Gary Gevisser Staci, lets go back to what you wrote yesterday at 9:49am California time, “The only option to restore communication is to remove the assumption.”
You chose to remove certain of your communications, is that because you thought they demonstrated that you were bright?
I have a lot on my mind. I would prefer if you just summed it up for me.
I think it is easier once you free up your mind to do your own research. It will help to read scholarly Edward J. Epstein’s 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention and I can fill in any of the gaps, because it was during this time that I spent a year long orientation that was directly supervised by De Beers-Barclays head, Harry Oppenheimer who you are introduced you in chapter 1.
My book will be coming out shortly, but in the meantime you can get caught up to speed by reading my postings on The Internet.
All the best,
Staci English
I am not a follower.
Please do not treat me like one.
I am not. You just want me to explain all the truths that you have missed; and so I will share with you one truth that will stop all your teachers, parents, rabbis, priests, mullahs, dead in their tracks.
Here it is.
Staci English
No, that is fraud.
That is not what I want at all.
Your perception is faulty.
Sorry I didn’t get that fraud business-I was about to explain to you something that your common sense should have picked up because you won’t find it on TV, radio, newspapers and what is taught at school and university.
Here it is. Just read it patiently.
I will wait for you to stop typing before continuing.
Staci English
You know nothing about me, that much is clear.
true, i don’t know anything about you other than you are busy and you were on a website where I had shared a lot of information about my myself as well as my knowledge.
Staci English
So, when you speak as if you do, this interaction becomes nonsense. I have no desire to be treated as you evidently want to see me. If you want to treat me with respect, then please do not disregard my words and continue thinking that I am someone to teach.
I am a conceptual designer of highest standards.
ok, I will take you at your word.
Everyone has heard of Hitler, and what terrible things he did.
People have developed all sorts of conspiracy theories about who was behind him, and some even suggesting that it was the Jewish people who backed him.
Put all those thoughts clear out of your head.
Place yourself in the shoes of a dictator who comes to power because they have the military might to beat out their opposition.
The moment you grab power, you know that you need to feed your most loyal troops if for no other reason than to keep them loyal.
Instead of going door to door knocking on the doors of the richest Jewish people who out of fear could act violently and resist your Brownshits – name given to Hitler’s thugs – you would pick up the phone to your most trusted German banker and ask them to provide you with the balance sheets of all the rich German customers as well as foreigners who have German bank accounts.
Once you have the list of the richest people from all the German banks, you call them in and say simply, “I know you want to hold on to your wealth as well as your lives. I need you to become informers.”
You would expect the rest of the investigation to be very easy.
To find out who were the biggest Nazi informers you just had to look at which Germans-Austrians were not stripped of their wealth during Hitler’s rule, 1933-1945.
Any questions?
Page 2 – FB messaging conversations with Staci English –
Staci English
Since I do not have access to bankers with lists of wealthy customers, how does the information help to ensure that standards of public authority cannot be abused?
The SoPA are not determined in a democratic process when people in charge of creating chaos reward those with who support dictators.
You don’t need to know anything about banking, which I happen to know a lot about, in order to follow logic.
You must have a visited a bank at least once driven by. You know that people, rich and poor have mostly bank accounts where they keep their money to pay bills.
Therefore you would know that the first thing all dictators do is promise the richest bank customers that so long as they behaved they could retain their wealth.
In other words, we didn’t need “witchhunt” [sic] Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-47], all we needed to look at were those people who retained their wealth during the Nazi occupation of Germany, Poland, Holland, Italy, Belgian and France. The Swiss were neutral; in other words they were more “accomodating” [sic] to Hitler.
If the people today setting the standards of SoPa don’t explain this important truth about the rise of Nazi Germany then it means you should be suspicious of their motives.
The abuses in the rest of the world following the end of WW2 are because the main perpetrators of WW2-Jewish Holocaust were never prosecuted.
Everywhere you look you see trusted officials disappointing their fellow man.
As you move up the ranks of the “officials” so you get better informed about you should go about giving the people a false sense that morals are being upheld.
Again, I suggest you read my writings and take the time to read scholarly Epstein’s very interesting read, non-fiction, The Diamond Invention book
Staci English
I understand what you’re saying. From my point of view standards of Integrity prevent abuse. The focus of leadership must be to prevent abuse. If an individual has no capability to prevent abuse then they should never be given power of authority.
Disempowering all individuals who have no capability to prevent abuse is necessary to prevent repetitive Ignorance.
So now you know where to start to make sure the wrong people are never given power of authority.
Staci English
I have known this since I was born.
What I don’t know is why it takes so long.
Standards of Integrity do not accept delay.
I also wanted to make perfectly clear a previous paragraph:
As you move up the ranks of the “officials” so you get better informed about how you should go about giving the people a false sense that morals are being upheld.
Staci English
I understand fraud.
Public Authority is abused when Integrity is decreased.
If you knew this ever since you were born, then you would have known how best to question the bankers and the rich people so that they don’t give the wrong people power of authority.
Staci English
Integrity is decreased when responsibility is refused and limited liability is put in its place.
Knowing how to question them is something I do know knowing how to reach them is something I don’t know.
The wealthy create a wall of ignorance.
True power of authority is not given its earned.
It’s earned by upholding the highest standards.
But first you have to know what the highest standards are and the wealthy do not know. They are attracted by the force of ignorance.
I have told how to reach them.
It is not a wall of ignorance once you confront them.
The difficulty you have to deal with is getting over the fact that we, our parents, teachers and professors did [not] have the common sense to follow the common sense approach and start with the first banker in your one horse town.
You ask them if they know of bankers richer than them who protected the Nazi “colloborators” [sic] and how best to deal with those Nazis so that they don’t repeat their disasters?
The poor have not been shown to demonstrate any higher levels of integrity once given the power and money.
So you have to educate the people on how best to question the official-s with the power of authority.
If they keep going around in circles then you know they are not fit for the job.
Staci English
So far everyone I have met and talked to are not fit for the job…
The nicest among them simply have no responsibility. They Place responsibility somewhere else instead of internally.
So lets start with me and we build from there. How’s that?
Staci English
Building is good.
[Staci [then] gave the thumbs up – August 31st, 6:40PM]
Gary GevisserMarc Mueller, I want to draw your attention to the large amount of talk Steve Bailey did the other day, November 14, on his FB wall under the subject matter:
Automation extracts the oil, automation refines it to gasoline, automation carries it to the gas station, and automation pumps it into my automation.
which now shows 981 odd independent views, and then Bailey ended writing to me, the following day Nov. 15 at 7:50am Calif. time:
Gary Gevisser I did not consider the possibility that after I typed a comment that was meant to go on My Ladys Speech that I was flashed with a “sign in” prompt. So, if I went off to fix that and didnt return and hit post, it may not have gotten posted to the video. I discovered this while trying to post another comment just now. If I access youtube from fb, its prompts me to sign in.
Those 78 words took Bailey a lot of time, both to formulate his thoughts given how much strong disagreement there was previously between us.
If Bailey has forgotten it all, it would mean, in my humble opinion that he has forgotten to eat during the past 4 days, and based on his profile photo that includes his wife, a waitress, neither of them look like they have just got out of Auschwitz.
It would be one thing if Bailey were the first and only to be so disgustingly “dragging his feet” and knowing all the good it would do by bringing public international attention to the plight of my very beautiful 87 year old mother, and so lucid and which most wish they had a mother half as wonderful as mine, and so we are coming to “jealousy” which I will dig into a little more.
But that is not the case.
Moreover, the going on 1000 independent viewers who when returning and using the same communicating device their additional views are not added to the count, also get to read my comments which spell out clearly what is going on; namely, to shut up my mother who is so supportive of my efforts to expose the money corruption which worst of all breeds overpopulation which has the human acting like the worst type of inner city sewer rats ripping each other to pieces.
So what will it mean if Bailey eventually posts up his much awaited comments?
I say that despite his most vulgar tardiness it would be a good thing, wouldn’t you agree?
Now, let’s focus a little more on the “jealousy” factor which so horribly interferes with our common sense; something unique to the human animal as it sets us well on the path to extinction, which while a great many would applaud, it does not mean they have figured out correctly how best to play this wondrous game of life where the human is the only oddity.
[Ja for those who don’t know, is identical to “yes”.]
At 11:35 AM, which is less than 45 minutes ago,I replied
Robin Öberg and I were FB friends for a brief period, and once he got himself into “hot waters” in a very public discussion on Steve Bailey’s FB wall that began with the title, “Capitalism 2.0 Will Include a Healthy Dose of Socialism” he removed all his postings and in the process deleted mine, and of course he unfriended me.
I had made a backup before he attempted to wipe the record clean, as it was clear not only to me but to everyone watching that he was way “over his head”.
You can view the entire conversation by either giving me your email or clicking the hyperlink below where you will have to pay attention to the order:
Suffice to say, Oberg is not the only person distracting, so is Steve Bailey and pretty much everyone.
Their denial begins in earnest once they start reading scholarly Edward J. Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which details the rise of my former employer, mining-banking monopolist De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC], and how they have grown from strength to strength and it is not because they operate below the radar screen of the media and the politicians
“They” [sic] hyperlink above takes you to this epic 1978 non-fiction book.
It should take you no more than 3 hours to read it the first time and it is very easy reading because it is a page-turner, and yes the DAAC-Epstein provide it free of charge on The Internet.
There are also a bunch other individuals who are or were FB friends of Oberg, and I had written to them similar writings.
Here [scrolling down] is a notable response from one woman who is no longer my FB friend, and the reason for that is her “stubborness” [sic], not wanting to accept that she has been horribly fooled about how the money system actually works, which is somewhat understandable as most of us who do not inherit big trust funds have to work most of our lives hard for the money and in the process we dont get any younger and at the same time experience great hardships, disappointments etc etc, and then to find out “late in life” that you have been horribly fooled is bad enough, but then arrives an even bigger “disapointment” [sic]; namely, you don’t know amongst your trusted family members, friends and business colleagues who has had all this information but decided to keep it to themselves in order to gain advantage.
As the realization sets in of the “enormority” [sic] of this outrage which of course neither the bought media [n]or the equally bought politicians don’t touch with a 100 foot pole, you inevitably ask yourself, “What do I need to do to ingratiate myself with the DAAC octopus
The great Poverty of Thought [POT] thinking which reaches into all the classes, takes on many approaches.
There are those like my eldest brother Neil Gevisser
Page 2 – Learning something
who published TYRANNY of TRUST in 2014 as he makes a diamond the centerpiece of his cover while writing somewhat vague references to the DAAC not necessarily as powerful and rich as they protest, as he writes the most bizarre paragraph about the DAAC where he is careful to use the two words, “Unproven assertion”.
The fact that he makes no reference to Epstein’s very fact and date filled The D I book tells you that my brother has in fact read the book, and not only did he feel very stupid but he thought, “Why not capitalize on the information, and if I scratch their back, maybe they will do the same”.
Page 3 – Learning something
In fact all 3 of my elder siblings turned out dirt, and nor did any of them have the opportunity to sit for the year long entrance exam which I had to endure before joining them [DAAC] officially in early spring 1979.
Jealousy is not limited to close blood relations which you perfectly understand.
What is important, however, is the fact that if my 3 elder siblings could turn out so rotten, then it would be hard to expect those who didn’t have such wonderful and good parents as well as grandparents which all 4 of us were fortunate to have, then you can’t expect better from the rest.
So you are waiting for those 76 words this past Saturday from a mutual FB friend of Oberg and myself:
I defriended Robin Oberg about two weeks ago.
He is intellectually dishonest and enjoys demeaning people in his threads.
When he posted an article and photo of a robot that looks like a woman and is designed to perform fellatio I realized he has misogynist traits as well.
Unfortunately the conversation in your link has been wiped out. But it doesn’t surprise me. Robin appears capable of twisting reality and hiding the truth. Just my opinion.
In the next few minutes I will be going back to Steve Bailey’s FB wall to rejoin the “Capitalism…” conversation that has gone very quiet and I will tag you.
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Marc Mueller, you would not be the only person who remembers me writing to you yesterday at 12:07 PM [Callif. time], which is just 24 hours and 21 minutes ago, “you may be the first person I have come across on FB who is genuinely interested in learning.”
What do you think the chances are that Steve Bailey and all those other FB friends of mine who I have “tagged” have all forgotten how easy it would be for them to expand this conversation and reach just one big name politicians and/or media person by simply “tagging” their FB friends?
Those chances are in fact zero.
What it shows is an unimaginably vulgar mentality herd; and yet each person is wanting to present the image here on FB that not only can they be trusted but they are serious about wanting to improve the world which begins with sharing the information.
It would be one thing if one of you could punch a hole in my reasoning and/or knowledge, but in fact you cannot.
For all of you to be clinging to the “coatails” [sic] of the DAAC and those they have profited the most, starting with their bought politicians, media people and carefully chose captains of “industy” [sic] such as Bezos of Amazon, is beyond laughable.
It is so ugly and you know who you all are.
So how do you go about sincerely wishing someone you know who is in denial a “happy birthday” and/or “emphathizing” [sic] with their grief?
Once I have followed up with the others who are FB friends of Robin Oberg, I will be writing to the outgoing Dutch ambassador to Afghanistan, Geoffrey van Leeuwen who is now moving into the job in the Hague as Director of North Africa and the Middle East for the Dutch Department of Foreign Affairs.
Here is a photo of the van Leeuwen’s Chateau de la Barre, Menigoute that we stayed at this past June.
Gary Gevisser Normally, most literate people start from the beginning in their reading, and that avoids them putting their foot in their mouth.
I can understand that the truth is disturbing but it is rather vulgar to play censor with the best your POT [Poverty of Thought] mind can muster, “Can keep your voice from being heard”, which is very unclear English.
What is your native tongue?
I expect you to immediately unfriend me, but please return here as well as my website as often as you like, and should you decide to remove your post/s, just email me and I will send you a backup.
Gary Gevisser Stephanie Shaw, only you can explain if you either vulgar and/or totally ignorant.
Even if you are not religious which most hypocrites are, you may have heard of Proverbs, “It is better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
Your FB profile says not only were your born, day after Thanksgiving 66 years ago, but you have some law training, “Former Legal Technician/Legal Ass’t at San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District – May 2001 to November 2014.”
You will have seen me mention time and again, and again you would just start out threatening without first reading, very scholarly Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book which gets everyone, from the richest and most powerful to the poorest of the poor but who are literate, very angry with extraordinarily few exceptions.
The D I book does explain how very ignorant is everyone who doesn’t know about the Diamond Invention Game [DIG].
Lawyers like medical doctors and the such think they are very brilliant and if they have struck it rich they think they are a genius.
The D I book brings them down to earth with a big thud.
Gary GevisserStephanie Shaw and the rest who should also make backups, if if I don’t respond promptly it is because Im preparing the ground work to reply to Dutch Ambassador Geoffrey van Leeuwen.
Gary Gevisser Yes, Ms. Stephanie Shaw, I notice the word “peace” at the end which is a little different to your very ugly, I didn’t say that you are a fat cow, threatening “shut the fuck up!”.