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Convince your wife – Your battle is halfway won

From: “” <>
Subject: Convince your wife – Your battle is halfway won
Date: May 7, 2019 at 8:30:22 PM PDT
To: Neal Hugh Hurwitz – FB friend <>
Cc: rest; Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Dr. Lim MD” <>, Dr Dean Ornish MD <>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <>, “Jantz, Richard L” <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>,, “” <>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <>, “Roger W Robinson – intimate of Gary S. Gevisser, protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission [2002-2005]. Currently the Chairman and co-founder of The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)” <>, Angel Gurria – Secretary General OECD <>, “” <>, “Dr. Paul Bozo the Clown Teirstein MD” <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, Cardiologist Warren Grundfest MD <>, Yad Vashem Holocaust Resources <>, Christina Nazi Germany-Austria Neutrality of First Line Nobility protected our fortune Moritsch-Krall – FB friend of GG <>, Isaac Herzog – Monster Head of Jewish Agency Israel <>,”” <>, British Embassy – Israel <>, Elon Musk <>, JFK Library Textual Archives <>
Neal – we are now talking about Lumumba 
on FB messaging and that is not a pretty sight.
So let’s move on to a prettier subject.
Do you remember me talking about Tiffany yesterday?
Did you know that 1/3rd of the American population die of coronary heart disease? I am just listening to a Youtube video by cardiologist Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn MD.
He says that during the Vietnam war, 80% of the GIs that he operated on already had heart disease and now it is 100%; the young people, when they collect the information after they die of course, all have heart disease.
Im also assuming that you have changed radically your diet after our conversations yesterday.
Bear in mind that if you don’t have a soul which a conscienceless person cannot possibly have then you are stuck for life with the body you have and if it is diseased you are faced with the choice of killing it off quicker or following Dr. Esselstyn MD’s very logical suggestions and at least you know for sure that your sex life is going to improve dramatically so long as you can convince your wife, and if not and she dies then you have the whole world to choose from.
Now go back to my Facebook group chat Review of Down Durban Memory and note what I am uploading.
[Word count 227]

Begin forwarded message:
Subject: Your battle is halfway won
Date: May 6, 2019 at 6:53:00 PM PDT
To: Tiffany
Tiffany hi – more important than the “Your battle is halfway won” was the coincidence of you wearing the identical Arc’teryx jacket as Marie
More of the jacket 🙂

Begin forwarded message:

From:” <>
Subject: Your battle is halfway won
Date: May 4, 2019 at 6:48:02 PM PDT
To: “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Dr. Lim MD” <>, Dr Dean Ornish MD <>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <>
Cc: rest; Jantz, Richard L” <>, Neal Hugh Hurwitz – FB friend <>, Ron Bellows – Senior risk management specialist AIG <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>,, “” <>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <>, “Roger W Robinson – intimate of Gary S. Gevisser, protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission [2002-2005]. Currently the Chairman and co-founder of The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)” <>, Elon Musk <>, JFK Library Textual Archives <>
Nuts Will Break Your Heart
So why isn’t the Pulse Wave Velocity analysis readily available here in the United States with the richest and the poorest people side by side, and the people getting increasingly unhealthier and yet this amazing machine that computes instantly the health of the arteries is fully accepted in Europe and Japan?
We know there is no problem with the technology and its spectacular results, so it must be the government. Someone is making money, again.
Perhaps I am moving too fast and should slow down for others to catch up.
One should always assume that the human is not listening to anything other than what it wants to hear, but that bad habit could change in the next instant, not because the human can change its leopard spots but for the uplifting knowledge that Mother Nature is totally unpredictable.
It is a highly competitive creature and the last thing the human wants to hear is that its thinking is the same as everyone, and especially resentful when finding out that everyone reacts wrongly to the truthful information about how the economy of the world is regulated by the world’s biggest thieves; so much for the hundreds of millions serving time in prisons, being shouted at, physically abused, tortured and losing their right to vote.
All of you once reading Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book had to have thought what it must feel like sitting around a table with Nicholas Oppenheimer and his Brenthurst Foundation Advisory board including 4 Star US General, Richard Myers, a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and knowing that there really isn’t much to talk about which is why they leave their meetings to their Wall Street plebes.
When very ugly, and not especially bright Henry Kissinger because he was just a notch higher in intelligence than lawyer Richard Nixon, made comment that power is the greatest aphrodisiac, and no one followed up;
“Have you run out of things to say; why comment about sex when you are not Dr. Ruth
and everyone can see you can’t be all that smart since you work for Richard Nixon?”,
it meant most of all the people who didn’t enquire more were no less stupid; i.e. at least as insensitive as fat Kissinger who without we wouldn’t know how stupid was Nixon or Nixon’s backers, namely American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. – who liked the company mostly of liberals because he found them, such as my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser totally stupid – and Engelhard’s South African partner Harry Oppenheimer who explained well his politics-morals in his oft spoken words which were captured in this one obituary:
Industrial baron whose diamond and coal mines stoked the economic engine driving apartheid
Oppenheimer’s words:
In a South African context I may seem to be a liberal, but at heart I’m just an old-fashioned conservative.”
When in history has there been such an accurate headline:
Industrial baron whose diamond and coal mines stoked the economic engine driving apartheid
What happened to the readers of the New York Times who consider themselves amongst an elite group of intellectuals?
If they don’t read, how can you expect them to listen?
Earlier today when lining up those interested in what I will be saying next to my sister Kathy and her enemy Deborah Sturman Esq. both shacked up with old men
and that high interest level didn’t suddenly begin when the Jerusalem Post published my 4 articles immediately after the treason pardon by DAAC President Bill “Rhodes-De Beers Scholar” Clinton of DAAC terrorist financier Marc Rich at the 11th hour of Clinton’s presidency on January 20, 2001, none of which was lost on either of my very aware parents
as the deafening silence of everyone who knew me, including my 3 elder siblings kept getting louder, I had my one FB friend Neal Hugh Hurwitz, who lists his profession as a fundraiser, with long ties to the establishment including, Campaign for Stuyvesant/Endowment Fund, Inc.without saying what they all could have possibly been smoking when failing to speak first with De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC]-Barclays Bank officials or at least get a meeting with Mossad head, David Ben Gurion or a Mossad official to make the necessary introductions to the DAAC-Barclays, suggesting that I write a New York Times editorial piece at the same time Mr. Hurwitz demonstrates conclusively how very reluctant he is to promote my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post.
I suspect that is because if everyone understood my crystal clear writings when people like Mr. Hurwitz would have to find employment with one of his hopefully generous wives willing to give him a full time gardening job just so long as he doesnt talk, at least when coming for instruction, then with no one working other than those caring for others and who therefore want to contribute as much as they possibly can, the words “work” and “job” would soon, if not immediately disappear from the language.

Here you have not only the richest person in the world who has unlimited financial resources which cost him less to produce than digitized monies, but fork-tongued Harry Oppenheimer is the principal financial backer of the liberal opposition political parties to his merciless Apartheid Regime
saying in effect, “I don’t give a fuck about the poor”.
The fact that this is the liberal point of view throughout the world does not mean the “conservatives” are nice people you want your daughter to date unless you want her out of the house at any cost.
Let’s quickly look at another obituary for Oppenheimer in the New York Times
Oppenheimer never said exactly what attracted him so much to Christianity that he decided in 1943 when he was 35 and no longer a kid, to convert from Judaism on account that his pauper, in comparison, wife was Christian.
It is normal for gold diggers who are Christian or Muslim or Atheist or just yoga followers to convert to Judaism if the spouse is rich like Jared Kushner and his wife’s thinking is that her father’s wealth could evaporate instantly were the truth to be revealed about Donald Trump’s wealth and the thinking is that if her father moves quickly and places the American Embassy in Jerusalem, that she and her children would be welcomed no matter what.
People who write for comedy shows like Saturday Night Live have to put out of their minds that the world is a stage.
Let’s assume the only comedy going forward is repeats of Shakespeare or entertainment that predated anything but honest “Honest Abe”President Lincoln introducing the Green Back in 1861 and setting in motion the horrors of the 20th Century which remain with us.
That leaves us to focus that much more on the food which we have to eat in order to survive, and any change to that is unlikely in the foreseeable future.

The parents are not going to change unless their kids pressure them
Educate the kids.
If you prove to the parents that the kid will lose weight on this diet and that it will prevent a whole bunch of aggravation and sickness, then your battle is halfway won, because it sticks with them for life.
And they can’t argue against facts unless you are a stupid parent that tells their kid “shut up and eat what is in front you otherwise I will beat you up.”
Why go down the path of the negative.
Work on implementing in the school districts. Dr. Barnard is really good with all that in the government sector, but now you need to branch out and quickly.
It is not so much as anthropologist Richard L. Jantz points out that the human brain has undergone a precipitous decline over the past 30,000 years in stark contrast to tripling its size over the previous 2 million years, but how incredibly deceptive the weak human mind becomes when it comes face to face with it own stupidity.
As I was saying earlier, I have just finished lining up a statistically valid sampling of the world literate population who have at least an elementary school education and the hardest nut to crack are university graduates who end up with fast talking jobs such as funds raisers, lawyers, accountants, medical doctors and the such, and you folks in the “To” section representing the sum total and perhaps a handful more medical doctors who are not corrupt and these other medical doctors most likely riding your coattails, and that still makes them good and the trend can only improve.
One of the many great things about pioneer of food truth Dr. John McDougall MD is his unwillingness to be politically correct with your lying, cheating, thieving fellow medical doctors and their no less spineless nurses who for good reason hate medical doctors but because they too are so into the money they take their passive aggressiveness alongside them 24/7.
So avoiding medical doctors and nurses by eating smart foods immediately protects your brain and body by not interacting with such scoundrels leading to a much happier society who with increased sensitivity will be that much kinder to the much more sensitive animals, plant life and insects such as ants who have the tough job of turning us humans into relatively quick fertilizer.
Soon we can expect not even needing natural organic repellants as even mosquitoes might have their main purpose in getting us humans to use ESP for only positive thoughts.
Imagine how inexpensive a meal would be without the fried food, milk-dairy, meat, nuts and you replace that with healthy vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes.
Notice that I am not trying to have you focused exclusively on the deprived of thought economic system.
One can only conclude that the universal Poverty of Thought [POT] to the nuts GDP-economic system is due either to the health of the food us humans consume or God-HER [Higher Energy Reaction].
But you can’t even begin to think HER has any involvement because if HER exists then HER must be responsible for advances in technology that now has this great Pulse Wave Velocity analysis test, and the mental breakdown for man having that much more time on his hands to be increasingly on facebook but no one having a thought to question the so obvious insanity and moral deprivation of the Gross Domestic Product economic index that has governed all money thinking for the past 85 odd years.
Notice how with the middle class having increasingly more time on their hands and life so much easier living in the toxic cities everyone is in such a hurry and still they will die.
What can be so motivating for living; just to hear another self-help guru like Tony Robins explaining how he missed the GDP fiasco as well as why no one from Mossad or the equivalent here in the US, the CIA advising him to get his funding from the DAAC-Barclays if reading Epstein’s The D I book was simply too disturbing?
Wouldn’t you live for the day when all motivational speakers were placed together in one huge stadium and the TV cameras coming down on each of them just like the great photo of South African Sol “Gambling Czar” Kerzner seated next to his wife, Miss World Anneline Kriel who is seated next to deeply religious Apartheid Regime Prime Minister PW Botha, the replacement of Nazi B. J. Vorster who was jailed during WW2 for his open support of Hitler; not to mention, PW Botha came to power afterVorster resigned following allegations of his involvement in the Muldergate Scandalin 1978.
Muldergate involved Dr. Connie Mulder, SA Minister of Information, much like Goebbels andGeneral Hendricks van der Bergh, head of the murderous Bureau of State Security [BOSS] much the same as Heinrich Himmler’s Nazi SSandDr. Eschel Rhoodie(Secretary of the Department of Information) who bribed international news agencies – who would believe a newspaper could be bought – and the purchase of theWashington Starnewspaper.
How come we talk about bribing people as a serious criminal offense but we think it is much cleaner someone with connections to the DAAC who have their own untraceable, unregulated, unlimited in supply exclusive diamond currency used to buy politicians and hard assets such as real estate, super oil tankers, terrorist groups, newspapers and TV stations even if all their advertising revenue comes from the DAAC directly or via an affiliate?
The answer is obvious, the brainwashed human is taught from an early age not to think.
It must have us thinking why do we have all these Phds?
Shouldn’t we look at the largest concentration of Phds; namely the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development [OECD] headquartered in the filthiest city in the world, Paris, France and even God doesn’t protect the Notre Dam from careless smoker construction workers assuming that was the cause of the fire, and if not God must know the reason for the fire and for at least God’s chosen representatives on planet Mother Earth, the Pope, the rabbis, the mullahs to all form a large circle and discuss this point until consensus is reached or until all of them die of boredom?
It must be that you take the dumbest Phds and concentrate them in the most pol[l]luted city in order to make them even dumber.
Why hasn’t the OECD investigated the death of Mr. Rhoodie who died at age 60 from a heart attack when playing tennis?
What else do all those Phds have to do with their time?
Muldergate hit very close to home; and my mother Zena saw it coming and helped hasten my exit from Jewish Kapo dominated South Africa.
In 1976 Rhoodie covertly launched the Citizen newspaper in South Africa which was the only English newspaper pro the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime who in the same year were shooting black South African schoolchildren, which wasn’t very nice, even if only a distraction and a reason to intimidate.
His Phd thesis was a study of “penal systems in the British Commonwealth”and we know that it is alsothe most average real estate investor such as Trump and white Jewish South African-American J. Essakow – quite the threatener “shoot the breeze” – of the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall, who maul their way to the top without these paraded “financial engineer geniuses”giving a thought to where to go for the most amount of money at the lowest borrowing costs, a one stop shop, which is obvious as you only need to be a reader of the New York Times’ March 19, 1989 edition whose feature story, HARRY OPPENHEIMER’S EMPIRE: GOING FOR THE GOLD – click here– spells out clearly Harry Oppenheimer’s vast power and wealth that to this day dwarfs the financial wealth of the world’s other billionaires combined.
So why dont the idol worshipping citizens of the world right now bow to their Lord, The New York Times.
Muldergate was orchestrated from start to finish by the attractive, in all respects, woman on the far right in this photo below.
You should also recognize South African Roman Catholic journalist, Aida Parker in this photo below
The 3 other people in the first photo are also in the second photo.
Married Aida Parker’s boyfriend at the time, before moving in with Dr. Connie Mulder, my mother’s half-brother, Royal Air Force engineer Joe Ash is on the left. Next to very brilliantly deceptive Aida is my mother Zena, Aida’s best and most trusted Jewish friend, my Jewish maternal grandparents, Al and Rachel Ash, and my Jewish dad, World War II Fighter Bomber Pilot Bernie Gevisser.
Why not choose change today, unless the unhealthy ego which feels so stupid prevents all humans, who show themselves no better than bought Trump and bought Obama and the rest of the world’s unhealthy leadership.
To have just one of you challenging the status quo cannot be described as anything less than a miracle and yet there are 5 of you, without forgetting Dr Colin Campbell Phd’s groundbreaking, The China Study.
How can man possibly lose hope; that would make the disgraceful human race totally stupid and our purpose only to show our gross imperfections up against perfect nature.
Given the interest level I have determined by sampling my FB friends of my conversations with Mr. Neal H. Hurwitz, I must assume everyone in the world who is literate would also be interested in our conversation.
At 9:40AM today we continued our dialogue on FB message which started back on April 26 at 11:22 AM with me asking him, “Hi did u see my composition DID YOU STUDY LATIN and Paul Mirbach’s reaction?”
Below is what I last sent Neal H. Hurwitz at 12:44 PM:
Now it is getting interesting.
It is now 11:35 AM on the west coast and I assume you are on the east coast where the time is 3 hours ahead.
I sent you the hyperlink at 10AM.
The hyperlink did not take you to chapter one which is not the “introduction”, were you read….
He offered to provide me air transportation and access to the mines in Botswana, Lesotho and other independent nations.
I accepted his offer.
They hyperlink I provided took you to chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL. 
Before reading all of chapter one which would take at the most a couple of minutes, you would have read chapter 16, especially since you are Jewish and make out like you care deeply about the Jewish homeland.
In fact the human behavior study that I have been doing in earnest since the beginning of 2004 once Epstein went silent, realizing that I knew more about the DIG which has everyone, other than young teenagers who have yet to be corrupted and those accomplished, shutting down once reading those words, “De Beers’ favored clients, the bankers”.
Still The D I book remains free. Why do you think that is? [I’ve asked you that important question repeatedly and still you don’t talk publicly about my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post. Do you have any questions about those 4 articles?]
Therefore a reasonable person would assume you would have read the very important piece of information in WARRING WITH ISRAEL; namely that De Beers’ favorite clients are the banks, meaning that given your high morals AND knowing how important is money to you, your family and the people you take money from, you want to share this information provided by scholarly Professor Epstein.
Do you think your family and friends who are interested in money would want to hear that a very well schooled professor Edward J. Epstein’s explained after being given unique access to Harry Oppenheimer that De Beers’ favorite clients are the banks?
Are you ready to hear more about this human behavior study and the number of people I now have lined who are just as eager as you to read a draft of my forthcoming communique to my sister Kathy and Deborah Sturman Esq.?
Let me know if the words “De Beers’ favored clients, the bankers” ever stop resonating in your head.
In fact it is impossible for an honest person to have a conversation with any other human without first feeling the strong urge to say, 
I want you to know that I have read Epstein’s The D I book, and therefore you should know that the most anti-Semitic, most anti-Israel institution, De Beers-Barclays’ consider themselves and their subordinate bankers such as the world’s central banks, Wall Street etc as their favored clients.
Today is the day after the 14th anniversary of Maurice Hank Greenberg’s most trusted risk management specialist, Ron Bellows Snr writing me the following memo:
When I met Mr. Bellows in the first week of January 1997, less than a month after my phone “converstion” [sic] with AIG’s ceo and chairman of the board Hank Greenberg which took place on December 10, 1996 and within 10 minutes Greenberg, who turned down the offer of CIA Director because he felt that AIG was far more accomplished in the intelligence gathering arena than the Central Intelligence Agency, bought on Mr. Tizzio, AIG’s President who while we were speaking alerted Bill Frye who was head of AIG’s mergers and “acquistions” [sic] department where Ron Bellows Snr was situated and the most trusted subordinate of Frye who wouldn’t take long [before] being led out of AIG’s headquarters overlooking Wall Street in handcuffs.
When you read Bellows’ email which was also sent to his son of the same name, so you begin to understand what caused the global economic crisis of 2008 which lasted a good “serveral” [sic] years.
If you know as much as me and Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who I introduced you to aways back, you would find one section of what Mr. Bellows wrote as extraordinarily interesting, especially if you make your money like Mr. Krinsk Esquire does in prosecuting shareholder class action lawsuits. You should speak with [Krinsk] if you are genuinely interested in Joe Biden’s Chinese connections since you write a lot about it on your FB wall at the same time trash the Chinese who you should only trash if you know what you are talking about and that would mean you are as familiar with the DIG [Diamond Invention Game] as me and I wouldn’t be so foolish as to trash the Chinese because I am not stupid and very careful what I post up on my FB wall as well as what I post up on other people’s FB walls; and the same when writing to you and everyone else on FB messaging.
You would also know if interested in Krinsk, which is natural if you are interested in Biden because you know being Jewish the importance of following the money-mineral resource trail, that Krinsk’s best friend, Client #9, aka Attorney General of New York State, Eliot Spitzer Esq. filed the most refreshing criminal complaint against the megalopoly AIG-Marsh McLennan-ACE LTD in mid October 2004 and then a few weeks later, 11.11.2004 I broke my 24 year deafening silence with De Beers-Barclays.
Note that exactly 24 minutes ago, I reposted [on my FB wall] the Daily Dirt from November 2008 right after DAAC-Barclays stooge Obama became President-elect.
Gentlemen, a milestone has now been reached. 
The fact that the Jewish Sabbath is almost over here in California is no reason why we can’t start celebrating right now.
Mr. Neal H. Hurwitz is the first Jewish person to have admitted in writing that he has read Epstein’s, The Diamond Invention book.
Let’s very carefully look at Mr. Hurwitz’s words sent to me at 4:35 PM, going on two hours ago:
OK… I did read Chapter 16 and more— it is all there… I saw Epstein talking about Snowden… and read him on JFK murder… etc. Tell me about Sturman and your sister!!! 
China is fascist and dangerous… but I am 74…
Most credible gentlemen medical doctors, you understand that Professor Epstein chose his words very carefully.
He did not say “favorite clients” when referring to the bankers.
He said “favored”.
All that bank officials throughout the world need to do in order to keep their cushy jobs is to follow the lead of Barclays Bank and accept price fixed diamonds as collateral when loaning to the people and when De Beers-Brenthurst-IMF-World Bank-OECD-European Commission say, “jack up the rates” and the businesses soon [go bust], De Beers-OECD take the diamonds off the hands of the banks and flog them to where a contrived shortage exists or simply toss them in the ocean or into a furnace.
All of Oppenheimer-Engelhard-DAAC’s bankers, including the board members of the South African Reserve Bank and chairperson of the US Federal Reserve, London Exchequer, European Commission and the such get favored treatment even before they retire.
Fair trade agreements are laughed at by the Advisory Board of The Brenthurst Foundation and all the rest of the puppets who stick to the script.
All banking-money laundering laws are laughed at by the puppets.
Surely you can better understand why people like CIA Aldrich Ames and FBI Chief of Counterintelligence, Robert Hanssen – CLICK HERE – who I mentioned at the very start of my second article published in the Jerusalem Post on March 3, 2001, titled,”It is more than Pollard [American-Soviet-Israeli spy] who got stuffed” – CLICK HERE – find the pressure of the job too much and turn, at the same time knowing that the entire top echelon of lawmakers and judges are all bought. That is also no excuse to be just as bad.
They all want the money just as badly.
Perhaps it was just a coincidence that the FBI-CIA brought in Mr. Hanssen on February 18, 2001, just 17 odd days after the publication of my first article in Israel’s most widely circulated international newspaper on February 1, 2001, which was an “open letter” to American-Soviet-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard who was a total idiot from start to finish which is why he was placed in a position with easy access to top secret intelligence which Israel’s enemies wanted stolen which in turn pissed off greatly the large number of Gentile American intelligence officials and other nationalities who perfectly understand the game and know that Israel is the underdog and how best to get Mossad officials the intelligence without putting themselves in any danger.
Try to imagine yourself as say fighter pilot George Herbert Bush, and now you are President [after] having to suffer under the idiot “Being There” President Ronald W. Reagan who had to depend on my intimate, National Security Council [NSC] member Roger W. Robinson aka “Our Man Roger” who was born on the same day, February 6, as Reagan just 40 years apart, and both shared the identical initials RWR and those coincidences made Nancy “weak at the knee”. 
I am not saying that First Lady Nancy Reagan only slept with President Reagan because I know that she was married previously. Nor would I suggest for a moment that “Our man Roger” had sex with the First Lady given how much of a workload he had running the domestic and foreign policy of the United States and it did not help matters that Texan James A. Baker III, Reagan’s White House Chief of Staff was in Roger W. Robinson’s words, “The most dangerous man in the world”.
When my beautiful body-face-mind F-C wife Marie Dion and I hear the word “Texas” it only resonates with the word “justice” in terms of unjust Texas from beginning to end, other than the Bush family who didn’t start out in Texas; and of course the Bush family have to be the most hated family on the planet; and that too would make sense given how upside is everyone’s brainwashing; but now it is much easier to wash.
You wash your hair and then use the dry part of the towel, so long as it is soft to dry the residue water lodged in the ears.
Then you look in the mirror and say, “I am no longer brainwashed. I am a new person who only wants to love myself for the remainder of my life and to do that I just have to do good without feeling the need to be religious and then I am certain the highest levels of spirituality will fall upon me.” [Maybe you want to cut that speech shorter.]
Knowing that after getting shot down in the Pacific and picked up by a passing US submarine and then being fed a great meal, or at least no worse than the Captain of the submarine, you don’t have to think immediately about your next mission because you are now on board a submarine which is not an aircraft carrier capable of launching your fighter even assuming one could locate any aircraft other than a toy aircraft on board a submarine, you would have time to ponder things like; 
What if any Jewish people survive the Jewish Holocaust, shouldn’t we make a place safe for them to live in peace and quiet so that we don’t have to think about what this world would be like without any Jewish people?
By September 2, 1944 when future President George H Bush was shot down and picked up by the crew of USS Finback who were also not sipping cocktails under a palm tree in the Bahamas, Ben Gurion and his Mossad which included South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950] the only signatory to both World War peace treaties and the only member of the British War Cabinet in WW1 and WW2 when he was second in command to Churchill, meaning, in the event Churchill became incapacitated or died, then Smuts would have been Prime Minister of Great Britain and her most important Commonwealth country, mineral rich South Africa, had made it their business to notify each and every top government official what was going on in the death factories of Germany-Austria-Poland and more importantly, that the only way for us Jewish people to survive after the war ended was for caring people to help Ben Gurion’s Haganah-Mossad defend against the final onslaught of the Final Solution.
That is right, all it took was someone with a caring mind to respond positively and smartly.
If you were a WW2 fighter pilot which to achieve one’s wings
one had to demonstrate the highest levels of intelligence and bravery, the two going hand in hand, wouldn’t you be sympathetic to reason?
Once you found out that the architects and major profiteers of the Jewish Holocaust, which also consumed 100 million other innocent human victims and great devastation to the planet, were backing both sides to the war, would that have you deciding to drop an atomic bomb or two on Japan or would you see that this conspiracy story of Jewish people trying to take over the world just didn’t make much sense?
Why would Jewish people wanting to take over the economy of the world decide to kill off half of European Jewry just so that the rest of the people would not think us Jewish people were behind all the ills of the world?
Why bother approaching someone such as half black President Obama with such logic given how when just a nobody US Senator, Senator Barack Obama signed on as the primary sponsor of the heinous Congo Relief, Security and Democracy Promotion Act back in December 2005 and after being evaluated by the DAAC when he came to South Africa in August 2006 as someone only interested in his self-promotion, he immediately moved up into contention to become the next President of the United States, and that was assured when the US Congress passed the Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act in December 2006 which immediately kick-started the wholesale slaughter of 6 million Congolese, mostly women and children under the age of 12.
A smart leader of a country is best picked from the ranks of fighter pilots assuming they have not been corrupted.
A smart leader always goes to their best fighter pilots to transfer a message including military intelligence.
Israel Air Force fighter pilots also have to eat.
When they engage in joint military exercises there is no prohibition on them talking to themselves when in the cockpit 
so long as they dont distract themselves.
There is very stiletto-like communication between fighter pilots and the best of them always want to be on the side of the good because when flying the most effective killing machines you really don’t want to be murdering defenseless, poverty stricken “Vietanamese” [sic] and Cambodian farmers whose only political ambitions is to survive another day without fear of harm coming to them and their family and friends.
So no need to continue playing President Herbert Bush who I did not vote for because I voted for Bill Clinton thinking that with his knowledge of the DeBeers-Barclays foundation from his trip across the pond to Oxford back in ’68 he didn’t want to begin his next life as spineless jellyfish stuck in the harbor of Trieste, Italy.
Bear in mind, Mr. Hanssen who has yet to speak and that is unlikely to happen anytime soon, received untraceable diamonds as part of his bribe money for turning 50 “assets” in the Soviet Union during his 22 years, starting in 1979, as a Soviet mole at the highest office of the FBI where he was in charge of his own investigation, and knowing exactly what was going to happen to those “American assets”, including 3 Soviet Generals who were brutally tortured by President Putin’s KGB before their execution.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all the bad stopped talking and having the wisest help the others decide and never having to hear the word “election” ever again?
You can’t expect people who have an unhealthy diet to think as clearly as those who do.
When you come across a stupid person but eating a perfectly healthy diet, please introduce them to me.
That Youtube video detailing the drawbacks of nuts makes it clear that cardiologist Dr. Esselstyn MD is going to be doing some clinical studies. Both my great F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion and I should be part of that study, the same with our one of a kind healthy dog Mango – CLICK HERE & CLICK HERE who now into his 10th year on a vegan organic whole plant food based diet, has yet to peak.
It is interesting that this Yale English Lit. graduate would mention that he is still eating nuts and avocados; why mention it, other than university teaches people to talk, and those who didn’t go to university feel that much more inadequate and are that much quicker to go for the gun. But we must be positive because defeat is not built into our ingenious atomic structure which is identical for everything.
Would any of you know at this point how long after you have eaten nuts do the arteries return to their healthy state?
Any questions?
All the best,
PS – In due course I will be following up with my sister Kathy and her nemesis, lawyer Deborah Sturman Esq. who are the principal forces behind my mother Zena’s ongoing captivity and premeditated murder over in Israel. I will also be responding [to] Gambling Kingpin Jeffrey Gilbert, and if you don’t get your copy you will inevitably find it here– remember to refresh your browser.
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