Brian Marks – “rich guys get off”
Screenshot 10:57 AM Calif. time, Sunday 20 March 2022
Brian Marks
December 30, 2021
12/30/21, 3:11 PM
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Have we met? I know we know people in common.
Yes we have. Many years ago. I was married to Diane Levy from Durban.
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Are you married now to someone else?
What do you do?
No I’m single. Twice divorced. I have a wholesale gift business in San Diego.
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I’m married to my dream
wife who is next to me now, but not looking over my shoulder.
I’m writing a book in real time which picks up where Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention leaves off.
The D I book gives most, especially Jewish South Africans, severe angina, to put it mildly.
Do you know much about Marc Rich?
I had 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the Rich pardon.
You mean the Clinton pardon guy? Don’t know too much about him. Only know he was a rich crook, who donated millions to Israel but leveraged his contacts to get a pardon. Have no opinion of him other than the usual bias i experience when rich guys get off and poor people rot in jail.
Do you live in Puerta VALLARTA?
December 30, 2021
12/30/21, 4:16 PM
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Never been to P V. What made you think that, but it sounds like a fun place if you like being around a lot of people
You can see I don’t write comedy.
Are you unaware of the Essakows’ connection to Marc Rich?
Had you previously heard of The D I book that is free on the internet?
No. I’ll take a look.
December 30, 2021
12/30/21, 4:45 PM
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Did you know of the Essakows’ connection to Rich?
January 22
Jan 22, 2022, 12:35 PM
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Brian, when you wrote me back on Dec 30 your clear misgivings about Rich had you previously not heard of the Essakow connection or had you forgotten?
It just seems an awfully long time for you to have been dwelling on how to respond to my appropriate question?
Of course you could decide to now block and unfriend me but that wouldn’t change the any negative feelings you might have towards yourself and your ex wife Diane Levy who really put her foot in her mouth the other day.
Has she shared with you her embarrassment?
I doubt very much J. Essakow shared the email he sent me, which I would be happy to share with you; bearing in mind J. Essakow I refer to as The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow a name shared with me by a local resident of The Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall, Robert Vicino.
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I see you are online and reading.
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I can send you a backup here or you can access it later in the BLOG.
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Again, it is questionable
why you would hesitate a moment, “Are you unaware …?”.
I see no purpose, nor do i have any interest, in pursuing commentary against people i have known for years and with whom i have had nothing but positive experiences. I know nothing of the connection between the Essakows and Rich nor do i have any interest in it. I respect your views and your experiences and you may be correct in your assessment. I have no interest in it.
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I see you, so quiet for so long, are now writing away at a 100 miles an hour.
Remember to cover this long extended quiet period where you had to be thinking how you would react
Really? You don’t know me from a bar of soap. You don’t know my interests, my politics or my opinions and the delay in answering had more to do with how i can cut you off without being rude, than any misgivings about not pursuing this topic
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How come you have such strong negative views on Rich but you say you could care less of Rich’s connection to the Essskow wealth?
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If J Essakow were homeless would you give him the time of day?
You know someone by what they eat and the company you keep, wouldn’t you agree?
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Why were you wanting to cut me off?
You sound as two faced as J Essakow and your ex.
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Would you say it is your good judgment that you are fat and twice divorced?
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O my God. You admit you have been thinking all this time how to tell me to fuck off.
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You are too funny.
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How in the world do you kmow so much about Rich but you just want to get the dirt on J Essakow without him knowing?
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I will be sure to him and your ex a copy of our dialogue along with the time stamp.
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Do you have an email I can use to include you in the cc section?
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I will title it, “How I can cut you off” unless you have a better alternative.
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Do you know Saville Katz our 1 mutual friend or do you not know him from a bar of soap?
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Let’s focus on why you have been delayed in cutting me off.
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You can’t really believe you are as polite as you protest.
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You have contradicted yourself in one sentence.
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Did either of your two wives get bored to death with you?
I know about Rich because i am a pretty smart guy. But Gary, i have tried to be polite and have tried to tell you several different ways that i have no interest in this topic. Now i am going to be more direct. Your ranting is a little disturbing and i want no part of it. I have no interest in the topic, no interest in you nor do i want to explain myself or pursue this thread. You are rude, insulting and a fucking lunatic. Do not contact me again.
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Why would my writing “Never been to P V. What made you think that, but it sounds like a fun place if you like being around a lot of people
You can see I don’t write comedy.
Are you unaware of the Essakows’ connection to Marc Rich?
Had you previously heard of The D I book that is free on the internet?” that you responded to positively have you wanting to cut me off?
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You don’t sound at all like a nice person.
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I have a video coming out soon that should go viral immediately.
You don’t want to miss it
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Did you take a look at The D I book or were you thinking all this time how to cut me off politely?
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You saw me repeat “Did you know of the Essakows’ connection to Rich?” and you have been plotting all this time.
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Birds of a feather
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Chapter Four – Holding Back the Ocean
What part of “you are a fucking lunatic… do not contact me again “ did you not understand?
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You seem to have a problem controlling your fat diseased talkative cell hot temper.
You saw me repeat “Did you know of the Essakows’ connection to Rich?” and you have been plotting all this time.
Now you’re done you ass wipe.
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What did you learn about yourself after the two divorces?
To tell people like you to go fuck yourself.
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Relax. Are you saying you got divorced twice because of other people?
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I’m assuming you went both times to marriage counseling?
Is that the explanation you provided the counselor?
Are you still in therapy?
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Would you like to know more now about Rich-Essakow and why the Jerusalem Post published my 4 articles following the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich?
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Have you thought about all the Jewish blood spilled thanks to Rich and his collaborators?
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Do you think people sponsor charities like Challenged Athletes to assuage their guilt or to fool others?
1:32 PM 22 January 2022
What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you not to contact me anymore. Take your moronic, self serving, rude, disparaging bullshit somewhere else. I don’t want to hear from you again. GOT IT????????
Marks then hit the block