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christian Garcia – Aren’t you tired of feeling bad about yourself – Part III

The American common herd have not turned because the herd are still a whole lot better off than their brothers and sisters in the rest of the world slaving away under our brutal regimes who have never for one day forgotten The Great White American Fleet with its 16 battleship armada all painted white, and nor were their Black American sailors imitating Black American Reverend Martin Luther King reciting, “I have a dream” and a chorus of hippies still trying to look like the massacred 10 million native Indians waving their hands back and forth above their heads while humming, “We shall overcome”.


How stupid, forget evil, can stupid get?

Much worse is the correct answer.

Allow me to continue.

There is not an industry that white South Africans do not control, and now I mean, not hiding their ownership through nominee owned private and public corporations and nor has there ever been any difference as just knowing the right people in government could get you whatever subsidy you needed whether it be for farming acorns just for the fun of it or owning your own offense/defense contractor; and the decision to bail out AIG, General Motors, Lehman Brothers, Citicorp etc beginning in 2008 during the tail end of President George W. Bush’s administration, was just another kick in the face of dumb ass Americans who again so long as the media tell them they are better off than the contrived rioting in the rest of the world beginning in mineral rich countries and extending to holiday spots like Greece where you notice that the rich Greek American communities are rejoicing like never before as they buy up land, houses, buildings, businesses for pennies on the $, they believe also what they want to believe, and which I am proving every step of the way and you notice that my support network is not growing as the negatives who are increasingly paralyzed because they dont have truth at their side continue to contribute as best they can.

So again let me thank them all for increasing the number of those dependent upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.

Are you not shocked that First Lady Michelle Obama’s close cousin Rabbi Caspers Funnye has yet to delete me as a FB “friend” or better yet follow in the footsteps of my former FB “friend” Devin Standard who deactivated his FB account which was helping grow my extraordinary footprint on the Internet which has been my and my gorgeous F-C wife’s principal safety-net and then after I flush him out has the audacity to write me an email suggesting how I can improve my style in order to get a better following.

Eric Sampson owns Macsteel. Macsteel controls the world supply of steel just like Engelhard controlled the world supply of platinum right before his death when my pathetic business person “lucky uncle” Dave began selling off Engelhard’s South African assets to the Oppenheimers who wanted this paper trail as much as they wanted a Mossad bullet fired into the back of their head, and nor would choosing to commit suicide have done Harry Oppenheimer or his children or grandchildren any good, unless all of them decided to do so at the same time.

David Gevisser lived to ripe old age.

Harry Oppenheimer lived to a ripe old age.

Let’s all now sit and pray that the Good and most vengeful Lord has Nicholas Oppenheimer and his children and grandchildren all live to a ripe old age.

In the end God still rules.

The fact that each of you can envision all these mass murderers of the poor and those great many of the middle class they had corrupted getting away with such unimaginable crimes that not the dumbest robber of a small liquor store could have thought of in his wildest dreams to get rich, unless they happened to own the mineral drilling rights in the mineral richest region of the world and making sure that their family and those they corrupted for the next generation including every medical doctor and lawyer had no conscience.

Now to me living without a conscience is totally unimaginable.

But that does not appear to bother anyone else, at least not as much as it bothers me; and of course I happen to hugely fortunate to have the most unimaginably beautiful inside and out F-C wife who backs me 100%.

Now look at who backs each of you, and the question you must have for G-d is what sort of evil did you do in a previous life to be surrounded by such total losers.

Let’s come back to Eric Sampson deciding the cost of each piece of steel used to build our next generation of aircraft carrier fleet and most importantly nuclear powered and armed submarines.

You are totally blown away. You had never heard of Macsteel and now that you have done an Internet search you realize that the hair on your back is not thick enough to hide and that your anus is still too small.

There is nothing more pornographic than what the Roman Catholic Church has allowed to be done to umpteen generations of young, impressionable and defenseless Roman Catholic boys and many grew up to be outstanding humans, just so long as they also hadn’t been fiddled by a prominent assistant American football coach of a deeply religious Catholic University whose head coach said he was too old to do anything about the rumors he heard and so he decided to do nothing but still he had the mental capacity to continue coaching and rant and rave along the sidelines.

What do you think Jan Smuts would make of all this if he were alive today?

You know that he would be proud of me but still he couldn’t figure out despite being a mathematical genius and scientist of scientists how I have managed to stay alive this long.

You may not believe me but I feel like I am getting younger and my body is also telling me that when I exercise, and nor am I coming close to juicing as much as I should, but this afternoon before I take Mango out for his heavy duty exercise routine that again is all very different with of course G-d deciding everything and just letting each of us think we are in control, I will juice. (Thank G-d, my F-C wife organized the basics of my unimaginably healthy fruit, vegetable and nut medicine diet for both Mango and me before she left to visit with her family in Montreal a week ago yesterday. Do you know how simple it would be for all 7 billion of us to instantly change to what Marie and I eat without being in the least bit fanatical as we still drink coffee, at least I do; she may have decided to simply stick to herb teas on this trip and if she decides to forego coffee altogether unless for very special occasions of course that will be fine with me because I know our sex lives will improve because our outdoor activity with be that much more strenuous and gratifying.)

The Chinese can also see how much of the world Eric Sampson owns and Mr. Sampson, like Natie Kirsh is a nothing schlomiel who the Oppenheimers use to make it look like us Jewish people rule the world.

China never once invaded Africa and Chinese presence in Africa does not touch sides with what liberal in America and right wing conservative in South Africa Engelhard did in his 2 decade rule of South Africa because he was American. His gold shipments to Hong Kong also did not make him Chinese because he never considered himself Chinese, only an American who could count on the US State Department to talk out of both sides of their mouths.

When talking to their common herd they talk “diplomatic” and peace, but in private, it is “take the money now or open a taco stand”.

To use your words that you wrote me at 1:25 this morning, I hope this makes sense and was a clear enough explanation, and if not you know where to reach me.


[Word count 5527]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gniod
Date: Februar
y 16, 2012 8:22:07 AM PST
To: “”
Cc: rest; Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” , “Raye Anne ”You defame fat people” Marks [RAM]” , “Lynne ”I like looking at myself in the mirror Dinosaur” Zimet” , “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest.” , “Joe ”Could I stop you?” Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School – intimate of Diana Henriques.” , “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and ”bosom buddy” of Roger W. Robinson aka ”Our Man Roger” who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” ,, TheTonightShow , “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser ”male heir” of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown New Jersey”
Subject: Fwd: Report for, 02-10-2012 to 02-16-2012

Christian – I have more than a good sense why you have gone quiet but only you would know for certain, apart from of course g-d however you want to define truth which most people have difficulty with unless they are familiar with me and then they go silent like you

Our communications this morning were succinct and so would the owner of your company who gives a lot of speeches

It is possible but unlikely that his math-logic is as good as mine but he certainly does not know his subject matter as well as me since his writings and the few speeches I have heard him give don’t come close to showing that he knows today what I knew in 1970 when I was 13

You would very possible know if venturing to my website that I will be 55 next month

In the 43 year interim I didn’t do pot or alcohol 24/7, not even close, and the best proof of that is the hand eye cordination that I still have that allows me to still ride rather well one of the fastest Ducati motorcycles ever built, and to let you know how fast is this 2002 STS4 the other day when I took off from the traffic light at Mango and Del mar heights heading west (towards the ocean) just in case you lost your bearings there in Santa monica because you envision just like Vancouver all future signs Chinese with possible English subtitles and you know the Chinese fully understand our bankruptcy laws which does not mean they can’t wait for the US government to make the first move seeking bankruptcy protection

You will have read in the news that Sec of State Hilary hilarious Clinton is seeking to be the next head of the IMF

Do you know what Engelhard thought about it and it’s equally nonsense sister organization The World Bank?

Of course at this point given how you are in a complete state of shock from my previous so clear and short emails also typed with my right thumb on this iPhone you don’t know what to think

It is of course much more important what Engelhard’s male heir , my lucky uncle horrible stutterer david gevisser thought and he who was a business persons backside thought all Americans were stupid with the exception of Nazi lover Wallis Simpson who he thought was too full of herself

David Gevisser who liked me very much until about the last 15 minutes of our 10 hour meeting in johannesburg back in the summer of 1995 is the person who wrote Nixon’s speech and you should be able to figure it out just in knowing that my fathers corrupt first cousin was appointed CEO of Engelhard’s South African holding company in 1970 the year before Engelhard’s death when he knew he was going to die and he had david gevisser begin to leave the most extraordinary paper trail of treason by the 3 branches of the US government

As far as I know the Amtrak train is still running this morning

I can pick you and or your boss up at the solana beach train station or we can just meet at Zinc restaurant that is nearby

It is a one time offer. You should know that the same offer will never be made to those you see in the cc section no matter how much they beg. Bear in mind you have a jump on them given how clear and precise have been your previous writings that I have not yet shared with anyone apart from those most trusted including of course G-d

(the use of the word god, however it is spelled, gives the corrupt a false sense of security and you see it best in their refusal to answer in writing whether they beleive in god as their feeble minds want to have them continuing to believe in their worthless money that is the embodiment of who they are and those sucking up to them in the most violent never ending cycle
Ps – since mid-may 2009 when we started keeping track of the site analytics for we have had well over 1 million visitors and more than 42 million page views

You would know from your own reaction to have such a large number now better informed than you were just a few hours ago and not one lawmaker or journalist has yet to write a story just about that fact is very uplifting assuming you were in my shoes otherwise if you are corrupt and you can tell just by the relationship you have with your corrupt family and friends what could be more depressing especially if you have lost your body, the mind’s temple
Sent from my iPhone

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