers-Anglo American Corporation.

      To be clear, and try to keep the F word out of your mind as least for the time being, the D is for Debeers, A A for Anglo American and C corporation

      Btw did you fully understand the first sentence of my first article published in the Jerusalem Post 12 days after the Rich pardon?

      Have you ever discussed Rich with your good friend Essakow!

    • Joel Friedman Gary Gevisser Gary it is time for you to stop smoking that DD because it is definitely doing damage to your brain cells ,I still do not have a clue what your problem with the world is ,you seem to be an intelligent fellow attempt in no more than FIVE lines to explain to me what your problem with Israel ,Jeff and the rest of the world actually is , be careful not to use to many acronyms or long words as I do not want to use the F word unless I have to .

      Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman let’s assume you understood like everyone the first sentence of that first article which bothers you like it does many who don’t understand as well as me the DAAC’s banking and mining business.

      Moving on, were you able to understand the title of chapter 16 of The D I book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL?

      So my problem is not with Israel but the DAAC and their supporters who took control of Israel’s infrastructure following their victory,

    • Gary Gevisser Chaya Tanzer Masinter were you about to say something after writing my name above?
    • Gary Gevisser Barbara Geer what seems to be the case is that the truth is disturbing for those busy keeping track of their lies.

      There is a good reason that the Jerusalem Post considered rather important the first sentence of my first article exposing to the light the treasonous pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich.

      The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.

      Again, the implication of the pardon I knew when spelling it out would disturb a lot of the world’s talkers.

      Could you try doing better in controlling your nervous energy and consider playing a more productive role in getting the truth out?

      Is that too much to ask?

      BTW, I have already begun broadcasting via email backups of this conversation. Would you like a copy?

    • David Ressel I warned the folks about this Gevisser lunatic … a serious nut 🔩 loose on the 🔩 bolt 😵 😵 😵 Best to just ignore him and warn others 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
    • David Ressel I think he is off his 💊💊💊 meds
    • Gary Gevisser David Ressel, how can you best assist me, getting “the folks” to question what got you, an “extensive research” hypnotist, going off the deep end?…/

    • Joel Friedman Billy Jacobs advice accepted ,you are quite right
    • Billy Jacobs Joel Friedman works for me being careful. We can still get our message out.
    • David Ressel Good to have you back 💙 🇮🇱 💙
    • Dion Futerman Welcome back. Joel work within the parameters ? Once a rebel with a cause always a rebel with a cause. Now can you come and give two little twats in the Mother City a snotklap please boet.
      Billy Jacobs Joel don’t be reckless you know what the standards are work within the parameters and keep out of jail
  • Helen Witz Blondelle Debra Witz. Show Mannie please
  • Raymond Snodgrass I love this, Joel Friedman you are a mensch Luvit welcome back boet.
  • Raymond Dubery Proud of you joel
  • Chaya Tanzer Masinter

  • Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman, pages 6 through 8 of my postings Blah blah so quiet have been removed.

    I will attempt to repost them now.

  • Page 6 – Blah blah quiet

    Mr. “Extensive Research” Ressel has most probably not yet contacted you to share his dilemma and his and my 32 mutual “friends” which again include you, have yet to abandon ship.

    You have to consider the prospect that even if all of you jump ship, you won’t like or trust one another that much more.

    The human has been known to get divorced for less cause, such as their partner smells which fat does as it suffocates the internal organs; commonly known as strangulation, and the ballooning effect doesn’t have others gravitating; again the laws of G-dna-ture making logical sense.

    Nowhere in the laws of nature does it say that you shouldn’t question the money because you have been conditioned not to question, and to trust blindly.

    There used to be scales carried by the Justices of the Peace figurines, but there are more swords held by soldiers and a blindfold covering her face?

    In my haste yesterday to respond in a timely manner to Dr. John McDougall’s kind words, I left out at the start of the second paragraph that he-they should be looking at my close to her chest mother’s Zena’s most carefully crafted memoirs titled, THE LIFE STORY OF ZENA

    which my mother chose to broadcast via email, 14 days after 9/11 which you recall was 235 days after Rhodes-De Beers scholar President Bill Clinton granted the treasonous Marc Rich pardon.

    Surely when you first heard that Clinton got chosen for the most sought after international prize, the Rhodes-De Beers Scholarship, it went through your mind this most carefully orchestrated evaluation.

    Let’s look at the date.


    That was at the height of the Vietnam War which was simply a distraction from grabbing the riches of the most reliable regime overseeing the world’s mineral richest country with a front door to the rest of mineral rich Africa for their military to pursue at any time.

    That didn’t mean there were no benefits from dropping big bombs over Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos because that was as huge as getting the poor surviving farmers to leave their destroyed lands left with massive amounts of unexploded ordinance and go work in the factories for contrived low, slave wages that feeds the consumerism-pollution.

    Too many of any organic species leads to a lot of bad things, and good thinking of an ever increasing human population is not an attribute, because it is a total disaster; until you look at the prospect that what hasn’t been fixed in the past which should have been fixed, can be revisited with an open mind.

    In 1968, poor but determined Clinton hops over to Oxford England where his lack of athleticism is not the main reason Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer figured he would make a great future US President much the same as the rest given their penchant to be liked.

    I think you would agree that most would agree, both those who like Trump and those who detest him with an equal passion, that when he came into office, Trump personified the individual who is hooked on praise and wanting to be liked, perhaps more than being filthy rich which allowed him and the rest to have lots of friends willing to “take a bullet” or at least tell him that they would die for him just by how they would cozy up.

    Let’s face it, you prefer to have a happy waitress serving you with the expectation of a big tip than one who is grouchy.

    It is not that Trump is oblivious that he is buying people to make him happy.

    He buys people the way most people change clothes. He doesnt see anything wrong with that because he looks around and see that is what most people who have more money than the next person are doing.

    He thinks they are all hypocrites.

    Still Trump is the President and while previous president, heads of state haven’t told the truth, he might decide to do so, if for no other reason than I don’t see him really wanting to be associated much with those before him.

    Now it seems that Trump could care less about anyone including his family members who he sees just like his rat fix-it lawyer only loyal so long as the money continues to flow.

    How easy it would have been for Trump to get an emissary just like President Nixon and his Attorney General, John Mitchell arranged for a Hungarian countess to meet with my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser [1926-2009] the “male heir” of the richest and most powerful person on the planet, Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971]…/CH10_ENGELHARD_EXPERIENCE.pdf

    when my father’s first cousin, arrived for the funeral of Engelhard Jr. held at the Roman Catholic Shrine, St Mary’s Abbey Church, Morris Town, New Jersey, back in March 1971; just to tell you that the Washington Post reporters were not the only media who weren’t doing their job.

    The fact that David Gevisser goes on to explain that he had also been approached to work directly for the CIA, tells you how insane is this Russian investigation, which of course President Putin could put a stop to in the next instant.

    If Putin weren’t President or if he didn’t first work for the KGB, he might be flipping burgers.

    If Trump didn’t have a rich daddy who bailed him out from the very start, Trump might have decided to follow Dr. John McDougell’s starch diet much sooner, and being happier with just sleeping with his wife.

    It is my observation that most men who sleep around are not good lovers.

    Could you confirm or deny that?

    Trump could have simply told Rat Cohen, “No matter what happens I will give you a pardon and also set you up in business when you will be richer than your wildest dreams” instead Trump got into this very public “cat fight”

    Trump is showing the kind of independence that George W. Bush exhibited and they came down hard on him forcing him to remove his preferred Minister of Defense, Rumsfeld.


  • Page 7 – Blah blah quiet

    If you had the choice between a monkey throwing darts in deciding the best way for people to get along versus a bought politician who is in the pocket of those who don’t want people to get along, politicians, weapons developers, lawyers, medical doctors who see less patients as failure because they simply can’t enjoy life as much, etc etc, wouldn’t you choose the monkey operating out of instinct versus greed and malice towards those they are most fearful of?

    Haven’t you seen more acts of loving kindness from the other animals towards us humans and their own, including those who eat each other rather than the human who is meant to be predictable as well more moral?

    Trump seems increasingly unpredictable, much like nature which is totally unpredictable.

    Whoever comes next cannot be expected to be more moral or brighter.

    Why would the DAAC give up their “winning ticket”?

    A lot of people while seeing Cohen as a rat, which is not uncommon amongst lawyers throughout the world, would say, “I believe a lot of things he says about Trump who just spends a lot of money buying people”; and wouldn’t that make Trump more unpopular versus if he had simply got Cohen to shut up and get his pardon which would have happened long before he began serving prison time, it would all be forgotten by the in one ear and out the ear human, and Trump would also have to pay people far less than what he is going to have to pay in the future?

    Just put yourself in the future shoes of the next fix-it lawyer for Trump. Would you ask for more or less upfront?

    Now you see all this is just a matter of opinion and only Trump knows exactly what he is doing assuming he is in full control of his mental faculties.

    Im talking about the history that got Trump in the White House today.

    People like Engelhard Jr. and H. Oppenheimer when closely observing Rhodes-De beers Scholar Clinton are not easily distracted by things like the automated washing machine ending its cycle with that annoying sound which is critical to the person doing the wash whose time is a matter of life and death because the competition for those paying jobs is rife.

    Imagine this very moment Dr. John McDougell MD, Dr. Ornish MD, Dr. Neal Barnard MD, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Colin Campbell Phd, author of The China Study, getting the nod from Trump to replace immediately the FDA and USDA with their PRSM?

    Dr. McDougell MD while yet to acknowledge my knowledge, knows exactly what I am about, and would prefer to stay focused which I believe I helped him do with my reply whose “centerpiece” was to have him and his equally evolved medical doctor colleagues who are part of PRSM [Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine] challenge the government to get rid of the conflicted individuals responsible for the ill-health of the humans, therefore replacing sickness promotion institutions like the FDA and USDA whose top officials have always had the closest money ties to those most profiting from the ill-health of all the nations, and so it is a worldwide epidemic.

    Now I am coming back to predicting Trump’s next moves.

    Who could have predicted that not only my 3 elder siblings would be so cruel, but all the top Israeli officials in on the act to silence my mother and me which is harder for them to do with me as I live in the United States and we have far more human rights than in Israel; and that is only in recent times following the loss of the war against the DAAC.

    The fact that Israeli officials still pontificate that when Israel loses its first war it will be the end, does not change the truth.

    Back when we first started speaking on FB messaging, I provided you with some very important South African history, at the same time I made you aware of chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL.

    I also ended my sharing of this knowledge by politely suggesting;

    “Feel free to ask me your questions.

    All the best


    Again, all this occurred some 81 odd days ago when you were very much online.

    It began with me asking you at 9:04am Calif. time, “Joel, were you at Carmel, which class? What do you do?”

    At 11:43 AM, you replied:

    “Yes quite right I was at Carmel I was in the same year as Hilton Wolman ,Neil Gould ,Michael Schaffer and Samuel Schaffer I left in STD 7 my family immigrated to Israel we came back to SA round about 1969 and I have lived in Jhb most of my life lived in Israel between 1978 and 1982 I was in the motor business for the last 30 years ,I don’t know why but the name Moshal Gevisser rings a bell I am sure it was a big business in Durban but I really don’t have a clue ,what about you ?”


  • Page 8 – Blah blah quiet

    Do you think that because people like Billy Jacobs and the rest commenting here can read and type their thoughts that they are all simply ignoring what I have to say?

    They know that you are reading along just like they are.

    You all also know that many others are watching just as closely.

    What you are all thinking but not saying is that the money is just as important to you as it is to Donald Trump who must have a good reason in his mind, the same as his advisors, why he didn’t simply make a deal with Cohen before Cohen started talking and arrogant Cohen not liking at all what has been done to him?

    Of course Cohen could give a rat’s ass about his family who have all profited from his close relationship with Trump and able to afford an apartment in Trump Tower as well as a residence at a swanky Manhattan hotel without Cohen ever having to do much thinking as he has now admitted, nothing more than an order taker.

    Many if not most of you reading this could easily see yourselves and everyone you know willing to defend the DAAC to the last bullet and gun they produce, but you can’t be quite so sure about Trump or for that matter President Putin or for that matter each one of the Chinese government officials.

    Food for thought.

    Gary Gevisser We should move on.

    Joel Friedman and others, do you recognize the man in the beard handing me a $1 note?


    Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and beard
    • Gary Gevisser I will take you at your word.

      What do you know about Schneerson’s pivotal role in the Diamond Invention Game [DIG]?

      BTW, that very quick meeting which resulted in me quickly tossing the $1 in the closest trash can, cost my clients Solly and Abe Krok a cool $250K which was the tip of the iceberg in terms of the actual costs to the Krok family, not to mention, the spread of anti-Semitism that resulted.

      Image may contain: 2 people, text
    • Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman as I was finding the Kroks’ business card I saw that someone was typing away and then it stopped.

      Was that you?

      You would agree that photos can be decieving but if it is an accurate representation of their face and body, fat face people tend to try and hide their fat body more, then you can make some quick, accurate judgment calls, wouldn’t you agree?

      I had never met Schneerson before our meeting in late October 1989 at his home-shul in Brooklyn New York City but of course I was intimately familiar with his business and it is not because one of his emissaries took this photo below.

      Gary Gevisser I recently loaded up Apple’s latest operating system and it has caused havoc with my photo album, so that photo will have to wait.

    • But you can imagine it showing me and Solly Krok on a sidewalk in Amsterdam outside a building that he had bought and placed in the name of one of Schneerson’s emissaries who took the photo. There are a couple of other men in the photo including Solly Krok’s one Dutch accountant who accompanied me a couple of days before to the headquarters of Philips BV in Einhoven; and yes if you know about the DAAC’s Philips BV then you would know they own all of Eindhoven including the great soccer stadium where Solly would a few days later be “wined and dined”.

      Interesting occassions like that are not known to most FB users and nor do the Hollywood top celebrities get to enjoy such festivities because they have to follow a script and there is no scripting when it comes to how best to deal with a bully like the DAAC-Philips BV.

      That meeting resulted in me having Solly Krok join me the following day in Amsterdam, and this was all a little later in 1989.

      Let’s just go back a little, 84 days, September 24 when I introduced you to chapter 16 of The D I book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL which began in 1977 and was complete by early 1980.

      I ended that short, but highly informative piece by asking you, “free to ask me your questions” and then a customary polite:

      All the best


      Joel Friedman, as I pointed out yesterday, you never asked me anything.

      Was it that you thought The D I book’s author Epstein was “mad” or did you not understand his very clear, most interesting writings?

  • Alon Friedman Thus dude Gary is a serious troll. If there is a “Facebook jail”, maybe there should also be a “Facebook nuthouse”- welcome back uncle joely, don’t let the muzzys bring you down
    • Gary Gevisser Alon Friedman, it is well over 2 hours since you decided to jump in.

      You dont have to be Jewish to follow the logic of Proverbs; It is better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

      Back on September 24th, at 1:34pm California time, I made your “uncle joely” aware of a most important meeting that took place on September 5, 2006 and which President Putin waited until October 3, 2008, 759 days later, before having the Kremlin release it.

      Is there anything more you would like to say?

      Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and suit
    • Alon Friedman Gary Gevisser ye, uve got way too much time on your hands, I don’t blame you, I would probably sit on Facebook all day too if I was trapped on some Little Rock In Africa, but I’m in America baby, got way better things to do than play with a few insignificant Africans on Facebook, peace homes 👋
      Gary Gevisser Alon Friedman what makes you think I’m sitting on some Little Rock In Africa?
    • The fact that I have lived in the US for the past 4 decades doesn’t mean Im incapable of figuring out that you are looking for any distraction rather than focus on that very important meeting where you in all probability didn’t recognize the man on the right.

      That is not to suggest that you are well-informed.

      If you happen to be Jewish, and it looks like you are, at least born to a Jewish father, then you would be most troubled by that photo.

      That photo if you are Jewish South African and therefore more likely to recognize the man on the right, you go silent very quickly because you know the man on the right is not a friend of us Jewish people.

      Of course those Jewish people who do his bidding, cannot say enough good things about him, which is what you would expect.

      So it is a very good photo to see who are the good guys by their reaction to the photo.

      Now it takes on much more than an academic exercise if you happen to know anything about guns and economics which are inextricably tied together and why people like the principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd came, not to you, but to me on June 25, 2013, just 6 months after he joined the NEA which is housed within the huge “propoganda” [sic] institute OECD [Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development] housed in Paris, France, to let me know that his NEA-OECD had been wildly successful in wiping out all legitimate opposition to nuclear weapons development – check out in the ABOUT section of, Dr. Rothwell’s two very short but on point communications of June 25, 2013.

      Bear in mind that the NEA-OECD-IMF-World Bank didn’t just pick anyone to become the principal economist for the most powerful NEA whose sister organization the Nuclear Energy Council is housed in Washington DC, right after President Putin just slipped into the United States, not some little rock in Africa on which a bunch of monkeys were catching rays, and walked away with his Uranium One corporation owning 20% of the United States strategic uranium reserves.

      Prior to his position of principal economist for the NEA, and you would be conversant enough in English to know that principal does not mean there was more than one, Dr. Rothwell Phd spent 27 years as the senior lecturer in economics at Stanford University and still that didn’t prevent him from first coming to me with the NEA’s best kept secret.

      So you hadn’t heard of Rothwell. You hadn’t heard of that meeting with Putin which Putin waited until a month before Senator Barack Obama became President elect before putting out the message and seeing how the media would react.

      Would you say that you are like everyone and you get your opinion off the TV?

      You also hadn’t heard of me.

      Do you think it bothered Rothwell that Alon Friedman who has “got way better things to do than play with a few insignificant Africans on Facebook” hadn’t heard of me but Rothwell was aware of the photo, and decided to contact me?

      What do think that meeting signifies to someone like Dr. Rothwell Phd?

      If you are on the west coast like I am you have all night to do your research; and remember you have a ton of people like hypnotist Ressel to confer with; and why not do it publicly?

      BTW, what do you do with yourselves during the day? Would you like a job with the CIA?
    • Alon Friedman Gary Gevisser no american rants this long, u on some Little Rock somewhere.
    • Gary Gevisser Alon Friedman, I have a slow internet connection at the present time which is preventing my earlier writings to you which included a short video of our extraordinarily healthy going on 9 year old healthy vegan – and there is of course most vegans who eat unhealthy and it you can see it with their large weight, much the same as unhealthy meat eaters – from being loaded up; and that is of course due to the video.

      There is also the possibility that the whole post could evaporate as it was sent from my cell phone.

      You have said a lot in those 10 last words of yours, and there is much that others, young, old and 75 years of age is not old for someone to die, such as this Penny Marshall, rich and poor, healthy as well as unhealthy can learn from your Poverty of Thought [POT].

      You were of course trying to be funny as well as distracting when beginning, “no american rants this long” because first of all you don’t tell a good teacher that they rant as they make perfect sense which keeps everyone’s attention other than those such as yourself who have short attention spans.

      You also know that if my postings had been up on your FB wall, you would have long by now removed them.

      Your uncle Joel Friedman who again is clearly not in good health, not even close, and those of you thinner probably make a lot of fun about him and his wife behind their backs which is not to say your aunt Cheryl Friedman Fur would turn her nose up when hearing such remarks because she too can look in the mirror or simply at photos of herself and her far from slender 3 daughters, and feel nauseated.

      A good teacher caring about the health and vitality of their pupils as my Charm School teacher mother Zena did with all her pupils and not only her top international models, would tell them to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror doing their best to make themselves feel good.

      So when you see a blackhead they should be delicately removed and to be thinking about how best to make sure they don’t reappear somewhere else exposing their ugly black head by washing the face as often as possible which at the same time keeps one’s hands clean and avoid spreading foot and mouth disease.

      There was no funnier public presenter than my mother who kept everything well above board and you could never pick up a hint of sarcasm because never once was my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena sarcastic

      [Page 2 Classic beauty – oil painting was removed]


      Image may contain: one or more people
    • Alon Friedman Gary Gevisser liar!!!! U said you live stateside, no one who lives in our great nation has internet problems, ever!!
    • Gary Gevisser Page 3 Classic beauty – oil painting

      We are now on to page 3 of my second response to your most revealing 10 words.

      I see that both you and Cheryl have quickly responded to page 1, a strong indicator that neither of you check your FB every decade or so.

      In other words you show me at least that you are as attached if not more so to your communicating devices than to your private parts.

      Any man who is around a beautiful woman know that beautiful women are extraordinarily sensual and when they lose their physical sexuality which their exposed fat diseased talkative cells are a dead giveaway, you know that if you are a man or a woman who is healthy to stay as far away from these monsters as possible.

      They will kill you, slice you up in to pieces and instead of burying you they will crap all over you.

      Who here disagrees with that assessment?

      Still Joel Friedman has yet to remove my posts which does not mean he wont in the future, only that he has not at the present time.

      Remember Joel knows like the rest of you that I only speak the truth; the same with Mr. Battaliou who did decide to unfriend me but he kept open the option to get more information out of me by not blocking me on FB messaging.

      When I explained in simple English that I was aware of his game, he immediately blocked me.

      I will shortly post up on my BLOG my entire dialogue with Battaliou, which Im sure you will all find very interesting because it also explains why it is increasingly difficult to be a spy for any particular side.

      That is not however to suggest that MIMI [Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence] are going to start recruiting only from this Friedman family.

      Another item which I believe is bothering Joel Friedman is why people like Jeffrey Essakow don’t talk much about how they went about helping Sidney Green prior to his decision to commit suicide.

      Furthermore, given how well Joel beleived he knew his dumb classmate Jeffrey Essakow, it is rather shocking to find out that Jeffrey Essakow is not someone he would want to get on the wrong side.

      That is not to suggest for a single moment that the rest of you haven’t analyzed as best you can The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow’s 37 odd words to me on July 14, 2009 in response to an email broadcast of mine titled, “Sending munitions to Russia to pay pennance” [sic].

      Alon Friedman, in your 10 words you make no mention of what you learned from the principal economist for the NEA, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd deciding to break more than a half dozen years of silence to share with me critical information about “Russia selling uranium enrichment technology to South Africa.”

      Again if you are going to be talking politics of any kind whether it is Palistinian rights or Palistinians not being allowed to have Palistinian rights until such time as the DAAC and their operatives both within and outside of Israel stop supporting their most reliable terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and lets not forget either ISIS or Al Quaida, you have to be fully conversant with the military aspect.

      Now I will move on to read exactly what you and Cheryl have just said.


      Page 4 Classic beauty – oil painting

      Alon Friedman, your “liar!!!! U said you live stateside, no one who lives in our great nation has internet problems, ever!!” is not going to have you feeling any better about yourself.

      You are obviously doing your very best to show that you still have a sense of humor by making a totally ridiculous comment.

      Furthermore, those who know you much better than me would have to be saying to themselves, “we have never seen Alon Friedman so out of control. He has always prided himself as being somewhat of a jokster but this Gevisser gave him really good advice that he should pay attention to Proverbs, but his big ego prevented him from the kind hand that Gevisser dealt.”

      Let’s now check out Cherly Friedman Fur.


      Page 5 Classic beauty – oil painting

      Cherly Friedman Fur, you take the cake.

      “Have no idea how you got my info”, really?

      It wasn’t hard for me to look at your family FB profile photo and almost want to vomit.

      Are those average size thighs in the Friedman family?

      None of you were that way at birth. You must all eat a very similar diet which is of course most usual and why the fat resulting diseases are similar.

      Genetics plays a role, but not nearly as much as the unhealthy foods.

      So how come this vegan daughter hasn’t managed to convince you to give up your addiction to meat?


      Image may contain: 1 person
    • Page 6 Classic beauty – oil painting

      Cherly Friedman Fur, the photo above is the almost life size oil painting of my classic, most unique, most exotic, most sensual F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion done by her teacher, master Spanish painter Sebastian Capella.

      When you previously read “F-C” what made you think that Marie Dion’s first language was Russian rather than French?

    • Alon Friedman U do not live in this great land.

      Page 7 Classic beauty – oil painting

      I see that Alon Friedman has now come in twice. Alon, you are going to have to wait your turn.

      Cherly Friedman Fur, are you saying that you disagree with my mother Zena that I am “very good looking”?

      Are you also saying that you disagree with my mother Zena’s assessment of my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion, “What was she like at 22?”

      Cherly, do you not first look at a woman from the ankle up and quickly determine that if they have thick ankles, the rest gets only uglier?

      Which of your daughters have a healthy body like this?


      Image may contain: one or more people
    • Alon Friedman Ew Canadian, he’s married to a Canadian, just when you thought it couldn’t get worse
    • Page 8 Classic beauty – oil painting

      Cheryl, could you see anyone you know including family members and non family members who you have spent any time with coming away saying to themselves and others, “What a jealous, mean, ugly bitch; but you have to understand how she feels about herself”?

      You have been lying to yourself from the very beginning, just like your nephew Alon Friedman.

      That is because your not exactly model looks had you misguided into believing that you had brains because you fell victim to the false propaganda, “Beauty and brains don’t mix”.

      The fact that you would become more degenerate in asserting that my most beauty F-C wife and I are ugly is sad for you.

      You and everyone else knows that for my wife and I it is more than water over a duck’s back, because it is hilariously funny, and we know that you nor Alon are trying out as script writers for Saturday Night Live.

      Moreover, the chances of you and your 3 daughters, forgive me if I have got the count wrong, have got slimmer over the past 5 years is hard to believe.

      Please submit a photo right now, and if you can’t find any as beautiful as the naked one on the beach, and my wife’s body today just as perfect and strong if not stronger given how we eat that much healthier, don’t fret.

      But, and please don’t be vulgar and send us a photo of any of your butts, certainly not naked, you should do your best to remember the remainder of what I hope will be a very long life your words, “Your wife isn’t exactly an oil painting.”

      You know that your husband, even if he knows better than to say a word to you will be thinking the rest of his life, “How stupid could my wife be to take on Marie Dion when she can see from all the photos on Gary Gevisser’s fb that this is the woman all healthy men dream of, especially when they have to make love to their pig wives.”

      That is not to suggest that fat woman have it any better.

      In fact the women mostly get fat like you because they want to avoid having sex with their fat husband and then it becomes a vicious circle and they end up spending a lot of time on FB looking for someone else to marry and at the same time spy on their friends.

      BTW, my wife’s two adult children from a previous marriage and who I helped raise from an early age are both above average looking even though their biological father was average looking like most.

      I think we are ready to learn more about the “spy business” which is all about the preservation of a nation’s currencies which is not as important to their top government officials as their own nest eggs.

      I do note that the two of you, Alon and Cherly have started a dialogue about how much you detest the eating habits of French-Canadians which the abbreviation is F-C not F-K, and you probably wouldn’t know that it is more correct to place the C before the F but then it doesnt read as well, and my great F-C wife thinks it is all very cute.

      Speaking of great mind, which clearly both of you only wish you had, my gorgeous F-C wife who jumped two classes at school because of her command of mathematics-logic which didn’t prevent her from starting her university studies earlier than most and also graduating not bottom of her class, says in addition to “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!” the no less important, “Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!”

      So what you are going to find is that while you remain in this “chat room” which I can easily move to another forum and start building an even bigger group if need be, the nonsense talkers are going to be withdrawing more much like the DAAC officials have been doing ever since I began speaking out and that does not mean you are going to be trusting each other that much more.

      Now wouldn’t it be something if Joel Friedman after watching Dr. Lim MD’s video and seeing that one fatso’s body transform to the point that he is no longer recognizable and is running 5 miles a day, decides to follow in step, and starting long before he croaks because he doesn’t want to be remembered as the fattest member of the Friedman clan, and his positive actions could be contagious, and then and only then would you start getting along and really liking one another without feeling the need to hate me and my one of kind gorgeous F-C wife who are doing more to help get the truth out than most.


      Page 9 – Classic beauty – oil painting…/


      Page 10 Classic beauty – oil painting

      Cheryl Friedman Fur try removing the fur that may be blocking your eyes that lead to the mind.

      The video I took of my mother was my mother referring to my incredbily young looking great F-C wife, “What was she like at 22?”

      My mother was not referring to herself.

      Cherly Friedman Fur, most medical doctors are in it for the money. Nor are they bright and you can see that from how unhealthy they are.

      Nor do they want to learn about nutrition because that then makes them feel that much more guilty about being in medicine only for the money.

      They also understand why it is that at medical school for the past century nutrition is not part of the curriculum. That is because the government who wants unhealthy citizens along with the drug pharms control the curriculum.

      Medical Doctors like Dr. John McDougall MD, cardiologist Caldwell Esselstyn MD, Dr. Neal Barnard MD and Dr. Ornish MD and Dr. Lim MD are currently a very small minority but their work is catching on and growing exponentially.

      That doesn’t mean the oil companies as in olive oil and avocado oil producers and the meat and dairy industry are simply going to roll over and die because they continue to work hard to counter the efforts of these brave pioneers.

      So in fact it is possible that you are one of these very stupid medical doctors, but more likely you are not; and I say that because most medical doctors while stupid, are not talking as much as you on FB.

      Let me know when you have read my conversation with criminal defense attorney David Battaliou.

    • Gary Gevisser Keep you in the game!

      Alon Friedman, what is your point in inserting something I have previously said and then circling, “I have lived in the US for the past 4 decades…” and then you say nothing?

      My statement contradicts your false assertion that I live on a rock in Africa.

      You are down to the point where you don’t know what to do, and so you reckon that as long as you do something, no matter how stupid, it will distract and “keep in your in the game”.

    • Alon Friedman Gary Gevisser you don’t live in this country and ur wife is Canadian, cannot engage with those who are beneath me, peace out, hope you don’t have another “internet outage”

      Gary Gevisser Title: Rebutt

      Cherly Friedman Fur, I only now saw that Joel Friedman had written much earlier that you are a “qualified shrink”; and that must mean you carry medical malpractice insurance.

      Furthermore, you must have had more patients than yourself.

      Did you ever look across at any of your patients and think, “I could make less money by getting them on to healthy diet?”

      Again, what was it about your one vegan daughter who was not capable of convincing you to change your unhealthy diet?

      When did you become aware that eating meat products as well as liquified meat; i.e. milk causes cancer?

      Do you disagree with cardiologist Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn MD who says “a whole food plant based diet will elminate heart disease?”

      Did it ever occur to you that being fat would have your fat patients relate more to you and keep coming back for visits and prescription drugs?

      Have you ever taken prescription drugs, and why?

      I am not suggesting that you have previously overdosed, not been admitted to heaven and returned to planet Mother Earth as the evil incarnate Devil.

      When you say “I can destroy you on paper. You have probably never been beaten, you can win the war but I will win the battle. I have made men stronger and bigger than you cry!” would this be in character for you?

      In other words, you proudly proclaim yourself “And yes, I am a bitch and proud of it and like they say in the classics: ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet'” are there other witnesses besides for myself who are reading this or who you think might read all this in the future who would concur with your assessment of yourself?

      Are you not aware that the expression as well as the military tactic is to be willing to walk away from a battle, but return and win the war?

      Is it your tormented mind that has you so mixed up?

      When last did you manage to compete a 5 mile run and not require a stent?

      Are you taking any Statin drugs medication?

      Has listening to other people’s problems rubbed off on you in negative way?

      Have you ever been sued for medical practice?

      Let’s assume you are still practicing, would it be too much to ask of you to place a WARNING SIGN in your waiting room which reads as follows:

      “I look forward to your rebuttal, not sure if I will read it, I have much more important things to do than listen to your psychotic ramblings.”


      Gary Gevisser Title: Are you a competent psychiatrist?

      Cherly Friedman Fur, while I don’t agree with you, you are saying that in your medical opinion, “Recognized your symptoms immediately!… He meets every criteria for a psychopath… just released from a mental facility … you are definitely a nut” and I don’t include, “I hope you don’t have children because I would assume they would inherit your internal and external ugliness” because you are losing it, are you ready to provide me with a medical certificate allowing our dog Mango to travel with us as a service dog?

      Since your medical evaluation is that of a “psychopath” would you do so annually for the rest of my and my dog’s life or in the event you being medically diagnosed as mentally incompetent?

    • Gary Gevisser Rodney Smith Phd, former RAND Corp-THINK TANK official, Keisha Whitaker, wife of Hollywood blockbuster actor, vegetarian Forest Whitaker, Roma Revill, Tracy Kelly, Melody A. Kramer, Neil De Gouveia, Richard Albert , Issy Fisher [Gary Gevisser’s high school Hebrew teacher], Janice Bloom, Selwyn Bloch, Anna Zaikin, Annabel Linder, Susan Munro, Vadim Xomenko, Warfield Fine Art, Amina Abdulbaki, Alexandros Delithanassis, Marina Pickler Rorato, Janice Lipman, Jean Edelstein Gaylis, Ray Oshry, Richard Pedro, Wendy Ann Bouman[Gary Gevisser’s high school history teacher].
    • Kara Fur Gary Gevisser that nose of yours is far from slender. Let’s break it down. You look like a wrinkled up ball sack. That ugly ass bitch that you’re with must be blind or mentally handicapped. Which one is it? Let’s go bitch. Fuck with me, you old, decrepit man.
    • Kara Fur Gary Gevisser, the ONLY doctor you need to be consulting with is a hair restoration specialist. Does your fat, heffer of a wife enjoy running her fingers through your three strands? Looks like that Vegan diet isn’t working too well for you. Wrinkles, hair loss, and a bitch whose face is uglier than my dog’s asshole. Not too convincing. Truly, the only people who feel the need to belittle innocent people meet the DSM-5 criteria for an untreatable personality disorder. Probably why you are so disliked. By the way, I’m a Vanderbilt-educated medical practitioner and showed several of my medical colleagues your posts…we all think you’re mentally unstable enough to utilize the words “batshit crazy”. That’s pretty bad. You exhibit enough of the signs (and that’s just on Facebook) to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. The diagnosis is a lost cause. You’ll die a lonely, very unliked man with few people at your funeral. Look that up on google like you’ve done with all of your previous rambling posts. You’re clearly highly unintelligent, which doesn’t make me mad. It makes me laugh. 😂😂😂
    • Alon Friedman Kara Fur his pics are from like five years ago, imagine what him and his Canadian bacon wife look like now

      Gary Gevisser Cheryl Friedman Fur, you are obviously troubled by your daughter is it? language and poor thinking that reflects her mother.

      Our dog Mango is trained to recognize bad people.

      Perhaps I should have said, “emotional support dog” but you look like you are bailing out.

      Nor should you be thinking for other people when you show you have great difficulty in the thinking department.

      No doubt you intend to be threatening.

      So let’s be clear. Which family members of mine are you encouraging others to be abusive towards?

      With regard to that posting above regarding ex CIA member Charles Knuff, a California resident who I have never met or communicated with but fled to Texas, found himself a corrupt Texas State Court judge, and filed a fabricated defamation lawsuit against me, it is all well covered in my public communications including my writings to criminal defense lawyer David Battaliou.

      So go ahead and see what trouble you can stir.


      Gary Gevisser Cheryl Friedman Fur You obviously didn’t look into the lawsuit. You looked as far as you wanted.

      To this day we do not know on what grounds he brought the defamation lawsuit.

      Since you like to dig, you can tell us.

    • Gary Gevisser Cheryl Friedman Fur have your husband come online and explain what an “anti-defamation lawsuit” is?
    • Kara Fur Actually, not really. Nobody is encouraging threatening behavior except for you. I believe it was when I read your post that contained word vomit consisting of “your three daughters” followed by insults. Yes. I believe that’s when I realized that you’ve made this a lovely forum to share honest, brutal opinions with each other, and oh boy, am I ever excited! We are all, factually, within a normal weight range per BMI recommendations….so I can’t really help you there. However, I can confirm that four medical practitioners have now confirmed that you are bald, old, wrinkled, and batshit crazy (I’d share the medical terminology with you, but you aren’t intelligent enough to understand). It is also in my honest opinion that my dog’s anus is more attractive than your wife’s face.
      Gary Gevisser Cheryl Friedman Fur – You and/or your husband lawyer are supposed to be digging to find the defamation; so you are now trying to distract; and doing so with poor language, to mention little of your poor manners, wouldn’t you agree?
      Gary Gevisser Kara Fur let us agree that each of us will make a backup; and then move back to what has a lot of people including ex CIA Knuff and Texas State Court judge Martin Lowy so upset.


      Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and suit
    • Kara Fur Defamation lawsuit?? Eek, Gary. Not doing too well, buddy.
    • Gary Gevisser and the meeting of President Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer head of the DAAC relates back to chapter 16 of scholarly Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL which Israel lost decisively.

      You will also notice that chapter 17 of Epstein’s 1978 The D I book is titled, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING.

      Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd, principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency in recognizing Uranium King Nick Oppenheimer in the photo, also understood that the meeting on September 5, 2006 with President Putin signalled, THE RUSSIANS ARE BACK.

      So how does everyone feel about this?

    • Nikki Fur Im just catching up here and am wondering why nobody has mentioned the fact that this guy shares an uncanny resemblance to this meerkat.
    • Nikki Fur oh and another thing – your mother looks like a cunt.
    • Gary Gevisser Cheryl Friedman Fur while you now decide to duck, let us know when you find the defamation.

      So, since you finally got the terminology right “defamation lawsuit” rather than “anti-defamation lawsuit” and stating that you were surprised that no one has filed a defamation lawsuit against me, and yet you made a big deal about your discovery of the defamation lawsuit against me, what were you thinking?

      Or were you not thinking because you were grossed out about having to spend the time investigating the defamation and knowing that you would come up empty handed?

      There is also the possibility that your mind had you thinking that the Anti-Defamation League might come to your rescue?

    • Gary Gevisser Nikki Fur are you the daughter from Harvard, Vanderbelt or Princeton?

      For a man to use such disgusting language, referring to a woman is sick.

      For a woman to use such language does not show good breeding.

    • Nikki Fur Gary Gevisser serious question here – are you on the autism spectrum? I’m trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with you.
    • Gary Gevisser Nikki Fur I think your mother should stop you, and wash your mouth with soap.
    • Nikki Fur I should also point out that your wife looks like an infected cunt.
    • Gary Gevisser Nikki Fur Wow are you the nurse or medical doctor?
    • Nikki Fur Gary Gevisser neither. I’m the black sheep mother fucker. 😈
    • Nikki Fur No but really – I graduated from Harvard.
    • Nikki Fur I’m not in the medical field though.
    • Nikki Fur I work with individuals with autism.. which is why I asked you if you’ve ever been diagnosed.
    • Gary Gevisser Cheryl Friedman Fur What a legacy for the next generation to see, “cunt… infected cunt”, like you say, a record to keep forever
    • Kara Fur Gary Gevisser dude, what are you even talking about? Chelsa Everley Krech, do you mind sticking a DSM-5 on this lunatic? That’s another medical practitioner by the way…she specializes in psychiatry.

      Wash this out, Gary….your mother is probably being “held a prisoner” because she is, in fact, a fucking cunt. An ugly one…likely right on up there with your wife and my dog’s anus.

      Seriously…P.S. I’m the Vanderbilt-educated medical practitioner.

    • Nikki Fur

    • Gary Gevisser Kara Fur I will send this in due course to the Vanderbelt University.
    • Nikki Fur Vanderbilt*
    • Kara Fur I don’t think they’ll take you too seriously when you don’t know how to spell it, Gary!
    • Alon Friedman lol this poor (non American foreigner, with a Canadian wife lo aleinu) guy started with the wrong crew
      Gary Gevisser Kara Fur The record will note my misspelling and your limited education.
    • Kara Fur and they’ll probably high five me. I really excelled in these psychiatric diagnoses.
    • Gary Gevisser Kara Fur then we will ask them for an emotional support dog certificate.
    • Alon Friedman Gary Gevisser do u have a certificate for your wife? Is she your emotion support Canadian animal lo aleinu?
    • Kara Fur Gary, I don’t think that Vanderbilt will appreciate your statement about limited education. I graduated Magna Cum Laude. You’re not doing too well here. More importantly, did you name your dog, Mango? 🥭 seriously?
    • Kara Fur Glen Banham…you may proceed.
    • Alon Friedman Btw- not one comment from Joel, u think they threw him in Facebook jail again??
    • Alon Friedman Cheryl Friedman Fur😂🤣 I’m dying
    • Nikki Fur Glen Banham – we’re ready for you.
      No automatic alt text available.
    • Gary Gevisser Kara Fur Limited education that has interfered with their learning.
    • Kara Fur Gary, it’s time to put down the cocktail. You’re a functional alcoholic. Let’s go back to talking about your ugly cunt of a mother.
    • Nikki Fur …… and infected cunt wife.
    • Nikki Fur

    • Alon Friedman Nikki Fur Canadian lo aleinu yemach shmo
    • Kara Fur

    • Kara Fur There’s one especially for Gary
    • Nikki Fur ☝🏼 and wife
    • Alon Friedman Gary Gevisser I just want to thank you, it’s been a while that me and my cuzzies has such a nice time at a useless foreigners expense, Also to ur Canadian lo aleinu wife. Ur collective life of misery has brought us an hour or so of laughter, my man!
    • Nikki Fur

    • Kara Fur Cheryl Friedman Fur No No. It’s Gary’s Wikipedia and 2010 Microsoft Word copy and paste time. He’ll be back.
    • Alon Friedman lol, he has “limited internet” but claims to live in America, in what spec of this great nation is there faulty internet??? He’s in efrica men
    • Kara Fur I was only caught up until “Page 7 Classic Beauty – Oil painting”
    • Kara Fur Cheryl Friedman Fur you mean F-C as in fucking cunt?
    • Alon Friedman Cheryl Friedman Fur don’t forget Canadian lo aleinu

      Gary Gevisser Cheryl Friedman Fur put your professional expertise where your mouth is. Stop diffusing.

      You are willing to defame me, and now you run.

      You and your daughters have signed your statements.

      In due course, I will be explaining things to Joel Friedman which should uplift him significantly, given how I doubt, even if he served in the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime’s military, he is unlikely to have turned on his fellow Jewish brothers and sisters.

    • Alon Friedman Look who’s back
    • Alon Friedman Gary Gevisser did they give you a few bonus internet minutes – Canadian fucker!
    • Kara Fur and you signed yours…you need to sign a check to get a neck lift for your wife. She’s gobbling a bit there, Gary.
    • Kara Fur Hold on…..Wikipedia time. He’s got to quickly do his copy/paste. Give him time.
    • Nikki Fur Hey let’s take it easy on the guy. He was ordered to pay $4 million.. AND REPRESENTED HIMSELF IN COURT 😂😂😂
    • Nikki Fur I wanted to also post my reference just in case there’s any question as to where I got my information. It’s public record.…/knuff-v-gevisser-ca41/

      Knuff v. Gevisser CA4/1 –
      Knuff v. Gevisser CA4/1 –
    • Kara Fur This is so boring. He’s not even interesting. Hope he gets some professional help. Night guys!
    • Kara Fur Yeah. This guy is very sick in my opinion. He needs a lot of professional help. paranoid schizophrenia, narcissism…scary when you’re exposed to people who are this psychiatrically ill. It’s very sad actually. Really hope he finds the resources he needs to get well.
    • Nikki Fur Good luck to you, Gary! Hopefully you get some help.
  • Gary Gevisser Israel, fall 1989
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  • Gary Gevisser

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    • 18h


      Gary Gevisser Joel Friedman, while you have yet to unfriend me, you have played censor to the truth which may go back to your days serving in the Apartheid Regime’s cowardly and brutal military.

      You began by talking that you are back from your 30 days in “jail”before preaching, “Onto a subject that burns inside of me two little twats that took a knee during the singing of the Israeli anthem you two little shits JOSEPH ZELEZNIAK AND GABRIEL GOTTLIEB you have shamed your culture and heritage and you have shamed your family names I fear your families don’t really care , pity you little shits are not Jewish if you were you would have known Jews only kneel to HaShem (G-D) ,Jews do not kneel to anybody else .There is NO punishment befitting of this outrageous insult to our Jewish culture and heritage but I am quite sure the kids that sit in class with you will make sure you spineless twits will remember your insult for a long time to come ,shame on you two brats.”

      And look at you now. Your supporters, all those quiet are no less cowards and they are certainly not your friends.

      Do you really believe that you have fooled HaShem (G-d)? Doesn’t the awkward feeling you feel deep inside make you aware of HER [Higher Energy Spirit] presence?

      HER doesn’t require that you acknowledge such a wondrous force for HER to exist and transform weak, negative energy into say an ant that you may not have previously observed sufficiently carefully, your future existence?

      How sly can you get coming in at “the dark of night” and removing my appropriate response to your threatening sister Cherly Friedman Fur who may have had her lawyer tell her the following:

      “You have probably committed medical malpractice; the chronology shows that you unashamedly began making false accusations, statements which were not supported by the facts but you simply didn’t like the important money truths that this Gevisser was presenting and so you went on the offensive and my suggestion is to write to him not on this public forum where the chronology is so clear that you and your daughters were totally out of line, disgustingly vulgar, and really try and intimidate the shit out of him because if he decides to come at you then you will have no defense; and besides that shouldn’t be difficult, you were mostly raised in wicked Apartheid South Africa that for 46 unterrupted years obliterated all forms of humanity towards the majority black peoples and you simply past it on to the next generation, good luck.”

      I also see that you removed the photo of Solly Krok and me in Amsterdam taken by one of Schneerson’s loyal DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] followers.


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  • Gary Gevisser Should you remove again my two posts, Doctors worth listening to and Two twits and their mother, you will find this entire conversation on the BLOG.

    Title: Doctors worth listening to

    Joel Friedman, you probably haven’t forgotten that you were simply placed on ice for 30 days and there is more reason that Facebook-Zuckerberg will be watching your FB wall that much closer.

    You may have thought that I cowered by the pitiful onslaught of your sister, the cow, Cheryl Friedman Fur although I don’t know for certain that she is your sister and her two daughters who she was most happy to hand off to, but then you also saw that she came back in with her cowardly blows, but of course I never cower to bullies or bow to shameful people.

    That would also have been “wishful thinking”.

    No matter how poorly you feel about your ill-health you have to be ashamed of your family.

    I, on the other hand, am not in the least bit ashamed of my 3 elder siblings who also cannot have a positive view of their future even if they don’t believe in reincarnation.

    When someone does wrong, you have to immediately separate; that is both logical – you are the company you keep and what you last ate – and you won’t find contradiction in scripture.

    It has been 9 odd days since Cheryl Friedman Fur last slurred her way back, December 28, 7:03pm Calif. time, to be very precise; and a minute later Karen Fur jumped in last, followed by Nikki Fur 4 minutes later.

    It is also not only me who has noticed that in all this time and all their investigative work they have failed to find the defamation because they will never find it, because it doesnt exist; and which they would have encountered when they rifled through the Texas State court transcripts, and which the California judges didn’t want to touch with a 100 foot pole because they saw such egregious miscarriage of justice unraveling their gravy train; and so they just ignored the transcripts which showed conclusively, since there was not an iota of evidence that I had committed defamation, that in fact the defamation was on me in an attempt to shut me up at the same time steal $4 million.

    As important is the fact that the same dead end would have been found by all those I have tagged as well as Facebook-Zuckerberg and the rest who wish that would not be the case, is that your family members have now helped to focus the world on what the biggest thieves, liars and cheats had hoped to keep hidden for eternity.

    When you have the politicans on all sides manipulating the money at the direction of one mineral monopolist who happens to have been the principal benefactor of the slaughter of 6 million Jewish people during our Holocaust as well as the brutal 46 year uninterrupted rule of their Apartheid Regime who this Cherly Friedman Fur tries to make out were the “good guys” while forgetting conveniently that your family were living in Israel not all that long before you signed up for duty, what you have is much greater clarity, especially when it is someone credible as myself guiding each of you who know that you cannot trust the next person no matter if they are a blood relation if they are only trying to diffuse.

    I plan to pick apart each and every malicious defamatory statement made about me, and should you or anyone else begin removing items from the record and/or this entire discussion then I will simply repost it on other forums including my BLOG.

    It is in fact great material that they have all provided and lets not forget this “nephew” Alon Friedman who you may have already cautioned hm to “cool it.”

    Now as you would know, defamation is the general term, while slander and libel refer to particular types of defamation. Libel is a written defamation, and slander is verbal.

    You would also be expecting Cheryl Friedman Fur’s attorney husband to also be cautioning her and their daughters if for no other reason than Cheryl Friedman Fur may have already committed medical malpractice; and moreover, they have shown a vulgarity one might be shocked if it came out of the mouths of “white trash”.

    With that as an introduction lets take a break and do something uplifting for the planet by promoting the upcoming webinar by medical doctor Dr. John McDougall MD who is going to be interviewing cardiologist Caldwell Esselstyn MD in exactly 1 hour and 29 minutes.

    Just prior to posting up on my FB wall and prior to that on the FB wall belonging to fans of Elon Musk

    I began emailing, Doctors worth listening to; and the first broadcast, addressed to Elon Musk included 327 others in both the cc and blind copy section:

    From: “” <>
    Subject: Doctors worth listening to
    Date: December 27, 2018 at 8:43:01 AM PST
    To: Elon Musk <>
    Cc: rest; “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study & Forks Over Knives” <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Dr. Lim MD” <>, Dr Dean Ornish MD <>, Max Hastings – British historian debator – Britain Should Have Fought in the First World War <>, Margaret MacMillan – Canadian historian debator – Britain Should Have Fought in the First World War <>, Edward Lucas – British historian debator/moderator – Britain Should Not Have Fought in the First World War <>, Dominic Sandbrook – British historian/debater Bristain Should Not Have Fought In The First World War <>, John Charmley – British historian debator – Britain Should Not Have Fought in the First World War <>”Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff, Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon, former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, “” <>, Mossad <>

    Dr. McDougall MD is interviewing cardiologist Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn MD live at 11am Pacific Standard Time, approximately 2 hours from now…/169105139238437069/0a4352ae2d

    They not only have the irrefutable science at their fingertips but they and their spouses exemplify what it means to live the good life; “put your money where your mouth is”; health is wealth [but most people will wait until the cows come home.]


    Then I followed up:

    Joel Friedman, at 2:36pm Calif. time, less than 10 minutes ago, I received the following FB messaging from Cheryl Friedman Fur; and bear, love the pun, in mind that she is the one who was first mislabeling-libeling me and threatening; and so of course now that she has nothing to say she goes low; not to mention, she just acts more stupidly than most, bringing more attention to her lack of intellect:

    Gary Gevisser, I told you before, you are Cyber Bullying and threatening! I warned you before that it’s a FEDERAL offense. I am contacting the appropriate law enforcement. We had a good laugh at your expense and thought you were actually one big joke but you are really a threat to innocent people. I have a list of 8 people who contacted me and confirmed you have done the same thing to them. They are willing to report you too. Please refrain from using my or any member of my families names in any other posts from now on. Please also refrain from harassing Joel Friedman as we are all scared for our safety. Also please refrain from replying to me on this method of communication.

    Gary Gevisser Title: Two twits and their mother:

    Joel Friedman, BTW, there is nothing stopping you from unfriending me on FB or for that matter anyone else.

    Also don’t forget that on December 18, at 6:46pm Calif. time, Cheryl Friedman Fur wrote: “Didn’t you serve Gary Gevisser, or were you one of the yellow bellies that ran away?”

    Again given the overwhelming support of Jewish South Africans for the Apartheid Regime, and that of course includes all the bought opposition parties of the AR who will go down in history as nothing less than the Third Reich’s Southern Division, it was cowardice to serve even if you didn’t personally shoot children, but when doing desk jobs or working in the kitchens you were freeing up the rest who murdered mercilessly.

    Moreover, you say that your returned in 1969 to South Africa from Israel and therefore had a far better idea of how the fledgling Jewish homeland would have accepted Jewish South African boys who wanted to avoid serving in such a monster military.

    Surely you have taken it up with your sister why she would say that you and your brother had no choice but to serve?

    You must have noticed that nothing stopped Cheryl Friedman Fur from writing her crap here publicly, instead thinking it best to try intimidating me on FB messaging; all part of her diffusion.

    It is the two twists and their mother.

    You would have thought that it doesnt get any uglier than a daughter such as my sister not following through on the most lucid wishes of my 87 year old mother, other than you have a medical doctor pscyhiatirst making comment that what to her is important is that my mother is in a rich person’s apartment overlooking the ocean, forget my mother’s wishes only to be with me.

    Every comment of Cheryl Friedman Fur got progressively worse.

    Some might think that you are happy that I have shut up your ugly sister and her two twits. Yes that is all my opinion.

    I understand perfectly why neither my mother nor I get any support from the common herd who try to distract from the money which obviously is all that binds not just your family, but all humans once they lose their questioning spirit; nor does that make any of you a strong supporty system for each other.

    I think you would agree that is a most accurate assessment of what is going on right now.

    You also know that you are not the only person in the world I am communicating with today.

    The reason the people dont communicate directly with me is because they know I speak the most important truths which they dont want to hear, and still they can’t mount a counter argument other than to bully and keep bullying and accuse me of their crime.

    It is also very important that I have as many as upwards of 800 FB friends and there are many others wanting to be my fb friend who I have yet to accept, including those who I have unfriended or who have unfriended me in the past and now want to be my fb friend.

    Point being, my opponents are not the nicest people in the world and nor are they dependable to do more than serve their own interests.

    Surely, you must be talking to your sister and nieces who seem to have talked you into leaving it all up to them?

    I provided last evening a critique of Dr. McDougall’s show earlier in the day and I met with his request that I do it over email rather than as I first suggested we do it over the phone, and he responded soon after with , “Thanks for your candid comments.”


  • Page 2 Two twits and their mother

    McDougall also would have read prior to his 5 odd word response what I had just previous to my critique sent Elon Musk, although I dont think Musk received it; but be assured he will, and it is not because he and I were both born and bred in Apartheid South Africa, and both of us chose wisely as well as honorably not to serve in such a cowardly mercurial, nothing less than bloodthirsty mercenary force although kids like you were not paid an arm and a leg to shoot children.

    Your duty was to properly question ahead of being drafted.

    Yes, I had friends, including classmates from our Jewish day school, Carmel College who were on the frontlines, both within the borders of South Africa and when fighting against Soviet-Cuban forces in Angola being financed by South Africa’s richest family, the German-South African Oppenheimers who when returning to their homes in Durban not far from where they had participated in the most vile atrocities because that is what was required unless you decided to get shot on the spot, and there would be no record of that slaying, they were never the same.

    Nor did their parents ask too many questions because their parents understood better than them why they didn’t insist that their children escape to Israel where if they were to be killed while serving with the IDF, it was an honorable war to be fighting.

    What I have established with all of you including McDougall and Musk is that it is possible for the entire world to turn a blind eye to the most important truths of the day.

    With all the talk of being so smart and doing the right thing, smacks of something supernatural like coincidences, does it not?

    Never before have any of you ever come close to understanding why it is that the money, both the paper and coinage, as well as that digitized in banks is totally worthless.

    In the past you have just had fun making small conversation that the money is worthless before trying to make out like you are as much an expert on money as the next person, and start sprouting off where and when to buy the real estate, the best hedge against inflation as well as to accumulate the most wealth if not as smart as someone like Musk.

    So the thing you are all about which is the embodiment of each of you has caused you all, from the poorest to the richest like Musk to shut down.

    The game, however, is not yet up for Musk. He can regain his courage at the same time get back his health.

    Of course I knew that when breaking my silence with Oppenheimer- Beers on 11.11.2004 that they would not be able to defend their position including getting some 32,000 Jewish South African boys such as yourselves to be nothing less than the Hitler Youth Movement as they also cultivated when you were wearing their army uniforms their future Jewish informers, no different to the Jewish Kapos-sellouts who kept order for the Nazi SS in the death factories such as Auschwitz.

    They also backed your opponents; and all spelled out Epstein’s The D I book where there is a full chapter on the financing of the very bloody Angolan War.


  • Page 3 Two twits and their mother

    They can follow exactly what is going on here with those all either quiet or actively doing their best to curry favor with the enemy of all independent thinking people as well as those in mineral rich countries who never ask to be invaded.

    The German-South African Oppenheimers are still the richest and most powerful family on the planet and they show that when enlisting the support of America’s most powerful military position, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    Meyers says a lot more to the business world-Wall Street than having an ex President sit on their Brenthurst Foundation Advisory Board because that would be seen by people such as you only as par for the course for a former head of State of State putting their hand out.

    Surely you wish that you could turn back the clock and ask your parents-grandparents, school teachers and for those attending university, university professors to have provided you with a better general knowledge if your common sense was lacking; instead you get your opinions off the TV.

    Yes, it is hard to think that your parents were even more stupid than your thought and for those who thought they were bright, so this is all a very rude awakening.

    But you shouldn’t be blaming me, let alone threatening. You should be thanking me.

    Military muscle only works so long as the masses yet to be subdued dont get the information.

    The silence that has followed on this forum since waiting until yesterday to follow up, shows the importance all the silent place on the information I have been providing.

    Again Zuckerberg-Facebook only place a very small percentage of their subscribers in the “ice box” for 30 days.

    Nor was what you had to say as troublesome to those benefiting from the status quo as what I am saying.

    FB is not the only institution learning from the avalanche of falsehoods and vulgarity of the Nth from the ugly mouths of your close relatives and now they are silent.

    Yes they are seething inside; and worse for them is that they have no one other than themselves to blame.

    Could it really get any worse than your sister telling me on December 18, 3:17pm PST: “So carry on this lovely convo and I can destroy you on paper. You have probably never been beaten, you can win the war but I will win the battle. I have made men stronger and bigger than you cry! That’s why I won’t block you – you are easy prey for me, I enjoy bringing down pompous, little insecure men with small man now I am going to fuck with you.
    Let’s go bitch. Fuck with me, you old, decrepit man.”

    Yes, she started out with her defamatory comments which I still believe have her committing medical malpractice, as much as she wants to laugh it all off when not switching in the next instant to threatening.

    Would you really trust her as your psychiatrist, or how about just as a friend?

    Then the one TWIT daughter piped in, “that nose of yours is far from slender. Let’s break it down. You look like a wrinkled up ball sack. That ugly ass bitch that you’re with must be blind or mentally handicapped. Which one is it? Let’s go bitch. Fuck with me, you old, decrepit man.”

    Now if Cheryl Friedman Fur and the TWITS were beautiful and had a great body all their “dirty talk” might be a turn on, but still you would have to classify yourself as “white trash” would you not?

    My God I dread the thought if ever being in the same room as such “bReasts” [sic].

    For anyone to call my most beautiful wife ugly looking says they are very sick people who you don’t want to have anything whatsoever to do with. They were going off their rockers and couldn’t stop.

    That is what happens the very moment you hurt someone who is good, either emotionally with wrong accusations or physically beat them and/or have them falsely accused by the authorities.

    It quickly goes from bad to worse, and which I explained rather well in the 4th article published in the Jerusalem Post on May 1, 2001.…/

    There has been only one Holocaust, but what the Nazi Holocaust demonstrated so well is that human deprivation occurs incrementally. It starts with simple massacres; you shoot the first innocent person and then you shoot the next set of people and after you realize that you cannot shoot enough people you look to more efficient methods such as gas chambers. This is why weapons of mass destruction are developed and why chemical warfare is so frightening.


    Page 4 Twits and their mother

    Someone such as my great F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion and I who are good at math-logic can teach those not so fortunate that you dont need to canvas every human on the planet to know for sure if the results would be any different than what we see today with more and more of you going silent because you have nothing to add to the conversation and you want to stop looking so stupid with pitiful economic-political comments.

    Not to speak is to to speak.

    Yes, it sure looks like you have been pulling back on all the talk.

    It was laughable what they had to say about my wife as well as racist commentaries about Canadians.

    So what did us Jewish people learn from the racism of Nazi Germany-Austria?

    How come we were overwhelmingly so unsupportive of the rights of the majority of black South Africans?

    Remember Nazi Germany had been defeated. We espoused the virtues, “It must not happen again.”

    Surely we weren’t only talking about the survival of rich Jewish people?

    What had the majority black South Africans done to aid and abet Nazi Germany?

    What didn’t you understand about chapter 9 of Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, aptly titled, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER?

    Why aren’t any of you attacking Epstein for not promoting his book more?

    Why aren’t you all insisting that he and Nicholas Oppenheimer debate me in an open forum such as this, or if you can think of something better that would attract instantly a worldwide audience?

    What if my wife had a black skin would they have been able to contain themselves?

    The slurs upon my wife Marie Dion who is so much more beautiful in her body and brain, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid” than those ugly scary clowns and those fat awful arms


  •  Page 5 Twits and their mother

    tell a lot about what they are trying to hide beneath the black dress; ugh so revolting.

    My focus is to get the world to focus on what is being done to Musk and if he continues to capitulate then still the world could end up going silent and the first of the bad to speak out loses it for the rest.

    They stop learning at an increasingly younger age as they tune out from their parents and teachers and focus on their communicating devices to make the money connections.

    Joel, you weren’t’ serious about going to The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow for a low cost loan. You were being either sarcastic and/or distracting because you know that money comes free to De Beers and their favorite clients the banks

    who do much more than pay De beers for their consulting services which include the collaborative efforts with their favorite bank, Barclays squeezing their opposition out of existence and grabbing the priced fixed diamond currency collateral.

    The banks-Barclays facilitate the laundering of De Beers’ worthless but priced fixed exclusive diamond currency that is the hand that rocks the world economy.

    Focus on the words, “the hand that rocks the world economy”.

    China has just been playing the game and is now gobbling up ports left and right, including Haifa harbor, Israel and now soon to get Kenya and if anyone cries foul they are capable of explaining the DIG [Diamond Invention Game], wouldn’t you think?

    The indigenous people of the world have now been fully neutralized and it will come down to the superpower nations in a direct standoff; unless the people are comfortable in all the play acting which can easily backfire.

    In such a situation who would you want to have as president-prime minister of South Africa, France, Belgium, United States, Holland, Israel, Germany, Italy, India, Pakistan, Great Britain and Russia?

    Man is showing that so long as they have the comforts of home they would prefer to be entertained by such a showdown even if it means a few nuclear bombs exploding but not to close to them or their loved one than deal with the fact that they have been so horribly fooled.

    That is so counterintuitive. That is so morally off the charts. That is rationale having gone totally haywire; and yet there is a good, peaceful and prosperous solution which requires no one giving up what they already have and the “have nots” are all taken care of.

    But the human ego still doesnt allow the human to let go; and yet none of you opting for the wrong path are really on the same page on anything other than the lies.

    I can see all of you here today watching this unfold choosing wrong, but Musk might be different given how he is still possibly young enough and not having done irreversible damage to his increasingly very unhealthy looks when just a few months back he still very much had “sex appeal” which is everything when you are selling.

    I see him still being able to avoid ending up grotesquely obese, but richer to afford the best homes, cars, planes, servants, and medical doctors giving him pain killers as he dies a rotten death.

    Lets all encourage him as we best remember him.

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