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Congo!!:How can 6 Million Deaths Be Under Media Silence?

A genocide is underway, more than 6 million people (half for children under 5 years!) Were massacred amid general indifference and with the support of the United…
















Mlungisi Kemetic-soul Black Lives don’t matter..😒


Gary Gevisser NatashaCooper have you not read my writings?

Like · Reply · 22 hrs
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Natasha Cooper Garry pls send me more?

Like · Reply · 15 hrs

Gary Gevisser Natasha Cooper Go to Google Search. Type, “Gevisser Congo 6 million”

you know about my website

There is no one on the planet, no humans that is, who has been speaking more about this genocide ever since the US Congress passed in December 2006, the Congo Relief, Security & Democracy Promotion Act which kick-started the 6 million genocide. That is why you don’t find anyone profiting from it talking about it.

It is why you don’t find rich liberals and rich conservatives talking about it.

It is why you don’t find any of the bought media talking about it.

Do you remember who was president in December 2006?

Do you know who was the primary sponsor of the heinous Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act?

You know for sure that it was not Father Christmas.

Why is there not one religious leader in the world who is speaking out about this atrocity?

Why hasnt the US Congress congratulated itself on all the lives the Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act saved?

Aren’t you being told that all lives are precious?

Don’t you see that they really mean all lies are precious?

ORIGIN Born: February 15, 1917 Died: March 2, 1971 Heir (executor): David Gevisser Location:…

Natasha Cooper 👆🏾Thank you

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Gary Gevisser Do you understand how far back this coverup goes?

Is they yahoo email address you gave me work?

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Gary Gevisser What do you do in Johannesburg?

Have you read The Diamond Invention book?

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Gary Gevisser Its been a long, but fruitful day. Saying goodnight.

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Natasha Cooper Where are you based?

Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Natasha Cooper Wow okay. Good night we will talk again.

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Gary Gevisser You may have seen my ad, A NAME FROM HERE, YOU CAN TRUST OVER THERE! which appeared only once in the South African Sunday Times; then I got visited at my offices in Santa Monica, Calif. by two members of the South African Secret Police.

All is well that ends well 🙂

Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Natasha Cooper This looks like an old article

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Natasha Cooper I am in TV production. I specialize in Art Direction but have started writing as well.

Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Gary Gevisser Natasha Cooper What looks like an old article?

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Natasha Cooper When is the article from?

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Natasha Cooper The texture of the paper looks old.

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Gary Gevisser Have you figured out the silence?

Why don’t you contact the author-s of “Congo!!: How Can 6 Million Deaths Be Under Media Silence?” and have them explain how it is possible for such a huge slaughter to go so unnoticed?

I am white and obviously outraged. How could the black community of South Africa with it happening in their backyard not be calling on the US Congress-Obama to explain what led to the Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act and its aftermath?

I notice that you haven’t answered my question of who was the primary sponsor of the genocide?

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Natasha Cooper Of course I am livid. But unfortunately don’t have faith in Obama.

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Natasha Cooper Can you tell me something?

Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Natasha Cooper To answer your question who finds all the wars in The world.. US obviously

Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Gary Gevisser Natasha Cooper You see you stopped right where they wanted you to. You saw that Senator Barak Obama was the primary sponsor, and because he has a black skin, you brush it off. The fact that he is only half black doesnt enter your mind. But the color of his skin played a pivotal role in his election because they knew the people would stop asking questions once they saw that he was the primary sponsor of a genocide, and therefore he would not have to worry much about anyone asking him any follow up questions, such as what I wrote earlier, “Are you proud of the success of the Promotion Act, and who profited from the slaughter which will inevitably make the Congo a most fantastic tourist destination with that little hiccup of 6 million lost to history?”

Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Gary Gevisser So I will help you a little more. Research when Senator Barak Obama first visited South Africa and get back to me as soon as you can.

They have released this article to test the waters to see if there remain any resistors.

Remember this is not about the color of skin. The black and white race issue does not exist in the mind of the people who perpetrate such atrocities but they want you to think it is either a race issue or a matter of poverty which they have the people brainwashed to believe that poverty is a disease of the mind; that it is part of the tribal system of the African continent which has kept Africa from joining the First World.

Don’t look to the likes of Mandela and those who followed him for your answers.

Do you remember who Mandela went to work with officially in April 2006?

Consider yourself for the moment the last remaining human on earth with a conscience, and you were responsible for writing the legacy of the human race as best you know how without a care to ingratiating yourself with the architects of the status quo.

Wouldn’t you drop everything you are doing to dig into the origins of the Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act which helped by me in 2011 a $4 million Texas Death Sentence default judgment that you notice no one other than me is talking about?

Everything connects up in nature and you will see how it all connects up here with the Congo R S & D P Act.

Do the right thing and more than change history you will preserve your conscience.

Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Gary Gevisser Finally, what religion promotes that the human has faith in its leadership?

Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Natasha Cooper Christianity

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Gary Gevisser You also know that the words IN GOD WE TRUST placed on the most well-known money, may have been frowned upon by Jesus Christ.

Blind faith does have its drawbacks.

Are you giving more thought about what good you can do right this minute to save those victims of the Congo yet to murdered or before the follow up genocides are brought to a grinding halt?

Like · Reply · 1 hr

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Gary Gevisser Natasha, notice the time elapse since you place up the article on your FB wall, and less than a handful of your FB friends have joined in.

That does not mean they have stopped watching.

That 6 million is more than the losses from 9/11 and the consequence War of Terror victims on all sides, unless you include the genocide in the Congo.

6 million hasnt even stirred any of my Jewish brothers and sisters.

Look how Doctors Without Borders have got invovled in the refugees escaping north Africa such as Libya.

Try as best you can not to put it down to “apathy” because first of all those such as you who are outraged demonstrate that you don’t suffer from apathy until such time as you see how this genocide in the Congo was designed to have everyone quiet and to see TV as their main form of entertainment as they lose their bodies to indifference to the suffering of the poor who are not mostly blacks but all humans who suffer from Poverty of Thought.

Nor are all the poor alcholics, just like not all of the rich are alcoholics, but if you do suffer from any addiction other than eating healthy food that never once had a heartbeat then you might as well write yourself as a lost cause.

Surely your silence is because you are beginning to see the plan that had the puppet half black Obama brought to power, which was the same plan that had puppet Mandela who I as kid came close to worshipping given what appeared to be his stand against injustice until such time as I figured that he too was deafening silent about the very visible people who were profiting from the extermination of the poor, first in wars, but the mopping up was even more treacherous as they got the likes of Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Council of Europe-Defender of Human Rights, World Council of Churches and each and every government on the planet complicit in this most evil game.

It is not possible that you can be any busier than me given how you have far more FB friends to contend with than I do and each of them know how to read, and still their indifference does not make them any less interested.

Why be part of a miserable pack who don’t care about your children and grandchildren just like they obviously don’t care about their own as they use their family members as well as fair weather friends to achieve their end goal which is to find the easiest and quickest way possible to enjoy all the wonderful gifts of Mother Nature.

Think about gathering all your FB friends to join in this discussion, and suggest that they try and do better than putting up a sad face, as much as it makes them feel that they have done enough to contribute to the murder of their minds.

When you have the information and you choose wrong the consequences are far greater than a sick minded person realizes.

Like · Reply · 3 hrs
