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Charles Ivie – Please confirm sex

From: charles ivie <>
Subject: Re: Please confirm sex – Re: and finally, why would anyone give someone your email address when you would harass them forever and the people lose their friendship. the deepest core of relationship, not money or sex for most
Date: January 27, 2013 6:19:45 PM GMT+01:00
To: Gary S Gevisser <>

and finally, yes anderson got overleveraged against my advise
listening to criminal real estate and banking people thinking she
could save for retarterment(sick) like most and it has completely
ruined our health, any perceived wealth, and enslaved us to indentured
servitude ala the BM(bile MOVment) because she as most people of the
planet have been no where even when they fly in, and know absolutely
nothing of real peace and prosperity and freedom as i do and have done
all over the world. and not in a tin can like francis merle ivie, or
in titty bars in korea like pat ivie who gets gonnoreah of the throat
by drinking down a banana shot from an enslaves girls pussy with his
sake or bob ivie making drugged up shows

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 9:12 AM, charles ivie <> wrote:
i will explain it one more time, and you would know if opened the
email address destroyed by knuff cia because I was helping you the the
law suit. it is on that day that the isp popped up and went away
before I could copy it. it said that it happened within the U.S. The
email address in now in hebrew. please keep informing navy seals and
the rest of the militaries of the world of their fraud against
humanity for a $ as I did to commander Frank Ivie usn. it is not time
to say thank you, but fuck you for what has been done to the planet
and the de beer run money supplies, untracable currency,
killing,pollution and corruption for metering the worlds resources to
the middle class. then comes the worst of all entertainment industry
ala a robert james “bob” ivie-flacca-camacha who steals everything
because on drugs and in debt like the protoge james patrick”pat”
ivie-ivah who works for the worst killing polluters of all time at
edwards airforce base in ca. I will be notifying everyone including
the pentagone (sick) soon! good luck with brief reinstatement and
enjoy the corsicans, I thought they were fairly awake and independent.
you know about the jewish lobbies and apatheid they commit in a minor
holocaust compared to the other hundreds of millions of poor. anderson
is neither my friend or spouse. I am strictly  a freedom fighter
working for free(ie no money) and providing skills beyond any navy
seal who deep dives, or sleeps in cold water till hperthermic. and who
cares about the death of the military, that is there job. it is the
ones they kill that is the real concern, but the cowardly media and
ironic age propgandize otherwise into the dumb down gmo fed people who
are products of the bankers manifestto perfectly. so let’s agree that
there are jew and non-jew that run this pathetic mess people call the
business market with no free trade or enterprise EVER! keep up the
good work and I have answered all your questions again perfectly.
enjoy your good food, health and life! as most of the population kills
themselves for money. and anyone who wears a diamond should be made to
live in soweto, nigeria, congo or canada.

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Gary S Gevisser <> wrote:
I confirm this email from you yesterday at 7:56 pm and your 3 follow ups.

Will you confirm, without feeling the need to explain why you don’t answer
the question, my email to you on January 25, “Why do you call it Hebrew

BTW, is that because you believe that the CIA is run by the Jewish bankers
who you also believe control the 3 Branches of the United States of
America’s Government?

With the entire world soon to get their heads entirely around this
“Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy”, we can begin in earnest a new enlightened age
which I assume your best friend; namely your spouse of many, many years
Professor of Nursing at the War Veterans hospital in La Jolla, California,
Gwen Anderson Phd Stanford University, would want to be a part of; and might
I add there are two in the most great physically-mentally shape
French-Corsican couple who are not only most interested in becoming
exclusively vegetarian thanks to what they enjoyed last evening for dinner
as they could see also how vibrant are both Marie and me as well as
vegetarian and mostly live-raw organic fruit, vege and nut medicine fed
Mango and his healthy diet shocks everyone but none more so than the already
shockingly stupid, but this great looking couple felt our conversations last
evening, that went into the wee hours of the morning, was most uplifting
because of course, I see the outlook not just for the planet but all future
human beings unimaginably optimistic as it has always been, it is just that
the stupid cannot see it because the stupid are stupid.

Gwen like you has yet to comment on the possible murder of 42 year old US
Navy SEAL Commanding Officer Job Price who might have found out from my
writings what you and Gwen already know about non-Jewish run De Beers
setting the value on his as well as his 2 dozen US Navy SEAL commandos’
paychecks, as well as the price of their weapon systems which trickle down
to the huge paycheck Gwen receives that affords her to be such a huge real
estate speculator in the United States of America, Canada and the Bahamas.

Reporting live from exotic Corsica,

Gary Steven Gevisser

Ps – Have you read The China Study book and what conclusions do you draw
about your own behavior and your closest friends?

[Word count 402]

From: Gary S Gevisser <>
Subject: Re: if you look at google, this is when the heb cia destroyed my
cheeves.ivini email with your emails, just 3ants, password calicocat1 and
sent out bogus email to all contacts that i was in europe with no money and
lost passport.
Date: January 25, 2013 8:04:34 PM GMT+01:00
To: charles ivie <>

why do you call it Hebrew CIA
On Jan 25, 2013, at 7:00 PM, charles ivie <> wrote:

the hebrew that my email was changed to.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:27 PM, Gary S Gevisser <>

who is heb?

On Jan 24, 2013, at 11:50 PM, charles ivie <>

Subject: if you look at google, this is when the heb cia destroyed my cheeves.ivini email with your emails, just 3ants, password calicocat1 and sent out bogus email to all contacts that i was in europe with no money and lost passport.

can you broadcast please!

am i on winners list or shit list now? you are disabled  on 2face
registration and tragically disturbed according to mosha family.

On Jan 26, 2013, at 7:56 PM, charles ivie <> wrote:

and finally, why would anyone give someone your email address when you would
harass them forever and the people lose their friendship. the deepest core
of relationship, not money or sex for most

I have given you and concur with all frauds and corrupt. go get’em. I am and
have much better things to do for the planet than spew platitudes of your
skill, talent, education, information, family etc. it’s all bullshit as are
people who talk with no action.
