Buggy head
Screenshot fb wall of Steven Bailey: 7:36 PM Calif. time Thursday 15 June 2022
Philip Ashworth, Paul Tarn and 29 others
Erica Schaufele ScheetzIt is a sad reality. They are taking WAY more then is used and there is a TON of waste.
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Joel ParrisThere is so many steps missing in this…It should finish “build a man a maga trawler that can strip the sea floor and they will empty the seas for money by 2050”2
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ActiveDave FromanYes but you give a scientist a few million dollars and he will figure how to make endless amounts of fish or animal proteins with fermentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6rFsd2rkLgYOUTUBE.COMCatherine Tubb on why precision fermentation completely disrupts industrial animal farming by 2030Catherine Tubb on why precision fermentation completely disrupts industrial animal farming by 2030
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John HammondPretty soon the only thing he’ll reel in will be our plastic refuse-
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ActiveGary GevisserTitle: Buggy headSteven Bailey, it is now 3:13 PM Calif. time, 15 June; and you are 3 hours ahead and probably thinking what others will be thinking when they read this, and that would include those you know now as well as in the future who you run into.You took down our revealing, most interesting conversationon your fb wall following sharing with your viewers the Smuts posting, “Smuts hated pretentious people” which you found on my fb wall yesterday.Why wouldn’t you have long put out the most important of my information; namely, the pricing of the money is rigged like the minerals market?That would also stop you from ever opening your mouth other than to intake food.You were looking to deflect, otherwise you would have spoken more about Smuts before circling back to:Gary Gevisser explains simply the pricing of the money is rigged like the minerals market, and the soldiers on all sides should have this knowledge before beginning basic training or a gang member shooting a rival with the drug trade also distracting from the pricing of the money being rigged.You Bailey, are no different to Henry Kissinger, Nixon, Obama, Clinton, Bush and the rest, other than they are pompous as well as rich.When the people supposedly supporting grass roots organizations are corrupted then it is very bad, but not the end of the world.All we need is to convince Elon Musk whose father Errol Graham Musk I was speaking with just a little earlier, to be vegan; and your thoughts, most likely, that his next and ultimate market the truckers are meatheads, the barbecue bunch and they will not live it down.Errol Graham Musk‘s last words were at 2:33 PM, “I was at large gatherings where he [Harry Schwartz] was but I never met him. Van Zyl Slabbert yes”.It is just ego, the result of little knowledge, that can be subdued with knowledge and their pocket book.Stealth is not only cool but the silence along with the extraordinary power of the TESLA truck cannot be matched by any other manufacturer who will also need to have the supercharger infrastructure in place.They too can be convinced that veganism is good for the planet.I could see your image on a billboard, “Even a dumb ass like me turned vegan, because I didn’t want to get any dumber”.The only question is who is going to pay for everything and then we turn to the generals who spend the most money; but unlike the generals in the past today’s armchair generals want big retirement monies and to follow in the footsteps of 4 Star General Richard B. Myers who wasted no time moving from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the payroll of the German-South African Oppenheimers’ Brenthurst Foundation.Could they possibly be more in your faces?No, is the only answer.Do you remember that Mr. Bailey.?Smuts was by no means perfect; his view that whites had evolved more than our black African brothers and sisters is clearly wrong, simply looking at how our greatest advancements have been in killing machines, which fly in the face of the human being all about humanity and consciousness; but for his times he was not only a keen observer but he wrote brilliantly in English, a language he never spoke until he reached his teens, all the while aware that the blacks were next after the Jews in a final showdown of good versus evil.You achieve nothing getting killed or run out of office in order to put rifles in the hands of blacks who have no army, no air force, and their lands completely overrun.In hindsight, Smuts chose his battles well.Where are all the philosophers today in their applause of Smuts? Of course we must include all the prominent Jewish philosophers starting with very distracting, athiest, pseudo intellectual Noam Chomsky.1/-
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ActiveGary Gevisser2/ Buggy headHow beautiful Smuts, “Physical fitness should be viewed in a religious light, and we should care for our bodies even more than for our souls. For if we love not our bodies that we see how can we love the soul which we have never seen?”That alone should shut up every fake religious person who preaches the gospel of any religion including atheism that is ridiculous, but an outlet for the impoverished of thought.Smuts also has a great sense of humour, but it is his support of us Jewish people which is more than peculiar.Sir W K Hancock’s Volume 2, Smuts Fields of Force 1919-1950, Page 278, Chapter 14, ‘A NEW UNSETTLEMENT, Second Man in the State 1933-1939.Palestine was demonstrating the explosive chain reactions of totalitarian dynamism. The dynamic Hitler started a new Jewish exodus. For tens of thousands of Jews, Palestine became not only their promised land but their city of refuge. But Palestine was also an Arab homeland. The sudden advent of so many Jews terrified the Arabs and drove them to revolt. The British sent an army to Palestine to put the revolt down. Then the dynamic Mussonlini moved into action. From his wireless station at Bari he spread propaganda against the Jews and the British throughout the Arab world. The British government began to consider the imposition of restrictions upon Jewish immigration into Palestine. The first rumour of that brought Smuts into action. He and Lloyd George were the two surviving members of the War Cabinet which had endorsed the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and had won international recognition for the Jewish National Home in Palestine. In 1930 he had rallied Lloyd George to his side in protest against the MacDonald government’s ‘incredible breach of faith’ – so he called it – in regard to the Balfour Declaration. In 1936 he made a new appeal to Lloyd George for joint action to defend the National Home. It was not a time, he said, for deserting the sorely tried Jews and lying down before Arab agitation. Whatever the British did, the Palestine Arabs would be hostile to them; so why, he asked, should they also make an enemy of World Jewry?Smuts – But besides these considerations [he continued] there remains the deliberate policy decided on in the war in favour of the National Home. On that we should not weaken. We have up so much of the fruits of the Great War that at least this little ewe lamb should not also be slaughtered. It is the imponderables that make history.Hancock continues top of page 279:That last reflection brought him no comfort when he shifted his attention to Spain. There the dictators, not the imponderables, were making history. He wrote early in the civl war [17 July 1936 – 1 April 1939]:Smuts – It looks like an out and out struggle between Communism and Fascism. I must frankly admit that in this case my sympathies are with the government against the Fascists. It would be a double calamity if the rebels win, firstly because in that case yet another country would have to be added to the Fascist dictatorships, and secondly because the Roman Church which is at the root of this business, has been centuries old curse to Spain … Spain has been on the wrong tact ever since Inquisition days.Smuts gained no friends amongst the ignorant masses such as yourself, Bailey.Smuts who had the support of all the Allied Generals would have ended World War II much sooner and nor would there have been the Soviet Bloc and the slaughter now taking place in Ukraine.He was up against the same people who are putting sticks in Elon Musk’s wheels today, and who will do anything to distract him including placing narcissistic women in his midst.Continuing …
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ActiveGary Gevisser3/. Buggy headDon’t forget who is Staff member of British War Cabinet, Sir W K Hancock; not exactly a nobody talking out of his arse.Chapter 7 of Sir W K Hancock’s Volume 2, Fields of Force, 1919-1950, titled, Peace-Making and a Quarrel, top of page 130:From the historical and moral point of view, he said, the Jewish National Home was one of the outstanding results of the Great War and one of the greatest acts of reparation in the history of the world. He appealed urgently to his friends in the new government to stand by the National Home.Let’s roll back to World War I when the Great War was far from over, and victory could have gone to either side.Page 204 of Jan Christian Smuts’ biography, authored by his son of the same name, published in 1952, 2 years after Smuts’ death:By the Balfour Declaration, upon which he and Lord Balfour had worked for a long time, the Jews got their home.Here also he was to work with the economists J. M. Keynes, Henry Strakosch and Thomas Lamont.He did so much in such diverse lines that he came to be known as the “Handyman of the Empire”. He was appointed to serve on many committees. He became a member the Middle East Committee, whose purpose it was to help Allenby’s campaign against the Turks.[British Prime Minister] Lloyd George asked him if he was “ready to take on the Russian enterprise”, but my father did not like the idea, for he “doubted whether anything could still be done with that country”.In 1917 he worked out the Alexandretta campaign against the Turks and a year later he planned the advance northwards, through Palestine.In February, 1918, he visited the Middle East, and after holding consultations there with our leaders reported on the 15th in favour of a more defensive disposition by the Mesopotamia forces, and concentrating rather on a thrust by Allenby up towards Aleppo (Syria). The Cabinet agreed to this, but was delayed by the dangerous German break-through on the Western Front.He was a member of the Northern Neutral Committee, under Curzon, which watched North-Western Europe, and later he became a member of a secret committee to keep an eye on the Netherlands whose neutrality was liable to violation by Germany at any moment.But perhaps his greatest work was as chairman of the War Priorities Committee. When he got to England my father was forcibly struck by the confusion and lack of co-ordination on questions of production and supply between the various departments in the war. There was rivalry to get weapons, over-lapping and inefficiency. To introduce order into this scramble, he conceived the idea of a War Priorities Committee. On it, under my father, were the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Secretary of State for War, the Minister of Munitions, the Secretary for Air, and the Minister of National Service. My father, as a member of the War Cabinet, presided. The arrangement worked with efficiency and expedition. Mr. Churchill was the Minister of Munitions. It was the start of a long and great friendship.Bailey, you must know how Smuts ended up in the British War Cabinet and was there throughout World War II.If you not, it would be wrong to assume Sir Ernest Oppenheimer bought him the coveted seat.Remember Smuts has been wiped out of the history books.Anyone talking war, politics, economics, Wall Street and the such who doesn’t first quote Smuts’ impact on World Wars I and II is talking out of their backside.There are a lot of you, I agree.Yes, it is most unlikely you ever came across the words “knavish tricks” and how poetic is Smuts in addressing the imposing threats he faced from all sides; moreover, whatever racism Smuts might have had, his actions towards the black natives, indigenous peoples of South Africa was a shining light for the rest of humanity, including all the charlatans calling for the freedom of the blacks without first saying, “Let’s turn the clock back to when the blacks owned all of mineral rich Africa and were only fighting amongst themselves without tearing up the lands for real estate entrepreneurs. ”No one understood better than Smuts the spy business for he was the master “spy catcher” going back to the Anglo “American” Boer War [1899-1902].Let’s look at the definition and uses of a word that seems to be having a bit of a comeback:
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ActiveGary Gevisser4/ Buggy headKnave, rascal, rogue, scoundrel are disparaging terms applied to persons considered base, dishonest, or worthless. Knave, which formerly meant merely a boy or servant, in modern use emphasizes baseness of nature and intention: a dishonest and swindling knave.Example of use:The knave volunteered to clean the church so he could have access to the petty cash box.Smuts’ use however would have blown away Shakespeare and all his aids.Let’s examine it again:The negative way of controverting your enemies and countering their knavish tricks is exciting but barren.Let’s look at the entire text:not to mind my political opponents too much, rather to ignore them and to concentrate on my own war and governmental business. That is the positive way, and means least waste of time and energy. The negative way of controverting your enemies and countering their knavish tricks is exciting but barren. Whenever you can afford it, ignore your opponents, don’t answer back, but give the public instead something constructive and positive of your own.Have you Bailey or anyone else encountered such amazing words?Most unlikely, because they don’t exist.Smuts gave us victory in World War I and World War II with the wolves at his heels.Is there is any leader, any general, any Captain of Wall Street in the past 72 years who can hold a light to Smuts?Bailey, don’t worry your little head. The answer is no one.With Smuts, however, out of the way, it was a clear path to victory; but then there is the imponderable Internet.You only need one in this digital age to turn the tide.There are no whites or blacks or in-between who are making the right arguments for the remnants of the black Africa genocide that began with first shipping blacks out of Africa making grabbing the minerals that much easier and slavery, using common sense, at its heart is the theft of their lands, which is to tell you how very effective was the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime in spreading the genocide north of their stronghold South Africa while at the same time filling up our colleges and universities with pompous morons who laugh at the poor not getting high enough SAT scores, “If you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq” ~ Secretary of State John F. Kerry Esq.I don’t need anyone to confirm that I stand alone in advocating the rights of the poor who are most of all denied knowledge thanks to pranksters, knaves, mischievous, unscrupulous, dishonest people such as yourself Bailey at the bottom of the barrel who dare to align your moral compass with mine; knowing you are the exact opposite of me.Were it not for Smuts, not only would Israel have not come into being, there would be not a single independent Jewish thinking person.I exist, and my parents exist, thanks to Smuts who even after his defeat by the Nazi National Party in the rigged 26 May 1948 South African General Election having 2 days before, his 78th birthday recognized the fledgling Jewish Homeland in her 9th day of bloody fighting, pulled out all stops to make sure Israel continued to get the weapons to defend herself.Again, you have no interest in Smuts other than to deflect.How come after you first heard that his adversaries called him “Jew King” didn’t you dig into such a brave, courageous man who remained a devout Christian to his death bed?Smuts won World War I & II for us Jewish people who are the only peoples opposed to dictatorship rule going back to our very start, “God is One” and in World War II when the Allied War machine wanted to move slowly, grinding out the munitions and the body count, just like the Vietnam War – and you must remember the body count you received on a daily basis that distracted from the genocide raging in Africa against the poor – General Smuts was the only general on all sides who was truly on the side of the Jews and the blacks who he was keen to arm as he did the Jewish Brigade which became the backbone of the Israel Defense Force.You will have picked up clearly from Hancock’s writings that Smuts was the “father” of the Royal Air Force, the South African Air Force which is the world’s second oldest Air Force, and the Israel Air Force with his top Fighter Bomber Pilot, Captain Syd Cohen, wingman to my father during World War II, leading the IAF to victory in Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949].It was also well after midnight your time before you called it quits, and clearly very embarrassed by how stupid, ugly you look.Nothing less than disgusting a person who censors the truth which helps the underprivileged, including the 200+ Ukrainian 18 year old soldiers killed every day and 800 more wounded in order to cover up the war crimes of the past.Of course inflation while less bloody visually than shrapnel ripping off limbs, is much more cruel as the desperately poor become the next generation of cannon fodder and the refugees the next cheap labor to continue the path of construction-destruction, all adding to the murderous GDP.So infantile, a child could understand.It is however a battle against time that the offenders cannot possibly win.To win you have to be certain of how the game ends, and before then you have the fear that all those in support of the very unfair status quo will be exposed.How in the world could you begin your atrocious writings:Gary Gevisser Wow, I applaud ypur work and share your information and all I get is shit from you.So. Be. It.Those 22 words including your misspelling of “your” you knew were a total lie when you wrote them.It is not possible for you to have a good memory when you lie and think that if you continue lying, repeating the same lies, that your mind will reward you with a feeling of happiness now or anytime in the future.You are obviously concerned not so much for how returning as a fly is no fun, they fly erratic, crazy, overheated as you have demonstrated, and it certainly doesn’t help your calmness that the vast majority are just like you, but rather the reaction of all your other fb friends along with the 86 we share in common who have now begun, actually right after I called you out, receiving a backup.The latest addition is Thomas A Stadlauer.Im also pretty sure that I have a backup of all your fb friends before you decided to block me from viewing them.Bad news travel fast.Continuing …
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ActiveGary Gevisser5/ Buggy headGood news has a resonance to them, just like when eating something you like, it tastes good in the moment.If it is healthy you will feel instantly the positive response so long as you don’t indulge; and if you eat poison foods containing either animal parts or SOS [Salt Oil Sugar] you oppress instantly your internal organs who fail to resonate well with the head-brain that makes all the decisions along with the Higher Energy Reaction [HER] which is constantly with each of us.Nor do you need to believe in HER in order for HER to exist.The fact that the evidence keeps pointing to this wonderful phenomenon is no less powerful.There are only very few questions us humans have that remain unanswered by science such as what are we doing here destroying the planet when we have all the solutions but the solutions to be enacted require that we admit that we have been horribly fooled by other fools like the Venus Project and those pulling their strings.Earlier today, 10:51 AM Calif. time, I began a fb messaging conversation with our mutual fb friend, Robert Eulie with whom I share 32 fb friends.Robert started out, “I shouldn’t have got involved” referring to you Bailey, and his minimizing your poverty of thought.At 10:54 AM, and it is now 4:28 PM I responded:That comment sounds mighty sissy, as in cowardly.Did you see that Bailey took down all the writings on his wall that show [him] in the most unfavorable light.The fact that you read the entire dialogue but came away only with “all it seems like he did was shared your post that you posted first. Unless I’m missing something” and the last part “Unless … ” couldn’t possibly get weaker other than your latest, “I shouldn’t have got involved”.I will let Bailey and the rest know.Edit:.. that show him in the most unfavorable light?11:01 AMI sent:You have been typing non-stop for the past 5 odd minutes; and now it has stopped with nothing coming through.Of course I understand perfectly that your mind is confused.How can an adult who is not eloquent to begin with be advising people to belong to the Venus Project or anything for that matter?You look like you are probably old enough to be a sperm donor.Is this the way you have raised your children, “I shouldn’t have got involved”?11:04 AMI sentLets look at our 32 mutual fb friends:[Listed all 32]Can you [Robert Eulie] list in order those who you believe share the same value, moral system as you?11:05 AMI sentIs it okay with you if I now get back to Bailey while mentioning our dialogue?Steven Bailey, Robert Eulie remains quiet.Bailey, I realize of course it is very embarrassing for you, especially when you doubled down again, “Who’s angry?” at 9:14 PM Calif. time, yesterday 14 June, when it was already 12:14 AM your time on the east coast Florida, 15 June which is today, just in case you need to be reminded.You would expect no less of me than to reproduce all that you wish to hide.It is very important how those bullied as kids turn out bullies themselves.You appeared to have it rough as a kid, like many, if not most and that would mean you couldn’t possibly be the best parent to raise children but that doesn’t mean we should lose hope because the future is clearly not in our hands.It would be stupid if you are stupid like yourself and Robert Eulie to think it smart to tempt fate on the next go-around by behaving badly even if you justify – note the rhyme with fly – your actions that you know of worse characters because again there are tons of these seemingly aimless and erratic flies including that one fly out of tens of trillions purposefully placed here on earth to teach each of us to stay in the moment, and think what we are doing here other than taking up space and talking tons of shit, annoying the hell out of you.Bailey, you probably already know that the lifespan of a house fly is generally from 15 to 30 days, and there is one fly dedicating itself to you.How often do you say, “Just one fly…”?It is not just a spiritual world but a very logical one.The fact that us humans have great difficulty telling apart each fly but all have this habit after stopping off on shit to wipe their front paws indicating to the observer that G DNature is wiping herself of all the shit-heads, indicates precision programming common to every fly, the same with ants who march in straight lines demonstrating clear purpose.Us humans also have the common trait of being the most cruel to the ones doing the most good.That doesn’t mean Im trying to convince you of anything other than you are stupid which you know and deceitful to boot, but rather to encourage Elon Musk to establish a school of love, and why not the AiM
e School and the only question is, who will be the teachers?
Through a process of elimination we will have Artificial Intelligence – see the letters “Ai” – constantly refining itself based on the most logical course of action which would immediately end all wars given how it is illogical to have peoples fighting with each other when you have the war industry, which includes meat-dairy, backing both sides.Now of course I don’t expect you to keep this post up and so I will be repeating it on my fb wall and elsewhere on the Internet along with what you removed already because it just didn’t fly with your buggy head.-
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ActiveGary GevisserIt is now 5:36 PM Calif. time.58 minutes ago I finished 5 pages Buggy head.Steven Bailey who I now share 88 fb friends, placed his usually vague “thumbs up” after page 1 which ended with a recent photo off Youtube of Noam Chomsky.My 2facetruth dot com BLOG will continue to be updated.Bailey who is quick to bash the authorities is short on words explaining his decision to censor.He would have performed well in the Apartheid Regime’s brutal, cowardly militia either as a frontline soldier if showing any athleticism or more likely as an informer; the training came with incentives like more time off.Bailey, remember an overheated fly lasts a month, tops.Then there is the rest of food chain journey to think about.You didn’t like your mother.What are you doing about it?
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ActiveGary GevisserNorma-Jean GarzaRichard Everett
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ActiveGary GevisserSteven Bailey, it is now 6:16 PM.Do you feel your power waning even though you have the ability to remove all these writings?You know that being angry with yourself is much worse than being angry with another person.You know why you are angry with yourself, and you wish you had come clean right when you called yourself “lame” for failing to follow through on your committments which were to write 2 short emails, which you had crafted to 2 individuals, Nicholas Oppenheimer head of mineral monopolist De Beers-IG Farben-Auschwitz and Roxanne Meadows, co-founder of the Venus Project.You have to ask yourself why would anyone want to be your facebook when you show yourself in such a bad light?Things can’t be going so well for you that you would spend so much time on social media being so knave.Given how well I am known to those at the very top of the pyramid who price the money 24/7 while conducting all the wars at the same time deciding who gets and who doesn’t get their raw war materials parts, what do you hope to get out of them?
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ActiveGary Gevisser
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ActiveGary Gevisserimagine a school of love, AiMeTWITTER.COMGary Gevisser on Twitter
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ActiveGary GevisserSteven Bailey it is now 7:05 PM Calif. time, Thursday, 16 June 2022.Did anyone forward you “Parting shot”?You have been awefully quiet, yet to explain your previous censorship or for that matter how well you would have done in the Apartheid Regime’s militia?The School of Love AiMe would flush you out in an instant; your children would be well protected.Do you feel that you need a backup of this wall?-
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ActiveGary GevisserBTW, Bailey, did you see that we are now up 99 odd mutual fb friends?-
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ActiveGary GevisserBailey, it is now 7:09 PM.Would you prefer that from now on I refer to you as Buggy head to help remember the memories you leave here with will be imbedded into that annoying, erratic, crazy, overheated fly?-
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ActiveGary GevisserEllen Ericksen, we have 54 mutual fb friends. Did you get your copy of Parting shot?-
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ActiveEllen EricksenGary Gevisser I don’t think so-
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ActiveGary GevisserEllen Ericksen it begins “Poor manners …”.-
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ActiveGary GevisserIt is now 7:35 PM.Steven Bailey, does it give you power to feel that at any time you can play censor?Do you feel more that you are in a lo$ing battle with yourself?Why are you having such a hard time saying that you are a Christian?-
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