Damnation sequel
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From: gary gevisser <gary@2facetruth.com>
Subject: Damnation sequel
Date: April 6, 2021 at 5:21:22 PM PDT
To: “Matt@stoeckerecological.com” <Matt@StoeckerEcological.com>
Dear Matt – I tried sending you the other day an email from my cellphone and now I cannot find it.
More importantly, it is best that I tighten it up and let you know who I am and why the world should stop spinning its wheels looking for solutions to bad projects which are bad because the intentions of the originators is simply not good.
First, I used to work at the highest level for the world’s mineral monopolist, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation and both names are very misleading in terms of both their history and money power.
Money only means something to these people in terms of the fact that they control the flow and it all comes from offshore banking which isn’t illegal because these folks, and it is a very small South African family, make the rules.
Consequently it is not money that is either the “root of all evil” or “what makes the world go around”.
Logic tells you that it is the pricing of the raw materials that goes into parts which is everything and therefore those who control the minerals through a multitude of different corporate names all designed to confuse the plebes also control everyone’s profits.
Therefore you have to look beyond the profit and at the business of the mineral merchants who are also the merchants of war, and that simply means looking at the fundamentally flawed economic index, Gross Domestic Product which promotes consumerism and overpopulation, and neither good for the planet.
The big stumbling block at the present time is the human ego.

It doesn’t like to be fooled especially when it is so obviously wrong.
If you want to do good, which few actually do because they get their greatest satisfaction tricking the next person, then you have to know the minerals business which is not taught at university for good reason.
Im available to answer all your questions.
All the best,