You are put in a corner
Prior broadcast – Sheep – CLICK HERE
From: gary gevisser <>
Subject: You are put in a corner – Re: Sheep – Self-control -Re: Less interference – Wear a mask -: Pointlessness -: It is all in the Numbers :- Inflexibility of the forces of nature -: Makes sense :-Ridicule-Dropping bombs is the bottom line – Re: Maybe they shouldn’t have men doing the examinations
Date: May 6, 2024 at 7:25:15 PM PDT
To: Devin Standard <>
Cc: rest; charles ivie <>, “Stephen C. Meyer c/o Andrew McDiarmid, Media Relations Specialist” <>, David Berlinski <>, Piers Morgan <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>, “Terry Rosenberg – former CEO of Jonathan Beare, and Director of Oppenheimers’ Uranium One Corporation used by President Putin to purchase 20% of the United States’ strategic uranium reserves during the Obama-Biden Administration.” <>, Geoffrey “Stagnant Wimp” Rothwell – immediate past principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency-OECD <>, Jo Becker – New York Times – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq.” <>, “Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov” <>, Errol Graham Musk – father of Elon Musk + Facebook Friend <>, Kimbal Musk <>, “Louis Kemp – Best friend of Bob Dylan. Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures” <>, “Joe \”Could I stop you?\” Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School – intimate of Diana Henriques.” <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest.” <>, “Rep. Maria Salazar” <>, John Malin – British English historian-economist <>, Edward Lucas – British historian-economist London School of Economics <>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef” <>, “President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Unit 8200” <>, Crypto Czar Nicholas Oppenheimer-DeBeers-INVESTEC-Saudi MBS-Elon Musk mineral-banking cartel <>, Gary Black – TESLA board Member <>, Sofiaan Fraval – Intimate of Elon Musk and NO LONGER FACEBOOK of Gary Gevisser <>, Goymorrah aka Bad Actor Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond aka Torah GemACH sic aka Swinging The Chicken <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – Co-executor of the estate Zena Gevisser Zulman-Alan Zulman – won $4 billion in back slave wages from Nazi Germany that cost Germany not a penny and nor did it expose De Beers.” <>, “Daniel Ammann -author of King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon who was set to star in the movie adaption of Ammann’s best seller, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, “Adele Strous Im not interested in history of Israel Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California” <>, “Dave Mannion – In 2008 he had a dinner conversation with J. Essakow who apparently said, In the mid-1990s I wasn’t worth shit then I got into real estate.” <>, Melvin Gevisser – “Best to Ignore” <>, “Pascal Nahon – Parisian Osteopath who rented my mother’s bachelor apartment in Netanya, Israel before he was forced to vacate because malice driven fraudster guardian Ayala Weisel Esq. put it on the market.” <>, “Ukraine Embassy-Consulate 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California,” <>
you couldn’t bring yourself to compliment on the Sheep. What’s wrong with you?
The first thing a conscious human being does is ask themself, what is the purpose of this human creation, that not only destroys its environment and rewards the worst perpetrators, those referred to as developers of land and weapons to fight off enemy combatants, but when given the correct history, along with the logic, all turn on the messenger of truth with a vengeance?
The follow up question is even easier; what could be the purpose of such a dysfunctional specie, who is constantly at war with their neighbor also relying on the rules, regulations and laws passed by the politician lawmakers who are always looking out for the richest donors who come from those with the closest money-mineral ties to the politician lawmakers, who can figure out it takes less effort to reach a rich donor, than crying poverty during infomercials trying to get the average Joe Blow to chip in $5 without it hurting too much?
You must have noticed that Trump was quick to follow Sleepy Joe in asking his supporters to, “chip in”.Who would have thought that Devin Standard, an above average athlete, who knew best how to make his inferior intellect white American bosses at Colgate International never feel threatened by his borderline genius IQ, would be so oblivious to the presence of the Creator, who developed an artillery shell so powerful, too hot to form atoms that only came about 300,000 years after the Big Bang as the freezing cold deep space needed to first cool down the projectile with all the problems and solutions to these problems intact, and today, 14 billion years later, give or take a few hundred million, we can enjoy an incredible looking and tasting vegan pumpkin pie, as well as observe with our naked eye, unless you are blind or experiencing poor eyesight, beautiful, delicate butterflies, gliding effortlessly, back and forth, and first emanating from a sluggish, ugly as hell, monster caterpillar?Don’t get me wrong. I can appreciate the beautiful architecture of a Frank Lloyd Wright house, but that’s not what I’m talking about.We have to have a purpose which every child as it moves into adulthood, should aspire, to get their head around, without going nuts.
Not so stupid my, yet to be launched, website, that complies with mind-boggling Quantum Mechanics, what goes forward works in reverse, moc.GODdnaNAME.www.GodDespisesPointlessnessSo no, I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of a fool when their ticker stops ticking.Do you ever think what goes on inside a clown’s head, scaring the daylights out of children, as their unconscious parents-grandparents laugh with the rest of the bullies?I’m sure you can reach into your vocabulary and come up with a better choice of words to describe the parent-grandparent who fails to equip their child, grandchild, great grandchild with the tools to do better than the previous generations on the downward spiral trend.Yesterday I spent time with a 63 old white American male plumber, throat cancer survivor, and his best friend who I had not met previously.The plumber has quite a story. He is also best friends with his ex wife, who I’ve met, and with whom he has a 10 year old son who has always lived with him. The ex-wife verified in person, his story; moreover, her care for him is what you would expect from a couple in love. He has 5 other children from a previous marriage-s. He and this mother of the 10 year old have been separated for a decade. She left her new boyfriend, to move back, to take care of him during his treatment, that required use of a colostomy bag for his excrements, just in case you are thinking more of Stormy Daniels and that deuce bag Cohen lawyer who is no better than Trump, once he began chemo for his throat cancer, plus a couple of hernias that erupted during the chemo; and in the process lost 150 pounds of excess body fat, which you know weighs less than muscle.To tell you he is positive is an understatement. He feels that he has a new lease on life, enjoying every moment, with lots of recreational activity, including back to his favorite surfing.Both men feel that the kids of today have no common decency, zero morals, will lie, steal and cheat to grab your money, irrespective of their awareness that their logic is fatally flawed.In order to give them encouragement, not to lose hope on the youngsters who are hobbling from obesity before reaching puberty, I told them about Hitler’s rise to power.Both stopped talking, and I also noticed that their logical sequencing in moving a California King size bed was not quite up to snuff.Then after we departed I followed up with the following:I mentioned to you and Bob about Hitler.Were you to think back to when you were 10 or 11, testosterone had yet to kick in, and were simply told to think about how much of a fuss is made of World War II, and yet Germany was bankrupt, couldn’t feed its people and having lost WW I, Germany was prohibited from ever again building a threatening army, making it therefore totally impossible to be a threat to any other country, you would naturally ask, “How did it happen?”.If our generation didn’t have one person asking that question, and quickly figuring out the people, who made it happen, and they had to have involved people on our side, since we won WW I, then you can’t expect better from our children and grandchildren.If you check on the internet search engines for an answer, tell me if you find anyone amongst the politicians and academics of the world asking that question.Also check if any of the well known, and lesser known conspiracy theorists, like Alex Jones have brought up this rather important matter.I very much doubt you will find anything, but please check, and it really doesn’t take being either a computer expert or much time.Even if you are not much into airplanes, you might find this documentary“Terror in the trees” The Extraordinary Story of American Airlines 1572 rather interesting.The only other close call that exceeds that amazingly harrowing, just a hair width away from a totally fatal crash, landing on all wheels with everyone walking away, is my dad’s 60th mission on April Fool’s Day, 1945.
Are you able to read the entry from his logbook?
He responded immediately, “Yes processing”.
I followed up:
For some reason the photos I’ve attached from my dad’s logbook are not coming through on your end.
I will try sending them in an email.
Let me know if you get them
A few minutes later, I wrote:
I just sent sent the email.
I’m now heading on a run. Should be back in a couple of hours. I may only get back to you tomorrow should you have any questions.
He again replied immediately, “ 👍”.
I haven’t heard back.Both gentlemen, also met my wife, Marie Dionwho you should remember, is also not stupid, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid”, which is what you would expect from a beautiful looking French-Canadian, who jumped grades 1 and 6 because of her command of math-logic.Devin, how old were your kids when you stopped taking them to the circus to see the much more enlightened, sensitive animals mistreated?
Do you think this Stephen Meyer, who subscribes to Intelligent Design, which I find a weak substitute for the obvious truth that God-HER exists, and had clear purpose from the start, does a better job than me in proving God exists, given how stupid are the people in not realizing, for starters, that all wars, after World War I, are orchestrated by the politicians elected only for their acting skills, and you know this by virtue of none of them, or their critiques in academia, such as the idiot Noam Chomsky, point a finger at the so obvious orchestra conductor, SA Oppenheimers, even after you have all read The D I book.Do you see Intelligent Design (I D) in the abbreviated Diamond Invention (D I) or did I need to point it out that one is the reverse of the other?Bear in mind I haven’t watched Piers Morgan’s interview with 66 year old “Steven” [sic] C MeyerCan This Man PROVE That God Exists? Piers Morgan vs Stephen Meyerwho is a different person to 4 star General, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard B Myers, whose last name is spelled differently, who you don’t hear many politicians-media referring to him now working for money-mineral monopolist, anti-Semite, racist, Nicholas Oppenheimer, soon after leaving his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff post.So you missed out on 10-11 year old question. Don’t you want to improve your chances on the next go-around?Yes, we have already covered; they are spoon-fed their whole lives, do you expect them to suddenly start thinking.For sure we have not surveyed, or for that matter spoken to every person, but we have spoken to many, and the many have spoken the same nonsense.
The whole human race is pummeled by rules, regulations, and laws.If you don’t follow those rules, which is thinking outside the box, you are put in a corner. These are Marie’s words.We have no example of people not under the thumb of governments, but as soon as a few digest the truth, they get violent.True, not everyone agrees with karma, what goes around comes around, let alone which bad humans end up as mice, either in a trap, or battling against wire mesh placed inside walls to prevent their entry into the main living quarters, and when they die, they stink up the place that eventually the ants dispose of, and then there is their excrement to contend with that doesn’t seem to bother or interest anyone other than ant scientists on the hunt for grant money, directly from government-MIT-IMF-World Bank-MBS-Qatar-King Charles, or through a corporate sponsor who has military contracts with the government who depend on the poor to maintain the illusion that there is real conflict between government officials representing different counties.What do you think Blinken is talking about behind closed door with the corrupt terrorist financiers Qatar-MBS“Can you be more discreet than what you did with the corrupt son of corrupt realtor Kushner Senior; how about [2 billion] Bitcoins kept in a locked Bitcoin wallet, pending the release of only central bank sponsored, and strictly enforced Cryptos, which resets everything in favor of the numb-dumb rich of the world’s literate population who will do in their own – Joseph and his brothers – preoccupied with the single thought, of what they think will keep them continuing to be hero worshipped by their money grabbing children, and grandchildren especially the ugly ones, who won’t have an easy time finding someone beautiful and rich to marry.”Devin, imagine if Blinken has read The D I book.
Imagine if all those seated around the table above have read The D I book.Imagine if all their advisors have read The D I book.It is easy to imagine, because that would make common sense.What do you think goes on in their minds when they get their heads around the clown Hitler coming to power but only in a fiction novel?Let’s get into later, both, intelligence agencies such as the CIA, MI5, MI6 and IMIM [Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad] monitoring everything, and the passage by the US Senate of a bill banning the importation of uranium from Russia, as they laugh their heads off at the plebes so talkative on social media, but oblivious to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, approving in October 2010, President Putin, who is killing Ukraine, headed by a brave Jewish man, utilizing virulent anti-Semite, Nicholas Oppenheimer’s Uranium One corporation to acquire upwards of 25% of the United States’ strategic uranium reserves.Not to mention, this Top Secret Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States is comprised of members of the cabinet, including the attorney general, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, and the Secretary of State.Devin do you remember that during the previous Biden-Obama Administration
if it was Bill Clinton, the lawyer Rhodes-De Beers-SA Oppenheimer Scholar or his wife, Hilary Clinton, the lawyer, who was Secretary of State?
Are you still shooting wild, and defenseless animals in your spare time?
Does your imagination allow you to imagine God treating all homo sapiens as puppets without minds of their own?Gary[Word count 2141]On May 5, 2024, at 10:13 AM, Charles Ivie <> wrote:
Great-Writings! Yes, HEMP & SHEEP.On Sat, May 4, 2024, 3:57 PM gary gevisser <> wrote: