Screenshot: 4:37 PM Calif. time, 5 April 2023
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Tweet at 11:23 AM Calif. time and it is now 11:26
Title: Contributions
People are outraged at Donald Trump’s trial. Nothing about Musk being constantly persecuted.
Are any of @elonmusk’s 133.7 million Twitter followers outraged?
How many?
There should be an uproar.
I would put my vote behind him, ahead of anyone else.
Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“Title: Contributions People are outraged at Donald Trump’s trial. Nothing about Musk being constantly persecuted. Are any of @elonmusk’s 133.7 million Twitter followers outraged? How many? There should be an uproar. I would put my vote behind him, ahead of anyone else.”
Kenny Barry
Kenny Barry
1:00 AM 5 April 23
Gary Gevisser
Kenny Barry who is he Mr Embarrassing Barry?
It is a sad and angry face, hiding behind the mustache.
Your “Harry Hurry send money” fast ran out of steam.
Rock bottom
Our 3 mutual fb friends
Ian Wulfsohn
Michael Mawdsley
Marc van den Heuvel
are also fearful of finding themselves in one room with nowhere to hide and choosing the logical vote of Elon Musk.
Remember you are not a comic. You are a white African employing slave labor in south east Asia to grow herbs.
You are going mad talking to yourself and your only choice is speak out here on Contributions and think your pitiful distraction will neutralize its impact.
Again, to achieve a critical mass reaction, it has to start with one atom making the first move.
Can you pinpoint where that occurred and when do you expect yourself to fizzle out with word spreading?
Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do
followed by:
Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.
7:24 AM Edited
Gary Gevisser
Kenny Barry you can’t help or forgive yourself.
“People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid! ~ MDG
7:26 AM
- Kenny Barry
Gary Gevisser
- Kenny Barry
7:29 AM
Gary Gevisser
Kenny Barry “It is better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt” ~ Proverbs
7:33 AM
- Kenny Barry
Gary Gevisser
- Kenny Barry
7:39 AM
Gary Gevisser
Obvious fact that there was no legitimate opposition to the Vietnam war which was a distraction from the real war for minerals in mineral rich South Africa where there was never legitimate opposition to the SA Oppenheimer’s De Beers-Anglo American Corporation’s [DAAC] Apartheid Regime.
Kenny Barry you are not alone in remembering your weak attack on Elon Musk, “Ive been waiting six years now for Musks solar roof tiles”.
7:46 AM
Gary Gevisser
7:50 AM
- Kenny Barry
Gary Gevisser
- Kenny Barry
7:51 AM
Gary Gevisser
Yes, Kenny Barry you hide behind a computer screen thinking that all you have to keep doing is talking, keeping you from losing your mind altogether as you throw up crap and then wait for my response, and that waiting has you thinking of nothing else.
But you know that you have been lying to yourself ever since you realized you are not Elon Musk’s equal.
Saying anything that comes into your head shows you have no filter system, which is a uniquely human achievment, call it characteristic if you would.
Your thinking has been that by moving in a wartorn region to make a buck you were helping the impoverished, but of course mostly helping yourself.
You lack of curiousity resulted in you never thinking that there was a masterplan by the architects of war and chaos operating globally.
You would far prefer that Elon Musk’s father, Errol Graham Musk had kept his thoughts to himself.
You continue to make a spectacle of yourself and thinking that at any time you can just hit delete and all will disappear into thin air.
All us humans, the same with all living matter and that includes the most solid hard rock granule down to the subatomic level has a purpose.
You must have some idea of what your purpose is.
Today is the 78th anniversary of my father, an Allied South African Air Force Fighter Bomber Pilot executing, 5 March 1945, his 63rd dive bombing operation, “Close support south of Messa” in northern Italy; and in addition to his spectacularly built American P40-Kittyhawk carrying a 1,000 pound high explosive bomb, his 6 machine guns, 3 on each wing, did not mean it was toy soldiers and German officers feeling the brunt.
When you examine my father’s logbook entries, imagine there is a God watching everything.
8:13 AM
Gary Gevisser
It is now 8:13 AM Calif. time, and you Kenny Barry have been quiet for 22 minutes.
8:14 AM
Gary Gevisser
Kenny Barry, the photo above, Mosquito XVI aircraft of No. 60 Squadron South African Air Force operating from Foggia Airfield Complex, Southern Italy in 1944, who carried out detailed large-scale photographic surveys of German held areas, eventually ranging over the Alps and deep into Germany and German occupied territory, are not Kittyhawks because they are Mosquito XVI aircraft.
Continuing to cut and paste:…/the-south-african-air-force…/
During one of these missions in Spring 1944, a SAAF 60 Squadron plane piloted by Lt. C.H.H Barry and his navigator Lt. I McIntyre photographed Auschwitz when they went to photograph the rubber refinery plant next to the camp. They were reconnoitring the plant which was earmarked for bombing by the USAAF (USA Air Force).
When the photos of the complex next to the plant were analyzed, they found rows of people lining up in the camp. The photos also showed chimneys and all the other characteristics of a camp for prisoners. This, with other intelligence, brought them to the conclusions that extermination camps existed.
This image is an enlargement of part of a photo of Auschwitz-Birkenau taken by the SAAF on Sortie no. 60PR/694.
Clearly seen on this image is the selection process of a recently arrived transport visible on the ramp has been completed, and those selected to die are being to taken to Crematorium II. Also visible is a cultivated garden in the courtyard of Crematorium II, the open gate into it, and Crematorium III. The basement undressing rooms and gas chambers of both complexes can also be seen.
When these photo’s were taken by 60 Squadron SAAF, the Squadron was working for the USAAF heavy bomber Squadrons in Italy, so the South Africans handed the film to the Americans to analyse and strategise. Kept secret for a long time, these annotated images of the film were only finally released by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1979.
8:18 AM
Gary Gevisser
Kenny Barry, my father was familiar with the Foggia Airfield Complex because he passed through Foggia on his way to Pontedere, Italy from where all his miraculous 71 missions were launched including his 50th and 51st in support of the Jewish Brigade’s first major combat operations on 19 March 1945.
8:24 AM
Gary Gevisser
Weak mind Kenny Barry do you recall posting up yesterday a photo of a very ugly policeman on my Rock Bottom display in your attempt to intimidate me, you big coward?
Let’s bring it up.
You also went on to say that I should learn Thai.
Do you encounter more than usual white pedophiles in Thailand?
Tell us again why it is that you have a hard on for Elon Musk?
8:29 AM
Gary Gevisser
Let me now take you back to my first meeting with Mossad head David Ben Gurion on 1 November 1972 when I was 4 months and 23 days from my 16th birthday, but already well equipped to be an above average
sniper, but more importantly an intelligence gathering officer, but not quite as refined as I was by the time I finished my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker in late December 1972.
8:34 AM
Gary Gevisser
Let us now go back to the “About the author” section of my Perspective One
my gift to my father who was “wingman” on many missions in SAAF Squadron 11 to Captain Syd Cohen
the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot of General Smuts’ elite Squadron 11, and as you know Syd Cohen went on to command the Israel Air Force’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] while my father was held in reserve in South Africa, along with 50 Kittyhawks in perfect working condition that had been purchased in February 1948 by another founder of the IAF, South African Fighter Bomber Pilot Boris Senior who Ben Gurion had sent from Israel-Jewish Palestine back to South Africa in mid-February to purchase those 50 Kittyhawks for the extraordinary low sum of 6 English Pounds Sterling each, a total of 300 pounds, along with recruiting seasoned Fighter Bomber Pilots such as my father and Syd Cohen who only arrived in Israel in late June 1948 by which time the “miracle” was already underway with most all of the enemy spies, including those in the IAF having been neutralized.
About the Author, (in his own words):
I am a 43-year-old Jewish American raised in South Africa. My firsthand experience of what Israel means to Jewish people and Israelis, in particular, goes back to when I spent four months visiting and studying in Israel along with a group of other 15-year-old high school kids. Our base was Sde Boker, near “B-ear-sheva” [SIC], in Israel’s Negev desert. My firsthand brush with past-meets-future took place during a half-hour talk given to our group by Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, on the small patch of “law-n” [sic] in front of his house. It took place two months to the day since we arrived on September 1st, 1972.
He was in the twilight of his life and expressed his appreciation for those who had contributed to the formation and survival of the State of Israel; helping turn this least desired part of the desert, without the rich mineral resources, into an abundance of green pastures.
Ben-Gurion’s dreams and hopes for the future were now being reflected back-forth as we made eye contact with him. As he began to speak the sound of the military maneuvers taking place within a rifle shot also commenced, but we listened riveted. Until that day the significance of the need for a Jewish State, the horrors of Holocaust had come from stories about relatives who couldn’t get out in time, at times “thin-king” [SIC] quietly to myself, “if only their parents had taught them how to read a compass.”
Until that moment, not even the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Olympics less than two months earlier had affected our playtime.
The lecture given the next day, however, on the horrors of the Holocaust helped me begin to remove the masks I had placed on others’ faces.
My father’s logbooks had also been of fleeting interest. His escapades during the 2nd World War targeting German trains, often decoys, were not worth bragging about to my friends since they seemed less believable than the home movies we use to see of shows like “The man from uncle” – (TV only arrived in South Africa in the mid seventies). Besides none of their fathers had flown about the skies day after day over northern Italy, above cities like Parma, which were now far off the beaten tracks of our regular vacation spots.
Even the comic books offered better graphics to stimulate the imagination than pictures of old planes and guys often with Xs “bloc-ing” [SIC] out their faces.
Certainly none of my friends would have believed the one time after darting through a blanket of AK AK with the target obscured by dust from previous bomb bursts, my father pulled up a little late before releasing his three, five-hundred-pound bombs, and still managed to score a “D/H”.
Despite my popularity, a consequence of my mother’s penchant for bringing home the “most beautiful women in South Africa”,
my standing on the “A List” would have suffered horribly had I then proceeded to tell a story of how my father got back to his base despite his electrical system, undercarriage, wings and tailplane having been severely damaged by his own bombs exploding.…/
Certainly, the “fatal blow” would have been my informing them that his basic training in “Vereenig-ING” [SIC], South Africa, achieving an overall “above average,” had saved his life as he approached the landing strip at home base. Perhaps, what prevented me most from swaggering was that they all knew my Dad; so how could I tell a story about someone who never once tT-Oot-ed his own horn, not even to this day.
On that day Ben-Gurion gave new meaning to the sense of achievement of those like my father who were only three years older than us “twots” seated cross-legged before him. He also certified that, had my father and his “friend-s”…/
known about the railway lines that were being used to transport 6 million Jews to their death, they would have acted with or without orders from above, for they were no more than a sling-shot away.…/
Ben Gurion knew they were very well trained in making every ordinance count, where “Direct Hits” had a lot to do with going in low and fast. He seemed to remember that prior to the outbreak of the War of Independence in 1948 many of these pilots still not of legal drinking age performed missions for which they had received no training as fighter-bomber-pilots. Their resourcefulness in retrieving munitions and aircraft hidden from their American Commanding Officers prior to the surrender of the Nazis, blunted the waves of attacks of those who now sought to reclaim this now-so-desired territory, who also had the vision to forecast that the Jewish head-strong would one day create a land that tTOo flowed with milk and honey and silicon to boot.
Thirteen months later to the day, Ben-Gurion died. He is buried a stone’s throw away from that very green patch of lawn.
[1] Today [18 October 2000] is my father’s 77th birthday. His World War II logbooks along with the wings
which bear the lipstick imprint of his “shiksa” girlfriend’s “good luck” kiss before he went off on 1 of his 71 missions are today, together with the diary
I kept of my own escapades as 15-year-old ulpanic, my prized possessions. My Ulpanic buddies should not panic as there are currently bigger “en-VE-ron-mentally” [sic] dysfunctional fish to fry.
9:31 AM
Gary Gevisser
Kenny Barry, your last “crap” took place at 7:51 and it is now 9:35.
Finally, you have unfriended me, and you have blocked me from seeing you on facebook.
But that doesn’t mean you have forgotten that anyone with common sense knows that you don’t have a moral compass or that you will be constantly looking over your shoulder wondering whether the next person who you don’t know, a total stranger, or one of your fb friends including our 3 mutual fb friends are watching your every move and seeing you falter, the life energy fast dissipating.
Again, individually there are extraordinary few humans who have a moral compass and that is something that is clearly built into our DNA and therefore absolute proof that God exists in this magnifiscent planet filled mostly with macabre humans, but collectively, get them all into one room which I am doing, they will all choose to do the right thing without being prompted by a TV-podcast talking head politician-academic.
9:40 AM 5 Apr 23
Boris Senior, a founder of the IAF, whose name is the third on the list on the inside of my Ulpan diary
4:34 PM
Commander of IAF fighter Squadron 11, Syd Cohen meeting with Nelson Mandela in South Africa at Mandela’s inauguration in April 1994, and standing between is President of Israel, Ezer Weitzman who took over as Commander of 101 Squadron when Commander Cohen returned after the war to South Africa to complete his medical studies.
4:37 PM 5 Apr 23