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Brenda Stern ~ pretty busy


You’re friends on Facebook
Works at Saviour Stern & Associates
Studied Masters in International Business and Trade Law at UCL
Lives in Johannesburg, Gauteng


Hello to you I write on the military economy What do you do? How well do you know our mutual friend Solly Krok?

Brenda Stern

Hi Gary, thats fascinating, you must be pretty busy. Pity Chump is out, no doubt Haliburton would have found a war for him to wreak on the world…. I am a gardener/lawyer with variations on both elements. I am also pursuing a basket of businesses that I thought of once my brain got a rest during lockdown. I’m passionate about creating any type of business, but especially ones that empowers its ecosystem and promotes enterprise. So I’m currently doing investment proposals for my priority projects. Pity I no longer engage with the defence sector, that’s a money sea. I know from my engagement with the defence industry here and in London, a bizarre set of short stories…. I used to know Solly and Abe well. But I haven’t seen him in a while. I can reach out to him if needs be.
Brenda Stern


Were your contacts in the SA Defense industry? Why would you leave it, if not for a better making profession like lawyering? Did you work for Solly and Abe at Twins? I reviewed/handled their international investment portfolio back in the late 80s, early 90s and then in 95 I handled a South African matter for them. Had you heard of Made In USA Inc.? I take it you think Biden has more morals than Trump?
Brenda Stern

I’ll start from bottom up.

Biden is a crow bar who has opened the door for Kamala Harris. His job is done. He’s an irrelevance to me. She’ll manage the US for the next 4 years.

I’d never use the word morals in the same sentence as Trump, except to illustrate his complete and utter moral deficiency. That is true for the majority of politicians anywhere in the world, sadly.

I did some lobbying work for an international defence company here, many moons ago.

A number of my MK Comrades joined the SANDF, but no one is there anymore.

There’s always Ivor if you need a SA Defence industry contact 😎. Andrew Feinstein has 1 or 2 people who may be very helpful, just don’t mention his name 😶

I landed up becoming an expert on the Export Control Bill, then Act, in the UK. I was recruited to establish a Policy and Public Affairs Practice in a London law firm and they were targeting the defence industry as clients. Policy advice was a novel and helpful service for clients then. It still is, in functioning democracies.

I know Solly, and Abe Z’L from my involvement in the Jewish Community leadership structures. I am totally disengaged from those organizations now.

What do you do now? Besides posting pictures of delicious looking natural food!


Top down

“Biden… years” very funny, and I agree totally entertaining 🙂

Would you use morals in the same sentence as Biden?

Who is SANDF – South African Defense Force since the ANC? If so is the SANDF kosher these days?

Btw my cousin and classmate Sandra (Moshal) Jacobson (1957-1997) who saw active and most dangerous service for Umkhonto including establishing a safe house for the most senior MK commanders planning a raid from neighboring Lesotho into South Africa in December 1985, but an informer tipped off the Malan Squad and all the commanders and their wives were murdered just before the raid was to begin was herself brutally murdered, tortured to death and her half naked body found in the trunk of her Toyota on November 4, 1997 and then in March 2006, the SAP reopened the case and on September 5. 2006 issued the most extraordinary white wash report which had her murderer having died in 2003, how convenient; and her assassins fellow members of Umkhonto according to the most reliable source, Sandy’s and my mutual uncle, David Gevisser, the “male heir” of monopolist Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) my immediate Moshal Gevisser family’s “strategic partner”.

Our “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser who made the initial introduction which led to Harry Oppenheimer supervising my year long orientation before joining the Oppenheimers-De Beers officially in early spring when I was still 21, articulates clearly in his 2006 autobiography The Unlikely Foster which was published well after the coverup story, that Sandy’s assassination was an inside job, and of course he would know.

Who is Ivor?

No, I don’t need an introduction to the SA Defense industry 🙂, but I do need an honest, lawyer or judge in Israel to assist me with a rather extraordinary injustice.

Btw, I do have quite a bit of experience dealing with the top US Defense-Offense contractors going back as far as March 1982 when one of my intimates Roger W Robinson left the side David Rockefeller to join Reagan’s NSC, and his “bosom buddy” was the in-house General Counsel of America’s richest weapons developer and indigence gatherers, SAIC; and soon King Golden Jr Esq. left SAIC to go into private practice and I was directly involved with all his clients and I also had Golden assisting me in the review of the Kroks’ international holdings.

Right now I’m going to assist my gorgeous Française – Canadienne wife Marie Dion who was a neighbor of Golden who came top of his class at the Law School of Virginia which my mother Zena’s one client, Attorney General, Senator Robert Kennedy also attended, but not as bright as Golden 🙂

I’m also writing/publishing a book which picks up where Prof Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book, The Diamond Invention leaves off while filling in the few but critical gaps; not to mention future clients of mine Simon & Schuster published The D I book in 1982.

How many coincidences does it take before it is no longer a coincidence.

What do you think of Spinoza?


Edit: … early spring 1979 when I was still 21 …

Edit: … assist making dinner…


Brenda, what caused you to stop being so passionate and prolific? Could you see others apart from Mark Zuckerberg interested in our conversation? Should I explain to you why Solly Krok would be most interested in where our conversation leads? Do you have a sense of how well I knew Harry Oppenheimer and the people in our Jewish communities around the world that he controlled?

Has you previously seen the photo of President Putin and Nick Oppenheimer previously?

Would you recognize Oppenheimer who was born on the same day my 50 year paternal grandmother died, which was shortly after my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie with 71 miraculous dive bombing missions tucked under his belt returned from war


Are you learning anything at To be honest?

You probably haven’t thought much of all the people you know who have had all this knowledge about the SA Oppenheimer crime family who make it their business to target with bribes weak people such as Biden who plagiarize and still come bottom of their class at law school. What makes you think Vice President elect is clean, just because she is a woman?

Did neither your mother or father tell you that the female SS guards who held fort at the death factories were more brutal than the men? That is a fact. Why do you think that is?

Can you understand why another former multibillionaire client Randolph Apperson Hearst (1915-2000)


proposed back in 1994 to publish this book I’m now writing in real time and both of us knowing it was going to be the greatest best seller of all times, assuming it reached the bookshelves which couldn’t be guaranteed? Also my survival could not be guaranteed; and I’m sure you figured out why?

More than 26 years have elapsed and not only am I still here getting the information out, but no one can predict how it is all going to end with all of you quiet and also able to see how treacherous are the religious, no less so than the irreligious; and they are also showing how incredibly stupid they are. Such mass stupidity doesn’t refute any of Spinoza’s well thought out arguments. In fact such mass stupidity probably wouldn’t offend Spinoza who would see it all fitting in with man only having free will to pursue knowledge.


I see you left TBH without commenting all this time. The human body can live to a 100 eating shit, but not in a vibrant way. The organs start shutting down much earlier. Do you have an opinion on that? Put you all in a room with access to all your previous talk great things will happen Below is what I began sharing just earlier before a healthy breakfast: Subject: Rebecca Newberger Goldstein Sent Goldstein the following: Last evening I watched via YouTube a talk you gave on Spinoza and Einstein. You ended on a joyful note but I couldn’t help noticing it was mostly old people in the room who looked like they were well beyond one step in the grave. The view of the camera was cone shaped providing a glimpse but the energy field supported the physical observation. The questions you were being asked were from people who sounded old and wouldn’t be able to resonate with the young who are like the old only impressed with money, their health concerns nonexistent. Since all the evidence points to order from the very start, as well as throughout nature until man intervenes then we should assume the order is purposeful, including man’s obsession with money. There is not a person on the planet who knows more about the manipulation of the money than me. No less important I can shut up everyone on this subject from the video game addict adolescent to the likes of George Soros. Try to imagine every politician and TV talking head lost for words. The distraction game ends and we immediately see rational thinking requiring no organized religion, less room for sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults, no need for lawyers, judges, and police forces. The wars end in the next instant. Moreover, it is highly unlikely any person has worked with more multibillionaires, including the richest and most powerful, than me starting immediately after completing my university economic-finance studies. Man is the only chaos causing instrument in an otherwise perfectly ordered system from the top down. He can can be completely neutralized with pure, irrefutable logic. Getting people, all the people to go silent is a remarkable achievement because it has never happened previously; and therefore without precedent it means the consequences of a totally silent human population so used to people talking incessantly over matters of no importance couldn’t have been imagined. The people then focus on their lack of rational thinking about the subject of money which they never thought to question because that is the most talked about subject. Ask me all your questions. Gary (Hebrew name Gabriel)

Seen by Brenda Stern at Sunday 2:30pm


Following your second departure from TBH I posted the following: Not everyone here is probably thinking when @Torah Gemach is going to speak next and will the first thing he does is ask for forgiveness from God as well as Solly Krok, and perhaps Solly Krok first? How could a religious man like @Torah Gemach not ask Solly Krok for forgiveness unless Gemach is too afraid that Solly Krok will respond as I did to Torah Gemach’s request that I forgive him for his defaming of me? How is it possible that none of Solly Krok’s religious fb friends and you can see we already have a bunch members of TBH, have not pressured @Torah Gemach to apologize publicly to Solly Krok and his family? Is it everyone’s fear that it will cause an avalanche like none other in history without however any damage to the environment which can only thrive once the bad are all neutralized? No doubt, @Torah Gemach now wishes he hadn’t gone down that path of “Between trying to change the skin color of Black people and take gambling money from bad traits of people”? What compels evil people to not only keep digging their graves but at the same time exposing their corruption for the world to see, particularly the desperate poor, eager to do any job rather than starve and lose all their dignity? Since @Torah Gemach has made such a big issue of the color of human skin and since the vast majority of South Africans remain people of color, I think we should stick for the time being with the importance slave masters have their plebes such as @Torah Gemach pay to the attention of the color of a human’s skin. Of course all of you now know and that includes the intellectual midgets like Jewish philosopher @Noam Chomsky-Theorist , that the issue of race is nothing more than a red herring, a total ruse. So what do you do when you get the old age of someone like Chomsky who has aged dreadfully and you have written so many book and given so many lectures on morals, politics and so quick to point a finger at all the Presidents and the rest of the puppet high officials sucking off the hind tit, and yet you have never mentioned once the German-South African Oppenheimers with the Jewish last name and how it is possible for them to have pulled off their fraud of frauds for so long? @Trevor Abramson, when you scratch and tug at your goatee, do you come up with any answer? Do you talk to your wife @Adele Abramson about all this or are the conversations all centered around the cap rates of your various real estate projects? @Tony Leon, isn’t it time you came in defense of Solly Krok given all the monies he has advanced you in the past, assuming you are the South African politician @Tony Leon who I spent a great deal of time with in Cape Town back in 1995 following my cleaning up of one of Solly Krok’s most troubling investments, Made In USA Inc.? .


Seen by Susan Munro at 1:54 PM

Professor rabbi
@Abner Weiss
, you remain not only Jewish orthodox, and a strong observer of the rituals as well as a financial benefactor of Solly Krok, don’t you think you too should be reading this scoundrel
@Torah Gemach
the “riot act” or is it all simply too problematic for your financial security?

Obviously the moral issues we are dealing which is the embodiment of both scripture and philosophy are taking a back seat; and once taking a backseat you might as well kiss any hope of achieving spirituality goodbye.

We can all see that my white South African high school history teacher Ann Earl Bowman has once again departed and I will attempt inviting her back shortly in an effort to regain her sensibilities despite the trauma of having taught countless high school kids total trash.

[You added Davie Soberano Francis to the group.]

At the present time Solly Krok and I have 142 mutual fb friends and again it would greatly surprise me if there weren’t more than one senior fb official watching my group chats like a hawk.

Not all of Solly’s fb friends are white.

In fact a bunch are non-white including
@Davie Soberano Francis
a 26 year old unemployed South African eager to get any job.

He has approached Solly who he says sent him a fb friend invitation out of the blue, but has not heard back.

I think most of you would find it hugely interesting, assuming what Davie has told me is correct that a very busy philanthropist like Solly Krok would choose Davie who has no connection to Solly as his Facebook friend, and then when asked for help, there is only silence?

To be clear it is only today that
@Davie Soberano Francis
and I became fb friends and that was after I found his name amongst Solly Krok’s 1180 fb friends.

Davie is of what is commonly referred to in South Africa as the “colored” race, a mixture of black and white; and as such, the colored people are naturally that much more sensitive than us Lilly white people who because of our command of guns, a willingness to rape, steal and murder along with our rule of the financial markets which most all of us are clueless about, we think we piss Eau de Cologne.
Seen by Beverly-Anne Cooper Matus at 2:17 PM

In due course, following lunch, I will be adding more of Solly Krok’s and my mutual friends to the roster without us forgetting either the teachings of Schneerson that all parties to an argument are wrong or
@Torah Gemach
no less despicable, “Between trying to change the skin color of Black people and take gambling money from bad traits of people”.

[Seen by Andy Cohen at 2:23 PM]

Seen by Davie Soberano Francis at 2:24 PMSeen by Hilton Ellis at 2:44 PM
Stan Milc left the group
