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Cut through the bs

From: gary gevisser <>
Subject: Cut through the bs
Date: April 2, 2021 at 10:31:16 PM PDT
To: “” <>

Dear Matt,

I saw earlier, actually over 2 evenings you good name Damnation documentary

I have a “silver bullet” to cut through all the bullshit holding up the removable of the dams.

The entire problem is population growth.
Population growth is tied to the growth of the money supply that most all economists don’t know the first thing about.
I am also more than your “average economist” given how my schooling went way beyond what I gathered during the course of my university economics degree, but I needed that degree before beginning a year long orientation into the business of banking and minerals, the two going hand in hand.
The link below takes you to chapter 1 of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention.

Chapter 1 introduces you to my boss Harry Oppenheimer who knew that he hadn’t fooled everyone and the people he hadnt fooled also knew that there were simply too many people already on the planet to support industry on a fast track to a 100% factory and farming automation.

And Im talking about pre-World War I.
Why not start reading The D I book and feel free to ask me questions.
Best regards,
