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Couldn’t possibly cost less -: Crap -: Unaccomplished people always try to distract when they are caught lying

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From: Gary <>
Date: August 4, 2021 at 4:02:13 PM PDT
To: torahgemach <>
Cc: rest; John Matisonn <>, “Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Now the ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. Tony wrote praising obituaries for both Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and David Gevisser [1926-2009]” <>, “Andile Mandela who acknowledged in private meetings with Andile of his knowledge that the CIA turned him in to the South African Apartheid Regime during the Kennedy Administration.” <>, Yassar Cassim <>,,, Russ Mitchell <>,, John London <>, Edward Lucas – British historian debator/moderator – Britain Should Not Have Fought in the First World War <>, “Professor Caplan – St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University and holder of David Gevisser’s diploma, Masters of Studies in History Research which should have been labeled, a Masters in Rewriting History. History.” <>,, “Dr. Robin Usher – History Faculty, Oxford University” <>, “Peter Singer – Professor of Bioethics, University Center for Human Values – Princeton University” <>, Simon Schama – Professor of History Columbia University <>, “Professor Jared Diamond – author Guns GEMS & Steel (sic).” <>, Professor Professor of Economics Department of Economics University of Dallas Samuel Bostaph <>, “Kara Cooney – celebrity Egyptologist and Assistant Professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture at UCLA.” <>, “Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author, THE END OF POVERTY Columbia University” <>, “Dr. Louann Brizendine MD – author of The Female Brain.” <>, “Dr. Ruth Ruth” <>,, Office DC <>, “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar, Kenneth Standard.” <>, Kimbal Musk <>, Allen Entertainment <>,,, “Jared (sic).” <>, Malcolm Ness <>,, Matthew Margo – CBS senior attorney <>, 60 Minutes <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MD <>, Dr <>, Lea <>, Tesla <>, Q <>, Dave <>, Giovanna <>, Ageorge <>, Norrissk <>,, terrarhythm <>, fayard <>, Sternshow <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, “Alatallah@Cox.Net Al Al” <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, “B.le Roy” <leroy-jhb
Subject: Couldn’t possibly cost less -Re: Crap – Fwd: Unaccomplished people always try to distract when they are caught lying – Re: Mistake – Money conspiracy? – Re: Rusty

Going around the bend Benzion, let me first share with you, but only once you have the time – notice the sarcasm – I’m awaiting feedback from more than Solly Krok, a huge sponsor of Chabad, boring boring boring; and I will also be following up with Solly who understands this is all about money and the survival of ChaBAD sic; and when you all disappear into the woodwork, it will of course bring in a new Age of Enlightenment where the merit system will remain as long as there are no interruptions, such as either the sun prematurely turning Super Nova, and/or another collision with our galaxy, without having to worry about other similar events amongst the remainder trillions of galaxies including those who are beyond the reach of physics as we know it.

Surely you would agree that waiting for new physics to be discovered could take a long time?
Bear in mind the youngest of you can live to be a 120.
I don’t wish for you to live so long as a 120 because that is up to you and God; and logic says that wishing doesn’t work.
Remember the imagination of one man, possibly a woman came up with the idea and shared it, to imagine one non-human ruler and present such thinking to a tyrant who has everyone believing they are God because they have the power to kill anyone who crosses them, is total, unimaginable genius; and nor do you need the 10 Commandments to reinforce it because the 10 Commandments with its racist, slavery advocation only dilutes this ingenious thinking planted into the heads of the Jewish people who were slaves.
You wouldn’t expect bought and paid for emissaries of the virulent anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers to use non-Jewish people as their Jewish spies.
What is wrong with your thinking cap?
Have you ever thought of asking the Pope if his yarmulke works like a heat-sink to diffuse heat or suffocates his neurons?
In fact you might try to outsmart God by poisoning yourself more with your favorite Turkey soup.
Has your wife suggested that for your health and her more enjoyable sex life you become vegan, or could that make you less welcome in your meathead community?
You must consider that God delivers all the pain as well as joys of life like being perfectly healthy.
All that I’m looking for in the interim, is finding out whether you are supportive of the excommunication on Spinoza being lifted and if so why, and if not why?
It  is not crucial, so don’t take your one eye off your Android reading this while the other counts the number of aspirin you take continuously round the clock; and of course you should consult with your bad cholesterol physician without self medicating yourself should you already be in a decompression chamber which I don’t know if it will help your depression.
Not to mention was it from the Schneerson that you learned not to copy all of my email list members?
When you get help from others in your composition do you have them also assist you with editing, because if you do, you might consider looking for a replacement. Just a suggestion.
BTW, this morning I spent just under a couple of hours talking with my new bicycle mechanic who brought back to life my wife’s bicycle which is permanently parked under a large pine tree
for about a decade, when not in regular use to maintain her perfect, straight, long muscle legs.
His only form of advertising, besides word of mouth, is a hand painted sign outside
where he calls himself “Doctor”, and it is clear from the rest he is not a medical doctor like his two siblings; and the last part “LOW COST”, not only gets everyone’s attention but it couldn’t possibly cost less, not even in China
that he has visited often not only because he was the programmer, the head honcho in charge for this dry dock
that he had built in Qingdao which was a bargain when it was delivered to San Diego on December 8, 2016, 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack, and towed across the Atlantic by a single tug, just a little bigger than the one you see to the left of the huge dry dock as it passed under the Coronado Bridge, San Diego to its final destination, a newly constructed $50 million pier, just to the right of the photo, paid for by the world’s largest weapons exporter BAE; and B you know stands for British.
So here we have wonderful collaboration by the Chinese who had 1800 companies each capable of producing the dry dock, and only 4 American companies who priced themselves out, and the British main armaments supplier, all helping the US Navy.
American ingenuity at its best.
America does understand the spy business and why allies of the United States such as Israel should not be encouraging people like over their head Jonathan Pollard to fall victim to a setup.
There is reasons why Jonathan Pollard could fit in with you bunch, including the fact that he is totally stupid.
Since you don’t know Torah-Jewish Bible or logic-truth, then surely you know what Ben Gurion’s most trusted intelligence officer was doing in the United States with the full knowledge of the CIA right when Pollard got snared.
Do you think the enemies of the Jewish people who know from ancient times God is in our imagination and don’t need figurines with arrows imbedded driving fear into the small children would look at someone like fat Jonathan Pollard and draw a parallel with the Nazi caricature of the “Dirty Jew”?
Have you ever felt manipulated by enemies of the Jewish people or have you just gone along unwittingly?
Still you haven’t commented why what you sent me and everyone else was the wrong choice?
Is it because you think if you don’t bring it up it means therefore the “mistake” is no longer anything on the basis we come out of nothing and so long as you keep talking you don’t have to think of what makes you stupid and if there is anything more, such as destiny?
What animal or insect or tree or bush do you think most resembles you?
Such amazing cooperation would work wonders in peace time were it not for terrorist financiers such as the SA Oppenheimer group’s Marc Rich.
Does the name Marc Rich ring a bell?
How about Cecil Rhodes and his most accomplished hire, General Smuts who would have seized the opportunity to investigate what makes the Bicycle Doctor so accomplished; an absolute perfectionist who is not afraid to learn anything new.
In fact another bicycle repair-transformation client thought nothing after seeing the Doctor’s workmanship to ask if he would help build a helicopter. After quickly saying “Yes” laid out the FAA flying regulations they would have to address in the course of things.
Btw, just because very fast moving and heavily armed US NAVY frigates and destroyers float on water, this “Doctor” hasn’t seen in his time a few fighter aircraft taking off and landing on the world’s most state of the art aircraft carriers which cannot be duplicated without a great deal of trial and error which translates into lots of lives of the best of the combat ready, and that you can imagine would be demoralizing to the rest of the Armed Forces.
So you could imagine a lot of Chinese spies wanting to learn everything they could from this “Doctor” which wouldn’t mean the smartest of American intelligence officials spent their time playing pinball.
You have of course heard of enemy spies but what about good guys like Smuts and me figuring out what the bad guys are up and who they have bought by joining the enemy before they destroy everything.
My wife Marie when checking it out complimented “I don’t think it ever looked so new”.
Before being given this hugely important job of getting the dry dock built in China and delivered safely, this bicycle Doctor was a US NAVY Captain who captained both a frigate as well as a destroyer.
No doubt keeping American dry dock builders out of the bidding gave American intelligence great insight to the competitive edge over the Chinese knowing that seapower decides everything; and the aircraft carriers not close to as important as the submarines who if using their full firepower will end the gravitational pull of Mother Earth in the next instant.
It is really stupid to think all Americans are stupid just because the politicians on both sides of the isle couldn’t be dumber other than the citizenry who vote for Biden in particular.
Trump is a realtor; you expect him to be corrupt.
But someone who comes bottom of his law school class, how in the world do they end up for so long in US Congress and not wanting to retire rich like Obama?
It also required this tall man who looks like a US NAVY Captain, very good looking, to spend a month learning to be a bicycle mechanic.
Fair to say that what he makes from repairing bicycles probably doesn’t make a dent in the cost of the quality food he feeds his and his wife’s abundant tortoises.
Now if you are interested in hearing his wife Cherry’s voice she is being interviewed on AM 600 – KOGO at 4:30 today, an hour from now talking about solar energy.
Going around the bend Benzion are you aware of how important it is to the self esteem of women to have perfect straight legs?
If you are wanting to get rid of your wife because you are expecting like my sister Kathy a huge windfall from the SA Oppenheimer group which includes all the Arab leadership as well as non Arab Iranian nutcases who are simply better actors than you, the Schneerson and Menachem Begin, asking her that question might work.
I’m also not assuming that your wife is beautiful or as ugly looking like you.
I simply don’t know because you don’t talk about her aesthetic looks or whether she helps you with your work around the house.
Suffice to say I don’t believe a word coming out of your mouth, but still I can work with you as I would feel no less comfortable dealing with a terrorist commander who might have more common sense than you.
Btw, if you decide to visit Pine Valley and want to check out this amazing bicycle “Doctor” may I suggest unless you want him to know that I referred you or you have been reading my writings, don’t start talking about all his life’s accomplishments that begin with a political science degree from Harvard before joining the US NAVY because no one else just approaching him off the street is bothered to learn more than he spent 30 years in the Navy and has a refuge for tortoises.
How are you doing in teaching the art of conversation which begins with never wasting a moment with unaccomplished people such as yourself who you know immediately by them talking money constantly because they have nothing else to talk about?
Yes, the Schneerson only talked money and you have shown already that his writings are as gobbledegook as yours.
You stop learning your brain dies.
Going around the bend Benzion, could you see this recently retired, young 65 year old US NAVY Captain interested to learn more about Cecil Rhodes, Smuts, German-SA Oppenheimers-Ben Gurion and how people like you fit in?
Btw, throughout the course of the day he has been providing me updates including photos of mountain bike which has “many miles”; and he began “Gary, thanks for the discussion/education this morning. Very interesting stuff and it sounds like you have had a most interesting life to date.”
Benzion going around the bend, where would you start sharing with an accomplished person?
He knows about Smuts Holism & Evolution (1926), and he knows Einstein’s admiration of Smuts and Spinoza and Ben Gurion thinking the same, plus Smuts’ impressive academic and military experience, including saving half of European Jewry which of course was not lost on the enemies of us Jewish people.
What reading material would be at the top of you list besides for The D I book and my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post?
Do you have articles of your own or the Schneerson that you have yet to provide me that you think will also be suitable for children?
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 3, 2021, at 11:50 PM, Gary Gevisser <> wrote Solly Krok:

Take a look at the crap who suckered you.

Begin forwarded message:
Subject: Re: Unaccomplished people always try to distract when they are caught lying – Re: Mistake – Money conspiracy? – Re: Rusty
Date: August 3, 2021 at 9:42:23 PM PDT

Hi Gary
Let’s discuss Baruch Spinoza and the enlightenment movement. I am not cleaning my laundry with all your followers and have learned not to copy all of them. You do not believe me and it does not matter to me if you do.
From your writing and pontificating on many subjects I still do not understand why you hate me, Lubavitch and Rabbi Lipsker including the Rebbe.
Baruch Spinoza felt that God and Nature is one. This is what the Alter Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi also held.
Although Baruch Spinoza lived before the Rebbe. Spinoza born 1632, the Rebbe 1745. You cannot prove to me that both of them derived from the same source.
The enlightenment movement’s goal was and still is to water down Judaism to fit into whatever their belief project and goals are.
The enlightenment movement embraced Baruch Spinoza because it met their goals.
If you try to study the seminal works of Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi you will get to understand how God created nature to run but still is controlled by God. God is nature just as Baruch Spinoza wrote. The issue is that Spinoza thinks that the world runs by itself. This is incorrect.  Every item on the earth and sky has some part of Godleness which on a level makes it what it is. If God took this away then the item would not exist.
In my experience, when people embrace water down concepts such as enlightenment, this means that they cannot function properly or excel in real life and have taken the road that fits them. Which is easy for them. It may be that they are inculcated by some authoritative figures of that they gravitate.
Baruch Spinoza theory is just that and will stay that way because it cannot be proven.
On the other hand, the Torah and what ever came afterwards is from God. The people you ridicule take their walking papers from the Torah.
Have you ever gone to Hebrew school?
The Rebbe never mentioned about Oppenheimer because it was not relevant to any subject in Torah. You keep on bring this issue back  and cannot function with out this. I do not know why?
I estimate that after reading this response, you will pontificate me until some other subject comes up.
Regarding when I response is very simple,  I have a day Job and Family obligations and try to divide time accordingly. Do you have a day job?
