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Conflict between the inheritance laws and meritocracy

Facebook messaging with fb friend, Maria Perez

Sun, August 18, 2024 2:25 PM

Gary Gevisser:

Do you think the conflict between the inheritance laws and meritocracy which is the foundation of our freedoms has to do with the unconscious eating of meat and dairy-liquified meat that poisons the mind-body?

[Maria Perez provides a heart emoji]

Sun 2:42 PM



Yes absolutely ! Meat brings you also to alcohol or viceversa ,sugar brings people to eat meat ! That’s been proved ! You just has to read all comments from meat eaters ,most of them are mental cases ! And btw the jesuits learn us to consume meat and kill ! Corpse eaters are ingesting adrenochrome ! Which makes  people to be in their lower instincts !



Sun 3:40 PM

Gary Gevisser

it is also my experience that  people who are vegan don’t have the mental aptitude to even recognize the conflict between the inheritance laws and meritocracy.

When they hear my carefully thought through question their brain freezes. As it thaws they write all the stuff they have been repeating for years.

You post


My goal is to reach people from the bottom up.

The people at the top have known since they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth that the problems of the world have to do with the diabolically evil inheritance laws and their solution to maintain their wealth is to keep the plebes sick until robots take over the menial jobs of the poor and therefore end the wars which are exclusively to cull the masses; and in the meantime the super rich build up their enclaves that house the most exotic wildlife while laughing at the middle class and poor who take their children to disgusting zoos.

[Maria Perez gives a thumbs up]


3:51 PM

Gary Gevisser:
A paradigm shift took place 21 hours ago on my fb friend Beth Ashworth Browning’s fb wall 21 hours ago.


Beth Ashworth Browning


What is a sequoia tree worth? How do you measure the value of something that takes thousands of years to grow? A tree that dwarfs all others within its isolated grove? A species endangered by a changing climate?

A century ago, the answer was simple: A sequoia was worth what its purchaser would pay. In the days of settler expansion, before the establishment of national parks and forests, tracts of sequoias were claimed and purchased by speculators at a dirt-cheap price of $2.50 an acre. Once in private hands, there was nothing that could save the big trees from the axe.

The first sequoia logging operations began in the 1860s, and continued until the end of World War I. At first, the logging was small-scale and sporadic—the trees were so isolated in their mountain groves that the sheer expense of transporting the cut lumber made the enterprise impractical. Also, once the operations began, there was immediate outcry to protect the trees.

However, even after the creation of Sequoia and General Grant National Parks in 1890, the siren call of profit continued. As such, major operations began in one of the largest old-growth sequoia groves, the Converse Basin (in modern-day Giant Sequoia National Monument). Sawmills, a miniature railroad, and a 56-mile long flume were all constructed to facilitate the massive effort.

Logging sequoias was dangerous work. Accidents were frequent, and injuries common. Logging a single tree could require a full team of men over a week’s worth of work, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Each logger earned between $1.50 and $2.50 a day, and there were no unions, no compensation laws, and few safety regulations.

In the end, both the logging companies and many sequoias were brought to ruin. The soft, brittle wood of the sequoia wasn’t useful for much but fenceposts, pencils, and toothpicks. The Kings River Lumber Company and its financial backers would eventually lose their entire investment—but not before they’d logged every big tree but one in the Converse Basin.

So what is a sequoia worth? There’s one thing we know for sure: To their millions of visitors, they’re worth seeing. And to, and for, the American people, they are worth protecting.


Sunday 4:03 PM

Gary Gevisser

Next, once tagging a bunch on Beth’s wall, I will be following up with my best friend Derrick Beare who bought not only the second most expensive home in Great Britain for $242 million in 2016 and then sold this landmark property, designed John Nash, who also designed Buckingham Palace, for a loss of $65 million, which can only be explained by either an Act of God or Derrick lost his mind which could only be an Act of God given that Derrick is very sophisticated money-real estate wise thanks to me educating him on how the real Dog Eat A Dog DEAD world works.

If you wish I can copy you on my communique to Derrick Beare who used to be the coolest guy


Derrick + Gary – Golf SA



That was 1986 World Cup Soccer final, Mexico City.


Have you ever heard of anyone losing $65 million on the most sought after property in the world?

If someone like Derrick Beare could lose his marbles and be the laughing stock of the most inbred British Royal; namely, King Charles, then it could happen to far less intelligent people than Derrick Beare who could easily have found someone to pay a whole lot more than what he paid or be willing to be such a public spectacle fool.

Why do you think all our elected leaders are so stupid?

Can you name one who you consider intelligent?

What percentage of our 143 odd mu fb friends do you think would be interested in this information?


Today, Monday, August 19 at 10:35 AM


Iam in the conspiracy world since 2015 ! So yes I know

Giant trees Tartaria

Syncretism ,all of those families yes ,I follow Santos Bonacci

There is no politicians they all are actors ,puppets from whats above and direct this rotting realm !

But thank you for all this information, iam in the animal world ,as a vegan ,and yes that’s the karma of this world, they kill us ,and humans kill 70 billions of innocent beings yearly…But now ,humans are going to be the victims

They want their 15 mn cities ,so they need land to break the infrastructure and AG take too much ground ! So now they want us vegans ..

The Jesuits ,learn us to kill and meat eating ,all our history is a crock of shit ,we were never cavern men or hunters ,all made by them ,to offer this low frequenty  to their demons God’s YAWEH,Baal, Moloch etc

But now is going to be human sacrifice  ! With the jab and poisoning our food ,air etc  ,all meat is been injected ! Meat eaters will be gone ,I think before 2030

I have been for 20 years vegetarian for the animals ,and 4 years vegan  I don’t fear death ,we all come to go someday!

But I notice that the vegan community is extremely naive ,of course not all them ,but the most ,but at least they are empathic ..

Truthers are full of ego ! So Iam between those 2 worlds …

[Maria provides a graphic of animal abuse including injecting animal corpses with God only knows what]

Be safe Gary ,you and your love ones ..






BTW iam French Spanish ,living in Holland and my spelling could be basic sometimes ! Sorry for

And very sorry to head about your friend losing he’s money 



11:14 AM

Gary Gevisser:

You haven’t quite grasped the great order of this universe.

When there is no meritocracy in the inheritance laws, there can be no merit in the money, period.

So you missed the point entirely with regard to my friend Derrick Beare losing his shirt on his house, which didn’t leave him homeless.

Send me your email and I will copy you on my follow up to him.


1:44 PM



[Maria left 2 phone messages, lasting 42 seconds and 24 seconds respectively, explaining that she is tired, but thanking me for all the information, followed by her email address]


1:47 PM

Gary Gevisser

