Bringing out your fangs -Sharing knowledge is good -: The importance of being a woman
From: GaryStevenGevisser <>
Subject: Bringing out your fangs – Re: Sharing knowledge is good – Re: The importance of being a woman – /Users/mariedion/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/Thumbnails/2013/09/18/20130918-162723/TxF41o8IRGWVJjiEb7YwPw/IMG_1413_1024.jpgFwd: Gillian Slovo
Date: August 24, 2018 at 10:01:21 AM PDT
To: Gillian Slovo <>
Date: August 24, 2018 at 10:01:21 AM PDT
To: Gillian Slovo <>
Cc: rest; Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>
Your response is not interesting. It is most sickening. The “sorry not to be of more help” is more of a back handed slap, wouldn’t you agree?
A simple question, “Did American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] ever come up in any of your conversations?” has you bringing out your fangs.
You sound more like a spy than someone interested in getting at the truth which is what one expects from someone priding themselves as a “memoirist”.
In other words, my opinion is that you are hiding.
I give a complete and thorough answer to your follow up questions looked like they lacked sincerity because they appeared to be very distracting, and this response confirms it.
You keep dodging the question of whether your father brought up Engelhard’s name given how Engelhard was the most prolific benefactor of the people your father was at war with.
You keep dodging the question of whether your father brought up Engelhard’s name given how Engelhard was the most prolific benefactor of the people your father was at war with.
Nor would Engelhard and his supporters been opposed to your mother’s murder, and then you tell me that I should contact the South African Communist Party which I first read as the South African Police.
That is totally bizarre.
My interest was what your father had told you who is his daughter. I was not looking to look at the propaganda put out the South African Communist Party who are more likely to be deceptive if there are informers within their ranks.
I wanted to know, and you understood perfectly, if your father or mother raised any concerns in private about specific individuals who obviously profited from the Apartheid Regime than the suppressed majority black population; other than of course informers within Umkhonto working for the Apartheid Regime and the AR’s backers.
I wanted to know, and you understood perfectly, if your father or mother raised any concerns in private about specific individuals who obviously profited from the Apartheid Regime than the suppressed majority black population; other than of course informers within Umkhonto working for the Apartheid Regime and the AR’s backers.
Recapping: you knew that I was perfectly clear from the start, but you were intent on giving me the “run about”.
That is not good. That is not sharing knowledge. That is the total opposite. That is shameful.
I did run a check on Google placing your father’s name alongside Engelhard. This SOUTH AFRICA INC. The Oppenheimer Empire
book came up.
There are 48 references to Engelhard, and they provide of course a lot of detail. There is 1 reference to your father where most of the detail is about your assassinated mother Ruth First:
One of the most notorious cases where South African involvement wasalleged but never proved was the letter-bomb assassination inMaputo, on 17 August 1982, of Ruth First, the anti-apartheidcampaigner and wife of the ANC military strategist Joe Slovo. Onthe propaganda front, the Portuguese businessman, Jorge Jardim,a former associate of Anglo’s Ferreira, helped to finance the MNR’sradio station.
As your father and mother probably knew the MNR [Mozambique National Resistance] was the “rebel force” set up by the South African Apartheid Regime and its backers; namely German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. and his friends.
Do I need to tell you who were Engelhard Jr.’s closest friends in South Africa who also profited as much as Engelhard from their Apartheid Regime, or had you already known the answer when I first asked the question?
We also learn in SOUTH AFRICA INC. The Oppenheimer Empire:
Dr Mario Ferreira, once in charge of Anglo’s interest in colonial Mozambique, now sits on the main AAC [Anglo American Corporation] board.
Your research, if not hearing directly from your parents, must have come across the January 27, 1961 TIME MAGAZINE story, Corporations: South African Invader; the same year your father became head of Umkhonto?
Are you aware that in war, the side that backs both sides cannot lose?
Have you ever received funding or any type of support from Engelhard’s partners, the German-South African Oppenheimer family or their businesses, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation?
Let me try another angle. Are you personal friends or do you know anti-Apartheid activist, hypocrite author Mark Gevisser, the eldest son of David Gevisser?
Have you heard of Mark Gevisser’s close cousin and my classmate from Carmel College high school, Sandy (Moshal) Jacobson [1957-1997)?
Sandy was responsible for setting up the “safe house” for members of the Meyer Group in Lesotho back on December 19, 1985. They were planning a raid the following morning back into South Africa.
Are you also going to refer me to the SACP to find out if there was an Engelhard-Oppenheimer spy within the SACP-Umkhonto who would have tipped off the South African Secret Police resulting in the decapitation of the remaining Umkhonto commanders?
I have yet to come across on The Internet if your father has provided his version of events that turned that safe house into a bloodbath where I believe the following individuals were butchered; Jackie Quin, Joyce Modemeng, Nomkhosi Mini, Leon Meyer, Stanley Mathee, Vivian Mathee, Glen Darries, and Lulamile Dantile.
Had you heard previously of Sandy Jacobson?
David Gevisser writes in his 2006 memoir, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER – and you remember the people connection between timber and forests – that he believes that Sandy was assassinated, her half-naked, tortured body was discovered in the boot of her Toyota parked in Johannesburg on November 4, 1997, by fellow members of Umkhonto.
As you know your father became Minister of Housing for Umkhonto-ANC in April 1994 and would have had good relations with the new Ministers of Defense and Police.
Sandy was the granddaughter of Sol Moshal, the managing director of our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies. Sol Moshal was an ally of Engelhard. His one sister Janie
who you see with the gray hair and pearls standing right behind me
is the mother of David Gevisser; again the “male heir” of Engelhard Jr., an “open supporter” of the Apartheid Regime and also the major benefactor of David Gevisser and his immediate family, including again anti-Apartheid activist, author Mark Gevisser.
There is a reason why not one member of Janie Moshal Gevisser’s immediate family joined my immediate family for Passover 1967. It was no secret to people who had eyes and no more than half a brain that her son David was in bed with the enemy.
Yes, Janie had 4 children and bunches of grandchildren and great grandchildren, and she felt the time was right to send a very clear message where her loyalties lay.
Yes, Janie had 4 children and bunches of grandchildren and great grandchildren, and she felt the time was right to send a very clear message where her loyalties lay.
Had I asked you whether your father or mother considered Harry Oppenheimer a beneficiary of the Apartheid Regime would you have given me the same answer that I direct my enquiries to the SACP?
Is there anyone there in particular?
You were cagey from the start and nor have you told me what you do.
Wikipedia, who doesn’t always get it right, says that you are a “novelist, playwright and memoirist:
Her 2000 work Red Dust, a courtroom drama that explores the meanings and effects of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, was made into a film of the same name released in 2004, directed by Tom Hooper and starring Hilary Swank, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Jamie Bartlett. Slovo’s 2004 work Ice Road was shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction. The novel incorporates real events (the death of Sergey Kirov) with a fictionalised rendering of life during the Siege of Leningrad.
Perhaps you came across Sandy Jacobson’s testimony – CLICK HERE – before the Truth & Reconciliation Commission which you must have dived into since you wrote Red Dust in the same year the world heard about Sandy’s testimony which had to concern a lot of people who would have wanted her silenced.
Below is part of Sandy’s testimony read into the record on February 28, 2000 at the amnesty hearing of South African murderer, General Johannes Velde van der Merwe:
“The day before the raid “Joe” (Leon Meyer) Trevor, that is Vivian and Themba were due to go into South Africa that night and the scenario was worked out that when Jackie, that is Ms Quin, said goodbye to Joe, she would fetch me and would go and sleep in a flat that I had organised.”
Yes, I was also visited by 2 members of the South African Secret Police stationed at the South African Consulate in Los Angeles immediately after I ran this clever ad,
the brainchild of my highly literate, highly secretive British-English mother Zena, in the South African Sunday Times.
It was in support of my forthcoming trip to South Africa in 1995; not to mention, the day after my morning meeting in Pretoria with South Africa’s new Minister of Trade & Industry, Trevor Manuel, where I had Manuel sign a copy of this photo,
with my niece on the left, once Manual had approved a business transaction which exposed the duplicity of the ANC government, I spent an entire day with David Gevisser who provided me with the big picture scoop, but your father’s name did not come up specifically.
You have now set me on the path of further discovery. If I don’t hear back from you I will continue to keep you posted.
Very disappointed.
[Word count 1504]
On Aug 24, 2018, at 3:28 AM, Gillian Slovo <> wrote:Thanks for that interesting explanation.I’m afraid, though, that I can’t help you to any specifics about Joe’s reactions to this other than his public pronouncements/writings which I guess the SACP would have access to.Sorry not to be of more help.Gillian.
On 24 Aug 2018, at 02:40, GaryStevenGevisser <> wrote:Gillian – your question, “I’m not sure what you want to know and why?” deserves to be answered with the utmost clarity, even though I thought it was clear that I was most interested to know whether your communist leader father who was a National Executive Committee member of the African National Congress and the first Minister of Housing when the ANC came to power in April 1994, had voiced any concern with the main beneficiaries of the private enterprise system given how it must have been obvious to him that people other than the Apartheid Regime’s officials were being “unjustly enriched”?As you must know, apart from Minister of Defense, nothing was and remains more important in South Africa than housing.I also pointed you in the direction of Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who long before his death in early 1971, which was a very critical year in world military-economics, was the mineral richest and most powerful person on the planet, with no one else even close.Engelhard’s “male heir” was my father Bernie’s first cousin, and in 1970, David Gevisser, the same age as your father was appointed ceo of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa.As you know timber is very important in mining and building houses; and Engelhard’s timber holdings were pale in comparison with the value of his mining interests.Also, given how South Africa was the mineral richest country in the world, you would expect the bankers and the monopolists who work hand in hand not to leave the administration of those mineral assets in the hands of disloyal individuals.The short answer to the “why” is that I have always been curious, and what can be more interesting than an American with vast interests in mineral rich South Africa in the middle of a very bitter racial war where none of the combatants are talking about which group of people are profiting the most?Sharing knowledge is good.GaryOn Aug 23, 2018, at 2:30 AM, Gillian Slovo <> wrote:Lovely to see those gorgeous photos of your mother who is a fresh face name to me.thanks for sending. apart from that I’m not sure what you want to know and wishesGillian
On 22 Aug 2018, at 20:52, GaryStevenGevisser <> wrote:
Gillian hello – I obviously know who your father is, at least his “public personality”, although I am by no means fully conversant with all that has been written about him, but I was interested to know if there was “another side”, which was questioning the main beneficiaries of the “private system” or “private enterprise” as it is better known?I would also like to know more about what you are currently doing?The best way I have found to know someone is to start in the logical place; their parents.What about my father Bernie?His father, Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970] co-founded with his elder brother Morris, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970].ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIESwas an “affiliate” of Moshal Gevisser who owned a minority interest, while holding on to administrative and technical control.Did American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] ever come up in any of your conversations?Looking forward to hearing from you,All the best,Gary
Begin forwarded message:From: Tash Pile <>Subject: RE: Gillian SlovoDate: August 22, 2018 at 9:28:15 AM PDT
Hi Gary
Gillian’s email as follows:
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—–Original Message—–
From: GaryStevenGevisser <>
Sent: 16 August 2018 05:25
To: Information <>
Subject: Gillian Slovo
How do I reach Gillian Slovo?
Thank you,
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