Collective guilt
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:26 PM PT
To: Eliot Spitzer – Attorney General of New York State
Cc: rest; President; Rabbi Abner Weiss
Subject: FW: Collective guilt
Ps – Don’t forget the young teenagers of the 1976 Soweto riots who were the catalysts that resulted in the essentially bloodless transfer of power from the Lilly White Wheaty Eating puppets of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel to a more colorful bunch of imbeciles, r today not much younger than me having learned a thing or “tTOo” [sic] not only more about the true nature of the human beast but how to best leverage their power most of all that which still exists within the space between the ears, G-D forbid anyone on Wall Street were to assume that while watching such great transfer of wealth it all boiling down to grabbing land from the hands of the common-man-woman nothing quite like the Diamond Invention so extraordinarily deceptive r those none like the South African Oppenheimers who perfected their Oxford “sly” English, I-we allowed like so many of my LWWE brothers and sisters for that G-D gifted non-vacuum of space to become a perfect vacuum, agree?
Time our remaining light bulbs began thinking as one, the night skies getting increasingly darker and we reexamined a number of things about our “Dog eat God Aspartame” [sic] world beginning with simply kicking back right this very moment and expanding your imagination to envision a new world order based on one tribe subscribing to the truth, the whole and nothing but the truth so help each of us, G-d leading to a less organized educational system that does not have the “most average” rising to the top of the Bell Shaped Curve, think Ronald O. Perelman who I helped nail encouraging using just this simple Revlon Make Up Chart cartoon the SCALs [Shareholder Class Action Litigators] on October 1st1999 with less than a couple of hours before the statute of limitations ran out to do the right thing and the smart things which was also the right thing and file a one of a kind complaint against Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman and for us all to begin closing rank by heaping ridicule like never be4 learning from Ida Tarbell on such scoundrels until such time as they repent in the most sincere fashion ridding themselves of all their ill-gotten gains increasingly aware r the Perelmans of the world as they feel their mortality that I speak the truth, agree?
And if I am wrong no doubt our extraordinarily SMART One G-D will take out His-Her vengeance on me the next time around while providing Perelman and Co his 27 ugliest of the ugly old women all with their heads chopped off moreover missing both arms simply being called to task to clean their backsides then again there r these enzymes in the colon doing a pretty good job, why mess with “sumthing” [sic] that works just perfectly, agree?
If we learn to take care first of ourselves, our bodies, our minds, one incredible gift worth dying “4” [sic]?
So please join me right this very moment in contributing to sandwich boards to be worn by folks I am in the process of organizing should we catch wind that Perelman sets foot in any synagogue on the entire fricken planet especially the one he frequents on the upper east of “madhattan” [sic] while the so incredibly “bought and paid 4” [sic] rabbis around the world now let Mr. Perelman’s rabbi know what a fool he is making out of all them by continuing to be “jrked off” [sic] so publicly even the good, hard working rabbis who along with their partners in crime, not everything rhymes, agree?
The priests and mullahs also need to be thought of in the transformation to a “fair trade” one world economy, without the church-synagogue-mosque there would be no poor and without the poor there would be no church-synagogue-mosque, and since I couldn’t bare the thought of seeing a single one of them unless looking great in the nude panhandling to have each and every one of them be the first to join Ron BellowsSenior in the unemployment line which will well within a generation be eliminated throughout the world, in 7 days or less, in my humble opinion, once we get the seed capital for our one of a kind Clean Water Fund agree?
Time like never be4 4 great leadership, thank G-D, again and again for our great and most honorable President, George W. Bush who will go down in history if I have a say in the matter as the greatest fair minded thinker of all time, doing the right thing which is the smart thing which is also the right thing, agree?
As children our parents are our whole world, sometimes regardless of what kind of person they are. They are all we know. The moment that we realize that they are not infallible and that they do make mistakes like everyone else, is a difficult concept to palette. It takes a parent to REALLY screw up for that moment to happen, that or possibly a very high intellect. For me it took both my ingenious and extraordinarily generous parents especially with their time since their greatest gift that of love=trust and respect came early in my life in being told I would never inherit anything of worth other than my very good name, losing eye contact with me during Chanukah 2001 as I began to lay out my strategy of helping save the world a job they more so than anyone else had so well prepared me for, all stemming from them simply choosing not to light Chanukah candles something I will one day, G-D willing do when and only when we have turned the corner on the rapacious which I know versus believe is moments away in the history of time, never not for a moment should we, those enlightened children of Israel be rushed nor should we rush to judge the sons and daughters of those who should know better, agree?
The way I have approached the “awakening” about RBS’ errors, gives “sum” [sic] would argue his son and daughter no option but to defend him. It is always important since none of us is G-d to give the misguided a way out, an educational light journey preferable than an escape hatch, it tough tho for a LWWE Boy or Girl not raised in an environment full of suspicion in which I was raised not knowing friend from foe until it was often too late to fully appreciate that I have to tread very carefully at this time, it is not only the Ron Bellows Jr. and Denise Bellows I have to be concerned with not wanting to lose a single soul including the wildlife, the trees, the birds, the fish all part of our One Almighty SMART G-D’s kingdom but the next group of leaders not suffering the ill-effects of being had, those more colorful people like Tefo Mohapi filling up the ranks ready at a moment’s notice to come down all over your LWWE ass the minute u make one single false move, agree?
I am not only threatening u I am going out of my to promise u as G-D is my witness that if u dare enter into a Settlement Agreement with RBS’ $280 billion criminal megalopoly be4 I and/or someone within my inner circle puts on a one of a kind insurance seminar that will empower grass roots organizations around the world to remain patient and compassionate toward the filthy rich who know the time for continuing to milk system ran out the moment I exposed the weak underbelly of the monetary system under the “command and control” of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel for going on a century, the First World War, the Great War which was meant to end all wars failing miserably, I will accept any and all monies u contribute to our “social cause.”
Incredible that an anything but Aryan looking Austrian could fool so many cultured German people including my Jewish brothers and sisters who lost their way, the financing of Hitlers Military War Machine fueling within 3 years of the supposed destruction of the 3rd Reich the greatest enslavement, torture and murder of all time in my backyard of South Africa to mention little of I consider it a miracle if I survive another 24 hours given the fear I feel coming from my ever dwindling number of adversaries, again relatively speaking, agree?
If not now then when? If I am only for myself who am I? If I am not for myself who is for me?
Time to remove that White Christian Cross of Robert F. Kennedy in our sacred Arlington Memorial Cemetery, my bet is that u will find enough of my African brothers and sisters black and white willing stand on that spot rotating every 15 minutes everyone on the planet eventually becoming famous for doing the right thing and the smart thing which is the right thing for the general good, and be sure so as not to waste the wood just make 2 posts for dogs to pee against, agree?
It is time to dispense with party and family loyalty and for everyone to keep a diary of their life on The Internet which is what I am trying to do and for others to critique such that in time who in their right mind would want to stick out like a sore thumb, to repeat one of my mother’s more lighthearted poems.
A poem written for Neil, Kathy, Melvin and Gary – December 1983
The fingers of my hand symbolize to me
The five special people who are the base of my tree
The thumb is my mother her many uses you can see
Combine this with my forefinger, my father
And you will feel the strength and harmony
They gave to all us children when we were very small
Nourishing mind and body until today we all stand tall!
The remaining three fingers, I can do without I’ll not deny
But, if I’m asked to cut them off I’ll refuse, do you know why?
For their loss would diminish me in ways I can’t explain.
There may not be pain in losing them, but, my hand would never be the same!
So judge them wrongly, tis your right, but, understand this well:
They are part of me and I of them as if developed from one cell.
Any causing destruction of such a vital part of my anatomy
Tis not just fingers they destroy. It is the base of me
Yes, the five fingers of my hand are precious as can be
And, I am proud that they and I are proven family.
Zed [our mother]