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Crypto rollout

Backup: 5:54 PM Calif. Friday 9 Dec. 2022


Jeremy Bryan Smith

November 30 at 8:03 PM


November 30 at 5:00 PM



Jerry D. Smith
Whose responsibility is it to feed, clothe, shelter and care for us?

1 Dec. 6:05 AM


 Ruth Les Gypsy

Jeremy Bryan Smith
Jerry D. Smith Well, it certainly wasn’t my decision to be brought into this clusterfuck of a world 


But seriously… Nobody asks to be here. Under our current society, we are effectively born as slaves to a system we never agreed to be a part of.

How about, instead of letting multinational corporations and the few oligarchical elite claim ownership of the natural resources on this planet and allowing them to exploit those resources for profit, we admit that everyone deserves an equal share of the portion of value that is created by nature alone from those resources?

I would argue that there is easily enough value inherit in those resources to give everyone the basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter, and more (enough for the purposes of maintaining a reasonable quality of life) and still allow for people to be fairly compensated for their efforts converting that value into the various forms that people enjoy.

1 Dec. 8:09 AM

Jerry D. Smith
Jeremy Bryan Smith who would collect, process, store and distribute the natural resources?

1 Dec. 11:24 AM

Jerry D. Smith
Personally, I have never felt enslaved to any system. If I don’t like my situation, I am free to make changes and persue happiness.

3:09 AM

Jeremy Bryan Smith
Jerry D. Smith Although getting rid of the current toxic multinational corporations engaging in natural resources collection would be great, that’s not the point. The point is that they are already compensated for the value they add by collecting. But they charge others not only for the value they add, but also the inherent value of those resources as well, which nobody has the right to own IMHO. They did not create those resources.

1 Dec. 5:49 PM

Jeremy Bryan Smith
Jerry D. Smith That’s exactly what the system wants you to think.

1 Dec. 5:51 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Jeremy Bryan Smith mankind is faulted. Whether it’s a sole proprietorship, corporation, government, or cooperative, if mankind is involved, society will experience unfairness. Mankind is inherently greedy, envious, sloven and self serving. There will never be a system which dispenses fairness to all. We are not entitled to anything at birth. We will be rewarded in accordance with our contribution. I wouldn’t want it any different.

1 Dec. 6:20 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Jeremy Bryan Smith

1 Dec. 6:26 PM

Jeremy Bryan Smith
Jerry D. Smith One of mankind’s biggest faults is making no effort to make things better because they believe that “fairness is impossible.”

1 Dec. 7:01 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Jeremy Bryan Smith Greed, envy and sloth are what make people feel entitled. It is impossible to please everyone. Fairness is unattainable when man is involved in dispensing and measuring it.

2 Dec. 7:00 AM

Gary Gevisser
Jeremy Bryan Smith I just asked Jerry D Smith who I only know from reading his profile which says he works for Raytheon and is a student of martial arts but more importantly has begun this conversation, “Have you heard of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 nonfiction book The Diamond Invention that explains how this making a living got so warped from the top down?”.

It is a book which brings out immediately everyone’s true colors.

Watch carefully the reaction of everyone once you start asking questions.

4 Dec. 8:22 AM

Jeremy Bryan Smith
Gary Gevisser I haven’t heard, will check it out though, thank you.

4 Dec. 11:40 AM

Gary Gevisser
Title: Do the brain good [Word count 842]

Jeremy Bryan Smith it was at 11:40 AM Calif. time that you responded to my assertion that Professor Edward J. Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The D I explains how this making a living got so warped from the top down.

It is now 4:54 PM, and Im pretty sure that Jerry D. Smith has read what else I had to say, and so would many others who know me better.

In one of Jerry’s responses, he ends strangely with “I wouldn’t want it any different” while acknowledging that it doesn’t start out fair for everyone, because the resources such as water and other minerals including those used to build cars, trucks, armoured vehicles for moving cash, computers for producing bs Crypto wealth, stealth bombers that cost upwards of $2 billion each and some $204 billion in skunk works costs, roads, houses, commerical properties etc etc are not equally distributed because of the inheritance laws which only made sense if you were fighting alongside the King-Queen and risking life and limb.

Today one can pay your way for anything including buying computer programmers to produce the best software to fly drones with heavy duty payloads from continents away from the warzone.

It is not the same world as during the time of Oliver Cromwell whose revolution against the corruption only lasted his lifetime and was immediately returned to the way it was, but the difference is that increasingly the King was not leading the frontlines into battle.

How did all the people get fooled all this time?

BTW, the one central character of The D I book, Harry Oppenheimer

recruited me right out of university and my year long orientation began in early spring 1978 right after I immigrated to the United States from mineral rich South Africa and by the time I officially joined De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Deutsche Bank-Bayer-I G Farben I had the lowdown on all of Harry O.’s puppets, both “religous” [sic] and secular leadership, which you would expect given how I was being groomed to eventually take over from him.

The other central character who consumes most of the talk in chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY is American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who was my immediate family’s “strategic partner” beginning in 1951 when he forced his way into our hugely successful ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES one of the many corporations of the multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970].

Also make note that on the very day, 4 October 1978 Professor Epstein first met with Harry Oppenheimer, who along with his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer should have been the first prosecuted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-1948], I knew what I would be seeing just a few months later when joining Oppenheimer’s most important site holder on US soil, Codiam Inc. who remain headquartered on 47th Street New York City.

The link I provided above “short-circuts” [sic] the need to look for The Diamond Invention [D I] book which is available for free on The Internet.

You would expect by now a great number of people to have read it in addition to my fb friend Errol Graham Musk, the very brilliant engineer father of Elon Musk who was born and raised in Apartheid South Africa for the first 18 years of his life before immigrating to Canada-USA.

You would expect Errol Musk and I to have had many conversations which are not private because most of them have taken place here on facebook.

When Errol Musk who is both an electrical and mechanical engineer with an IQ of 150+ having scored the highest out of 5000 students spread throughout South Africa, and again not every South African is a fool, wrote me the following;

Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!

followed by:

Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.

it would be wrong to assume that he was high on Durban Poison, commonly known both in South Africa as well as abroad as simply DP.

Those 100 words speak much more than a deafening silence which speaks volumes.

Pretty much everyone when feeling stupid which is what The D I book is designed to do, reacts by laughing it off, before becoming angry.

This conversation which I only entered once I saw it was addressing substantively the problems of the world could easily go viral in the next instant.

It will, however, steer people away from the wrong choice of playing stupid which does not do the brain good.



Chapter One – The Diamond Investigation

4 Dec. 4:56 PM


Jerry D. Smith
Gary Gevisser you need to review my comment, you are way off. Review Jeremy’s original post and agree or disagree with that. If you have a different topic to discuss, create a new thread…

5 Dec. 5:50 AM Edited


Gary Gevisser
Title: One big happy family [Word count 1480]

Jerry D. Smith, it is now 6:19 PM Calif. time, Wednesday 7 December 2022.

On important matters I like to provide a time-date stamp because it makes for easier reading, even for those with “Gnattention”.…/status/1600153014135771138…

I want to be equally clear that I am not saying that you have the attention span of a gnat, or anything close.

On the contrary, I firmly believe that you as well as anyone with a high school education who was not either physically or emotionally beaten up, and with no more than a low IQ could follow that my 842 word “Do the brain good” back on December 4 at 4:56 PM Calif. time was very much on point with our mutual fb friend Jeremy Bryan Smith‘s headline, “The idea of having to ‘earn a living’ implies by default you don’t actually deserve to be alive”, plus what Jeremy and you have written, and in your case specifically, what you wrote on December 1 at 6:20 PM:

Jeremy Bryan Smith mankind is faulted. Whether it’s a sole proprietorship, corporation, government, or cooperative, if mankind is involved, society will experience unfairness. Mankind is inherently greedy, envious, sloven and self serving. There will never be a system which dispenses fairness to all. We are not entitled to anything at birth. We will be rewarded in accordance with our contribution. I wouldn’t want it any different.

You Jerry D. Smith simply don’t like the fact that I point out confusion in your thinking.

When stating, “There will never be a system which dispenses fairness to all” that assumes you don’t think it is possible to get rid of the inheritance laws or you haven’t thought about them, but then you state, “We are not entitled to anything at birth. We will be rewarded in accordance with our contribution. I wouldn’t want it any different.”

Why couldn’t you have simply come back with explaining that you were confused, or what you meant when writing, “I wouldn’t want it any different” after making the point hat we are not entitled to anything at birth, which would mean you are opposed to the inheritance laws which places a “Have-not” child at a distinct disadvantage say compared to Prince William and Prince Harry of the British Royal family whose family history I am quite familiar with, not only because I have a highly literate British-English mother Zena, but once I figured out at age 13 that the minerals market is 100% rigged as well as the people responsible for rigging it, and who naturally decide on the politician contenders, whether it be for say a one horse town or the President of the United States or President of Russia or President of France or Prime Minister of Great Britain or Prime Minister of Israel, the same with the tyrannical heads of House of Saud, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Arab Emirates, I didn’t stop looking for solutions.

We each have a duty to ourselves to figure out our purpose.

One can understand that a child born into poverty, which is violence, cannot be expected to go much beyond how best to keep their head above water.

You are not concerned about distracting me which you gathered from my very well written “Do the brain good” that I know exactly what I am talking about and to do anything less than remain focused would indicate that I am a fool.

It was also not lost on me that you could see that this fb wall belongs to Jeremy Bryan Smith with whom I share 10 mutual friends, and he simply gave a “thumbs up” to “Do the brain good”, and yet you are suggesting that I buzz.

Even if you tell a fly, “buzz off” it will not listen to you, but until you have tried to put yourself, using your imagination into the mind of fly, you might be pleasantly surprised or you could become very fearful that we are all being watched by a very smart omnipotent force.

You would also be wrong in suggesting that I am some sort of religious fanatic or have learnings towards groups like Scientology or Foster Gamble and his nonsense THRIVE, or The Venus Project, or Zeitgeist and let’s not bother with Infowars or the rest of the bought media.

The fact that I am conversant with the Jewish Bible-Torah also doesn’t make me religious or foolish.

There are simply no real jobs when the base, raw materials, including water, are stolen and priced by the world’s number one price fixer, my former client Harry Oppenheimer who had a great many candidates to choose from as his eventual replacement, including his only son Nicholas Oppenheimer who you see seated next to President Putin in the photo that follows, and which appears on Oppenheimer’s Wikipedia profile, although on 17 March, just 3 weeks after Putin invaded the sovereign state of Ukraine, Oppenheimer cut it in half.

Moreover, the reason given by Oppenheimer’s staff member was a lie. It contradicts what the Kremlin put out on 3 October 2008 when releasing it to the public.

Had you been born and raised in mineral rich South Africa like myself, my fb friend Errol Graham Musk with whom I share 55 fb friends, and his eldest son Ellon Musk, that meeting between President Putin and Mineral King Nick Oppenheimer would undoubtedly be much more disturbing than had you not recognized Nick Oppenheimer, unless you were totally out of it, say on drugs at the time or you had done too many drugs in your youth as many have.

The fact that Elon Musk has been very clear that he expects massive unemployment in 30 years of course is in contradiction with his desire that we should be pumping out babies, because back in 1987 the exponential rise in human population began to slow down.

All that baby stuff is just noise.

There are a lot of things that Elon Musk says that he does not fully explain and that may have everything to do with no one asking him the right questions or he simply thinks everyone is stupid which is hard to fault him for.

We only have to work for a living because with the minerals market rigged and the top politicians all working together to get rid of all the dissenters when there will be only democracy throughout the planet, there is gross misallocation of the resources which help create all the conflicts.

They are simply not moving fast enough, and Mr. Zelenskyy’s failure to capitulate at the start of the Russian invasion is a big problem for them.

Also Zelenskyy was a great comedian which doesn’t mean he was a fool to begin with.

You probably didn’t think Zelenskyy is a good read of people.

If Zelenskyy was reading this he should be greatly encouraged.

May I suggest everyone study this extraordinary interview of incoming Israeli prime minister Netanyahu

which was conducted by Jordon B Peterson who has some 5.97 million subscribers to his Youtube channel and there have been 544K views of the interview conducted 2 days ago.

You couldn’t possibly get a better read of the history of us Jewish people that goes back some 3500 years ago, and our right currently to occupy the land, than what orator Netanyahu provides, but his display of politics-economics, to use Errol Musk’s words, “What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it!” and that is being far too generous, unless modified, “… a very low IQ matric pupil could have written it!”.

Should Israel with Netanyahu once again calling the shots, enter a “Peace Accord” with Saudi Arabia as he did with Bahrain-Arab Emirates, it will be Israel giving legitimacy to the House of Saud, and not the other way round.

How in the world can you even shake the hand of Mr. Bone Saw?

 He has no military of his own.

Has this world gone absolutely mad, or is it more likely our destiny?


One should be cautious when anyone, let alone its stickler for speech prime minister sledges intellectual giant, David Ben Gurion who while long dead and therefore not able to defend himself, at 4 feet 11 inches tall, commanded Mossad beyond its miracle performance, which was in Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949]; and in reality much earlier when it was obvious someone very rich and powerful, connected to the Royals, world leaders, as well as the Central Banks wanted to speed up the day for when there would only be rich people getting along famously, and the help treated increasingly like members of the family; and once those menial jobs are replaced by robots, and the help no longer having to slave, not even for themselves, everyone will be one happy family.

7 Dec. 6:51 PM

Kelly Hostetler
We don’t have to earn a living, the living is already here, all we have to do is nurture it and collect it’s harvest. No other species has to work for a living.

1 Dec. 1:07 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Kelly Hostetler nurturing and collecting are methods of earning. You can choose to share your harvest with others who refuse to nurture or collect and they will not have to earn their living!

2 Dec. 1:00 PM

Kelly Hostetler
Jerry D. Smith when I speak of earning a living I’m speaking of financially and as far as I know we are the only species that chargers ourselves to live here on an otherwise free planet.
And coming across an apple tree or anything that bears fruit isn’t really earning a living, it’s just picking and eating which doesn’t involve much labor at all other than the digestive tract.
Thanks enjoy your day.

2 Dec. 1:06 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Kelly Hostetler making the effort to pick the apple is earning the privilege to eat it. Little effort yes, but still effort. If you give your apple to someone else, they didn’t earn the privilege to eat it, you earned the privilege of charity… For humans to survive, some have to earn to provide to those that don’t.

2 Dec. 1:06 PM

Kelly Hostetler
Jerry D. Smith I think you’re going a bit overboard but as you will and giving to others isn’t a bad deed. As the apple tree gives of itself freely without expectation.

2 Dec. 1:34 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Kelly Hostetler I just disagree with the original post. If you expect to live you’ll have to put out effort in some way, even begging is effort…

2 Dec. 3:04 PM

Jeremy Bryan Smith
But doesn’t “earn a living” imply living ABOVE the bare minimum necessities?

Why should anyone have to earn life itself? We didn’t ask for it. Like I said, that’s essentially being born a slave, forced to earn something that you didn’t ask for in the first place…

2 Dec. 7:42 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Jeremy Bryan Smith earning a living, means earning the bare necessities to live. No one is born a slave. It is true that some people are enslaved today (China and Africa). No one asked to be born. We are all responsible for ourselves, our failures and successes. Each of us is responsible for the kind of life we live. We don’t have to earn life, it was given to us out of love. At some point in time (when we move out of our parents house) we become responsible for sustaining our life. You are only responsible for the lives you bring into this world and your own life once emancipated. Being born does not make you a victim. I’m confident you are not enslaved to anyone or anything. You have many people that love and care for you…

2 Dec. 8:36 PM


Wess Hucker


Wess Hucker
Jerry D. Smith I thought you were attempting to make a valid point. You just revealed how privileged your position is.
You think nobody is born a slave?
Jeremy Smith wasn’t referring to just middle class Americans. He was speaking in general & your examples do not satisfy reason. Moving out of a parents house is nothing but a luxury that many don’t even have. So many orphans & people who experience struggles & misfortunes you obviously can’t understand. I agree we work to attain success when the opportunity actually exists. So many people aren’t afforded the opportunities that you obviously feel comes to everyone free of charge like a gift we all have the chance to record or reject…nothing is further from reality. So many humans on earth on this very day, could work with all their might & take advantage of every opportunity that ever comes their way, & they still wouldn’t have anything or get anywhere because of their circumstances. They can’t even earn a living so even Jeremy doesn’t have it all right. Earning a living for some people is still a privilege. And we are all responsible for many more lives than just are own. You are also responsible for all the lives you took to fill your own belly, the lust of the flesh can be costly. We can also be responsible for entire communities, so long as we act responsibly. We can uplift & inspire entire villages or kingdoms, we can earn WAY MORE than just a living, too. We just desperately need to answer our callings & stop running from truth or hiding behind patriotism. We are capable of being so much better human beings if we can break the traditions we were indoctrinated with.

5 Dec. 9:21 AM

Jerry D. Smith
Wess Hucker I am rejecting the original post “The idea of having to earn a living implies by default you don’t actually deserve to be alive”. In my opinion, we didn’t participate in our creation and didn’t have to earn our birth. Inherently, we are all worthy of being alive. It is also my opinion that each of us is responsible for maintaining and sustaining our lives as soon as possible. It is our responsibility to feed, clothe and provide shelter for ourselves. It is our responsibility to make every effort to provide for ourselves and not become dependent or expect others to provide for us. We are not entitled to anything. There are circumstances where individuals need assistance in providing their needs. However, this is beyond the scope of of my current rejection

5 Dec. 5:45 PM Edited

Sunayana Devi
I support universal basic income. If we remove hunger from humanity, and people didn’t have to fear dying from lack of basic needs, removing war from humanity becomes a whole lot easier.

2 Dec. 8:30 PM


Ruth Les Gipsy

Jerry D. Smith
Sunayana Devi how much of your personal income are you willing to contribute in dollars or percentage to provide universal basic income?

3 Dec. 5:58 AM Edited

Sunayana Devi
Jerry D. Smith just as much as I would ask anyone else to. I support war and death with my taxes (as do you), why not support life?
I have NO ISSUE helping others, giving without expectation to receive, and investing in my community. I know that unity is a thing on the quantum level and I have studied unified field theory: there IS NO OTHER.

3 Dec. 10:01 AM

Jerry D. Smith
Sunayana Devi for those that share your desire to provide income to those that won’t work, here’s a couple of options for you: 1) contribute a larger percentage of your income to the IRS for distribution 2) create an organization that collects and distributes donations to those unwilling to work. You can do this immediately, there’s nothing stopping you. I am willing to help you get started, not as a financial contributor but as a volunteer.

3 Dec. 12:03 PM

Sunayana Devi
Jerry D. Smith I don’t believe in reinventing the wheel when there are existing models that are efficient and effective. I believe in building upon industry best practices. Other people are already doing this well.
I have a lot more options than you currently conceive.

3 Dec. 1:36 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Sunayana Devi ok, which organization are you donating to, perhaps I can help them, I can also help spread the word…

3 Dec. 2:06 PM

Sunayana Devi
Jerry D. Smith
I offered free professional counseling for more than 15 years prior to shutting down my nonprofit during the pandemic. I give time and services, not donations. I’m a single mom with disabilities who operates on about 25k/yr joyfully. Co-creating the world I live in.

3 Dec. 2:12 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Sunayana Devi you are doing your part and more! You are earning every bit of your life! I’m all for helping people that help themselves…

3 Dec. 10:33 PM


Sunayana Devi


Gary Gevisser
Jerry D. Smith, after reading, “One big happy family”, do you understand how insane is the thinking of “universal income” or do I need to explain?

7 Dec. 1:02 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Gary Gevisser I didn’t read One Big Happy Family,. It’s obvious how naive that concept is… I believe others in this thread could use enlightenment. Good luck…

7 Dec. 7:44 PM

Gary Gevisser
Jerry D. Smith naive, I’m naive?

8 Dec. 12:02 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Gary Gevisser those that endorse and support universal income are naive. I don’t know your opinion on the subject.

8 Dec. 2:20 Pm

Sunayana Devi
Jerry D. Smith
Natural; unaffected; innocent?

I mean: yeah ok.

I do have two Bachelors degrees, a Masters degree, plus an MBA, and I’m 5/7 of the way through my dissertation, earning my doctorate.


Label it whatever you want.

8 Dec. 3:43 PM

Sunayana Devi


8 Dec. 3:44 PM


Gary Gevisser
Jerry D. Smith would you say it is naive to think the minerals market is not rigged?

8 Dec. 4:13 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Sunayana Devi education is part of the problem, you have been conditioned to believe the liberal propaganda. Experience provides a better education of how the real world works…

8 Dec. 6:26 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Gary Gevisser what does this have to do with universal income?

8 Dec. 6:27 PM

Jeremy Bryan Smith
lol, good luck everybody on getting Jerry to see reality. He has spent his entire adult life working for the military industrial complex and has been thoroughly indoctrinated. I doubt he is even capable of seeing anything from any viewpoint other than his own severely limited and biased perspective.

8 Dec. 6:52 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Jeremy Bryan Smith I understand the liberal perspective, I just don’t agree with it.

8 Dec. 7:08 PM

Jerry D. Smith
Experience vs modern education..,


8 Dec. 7:10 PM

Sunayana Devi
Jerry D. Smith whatever gave you the idea I don’t have experience? You have no idea what I have done in my life. Rather presumptive though. I’d argue that operating on assumptions to the degree that you do removes you from rational as well as logical discourse.

I came to enjoy the view of the progressive lens by way of a rather right wing conservative path. T’was profound depth of experience that softened me and cracked my heart wide open.

You can keep your generalizations.

This conversation, from my end, is over.

8 Dec. 8:31 PM

Gary Gevisser
Tanya Syaroff
Economist Dr Rodney Smith Phd

9 Dec. 10:36 AM

Gary Gevisser

Title: Crypto rollout [Word count 244]

Jerry D. Smith once the minerals market which includes raw war materials to support the global military industrial complex is rigged, it makes giving everyone a basic “universal income” nothing more than false hope in the short term.

How can you think it is smart to play stupid, and that your brain won’t suffer?

When you earlier wrote that you didn’t read, “One big happy family” which was a very coherent response to your very confusing writings, your goal was two-fold; first to preserve whatever was left of your shattered ego; and second, plausible deniability.

I could easily have reeled you in slowly, as one would when hooking a fish – the selfish return as fish – but I changed my mind.

Would you like to change the subject to talk about the rigging of the minerals market which makes all the wars a farce, and how the SA Oppenheimers, who also control the flow of Elon Musk’s parts for SpaceX, TESLA, Neurolink, Boring Company and Twitter as well as the sneakers his son X wears to walk around San Francisco and the future rollout of Central Bank Cryptos giving everyone a few Cryptos into their bank accounts to get started while all their other cash, money instruments like gold and silver have to be converted into the now regulated Cryptos to end all the money laundering, drug and weapons trafficking?

Btw, do you think his father Errol Graham Musk has forgotten why he praised me?

9 Dec. 11:45 AM


Jerry D. Smith
Gary Gevisser what specifically do you wish to debate? My objection to the post is that I believe each of us are responsible for ourselves and are not entitled to receive “a living from the government”.

9 Dec. 4:06 PM

Gary Gevisser
Jerry D. Smith which post of mine do you object to?

Do you disagree that the minerals market is rigged because if you agree then it makes your job at Raytheon completely bogus?

Remember, I can assure you that outside of a very recent and severe stroke, former RAND CORP. official, Professor Dr Rodney Smith Phd is following, and like Israel’s Mossad, RAND Corp lead the United States into battle.

Of course if you disagree with any of that, let’s debate it.

9 Dec. 5:21 PM

Gary Gevisser
Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene; also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer

9 Dec. 5:23 PM

Gary Gevisser
Title: Contrived wars [Word count 266]

Jerry D. Smith, my response to you, “… let’s debate it” at 5:21 PM Calif. time and it is now 5:44 PM which was in reply to your “… living from the government” at 4:06 PM when I was on a couple of hours hike, was followed by tagging my fb friend, IAF Pilot Tomer Tene who as you would expect from an IAF pilot, is perfectly fluent in English, and he too would be following.

One example of my clear thinking that is incorporated in my writings and which is very pertinent to how each of us makes a living in this Dog Eat A Dog DEAD world which could be not only a whole lot fairer to the children as well as the children yet to be born and who are going to face increasing less wilderness which brings us the needed oxygen, but also to the health of the planet which doesn’t benefit from contrived wars, are 4 articles the Jerusalem Post, Israel’s most widely read English speaking newspaper, published immediately following the treason pardon of terrorist financier, Marc Rich by outgoing President Bill Clinton.

Should you wish to see those articles, and the first was an “open letter” to American-Israeli-Soviet spy Jonathan who was now into his 16th year of solitary confinement, you just have to ask.

Moreover, you wouldn’t need to take my word for it, those articles remain the most controversial, while perfectly accurate, in the 90 year history of the Jerusalem Post.

BTW, are you still refusing to acknowledge that you have read my “One big happy family”?

9 Dec. 5:49 PM
